vol; xviii-.no. Hi. NIW BERN, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7i 1900. -' ' NINITKIHTH Y (? K. I PERFECT BLEND jEA,,; I to ass Only 10c for , ft AN V 2J 1 Will refund your sausneo auer using. AN V it - a 47 ot 49 PoiiocK street. w A Vt I Aftef-Dmncf Glee tho meal a floe finish. There 1 la nothing daintier for rie'scit than Farina, Rice Piiddinp, Jell e, and Fancy Crackers. Everything ,io thin line will be found in our stock, which prestnUan exhuitl- Ive definition of "groceries". The Whole world is taxed in mnking up this supt rl) asorlmnl of food specialties. You must see to ap- predate. Have just received a big lot of Frsb (Jornrd Portsmouth Mullet. Also a line lot of Nicely Cured : llama. Give ui a Call and we will do our best to please you. Yours for Business, J. R. PARKER, 'Phone 69. 'awsttae8&88x I Prompt DeHvery; 8 -i S l lbrrlS.i lnrn.rfti , ; If yon want a good cup of delicious .coffeebuy a pound and yon will get it .c. . v .., - . t. '! ;". This coffee is equal to any coffee In thif market, regard , less of price. ' -'t '; '! " SMa))IS)i ' V V 1 '-' , ' . -i St.' .' .' - i.' ! A Ifliirhaiile That Ahvaj M Stvt urn w' ' By onf Flue Tool for carpenter, nm'im and puinlrr'H tiar, IvlU lim fellow Workman tlml at no pliu e In thin town ran ym tin J miih tlioMiigli nnilnrntliin in all kinHa nf inrrliHiiii i toola at you run rllit lifrn, whero iii'ltilnf hi ki-pi Imt a "nperlor icritl ami Imi lirimln ol the Ik nt maniitac.turf. Ami w nliri hv on hnl a Urce iock c if VVImlown mifl Dourt. whlnh w rn now to '-ll at rot ami linln r .ml. In .! r to mnliB punii lor Kiill I". v 14 lb. Package, f v money it you are not K V . .;;. v - Delicacies ! I V CCtNtAHT JR., GROCER, 77 Broad Street. s Youcan always expect when ' you order your food supplies from this reliable store. We can sup ! , p'y every demand of a first class family trade with the Choicest Suple and Fancy Groceries, Rel lshes, Pickles, Bauoei, Olivtft, Fox Biver Print Butter, and Pitt Hams a-. Rock Bottom Prices. . We make a specialty of high : gr S.e Teas an 1 tColTeei. i Our Perfection Blend j Coffee is Fine, . ' . Price Only 20c. Hot Weather Shirt Bargains ! In Monarch ' , Neglige " Shirts..' $1.00 SHIRTS tor 80c. $1.60 " $1.16. : Call at Once and . Hake Selection at" R. 1 1.' BAXTER'S t Middle Btrrflt A Good Telephone :;. ,'!;: J a ncsiNri ;:! I TV, A !i)NVI..M!'-;t;K. A Cum, IilNl.1) , . . Til Tit RALEIGH. After. S. Officials. Mlnth Cougjesslonal : -; District Ajfalnst Amendment. V, . egro Hurdered. . , Special to Jonrnat. - . ' - - vRahibH, Aug., 6. Much pleasure was' expressed here yesterday at the re ceipt of news that the mob at Bayboro, Pamlico county, had left the Court House, which it was besieging Saturday, and that the courts would decide who' are entitled to the county offices. - There are about 70 of the Democratic bolters there, who affiliated with the FusionUU. Some among them are the .richest men In the county, the mainspring of .the movement being Charles Fowler,' the largest property owner in- the county. The Naval Mtjltia of New Bern Instead of marching to Bayboro, 18 miles' by road, went by steamer, distance "CO miles. " .'.'.- The State board of canvassers meets the last Thursday in this month, to can vass the election returns. Gov. Russell Secretary 6f the State Thompson, Walter H. Neal, W. O. Lamb, J.D. McNeill and E, U. Wilson compose the board. . .. In the 23d senatorial district Cameron Morrison'and James Leek, 'Democrats, are elected by the largest majority ever given in the Slate. The Democratic State Chairman Is going right after United tilatet officials who have shown "pernicious activity" in the State campaign,. .. He will call in evidence through the county chairmen. The Ninth Congressional District gives from 1000 to 1800 majority a gainst the Constitutional Amendment. Yaucey county, which it was thought was Democratic, has gone against the Amendment by about 400. A negro named High, murdered an other here at 9 o'clock Sunday morning. Tbu Coroner's inquest was held today. Some Republicans having stated that the U. S. Marshal had a great number of warrants to serve upon Democrats. munlry was made to-day at the Mar shal') office as to the truth of the state- neat. It was denied posititely. Slate Chairman Simmons says the Na tional campaign will be a lively one. Of nourve it will not approach ill interest tho State campaign. Nothing has ever approached it. , . V. B. Aycock, Walter H. Neal, F. D. Wltitton and P. M. -PearsalJ left for Old Point to-day for a rest after their great political fight.' Oualrman Simmons will Join them there. Treaty Rights la China Washington, Aug. 8. In view of the strong and aggressive attitude this gov ernment has taken , in demanding its treaty rights in China, it becomes im; portant to know Just what those rights are. '-. . ' ' First and foiemost, of course, comes the obligation of the - signatory powers to protect the person of each other's ministers, ' diplomatlo ; and consular agents.- This all the world knows, not withstanding - many conflicting state ments, the Chinese government failed to do,' and there Is grave doubt as to whether it even made the attempt to do until after It Imagined It heard the tramp of the allied army on Us way to Pekia Next ia Importance Is that section of the treaty dealing with citizens of either county residing ..In the other. " That promised the broadest protection, in the exact words of the treaty, promising to 'assure to citizens q( the United States, in China, and to Chinese in the ' United States entire liberty of conscience ana exemption fronvdlsabllliy or persecution on account of their religious faith pr worship In either country." . , f ' It Is not denied that American citizens have been butchered by Chinese, for no other cause than their practice and preaching of Christianity: That. Is an other oonnt that China must settle sails factorily with this government. To what extent onr commercial treaty rights have been violated Is not yet definitely known but every dollar of damage done will have to be paid by China, with Interest Revenge Is not dictating the policy of tuts government, wuion is asking no more and will lake no' less thsa what be. lougs to It nnder Its treaties with Chios " Yon will, never find any other pills so prompt snd so pleasant as De Will's Lit tle Early Risers. F. 8. Daffy. THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. O. -' . ' . ; Naw York, August t , Cottor; ' Open. High. Low. Close Aug. ..... ... 863 fi.00 8 53 8 00 Snpt. 8.10 ' 8.85 . 8.20 8 K Oct.......... 795 8.0.1 7.90 8 OS Nov 7.85 7.00 7.8 7 99 Jsn..... 7.81 7.B7 7.84 7.97 Mch 7.8 8.00 7.89 8 00 WnitAt: ' Open, nigh. Low. Close Sept 80 ' 80( H 80 CoKKi Sept So, H'y rtd..... 63 03 TO I.... , 70J 70 Fed. S - . . 82j Con. T 7CJ ' 7 j Lrstiif-r ... ' n i Col inn r-i'clili wore 1,000 hatns at all poru. r ' r - BIG . B4TTLE. Reported As Taking Place Last Two ' V Days. Allies - Lose Twelve Hundred Hen, Largely Among ' Russians and v i ,' Japanese. Minister Refused Provisions. LI Hang . Chang Afraid to J j Enter Pekln. ' - Special to Journal. Wasuinuton,. August : 6 Despatches from Tien Tsln via Shanghai, repqrt that a big battle is raging at Peitsang, . and the Alllus are fa'd to b'ave lost twelve hundred meu, la killed and wounded. ' The fight began yesterday. The louses are chiefly among the Rusainua and Jap anese troops. ' The Chinese retreated. Great masses of Chinese- troops are massing near Pekin. The Chinese have slopped , sending provisions to the Ministers In Peklo. Viceroy of ierau Hhlkal, who opposed Prince Tuan, has been killed aud ilie foreign element of Chinese have the up per hand In Pekln. . . . LI Hung Chang who is at Shanghai, is reported as hesi.laiiug about gblug to Pekin, and asks for twenty days sli't leave. He says tlie Chiuese In Pekin aie opposed to bim, becauae of his friendli ness to foreigners. ' An Imperial decree Issued directs thai the Ministers be envoi ted from t'ekln to a safe place. The situation on the upper Yangtse (Clang river is very serioui-. tibeng, the director of Hie Chinese ttkgiaph ser vice, has applied to a British warship at Shanghai for protection, ayiog he tears he will be beheaded. The commercial sit tallnn . th. oi, ghoul China is very disquieting, uud bu-tneis has nearly suspended. The bankaaie closed at Canton. Merchuuts are refu- geeing at Shanghai. China's Crack Regiment All armies have their crack legiuieota China's is known as the " t'iger Guard " Us members are supposed to bu veiy tigers when turned loose In war. Then too, they are dressed in yellow, the im perial color, with stripes of black, In rtmllallon of a tiger's akius The cap ia made of split bamboo and has ears to It. A bamboo shield, with a monster's head painted on it, completes the fantas tic uniform. A "Tiger" officer in full uniform, as be appears on occasions of review or parade, Is a matter of no . small interest and wonder to the stranger. . A highly polished helmet terminating In a crest ol gold and a tuft of colored hair on a rod eight Inches above the . cay; a robe of purple or blue silk, richly adorned with gilt buttons, and reaching to the feet, which are Incased in black satin boots. constitute a costume of pioturesqueness and inconvenience. ; His Implements of war are In keeping with the uniform.. All of them glittor with gems and precious, metals. What sert of fighters the "Tigers"; make re mains to be seen. - ' V - The general belief is that they are not superior to other branches of the Chi aese Army exceptwhen thoroughly im pregnated with the spirit or , fanaticism. Their reputation is largely based upon past glories, . and they now appear to think .mora of their announcements than of the aerlops' .business of war fare. ?, ,v-V';, f-i'S-fut'Js. 'J. ' They are carefully selected men, of good proportions, snd enjoy numerous privileges. On whose side they are fight, lag now is largely S matter of conjec ture. They sheuld be defending the Dow ager Empress and the Emperor Kwang Su, if still alive. iT. , - yi-'T; "sit r. " It will surprise yon. to experienoe the benefit obtained by using the dainty and famous little pill known as 'De Wilt's Little Early Risers. F. 8. Du ffy, IP,? Qeartng Out Sale. i, Monday and every day this week,' all seasonable goods at special bargains. notice big ad for particulars, aho 10 yds best grade yard wide bleachldg at "Sc. ' . O. A. BAttrooT. ,. A complete lns of gold and gold filled watches sold at J. O. Baxter's for cash and nn 'instalments to responsible pertles. v, If something In your bead doth came ' That head of yours to ache It can he cured If you will but, ' " Ct-lfirj tleadachs Powders take. , J , Made aud sold only at Davis' Pharmacy ' Send your prescriptions to Davis' Pharmacy. They will la) filled promptly and accurately. . Juat rwelved a lot of fine F. F. VJ Hams at Oaks Markot. Jordan's Liver i'llls are the Ix'st liver pills made. Hold only at Davis' I'liar msry. Don't fall to see Ihoan Wantifnl flan- nnl and silk costs at J., J. l'sxtcr's tM-fore buying. Tim 1 ! 1 1 r Trny .t.n,l I'.nreau tiniiLn for aattt by J. J. l'a !.-r. i. " WHat Next? V ; " , ;;' .Booub, N. C., Augusta. ' . The great battle for white supremacy has-been, fought and gloriously won. The negro lsue In North Carolina politics if settled in part allowing onr Slate to plow her war to the front and take her proper pusiilon in fair competition with her siaier States for all that makes a people great in freedom of mind. Iiroad oi si of ideas, and material development We lake - off , our bats and bow, and bow again and .again to the pnrejind lovely womanhood of North aroliua for their noble and cheering encouiage meut lv this conflict, and to tue sturdy white uiauhood of our State for tueir chivalry and palriu'ilsni. . To those who )atKred so hard and dis grace! ully to defeat their race, aud to continue negro rule over North Caro lina, for ;their -Bakes aud our own, we wish It Could lie so, ihut Ihey had a lan J somewhere where they could gather aud fully uu joy negro supremacy, and negro- Ize themselves lo their own hearts con tent At Newport especially, there are man. with while skins who publicly de clare ''would' ralher bead n negro lUnn a leiuuural." i'uee useu should be made to emigrate at ouco. 'and make lueir abode iu Jaulua City or some other negro settlement. They Should not be allowed to disgrace white society with their polluting presence. Their sayings and duiugs in liiis race couilict should not be forgoitm, nor their oitracism by decent while people delated. Duty to Our own wives, mothers, daughters and sisters demand of fullier?. luiiiliands and brothers such action as will rid every community of lh pollnllng presence or these negro-ized white skinned beings. And w ill Marion Kmler I.e ulldwed lo continue to disgrace North Coralina by his Infamous presence on her hallowed soli? Will the true manhood of our Stale lorget Its duty to our fair sod lovely wo manhood, whr.su viriue nml chastity thin llund iu human form has fur months been try ihg lo snbjecl lo negro domination aud tutu? Oou forhiul Such conservatism will be a crime, aye, an insult to our wives, mothers, danglt'era and ulsters. and all we hold dear that makes up the ha. piucss and sacreduess of our ho:iies. For inoniha this linnd ami hypivrlt': ha been laboring with all his might to in cite a race war of bloodshed, and would today for a position in the United Slates Senate at the expiration of his present term, rejoice to see the heel of the negro 'upon the neck of the white race ol North Carolina and our homes and fami lies at his mercy, White men of North Carolina your duty hero is plain and Im perative. Act aud act now. New, duties devolve upon us now under tke Amendment to our Constitu tion. Better schools, longer terms, and a deeper Interest is required. The white ohiidren must be mora forward than the negro children. We pay 97 per cent of the taxes, and our white boys ' and girls must be educated. If our school boards will apportion the school fund justly they will consider two questions only, viz, who pays the school money?, aud whose children need it most? If ibe other side are dissatisfied, then change the constitution again, fixing upon each race the duty and burden of educating their own children. We must carry oui oar pledges and educate our race. A wise and bnsiness class of men mt'sl be selected to supervise the arranging of school boors, hiring of teachers, vlsillnr and exacting of teachers the highest efficiency In dlclpllno and Instruction. Away with the slip shod methods of the past,' and the adoption of the best iu the land. In closing I .will Hnrrab for White Supremacy, and. the noble .and tree Republicans,' and Populists who aided us In giving North Carolina While rule! jrv:': -'A' .' .-. i ' ' Hurrah for Democracy the white party of North Carolina, whose arms are- ever open to embrace all lovers of our tare and good government! . Hurrah for our ticket, Slate, Judicial, County, Town ship, the elected servants of the people, be as faithful to your masters as they have been true to yon, and North Caro lina will honor and bless you now and forever t 7 J. W. Sandkus. 1 The quicker yon stop a cough or cold the less danger tbere will , be of fatal lung trouble. , One Minute, Cough Cure Is the only harmless remedy that: gives Immediate results. You will like It. F. 8. Duffy. ' ' .. ":: ' . , .,. . . t ' f ' n' I'aaa ii ' ' ''' ''" ' ; Clearance White Goods Sale. ' . Monday and every day this week, all sessonalile goods at special bargains, 6c., quality lawn alio., 10c. quality at Sc., snd 10c. kind at 13c, yards, also 10 yards best yard while bleaching 73c. - , . o, A. BAhvooT: , If yiu want a cold coca cola, sherbet, or glass of cold soda, go to Davis' Foun tain, v.' - , .: ; , EW PBRNB NATIONAL CKME-ti-rv Itoartwny. IMpot Quartermas- ti r's Ollli e, Wnliintonj 1). C, July 24, III0'. Scaled proposals. In tillihcate, will Im received hern until 3 P. M., Au iiiihI H, ll"l), for rephinng roadway inen lloned nl'ove. FceeiMcnliona here nnd at cemetery. U. H. rcaf-rvea rihl to rn-Ji-et or ar ep nnv of nil liidn, or any .-rut llb.-rt-. f I rivi l(in'S c-ntnlmcK H Mn":t U olinii mI I.e nmrl.ed ' I 'ropofld p for i 1 1 -) N. w I'.enje Huuilw ay," ad-lie l T. K. I i' ' !', it. M. Portsmouth Corned F'ullets, fC,' '-. 'f'"'v P':P ,- ' r. " A 'Nice Lot Just Received at J. L. McDaniel'sJI Broad St. Also a fresh lot Whole Dried Codfish, and nice Irish Potatoes. Fulton Market Beef and Small Hams. Nice lot Jellies in glass jars, 10c each. Pure apple Vinegar and Spices. Full line Canned uoods. Give me a call. Respecttully, 1 I j. l. mm. 2 'Plioiie 91, PLANTERS Opening Sale, Wednesday, Aug. I. The Pluntcr'a Warehouse is locati'il in l.hii Im iiiii'ss pitrt d' l.lio ci t v and the finest Warehouse in the State We will have plenty of liuyeis with plenty of orders for all the Tohaifoo in this part, of the State. It is the aim of the management tn give his personal attention to all sales and to see that yon are well looked after when on the market with tobacco. Our motto is "High Prices ami Personal Attention to your in terest," Free Stables. Come down to the opening sale, and we will try to please you. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. REAL ESTATE! City Real Estate bought and so.d on commission Collection of Rents for those in the c ty as 'veil as those living outside. E. i:. II AltPEIt. GOOD NEWS. This man has heard of O. H. Water's & Son Whalebone Buggy and he is going for one. . This accounts for his speed. Thev are reliable hand made bueiries. Try one and be convinced as others have dono. Yours to serve, G. II. Waten, A Hon, Phone 185, 78 Br wd Street, Hey, Xhete! Where's Your . Belt and Lamp ? Don't be "run In".. : "A stitch In time saves nine," and sometime may savs yon ten (10) t ., i" . , Don't put it off, but call at ecet and invest the necessary amount In Good LAMP A NO BKLLIrr'''-.;,' Tires and Repairs : In Abundance. wn. thilL,; 01 Middle Street. Oppwl'e J nrnal Office S. Q. ROBERTS, ' Whoh-aalo Deolor In - - Groceries, Provisions, Conrc (1.k.'!h - '. , f Acy J .s:, ;;..i. T..! .f all (;-. ! i'lmfT, &o. I ' - r ml aa Wholewale Grocer, 71 Btri,:-1 Nf. g WAREHOUSE We Have a Car-bad of Cotton Gins IN STOCK. A full line of Cotton Gin BeHing, Oils and Supplies, Hyman Supply Co., Phono 62. , 49 CRAVEN 8TRERT Notice ! ' ; The only man there be. ' 1 Not Left, Come See. ," A No. 1 Real Heart Hand-made tnd Sawed Shingles always on band, vLalhs, Carts add Peggies. , Kiln Tar and Fat Ltghtwood Posta. i AH kinds of Stove Wood delivered to yonr door.' o .- Two Stores to let and booses to tent all the time, ; ; . Lime to rctaU or by the barrel, i BIG H11L.: Tts Iflifle Hai M fWkX..i ' ,u Jj viit! mi n mm - YOU'LL SEE : ; at s glanoe that our Spring Woolens atrlkt the top notch In the variety of er ' tlstlo pntterna. What a suit Is made of ' " and the way it Is made Bp are the two ' t ' important dreaa polnu. vve have no rivals In elllwr rerct. Onr work Is not Imitated snd onr di. hj of fabrics ' Is enclusive. Order now.

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