VOL. XVUI-NQ. 115. s J 4 I NIW 'BIRN, K. C, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1 1 . 1 000. NINETEENTH V K A If 4 IV is (V to to 1 PERFECT BLENp,;TEA;;;;i Only lOcfcr 1 - Will refund your money il you are not satisfied alter using. to JCJ. -3- Ca..A.W '-tifc W JEJUNI ; yy 47 & 49 Pollock Street. I I 40 33 After-Dinne Give the meal a fine finish. There Irt nothing dainti.r for deeeit than Farina, Rice Pudding, Jell eu, ami Faucy Crackers. Everything in this line will be found in our stock, which presents an eihaul ive definition of "groceriee". The whole world is taied in mi king up I Ilia supeib arsorlment of food specialties. Yon must see to ap preciate, Huvc just recoived a bit; lot of FrVali (Joined Portsmouth Mullets, Also a fine lot of Nicely Cured Hams. Give ua a call and we will do our best to please you. Yours for Business, J. R. PARKER, JR GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. J Prompt Delivery If you want s good cup of and yon will get it C: Thii coffee ia equal to any low of price. r Alwny Nvrenm By our Fine Tools tor carpenters, mason and painter's nse, tells bis fcllew workmen that at no place In this town ran yu And swrh thorough satisfaction In all kinds of mechanic, tools as ton ran rlht here, where nrtblnc U kepi but a superior grade and One bristle of the best manufacture. And-we also have on band large atoc.lt of "wrn Windows and . IJ.r, whirn we are now solng io sell at cost and helnw e t In order to make room for Fall Oools. , A' Mechanic That ' , 4 lb. Package: Hiiw VI y - Delicacies I 5 From Dunn's Youcan always expect when you order your food supplies from this reliable store. We can tap ply every demand of a first .class family trade with the Choicest ' Stiplo and Fancy Groceries, Rel "iih'M, Pickles, Sauces, Ollvei, Fox ' Rirar Print Butter, and Pig Hams at R tck Bottom Prl s. We make a specialty of high gr . la Toes an ijOoTTees. Our Perfection Blond, Coffee is Fine, Price Only 20c. : delicioos coffeebtiy a pound ' :.'( r. , ' 1 coffee in tnrmayket, regard- ' ' -....,:,.,.,,.':. V.'r- . -: V Hot Weather- Shirt Bargains J 3, In . Monarcl ' .) Iegitge;. U m r $1.00 SHIRTS cr 80p. $1.60 '.$1.16. ': ; Call at Once and ; Make Selection at R. II. BAXTER'S 5 Middle Strtet A Good Telephone BF.ItVICE IH A nUHlNEfIS '"NKC1CHHITY, A IIOMK CONVKNIENCK. A COM BINED . . . . , , , C -m: 7. : ! ? V- r I 'it' - butler on rat. Populists "WHLVote To ' Salt " - Themselves. - . - rorpnrallva . CoaiaiifslhB te M't Jh" -v;aylier . Treabif, ' - Ootma HiU luleresl. ' t , Sluaoa a Nt-f re . In Aaltwual - t Pollllos. . HfHl to Journal.. - r 'lttfcioiir - Aua IfX Senator But lei aS e.lilorUHv 1n lilfnwr hcjri A'i 'tM lii flhi Drmovrai le papers tht Tiwn a orae down av-onr Candidate ' fot v jct'-Presliltuit and will not accept nui lomlBsllor.. - Hrf may have the right tf refuse oitr nomiaatloa but ho cannot as ume the right to say whom ' we shall vote for. We see ll cbarged In Demo watlc papers that Towne' has bad tb. inuui-e of a cabinet position and If ii .ixiuld be tbat of secretary he can record he fact (hat the populists will attend t their ow'n business." At the ueit session of the Cbrpoiatlon Couinilsslon, Ang. 18 the matter of th. ilasalficatloD of freight In general wil 'ie considered. The Southern, Atlantli Coast Liue and tleaboanl Air Lloe will there be represented.' These system isve recently Issued s new Inter-slatt clatBifloation and the roads are applying it from point to point In this State, o this shippers In North Carolina hav made complaints to the Commission. Tin latter may adopt the new classification or adhere to the old one. Some of lh rales of the newer are higher- and somi lower than those of the old one. The Seaboard Air Ltue files In the United Bute District Court here ex ceptions to the report of Special Mattel Eugene 3 Martin that the order of tb Corporation Commission making 10 ton if fertilizers a minimum car load, wai J i.l and reasonable. The are two widely differing state nents as to the necessity for sending . troops to Bayboro last Saturday night; one .that they were needed and that tbi act that they were sent for dispersed i- mob; the other that there was no mob, tnd that the call for troops wasaslandei ind s libel npen the good people of Pam ico county. It Is a queer complication The Democratic 8tate Executive Com nlttee Is expected, to meet here, abom September 1. The State Chairman will ipeud ten days or a fortnight at Beau ort. Slate Treasurer Worth has gone to iligh Point to attend the great "yearly neeilng" of the Friends or Quakers Al this -there wilt be at least 6,000 people Sunday.' There are delegates from all the Other great centers of Quaker life Id this country. It Is expected that a number of young women will avail themselves of the op portunities offered by the textile depart ment at the Agricultural and Mechanical college bare. Hand looms have been or Jered for the designing department 8to- lents will study the principles ot weav ing, and the course of Instruction will include carding, spinning, weaving and lying, A dye house will be added. - North Carolina has more cotton mills than any other State, and this textile de partment will be the eentte of a new line of development, The electrical engineer ing building at the college la nearly ready fot use. - It Is 80x50, and of brick, wbioh vera forwarded bp Superintendent Day of the penitentiary. tp whom the college feels nader particular obligations., la this building there wl be ten dynamos of different types, all tor purposes of tod- The college will, perhaps next year hare a blast furnace for melt .Democratic Slate Chairman Simmons btn asked If the negro, question er olor Has was to be an Issue In National politics la, North Carolina this yearw plied; "Tbs National campaign In North Carolina will be made on the Issues, for mulaied by , tne- Kaasaa' City plat form." i )::, t:iiii:i":i'ji: rii - It II reported. tb Cyrus Thempeon who was the Populist nominee for Gov ernor but was taken down, said y eater day he Intended to .Tote fo McKJnley. Chairman Simmons said he had been so told, and he added tbat he thought as a rale the Populists In . North Carolina will vote for McKlnley. He aays ht does not .think over 1,000 .Populists voles were oast la the Slate eleeiiea last WSek. tt.y-tn ;. t L v s:l ' THE MARKETS. The following quotations were recelr- ed by J, K, Latham", New Bern, N. O. r- BWYOaK, August 10 CoTTO;- t Aug., A ' Bept.i. Ppen. High. Low, Close 8B0 9.13 . P.90 8.40 8.18 8W 8K.1 8.33 888 8.40 . 8.S0 ' 8.13 '8.18 8.14 8 63 Oct 8.20 8.11 8.4 8B2 8.81 8.87 ian,.'. '-ch.:..if..; WHKAT!- . Bept Cobk:- t Bi-pt.'..r... Ho. H'y I'M., T 0 !..", ... Fed.S. ... . Con. T. Leather .i. , Cotton rr-i r f iris. ,8.18 Open. .. 81 High. Low. Close 81 . 80 8IJ ...a ,.- r :. Were 1,00 laics at al It will mi Absolutely Fare Made from most highly refined and healthful ingredients. Assures light, sweet, pure and wholesome food. ROVAl BAKING POWDER CO., IS IT POSSIBLE? Tbat Li Hung Chang: Is To Offer Peace Terms. V aother Jatexgave From Minister Conger. Germany to Send Twen ty Thousand Additional Troops. French Troops "For Protection At Shanghai. Special to-Journal. . WaaHiHOTOH, August 10 Minister VYn has delivered another mesaago from Minister Conger to the Slate Depart ment. : .The message is In cipher, and says the Minister Will not leaye Pekln, though urged to do so. as that wonld Jmean the massacre of 8,000 native Christians.' It Is also said that the other Ministers o Pekiq will not leave without Instruc tion from their governments. Bbbmh, August 10-8peolal Germany has decided to. send twenty thousand additional-troops to Chins. Five tbout aad will leave at once. ' Field Marshal Count von WaMersee, Who la to be In supreme command of the Allied forces In China, sails on the 22nd lost.- , jf London August 10. Special. It is reported the Emperor of China has oi dered LI flung Chang to negotiate terms of peace with the Powers. . J .Two' thousand French (roops areoi 4ered to protect the French eelllemeni at Shanghai. (. : . " ' , .. , The Chinese, usually lacking In the tactical skill of modern armies, appear to be snqulring it. They are now s dously threatening Tientsin, the base of the alllea, which is garrisoned by a small body of American trooper. As most ot the allied troops have advanced to the front, the thlness move may. serve to draw them back.'. ,- - ,., .. '' - ' i . ', Official advices received In: Washing- Ion yesterday stale fiat , Yanguun . was caplnrud by the allies last Moaday. This place Is 18 miles northwest of Tientsin- and 7 miles northwest of Pel tsang, where the allies won a battle oo Sunday. The Americans lost about 80 killed or wound ed In the attack on Yangtsun and many were prostrated by heal and fatigue.",, A dispatch to the London Dally Express says the total loss of the allies was S00 and tbat fonr hours' heavy fighting 'pre ceded their victory, v', .' - ' : Yanglsna Is to be used as the- allies' advanced base for lbs movement on P kln, SO miles distant. General Teraucbl second in command of the Japamse troops, Slates In a dispatch to his Govern, ueut that the real advance on Pekln will ' begin Angint 11, hy which lime the allies ' will have assembled a force of 60,00 1 1 men.- Il Is believed that the capture of. Yanglsnn Is only s preliminary and thai ' the town will be equipped as an effec tive liana by August 15, o thai Hie real advance lu force on IVkln can begin al that lime. . i r. a it .' 1 r J i ; 1 ( '!,- ., l i Housekeepers must exercise care in buying bak ing powders, to avoid alum. Alum powders are sold cheap to catch the unwary, but alum is a poi son, and its use in food seriously injures health. 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. Candidates in Chicago. Chicago, Aup. P. W. J. ISryan, his wife ami son, the rilcveuson party. Gov ernoi and Mrs. Thomas, and Thomas 8. Marliu, Sergeanl-at-Arms of Iho Ndlion nl Convention, arrived over the Big Four in this city at fi:'IO p. in , today. Mr. Bryan atad party were driven to the Auditorium, where Mr. Bryan will re main lor sevoral days for the purpose of consultatlou with Chairman Jones and members of the National Commit tee regarding the conduct of the cam paign. When Mr. Bryan leaves hero he will go to his home in Lincoln, where In will remain during the halauce of the month tomorrow Mr. etevenson will pro ceed to Lake Minnetonka with his fam ily, wuere no wtu remain for some weeks. The quicker you stop a cough or cold the loss danger there will be of fata! lung trouble. One Minute Cough Cure is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate, results. You will like it. F ft. Duffy. ALWAYS BUSY! -Filling orders with bekt buggy made for-lbo money. If you are going to boy we can-save you tln.00 In your deal, sale or trade, (tome to see us and we will show yon best stock In the city. T?nr' to serve,":': . '. O. If. .Watem Sc Non, , Phone 185 j ' , , 78 Broad 8treet. ' ;.CIIy OrtIInnnec.2 ' Be II ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the city of New Bern, Section 1., That all persons are- pro hibited from riding a bicycle on' any of the side walks of the city In that portion of tbe city whloh lies eastward, of the wealern line of George street, "common ly known as ihe Macadamized Road," and southward ot Queen street. - ' - Hocllon 1. That no person shall ride a bicycle on any of the side walks- In that part of the city whloh lies westward of Broad street and aorthwsid 'of the southern line' of Queen street except npoa streets which have not been shelled All violators of tbe above sections shall be pnnUhed by a One of 1.00 for each offence. ' . ' .- . ; .T; .', -' Hectlon 8. Be It turlher ordained, that all persons who shall ride a bicycle up on any of the side walks as above perj mlttrd shall not ride past any person who Is on foot on the aide walk but shall npon approaching any person who shall bewalUlngor standing on a sidewalk dismount from the hlcyclo al a distance of not Khb than ton feet frmu lha per son approached, mid shall not remount anil continue to r 1 . 1 o until Hid person so sinndlnr; or wiilklug shall tin pimied. All vlnUtlons nf the reulaiions rontalned In He 1 len 8, shall 1m punished hy a fine of tl .f- l. !'- '!!. .11 4. f. !1 "inwr, (.infl.-linrr '!, c,.' I.- ' y t -.' 1 Breakfast Strips and Just Received. A!so a fresh lot. Whole Dried Codfish, and nice Irish Potatoes. Fulton Market Beef and Small Hams. Nice lot Jellies in glass jars, 10c each. Pure apple Vinegar and Spices. Full line Canned Goods. Give me a call. ' Respectfully, I -as f J. !.. McMIEL 2 I'linne 91. PLANTERS Opening Sale, Wednesday, Aug. I. Tli Planter's Warehouse is located in tlio lnniiifss pari, of I lie city uul Hie finest Wureliouse in the State. We will have plenty of Imyi-rs tilli plenty of orders for all the Tohiicoo in this part of I lie Stale. it id the aim of the management to give his personal attention to all .ales and to tee that yoTTftre well looked after when on th'i market, with ;.olacco Our motto is "High Prices innl Pergonal Attention to your in terest." Free Stables. Come down to the opening sale, ami we will try to please you. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. REAL ESTATE! City Real Estate bought and so.d on commission Collodion of Hcnts for those In the city as 'vell as those living outside. J. K. HARPER. TRENTON HIGH - SCHOOL. Prepares for Life, College or Business. Literary, Business and Musical courses emphasized. Six well equipped teach - Mrs. 15R Students. Religious atmos phere. Prohibition town. Health good Highly endorsed. t70 or $100 per year total cost. Begin Sept. 5, 1000. Address W. H. RHODES, Prln., Trenton, N. C. iliBook Store j Attention! School Teachers and School Chll- dren, we are headquarters for all j kinds of School Books and School S Buppllea. - . Ig VG.;N; ERnett. J w-w FRUITS JARS I :: Jellyumbjers; Tobacco Twined v' ;OirKTOVEiiLC-:;. - Closing them tint A few .Wlekless "Blue Flamo" and other oil stove. , 'Chimney Stove 5o, ; ' ! - V' II. E. WHITEHTJRST, 45 Pollock s"treet,' New Bern. N.'C. Lombardi's : ; Orchestra FnrtilHh Musia for BuIIh, Kerciiiideg, Privnto I'unees, I'ic-N'ics, Evcnrtiions, etc., at fchot t Notice nnd Terms Vr ' .imMi'. Aj'ply to !'' 'I l.VHA! I t, Small Pig Hams 71 Krs.r'1 Si. WAREHOUSE To Tobacco Gioweis. We have a com plete line of . . Tobacco Thermometers, Tobacco Knives, Tobacco Twine. And solicit your Orders for same. J. C. Whitty to Notice ! The only man there be. ' Not Lett, Come See. A No. i Real Heart Hand-mide and Sawed Shingles always on hand, .. Laths, Carts nnd haggles. - Kiln TAT and Fat Llghtwood Posts. AH kinds of Stove Wood delivered to yor,door. , .Two Stores to let and bouses to rent all toe time.' . : Lime to retail or by the barrel. BIS HILL; lis Mi M 'ills ' .- .),' 4, ' Al a Biance mat our Bonos nrooiens ,.. strike Uis top notch In the variety of ejr t-. ;tlo patterns. What a suit is made of : and tbe way It il made np are til e two ',' important dreas points. We bar 00 rlvi.ls In eiihor r. e t. Our work la T not lii.ltuie.l sil our d'-ply Of fabrics ' ',!!.n!r.::"