Or to to . A to to to to to to to to to to to to to TRY PERFECT BLEND TEA, f Only 10c for 1-4 lb. Package. I to to Will refund your to .to to t ;to to to to to 33 sausneo alter using. a . m EL. IB. 'BL&JCBSTE&R 47 & 49 Pollock Street. AN . There is an old story of a punctiliously, polite Greek, who while performing the funeral ot an iniant daughter, ielt bqund to make his excuses to the spectators ior "bringing nut siifih n. Rmfl.ll ' a i ': We apologise for bringing out Buck crowd of readers, but hope the very Low Prices will make the necessary amends. ' Our show window on Pollock street, exhibits Gteat Bargains. Trimmed Straw Hats, in all shades $2.00. Black and White Sailors at 50c, Men's Black and Colored Vici Kid, $1.00 $1 50. Could not be bought from manufacturer at that price. ' Lucky is the customer who secures any of these. SMITH'S STORES, 81 Pollock St., (Duffy's Stand) 90 Middle St. 5 Af tef-Dinne Olve His meal a floe finish. There ' W nothing daintier for de-vert - than Farina, Rice Puddinp, Jell'es. . andTanc.y Cracker. Everything ; in tbii lino will bo found in our stock, which preamUan eshautt ive definition of "giooertes". The whole world is taxed in mi king up tlila superb assortment of food specialties. You" must see to ap . p'erldle. Have jnst rrceived a big lot c.f Frrah Oorued Portsmouth Mullets. Also a flu fot of Nicely Cured , Hams. :. Give us a call and -we will do our beat to please yoa, '-. ...' ' . ; , . .': Yoora for Bnsinesr, : J. R. PARKER, ruoue o. i 0 r Prompt Delivery . -v'.. .... V-". ' 7. If jon want it good enp of delicioni coffee buy a pound and you will get it. ' . This coffee is eqnil to any coffee in thrjmnrkel, rurd, les of price. ', . . 7r t mat OUR ;' ; : $ money it you are not 5 . k onrnsft to sn lnrco a a small advertisement to so large a at 50c, were early in the Benson sold fast rt $1 00. Ba's. and Congreis Shoes from - Delicacies H JR., GROCER, 1 joroau . Ktreet. . ' 7. ; kYouca always expect; when ' jrou order your food supplies from ' , tills reliable store. . We can" sap ply every demand of a flrst clans family , trade with Vhe" XJUolcBt 8l-iple and Fatcy Umcerios, Ref-" hhea, Pickles, Biioes.JOIIfcl.H'ox -River Print Itiilter. and l'l(Um -at;u tot ft ittonj Prince, ," 1 ;-' W make a specialty of blKh grvle Teas andjOottees, , Oar Perfection Dlend- . ; - .' ; Doffee is Finek Price Only 20c. - i APOLOGY s ' 1 ' ' Chinese Viceroys Hake Stronp De- mands Of The Powers. v v ,5 Cneertala AsEverRea-ardiaKFeklB. LI Says All Bare. , AUiei Have farce Force At Tien Tsin. Survivors Said to Be'letTlBf- Special to Journals WisHiBOTOH, July 88 Chinese Vice roys oa the Yangtze Keiang river have Issued an ultimatum to the powers that there will be war declared ' unless -the powers promise to hold the person of Empress Dowager sacred and agree not to partition China. : : i , These viceroys have until now pro- prof eased friendship for foreigners.; The reported massacre of the mission aries at Pao Tin Fu has been confirmed. The city of Canton has been placaded with appeals to murder foreigners bat still remains quiet. The New York Tribune publishes a special cablegram from LI Hung Chang, dated Shanghai July 7th,sayIug:''Pekln reports that the ministers are alive and their Bafety Is assured. The entrance of the allies into Pekin Is unnecessary. This message is in response to an In quiry made of Viceroy Li three days ago. . A cablegram to a London paper from a Shanghai correspondent says that all the foreign ministers, except of Ger many, are alive and that some of the European survivors are leaving Pe kin, Minister Wu Ting Fang informs the Slate Department that the Ministers are alive and are being fed.- The Chinese Minister at London claims that he has direct Information and that the Pekin ministers will be escorted to Tien Tin On the other hand a cablegram to a London paper confirms she massacre of all the foreigners in Pekin. A letter from Neu Chang say that a messenger arrived from Pekin and says that all are massacred. BIr Robert Hart committed suicide at the last moment to save him self from torture, and as the Chinese swarmed into the legations the foreign ers shot their families to save them from worse than death. The failure of the Chinese to open communication with the foreign MinU ters and their governments, while every evidence exists that Pekin is in close communication with coast officials lends suspicion to the latest offer, tending to cause even Secretary Bay to regard con ditlons as far less favorablo now than ever. It places strong evidences ol doubt upon the famous Conger messages and others purporting to have come as late as July 18 from foreigners In Pe kin Admiral Remey says that on Monday there were 88,000 troop at Tientsin available for an advance on Pekin. At that tfme the commanders of the Inter national force ' believed they ; were strong enough to begin the .march en the Chinese capital. The commanders had agreed that on the arrival ot Qener al Chaffee final vote should be taken on the selection ot the supreme eommau- dcr of the International force. , -Lokdoit, July 18 The Shanghai cot respondent of the Daily Express, wiring yesterday, ay; p-Tvii" "It Is reported here (bat a large' sec tion of th Boxers ha revolted against Prince Tnan, alleging that be ia making tools of them for hlaown ends,' i A des perate conflict took place outside- ol Pe kin Sunday. Prince Tnan personally led hi follower, two of bis general having deserted him. !Tb battle lasted" sevsral hour "and Prince Tuae wu defeated and killed." . THB MARKETS. , - The following quotation were reeetv ed by J. K. Latham, Mew Bern, N. 0.7 ' v. Hw Yojm, July 88. Cottok: . ' Open. High. Low. Close Aug. .:. J..; 9.23 :9.K 933, 9 84 : SeptAi.tXv;'. 8 08 ; 8.88 ' 8.88 ; 8 88 I Oct . 8.88 8.38 8 85 8.80 'Mot..' 8.28 ' 8.15 8.18 . 8 21 , JaniUi.V,.? 8.81 8.81 r 8.18 8.18 ;' Hch.V.;:... 8.88 888 ;, 888 8.85 ' 'j. OniCAOO MABIBT. WaiA'ft - Open. High, Low. Close Sept ........J 76 - 75 - 76J j" 79 Conn:-. '. 8ept...V 88 ;'88,, 88, t 8o, lfy Pfd. . .:' f r , 7: . pci'J, TO, 714 ''-:? 3fl 83 7t 83 791 Coo. T....,-.. Leather .. ., 10 Cotton receipt were 40O bale at all port., ''' ; .- . If y ju want a cold coca cola, sherbet, or glass of cold soda, go to Davis' Fonn taln. ',..' '.-.'' ' ! Just wcelved a lot of fine F. F. V Mams at Oaks Market. . . j If something In your bead doth raoie That bead of yours to eebe It can be cured If you 111 but, Celery Headache Powders take. ; Made and sold only at Davis' Pharmacy I J. 3. Baxter It selling bis Itlbbons, I.nwrn, Ladies Oxfords, and all summer (noils ?ery low fnr the enh. f :l'rlnrj Lamb sml ,"rlni-r CI.Ii keiiB,tlils ti!Mrniii:r Rt the ( . ; h ; , - L. OUT DT FORCE.' Red Shirts Meet at Burraw. Aycock Speaks laSampsoa County. Wtlmisston, S. C i July 87. The Red Shirts ot this section rendexvoused today at Burgaw, Pender county, where Aycock and other prominent campaign ers spoke. : Aycock was met by a pro cession more than half a mile - long, in cluding 600 Red 8hlrts on horseback and several hundred others on foot. There were a number of floats, on which oung ladles rode, the floats being emblematic of various campaign Issue, "White Su premacy" dominating. - Aycock was 'tendered a tremendous ovation when he was introduced, but he bad not spoken more than ten minutes bsfore a heavy rain and electric storm forced him to stop and brought the de monstration and speaking to a close. The only unpleasant incident of the day was a severe thrashing given a white man (opponent of the amendment) by a company of Red Sbirtc It seems that be was making slurring remarks about the Rod Shiits, saying among other thingo. tint they were poor white devils spending all their money for the red shirts they wore. The Ui rush ing administered to him caused a com plete retraction nnl apology. The biggest Red-Shirt demonstration of the week Is to lie at (Union, Sampson county (the home of United States Sena tor Butler), toJay. A large crowd from Wilmington will attend, Including a can non and guu crew, to fire a Governor's salute in honor of II n C. P. Aycock, who will be in attendance as the speaker ot the ocoailon. It was reported here tonight that movement ia on fool among anti-amend ment Populists and R-puWIenns and ne groes to pruveui Aycock from speaking. If such an attempt in made there will certainly be serious results, as fully eight hundred or one thnnnaud red shirt? will certainly be on hand well armed to see that there is no lotcrferenrr. Charlotte Defeats Durham. Special to Durham. Duuiiam. July 28. Charlotte defcatod Durham today by a score of 3 to 0. The batteries were Latimer and DuJdy, Dju- nebomer and Legrand. STANDING Of CLUlM. WON. LOST. P. C Charlotte 13 8 .010 Tarboro... 14 9 .008 Durham 10 9 . .65fi Raleigh 9 13 .409 Wilmington 6 10 .875 Statesvllle 5 9 .357 Daniel and Bryan. Lincoln, Neb., July 27. Senator John W. Daniel, of Yirgiola, accompanied by his son Edward, visited Colonel Bryan this morning. Tho Senator went to Cali fornia immediately after the Kansas City Convention and ha since been on the Paolflo coast. Mr. Bryan took his visitors to the farm and then spent the morning there. When asked about the political iltuation Sena tor Daniel said: "I really haven't given a minute' thought to politics since tbe Kansas City Convention. I have seen no Eastern paper while In the West. I will begin my political work Immediately on my arrival borne." Senator Daniel left for the South at 1:35 o'clock. r Towne Has Prospects. MiKKBaroua, Mlun July ,87. The Journal lays: . .': "Charles A. Towne will be withdrawn as Vlce-Presldeotlal candidate from 'the Populist national ticket about August 15 At that time the.Popullst-Katlonal Com mittee will accept bis resignation - and replace him with Adlal E. Stevenson a the nominee ot the Populist ' party for Vice President.. The son roe from 'which tbe announcement 1 received U such as to make It Impossible to question lis ac- eurecy. - ... v-',:-'i K f' During thr campaign Mr. Towne I to be utilized at a campaign orator,- to whom will be assigned the. most desira ble War. He will speak only In Urge eitle and In oloe district, h. Cabinet position I assured to blm la lb event of Bryan's election. . .' . ' k r- Desperado Plnally Wiled. ' Nw OBLBAiia, July 87. After a des perate battle, lasting for several boars, Ia which be succeeded In killing Ser geant Gabriel; Porteous, Andy Van-' Korem keeper of the police jail, and Alfred J, Bloomfleld, a young boy, fa tally wounding Corporal Joha F. Lally, John Banvllle, ex-Policeman Frank 11. Kvana, A. 8. Declcrc, one of the leading confccllonors of the city, and more or less seriously shooting several citizens, the negro desperado, Robert Charles, who killed Captain Day and Patrolman Lamb and badly wounded Officer Mora, was smoked out of bis hiding place In the heart ofhe residence section of the oily and literally shot to pieces. To the Republicans of Craven County At the reiiicst of the Republican Stste Executive Committee, your central cam pslgn committee. by authority Invested In them by tbe Republican County Ex ceiillfo committee have endorsed Mr. J. H. I";iMi!rIit the Populist nominee for the I.' -i-Mature aid your committee ear-ni-. ily r,-in U for hlin llic limUv i.l d s-i-1 - ,1 ' h-. rl of n'l Iho I!i in,' ':, ro.s THEY ADMIT IT. Cy Thompson Thinks Admendment May Be Carried. . But Fnsioulats n ope to Bet the Leg islature.. Anjth'ng to are ' Butler. Lituk Oal for Eleventh Uoilr Lies. Special to Journal. Ralbiob, July 88 The fusionista have now an lminenic campaign ftinil anl are spending it fruely. They m d voting themselves entirely to tbe work ofoocur- ng a majority of the legislature. They will buy votes. As Dr. Cy Thompson, who was tbe Populist nominee for Gov ernor, bui who was lutein do.vn in faVor of Adams, the Republican nominee, says in hi lutler, the Coutliiulioual Amend ment may be rati&cd by 20,003 majority and yet the fusionisla may get a majori ty of the legislature. Here Is where tbe danger lies. Tliouipson goes on to say that if tbe fusionisla can only get control of the legislature they will repeal the present election law and will havo an amend ment to the constitution which will pro hlbit the negro from holding olHce. The Populists introduced such a measure at their Stale convention and at the June session of tbe legislature. Rut the Re publicans have never taken any step in that direction, nor will they iver lake it. Tbe Democrats very proerly said that tbe way lo reniovu the Ignorant negro Irom polllicls was by disfranchising him in othur words to lay the ftvu to tbe root of tbe tree. The Popnlint professions and promlsei are no more than the air and the Republicans let tlio Populist talk lo their hearts coultn'. D-. Thompson's letter in really an ex celieul campaign document for the Democrats. It Is a confession that tbe people will ratify the franchise amend ment. It is all inspired by Senator But ler, whose one with and hope 1? lo f ecu re reelection. The fuslonlhls are pulling In circula tion a, large number of lie-, at ilie last moment. It Is learned that one of them here said a few days ago that he had prepared a falsification to be put in cir eolation next Tuisday so ss not to give lime for it denial. He said further that the fusion leaders were greatly pleased with It. One Minute Cough Cure is tbe only harmlesa remedy that produces Imme diate results. Try it. F. S. Duffy. CASTOR I A For In&ntt and Children. The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought Bean the Signature of m-MrjmtwswAtrja org. i At th Book Store Teacbtrs Exchange TKACnERS AND POSI TIONS, had for the ask ing. If you need a TEACHER, write. If you need a POSITION, write. And If you need SCHOOL : 1IOOKS, and can't come Wrltev 6 H Pnnfctt. I a aa ntw m)wwv SELLING OUT ! Our atock of SUrtMER CLOTH INQ at a discount of 20 per Cent For Caeh. ; , - Don't miss the opportunity of (buj-lag a nobby up-to-date Snit for it,.H ..' .'' ' -1. We arer now offering for Oaah . $IS yStitts for , $12 $10 V I S Boy's $4 Suits, $320 - " .. . $3 $2X0 ' All other Summer Suit will be sold at proportionate' discount, so call early and get your choice of the few suits we have left. . , '. : ' - ' T'-i'" ' i v j.G.ounn&co. FurnlsherH. 'f7 Pollock St IP'' f r-i ffffr i i . ... 1 llukiuUi WU'e I 'i T .mforl fire and stop at tin 1 ' . . -. i ,. M '- n l nl. Nice Fresh Lot CAKES AND CRACKERS 1 Just Received at J. L. McDaniel sJI Broad St. Also fresh lot lleinz's naked Beans with and without Tomato Sauce. Ilcinz's Pickles, Mustard and Mustard Dressing. Potted Meats, Salmon, Lobster and Sardines. Choice Tea and Coffee. And lots of other goods things to eat, nice and fresh. Give roe a call. Respectfully, 5 J.L Ml all0 III! 5 'Phone Ol. PLANTER'S MrMNlfl. Opening Sale, Wednesday, Aug. I. The Planter's Warehouse is located in the liii-iness pail, of the city and the finest Warehouse in the Stat. We will have plenty ol' Imyers with plenty of orders for all the Tobacco in this purl, of the Slate. It is the aim of the management to give liis personal attention to all ealeg and to fee that yon are well looked after when on th". market, with t)bacco. Our motto is "High Prices and Personal Attention to your in terest." Free Stables. Come down to the opening sale, and we will try to please you. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. tsi:w It 11 UN GRIST - MILLS. New 91111st Bolting Vhent Elevator and Corn Cleaner Of the Latest Improved and Up- to-Date Mill riachlnery. YOUR JTRADK 18 bOLIClTEDf BTISPKCIAL PAINS taken In clean ing and poIlshiof grain before olng through tbe mills, 'which insures pure meal, Corn, Hominy, Oats and Mixed Feed' GEORGE BISHOP. Ne-sCBern, N. C. GOOD NEWS. wnm This man ha heard ot Q. H. Water's ft Boa Whalebone Boggy and he I going for one. Tbla aooounu for hi (peed. They are reliable hand made buggies Try one and be convinced as others bare done. Tour to serve. OIf. Water & Hon, - Pboa 180. -78 Broad Street. Hey, l Mere's Your Bett and Lamp) Dyn't be "run In". "A tltch la Urn uvea ol, and oinetlme may save you tea (I0) :- ; !; ;Kt ;.-, , ;t'v';'. -,". , Don't put It off, but call t otcs and Invest th aeoessary amount in flood LAMP AND BELL. : v r ; t Bells, 25c to $135 Lamps,. 50c to .$3.00 Tires and Repair fi j v In Abundance. vn. t. iiiLL, 2: A Retail i 71 RrM St. WAREHOUSE We Have a Car-load of Cotton Gins IN STOCK. A full line of Cotton Gin Belling, Oils and Supplies. Hyman Supply Co., Tlione !. 40 C HAVEN RTIiEF.T Notice ! The only man there be. Not Left, Come See. A No. 1 Real Heart Hand-made nnd Sawed Bhlngle always on band, Lath, Cart and Buggies. Kiln Tar anil Pat Light-wood Posts. All kinds of Stove Wood delivered to your door. Two Stores to let snd houses lo tent all the time. Lime to retail or by the barrel. BI& HILL, The PMniile Man YOU'LL SEE . at a gianoa mat oar rprjna; -iwku, strike the top notch In the variety of ar . Umle pnttorna. What a suit I mad of and the wey It I wade Bp are the tiro ' important drea potnM. . W have BO rlvuls In eltlior Ti set. Our work Is' not tniilfiicd and our dlxplajr of fabric l tf linivo. Order Bow.