THIi JOURNAL. patl)ib.lirH ia) tV)ih.v etcept f.' ,:r-V-NS, -r 'MiiTiON KITES. ii. r in advance ......... . ...$4.00 1 1 ii. n'l'diit ...v...., 5.00 M..,.iM hi -nin- ii -tlii" .rltv ,.. .!" I time fiirnlahed nn tppll- ... Cat'o i hi r-it ki i hi- IVi offlt-e. New Bern, N. ' l im ttinr. pnt, hi uf flew Bern and rm '"inty. Nr linrn. . ( .. iu. II. luUtf. WILL II bVtR tuASLf I iiipMu.. Iwtrl.i e. hoii I' been ip'.niM'il 'hi l:" linlm-lila! i'uni-bii-l i Imili r mini fur llie il t could been found dut he never would h ip lieeii appointed if lie badu'l hreiihiimii in tiut'rt pronounced lin piirlnhhii,: viewa coupled Willi beliel lliii i n' . ouiiiry'a salvailou from the dtiiuiiiiluii oowwowa depends on the gulil i-landar ." 'l i t' al'Ote o" item ! K'l' If the romi 1- the Slate preaa, aud the fact tllM il I" lti!eu flt'DI in ex lii g , pn'-llslii-ij In n city wbi h bat c illeil fur out gill! capital to oonie iu-aud help develop ment lis local resouicea, shows why that city cannot secure outside assistance, wht-u It seia uu a political barrier, and demand a u-siiicied privilege uf expret sion. Before In these columns, Ihe JOURNAL , hag commenced on the splendid bullae i character and zeal of Mr. Tompkins, of Charlotte, and congratulated North Car Una, and especially Charlotte la the pos- j session of such a man, who gave en courageineul to home enterprises, tnd whose good Judgment and assistance have been sought In several Bout hern States. Il is by such a man as D. A, Tomp kins, that a State gains in reputation, and not by the political leader who can never get beyond "strict regularity," which is limited to the length that the party whip may reach. The "crime" set against Mr. Tompkins' name which calls for a species of petty blackguardism by newspaper which seek prominence by the pulling down process, is that the gentleman' reputa tion reaches beyond his city' and Htale'a boundaries, ao that the gentleman re ceives an appointment, worthy of bis ability and character, and from the Re publican Administration, the only one which could grant the appointment, tee ing It is at the bead of the affair ot this country at the present time. But the contemptible part la, that Mr. Tompkins must, be-defamed, n.Qit.1 placed in the aame category aa the poli tician whose opinion is ever purchase able by gift or office. To those who would detract from the unsullied character of Mr. Tbompklas, no fling, no mean Insinuation, t too low to be employed. The very fearlessness, the freedom of thought and expression, characteristic of Hr. Tompkins, has made him the tar get for just such slur at the above. It I too much to expect of the promoters of such Ignoble Items, that they shall ap preciate a nu of sterling, worth, one k ho has tought the upbuilding of. North Carolina, and the betterment of bit fellow-man. Il It enough that a mas baa) preserved his Integrity of opinion, and not been afraid to express himself. That 1 all, bat it I enough, lor the would be pollers down, who Impale only tuch honesty to others, a they themsel ves possess, whleh Is nose. . It Is enongh to keep down the free dom of thought and oppression which some one 1m may . with, . to glvt forth; It I enough lo. drl recent of the State any telf-fetpeetlng man who can not but feel the .malice and bateaese, which dlreota tuch a publication, ' and pliret tuch aa lnlnprstattoav,,oa, aa honest man's position and action. , . If inch a ma at Mr. Toapklat, Ii aot tafe, where It the Mingo whhln the Bute's eonflnet for any oat, who thrf dare to speak or act la a taanaer aot In accordance with a "strict political regu- , larllyr ' ' c ' f s X 1 i W f f f p flh J" It. at .i V 4 Itartiflr.laJiy . Nature In sirei . atrucilng the t gana. Jt la Mia i. ant and Ur J - can it"T. i j i 1 r- st.ant,, f J vfwrHi! I ianr h it J all Of i j If. t, I At dinner party tbe other day a well known and deservedly popular dramatist took a lady down to dinner, neither knowing who the other was. Aa a subject tbe theater was started, as It la so often under similar circum stances, 1 cant think why they have reviv ed that piece at the King's," the lady said. "I never liked it, and If a so worn that I should have done better than tbatr - "Yea," the dramatist replied, "per haps so. It waa one of my first pieces, however, and I had not bad much ex perience when I wrote It Let. a change the subject" - v - " . The lady waa quite ready to do ao and wished, no doubt that she bad' known who ber neighbor was. He presently said: "Are you Interested In the Fenton caser speaking of a cause celebre that waa In progress. 'Tea. I've read all the evidence," was the reply. "He'll lose it, of course," tbe drama tist went on. "He never could have bad the faintest chance from the first If a a marvel to me bow any lawyer eonld have been Idiot enough to allow such a case to go into court I" "Well," answered tbe lady quietly, "my husband waa the Idiot kefs change tbe subject" 100 Reward, 0100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there It at least one dreaded disease that iclence hat been able to cure In all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall'a Catarrh Cure It the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution al disease, requires a' constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh ( ore Is taken in ternally, acting directly on the blood and mncout surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have ae much faith In its curative ipo wen, that they offer One Hundre I Dollars for any cage that it falls to cure' Send Xer list of testlmon ials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toleds, 0., Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. aaorlaeed the Muaiauke. Thomas B. Heed at one time wore a mustache of a few strangling hairs. so often seen on the. upper lip of ex tremely fleshy men. Mow Mr. Reed parted with his hirsute apology can best be told by a certain barber Id the bouse of representatives who attended the gentleman's wants: "One day tbe big man from Matnt? settled himself In the barber's chair and requested a shave. When the operation was completed. Mr. Reed straightened himself and asked. 'Have you any of that old fashioned pomade to wax mustaches with?" "The barber bustled among bis pots and jars and- produced a French prep aration In vogue, a quarter of a cen tury ago and then proceeded to wax the ends of the Maine statesman's few wirelike ibalrs. . "Wheai tbe man of snapshot sentences arose and contemplated himself in the glass, be turned to the astonished bar ber and;snld, Cut this blanked blank mustacbr off, for you have made me look like a confounded catflsb.' "New Englandj Home Magaxlne. OM Teeih Bow. The following curious advertisement recently i appeared In a Loudon paper: "Old False Teeth Bought.-Many In dies audi gentlemen have by thein old or dtaustd false teeth, which might as well be turned Into money. Messrs. R. D. and V B. t of (establish- ti since, 1833), buy old false teeth. If you sand your teeth to them, they will remit -you by return post the utmost value or If preferred tbey will make you tbe, beat offer and hold tbe teeth ever fot your reply, If reference Is necessary, apply to Messrs. , bank era, Ipswich." . . v ' . IsBttreealm Cerreet. "Dlngaaa, didn't I lend you flO a month or two agof "Bbadbolt you did. If you bad a good business head on your shoulders, yon would be able to .remember a loan like that with absolute certainty and wouldn't;, have to aak anybody about ft" ,4.!:-,. - . .:..( Frown and passes on. Exchange. i V l,tk Air.. This cyclone story Is vouched for by the Minneapolis Better Way. It , la that a cow which was picketed on a rope was picked op by tbe cyclone and, cameo Bp tbe length of ber rope, about to feet where the remained until tbe .storm bad passed, when she quietly climbed down tbe rope and resumed her grating. , -i , " 1 .'''i,-"--,v ' Berne Palailasj. ' A good scene painter may get any- wnere worn moo to slow, for a scene. The average price paid to the best half aoaen teue painters for a scene la $000,1 But there area great many more painted for 1100 than 1500. At soon at a married man gets a Laaaafoitable home built he begins to worry bis wife by talking about Bell ing It Indianapolis JournaL ; There 1 nobody quite to busy as tbe editor wfco tries to publish a ten psge newspaper In a four page town- Washington Post - ' ' tMlkinar. :" "" no-Look bare, Matilda, I'm qnHe snch an Idiot as I look I - not , Bhe (soothingly) No, desr; I'm sure you're not I Uothert endorse It, eliililree lib" Ii old folks us it. Ws raf r to Our M!m nie wongn uure. will iiuitkty nit 11 throat nd, lung iM-ii' I'v. F S Duffy. CAf UDIME . CURES- - I.IL1DAC 1 & NEURALGIA. li ' 1 and BOo Cottle. . ij V- af'-. f 111 s rf fm" I j . "Tl7 77'tm'i : J j Aj VajssaV ,.. td Simd a 1 are overcome by LytZaEm Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Fifty thousand happy women testify to this In grateful .tetters to Eire PInkhamm - ' Menstruation ' - la a severe strs: on av wo- an's vKaZfr. , If It Is painful something la wrong whlon : II E. Pinkham't VegttaUaXnBpowai Villi promptly mat rllf tt exoesslva" or Irvczs&r write to Klrsm Plnkham, Lynn, Mass., foradvloe . Evidence abounds that Mrs Plnkham's and medlolaa hasm, for many yoarahamdhal3Lln& women to be strong, tsod other advloals so un varylngly aomrato am other medlzlam ham smeb a record mlouram , - - i ' The oou lis will back us up in making ook pay for all the china she f mashed tort's." ,' " That may be, imt the courts won't hunt us up another cook " In India,, the land of famine thous ands die because they cannot obtain food. In America, . the land of plenty many suffer and die because they cannot digest the food thay eat Kodol Dys pepsia Cure digests what yoa eat It Instantly relieves and radically ouret a'l Btomach troubles. F. 8. Duffy. Reasonable Presumption. Father Bow did you come to get ze ro in school f Truthful Tommy I guess 'cause I was naughl-y. y DOES IT PAY 10 BUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for coughs tnd colds Is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles, Wbt shall you do f Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, If possible; if not possible for you, then In either case take the oklt remedy that has been introduced In all civilized countries with success In severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup." It not ouly heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the. germ disease, but allays Inflammation, causes easy ei pectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient. Try uks bottle. Itccommcndcd many ycara by all drug gists fn the world. For tale by F. 8. Duffy. - A Real VaoaUoa. You and your wife don't seem to talk to each other much when you travel. No; we agreed before we started thst we'd get retted. The wolf In the fable put on sheep's clothing because If he traveled on hit own reputaliou he couldn't accomplish hit purpose. Counterfeiter! of DeWItl't Witch Ilazel Salve couldn't tell their worthless stives on their merits, so they put them In boier't snd wrappers like De Witt's. Look out for them. Take only DeWItl't Witch Htzel Salve. It caret pllet tndall tkln diseases. F. 8 Duffy. AgTwd. . Wife-I told the man to tune the piano at 11 o'clock. come and Hmband You mutt' be ' mind- reader. Wife-Why Husband Decaute that It tbe hour I had sel to finish the last chapter of my book, LEMONS AS MKOICINB. ' Bowels. Kidnevt and Blood aa nmnaivri by Dr. II. Moxley, to hia temon Elixir, a pleasant lemon drink. It cure bullous neis, constipation, Indigestion, head ache, appendicitis, malaria,, kidney dis eases, fevers, chills, heart failure, ner vous prostration, and all other disease caused by a torpid or diseased liver and kldaeyt. It it an rttabllihed fscl that lemons, when combined properlv wl h other liver tonics, produce tbe most de- tiraoie result upon the itoncach, liver. bowel, kidney and blood. Bold by uruifgisw. ouo soa fi ootue,.:., ,, . . . . Kav. John P. SMdm Wrlua, . ' Dr. II. Hofley, Atlanta, Gat I hav 1'fen relieved of a trouble which greatly ndangired my life, bv ualng Motley's Lemon Ellitr. My doctor declared my only relief to be the knife, niy trouble I einr ipptndicltl. I have been perms uouuj vu'eu anu a well man. I am a preacher of the M. E. Church fonth Ka sUKi in the town of Verbena, Ala. My brother. Rev, K. E. Cowen icommendnd the Lemon Elixir to me S Jp me half dozen Urge bottle 0, 0. D, tlpy'a Lemon Kllilr. (lured Bid of a long standing esse of ciillis anil fever by using two hoiile. J. 0. HTAM.tV, Engineer E. T-T. Ot It H. . Mmtly'aljimnn f.llitr.' ' . Cnred mc of a ry i f heart dlnra.e and iMiliyiiatmn. rf four )tars' sUmllng. ificil ii ill jpn iWTi-rmil meillr.lne. None Mil Liinim Elixir id nr me any good, 1 t'l.tS l)IKIII, . Co', tlnhe-aham and Si 'l liiiiimi Hts. Savannah, (ia, Mnalrv'a Iinivn Ittlitr. I fully endntso II for nervous prontra. lion, himilarlie linlli'iixtlou ami conmli tlon, hsvintt ufilllwlih moat 'tM no lory rmulia, artiirall on er rtuniiii. a 1 -, 1 fnlled ,1. W. I. hi i.o. West Eml, AtlnnU, (is. HE WORKED DESTRUCTION. A Bassple ef Wsst Falrlr BeaMhy ' feaaiatee Cam Vmvi--.-.-v..-w, A light chain securely fastened on the cockatoo's leg promised safety, but he contrived to get within reach of my new curtains and rapidly devoured some half yard or so of a band painted border, which was the pride of my heart -Then came an Interval of calm and exemplary behavior which lulled me Into a false security. Cockle seemed to have 'it one object In life, which was to pull out all bis own feathers, and by. evening the dlntatr room often. looked as though a white fowl bad been plucked In ,tt. I consulted as blrd -doctor; but is Cockte'S health was perfeetry good eao his diet all that could be recommended. It was supposed lie only plucked blmsullh fat want of occupation and firewood waa recommended - at . r substltutev This; answered: very well;, mud; be spent bis leisure in gnawing sticks of deal only when no one chanced to be In tiie room he used to unfasten the swivl aS'IiIb. Alialn lDntrA. ll rtnncrllniK nm tiha rtand and descend In suareh ot his piajtninga.. when tne nre tiaa not been. llgOited.. t often found bnlf tire coals pulled out of the irate and the firewood Im splinters. At last, with warmer, weather, both coals and wood' were removed, so the next time Master Cockle found himself short of a Job ho set to work on, the dining room clrnirs. first; pullotl ..ont all their bright nails audi, next tore holes In the leather, through - which he triumphantly. dragged the stuffing. At one time he went on a visit for some weeks and', flte up everything within his reach In.that friendly stab llahment. His "bog" for one afternoon consisted of a venerable fenuand a large palm, some library beokst news- pnpers. a pack- of" cards- and-, aa arm chair. And yet every one adores bint and be hi the spoiled child of more than oie famlly,-Cornhlll. LIKED THE POOKHOUSE. Wonld Not Leave It to Go For Money That Bolowtea to Him, "I won't go out! I won't leave hct;e fos anythlncl" Such was tbe amazing declaration of a pauper attendant in an east end Lon don workhouse on .being told by an agent that be wasi entitled to some. money. And the man the son of s post captain In the navy meant all that he safd. Not an Inch would he budge, nor would he sign any paper, and It was only by taking a commissioner-down to him that tbe fund could be recovered. Whether because It was only a com paratively small sum or whether be cause he was a worker, tbe guardians made no claim on It Accordingly, at his request. It was spilt, und two ac count were opened on bis behalf in the Postofflce Savings bank. But, for all that, he continued to remain In the workhouse. Meanwhile be was very nnxlous that nts wife should not know be was alive In fact lie denied that be was married.- His life partner, however, called at tbe agent's office to inquire about utile case, though Bhe begged that her husband might not De told or ber whereabouts. She was In a fairly good position, earning as she did a liv ing by keeping a ladles' school, and once or twice her reprobate husband bad turned up in an Intoxicated condl "Hon and raised a commotion that had scandalized ber pupils. The 111 sorted pair were, therefore, not brought Into communication. Never would the pauper legatee leave tbe workhouse. He remained there till his death, whereupon, having left no will, the money be bad scorned to use passed to bis wife. Casgell's Saturday JournaL Row to Give Cat Medicine. A New York gentleman has a very One Angora cat, and so fine a specimen of her kind that she Is famous in a large circle of fashionable folk. She la not rugged In health, yet she cannot be persuaded to tnke physic. It has been put In ber milk, It has been mixed wltb bur meat It bns even been rudely and Violently rubbed In her tnoutu, but nev er has she been deluded or forced Into swallowing any of It Last week a green Irish girl appeared among the household servants, She beard about the failure to treat the cat "Sure, aald she, "'give me the medicine and some lard, and I'll warrant abe'U be atlng all.l give ber!" She mixed tbe powder and tbe grease and smeared It on tbe cat sides. Pussy at once licked both tides clean and swallowed all tbe phytic. "Faith," said the servant girl, "everybody In Ireland does know how to give medicine to a catt" . , ., teadtnar a Book, , - A writer In tbe New York Medical Journal saya that tbe curved pages of the ordinary book are Injurious to the eye of the reader. . Tbe curvature ne cessitate! constant change of tbe fo cus of the eye as Itjeads from one aide to anotner, ana tne ciliary muscies are under a constant strain, Moreover, the light falls unequally upon both sides of the page, further Interfering with a continued clear field of vision. It la suggested that tbe difficulty might be obviated If the lines should be print ed parallel to the binding Instead of at right angles to It . : '. Golf. The gome of golf was put down by an act of parliament In Scotland In 1841 as s naltaiice. Then fines were Infllrted on ' people who. Were found guilty of playing the game, for It Inter fered with tlie practice of arebcry, aa men preferred wielding the club to pulling the bow. , . ' . ' . ' An Ria1lon, ' ' 'In the treatment of skin diseases It Is snld tlml lite ray of the sun are onlte rflicaclotts. They can't, corn freckles, liowfrt-r.-flrailford Era. Mlll'nna will be spent In politic this vrar. .. W can't keep the csmpalgn going without monatr tny more than wa can keen the body vljioront wit out food. Dynpeptlct nsd to starve them tcilves. Now Kodol Dyspepsia Cure dl goats wi at yon est snd allows you to eat all the food yon wsnt. It radically crtren alomm h trotiblnt. F. 8. DulTy. proceedings of Board Aldermen. ' , Nuw Been, W. G.,Jl l0u I'umuaut to tecess Board atet Ini. sta tion, Mayor I'aUersat), presiding Aldts meu present.V Parbvr, Ussktll. Frty, Uerrck, 'rlowdeo, Davenport, Pblllfpi ami Johnson. ,.-' A lunu of city water and- sewer bond upon wmlim was ailpopiett: Whereaa, on April 8. lttOO, the, Mayor and' Hoard uf Aid sTiiion'of tlwcfiy of New Item, North GacullM, pnated an ordinance; providing, that aa; tleetlon should be held for the' purpose of ttxb mtMwJg to tlie voters or aald city, the qasstloH of Issuing the bundt-ofsald ol, to an amount not eiceeding Eighty Thousand Dollars, for tbe purpose of baying, erecting and couttruotlng a tyt- tern of Water Works and Sewerage In I for raid city under tbe provisions of arnact entitled, Aa act to incorporate the City of New Hern, ratified February SO, im; and Whereas, said election was legally Cilled and held ou May 15. 190 1, at which the total number of voles cast was 620, of wliii'h 4V.) volet were In favur of the iamu of said bonds, that number being mure than a majority of all the votera in saM city r New liern; anil Wlicim-, on June I , 1(11 0, the said Mayor und Hoard of Aldermen of Mew Ultra, accepted the Mo of F. M. Stafford ifc Co., for the purchase of Klglily Thous nwl Dollars of said bonda, at a price not li st I bap par and accrued interert. Now, therefore, lie It ordained, by tbe Mayor tnd Hoard of Alderuian of the city nf New Bom, North Carolina, that llieDegoiiable bonds of said cily be is sued, to the amount of eighty thousand dollars, in deuominatiou of o is thous and dollars each, and bearing date July 2m1, 1900, to bo payable to bearer thirty years from tbeir date, and to bear inter est at the rale of five per cent, per an num, payable semi-annually, both princi pal and interest of said bonds to be payable at the Metropolitan National Bank at Chicago, 111.; said bonds to be executed by the Mayor and attest ed by the City Clerk, under tbe corpor ate Seal of said city, tnd to be numbered consecutively from ens upwtrds. And the Interest coupons attached to aald bonds may be executed with tho fac simile signatures of said Mayor and City Clerk, lithographed, engraved or print ed. And be It further ordained, that there shall be aud there Is hereby levied, to be collected annually a tax sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds aa It becomes due, and the principal thereof at matu rity, which Bald tax levy Is hereby de clared to be and remaid Irrepealuble ao long as any of said bonds shall remain outstanding acd unpaid. . Be it further ordained that all acts and proceedings had in aud about the Issuing of said bonds, including the calling and holding of aald election be and tbe aame are hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. 3. J. Tolson, City Clerk. Upon motion tbe above ordinance waa uoanlmoualy adopted, all presei.t votlug ye.. Boat! took re ess rubject to (all of Mayor. J. J. Toijson, City Clerk. IllnmlnallnK. "How did you like my recitation f" asked the young man. "It waa truly remarkable," answered Mitt Civ enne. "It baa given me a new intlght Into Shakesp' are. s never until thlt evening realized bow much genuine comedy there It In Hsmlel't tollloqn.v tnd Mato Antony't oration.'' Maori wnttin lost their gMfaaiormt after Ihcy broom mothov This k dut teatg kct Th iifw can b ftttttvei bywacj qusstlo If the es wilt during th whole ptriod of prcgnaacv. The tarlkr Its use it begta) th mors pf bcthwiH th thapt net only sortaend salaaan nW' ,J during tht great atram WttlirnM ttdes th skin to conn-act BaiunJiv aharamfd. h keeps taulgntly wrinkl 4 awtty asti the mtncit uaooneau nun taaar fnnWrr imtMr f rksd It that istnt huhntst wkkk hsabhns Mssa and nirvoiin during yttgnaatyt thtrttn i fh taiitnt' ccaautkauisbwogth, m that ah emerges front tU cedent wkktnt aingwt, Tfit rltlla nail tnn ataara Ik a iffaita nf notbtm JxUtt by Us itAwtltatB aad vttotv tU at Sra sttrt tw $1 a eatda, ' Band for oar tnaljr UtaMraUd tuoa Is Dactat atotbera, .. .. .,i4 ; THB BRADFIELD RBQULATOR CO. . - ATLANTA OA " ' ALWAYS Ktlf ON HAND vtiilC taias There la no kind of pain or aohe, internal or oxter 1 rial, that Paln-Klller ivalll not relievo. look our roe imitations and tus- SriTUTtt. THK OtNUINt SOTTLt BtASSTMt HAMK, i PERRY DAVIS A ON. i -a'''?aMI i- s. ftoefiiare SatVpatnJat . A Pale Face Is sfromlnant symptom of vitiated blood. Hoovered wltb ntmplas, th vldwie Is.completa, It's nature's way ef warning you ofyourcondltlon. Johnston's Sarsaparilla ncvenrallt to rectify all' disorders of ma diooo, sngnv or seven, oi tvo atandtne or recent origin. It thirty veers record guarantees Its eftleaey. Bold everywhere. Price 11.00 per full quart bottle. Prepared only by MICHIUAW UMCti OMIPalT, Uatrolt, Hick. Vnll No. I Bridge Bonds of Craven conn I y North Carolina. Notice Is hereby given that seven Cra ven county Irridge Bonds of the denomi nation of live hundred dollars each, have this day been drawn for the sinking fund of said cnuuty In accordance with the act of Assembly authorising thuir issue as follows: Five hundred dollar Bridge Bonds numbered, No. 1.. No. No. ii., No. 4., No. 5., No. 0., No. These bonds will lie paid principal aud accrued in tereat to August ill, 1900, ipou presentation of same, al the Na ilonal Bank of New Bern, New Bern, N C, on or lirfoie the ilUt d of Au;ui 11)00. Interest ou the above bonds will cease on and after August Hist 1900. By order of Die Board of Coinmlaslon- ers. K. W. sham wood, Chairman. August 8th. 1900. nil No. 13. Bonds of Craven County, North Oaro llua. Notice Is hereby given that ten Craven county bonds of the denomination of live hundred dollars each have this lny been drawn for 4be sinking fund of said county hi accordance with the art i f assembly authorizing them iasue as fo! lows; Five hundrod dollar bonds numbered. No. 128, No. 57, No. 181. No. 42, No. 150, No: 182, No. 130, No. 209, No 207, No 131. Thesei bonds will be paid principal ami interest to Aug. ill, 1900. upon presenta lion of the same at tbe Nalloual Bank of New Bern, New Bern, N. C, on or I e fore Auk. SI, 19U0. Interest n the above bonds will cease ou and afler Aug 81, 1900. By order Board Com. E. W. 8.MAI i WOOD, Aug. 8lh, 160a Chairman. Executor's Notice. Having (lUalitk-d as executor of Mrs Annie f. W shall deceased, late of New Bern, N. C this is to notify all persons having claims against tbe entitle of said deceased to preneni ini iii to tne tinner algoed on or before tho 10th day ol Auitust lWOl or this notice will lie plead in bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to taid enisle will please make Immediate payment. This 10th of July 1900. - IS. U. ('HKI)I.K, Executor. Notice of Seizure. Collectors Ofllce, 4th Diet. I Kaleigh, N. C. i Notice is hereby given of tlie t-eizure of the following properly for violation of Internal Revenue Laws: Trenton, N. C, July 2Sth, 1900, from E.L. Hardy by CM. Babbitt, le,mt) UoUeotor, one cojper still. 2 coppei wormty4 fermenting tubs and 28 pack ages containing about 800 gallons oorp whiskey: Any person or persons claiming tbe ttid property nre hereby nolliled to ap pear at my office In Raleigh, N. C, with in 80 dtyt from date, and make claim in the form and manner prescribed by law. or the said properly will be forfeited to the United States. X. O. DUNCAN, Coll. 4 th Diet. N.,C. By 0. M. Babbitt, Deputy Collector, Sib Dlv., 4th Dltt., N. C. " This Aunnst lit, 1or. tOlouthern Rwilway. The Standi I Railway ot the Bt I) Til The DlreoliTin to all Points, V-TEXAS,'-' ; '. CALIFOHNIA, FLORIDA, "CPDA AND "; ' POBTO, RICO.J : i" BtrlcUy Firat-Clus Equipment on all Through or Local Traint; Pullman Pal ae Bleeping Oars on all Night Trains) Fast aud Safe Bohedulee, .' . '., ; ' .1 - t Traval by the Bouthern an4 you area. aored a Safe, Oomfortabl and Kxpedl. lions Journey, " , . Annlv to Ticket Aa-enU for Time Ta blot, Rates and General Information, Of address , F, B. DAKBl, It. Ifc VEHNON, O. P. AT. A, ' T. r, a. 1 Charlotte, N. C. Aahevllb), N. (! ,J M.Ctll.r . Tr Mi. FAt S.;Oassoi, IiV.N; Ma-. W. A. Tuhk, U P A. WARni.':JTON, - - l. 0 LodKe Directory. NEW BKRNCONl l,AV4t6,1niprove i Order -llepta'optia. w t- 2inl , j. 1 4. Thnrodav iihrliK hi 8 i,'. i, k hi IN nn tieHtl'. t. A. Vi II. ia, A -i-ti. I ; (In. i i Brysn, Financier; I Sum kI.uivii rotary. EUREKA LOiHIE NO T, I n n i OllleerS: W. T III I. N tl ; I l I ml. V. (1 ; tleo. Oreeii. ! 'it - .n i K : .1 i c B llill. FliiHiieial wrc mi- i . I n . man, I'rcss. lieiniiiii iimm1 im -. v . Monday Alght at o'clora. CAI.UMKT KNCAMI'MK.NT, M) 1 I. U. I). K. (IIUci'ih: I, . I l l 1 Q Delamar, II I', .1 .1 I'.nxter s U O II Hull, .) W;Ce... II. Si ill-.- V. Oerock, Treasurer. Itei;ulai tnc,n,r ment, iHt, .tnl, aiid 5il. Ill Tlmia.Uv nights in eucli mnnili at ? ;;o iHi.rt. NEW HEKN LOIXtlO No. 1, V II At - J 0 Scales, I'rnl;.l II .Smith I:, . .n.ii,,,. Bec'y; E K Quidliy, Finaiir.):.! h.i'v ffleela In the KtiiL'hi.H o' Ilii'in.iii every 1st aud 8rd Mouilaj i',i(;lil m em-ii CltAV EN I.ODtili No. I ! s OF HAUMONV: Meets Und an;l Wednesday ulg'iia m cncli iu. i,ih m Itounlree's Hall, I'ollm'U .tieet. a' '.'a o'clock. H. 11. Ball, I'riMi.lent 1; ,1 II,.. osway.Hec'y, It. it Hill, . -i- y KNICI1TS OK lloNOK (lli.i-i, K K Jones, llii-talor; I) I, Vinsi.n l!i .inii-i W F Itountree, 1' uiam-im Hi-pini.T Now Berne ,olg No. 448 im-eia tlu-an and 41 Ii Friday n iy hi n al. T: : r u i !.., I. in Itounlree's Hull, hillock mIici-i an'I'on t.i l.iiiiN'r nu. r m , i. n i rv met-l'H .--tieo. Hlever, ( ii liil, , l (, l; nan, I. lout, i 1. Ii. PclleLU-i , I .Mf.i, ; W in .1 iiit.h, uierb ; Kd. Merock, A'cdi.iiiut.i K..-' ular Cuntoimienlti, 'i.l n.ii.i 4 1 it l-inir-nliiv litflila In t-iiih inoiith 1,1 3 t ..'i in'-g E.W. Smallwcod, HKU.Wl IN Ami all Kinds of lOILOIiG MATERIAL. Wire NiUtin.', Sr een l onr.-i and Windows. GLACIER REFRKinRATORS Which are the best. Tliey have but few eua!sanil No Su erior Ice Cream Frcczera. Water Coolers. Michigan Stoves and ltaun a. PalnU. Under Hotel Chattnwka, NEW II Ell IV, IV. V. A. & N. C. R. R. PASSENGER IJEPARTnEN T ! Nkw Bkiin,-N. C, May ill. 1!KH. IC:,li'!i In IVIiii-.-lil-ilil. Tlie following special rates for season (1900) from stations named below to Moreliead City and return in c fleet dune 7, 19C0: KKAKON !' ATI' H I) A V STATIONS. TK'KKT. N 1 1 II I'. Goldsboro f4.00 tl.fiO IjaG range 8 oO 1 fit Klnslon il.00 I lit Dover 2 7fi .110 Core Creek 2.70 B New Bern 2 0 1 "t lilverdale 1 .7.1 .70 Newport HO .i'.-l Deinian and Sunday Stations. Bull 1'liket. Kiiursioii. GoldalKiro I $1 LaOrauge 1 till 1 00 Klnaton.. Si) 0 Dover 7.1 .71 Core Greek 70 7d New Ik-ru WI .(id Newport 35 ill German anil Ball Tickets sold nnU to ten or more on one ticket good to return next morulng. Holiday Excursion Tlckola Hold on Sunday, good only 011 Non. 7 and H trains. UTTIcket Mailt Csuiiot BeKxteuded. These ralua Hiiieraeilea all previous rales in coullicl. Ilataa to Seven Npl-lugii. Bummer eicnrs.ion tickets ((fiuhi 1900) from A & N. C. hlall.,g Koiind Trip for Seven Spilngs, N. C. flounl trip lickela will Iw sold to l.atlrangn. lit partlea visiting the above Spiins al tho following rates of faro fur Ihe roun.i trip: Goldsboro....! .71 New Bern, .. fa 25 Klutton... . .AO lilverdale... 2 75 Dover 105 Newpoit . ..345 Core Creek... 160 Moreliead Cily 3 tin ' Tickets on sale June 1st. Tickets good to return lo October 91, 1900. ' Bataa to Huantnln lleauila. Through rates of fare Hound Trip tickets from Coupon rHallont below to polula named 00 the W. N, C. liailroail (season 1900), Tick els on sale Juno, 1st, 1900, to September 30th, 1900 Inclusive. Good for retura paansge on or tefoie Oct, 81, mti ";' 1 ;, d a! c 0 e -z 0 a To. a," ' t al 1 u.'A (k Hickory ... .18 MU 50 fit 10l0fJ Morgtnlotr .5. 14 88 13 83 11 95 1 1 DA. Old Fort.,.,. 15 OS "14 M 13 S5 1 85. Black Ml.. ... 18 20, 1ft 20 13 80 ia 2(t Atheville. . 16 85. 15W 144S 1.485. not Springs. .18 1) 17 33 IS 95 lit 'J5. . Halet to all other Retorts In Western NoMh Carollna-or Vlrgluia may be.furii Ished upon application, t'hlldieii under . "Ve oi years m aja am inn. , iiiniirii under twelve (18) years of ays'. half l be above raltit., ... ' ' ' , . UDlLL.n. C. A, AT AvBARGAIN - 1,600 Arret tttr Crotily, N. C. . Can out 40,'KiO bi.sea iinmly, . Iirln pine. Fine Trncklng Und i lay ub nf . For termt tnd det tUt wiite , . 4KIt;HTI'.VKf,'. Bouthport, N, 0 10) v o fv Tt T