1 i riWrt igigBfiiwi -' ''-' ' .-.' .Mr or AcisPJeJtSantfyjmdJhmptfy: Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive Presents in the mast Mcceptjiblc&rm the laxative principles of plants An own to act most ieaeucil(jr. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MAMrt. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCQ SAN MANCISCO. CM.. -tOUISVIlLt.KY. . MEWYOMC.KK fir salt tf drefristl - prict 50pfrUnU. ' THE JOURNAL. New Bern. N. ft, Ang. 11, .. Index to New Advertisements. City Treasurer's Report. J. L. McDanlel Breakfast strips. Business Locals. A NICE lot of North Carolina Hams at K. R. Jones. WANTED Position as . watchman, night or day. Hare experience. Ad dress W. R. Box m. New Bern, M. C. TUB finest Beer alwayson draught, at JuOOB'8, tfiddUtf-HreeU Schedule of Mails. Arrival ot mails from north and west dally except Sunday, 10:50 a. m.; 5:50 p. m. Wilmington and tbe south 6:85 p. m.; Morebead City 9:00 a. m. Leave. North and west 0:00 a, m. and 8:60 p. m.; Wilmington and south 0:00 a. m.j Morebead City 5:50 p. m. SDK DATS. Malls arrive from north and west 0:40 a. m.; 5:50 p. m. Leave 0:00 a. m.; and 6:05 p. m. The public will pleaae bear In mind that the morning mall for the North and West closes at 8:15 a. m. That the afternoon mall for north and west closes at 8:00 p. m. For Morebead City at 5:00 p. m. Alan that tbe afternoon train carries no mall for Intermediate points betweer here and Qoldsboro. Respectfully. SBYHOOe W. Hamoook July 18, 1000. Postmaster. If something in your bead doth canse That head of yours to ache It can be cured If yon will but, Celery Headache Powders take. Made and sold only at Davis' Pharmacy, A complete line of gold and gold filled watches sold at J. O. Baxter'a for cash and on Instalments to responsible pertles. Jordan's Liver Pills are the best liver 1 pills made. Sold only at Davis Phar macy. Don't fall to see those beautiful flan nel and silk coats at J.J. Baiter's before buying. ' - Tbe Roller Tray and for sale by J. J. Baxter.' Bureau banks Tbe finest and largest lot of spring chickens la the city at the Oaks Market Clearance Wnlte Goods Safe. Monday and every day this week, all seasonable goods at special bargains, sc., quality lawn at 4c. 10c quality at flo- and 18& kind at lie. yards, also 10 yards best yard white bleaching Wo. . - ... Q. A. Banroor: Ice.Cream, delivered to any part of the city, 80 eeaU quart, at Mc8orleyi. Send your prescriptions to Darts' Pharmacy. They will be filled promptly aad ecearetely." r j . J. J. Baiter Is selling his Ribbons, vvnub Figs 11 mil .Lawns, Ladtsa Oxfords, and all sami v foe wry low for tbe eaah. ' -j ' ' Jnst received a lot of fine F.F, V ' V Hams at Oaks Market, , - ' ' If yon want a Sold eooa cola, tberbet, or glass of sold soda, go to Davis' Foun tain. , :' : " .- . ' -.Fresh lot Bmltbfield Uama, JUat re ceived at tbe Oak's Market; ' . Spring Lamb .1 Hprlng Cblckeas,thls morning at the Oaks Market, 1" . - WhenlnBayooroatopetthe Lnptoa House for good araioMBiniliiUoBS CURE YOUR HOADACIIG With CAPUDT ' No bail a'U'r r." u' I'fl, S VI and t,!f. f..t I enry and I vi' J !. -,r.-. T A ttEiRitiAFFAIXS. Hatter tr local Interest In the City and Country. The library of Tie King's Daughter! will be open today, from p. no., to 7 I p.m. , - There ni a good break at tbe Planter Warehouse, yesterday. Prices were quite I satisfactory. The recess meeting of the Road Super-1 visers of the 8ih Township, will be held at the eourt houte at 19 m , today. - The boys who left here on Wednesday i t.oted In these columns, expected- to stop at tbe Southern Railway Company's shops at Bpeqoer, where they would look forworn . " ' Tiir fat t weather jeaierilay Created an n.-M demand fur the watermelon, and he liot loads brought here found pten- tif mrdi sr-. Tbe colored p.u aliuti I iif the nln on tin- dix-k.i Irvrh from lir boat Z- , ' Relief From Extreme Heat. Yesterday was another "hut oue," ibi- alreet thermometers all showing th tern- ralnre lo ranae al 100 rieirrcra, if not above. ' About R:90 p m.. a rain and tbunil. rJ atom came up, which was a great telle;. to iwrr-ptrtng humanity, the temperature ailing to 80 degrees. v .. ' It will probably be warm again today Marriages at ManbeL At Maribel. on Angnal 8th two ' mat' rlages took place, tbe contracting parlies being, Mr. V. D. McCotler and Miss Mary Swan, both of Marlbel, and Mr. Ueo. C'onoway and MUs Delia Alexan der, Tbe Jodrral was. wrongly luformod a the 8lh; and Incorrectly named Mr Conowey and Mtsa Swan, as being mar ried. Tbe marriages above are now reported is being tbe correct ones. Intents of Harmony Excursion. The Knights of Harmony lodge at Van demere have extended an invitation to tbe lodge here, to be present at Vande- mera on August 18th, when some kind of a celebration is to take place. An excursion, under tho management of H. H. Tooker, will be run from here on that date, on the steamer Guide. The boat will leave here at 6 a m. and return same night. Fare for round trip 80 oentt. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. Charles Bsrker of Stella, Is in tbe city. Mr. J. L. Habn went to Beaufort last nlgbt. Miss Katharine Brock Is visiting In Klnston. N, J. Rouse, Esq., of Kioston, was In the city yesterday. Miss Glennle Moody of Morebead,; la visiting in the city. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Pope returned to Pine Grove last night. Miss Mabel Chadwlck returned to Beau fort yesterday afternoon. Capt. Wallace and family, returned from Morebead yesterday. Messrs. W. H. and F. L. Bray return ed home from Charlotte last night. Mlas Fannie Cutler left for Greens boro yesterday morning, to visit her sis ter, Mrs. J, O. Watkina. List of Letters Remaining In the Post Office at New Bern, Craven county, N. C. August 8th 1000V . . . . mirs uttt. A Iphrala Ambrose. B K. M. Barron, Riley Belcher, O. R. Brloeon, Fred Bond. , : . ( r- ,4 O-B A Cbasla, James Cordon. George Cox, James Collins. - . , - D Late Davis. X. boUle. . B-Oarrlaon SUtaon. f . " j H 8am Hardy, Reubla Hill. J H. O. Johnson. ' -"'. M-Mervln Mason, Georreaana Mat locks. Bar. B. U Maxim, X. L. Moore. Mo-8ady McCray, B. McDanlel B Root Bummers, K.W,Bhlpp.Thad- araa Bcott, J. W. Smith, V :, f W-Jsmes S. Wsrren. ,f:u.'VV--.'-'' .' . WOMan'SLIST. Vv''j- , BMamle Bell.! Lena Bond. Mollis Bloaat, ; - . : ;; 7::v' -;' '-.i C Loclada Crawford, Anner Cobs. B-Lisste Edwards.', F JullS Franks, Susanna Faulk. O-Amy Granger, Hettle Qlbbs. I'. H-Martba Heckborn, A. L. Hender son, Henrietta Hill, Laura Dill,: Biddy Hill. , . . r-.... J-Carollae Jones. ; ' .; M-Aaa Moye. ' .V-'' ' " Me-Ballle MeCbesen. ' -O Mat tie Odeu. ;t -. ':, ; ; ' S Mary Baals, Carrie Bprnell. , W Alice Woods, Loaiia Warteraxars tf Albert Jones. 1 Persons calling for the above letters will please say advertised and give date of list ' . ' . . The regulations now require that one (1, cent shall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. . K , . b. yr. n Ancoc. p. u. - : Plot to Imprison "Bobs." London, AognatS OThe. Daily News has tbe following dlnpatch from Pre toria, dated August Dili: "A plot to ahoot all the BrllUb officers snd to mtke Lord Rotierls a prisoner has been op portnnely dlw.orercd. Ten of the f leaders wars arretted and are no In J .11. "1'K'I '7 the Jilot mrt of .ilracy of !.!. b the ati d ti. It MACHINERY AND TRANSPORTATION BUILDING, PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION 1 CoytttrM. ISM, bf tb Faa-Amtrioui Bzpodtioa -i bis big strncture Is COO by 850 feet, Isli 1-enalssance,' modified to suit the walls are brilliant with color. - Tbe colore are to b reds and yellows In light ended effect, with broad, overhanging The Central Court will be veritable aquatic life, and will have seats, whore . n 1B01 from .May 1 to Nov, i - v,:. - WAS A SURPRISE. The Government Cotton Crop Report of Condltloii to tbe Trade, : Tboie Interested In tbe cotton market here, were greatly surprised at tbe rapid advance in price of futures In New Yoik market, yesterday.- . ' Of tbe New York market, , Mr. J. E. Latham, had the following: ., - f The government report on the Cotton Condition, 76, received today, created a sensation In the speculative market, where the trade had figured on "a condi tion of 8i to85, ' The report cansed tbe rapid advance In the price of future months. . . The following are the cotton crop con ditions on dates noted, which are of In lerest at this time: July 1st. .....1900 75 8-10 August 1st.... 1800 84 August 1st.. . .181(8 01S-1O August 1st ...1805 70 0-10 The preseut report of condition re ceived, yesterdsy, 70, Is the lowest-An gust since 1880. . Protest Against Negro in Politics. The New York Sun, of tbe 8th inst. bas the following under date of dispatch from Raleigh: "An effort Is being made to Inject the negro question Into the National cam paign In this Slate by reason of the fact that PresldentMcKlnley has appointed several negro post masters In. Bastern North Carolina. : This effort comes from the pronounced Bryan organs. . To-day J. William Bailey, the editor of tho Bib lical Recorder, the organ of the Baptist denomination In North Carolina, and the moat Influential paper In tbe State, wrote letters to Democratic State Chair man Bimmons and to Cbarlea Aycock, Democratic Governor-elect, notifying them that it such a campaign la waged be would cast bis vote for McKlnley ss a protest. ': - Queer of the .World. Doubtless the most unique spot In Eu rope Is tho little village of Abenberg, where on its border four countries meet. It Is ruled by no monarch, has ho sol diers, no polios and no tsxes. Its Inhabl tan Is speak a .curious jargon of French aad German combined and apead their days In farming the land or working In the valuable calamine mine of which It boasts. Tbe little town of Stanly, In the Fait lands Islands, possesses the most unique school service ever known. ', Two travel ing schoolmasters are provided by the Government, who , visit the "., different families where there are children and give instruction.; The lerfgth of their visit depends on the . astuteness of the children, and they may spend days and weeks, as the case may be, at one house alone. - 'v.v-! ' '1 - There Is a place In the middle of the Pacific ocean well known to mariners where there Ii never any Christmas day. This la owing to lu ' being . In the boa hundred and eightieth degree ot longi tude and directly opposite to Greenwich, and, therefore, IS hoars ahead of Green wlch time. In a journey around . the globe the other U hours would have to be marked out of tbe navigations calen dar, and If this point crossing the antip odes Is touched Christmas eve, then there can be no Christmas day, In one of the West Indies group there It a colony of some 800 whites and blscks where there are neither towns nor villa ges, nor fresh water supplies. 'In fact there Is such a scarcity of everything that tbe Government has to. tend food and . employment to I the Inhabitants to keep them from starving. Salt fish and sweet potatoes are the stable foods of the Angulllas, and tbe only water ob tainable Is brackish snd tainted by tbe sea. Ex. , ' The Lninnons Egotist. Th'e world of water and of land la very fine, I think. Tbe earth gives me a place to atand; Tbe water I can drink. And to keep breathing as I ought, I need the atmotphere, It really was a happy thought To have It ready here. The aun quite dutifully beama . That I may ace by day. ' 1 The moon quite rfi;u!aily gleams If I at nlf;liL tlmuhl itrny And t'il!li people hrud tlntlr powers To kf'p n e 9 "II B 1 r!v' 1 I n-rilly t hi uk t!.; m i ;,l of ours It very on . 'y m I i ri' iti 'ii " i -1 Co, , , - .-r.-r: with a central court 100 by ITS feet. , conditions of tbe Exposition. The roofs are eaves, in imitation of the old mission tropical garden, with a long, narrow pooL the weary visitor may rest s moment - ';. - , -.yb.-.v r--, . ' KITCHENER CROSSING VAAL. Pursuing Dewet With Cavalry and Mount ed Infantry-llethuen Engaged- Fart , Of The Force. Lokdon, August 0. The following re port datrd Pretoria, August 0, has been received from Lord Roberts: -"Kitchener was Informed yesterday by an escaped British prisoner that Dewett's wagons bad crossed the Vaal. After wards I heard the sonnd of guns, which I think, must have been Methuen's, as I directed htm to take up a position be tween, Potchefstroom and Llngique, where he could Intercept the enemy who crossed the river at Dowet's Drift. Kitchener is crossing the Vaal with cavalry and mounted Infantry. "Hunter reports that be made 4,140 prisoners In the Belhlehem-Harrlsmlth district, a majority of whom are now en route for Cape Town. Three gnna and four thousand horses were captured, and ten wagon loads of ammunition and 105.000 rounds of ammunition were de- troyed. "The garrison of Elands Itlver, which fear, bas been captured, consisted of about 800 Bushmen and Rhodesian. had hoped that Carrlngton had been in time to withdraw the garrison, but it seenis that Delarey, learning of lam Hamilton's approach to Rusterburg, bur rled westward and surrounded the garrl- aan before Carrlngton arrived. "Metbuen telegrapbB that he engaged part of Dewet a force yesterday near Benterakroom. He drove the enemy off of a succession of bills, which tbey held obstinately. Our casualties were seven men killed or wounded, including four officers." No Extra Session Likely. Boston, Adgust 0. Secretary Long has left Hlngham for his vacation at Bnckport, Maine. Before leaving be said: "We are not looking for territorial ag grandizement In China and will be con tent with proper Indemnity. I think China will see the necessity of submit ling to onr demands,- thus obviating war. Other powers may fight despite the safe deliverance ' of . foreigners. I can only speak for tbe part America will play. ' , "I do not believe that the statement ot a Minister that he cannot leave' tbe capital of a country without danger to hit life It equivalent to a declaration of war from tne country whlcn threatens him. I think the affair will work itself out amicably. . In view of the facia as I believe them to be, nn extra session of Congress Is unnecessary.''' ' . ' x ; 10 CLEAHSE THE SYSTEM. . - Effectually yet geatly. when costive or bllloos; to permanently overcome habit- nal conatlpatlon, to awaken tbe ktdneya and liver to a healtby activity, without Irritating or weakening them, . to dispel headaches, colds, or (evers, oae'Byrap Of Figs, made by the California Fig SyrnpCa ' . . ;j ': .'. STATEMENT NO15. ' . ; ark DIsosway. Treat., In Aeeeaat with the City ef New Bern. July 1 to balance v i . 1M 61 casn iron viiy tax collector v , - .. Chief of Police . ' n 48 1 ' u - - 10,48 88 DIHRvRnEMKBTTa, By voucher paid J. J. tjheppard 1ft j. c. oiiepparu . io , Oliver Fronville ' ; 78 . , New Bern Journal , . . ., 10 00 ' H.P, Williams 10 00 ; M.DIaMway "'... 16 07 .1. R.Hmilh ... ' II 10 - Nathan Brooks . 80 00 ' ' It. P. Montague IWOO. J. M. Ilarirell 60 00 Irr. J. F. Ithem 100 00 kdwards A Kroughton ... '.4 50 ' Merrltt Whitley . ' B 60 W. F. Bell ' . 1 00 Isaac Webb ' ' 1 8(1 . in J. M Ilarjrett 2 W) W. N I'UKh 1(M J. J.Tolaon . ' 0- M0.1 Lui-ton ' - H.HN) - J. It. IMnon WKK) K. Hnilth : - 1 (HI II. T, llilnann M (HI M. (!. Whltoliurst 1(1 n7 - T. Pal.ierson (illOO Thru K. McCarthy 4 14 C Jordan B (M) J J 'I olm.ll l.'l Ml It. I'. W iliinun 11 Ml J T, I R-i on T. II. I b.r '' 2 H Win m. v, i,'.n li :i l'-irnia .1-. f.M.y "I M I nl r t Uui! A die Co. I.'i H i lmA nv. CH h orib tli '.'.:! i.' ' it type or architecture is tne Span- laid with red tile and the cemented tints. : Tbe facade will present an ar buildings in California and Mexico. containing. Interesting specimens of The Exposition la to be held In Buffalo . - ' " Qearlne Out Sale. Monday and every day tbli week, all seasonable, goods at special bargains, notice big ad for particulars, alto 10 yds best grade yard wide bleaching at 78o. O. A. BxnrooT. Ice Cream Boda today at McSorley's. In addition to the large and complete stock of Bicycles and Sundries, I am carrma a full and varied stock of Guns Rdbofoets, Loaded Shells, &c. I will guarantee to sate you money on -any make of Gun, and will sell other goods in this line on 1ery close margin Ghe me a call WH. T. HILL, 01 Middle Street, Opposite Journal Office For a regular $1 00 Straw Hat. Did you ever bear ot such a price P We have a few alaes left and are giv ing our friends an opportunity to buy a good Straw Hat for 25 per cent lets than., Mew Yorh Cost. " Call early and get your choice. . I , Dont forget also that we aie rolling And that oar entire stock of Clothing la being offered at SO per tent lese than regular pneee. Tour ebanre now to make ?So go as far as $1 00 generally does. . Give us eall. J. G. DUNN & CO. 'lJp.lo-Datt3 '-' ' y Furnlitliera. , t ' ' J' " ' w Pollock st Painting' Season ! m ... Vnn ' MtUr rciuiu irom wuik 01 OUR HSIeAHTlCCAUBOBT PAINT v'.,.. -ir is:- -'I nil i - - I r t I 111, . - -1 ' fc V ' I 'd In ! Thursday, Friday and Closing Oat Sale of all . . Seasonable Goods I It you don't need anything yourselt, tell your neighbor about it. This sale is tor Cash. O d lal'iro. uwiiaei.d ginh nu 4: yard. iiiii- lil I.h.IVk VkhIs oorili from "Jo to tt't i.w A' eMcli. I. dies Fine tlmr' ed V.-; t I V kid at 0: i-nc' . I'- mid I'.').' Lhwiih tml D in lie. hi yaril V .rd i'ir Peiralra end Mvli ' I Hi at H. yd. 50.: a id 7 V l-.d S I i W its - :! I . I adi h Heady niiuV W rappers 4Hc. Eve y pa r I dies and Cbil Ireiih ford Ti' H at cot.t. Sic nn I X5c qunllty, all nilk ritdion-. nl 10c. Silks In solid and r-ixid c, lo a t- r Kvfrylbiug a1uai'uiitt'd aw Ileprt'st'ii (!. G. A. B ARFOOT. I is Anil we have some must go before the fall. move quickly, we have decided to reduce all Summer Iilnet at much I cms than vont. Our Shirt Wuists are now marked and colored. Silk Piirnaola in white any colors, double thew prices. Infants 'Japs, displayed in our at jour own price. Come in and price them. - A lew white bailors at 00c. When they are l'uiio, can again. Those Linen ( ollars for Indies selling fast. Don't pay 15c for same A large line of Kuibroidery and Inserting will lie in iIiim week I nun 5c to 15c per yard. Stacey Adams $5 Shoes, $3 50, less than they would cost to m iiiiifar ture. Have you Been the "Foto" Sofa Til low. It is a great imveliy. You will want it SMITH'S STORES, 61 Pollock St., (Duffy's Stand) 99 Middle St. THE STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLIKK OF NORTH CAROLINA Offers to young women thorough literary, clawical, scientific, nml imlnsl red ciliu n tlon and special pedagogical training. Annual expenses !I2 lo flT-'; for imi -n ci denU, $152. Faculty of 30 meniherx. Morelhan 400 retiiUr students. 1 i h h nmiiii -ulated about 9,000 students, representing ever; county In the Mule ci i il one Practice and Observation-School of about 230 pupil. To xcrurc lumnl In iluimilo riee, all free tuition application should he made Ik-fore August 1. Correspondence Invited from those desiring competent treiiii il toaeln is. For catalogue and other information address until Aiiiut lruL PKOF. J. Y. JOYNKH, Deim of Collepe CHARLES D. MclVER, President. W. THE NORTH CAkOLINA COL.LF.QR 3 aC - g Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. -2 TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN: . 2 Agriculture, Stock-raising, Horticulture, Mechanical, ( ivil, IjJ and Electrical Engineering, Textile ludiiFtry, ('linnislry, and Architecture PRACTICAL EDUCATION IN : Carpeutry, Wood-t lrning, Mill-work, Boiler-tending, , tending. Toition, 120 a year; Board, $3 a month. Next aeaslon opens September tlb. , Eotrance examlaatlons In each County Court-lmuac, July 2th, 10 o'clock a m; also at tbe (.College Sepleoiber 4lh and 5th. ' For full information, addreaa i President GEO. T. WINSTON, .. ' RALRIOII, N. (! iUiuiUiuiuwiuiUiaaiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiuuijaiiii.iu .LI. .A tm. laial WAsalllair. We keep full w . r'.VA- AMOViUlsT. . t ,LL. I,JT C... .CI, 1,1. . T . , C, 2 n i roof. (in the hat. Onlelmo. lid A ii Iinim for Kramea and i i.i KY I 1.1- I 1' ,,... - i- i Saturday r-hi I viil!". nil llu frlc ai.d 7.V ihil s ii .0 c ii to : Id-. Ill mli- In h i n;ii in! i.liMi i i li I v i -I . M. ni r-whit. himI -i.l. I,.. N fc!i,ii M.ii i ai 4 i' i-mi 1 . N" - i la- I lulu-, ill,-, phiii h it lil('h pointeil '.I. . Mliluzi'ii loi .:, i. in, ,ti,. v wi.ii,. II milk rliii-t ."r i- r' . i aili ft fu?l lil.u-lc .' iuili: (I w,. r pnii . r i..i l, ji.tr lrl,i 4 II .... , ,. 11-. WlndlMnif tit'.. fic qimlilv while l.iin'i ill I . Ii kind :il Mi . l."- kil.il ill I'.' . All Siimnier i'.aliy ('Hps nl li ill I'. in . 77 Niiiiimer 1SooI., Unit. To make the.m CJoimIm dow n to 25 3So anil ."((( in wlii to 7f(f, $l, $l B0. Arc will worth window on I'ollcx k Hlrccl, iiinj,' lh, in rl in all (he latent, shapes at Kicare goods elsewhere. Blackami thing, Machine-work, Engine-tending, and Dvtuino- 3 3 line of tho best quality PilNTH. , f.r ynur Wall. Odd W (illilinir. I wn Blowers a f.iv left to go at a mi. " 8TOV !-.!. w - rrrtTlTl M'f i . .... . J ti t' a Si f

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