lifliilSiiisl : . 103 : .;v '-".itw birnn, a, Saturday, morning, joly 28, 1900. NINiCTEKVI II VKiU . ft t i jf-:-.: : K t .... TRY OUR PERFECT BLEND TEA, Only 10c for 14 lb. Package,! Will refund your money it you are not satisfied atter using. fjr I ft 47 & 49 Pollock Street. AN APOLOGY There is an old story of a punctiliously polite Greek, who while performing the funeral ot an infant daughter, telt bound to make hi3 excuses to the spectators tor "bringing out such a small crowd." We apoloj.;ife for bringing out such a Buiall adveuiBcmen 1 to m laro a crowd of rentiers, but hope the very Low Prices will make l.lie necessary amends. Our ("how window on Pollock street, exhibits Gieat I a'iiiiif. Trimmed Straw Hats, in all shades lit 50c, were early in I lie seiiRon $2.00. Black and White bailors at 50c, sold fast nt $1 00. Men's Rlack aud Colored Vrici Kid, Ba's. and ( ongre s Shoes from $1 00 $1 50. '.'mild not be bought from manufacturer at that jri Lucky is the customer who secures any of these. SMITH'S STORES, 61 Pollock St., (Duffy's Stand) 99 Middle St. : Afte -Dinner fllvc the men! One flnlsli. Turre ti notliin ila'iitkr for il6sert than Fiirina, Hicc 1'uild nr. J. II ei. ami Fane; ('nickera. Evtry'MnK I in this lino will be, found in uur - ocb, hinh picfn'nau eshutsl- ivo ilcflniiion of "pioeer'oi". The whole world in taxed in mi kii g up this bux rli a-W)rlnicnl or fund upo.'i ilihu. Ym imigl sec to up-p-.oelate. IIv jiinl received a big lot of . Frenli Domed t'urtcmnulli Mullein ' Alaoit line lot of Nicely Cured I ;". Ham. Olve ui a call and we will do our lit to plpnae you. 1 Youra for UualneM, - J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, j 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. i lumui ucnvciy riuui uuilll 5 ..'; . : ' z iir r--;----;-j.y-':-j ' Jf Jon anl (rood cup of deliciom coffi-e bny ponnd shd ym will et it. "VX':' : .'. ; Thi coffee i equal to any coffee in the'inarM, 'regard- .' v.;lru6( price.; ;: .v'':;" ' ' - SI? T corpse to so large a' - Delicacies ! ? r. Youen1llwy exprci; wben ; yo your food lupplie from thla reliable atom. W nan .nn. V ply er ilemtnil of flrat c.Ihm ", ' f imlly trade, with the Choieet ; ' Slvple and ratey.tirooerif, Helr iih PlcklM, H moa,y)livo,Ko ; .Rlror IVInt ButtBr. and t'lnanifc 'i;n tnk B itt,)m iVIioa. .X ' 7 ;. We Make p Klty of high ' grula lrM ii'C.ifr... '- ' ' CoffeV la Fine' - J; DJaa f-l ' a 17.' ' fusion ticket;- Butler Announces Wliat He Decides ... . It Sball Be. . Thompson Withdrawn Favor of Adams. Soya Riiiiallon "Im preved" and Can Keeled Butler! Prizes fop A p . . plfs Heavy Ualn. Special to Journal. T KxiiKiGii,, July 27, Senator Butler'n paper, the l'opuHst oran today prints what la called the coorperatlve ticket,' that la the fusion ticket, for State ofllcere as follows: For Governor, Spencer B. Adams; Lieutenant Governor, II. F. Senwell; . Secretary of State, Oyn t Thompson; Auditor, Ual W. Ayer; Super iatendent Public IustHutlon, N. C Eng lish; Attorney General, Z. V. Waist i; Commission of Labor and Printing, J. N. Hamrlck; Commissioner of Agricul ture, J. W. Mewborne; Corpoialiou Com mtislonorB, C. A. Keyuolds and A. S Peace. The Populiat organ also publishes a long letter from Cyrus Thompson, wh was nominated by Hie Populists for Gov ernor, withdrawing In favor.of Adams The letter wag written this week. It saya that at one time there was little hope of electing the Slate ticket, wlill. there has always been the hope of rlec Ing a majority of the legislature: bin that recently the situation has bo im proved that wheu the time cairn .foi printing the licLola it seemed poasibli to consolidate all the forces which ure against the constitutional amendment and againHt the "Democratic Machine;' that letters from nearly all the Populist county chairmen were in favor of a ci -)Hjrmivo ticket; that the ticket is large, ly or Populists, only three Republicans out of eleven candidates being on ii; (Those are Adams, Walton and Key uolds ) Thumpson goes on to say thai ilrj Populists will have tho united force 'if the liopubllcau members of tho legis lature for Senator Butler's re-election to i lie United Stales Senate, which they eould not have secured had be (Thomp son) permitted Ills name to head the ticket Tor Qovernoa; that it is of mo:e value to the Populist party to re elect Butler than thit Thompson slui. ild be Governor; and further thai wiih the co-opurullvo ticket there is a much lietler chance to elect a majority of lim len'itlature. Thompson says fur ther that the fusleuLsts cannot expect a very large numlier of members of the leg islature from I ho eastern counties at this election. As hat been slated, Senator Butler has cancelled all bis appointments to speak in eaeiorn North Carolina. He dare not go there, lie aaya In his piper today he cancelled them because he bad to be here all the time, but I hat ho will lend someone to represent him at each place. The State charters the Ash'eville Illgh School for boys, capital $40,000. Il stockholders are Cleveland, Ohio ann New York gentlemen. A charter is alar granted to lite Wlltiamslon Telephone Company. Ei nest B, Bain baa been made Super intendent of the Raleigh Water Work. The resorvoir capacity la to be tripled. North Carolina wins the second prize at Paris for apples. Notice of this cairn today. Later In the year the Slate will makj a fresh display of apple there. There was one Kit , the heaviest rains here lost night Which ever fell la this section. Fortunately It was brier. Rev, W. PetUgrew, a well-known K.plsoopallaa minister, died today at KIdgaway". . He was 83. yeari old and was an unole of Senator Fettlgrew, of p. 0., and of the late Gon. J. J. Pettlgrew. - Real fusion in Kansas; Four Scony Km.," July 80 Former CongressmaD Jerry Simpson was routed here to night by a erowd of beodlums while atumpllog to deliver a political address In Uie amphitheatre at tthe race track. -j.. . ' '- ; ,i '..': ;; A negro jumped upon! the platform, .and when Mr.' Simpson attempted to pui him off ibey both foil to the floor.' For time Mr. , Simpson was In danger . ot rough bamillng, but respectable bnslnew men took' a baud In the row and order was. restored,; 'r---'i i.'i-lli ' 1 0wmnajMt Pa., July io-An ddl llon of two miles will shortly be made to the Una avenues oa the battlefield at this place." " ;W'-'r -4 It will complete what is known as Its, Con'ederate avenue and will start about 4 0 yards west of the Theological Semi nary at . the end, of the tborf. strip built several years ago. The new street will run west of south a distance ef. two miles along the lop of l ha rlrigo of the other uncompleted end of the Onn feder ate avenue. The avenue wlU follow the Confederate artillery line, where' during the battle 300 gnus engaged Ibe Union artillery preceding Plrketl's memorable charge. The United Stales BalllcfiYld Commission today adverilned for bids fer the construction of Ibis avenue, wlili h the apwlflnatlnn sty will be 10,'itlO feet In length anil 20 feet Wide. CASTOHIA Tur Inf.inta : t: 3 r: iyjt I ( Absolutely Pure No inferior or impure ingredients are used in Royal for the purpose of cheapen ing its cost ; only the most highly refined and healthful. Royal Baking Powder imparts that peculiar sweetness, flavor and delicacy noticed in tHe finest cake, biscuit, rolls, etc., which' expert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use ,of any other leavenfllg agent. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., MOBS RULE NEW ORLEANS. negroes Cfcased Trom llic Stiels Ofliie City. Business Suspended. Nkw Ohi.kass, July 2fi. Disorderly scenes following the rlotiu-; r lust nlithl prevailed throughout the 0117 loil iy, and resulted in the sweating in !y Hin Alayor of 500 special policemen ami tho diddl ing; nut of 1,1500 Blate inilltia. Governor Heard responding promptly to the an neal of Mayor Citpduvillu lor assistance Iq stipreesing the exit-ting lawlessness and preventing tonight a rocurrenco of iho violonro of last night. Throughout the day attacks were -nailo hy irrcsponaildo mobs of whiles upon the Mack elentent, ami the negroes Imforo nightfall had been effectually chased from tho streets. Tho effect of the disorders was to put a practical stop to business In tho wholesale district 411 rl on thn levoe front. As this meant a erl. us crippling of thn trade of port. Ih ' bnsineaa element railed In force, and ho ml reds of the most prominent men of the city respomle to tho appeal of the Mayor for axsislanco in proserving order. A summary ot damages growing out of the disturbance last uight shows thai one negro was beaten to doalh, six so badly wounded that Ihulr lives are des paired of, and about a score ot people, white and blank, malo and female, have been more or Iojs seriously Injured In order lo prevent Iho miscellaneous distribution of arms the Mayor this even ing ordered the closing of gunshopa likely to supply the baser elements, and early In the day, for tho belter preserva tion of the public peace; issued orders tu the police to close up every saloon tu theclly. ; ; ' i f. Rioting Break Out. Lorook, July !0. A dispatch, from missionary sources, dated Bhlagbat, oly iWth, says: "Rioting has broken out at AI-Yueo-Va, the cspltal of- the provluoe U 8han 81. There are no details, . Rioting has also occurred it Boat Luh, south of Chi LI.. All the missions havo been de stroyed.,. Our friends safely escaped to the country, tut are still la danger.". : Illl reported here that; Russia has borrowed nearly ten millions sterling tram the Imperial Bank ot Russia the ' commencement of . the troubles In Night Attack'feared In Canton.,; Homo ; JCono, July i-rThe lgns ef menacing activity en the part Of the te oret society known as the Triads are censing alarm.. The organUntlon is dis tinctly sntl-forolgu and- anll-JBanchn, end numbers of t as ton troops 'are en rolled in Us ranks iW ' ;' i A report ll current In Canton that the "Tilads" are preparing for night, at tack on ths Khamon, and thau the.- first sign will' lie the absconding of native servants'. The greatett appfchenslon pre vails. although t present Canton h quiet. - -1- : :v ,. ? : Stone Consults Hill. ', - i ;. NW Tona, Jnly 30. Considerable significance attaches to thn visit paid to day by ei-fiovnrnnr Rtono, of Mllssonrt, lo David II. Hill at Noimandle-bj-the-Re. It launderatonil he went lo arrauge for a conference of leaders, which, is taken to mean that the national cain pali;nnrs are depending Dinrn upon Hill limn ('rnL.iT for advlen nnd annUlnncr; alio, Hint Hill's r'';iilnrlty la rerognlord liy till! I; i) mi Hi's. .' .-1) i s Alum U used In making cheap baking powders. It you want tu know the effect of alum upon the lender linings of the stomach, touch a piece to your tongue. You can raise biscuit with alum baking powder, but at what a cost to healtbl 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. Spoke to Great Crowd. Special t(i Journal. (toi.nsitoHo, .1 11 v 27. Hon. Charles B. Aycick, poku ui r.uruw, I'endcr coun ty, today, lo an immense crowd. Injury From Hitie Kick. Special ti Journal. (jIoi.dmiioko, July '.' Leslie Pearson the 10 year old son of John W. Pearson, who resides about. 0 mill's from this city. wa kh ked 011 mo hciul liy a mule last night, and U in n critical condition. Doctors ('off anil Robinson of this ciu removed several pieces of tho depressed Hkull today. Baptist Female University RALEIGH, N. C. ono block from th Capitol and In full Tiew of tho Oorernor'l Mansion. New and elegant buildings. II modem ImproTementa. Faculty of Are aten and rourteea women, uwreei 01 ntgu sianaara in Mtrtur, lnrnas;ea. History and PeillU u.1 8olniui. Kthica. Muitr. Art. Kloantlon. Baeh department In oharne of .peci.luit, most of whom hare taken ooonea In Umventlles. Two Tears' nienarmtorr course for Medicine. Hestdunt phfilH.n. Ilu.lne.s Course, 8leno7rphy, nnd PedsujogT. Knrollment, 230 first session, eeoend session opens Hepteiuber S, K00. For cata logue write K. T. VAKM, PiealdaDt. m - h At th Book Store J Teachers Exchange ! TKACllERU ANft POSI TIONS, had for the ask ing1. - If you need a TBACUER, write. If you need a POSITION, write. Aud If you need B( HOOH HOOK i, aod can't come "VYrlte. . i N.-Ennett. SELLING OUT ! t; 0nritwlr!or 5UriMER CLOTH IN(1 jt tv.'dieconnt of 20 per Cent rinmU t the opportunity of baying ft noltby op-to-Uste Soit-fot lesB thaii; ViWe ar fo? Offering for OmIv;.' Boys $4 Suits; $3 JO AH oilier fjoiiuncr Suite, iri 11 be HoM Ht plOJnwtMVIIftte diaCOTMlteV 0 cull rnrljr aiwt gi t your cboic of thh -few uitsi r 3ittve li-ft. j.g.du;:;!&co. Nice Fresh Lot S CAKES AND CRACKERS! Just Received at I J. L. McDaniel'sJI Broad St. Also fresh lot Ilein.'s I'dked I'euiiS with .-mil uilliout Tomato Siuice. Ilein.'n 1'ickles, Mustard ami Mustard Div-Hiii. l'otted Meats, Salmon, Lobster and Sardines. ( Iioicc Tea and Coffee. And lots of other goods things to e:il, nice and IV. fh. Oivn me :t call. lies,eet.ftilly, 5 a 1st IJ.L JM sat J- IMioiic 91. PLANTER'S McMIL Opening Sale, Wednesday, Aug. I. Tlie l'lanter's Warehouse is lonati'il in tin' Im 'inrss iiirl of tin- cil v and the finest Warehouse in tlie Slate. with )lenty of orders for all the Tohareo in lliis pai l of I lie Stale. It id the aiin of the management sales and to tee that you are well lotueil after w hen on Ih" inai l.' t with tdiacro. Our motto is "High I'riees and I'eivonal Attenlion lo your in terest." Free Stable?. Come down to the opening sale, and w uill In to please you. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. NEW KEim GRIST - MILLS. INVw Mill llolling Im-nI Klevntors iiimI ('orn Cl?uncrN Of the Latest Improved and Up-to-Dete Mill flachinery. YOUlt JTRADK IH t-OLIClTKH; BTiSPKCIAL HA1NH taken lix lrnn- in and oliahinfr tritiai ttefore ;oin through the mill-, 'wliirh inmnn pure meal, Corn, Hominy, Oats snd Mixed Feed GEORGE BISHOP. NowJHcrn. N. C. GOOD NEWS. This man has beard of O. H. Water's & Hon Whalebone Baggy' and he Is going for one. This accounts for his speed. Thev are reliable band made buggies Try one and be convinced as others have done. Yours to serve, O. II. Wfttm A Hon, Phone 188. 78 Broad Btrect t X - Where's - Your WiBeUWLmp Dan't be "run Iq". "A stitch lo lime saves nluo," and sometime may save )oe ten (f!0) V.;:VerW.t;-V':. Don't put ft off, hot eall at ptbV and Invest the necessary amount In Good LAMP AND BKfcI.,Vf iTi.: : Bells, 25c to Lamps; 50c to $3.00 Tires and Repairs ;X In Abundance. latere '1 o w . CaiVeM'ST, Ht. WAREHOUSE We will have plenty id' Imvervt to ive his ierson:il :il lent ion to all We Have a Car-load of Cotton Gins IN STOCK. A full line of Cotton Gin Beliing, Oils and Supplies. Hyman Supply Co., Phone 3. 4 ('HAVEN 8TKEKT Notice ! The only man there be. Not Left, Come See. A No. 1 Real Heait Hand-mnde nnd Bawed Hhingles always on hand. Laths, Carts and Peggie. . Kiln Tar and Fat Hlghtwood Host. All kin Is of Store Wood d.-llvnn d to your dw r. Two Kk m to let and hnua lo io..t all fie time. Lime to retail ( r by the barrel. BIfiHILL,'ThKleMaii YOVLUSEEii At ' glanoa that onr Spring Woolen ,',; strike Die top notch In the variety of ar itHlie naUarna. What a suit la made" ot ' and ths way it Is made up are the two . important drca poln'e, We have Jn rivals la either rej ect. Oer work l not ImiUtcl and our display , ot fabrics tttS :' . i 4 I J I i. 1 4 ii i ... X ' ft. f - ( 1 i V V -,jv . v' r '' 5r:!''.. !! ! ()rl r now.

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