VOL, XFllI-NO. 125. , NEW KIRN, M. C., THURSDAY; MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1900. NINETEENTH 1EU! aifetii' - TRY OUR ; PERFECT BLEND TEA,- : Only 10c for 14 lb: Package.! Will refund your money it you are not R satisfied alter using:. J 47 & 49 Pollock Street. Jttst Received! A fresh lot Corned Portsmouth Mullets and Small f ig Hams 5 to 6 lbs. Also small Breakfast Strips, 2 to H m. Good Putter 25c lb". Very best Elgin and Fox Eiver Print Butter at 30c. - We are also agents for the Spanish Root Toilet and Laun dry Soaps. They are guaranteed to cure Heat, Pin.ples, Suit Rheum, Tetter, Black Heads and other Skin Diseases. Thev are Purely Vegetrble. Give us a trial for anything in the Grocery Line and we will do our best to please you or refund your money. Yours for Business. J. R. PARKER, 'Phone 69. Prompt Delivery f t If you want a good cap of and yon will get it. - - i rm ff i. ar.n,i 4-M - a. ut wuov mm cugi uuy lew of priced. ' - ( : . -. . . .... .'.:. ?5V A Neclianlo That By our Fine Tools for carpenters, Riaaon aarf painter", dm, telle bit fellow ot kmea that at no place la this town ran rm Hod mcb thorough aalltfactloa . la aA kind, ol Bxfh.nlr. tool. a. yon ran right hare, whitrx nothing la k. pt tiut a aiiperlor Krad and Cao brlitle ftf the bmt n.nur.ntnre. And we aUo li.ve on hand a large .tnelt of H:ra Window, and I(Mirn, wlil h w ar. now ff'iiiiK to at rn.i and holnw r.'wt In mclrr to tnnk. rooin lor Fll (Joodi. g, i - cr 1:11 1 111 ! - III JaaaMaWI . a; A it i - "v 22 2tP JR., GROCER 77 Broad Street. From Dunn's -, . You can alway expect when yon order your food supplies from this reliable store. We can aup- pleterydomaad of a first clues ... family trad with the Choicest Staple and Fancy Groceries, Rel- libes, Pickles, Sauces, Olive., Fox RIvar Prlot Dutter. and Pig llama at R 10k Bottom Price i. , ; We make 'a specialty of high gr ids Teae an I OoITees. 1 Our Perfection blond - Coffee Is Fine, , Price Only 20c. deliciom coffeebuy a pound .-. r : VA J. .1 v 6 wuot iu iud uiui Act rraru- , 1 . J.,,. t4 FRUIT JARS 1 Jelly Tumblers, .Tobacco jTwine "J. At Lowest Prices CloelnK them out!' A few WlckUai "Blue flatne" and other oil store.. Chlmnny Stoye 6r. ' U. E. WHITEHURSTi 46' Pollock Street, New Bern,' N. 0. REAL ESTATE ! City Ileal Ratal bought and .o.d on eommlHSlon. . , , . , . . , . , ; !ln lion of lfcnti f ir lliow In the City a. rll a thne living out.M. X -ro t r - ' I SEEII BY til. Vance Statue - Unveiled Before A - Great Gathering of the People. ' Ceremoay Was Impressive, v Uae af Processiea aad Order af Ei ' ; erelaes. Simple As ' , Was the Nature ' af - Taaee 7 Special to Jonrnal. - Rauioh, Aug-. 28. Thl. wu a. great day in the history of North. Carolina. "The brenze statue Of Tance was on veiled ten minutes past two o'clock and a great cheer went up as It stood re realed. About tea thousand people witnessed the ceremonies, half, of the number were visitor, who had come to pay a tribute to the memory of North Carolina's greatest statesmen and most loved citizen. - J , ' Early in the day all the arrangement, for the unveiling were completed. They were severely .simple, " Chief Marshal. Thomas S. Kenan saying this very sort of simplicity was what Vance liked. A platform built from the head of the portico of the Capital extended, toward the rear of the statue, and this we. covered with tent flies laced, together. On the ground near it were seats. The .State flags were displayed on the Capitol and the latter, together with the bank, and various public buildings were closed at noon. Mrs. Vance and her son Mr. Harrj Martin arrived yesterday, Capt. Z. B. Vance arrived this morning, as did also little Espy Vance, the Senator's grand- daughter, who unveiled the statue. The weather was very fine. The procession moved at eleven forty five. It formed In front of Metropolitan Hall and moved to the Capitol Bquaie In the following order: , Platoon of Police. Kaleigh fjornot Band. Confederate Veterans. Governor's Guard and other military organizations. State Officers. Official, of Counties and Towns. Citizens Generally. Orator and Chaplain. There were about five hundred Con federate Veterans In line. Gen. Carr and .tail were In uniform as were the Ra' elgh and Durham Camps of Confederate Veterans. The military In the parade were the Raleigh Light Infantry, Capt. Bernard; Forsyth Riflemen of Winston, Capt Bessent; Wilmington Light Infantry. Capt. White; Franklington Rifles, Capt. McGbee; Durham Light Infantry, Capt. Christian; Vance Guards of Henderson Capt. Poythress; Warrenton Guard.. Capt. Mason; Granville Grays of Oxford, Capt Land's; Goldsboro Rifles, Capt. Griswold; Clinton Rifles, Capt. Holmes; Klnaton Naval Reserves, Lieutenant Pearson; New 'Bern Naval Reserves. Lieutenant Uill. The exerol.es were opened by prayer by Rev. Eugene DanleL The introduction of the Orator by Thos. 8. Kenan, Chief Marshal. The Oration was by Richard B. Rattle. It was an hours length1 and was a com plete sketch of Vance's life and work. The Dnvelllng of Statue wu by Mis Eapy Vance. '' . ; ' ' The benediction was by Rev. Dan ish . - y . - 'V;' The committees were as follows: ' ' ' "' ' Legislative Committee R,H.Bp.lght of Edgecombe, J. D. Bushel! of Wake, i. C. Curtis of Buncombe. ' - Local Commiltee (of Venoe Memorial Assootetlon)--Josepb. G. Brown, W. N . Jones, C. M. Busbee, A. A. Thompsoa, Thos B. Kenan, were preeenL' V ' M THB MARKETS. ',": v The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E, Latham, New Bern, N. 0. '''r'irr-'S: Naw York, August W e OoTtoa;-- Open. Hign. Low. Clow - Aug. :.V:,i. 0.10 0.10 ; B.01 V 0.10 ' Sept.... 8.70 8.7 8.71 ' 871 Oct.. 8 87. 8.B7 ' 8.87 8.57 Nov....i..... 9M 8.S4 '.8 4t 8.44 Jan i .;; . .. 8.M" .6 8.48 ! 8.48 Men.'......'..; 8.54 8 88 8 47 - 8.47 Whbat! - Open. High. Low, Clbet Bept 98t - t ' W - 781 Bept. ;....... :S?srr-;., '' :' ; '.' So. RyPfd...... ;:; i -'a 6I Fed. 3.. 84 r-"'''-?'''-: ,M Con. T..,...;I.'. ' - .-' . Leather,.. ... 10 ' , . ' . 10 , Cotton receipts were 1,000 bales at all ports. . ' ' Meeting of County Commissioners. I, R. P. Win lam., member of the Board of Commlnloners ' of Craven county, reque.t the Chairman. of the Board to call a mooting of tba Cornl. sloncrs on the 2Hth, day of Aogutt, 1000, to take action relative to inch bu.lneu a. may rone before It. R. P. WIM.UMS, Anguit Slat, 1900. Commlulon.r. Couillll.lnom Nutln.. Undi-r wuHton 708 of the mile, I hert bf iijinn the apiilivallun ot It. P. Wll- lining, rutnm'. itoncr i:--i!l . fal rii't lii( (if tliii r.(.-inl fif "t . !. i f ; n "i h on A'i;'t i : li, I O t J 1 o'. it a. in. at ilto C ourl Ihmu v. In f' - J -ii. A I'.'p ( nil ia I .r li.n ti : n f I ..... i 1 " to (!. t . , I RALEIGH. State Guard Equipment About Completed. ; Ajfrlcultural Building. JUllway Talk. . ; RatmoH, Angost The 'Quarter master General has completed the equip ment of a)l the State Guard aare the Greenville oompany. The latter wu hutlly armed with carbine. I sat month. It will be felly and properly equiped. There are now 88 companies of Infantry, a section of artillery and 7 divisions of naval reservet; total strength a little over 8000. . Each of the three regiments ol infantry has IS companies. The Quar termaster General says a cavalry troop Is desired and that It' can be quickly equipped. . Seven companies of the 80 regiments were here today in the parade --. The let tare room of the new annex ot the agricultural department building I receiving the final touches. It la a hand some room with celling ot polished pine, with 236 opera chairs, a stage and .spec ial arrangements for stereopttoon pic tures. The carpeting will be .finished tomorrow, and it will be ready for it. first nee next week, by the agricultural commissioners of ' the eotton-growlott slates..' It Is lighted by six chandeliers The entire rauieom Is In fine Shape. Railway men in this State are much interested in the rumor that the Penn sylvania Railway has rented the Norfalk and Western. By building a tine from Durham here Raleigh would have an other connection, via the N AW. The Republican, sky they do lot be lleve their parly wilt make congressional nomination In Ih. 6th district. WHO MAY WITH THE SHREWD HOURS STMVKf " Who nay with tii ahnwd hour, atrlnf Too thriltj df.l.ri th.y That with the out luud blindlr sin, With tin olbtr ukt wy. And fUtton thin iow htllo. aakt, Somt dtMt ol (old, between . The bud. that lve and banda that tak. Slipped aolHleee and mueen. Ah, comedy of bargaliihifa! Whose gain of ycori we found A little atlt ol foldea thlni. Forgotten on the ground. Arthur Col ton in Alnilee'a TWO HORSEMEN MEET. The Owteeme of a Disenables as te the Ljm el m Mala staedU l) r. Maine's David Harum came Into the village the other day. He was looking for a trade. He sat In his muddy aid wagon with hi. back bent and Ma elbow, on hi. kneea. The horse that he drore had hip bones that looked like broken spring, in a haircloth sofa. The good housewife could hare done her week's washing on the corrugations oa his aides. Hia eyes had the blase look ot one . who has gone through everything that can by any possibility be coming that way and so ha. nothing to fear. The old maa was driving with a knotted rope tied to the end of a stick. "Clck. dckl Qlddap, Ebenewr,". he kept saying, and Bbsneser may. have heard him, and he may have felt the slap of the knotted rope, but if he did there wa. no symptom to Indicate it either in the cant of his ear. or the ac celeration of hli gait. The old man ajddenly pulled np. No, he didn't pnll Tip; he said, "Whoa." The old horse always can-lea one eat back to hear a whoa. He stopped so soddnly that the old man was precipitated for ward. But he caught' the dasher with both bands and waa able to aare himself 'from falling on to. his aoee en the road, -. As he bung there he said to the maa standing on the sidcwalki ' - .. . . - . "Most wilUn boss I ever had, Isaac A : woman can drive him - anywhere. Case there's any trouble with the rif gio any time, all any one has got to do is to say 'Whoa,' and there ye are. No danger of bein smashed up with him. What ye got ia the aoee-king how, Isaac?"'"' --..s:S::-. . "Waal Pre got two-there's that gray hoes thst Bill Anderson need to ewa that I got In the way of a trade.: Then I've got a black mare, but I don't be lieve the wlmmea folks will went Is part with the black one, for they've made kind of a pet out of it" : ,'' , - : The old maa took a chew ef tobacco and settled himself on the seat with his legs crossed. . Bald hei. :.'-- . y . . I don't .'post y.'re specially' back ward .boot cbangla the gray one se be't ye git the right price for her, Isaac T" "Waal, I s'poee I might listen awhile If any one talked trade." . : "Seems's If tble hoes here might mate op pretty well with the black one." , . "I'm afraid he's a Jilt ga'nt Hiram, te know that black one la e ehinky little bench.", -, -,, r .. - : - - . . rYas, yaa, I know that, but ye'd and that the hone here wonld take on Ink like time when be got etarted. Ye eee, he's so darn high life and I drive him so much thst I keep him a-dlnsia meet of the time. For what ye'd went to drlre, and the wlmmea folk, stubblo blm round, he'd be ronnderta a barrel In' a low weeks. : I dou't know what I'm sWlla him for, mysulf, bnt after 1 bare a hoae about so long, don't make any differ ence how good a hose he ia, I aort ef git fiddlln round to git rid of blm and make a change. It's lucky for a maa when b. don't bar. that dln.tl.fled w.y and cao haug on to a good thing when he gits 11 If I ouly knew enough to do It, I would not let this boa. of mine go for love aot mutiny." While h. w.S talking I..ae had Com. along and had rolled np the eld horu'a upper lln. After a careful scrntlny of hi. tevth laaae shook hi. baad and aaldi "How old do yon call this hoes, Hir am?" .'J' 'nelly 0 y.r. old JeV 'saetly 0." "Hho, now git out. he's oUer'n that." "No, air. J.a' ".ctly 0." "I don't .ay y. .re lyln about the thing. Hlrnm, but Ilo rewkon y. ar. nilmoken. 1 lie hcm la oMi'r'n 6.'' "Now 1 uiiilvrKtaiMl booa tn chr Int'i th. ground." anld the nhl uiRn. "1 know thnt Ihii.. of unite Is j'V 'sect! 0 ym old. sir, Jt'S 'rn'-Hy 9 not OTr J i. 'lven at tlie ouUide end l'i to th. e tt'iit, hy Juilne." LcnUioa JouhihL r III THEIR BUB.-. -!. tvjv seeiiai. .. M' -'-'.t. T:. S -.fi -;- Report That Chinese Are Threaten inf The Relief Column. " ' Pekta - Ia Ceafaslea aad I Tided lata Districts. Amerleaa Treeps First la lai - perlal City. Negotiate For Peace.' Special to Journal. . Waahimstoh, Aug. The Chinese are reported to be ansemMlng. around Pletang forty miles from Pekln, in the rear of the allied forces, now In Pekln. They may try to cut off the relief col umn. . Five, thousand Cblne.e darted foi Snug Leo Citing for Peiiang. Two thousand Cblnese are hurrying to Hung Cho and It Is believed thai a large force ot Cbiuese troop's are to the field be tween Tien Tain and Peklo. Actlvr preparations are necessary to gnard the line of communications of the allies. An official dispatch from Corea saye that a thousand rebels at tor ked Bong Chlng, burning the government build ings and that the situation I. critical. ' In Pekln all except the Imperial City Is cleared of Chinese troop '. The Amer ican troops were the lfrst to enter the Imperial City and they have penetrated to the gates of the palace. An official dispatch from Tien T.ln of August 80th, say. that tbe Japanese oc cupied the Imperial palace atPekin Aug ust 12th. About that date the Emprest Dowager with two thousand troop, supposed to leave Slau Pu for their des tlnatlon. Pekln is now in great confusion and is divided Into several ril-trlols. Hall the Tartar city I. placed under control of Japanese, Aineil.-aut, British, lius alan and French officer, appointed to maintain order. A detachment of Japanese troops -Tea-cued missionaries and Cblnese convent imprisoned In the palac. Two hundred Japaneee Were killed and wounded. Oa the morning ofAngnet lfl'h, the Sixth Cavalry and four h.in Irod U.illsh and Japanese dispersed about a thous and Boxers eight miles outside of Tien T.ln. A hundred Chinese were killed and five Atnerlc.nl wounded. Captain Rellly of the artillery wa. killed Augusl 18th. Naw ToBK, Aug, 21. A Washington dl.patch to the Herald says; LI Hung Chaag has formally ai.ured the United States and power, that the Boxer, throughout China have been dispersed and he guarantees postlvely" that there will be no further disorder.. 'It I. proposed by the President to an swer the note received today, and that presented yesterday requesting the ap pointment of a high commissioner, to aogotieU pesos,' In a communication which will be transmitted to Minister Wa probally tomorrow. This commu nication will show' that the United Bute. rieslree peace to be brought again to China as promptly as possible, bat at the saase ilme It will question the exist ence of a goveranent In China able to approve the acts of its envoy and have them accepted by the whole people. .The quicker yon slop a eough or cold the lees danger there will be of fetal lung trouble.- One Minute Cough Core Is the only harmless remedy thst give. Imtnedlete results. You will like it. F 8. Duffy'tav? ;'--V ' ' YOU'LL SEE ; , v.; ; At a glanoe that our Sprlog Woolens Krlke the top aotcb In the variety of ar tiatto patterns.. What a suit M made of and the way U is made up are, the two important dress points... We have no rivals In either respect. Our .work Is not Imitated Sod our' display of fabrics Is exclusive.' Order aow. ; -:.,' .' ; V. 21. Chadwlclc, Bagging and Ties We ae ready to supply tbe trade with Cotton Bagging and Ties, Bag Cloth, Heavy Sacks, Ac. Prloea are lll(ht. el. 12. Jjuthnm i Co. j .. , ) li5Boo!; Store j : Yc czn supply k c:v'V.rj to be fc::;: li a first- ' I - . ' y. w sW t 4 W t H DON'T YOU NEED A GOOD BROOM ? It so, go to McDaniel's and you can get one tor 25c. Also a fresh lot Whole Dried Codfish, and nice Irish Potatoes. Fulton Market Beef and Small Hams. Nice lot Jellies in glass jars, 10c each. Pure apple Vinegar and Spices. Full line Canned Goods. Giye me a call. Respectfully, 'Phone 91. J. L. 1DANIEL THE WORLDS BEST. a Va-"5r1 to call and examine OFTEN IMITATED, these Shoes. They NEVER EQUALED. are by long odcls the best values ever offered in the city, only one price $3.50. Mail orders wilt receive prompt attention; $3.75 delivered to any address in Eastern North Carolina. Write for catalogue. ef.'G tUM & CO. 57 POLLOCK STREET. PLATER'S Opening Sale, Wednesday, Aug. I. The Planter's Warehouse is located in the hmineas purt of the city and the flnest Warehouse iu the State. We will have plenty of buyer.) with plenty of orders for all the Tobacco in this part of the State. It is the aim of the management to give his personal attention to all sales and to see that you are well looed after when on the market with tobacco. Onr motto is "High Prices and Personal Attention to your in terest." '.Free Stables. Come down to the opening sale, and we will try to please you. V PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., Y . J. M. HOWARD, Manager. X. In addition I to the large dfcomjpleteK 'fstockKofBicydes and Sundries, I aim lv carrying & full 'ana varied siocKofGuni -f. Refrotbers;; Loaded Shells, &c ,r 5 -i I will guarantee to sate you money on : any make of Gun, and will sell other goods in this line on tcry close margin. , i Glue me a call; " Wholesale & Itclnll TsMser, 71 Kri:-1 HI. WAREHOUSE The only man thera be. Not Left, Com Sea. . A No. I Real Heart Band-made sad Sawed Shingle, always ca hand. Laths, Carts aad Boggle.. -; Kiln Tar and Fat Llghtwood Posts. All kinds of Store Wood delivered to your door. - .; .' . ' . Two Stores to let and nooses to rent all the time. ' v . .. . - ' Lime to retail or by the barrel, , RUBBER TIRES; .'.'' - v ' ''; ' Piiij4t0f .Cafriages '.furnished' io onler with Rublier Tires or new wheels with rublwr ijres for your i btlgy or Other '' vehicle at short notice. - .. i.,;., r- - i, , .i"it. 'i If yon want anything in our line mil on o. . - . Wp will pb'ftiw you. .";,'" Jii-xpii'tfully, Notice V"?. 7. IHLL,