The Kind Yoa Have Always v in use for over 30 Tears, All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good "are bus '." Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of : Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. v What is CASTORIA ' Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. . It is Pleasant. It con talus neither Opium, . Morphine nor other ' Narcotic , - substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ' and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation . v and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the , Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. . v -, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the The Kind You Have Always Bought! In Use For Over 30 'Years. u , TMC Of NTAUa 9ttPMt. TT MUHHAV VrUCCT. NW YORK tTT. " TF.RM.V iA- , rlUUtKAl C FOR BEAUTIFOl. CrtTtlOPIJf. 1C A!jJ:r 1 J..A-9 M 11 HOLT. OAK RiDt-s;,R0 OF NORTH CAROLINA. The Head of I lie State's Educa tional Svslem. Three academic courses leading to de gree. I'rofesainiial coursed iu Law, Medicine and Pharmacy. Summer 8chonl for Teachers. Scholarships ami I lonui lo Needy ni; j Free Tuition to Can 1011100 ?b. dlj.ito.i for Ministry I -- a - .. I (.iiiiittmr b a (UB mu I Teachers. CIS aludeuts besides 101 in Bummer School. 88 teacher in the faculty. Fo' catalog!!- ami information address F. P. VEN ABLE, President, Ohapel Hill, N.C. fit inity Park High School. Prewar thr igbly for Onllec. Ot- rra couimi in Latin, Orei-k, KnliBh,'l Matbemallo, M. lfincpa. llimtory, Freocb, UeiAui, Hook-keepinR. titf nographj, and Typewrl iag. Excellent library and gymnaainin fnciliUv. Faculty of neven collpa irradna'en. New and elefaiU buildhifti furnishi-d with all mo'lern im provemenli. All of the niat graduation clan of i teen entered collrge. For il lustraled eatalogue, addreaa, .- v J. r. Bint, OcadaiMler, ' Darham, N. O. C1R0LIN1 DISPATCH LINK, AND- JfRBIGHT & PASSINOIB, For All rolatm Xorlh. Tho Steamer NEUSE will kve oo Uondttji, Wedoetuaiji, and Friday Bl-ti p. m. hsrp, nik ing Undiogdat. OrteuUl, arid Bain. ok I Iss4..'..' i.- 7iGH HEAD. Tb o Stir.. Ne i w berne j- Commepfhig July ii(" will li-sTe .t 13 cMork niMHi O't T"i-ly a iJ Frl jtya. niakinx lauitiiii1 Hf f rlrotnl, Bailloke l-Uod .it Hr.n II - id. , ; i f?" Yf lyhl noniT(i not later than one hour previoui to tailing. .. For (nrttmr tuformstion spply to 0 K0, II KN DKIIS0N, Agt.. M. K. Kmu. Co." Mgr., , ' ).(', HuiaiN,0n.Frt.&PaM.Ast . Kortolk, Vs. . '.. RusscH Ilousr. WlilU In Itnitif'irt lx" nreaiiil i"ii at I In- Kiii. II Il.. i.i. Ftrnt (II mu in.i A li'tth lur tv,tn , io. riMiliitf D ) 5 Bought, and which baa been' has borne the slmatnre 'at ana nas Deenmaaeimaer ms per- . sonal supervision since its infancy. ADow no one to deceive you iu this, v Signature of L 4 iron.... naiiemf. FINANCIAL. r. A. Orson, Pres. E. H. Mtajim, V. Pre. U. am. Groves, Cathler." vrrlztzNH' HANK. ob" r-rm"w EmivTr, nr. c Doing General Banking Business, EVbrjary 13, HPa, Huip'ns and I'ndiv'. d.d Profit-", $I3,13.7. Pinmut and careful attention given te ill business cutrnsled to us. Accounts r reived mi favorable leims. Hoard ol Illrwtor.. . Ferdinand Ulnea I. A. MfladOWS, lamuel W. Ipock, Olias. H. fowier, 1. W. Grain or, S. vr.amallwuod. U. Meadows. alia. Dntiv.Jr. Jauies ttedwondj Mayer Halm, Tliomaa K. breen. o.s.rov. j. Heo. H. ITrtB. - w. r.vroccen M.trk Plans ay. F. & M. BANK, FEBRUARY 1st. 1000. Capital Stock $75,000 Surplus, ' 0,00s Oadivind Profit,. 2.500 DmiIU. 102,000 r.1"0 H. Udtlib fremdent. W. H. (jHowiua Viae Pre. T. W. lawy, Caaliier. ' J W. Bidhu, An'i I a liipr. Hiss Browms Hnkh Tel'e1. r IHHECTOB81 Wm. B. Bladei, M. M. Marka, J O. D. Bnulham, I. II. Pullotier, U II. Cutler,' J no. 8utor, W. B. ghadwlckr J. W. Stewart, T. W. Dewey. It collect for merchants," tnanufactar. en and other Hooka promptly at apeolal I rate to ew b. uid make oaickeat re' I turn poMtble. By it liberality and en terprtaiug buBinms method, It in forffhig , to tha front of Kal Carolina' Banking lntlltmll..MA t. I, 1- .il only one which dot not pay iutereat on F. M. Rlmmeii, a. i. trri 1. H. Pos, ,., w ' vE. W. FSB SIMflONS, POU ;WARD, iTTOBNKTS sal C0CNSELOBS at '7 law. c:..' Ottlo 66 Bo, Front Street,, nearly .oppo. ite Hotel i naitawaa, - -t- (Office alio st Balclgh and Bmitltfleld.) 'rraetlft In the eoantmi ot (Vao. T)nplln, J on 9i i m.iow, (jarwrttt ramnno, wan John.ton. Harnett and Wltaon; In the Hi niwiu and KeUeral Coarta, aud wtieraref BrTHa are uaairwi. . . .... i ' ATTOBMKT AT LAW, . -1 'dU Street,' l.awyeri Brltl " BbIKIhs.. Will gtuxiN In the llaiint! nt Crtvtn l)artomt,J(mit,iniMU)'iinii I'bqiiIiio. .U.H UututUM. IMpueM Huprene iMtlrt O Arcliilccl & Supcniilcc Jen 1 0. Luna U do, 1 uiiua Kmly II i Ntlw Quciin, Prlilf of Muiilh'. II rd ml Willie liili a Imtli h-im'- Hml -.H I II nf rtlM-l KI11K li. 1- ( 1 fniwit. lIMd 1 11 1 it In Ih Kis'y I1.111 hi .-.I ln:i l,n ii, :.i ;.., iii ,., itiuii h .-ril, 1.1,1 ! ; r t :,. t .ii n JRiSH TURNS-ANO -TWISTS., J:i, he Beoaoelana H.mnr That Creva ::: Oal ta ike Inle. "' Tbe antlior ot "IrloU Life and Char acter" says truly that one has only to mix with an Irish crowd to hear many a laughable expression, quite in- qcently ottered, ; As. the Duke and Ptiohcna of lork -were leaving Dublin lu 1807, amid enthaslastlc cheering, an old woman remarked: . , t" Ah! Jn't M tiitf line reception they're gettliw gain away?" r " - In 1892 Dnblla university celebrated Its tercentenary, and crowds of vis itor Vera attracted to. tbe city. . Two laborers; rejolcwf at the general, pros perity i expre9ielthelr feelings. 1 "WelL ,TlmJ said' -one, "thlm wt- ctntlnarles. does a, dale for the thrade of Dublin, and no mistake." "Oh, fala they dor said the other; And whip, with the. blessin of God, we get homirrule, sure we can have as. manny of thlm as we plase." An old wonuuvauelng a man pulling young calf roughly along tbe road, exclaimed: -.vr M4 Oh, you bta'Buardt', That's oo way to thrate a fellow crather.", . Sure," sakl W laborer, to a young lady who WRSWglng blnj; to send bis children toscbool, ?1'ddoanythlug for such a sweet, glntlemanly lady as yourself.1-" -- ' .i-...--'.. . Again, the laborers on a large estate decided that It wfiuld be' more eon- venlent for them If they could be paid every week Instead of every fortnight. One of their number was sent lb place their proposition before the land agent, and .this was Us 'statement: v tr.'you please, sir, us me uesire. and It Is also I very other man's desire. that we reeave out fortnight's iay Ivery week.". - -. . . . - An exasperated sergeant, drilling a sqnad of recruits, called to them at last: ' Halt!" JuRt come over here.. all of ye, and look nt yourselves; It's a fiu- llne ye're kcepin. Isn't Itr , . ' ..1 A i-'ii. mi ii JUST A BIT Off LIFE. Pathetle Inaldeal ef the run '' BKepa la he Metnpella. , . Bneaklng Into a small shop hi an ob scure aud poverty ridden locality, tbe man who "wont broke" at the races was reallnln on a superfluous article of Jewelry. A woman ao poor and pliirhi'd In feature, 'so marked with are aud desperation that It made blin feel sick to look at ber, was holding something under her shawl and wait ing tiervouMly until be should have flu Ixhed bis transaction. . Walt on her. She seems to be In a hurry," he said to .the man behind tbe counter, and at the word of permission a carjienter'a plane was produced from the shelter of tbe shawl How much do you wantT" queried the unmoved pawnbroker tnonotonoos ly. Fifty cents, replied tbe. woman. with a gulping In her throat and an eager look W ber eyes. Sne clutched tbe money tightly and ran Into another creature, poor ao herself, but bearing lier troubles In duller fashion. Sue had a baby's clonk, never costly aud much worn, on which she wanted to borrow money, tbe uie sum asj. tbe ither woman had asked for.. The man who bad been offering a diamond felt uncomfortable, 'Cbere. give me $00. Tbe stone's worth four times as much." And. seising the mon vy, be hurried after the, woman who bad Just .left tb shop. He, was not given, to acta of charity.' and be felt awkward, (bs.more ao as the- woman shrank from him as be accosted ber. "I beg your pardon,'! be began, "but .here's fft I have no as for.' Perhaps you"-,. , , ,, No, noP aha cried, drawing further front blm. -a Jif.': ' .- ; For your child,'' bo said gently. My child la dead!" cried tbe woman. with a queer sob, and fled Into tbe labyrinth, of alleys and bywaya that shelters ao much wretchedness. Kow Yockjrtmea. . . Carlaas M.xleaa Laws. They have some very curious crimi nal laws to Mexico. For Instance, it Is twkw as much of an offense to muti late the fore f s woman as that of a mart Tbe law. seem to be based on the Idea that a woman's bast poss Ion Is .her beauty and jthat to mar It doe ber a great injury. - . There Is another carious law. If a person shonld be wooaded In. as en oounter, the punishment to tbe offend er Is fixed by the number of days bis victim has . to stay In tha hospital or nnder a doctor'! care. A Una I fixed at 40 dais la the way f a general divi sion, irtir ipjuVed mas oceuplea' more than 40 days In bis recovery, tb pea aity doubles trt.-;yv''i;'-2,v - 1 BBaaaaai . J - AS Impudent' fraud -waa perpetrated flpon a Manrbester bank by ou of Its rnlomers, : who opened an account with, om fuvr bnnrtreds of pounds, The man, after a few weeks, drew" two rWk. each wltbln I pound, or so of lilt bahnev, and, selecrlnss liusy day, peesviited Oilaiaelf.Jt sue end of tbe ronuler, while an apoonipllce, when he aw Ibat bis frleud! check bad been ranktxV Unndlatety ))Nented bis owo to a cashier at tbe other end. ' Both rasblers referred tbe cberks to tbe ledger clerk, who, thinking lb same csahler bad asked blm twice. , said 'Tlghtr o botb checks. The thieves were m-ver eaught : - B,r" lafr4atlaa . When '.lutnea Whlti-enili ttlley and BUI Nye trawtrtl togvtlirr giving Joint eiiK'rtalnnietit. tbe lmmorlxt had grcsl fun with tbe pot t. : Once. In In tniiliuliig Uilt-y and Idumelf to sn su illenre. Nye reiniT.d.-"I WU1 spp-ar P.TKt slid spenk until I get tired, then Mr. lillry will, succeed me and read from lila own i works Until you tK (Iniii .n sru ilaDKcious enrnile, fo In y me trnachefOM.' .That's nby rouiiL. 1 f in nf DrWIlt's Wltrh II7I ye urn lU.fernna. Th-y look like;!)! Itfn, I nt ail nf th sIlTi.allnir will !i hni I lliey all conluln Initri'illrnl. I m 1 I . In Irrii itr tho nLIn and rsitse llooil pnlii!,iii! For )ii'i , Injuries and lln tlinfa-ci. nue tho oriclnal aiol cntiinp I). 111'. Wll. Il IT,,. 1 (-at, 0. V H. Pi.fTv. r . . f 1 ' I ' g!hiToriurclBabios In a Warm And a single anointing with CUTICURA, purest of emollients and greatest of skin cures. This is the purest, sweetest, most speedy, per manent, and economical treatment for torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humors with loss of hair, of infants and children, and is sure to succeed when all other remedies fail. Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap Exclusively for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the . scalp of Croats, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for soften ing, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, in tbe form ot baths for annoying Irritations, inflammations, aud cbaflugs, or too free or offensive per spiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative antiseptic purposes whioh readily suggest themselves to women, and especially mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount ot . persuasion can induce those who have once used it to use any other, especially for preserving and purifying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and children. Cuti coba Soar combines delicate emollient properties derived from Coticuea, the great skin earn, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower -. - odors. Ho other medicated or toilet soap ever compounded Is to be compared witb it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the ikin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared witb it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in Ons . Soar at Okb Paica, viz., Twkktt-tivs Oint, the bsst skin and complexion soap, ' the bsst toilet' soap and bbst baby soap in tho world. Tha) Sot. BmI, and Cuticuba Kruolvsnt (Me.), lo cool and tUanM lh blood. A BlHttLB 8bt Uofluaiifllolvntto ourUi. moattortarln. dlsfiguri!!, sad boaatUaUDff akll, scalp, and blood kumora, wlln loas of kair, wban all .la. falls. Porna b. ABB a (Jasw BoU rropa., Uoauio, U. 0. A. "All about Iho Bkln, Scalp, and Hair, "fret. About one Imlf of the questions of life we solve: I he other halt solve os. Milwaukee JouruaL ECZEMA'S 1 . : itch is nmagc Bcsema is caused by an acid bnmor In tbe blood coming in contact with tho kin and producing great redness and in Bommation ; little pustular eruption form and discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which Ones and scales oil ; sometimes we iuh is hard, dry and assured. Bcxeas in any form is a tennentinjr, ttubborn disease, sod the' itching; and burning at times or almost unbearable.; the acid burning bumor seems to oosc out and set the skill on fir. Solves, washes nor other exter nal applications do any real good, for as tons; as the poison remain in the blood it will keep the kin irriuted; . v , BAD fOMk Of. TETTCtt:H-i! For Ihre rear I had Tttr oa hit twndt, which'auMa Uwm to mrell lo twice tbcirmttinlattac. fart or th UtM tbe dltwiar ma la the form uf rutv ItiC aorcm, yrry pl rul. aad caaMiif m mvc dlswnmfort. Four doctswa aaid lh Tcrr kmd proffreaaea loo far Lo ba cured, and thrv aoald di Moth.njr fr " aa. 1 yxk oaly lhfe y bottleaors. . ft. and 7 fraai cotnpltty cured, a, Thlawai flfteen year :r Hue. aa any alien of tnf old to1lbl..,, Slas. fc. a Jacaaoa, 1414 McOm SC, Kanaaa Oly, Ma S. 8." 8. neufralU' this acid polsonl cool the blood and restore it to a healthy, natural state, and the rough, unhealthy skin become soft, smooth and clear. ( f - ""j curs Tettsr, Ery. ''pe1". PswiasK Salt , Rheum and all akin Ut j disease due to a pois- oned condition of th blood. Send fo? our book and write us .Unit your ease. Our physicians have made these diaeases a life study, and can help you by their ailvlre; we make no clire for this service. A II convonilenc) il conducted ill strictest confidence, TM Wlff SPECIFIO CO, ATLANTA, OA. 1 . 'ttrlhrll ' ' t ' Bath with Complete External and Internal Treatment tor Every Humor, BOnslstlDf of Conotnu ffcur (Sfie.), to clcanae Uw skin of eraaui and aale and aoiMm tb. lalokvued outlcle. Curious. Oimtvsnt (froo.), lln.II..II..U.hlnu Infl.mmnflnA an.. IcIIbIIai. . .. .u .1 1.. I BLOOD HUMORS Ulcers, Old Sores, Cancers, Eating Foies, Eczema, Etc. Oared by K. B B. Trial Free. tie Ftom Impure blood cornea U sort of pains, scbes and tor, ending frequently in deadly cancer or some curonio sore, If yea can answer "yes", lo any. of I ha following question roar blood I diseas ed sndlmoura. 110 cots or scrstcnes neai siowiy r uoes ' ..... ... ...a. vourikln Itch or bora r nave too plm pies t . Eruptions so you feel sth imed to lie seen In company f Aching Bone or Back r Eczems t Old Bores t - Boll f Scrofula f Kbeamst Ism 1 Foul Breath f Catarrh f Are yon Pale t Do Bcabior Scales form on the Skin, Hair or Hcslp f Prickling PsIdi In tha Holrr All hub Down, set essllr tired, and u tired In th morning as when yoo went to bed f Fluttering Heart f Uav yoa Vloerst Eating Bores r Cancer r , .-. . :, TOCUIIE, - Any Jochsai, reader who snffer fs ad vised to tske s lew isrge Domes 01 n. o, U. (Botanic Blood Blm).. This remedy Is undoubtedly th best snd only perfect nino.l I'nrlOnr mado. B. B. B. I Botanic Blood Balm) ha a record of 80 year of cures, hence in uioronguiy tesirn, Inklnir a few larire bottles of B. B, the blond Is mado pure and rich, all the ores are healed, and scbes snd pains vanish s the mist before the sua. 11. B. U. ho cured over 400 cases of esnocr, many of them pronounced Inenrabls by doctor and sneclalista. Ealing ore, ulcers anil scrofula are healed an that llirv never bother lbs patient sxaln Ee.rema In lis worst form 1 cured by from a to 8 I" ran Uittlca. B. B. U, cures by drslMug the poisons and humor ou nf the Mood. t the same time It build up Hie broken down rnn.tllnllos. Jnr sale bv liriirelst. l per large bo tin. or fl larire bolllin (full treatment) V Comiiletfl illrerlloii ilh each liollln. Be m, rn I tin l.otlln n ails liolanln Blood Halm. Sn siilliirers mny tel II trial Imtlle plvi n away. Ailiin'fS Blond I'.alm t'n.. Allanlfl. Ua T'crrllin symlomi and lien medlnnl sdvice (tlvnn. 8.0 I 1 1 .i.Bi. . iWil I! 4 is.., !... 1 nana pint "I. A ''1y I Atlantic Cnsst line Btilrrai Vf9 &JN?CR R TKA1NS OOINU ' MOb'TH. Q 5r e- c"3 i A V- S ZiS 1 M. P.M. A.M P.M. 8 68 II 5J . .. f. O 9 fii 0 3T, 5 15 12 52 10 f. 7 It 5 M 40 11 IU IS 31 in A M 7 55 6 45 3 80 . . 7 51 4 S5 9 20 1 10 P. M. A M. P. M. . UATKH uly22 1'JO0!"!- I A. SI LvTWeldon'll .'KJ lr. R. Ml. 1 no f.v. Tarbir" Lv. II. Ml. l.v. Wilson l,v. St'lnia. . IjV t'ay villi Vr. Florence 12 i: I i.M I u 1 5 4 lllll 7 i'. M Ar Oo d-... t.v. Go' s.. I.v Mai'lii irWilm I'1-.AI.NS GOIMU NOHTH. O 39 WO J. A M P. M. 7 .T. 0 4i 10 54 ' .Floreuce 9 SO t.v.Kiiy'villo l. .Seloia.. . r. Wilson. i m 2 3: 11 33 A.M. P. M A.M. LvW lm'ton 7 00 8 80 9 35 Lv. Mag'lia 11 10 Ia l.olds. 4 50 9 37 13 26 p. M A.M. P.M P.M Wiumn 2 35 3 lit) 5 33111 33 10 45 11 23 1 18 1 53 If. Ml 0 10 12 07J Vr. Turboro lv. Tarboro' 6 4lt 12 21 T Ly. R. Mt. 8 ao!. 4 32 . 12 07 1 00 A.M. Ar. Weldnn Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 u m, ar- ives Fayc'lteville 12 05 p m, leaves Fay--lleiille 12 25 p m, arrives Sanford 1 43 p m. Returning leave tjanford 2 30 p m, irnve Fayelteville 3 41 p m, leave r'uy etlcville 3 40 pm, urines Wilu-iulou i 40 p m. ftenneltiville Branch Trains leaves (teunettsville 8 05 a m, Maxton 9 10 a m Itt il .-prings il 40 a m, Hope Mills 10 1 111. arrive Fuytltevillo 10 55. Relmn nt; loaviw Fayeibwille 4 40 p in, Hope lilln 4 55 p in, Keil tipnngs 6 35 p in, Muxtou (J!0 pin, arrives BennelUville 15 p m. t'onneclinus at Kuyolloville with train So. 7H, at llnJUiu witb tho Carolina Vnlriii Ilailrnad, at Red Springs with lie Red Springs and liowmoie railroad, I Simforil with the ctcabotrd Air Line ml (Southern Railway, alOulf with Hie Dili hum and Charlotte Railroad. l'rnin on the Hextland Neck ltran:li ivoiiil leaves Wcldon 3 55 p in, Halifax I 17 p m, arrives Scotland Neck at 5 08 p in, uronuvillc li i7 p m, tunstnn 7 nn 0 111. Hiinrning leaves Kiifhton 7 50 a m ireenville 0 53 a m, arriving Halifax at 1118 am, Weldon 1133 a m, daily ex it windu,. I'rAins on Washinislon Rrat'ch leave Wasliiuelou 8 10 a 111 and 2 30 p in, ar rive Purmule 9 10 a in, and 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 35 a in and 0 30 p n arrive WnHhlngtnn II (NJ a lu and 7 .10 1 m, daily nxcepl Sunday. I'rain leaves Tarboro, N 0, daily except Sunday 5 SO p m, Sunday, 4 15 pm, ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 0 10 p m, Re turning, leaves Plymouth daily except itinday, 7 00 a m, ana Sunday M 00 a in, rrives Turboro 10 10 a m, 11 00 a m Train on Mi. Hand- ri (J branch loaves iloldfboro daily, except Sunday, 5 SO a. u, arriving bmitlinolu 0 40 s m, Keturn- ne leaves Hmlthneld 7 3j a m; arrives at tioldslioro 9 00 a m. Trains on Nashville Branch leavos Rocky Mount al9 30 a m, 8:40 p m,arrive Nashville 10 20 a in, 4 08 pm, Spring Hone 11 00 a m, 4 25 pm. Returning leave soring Hope 11 ao a m, 4 no p m, IV ash ville 11 45 s m, a 20 n m, arrive nt Rocky Mount 12 10 a m, 0 00 p m, daily except Sunday. Train on ulinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 1 1 40 a m and 4 20 p m, Returning leaves Clinton at 0 45 a m and 2 50 p m. Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily all rail via Richmond.. B il EMERSON, Gen'l Pass Agent It tLaniJi, 1 ton 1 Manager, T M EMERSON, Trafflo Manager. Henrys Pharmacy, 127 Middle Street. Prepare For War In Time of. Peneev . just received a Supply of LOADED QCNSi Sura death to Roaches, Bed Bug. Moths. Water Bug and all In sects. Will not stain or grease the flnesl (abriv One trial la all that's needed to convince Ika most skeptics!.' A full Una of Toilet Articles, Perfura evy, etc .. f: K n'Ui'V Physiolsn't . oom pounded. '; Prescriptions ' car folly A FREE PA TrCRN ' I fVaaw ewa aatartlnel t tvarv 1 ! asrlkar. Onlr ttt eaau s jcax. A LADIES' JtlAQAZlML I aUt 1 1 (ashioni ; alraayuastina; ro,to i mxy hold hinit ; tKikm, tt. , or, . ac. larr t waatasl, aWaul toe i Z tyllh, J labia, ftlaipla, 1Ta4 lZ 4a, Kcorvnmtcal and AbaolatatJ Z PufsK.-Vm.Mg Papac PaiUraa. : tin.".' aii ' r-Srm- A if r..) TIM tK i Hi; It. ...' . Willi .'Hvui , JHIHt 41 VIM A. At,, li. 'li.irt l-'iift Hem (it i h-. ( Nik S I'kiiu;iii'cf 1 rain. luly i-ili, T. mill' . .I No. 4 Ar. a m ... 11 (5 .... U)-i ! ... j. nj m A tiiiNs: 8.40 ., "01 lirange 4 3- . KuiHlj.u 5 (!.;.. . Ar. Nrw, I.v, 5 5) ' Ar. 7 11.... Ar. Jl.irvlil ,1 ciij .. in :s s i o 7 05 : No. 6, Mi'd V PilHH 'I Mx'd t- A Pass Tu. bTationh: ind III.V Esoi-l (MD4V. Lv. a. M. Ar r A 7 SO, ., 7 14 ' 8f Iiest's 6 49 H 10 LaCiiuoge.. 0 84 Fulling Creek 8 11 Kinstoa i0 08 UaaWfll s 15 Dover 5 00 10 02.. 1020.. 10 30. . 10.50 . 11 53 . U 25 . . i. M. Nil Lr. n. 7 40 . t 0). . sai . 8 5i . ! f.0. . 11 l5!. Core Creek 4 37 Tuscorora 4 20 ...C'larks ,411 New Bern 3 &o Nowpoit j; 4(1 Ar. Morthe.iil tilj Lv ... 2 10 P. M. PiiSM'Iigrr SlilKlaysUirj . . Goldehnro. . Nn H. Ar. .. m. .... 800 .... 1 27 . . . 7 07 .... 0 47 .... 0 05 . . jLudj tiijge . . . . KinMon Dner New Btru Moitliiad ' ilv Lv 4 2 No. 1, t tlx'd Ft. and Pass.Tu. Lv. a m ! Oj No. 2, Mx't Ft. and Pass. To. Ar. p m 33 8ATIONS: . . Uoldsboro. , Beefs ,. 6 63 H 1 1 LaUrange (,2'i Pulling creek 4 6a J 11 .... XCiutiton 4 33 V "i caswcll Is 18 9-10 Ar. Dover Lv 3 00 0 40 fore orerf 2 00 1 15 Tusi'Hioin 1 38 131 clark'a 1 20 '05 At. New Bern, Lv 12 50 1 30 1 v. " Ar 10 47 2 12 Riverdale 10 10 '! o. croatuu 10 00 4.1. , llavelock II 40 ;1 12 New port, Lv 9 00 ! 'M Wildwood 8 47 '31 Allunlic 8 38 I 4t! . . Ar. Mon head l it) , Lv. . . 8 20 1 til Ar. M. cily Depot, Lv 7 5 ' M- a. a. "Monday. Wi'dueiuliiy and Friday. 1 1 ni-Hihij , Tliuinlay and Saturday, M. 1 1. KILL, iSnperinlt idem A flan t iv 'ojLst JiutN WlLUINIll'ON & iNlOW l'.KI'.NK K. UatK TA11I.K No. i'l, uLtteet Wednesday, Aug. 7, lrillS, Daily Kxi ept Munilay. 1 iiiiK S"iiih I sciiemji.K: I fioiii North No. .M, I'ttoHonger Trains "No. Mi, I.v. a in, station:;: Ar. pm. (M New Heme .' 40 ft 30 PnlliK'ksville 5 04 M 51 Mayaville I 4!l 0 02... .. Jat'ksonville 4 13 ,,,0 1 W1lmingU.11, I uu j Union Depot t Si IJ 15 ...Ar. Wilmington; Lv. ... 2 i. e M r m Mi). 3, l'AHSKNOKH & FllKKlUT, No. 4. lave Wilmington Monday, Wednes luy ami Friday, l&ve New Heme Tues lay, Thiirsilay and Halurday. I -v. A M Ar. r M 7 30 Lv. Wilmington, Ai 1 45 8 40 Hcott'sllill 12 55 9 30. Woodsido 13 15 10 05 I lolly ridge 11 40 10 51 Dixon 10 51 11 20 Verona 10 20 12 05? Jacksonville- 0 45 12 30 Nortbeasi. K 55 31 55 Whiterak . 8 30 1 30 Mnysville 8 05 1 15 Pollooksviile 7 80 2 55 DebrtiM's 8 86 8 40 Ar. New Bxsrne, Lv 8 00 'Daily Except Sunday. J. ft. KENLY, General Manarer. BORDKN, v in'. Tranaf orta'lon. ICE OR HOSE USE Clean, pure wholesome, guaranteed to b chemically made from distilled water and free from impurities. Specially In tended and prepared for bnmnu con sumption. . Ioe delivered dally (except Sundays) 8 a m to 8 p m. Sundays (retail only) 7 a m to IS noon , For prices and other informs: Ion, Address, ' , NewlBerne Ice Co - our feeratimiml II we fail. Any on. amltor sketch, aod dncriptlon of any iairanUaa win aroaiptly rccT our opinion free concerning lb oaten (ability of aama.. 1! How to Obuin a Patent" ant upon rrqucat. Patents aKuratt thrausB aaadvcrtisM Mr aaki st oer nncna. ratcuts takpa out through ua apteial KMICI) wiinotitcnarf la imi rATawT aaconD, an tlluatratrd and widely etmlaiM fours!, Sonattltnl by Manufadttrera and InTMtorOi aaaa lor sampw copy rasa., annissa, . ' VICTOR 4. tAN a OO. ' i s . .. Pmteat jLtUratji,) i ..' ... as MHdlac WSSMlNaTON, t). 0. VlMU4 BO VEArV, EXPERIENCE '... AnrrWlM rwllti ar)l''hr ssWKftH tiintnlloT) I fn tl'iittiatrlHlr " 4B.;.I frl, tH'""! I'Hl.Mt! Iti. 11 " r - - ' ! Coir"iiaMT A O. ir .M.tMi.m fra vriiMtiar aM i hi ! it tmts i -i A l u, I i. iu U.a - sV- ; T rft . h li ! Ii a il Mil 1 u'lf ti i'lii-1. "1 i - r it s f ! ' ( or fl.iHi p'-r i - li ( nil or wn t..r 1 V. ' !". 1 I '!! "n ! 'I A. I l ' r, J'...;. I

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