VOL. XV1II-NO. 127, NIW UIBN, Ni C, SATURDAY MORNING, ACUllsr 25, 1900. NINETEENTH YEAR I TRY OUR I 1 PERFECT BLEND TEA, ; I Only 10c for 1-4 lb. Package.! ti Will refund your money it you are not ft satisfied alter using. A A M 47 & 49 Pollock Street. fst Received! f HOT SITlSFiCTORI. Condition : of . Crops i Snow : Great Deterioration Since July. A fresh lot Corned Portsmouth Mullets ami Small I a Hams 5 to 6 lbs. Also small Breakfast Stripy, 2 to :i ilia. Good Cutter 25c lb. Very best Elgin and Fox lliver Print But ter at 30c. We are also agents for the Spanish Root Toilet, aiul Laun dry Soaps. They are" guaranteed to cure Heat, 1 hnples, Salt Kheura, Tetter, Black Heads and other Skin Diseases. They are Purely Vegetrble. Give us a trial for anything in the Grocery Line and we will do our best to please you or refund your money. Yours for Business. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. Prompt Delivery From Dunn's You can always expect when you order your food supplies from this reliable store. Wo can sup ply every demand of a flret cliiss family trade with the Choicest Staple and fancy Groceries, Uel lihes, Pickles, Sauoes, Olives, Fox RiT ir Print Butter, and Pic Llama at R Bottom Prices. We make a specialty of high gfiio Teas anllCoffees. Our Perfection Blend Coffee is Fine, Price Only 20c. If you want a good cup of delicious coffee Jmy a pound and you will get it. This coffee is equal to any coffee in the market, regard less of price. Jno. I3xLn.ii, Cotton Dow 14 Folate Siaee Jaly Report. Daaeaa Oa The Cam paign, few Nomina tions. Returns, of August Tote. Special to Journal. Raleigh, Aug. 24. The crop report for August, by the State, agricultural de partment was Issued today and is of ex treme luterest. It says: Crop prospects are not encouraging, and little or no Improvement can be expected. In June all crops were smiling. July shows a decrease in condition, greatly augmented by August in most sections. The seasons hive been most unusual, excessive rains In some places, followed by drought while in others the drought was hardly broken In two months. In some areas the seasons were favorable. It Is for these reasons very difficult to make any satisfactory estimates of the cropt In their condition. The estimate of cotton is 73; that ol the United Stales is 80. For corn tbi esttmate is 75; that of the government 6i But the government got its report our August, while the State report is lalei and during the Interval there was a steady decrease iu conditions. All cropb will lie far from promising. It is surprising to note the difference! (a cum i us from different counties, soon showing average crop, others a decliu. of J or even i- Late private report show an even worse condition In certalu parched ami sun-scotched counllet. As t tobacco the government made no report lor June. In July its figure were MO, and so were those of the Slate report. For August the government's figures are 80, the State's figures 81, which taken In connection with this year's decrease la acreage makes this year's crop In yield and quality, 70 per cent of last years. But since these offi cial August returns came In conference by letter and In person with leading growors In the sections most effecud show that the correct figures are about 65 per cent. Cotton Is 78, as staled, a decline of 14 since the July report. Field peas are 82, sweet potatoes 82, Irish potatoes 78, pea nuts 8;!, sorgbam 80, late cabbage 70, apples 74, grapes 89. The gallows is now being put in the Jail yard hers for the execution of Tom Jones, the negro murderer next Friday lie makes confession. As yet Gov. Rus sell has taken no steps to the execution of Tom Smith, in jail here, convicted of murder In Johuston coonty. Revenue Collector Duncan, the head and front of the Republican party In eastern North Carolina says his party's natloual campaign will begin about Sep tember 1st. lie added "I presume the partywill be glad to have the vote of all who are entitled to vole. Chairman Holloa will be at the bead of affairs. The campaign ought to be lively. We hare made only three nominations for Con gress thus far. John llolton In the 7th, Spencer Blackburn In the 8th and James M. Moody lu the Dili district. The Raney public library here will be completed October 1. The canvass of the returns of the vote In the August election sbow It was 27, 000 less than In 1898, the falling off being In the negro vole. The white vote was very full. 1 y-KAiiil V - V SiesYVYfli .w..Vs-r.r3A. Ti U)" . a,, iiar-vsauis in .Auai,'.', AltvajH Hweara ... By oar Floe Tools for eerpenUirs, masons and painter's use, tells bis fellow workmen thai at no place In this tnwa ran Von flod such thorough eatlafaotloa ! an kiri vi BmiuHi wn pa von caa right here, where enthlns; la kept tint a superior grade and Roe bristle of ' the best auauiaciare. . . . . .' 1 And we also bae on band a large stock of torB . Wlnrlows and Doors, whloh we are now (rolng to sell at cost and hslow cwt In ord.r to m.k. room tor Fall Ooo Is. FRUIT JARS I Jelly Tumblers, Tobacco Twine V At Lowest Prices Closlni them' out, A few Wlokleu "Blu Flame tn.1 other oil stoves. ' ' Chimney Stove 9e.''::' J,V; ' M. T3.,WHITEHUnST, 40 Pollock Street Mew Bern, N. O, . REAL ESTATE ! "u ' f,. ;;. City Real Estate bonght and so.d on oomtnlrsion." ' . ', : Collection of Rentsifor' tbose In the My as c II ai those living outside. , 'ii.We.f.iriiv.ory," The Oregon. WisHiMOToa, Aeg. 23 Capt. George V. Wiley, 'commanding the battleship Oregon, to-day notified the Navy De partment from Sure, Japan, that the vessel, which has been In dock there un dergoing temporary repairs, had been undocked and would be ready for sea la week.. .;: . v The quicker yon stop a cough or cold the less danger there wW be of fatal lung trouble. One Minute Cough Core is the only harmless remedy that gives Immediate results. Too will like It. F. B. Duffy. , ' . ; : THE MARKETS. L , The following quotations were reeeiV ed by J. K. Latham, New Bern, N. 0, .v. 0 ' Raw Voaa, August It v. Oorron;- t' Open. High. Low. Close Aug. ....... 9.08 9.09 9.03 Sept,.. ..... At 8.99 8.59 Oot.Ai. 8.48 (8.46 j. Mt Nor. . . .. . . ... 8 .39 '8.88 8.38 9 01 8.M 8.41 8.28 8.28 8.83 Jaa.,. 8.80 ' 8.88 ; 8.28 ...8.84 8.84 . 8.82 Open. High. Low. Cloee 79 80J 79, . 60 62, ', . Mch WaaaTj ',fA , Sept....... Coajr:- Sept.... II. So. H'y Pfd.. T 0 1.... .i..t, 9l Fed. S 841 Con T... ..... ;','',-" i 7 Leather . ', '.v:"'-',;'-;? Cotlon receipts were 1,500 bale at all porta. ' ' - : . - v' ' - 1 70J 84 CASTOR I A .For Infants and Tij Vd Y;3 1'... '.".: T '! I'nars the s 'iRf-,,8 r.f C lelicious lot Biscuit are made with Royal Baking Powder, and are the most appe tizing, healthful and nutritious of foods. Hot biscuit made with im pure and adulterated baking powder are neither appetizing nor wholesome. It all depends upon the bak ing powder. Take every care to have your biscuit made with Royal baking powder, if you would avoid indigestion. StOYAL IAKINO POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. DON'T YOU NEED 1 5 s K S A GOOD BROOM ? It so, go to McDaniel's and you can gel, one tor 25c. Also a fresh lot Whole Dried Codfish, and nice Irish Potatoes. Fulton Market Beef and Small Hams. Nice lot Jellies in glass jars, 10c each. Pure apple Vinegar and Spices. Full line Canned Goods. Give me a call. Respectfully, 2 I i . I Ms DM1. Wholesale r !,t. at. 71 Kr..?'5 NI. THE WORLDS, BEST. peace ii m. Fighting Ceases InPekin And Out look Is Encouraging;. Troops Sent, For China inverted to Manila. Mill Recognize Auy Responsible tlov ernnieniit In China.. Special to Journal. Wssbinoton, August 24. The Chi nese are wrecking the missions in Pukf en and other provinces. They mobbed too Japanese temple at Amoy and bum ed It. The body of von Kettler, the munter- ed Oerroan Minister, was foun.l. II hsd been shot lu the head by the (Jlit nese mob: The easiialilles In the legations during the siege were 0j killed and 150 wouji ded. Two thousand United Stales troops hare landed at Taku and havo gone to Tien Tsta. Seven thoussnd troops, Including be troops now at sea, about 4,000, together with those under orders for service in the Far East who huve not sailed, amounting to about 8,000 more, will bo sent to Manila. These will sail on the same route and upon touching Nagasaki will go on to Manila unless there are de velopments In China not now expected which Would make their presence id that country necessary. General Chaffee saya that the fighting at Pekln has ended. The allies surround and guard the Imperial city. The Chi nese who made an attack upon the allies near Tientsin wore defeated and driven back; ; Tbe apswer el tbe United Statea to LI Hung Chang's overture, for peace Is made publle. It states tb at "this Govern ment la ready to welcoa.e any overtures for a trace and Invites the other powers to Join when security Is established ' in the Chinese capital and tbe Chinese Gov erament shows lu nullity and willingness to make oa Its part an effective suspen- II In. nff .111.1-. 1 1 - - J .1 1. ..a Im I THE VOTE F0K GOVERNOR. Ofllclal Returns Make II Sixty Thousand Three Hundred and Fifly-Four. 8pecll to Journal. Kalhioii, August 24 -The Stale Hoard of (.'auvassers today completed the can vass of the vote for (Jovernor and found il an follows: Aycock, Democrat, 18(i,t!i0; AdimiH, FiihIoiiUI, I2,2!MI. A Demooratic majority of OO.J&l. J s ... jr -M B Situation at Akron. Special to Journal. Akiion, Ohio, August 24. The city of AUroii in like a military camp today. Sentries arc posted at each corner aoil the city is under martial law. Klame-Bcarred walls alone remain of tbo City Hall and heaps of ashes mark the site of Columbia Hall, which stood next to the city 'jullding. Fire comple ted the havoc wrought by dynamite at the City Hall. (Jroups of firemen are pouring water iuto the smoldurlug ruins. In the destruction of llio municipal linilding Hie city lias lost all the records of llio cliyolerk anil also the records of the city engineer. City Engineer l'ayne iwiil that the loss In his department will he fully luilf a million. The negro Louis Pck, whose life the mob sought is in jail in Cleveland, in mortal terror lest a mob pursue biin to that place. Postoffices Robbed. W'IRtob-Sai.em, N. C. August 23. Tka poslelllce at Wllkesboro and North "WUkeaboro were broken open and rou ted last alght The two towns are only one mfte apart At the first place the robbers oecured seventy-five dollars In money, several registered letters and a lot of stamps. The safe was blown open with dyuamite at Morth Wllkesbero. A&out tlRO in cask, registered letters saw! a lot of sumps were secured. There Is ao clue to guilty parties. Several show people who were In . Wllkesboro, were arrested and searched this morning; but tbeoOlcers failed to find anything to In 4fcate guilt and the -parties were re leased You are urqed to call and examine OTEN, IMITATED,, these Shoes. They NEVER EQUALED. are by long odds the best values ever offered in the city, only one price $3.50. Mail orders will receive prompt attention; $3.75 delivered to any address in Eastern North Carolina. Write for catalogue. G. VUNN & CO, 57 POLLOCK STREET. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE sloo ot hostilities there and elsewhere In Chine." Germany haa seat an ..answer to the same effect. " . , i. , "" .. v r 1 For, Dreyfos' Pardon Special to Journal. ' , ' ' Wasbihotok, Aug. 24 Aooordlng t( adrioea from Paris, rresldent .Loubel, of tbe French Itepabllc, will ask for the. pardoa of Alfred Dreyfus and Captain Ploquart and will than resign ale office ' Heiress to Millions. ' - Cbioaoo. August 23 A special to tbe Times-Herald -'f rora Ashevllle, eavs a alrt baby has been born, to Mrs, Georte Vsoderbllt In Hillmore House, I v..tarfiiii .ntiniinnea1 that her mm J v. ' i- .. - - name will be Cornelia Btuyvesant. Tbe .little : stranuer le heir to a fortune of 420,00u00. , , , ton will never find any other pills 10 pcampt and an pleasant as DeWltt's Lit tle Early Risers. m B. uuny i!ii Ice Cream floda today at McSorley'i, looICream, delivered to any part of the ( dty, AO cents quart, at Mosoney s. , "Wbu in Bayboro stop at the Lupton I toase for good accommodation '- Pretoria Correspondenctj, ; -"""' ' Londom, August 93 The Colo) ilal Of fice today asade public the let t of the correspondence seized at ' Pretor la. Re sides Henry Labouchere. John Edward Ellis, Liberal, member of Pal (lament, wrote to Mrs. Bolly for facts f avorable to the Transvaal and Dr. llsrli , ' Brown Clark. Radical member, and ton eerOon- snl-General Of the Roasn, Afrlrai l Rnnh- I llo In London.. wrote to President Kru- '. Jf. Jf. Baxter Is selling his Rlhlmns ger under date of August 2011 1809, of t awhs. Ladles Oxfords, and all summer the unnatlsfactory remits of a converse- g ods very low for the cash lion h bad with JoscpU, Chu mlrlnln, j ", thsBecreiiiryon'tatefor th cidonl. A complete line of gold and gold filled Dr. Clsrk ..-' 1 he the.;ht was was In- w sold at J. O. Baxter's for ra.h ev!!i.'.'. s ! ' d ti.er-. :t of !'..- a 1 "n lii-latiiwnt lo rr-pr.nll.le ! ' .-I - I' :, i - p '' Opening Sale, Wednesday, Aug. I. The l'litnter'H Wtirchousc is located in the lmsinoaa purl, of the city and the finest Warehouse in the State. We will huvftMenty ol buyers with'plenty of orders for all the Tobacco in this part of the State. It is the aim of the management to give his personal attention to all miles and to see that you are well looked after when on the market with tohacco. Our motto is "High Prices and Personal Attention to your interest." Free Stable Oome down to the opening sale, and we will try to please you. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. In addition to the large and complete stock of Bicycles and Sundries, I am carrying a full ana varied stock of Guns ' ' Refrofoers, Loaded Shells, &c Notice ! The only man there be. Not Left, Come See. A No. 1 Real Heart Hand-made and Sawed Uhlogles always on hand. Laths, Carta and Buggies. Kiln Tar and Fat Light ood PoaU. All kinds of Stove Wood delivered to your door. . , Two Stores to let and bouses to rent sill tbe time, Lime to retail or by tbe barrel. Bo , B1&' HILL, The fJiiiile Mai RUBBER TIRES. tugaies or Carriages furnished . I will guarantee , to sate you money on any make of Gun, and Will Sell OlDet ' to ordef with Rubber Tirei or new J " it' V j'whuelo with rubber tiree for yonr . QOOdS Ul ttUSUne On brllrev or ther Tehicle t ihort Very '.close margin.:: Give me a call Wn. T. HILL, , i p'ille. Journal Ci notice. . ; 'v; ; i.;.1.' j 'f i. It you want anything in oar lint call on m. :: J;-?,1 . We will please yon, .., . Krepeotfully, . . , O. II. Vntew A Hon, ' rhone 185. - 78 Broad Btrwt

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