.A. T? r i I ) ,1 " I i I It I I i ' I f .11 I X VOL. XY11I-N0. 122. NEW MEN, N C, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST ,1V 19011. NINITItNTU VtML J. Vj , J TRY; IS PERFECT BLEND; TEA, I IN 1 Only 10c for 1 - Will rtfund your sausneo aner using. k 47 & 49 Pollock Street. J ttst A fresh lot Corned Portsmouth Mullets and Small Hams 5 to 6 lbs. Also small Breakfast Strips, 8 to 'A lbs. Good Butter 25c lb. Very beat Elgin and Pox River Print Butter at 30c. We are also agents for the Spanish Eoot Toilet and Laun dry Soaps. They are guaranteed to cure Heat, I imple?, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Black Heads and other Skin Diseases. They are Purely Vegetrble. Give us a trial for anything in the Grocery Line and . we will do our best to please you or refund your money. Yours for Business. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 60. 77 Broad Street. 1 Prompt Delivery If yon want a good cup of and you will get it. Thii coffee is equal to any lew of price. ,, . , A Jleelmulc Tkjt ,- i. ' .f . , Byonr Flue Tooli for carpentan, naaoiw and painter' nw, telli bin fellow workmen that at no place in thin town ran you find anna thorough aatlafactian In all kindt of mechanic. Uxila ae' you ran right here, where notblatf i kc but a auperlor (trade and tine hrlmle of the but minufaclore. And we alao have on hand a largp a'oo.a of screen Windows and ionmr . which we are now ftclng to roll at coal and talow cwt In onler to make room for Fail Uooiit. -I I V 1 4 lb. Package. I f money it you are not ) , t V From Dunn s . You oan always expect when you order your food supplies from this reliable (tore. We can cup ply every demand of a first dust family trade with the Choicest Htapte and Fancy Oroceriea, Rel Uhm, Picking, Sauce, Olive, Fox RiTJr Print Butter, and Pig Hams at R ink Bottom Prices. Wo make a . specialty of high gf ile Tuaa ad 1 OoTcej. ' Our Perfection Blend Coffee is Fine, Price Only 20c. delicious ooiTWbuy a pound . . coffee in the market, regard- .f . ' .. Hot Weather Shirt Barqains ! ; In. llonarch Neglige. ; Shirts. . ;v 1;00 SHIRTS ior 80c. $1.60. V $1.15. Call at Once and Make Selection at R. H. BAXTER'S . M Mld.lle Btrtetl' Bagging: and Ties We ai leuly to supply the traln with Cotton Ita'rifing and Tien, Unit Oloth. Heavy Sacks, Jtc. prices are Right. .1. I.. Co IT. V, OUR Received! THE PAMUCO TROUBLE. " Statement of I. B. Hooker, - Batbobo, Pamlico county, N..C. , August 15, 1900. Editor Journal-. Tou will please grant me'apace to make few statements in regard to the Pamlico county political affair. I am a Democrat and aa old resi dent of the county. I once served the people of this county as sheriff tor eight years, and never before have I seen peo ple behave themselves as they did while the Canvassing Board was In. session, August 4th. I might say last here that the Democrats nominated by a primary elec tion a ticket composed entirely of up right high-toned Christian' gentlemen. This class of men did not please the Re publicans and certain others, therefore, Instead of making their grievances known to, the 'convention, these men who wo,uld. bring no. good excuse for complaint, at an unknown hour- made arrangements to fuse with the Republi cans and Populists, At this time the f un ionists had the county Election Board whq had appointed registrars and judges of election nearly all on the fusion side, with W, T. Caho as political adviser. After the State Board of Election learned the true sitnation they turned out two members of the county Board of Elec tion and appointed two Democrats on the Board, A. B. Campen and W. T. Mayo. Thi change was a bomb in the camp of the fusionlau. They began to grow more and more angry at the Dem ocrats nntil the canvassing board becan canvassing the vote. The Board, I under stand and believe, followed the law, but this did not please certain men. They then set lu to cursing and abus ing the canvassing board together with Mr. L. Q. Daniels who has simply work ed for the success of the Democratic ticket. This howling threatening mob much disturbed the peace, yet the Mayor lesse L. Kiggs, was there, also other olfl jer, and I learn that magistrates and leputy sheriffs did not claim to be offi cers of the peace that day. They were I'usionists. In my judgment we were iiiuch In need of Naval Reserves who rould command the peace. My residence is only about eighty arils from the court house, and so great was the excitement that my wife in bb- ualf of the members of our family and .he peace of the community went into this threatening crowd and earnestly besought them to stop their awful career fet they did not heed her petition. I would say most earnestly and em phatically that the indignation meeting acid August 8th, which was, it is said, planned by W. T. Oaho, who la polllioal- professionally and personally opposed to L. Q. Daniel, was unjust and unwise did, as well os others, advise Mr. Dsn' tela to go away for the afternoon of August 4 for' we' believed there were men who weuld, if they could, stir np itrlfe, and do him some bodily lojury of t serious nature, ile took eur advice md went away to New Bern we after wards learned. Under the advice, we learn,' of W. T Caho, (perhaps we should say "Colonel" is he would have strangers think he la a prominent man") the men who engaged : . J ! ...I , a . ., in 130 uiBgraceim vuiiuuw ui Augu vtu tent out men all over the county and In cited the Republicans and Populists to ome np to Bsyboro, Wednesday August 3th, that they had a chanoe to jump on Mr. L. O. Daniels with both feet. They came, delighted with the chance to down t Democrat or Inflict a- wound' of any kind upon pore Democracy. So far as wo could ascertain more than nine tenths of the men who took part in th -meeting of .the 8th were not- present during the esalon. of the Canvassing Board, and the remainder were nearly ill in the crowd that took part in the disgraceful affair at the session of the tald Boards ;'. : . ' Mr. Caho, It will be remembered, was spokesman for this crowd of .hungry radicals. . He poses before the public a Democrat; but the . Democrats are aware that the ."Colonel's"? paper never said anything for the Democratic ticket of the county; and to show that he is guilty of dupllolty. Hit paper, was adopted as the official organ of the bitterest enemies of Democracy; Chaa. S. MoCloase, census enumerator, offered the resolution endorsing "Billies" paper. The Republicans all voted for the reso lution.; MoCleaie made speeches against Mr. Geo. Dees and the other men on the Democratic Uchet during the Campaign We would ask the impartial public place the burdens upon the shoulders of ihoaa who ahonld boar them." : -I. . Tours Truly, ' ( ' ; D. B. IleoKlB. ; ., .- " payboro, August 13. We the undersigned members of th Fsmlloo county Election Lauvasslng Board, do hereby state that we bare re frained from making a statement to the public at to the critical situation In which were placed, because we did not wish the world to know that Pamlici county contained such lawless men as those who .benirged the Court house on August 4lh. But when we find the very men who took part In the dligracelul conduct of that day auJ those who wer well-wlabnrs and enconragers of the same, coming together and trying to fatten the responsibility fur the onlor of troops to this county upon those who were tiwklng only to protect our. lives, we would therefore speak plainly to the world. We would not do soy man a wrong, but when wo se the truth oru.linil to earth as It was at that nicc' ing In rtaylwtro An:it R.h,, we would lii.l It rl? a,:ln. 'I lift f n Vm .' ' V 1 W .n,' 1 f : q ever may have interceded in 'getting the Naval Reserves to come to our aid. We do not wish to say that the soldiers were needed at the lime of their arrival, but we feel that the rumor on the - evening before, that they were coming, caused those who were threatening violence to disperse. We would take this method of thanking Gov. Rnaeell for bis prompt response to the call. For .we feel it was through his prompt action an J the form ing of a company of citizens with double barrel shot guns that we owe our safety on that night. " . The acts of I be ' Board - were all ' the way through controlled by ihe wording of the law. Tbeurst act that seemed to agitate the spectators was the throwing out of the IJlegai ballots which were not cut of the size which was- prescribed and advertised by the County Board of Election. The next was'tbo throwing out of Un boxes of Balrd'a Creek . precinct, This o did beeauMe of the many illegal acts connected with the registration and the holding of the polls. . - When we oame to the consideration ef the Bayboro precinct, news came to the board that if we should throw out mother box they (the fusionlsts) Intend ed to rnn in and destroy the election rec ords. These threats caused the board to hesitate, there- b- lug three boxes, tbe legislative, county and amendment that had been stuffed. To what extent th. board could not determine. The only alternative forojii us to throw them out. At this juncture mriy loft tbe room, making remirk that the single membei of tbe board that vutud, "no ' was the only gentleman on the Board, in a few seconds Jaa T. Lincoln came to the Court room door, and shouted with a 1 md voice fur all auii rjig island, men to come down, lie meant th se who ha I opposed the Djui.mraUo ticket. ' Hhotitt W. fi. Hooker had been previously sent for by the board aud requested to re main while the board was lu session aud keep order. He left the room soon after he came in and did not ;return. If he left any deputies the board was not aware of it. In fact Mr. Jesse L. Itlgga had denied to the Board that be was a deputy sheriff for that day. The wild stamping and cheering that was going on .below caused the Bjard lu the face of other Indications, to look for a mob to enter the door at any time. Our Chairman stood up and aumuioue.l all the men In the room to consider themselves as officers to maintain peace while the Board waa in session. This seemed to quiet the people luslie the building but the noise still prevailed out side. - The Board thought they were in tanger and especially should they re main until after night to finish the can vass and declare tbe election. We then sent a messenger to the telephone to consult a lawyer as to whether It would be legal for the Board to take a recess until Moodsy; Mr. A. D. Ward and Mr. dtevonson were consulted and they ad vised that it would be legal. The Clerk of the Board asked the Board net to take a recess because certain papers and figures would be left in his bands and be feared the consequences of an attack, newt already having come to him that they were -talking of putting a rope around his neck and dragging him down the atalrway. The Board did not take a recess.- , '' -' After night we heard of threats that tbey would mob us, blow up the- build ing, or take the records, etc, -We learned that the Naval Reeerreshad been ordered by those who were present and saw that a catastrophe might be looked for at any time. We then felt relieved, because we thought they would arrive before we ad jonrned. We were ! advised to prolong our deliberatlopa until the Naval Re- serves arrived. .-v .: ;t We learned that the man who were threatening an attack dispersed after they leaned thai a company of 'cool headed cltlaent had beeq formed with gum loaded with buck shot. '. . , We thee proceeded and made the an nouncements of. the election according to law. .- -.v 'tVi. Vi" To these facta weafflt our several signatures, (hit 18th, day of August, A. D. 1900. ' ; Gao. R, BmarMJ, , .: ?'-.''.):' Vv.'Cbalrmau of Board. ' ' . Clerk of Board.- ' . ' B. A. Sadler, l JX v-v : B. Potter", Sr. Alex Jones, '..- ';' t. B. Ferrebee. W. H, Parsons, , 4; ,.? t J A Morrle, Catone Mills, ; ,. V-' ' i t. M. Masoe. Win, H. Gasklnt, vsV - ' . i. A, Tingle. ' V - J. W. Lee. v J. 8. Tingle, being duly sworn deposes and says: He was at the court house la Bayboro, Pamlico county tbe 4, Inst., the day the canvassing board ef tbe election of August Sad, met to canvass said Vote, I was present- when the Chairman of said board (. R Brioson) asks for the sheriff. I saw E. B. Hooter, son of sher iff Hooker run out of the court room, then Mr. J. L. Rlggs, a deputy sheriff, and Mayor of the town of Bayboro was called on to quiet the mob, he said I am not deputy today he was then asked if be would be tomorrow. Itlgga replied, 1 sm not today. -, 1 The chairman of said Board then had tbe law read and announced that be was Invested with power to deputize men to a rest anil Commit to Jail J. T. Lincoln c. I r or J. Ik Klggs, one remarked we. would like to see you arrest anybody here, and S. T. Lincoln taid I bad just aa soon die today as any time. I heard one Joseph Rtoe, Jr., Vay, if all were of my opinion - we would go up stairs and lake tbe re turns anil tear them np. - - , I saw one John Barrtnglen pass out of tbe court house yard gate and J, T. Lin coln began cursing him, call hint a damn - of a -"!-,; with otheta wttn - him shouting come back here you -damn 1 of a . There were numerous threats boisterous languages, etc. It was runjoi- ed that tbey would kill the board if tbey came dowu and if they didn't come down they would blow np the bouse. J. S. Ting i. a Sworn to before me an acting Justice of ibe Peace for Pamlico county, this August 17, 1000. Uao. R Dixon, J. P. vl. W. T. Pate, do hereby certify that 1 beard Charles McGleeee say shoot right over In the Bar, G - D , kill tome body. I further say, that there were to many threats made and cursing that 1 could not teU all I heard, but It looked like there was going to be trouble. The words seemed to be against the Demo crats. This trouble was on August 4tn. 1900.. W.T. Path. Bworn to and subscribed before me thi. August 18, 1900. 8. J. Clahk, J. P. Alliahck, N. ('., August 8, 1900. I, Alex Lee, say tbat 1 beard John Hardlson, a member of the Board of County Commissioners (a fuslonlst), say Saturday ulghl August Ibe 4tb, 1900 that he propose.! to the mob to go In the court bouse and throw the whole crowd out of tbe window aud tear up the record (election returns, etc.,) and was then ready to go aud to it. Alex Lee. I Thoi. J. Hodge do hereby certify that I waa In Bayboro on Saturday Aug ut the 4lh 1900 aud furth-r state tbat I beard J. T. Lincoln say be was In favor of going Into the Court House and taking out every one of the Board out and stretching them to a limb. He also cursed them grossly calling them thiev ing also as Mr. Rob Woodard and auolber man pass through the Court House gate J. T. Liucolu said there goes two of the G D 8 of B and alipped up hla sleeves and ssid another 8 of a B passed through be was going to kill him. He slso said If Lewis Daniels, Claud or Albln D n lels, come on this ground I will leave them here. T. J. Uodoe. Sworn to and subscribed before n this the 18th day of August 1900. W. T. Credlk, J. P. I, J, W. Smith do hereby certify that I went into W. E. Hooker's bouse with Jesse L. Rlggs and Hilard Gibbs with me and Jesse L. Rlggs brought out a jug of whiaky and we all took a drink, I i-lso heard J. T. Lincoln curse and call John Barrlngton a G D short leg S of a B and dared blm back and aald he would stamp bell out of him was passing by a crowd and heard, some one of tbat crowd say it waa very likely thatD. B Hooker's biuse would le burnt np that night, August 4th 1900. J. W. Smith. Hworn to and subscribed before me this the 13th day of August 1900. W, T. Chidls, J P, I, W. T. Dillon do hereby certify tba' I heard J. T. Lincoln tay that we will drop them or stop them at tbe door, I don't know which, I do not know all that talked but there waa threats after that made against the Election Board. heard J. T. Lincoln aay tbat he did not want to catch Albln- Daniels or Clsnd Daniels on tbat ground, and there were to many threats made, and from the threats made I thought there weuld be trouble. It seemed to be a serious matter it was on Aug. 4lh 1900.' W. T. Dillon, Sworn to and subscribed before . me this tbe lttlr day of Aug. 1900. . . . C 8. J. Ciam, J. P, B. 8. Tingle, Pamlico Co., and of Bay boro precinct, deposes and says: He was present at Bayboro, N. O., ' on the 4th day of Ang. 1909 during the session ef tbe Canvassing Board to compare the vole of the vsrlous precincts. Talking and frequent rumors of disturbing tbe Canvassing Board and destroying the records, and Very frequent rumors of killing the Canvassing Board when they oame down or if they did not obme down they would blow np the Court Honse. ..After Ihe citlient had gathered with (oat and other weapons of defense to protect the Csovaaslng Board we thought best to tend tome one to tee if Ihe rioters had dispersed. Tbey over heard In a negro - barber ehp, Shake Simmons sat: When yon get ready give the bell two tops, we will be on hand. . I believe there would have bean trouble had not the clllteni come to the rescue of he Canvasalng Board.; . J, Ad Millar Deputy Sheriff on gaai lo preserve order ssid to me I have got two-barrel gun I will use pa the other side If any trouble should come, be being a very active Fuslonlst. B. S. Tinais, Sworo and subscribed to before me' an acting Justice of the Peace for Pamlico county the Aug. 17th 1900. Geo. R. Dixon, J. P, I John C. Barrlngton of the County of Pamlico .and Balrdt Creek pr.to.fn tiding duly sworn, depotes and say I was prcacnt with tli a Canraislng Hoard on lh4;u liny of August l'J 'O, and there was r : oi Ifl ihrrtua and commotion u ir !; r t'.e Ion of the lionrr". Ie V 'f '- i -!-V ' - :"r. -trV.'ons of v!o ' r ! i 1 f ' ov. r !' f- - - : i I THE NICEST LOT OF Portsmouth Corned Mullets, That have been brought to i Market this Season Just Re ceived, Also a fresh lot Whole Dried Codfish, and nice Irish Potatoes. Fulton Market Beef and'-Small Hams. .Nice lot Jellies in glass jars, 10c each. Pure apple Vinegar and Spices. Full line Canned Goods. Give me a call. Respectfully, a. 'Phone 91. PLANTER'S Aiavoaia.icjtsi Opening Sale, Wednesday, Aug. I. The Planter's Warehouse is located in the hiniuess part of the city and the finest Warehouse in the State. with plenty of orders for all the Tobacco in this part of the State. It is the aim of the management to give his personal attention to all sales and to' see that you are well looked after when ou the market with tobacco Our motto is "High Prices and Personal Attention to your in terest." Free Stables. Coine down to the opening sale, and we will try to please you. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. was accosted by one James T. Lincoln, cursed and abused, calling me d s of a b and other violent language, and being urged on by the crowd, then the crowd holloaed to me, lake that. I then went to Alliance to phone to Mr. W. D. Barrlngton but could not get blm, but I asked Mr. Wbitehurst to transmit message to New Bern. Mr. Wbitehurst asked me where was Sheriff Hooker, I taid he seems to be with mob. Then Mr. Wbitehurst Inquired where was Mr. L. G. Daniels. I replied he was In New Bern. I asked tbat Mr. Daniels be got to the phone, f asked Mr. Whlteburtt to transmit my message to Mr. Daniels. I asked Mr. Wbitehurst to say to Mr. Daniels thai there waa a crowd of about 100 or 123 of meu surrounding the Court house seemingly very much In an agita ted condition and theie waa current re ports of blowing up of Court bouse and other violent threats against the Elec tion Canvassing board and the current rumor was tbey would kill said board when they came down to bear the re sults of Election and after tbe reports of tbe coming of tbe troops the mqb began to disperse Immediately. Johm C. Babrinqton. Sworn to before me thla 16th, day of August 1900. ' , Alex C. Brinbon, J. P. Reiubobo, N. CAognst 14th 1900. A. J, Holten, Jr., being duly sworn dr- poses and says: I was registrar of Reels bora precinct In' Pamlico county, and was present at Bayboro, Saturday, Aug ust 4th 1900, with Ibe canvasalng board from the time It met nntil about eight o'clock at night. I taw 'the sheriff fre quently during the day and was present with said canvassing board when' the chairman of said board called on the sheriff in writing to eome up stairs and restore order. Previously having called on J. L. Riggt, deputy sheriff and maybr of Bayboro, and he refused.' Then .the sheriff came np Where the board Wat In session; then the chairman of taid board, G, R. Brioson demanded hit services during the titling of the . board,. The sheriff said; "Boys'keep quiet," and then remarked to the board, "If you do right then we Will have order. After about five minutes the sheriff left the room and' tbe disturbance continued ; even worse thao- before. - Then 1 aa tbe sheriff go over to his residence with sev eral persons several timet during the day and on" one., occasion he walked by James T. Lincoln; putting hit hand on bit shoulder they both walked over to the sheriff's bouse, then "Lincoln oame out cursing and making . louder threats than before, saying be was going to knockdown the first t of n of that canvassing board that camej dowu stairs." Then Charles Bwan boisterously remarked, "Go ahead, I will back you up, I've got seyen hundred dollars to back you teltn," I Verily believe sheriff Hooker was under the Influence of whlt kcy. From all Indications be seemed to lie very much ai;lUtc(l and mad, while n the court house yard I heard threats of Mowing up the court house sod taking Vr, Fsnnc'I out and swin-Ii'g Mm to s ' ', If:' i- 1 ! ii -i- f .y I'.-:;' 'Wholea&le fc Retail Grocer, 71 ISro.l Ht. WAREHOUSE We will have plenty of buyers on W. J. Parker and ascertain whether he would have the office of sheriff, and if he would, swing him to a limb. I fre quently heard during tbe day of taking tbe election returns by f jrce when the board of of canvassers comes down to declare the results of tbe election and destroy them. It was a constant tur moil In tbe evoning, and as night began to approach things began to look more serious. I heard threats upon threats I can not recall the exact language. One thing I just now recall was when the chairman of tbe board of the canvassers threatened having somearrest made. James T. Lincoln defied the chairman by saying, "I would like to see you arrest somebody. Who would you gel to ar rest them 1" I am confident there was serious trouble anticipated by the fu sioulat, from personal appearances and of their congregating in such crowds, and giving vent to their feelings by cursing and swearing. All of the above Is true to best of my recollection, knowledge and belief. A. J. HoLToa, Jr. Sworn and subscribed to before me, an acting Justice of the Peace for Pam lico county, this 14th day of August, 1900. Jos. M. Reel, J. P. Seal I, Noah F. Bennett, of Arapahoe Pre cinct, being duly sworn deposes and say: I was at Bayboro on August 4, 1900 with and around tbe Canvassing Board during tbe session. I heard ex-Sheriff J. W. Aldridge, a fuslonlst, tay 1 will lead ibe way up stairs If the 'crowd will follow and demand the election of the Canvast tng Board. Shortly after tbat Jamet T. Lincoln taid while in a crowd of agitat ed fosionlstt, I am In favor of of going Y wiii llStl,lS w . 1 4 unu down ttalrt, also J. T. Lincoln taid damn the entire canvasalng boeed, we will get them when tbey come down to declare the resnjta of the election. They are a lot of damn thieves : One Charles Bwan, who vat reported to he chairman of tbe Indignation meeting and Jesse L. Riggt and Washington Brlnsoa and oth ers were cursing, making th rests that I do not now remember, but of a serious character, .'i.'' VS''''?ti'!' " ' ".' ' , I heard frequent Vnmort of blowing up the court boutt It wet thought beet ' ' by a great many to ask protection from ,, ih. 'MlatA lAmt Mh.i iwm. mA I verliy believe the report . of; the Naval '.V lleserves coming Oulettd and dlioersed v tbe threatening moot saving trouble and : Dwurs axiw .wwiriuw so ,ueiur sue, r n kMin. jnmu at in. i'.uw ,a am n. .... Ilco cehniy, this August 14.1900. i fv'ili - . .-, t n. at. iiAnrin. J. f . ., :. . Vstleeelelttttjrsas .",,,,,, v . i . i ii . t . n m . "V . i .in wsuiug, aaiu sue vrm cougar, io ? find a friend without fault. ' ' . ",, i,VT!.; ' Take my advice, then, taid the Fellow Who Tells Unpleasant Truths, and cease siting. Mots on. You'll never find Mm ' ' ."' ' . ' ; 1 It will turprlne you to experience the m-fli nlitxtued by using the dMniy and i ...ma Ilule pill known at l!i ,,'!'t'a : 'yi r. :-'. i - . - 1