. . - "-v w-- v , t; . I 7 W VOL, Xyill-NO. 124,t NI BERN,' N. C., WEUNtSDAT MORNISfl, AUGUST 22, 1900. NINITEEMTH TEAR 1 . TRY! .V ." 7i ,: : Only 10c for 1 V ,-. -f ; v. i . ,. v. . r . saaaaaai sama, en aw t t : Will refund your money it you are not . A satisfied alter using. . - K " At 4 47 & 49 Pollock Street. sf Just Received! A fresh lot Domed Portsmouth Mullets uutl 8mnll Tig Hams 5 to 6 lbs. Also (mail Breakfast Strips, 2 to 3 lbs. t Good Cutter 25o lb. Very Butter at 30c. '. . We are also atrents for the dry Soaps! They are guaranteed to cure Heat, Pimples, V Bhernn, Tetter, Block Heads and other Skin Diseases, - They V are Purely Vegetrble. ' Give ns a trial for anything in the Grocery' Line and we will do onr best to please you or refund your money. . . Yours for Business. i d DADk'PD id rsDnrpo 3 'Phone 69. 7 ;v n : If you want a good cup of . and you will get it, l,n vvj ' .;f;f-;Thii coffee If equal K uj leu of price.',! ';S f v II UA Mechanic That ,l; Jllwny Swearn B oar Fine Tools for carmntitri, nuflai and paiuter' niie, tlli bis fellow workmen lbl no piwe m una mwn ran riU (lull mrh tli(roiif(h Mtitifiwlion iu all kind" o( di(tIiiiio loola a. you ran rilit hnre, wboro nrtlilnc la I pi tint a iiprlor Krile and line brlaue o tli )xt manufacture. - An. I w alao 18 on baml a lure Um 'k of Sc.roon Wlmlowa ami Uimri, Prompt Delivery . .. 'Hi ii l '.Min i n - ' ' ,' , ' , .. . OUR If J fun a V 4 lb. Package, f best Elgin and Fox River Print V Snaniali Root Toilet- nml . fjuin- - 7 Broad Street. g .V 'You can always expect "when' you order your tood suppltei from ; , this reliable store. W oq ,sap-. i i J Mr ejr demand ol a' Drat cl 1 familr xtrnkto- wiW the, Oholcert v Sttpleiad Fancy Grooerles, Rel- . ; J IthM, Plcklea, 8auo, Olivet, Fox -. ... Biror Print 8utter, and Pl Haraa : i at Rk Bottom Prioei. 1 2 Coffee Is Price Only 20c. delicious coffeebny a pound ( ( . Xy';i';t-:fV-'i' coffee in the market, rpgard--jr;fy I i -; .TV-w-ni :"Wa' -wfc" !i , ..; il- j( '''i'r'V-v,:--.-!' FRUIT JARS I jeuy lumDiers, '!TbIiaccioTvvine At Xowest Prices j Oil. STOVES, 'CloaloR ihnra out." A few Wiokiea "Blua Flame" and other oil nore Chimney Btove 6c, ,., . , v ; ,, r II, .E. WIIITEIITJR3T, 411 Pollock Street, New Bern, N. O. REAL ESTATE ! City Real Estate bought and so.d on (' '' :n ff Pin i m f-.r' tt.ow In t' city as '' ii as time living oub.I.it. X- , " f -r an a tarn, ft '."-a- , T V ?; U::V1LS TCDiT- Program Of Exercises -To Be Held " At The Vance Statue. - Crop ; Outlook (alt UafaTOrahle. Only Cenjrat Seettea Has Kaia. " Cottoa Pteklar Betaa. Fralt -' Promises Well . ' .. West. - . Special to Journal. Ralsioh, Aaguat 31.--Chlef Marihal Thomas S. Kenan today ltaoed the fol lowing at the programme of the Vance ttatna unveiling tomorrow. The pro cession will start from the city ball at 11.80a. m. 'No moanted men o' ve hicles will be permitted in U. The Hue of march Is very short. ; The procession will to In the following order,1. Platoon of police,. Wrights Cornet Band, Con federate Veterans, Military organiza tions, State . officers, those of various cities, towns and " counties, -: Citizens generally.- Orator an 1 Chaplain. The exercises at the Capital square will be opened by prayer by ' Rev. Dr. Eugene Daniel, and Thomas 8, Eenon will . In troduce the. orator Richard H. Battle. The statue . wilt be nnrelled by Bsby Vance, a 19 year old grand daughter of B. Vance, Benediction. . ; . ' -Letters from the GoTernort of Vir ginia, South Carolina and Georgia will be read, expressing regret at tbelr In ability to be present. The crop and weather reports made by the government today for this State Is a gloomy one. It sayt that notwith standing some improvement In crop con ditions caused by local rains over limited areas, the reports of crop correspondents for the week ending last -night, are generally very unfavorable. Tbundei- sbowers occurred Monday, ISth, and Thursday 16tb, nights, with the most abundant precipitation along a line from Oharlotto through Raleigh to Koi folk, Va., but north and south' of this line, as well as over the . majority ' of counties near the coast and ia the moun tain section, very little or no precipita tion whatever was reported. Moreover In those counties where rain did occur its influence was but temporary, and the soil Is now as dry almost as before.. The heat has not abated; the meaa tempera tare was again 8 degrees daily above the normal, with maxima from BO degreee to 100 every day of the week, Practically, therofore, the drought altli prevails with almost undiminished intensity,: and Is extremely distressing over those coun ties which have received no rata , what ever, .flowing for fall crops is impossi ble; jery few-turnips have been sown' fodder palling, however, hts made good headway. .. :iVl , Cottoa is holding out well .only on stiff clay lands; ail other crope have un questionably deteriorated very ; much; the rata of the 10th caused some im provemeat In places; a large number of correspondents state that cotton . bolls are very small and are opening . prema turely, and lint from such cottoa .can not fall to be short and Inferior la qua ily; fresh blossoms are not forming and shedding continue. An re porta agree that the cotton ' crop, once the most promising crop In the Bute, .has been materially cut short by the drought. Picking has has commenced, and the first new bales have bean marketed. Young cora throughout tbe sections where showers occurred may : yield fair crop under future favorable condi tions, but generally the core crop is sow very poori much fodder bat dried op completely before tbe ear have lured. - Tobacco is ripening, very fast, and the late crop is not good; catting and curing bave advanced steadily. Pea nutssweet potatoes, and rice do sot seem to be doing well, though- refreshed by showers here and there. . Gardena are practically worthies. Bummer apple have bera scalded aad bar dropped considerably; winter applee also are poor, and on the whole the apple crop Is Inferior,' though many counties west of tbe Bine Ridge report a fall aad use crop. '.. - ..- . ". - . ' ': ' , . ' A Mms View, ' t,. There would probably be more "love at first sight" it it were possible to. de termine the girl's Wealth that quickly ' You will never find sny other pills so prompt and so pleasant as DeWllt't Lit tle Early Risers. F. 8. Dully. If something In your head dolb cause . That bead of yours to ache-. " It can be cured If you 111 but, ; Celery Headache Powders Uke, v ' Made and sold only at Davis' Pharmacy A cwrnplute line of gold lad gold filled watches sold at J. O. liaxter'sr for raab and on Instalments to responslhl pertles. Don't full to see those txiaullful flan ncl and silk coals at J.J. lUnor's lx.fors buying. r U his Kii.l.onr, ml all en.-.iinnr u go" I..W f . - Shirt Waist Man Sues. ; . - Cuioaoo, August M. Sol Bloom, a musle publisher, to-day brought salt for $50,000 dsmaget against tbe Union Res taurant and Hotel, in Randolph Street, for refusing to serve -him while, he was clad In a shirt waist and minus a coat. This is said to be the first time the shirt waist question has beea brought lefore : a court. t i ';'' Attorneys for the plaintiff contended that the defendant had ao right to re fuse to serve Bloom - merely because he wore the. latest style in men's gar menu. t ' ' ' , ' Tbe managers of the reeturant, when questioned regarding their refusal,' said that patrons wearing sbiit waists would only be served at tatties adjoining me main dining room. No person would be permitted to eater the dlulug-room un lets wearing a coal-, - - ' Campaign Still Dull Washwotow, 1 Aug, Si -Mr H. F. Coggswell, of Cblcagu, who has excel lent opportunities to feel . the public pulse darlug his travels, dropped a few remarks la Washington, that might be studied with Interest If not with profit by the professional politician. , He said: The people everywhere are busy,' much Co busy to bother their l-esds about poli tical questions that do net directly affect them. The spellbinders will have a let of trouble stirring '- up say eiitbbaiesm this year, and, despite the Increase ia population, I predict that the vote will be much lighter than It was four yera ago. Men had uotbiug to do those days but talk politics, and everybody got ex- cited over Issue aud went to the polls and toted.' The Cuban Teachers. . WasT Poiht.'N. Y.,Aug. .-The Cuban teachers arrived here by boat at t o'clock. Colonel Mills, Superintendent of tbe Academy, Quartermaster Belllger 'ana Adjutant Rivers were 1a wetting at the landing to receive Ibem. At many as could be were accommodated with stages to convey them up the long hill. They were escorted by soldier, detailed for that purpose, through all (he build. Inge of Interest. ' . ' - Adjutant .Rivers had a guide-book printed In Spanish for their, enlighten. menl. 1 bey were delighted l'h every thing they saw. Tbey left for New York at 8 o'clock. - Anarchist Buttons. . New Yobk, August SO. A lot of B reset buttons have beea brought to Pe terson. N. J., from; Newark, "tod tbey are finding a ready tale ' In Anarchist quarters. Oely tbe radicals wear them, but tbey are being bought freely by others as cnrloaltlee. ' t -v The bsttona have a picture of the slayer of the King of Italy aad above II hi aame.- J .'" , tSeveral secret service men are at work here tfylog to establish tbe Ideality, of the man "Msber," who I aaldle have Written a letter relative to the crime of B react la killing the King of Italy and telling of the plot of tbe Anarchists to kill president McKloley. v It will surprise you lei experleaos tbe benefit obtained by using the dalaty aad famous little pill kaowa aa De Will's Little Early Risers, F. & Puffy. ' V -THE. MJLUEp; The following quotations were receiv ed by J. K. Latham, New Bam, N. 0. , Nw Voax, Angua St Oottok;-- . Open. High. Low. Ckee Aug. .... i. t.H Sept.:.; f.". ' 8.78. b.r: Oct 8.84 8.08 Nov,;.;,'.;.; 8(1 8,68" Jea .i....;., 848 8.68 : Mch,,.;,U... 8.48 8 8T 8.05 8.78. 8.81 861 '8.471 sU -8 01 878 8.80 8.66 8.68 Wnaavi -V.' Opeo, Sept t T7 High. Low. Close 78 -ITT.-r, 78 Oona. . . ' s- V Sept ...v.. ;' 'Ti "il VI So. RyPfd..... M 81 to !.;...;...; m-K 0 Fed. S... .;.84t Con T. . . v. . Tl '"' - '''VO-; , 84 Leather ;,'.'.:.;;-':,;;;.''v--1... . Cottoa recelpu were (00 bale at alt ports. V ;; r ' - The quicker yon elop a cough or cold tbe lets danger there wil! be of fatal lung trouble. One Minute Cough Cure is the only hsrmteas remedy that gl Immediate resulu. You will like It. , F. s.D.iffy. . r Clearance Sale Continucl A few more day to bay seasonal! goods at greatly reduced prices IS aad 86 sent ell silk rlljhons at IV oents yard 00 to 75 cent silks for dress trimmings and walsU now 119 o yd, summer lnby caps at half. Notice l'x ad. O. II. Barfoot, Clearance C NO gOIKlt rllS! 1 (!!!! ' t! 8n's 7Tffl w'.' w 1 I stilus si , 1 , f, ' I 1 ' w' t r -.!, u- -'-is t , i i 1 ; . I,wn, Oir it.-. 4, eM-., ho yl. L'.; a I. ' i. A. ! Jorr! .n't I.! '" r i '- " ' t ' ,.!: . ,. : ! I-. i CCtifl III- - t The rrhldden':aty Of'pekin En- - ,tereaByThcAlUes, - Ceaaer SaytChlafM tjorerameat to Hume, aadarlas New Aaz 1 leas te Pratrel Ferelga . ' erattiaee Pekla ' Is Taken, Special to JoaraaLi , ' , ' Wasaiaoeoiii August 81 A cable gram aavs that the aw-red i-r forbidden elty of PklQ,lbs residence of the Em peror of China, baa fallen. Tbe Allle centered tbe Inner city August 17tb. The Itueslena disregarded the agree ment of the coumaudara of tbe Allies and attacked etngie - beaded in thret- places, thereupon all the foreign force advanced. : . :.(.t'"j .. ) -. ' . . Two, companies of the 14lh United States lofaatry ellmbed the east' part, of the outer wall aud hoisted the stars and stripes at 11 o'clock. Tbe Japanese kepi up a vigorous bombarajsent. All the troops are now inside and are advancing. Minister Conger says that the entire hostile movement wa , purely govern mental and that Lhe Boxers were used merely as a pretext a lb Boxers have ao guns and can do Utile damage. Minister Conger says: Toe Imperial troops : were led by e, confidential ad visor of the Empress Dowager. Tbey tried to auuibllUte tbe legations before the relief column could reac,h us. "Tbe Tsung U Yanien i-ent us word that orders ball tmaa.lstucd to iu officers to slop firing on . the lrgatious under pain of death. Despite Inn the Chinese opened Ore and continued bring all (bat day. We should .robably bavr succumb! bad not the relkvlng column arrived wbeu It 1ld." News of the success of tbe allies bat spread rapidly Iu roulb Cblua and has canted a wonderful . change In the atti tude of mandarins who are now very energetic io protecting foreigners. Minister Wu calls I at iba Stale De partment and left message from the Viceroys of Nankin, aud Wo Chang re newing assurances of good will and tbelr Intention of maintaining order and protecting foreigners in the Southern province of China. Loudon, Aug. 9U Julian Ralph, In the Dally Mall, this morning quotes from s diplomat of. High standing whose name is not given, who declares that Russia Is vigorously endeavoring- to se cure American support and to break tbe harmony existing between the United 8iaUs and Great Britain. "England," says tbe Diplomat In ques tion, 'has ao first-class pewer except America which offers her Ibe slightest ground for hoping a friendly bearing of her case., The, bluer feeling of today will generate war against her tomorrow. Russia's plan, Whlcluls encouraged by Anslris-Huogry, Preaoe aad, Oermeny, Is to strip Great Britain of all aupport aad leave her naked before such a war tieerio." V-"' .-'. .:- ' ' ;" "' ' ' CASTOR I A .."ii' lor InfaaU jid Children, Tit llni Yea Ran Alxayi Eccgtt , BMT8 tat),. 0gntvttttaf : YOU'LL SEE at a glance that our Spring Woolens strike the top notob la tbe variety of ar. tlstlc patterns. What a suit Is made of and the way it Is mad ap are the two important dress polnte.- We have no rivals la either, respect, , Our, work Is not Imiuud end our display of , fabrics Is sxclualve. - Order now. - .;.' :, ') ; ", ''p. 'ri'! Chadwlek, ' Balnjr and Ties We a a ready to supply the trade with Cottoa Bagging and Ties, Bag Oloth, Casvy Backs, c. Prices are Right. : 1 aS CO. M l' F?" " Crf a iiiiiiiUiuiiiuiiiiiii THE NICEST LOT OF Portsmouth Corned Mullets, That have been brought to Market this Season Just Re ceived. . , Also a fresh lot Whole Dried Codfish, and nice Irish Potatoes. Fulton Market Beef and Small Hams. Nice lot Jellies in glass jars, 10c each. Pure apple Vinegar and Spices. Full line Canned Goods. Give me a call. Respectfully, I. J. L McDASIEL, 'Phone Ol. 7WM V II IS THE WORLDS You are urged to call and examine OFTEN IMITATED, these Shoes. They, NEVER EQUALED. are by long odds the best values ever offered in the city, only one price $3,50. Mail orders will receive prompt attention; $3.75 delivered to any address in Eastern North Carolina. Write for catalogue. G. WNN & CO. 57 POLLOCK STREET. PLANTER'S Opening Sale, Wednesday, Aug. I. i"-'" The Planter' Warehouse is located in the bminess part of the city an? the finest Warehouse in the State. We will have plenty of bnyers with plenty of orders for all the Tobacco in this part of the State. '; vIt is the nirn of the management to give his personal attention to all galea and to lee that yon ate well looted after when on the market with tobacco ' Onr motto is "High Prices and Personal Attention to your in terest. , : -.- - : v'v.r Stsblt Come down to tlie opening uie, nd we will try to please you. . v f rf . . . ' . , " 5'- V PLANTEE'S' WAREHOUSE CO., laraeaODmblete 'stock)of0Btcs and Sundries; ! : am ;!: varied stock ofGuns;: Reltohers, ; Loaded I will guarantee" ' to s0c you money on ! cny make of Guri, crA w:!l sell other. goods in this line on 'A ry c'ocznxzrj f. 5; Wholesale 5 & ltelnil g 71 r.i:'l HU WAREHOUSE BEST. Notice XI :-v ThO only roan there) be. Not Left, Coma Set).'-" ' A No. i Real, Heart Hand-made tad Sawed Bbtngles elwaye on hand, f Laths, Carts aad Haggles. l Kiln Tar and Fat Ltghtwood Post. All kinds of Stove Wood 'delivered to yoar dooiV ( . ' v r 'yi--';y: : Two Stores to let aid kouaea to rent., all tboJa'T.--r-:.'j ,,' jt ' Lime to retail or by the buret. .; . - v p, i'-ij..vr?....rr-:-'' i -7 "'' nUCDERTIRES, ; Jitipgics or Carriagos ' furnished to order will; IttibW Tirfg or pew ', w1iim:1s with rubber tirce for jour J httftsjf.'pr other vehicle, at short . notice. ,. -'.",-,: ', . ",- If you t anything in our line c:ill on vs. ': ' We viil i'l'-;i e you. . 1- . '-"); VI 1 1 . ' : , ft.'.'-' : - ? v -: ' ; -..'-,-.;';';;:T,! ' k .v-v:.Vay' vhli'li we are, now pninif to n il at ro mi t i ct lnoi.h r to mule n far f iiil t!oo.i. ti S

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