fe4:'Ltv,,.--: ! IS1' afa,UJ;-a..mr..i II I I llrHlllll ! SyruP'Figs Adsfltwautly andfivmpty. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive.; Presents in the most atceptaieann the laxative principles of plants known to act most benefictalQK TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFlD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. 'SAN PRANCISCOt CM.. lOUISVIUE.KT. NtWWKK..M.Y. for sh drugghts - prict SO per tdttf. THE JOURNAL. New Bern.N. C, Aug.SS. 1900. Index to Ney Advertisements. .1. R. Parker, Jr. Mullets. J h. McDanlel Mullets. J. A. Duguld King lost. F. C. Duncan Notice of sale. Business Locals. LOST: -Large Initial Ring with An chip Diamonds, and one pearl. Lost New Bern Engine house. Reward will be paid for Its return to J. A. Duguld. FRESH Portsmouth Mullets Just re celved at J. R. Parker's, Jr. MIHS Ola Ferobce will reopen her rami c'ass Monday, ,8ej tember 3rd, 1900. HUSTLING young man can make $60 n;r month and expenses. Permanent position. Experience unnecessary, Write quick for particulars. Clark & Co., 4th and Locust its., Phlla., Pa. LOST Fountain pen. Finder will be rewarded for Its return to W. F. Roun tree. TI.1E finest Beer always on draught, at Jacob's, Middle Street, If something in your head dotb cau3e That head of yours to ache It can 1)0 cured If you will but, Celery Headache Powders take. Made and sold only at Davis' Pharmacy Don't fail to see those beautiful flan nel and silk coats at J. J. Baxter's before buying. Bond your prescriptions to Davis' Pharmacy. They will be filled promptly and accurately. Just received a lot of One F. F. VJ Hams at Oaks Market. Clearance Sale Continued. A few more days to boy seasonable goods at greatly reduced prices 25 and 35 cent all silk ribbons at 19 cents yard 60 to 75 cent silks for dress trimmings and waists now 39 c yd, summer baby caps at half. Notice big ad. G. H. Barfoot, Brick and Laths at Big Hill's, the Shin g'e Man. Jordan's Liver Pills are the best liver pills mad. Sold only at Davis Phar macy. Schedule of Kails. Arrival of malls from north and west dally except Sunday, 10:30 a. thj 8:50 p. m. Wtlmngton and the south 8:88 p. m.j Morehead City 9:00 a. Leave. North and west',9:00 a. m. and 8:50 p, m.j Wilmington and south 9:00 a, m.j Morehead City 6:50 p, m, SOU DATS. Malls arrive from north and west 9-.40 a. m.j 5:50 p. m. Leave 9:00 a. m.; and 6:05 p. m. 'The publlo will please bear In mind that the morning mail for the North an West closes at 8:18 a. m. That the afternoon mail for north and West closes at 8:00 p. m. For Morehead City at BKW p. a,' Alas that tbs afternoon train carries no mall ' for Intermediate points between hers and Goldsboro. Respectfully. , , ', , ScvuoCa W. Uajcooy July 18, 1000. Postmaster. A. i " If jau Want a cold coca cola, sherbet. or glass of cold soda, go to Devi Foun tain.-.'-." s Fresh lot Fmllhfleld Hams, Just re ceived at the Oak's Market. CURE YOUR HEADACHE With CAPUDINE No fcal afu r effe-u whatever I g-m and 8 Hi. For Bits by T l.snry an 1 Ilavur" I'liarmarj, NEARBY AFFAIRS. Mitten of Local Interest In the City and ' - " Country. X good tobacco break 1 expected at the Planters warehouse to-day. ; . .v . A meeting ot the City Board of Heal h was held last night and appointed a committee to meet with the County Oommlsslonera In their session to-day,.- Another communication from Pamlico eonnty received last' night, for reasons already stated, cannot be given space, however much troth, there may be In the points Involved. Tuei will be a sail on the steamer Guide Thursday night, for the benefit of the Atlantic 8. F. E. Company. Music will Be on board and refreshments will be served and a general good time Is al lured." " , , -. A large number of people were on the Sunday train for Morehead, probablj the: largest of. the year.". There were also s number of passengers, from above who got off at Mew Bern and spent the day here.. The opening of the' State Normal School for colored teachers will be Wed nesday Auk 29th. at 9:80 a. m ... at the Graded School building on West street The opening will be under the manage ment of W. A. Byrd, A.M. The funeral of Mrs. Sarah A. Taylor was held yesterday at Cedar Grove ccm etery Immediately after ' the arrival of the train, Rev. Mr. George conducting the service. . A number of the friends of the family were present during I he ceremony. We are in receipt of two copies of the Colorado Springs Gazette" kindly sent us by New Bern's western tourists Messrs Dunn and Wolfendeu: The pa. per Is an Indication of the thrift ot the Wert, from the city almost under the shadow of Pike's Peak. The members of the Methodist chur h nf Kmston have subscribed $1,310 for Ibeir Southern educational fund. The orphanage at Raleigh gets $930 of this The balance of this amount Will be given to Trinity, Littleton and Davenport col leges, to be used as a loan fund for needy and deserving young men and women who desire to secure a higher education. In announcing Sunday night to lilf church bow much bad been raised, Mr. Tuttle said that he had never known a fund to stop at such an amount as this and he therefore expected it to be great ly Increased before he stopped. Kln alon Free Press. To Form Democratic Clubs. Whereas Hon; Wm. Jennings Bryan, Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson and Chairman Jones have joined In an appeal to Demo crats to form clubs In every voting pre cinct In the United States. We the undersigned respectfully re quest the members of (ho various clubs of the city of New Bern, and -all Demo crats of Craven county, to meet at th Court House at 8:39 p. m. Tuesday, Aug. 38th, 1900, to organize a Bryan and Stevenson Club. Fernle Gaskill, President, 1st Ward While Supremacy Club. D. L. Ward, President 2nd Ward White Supremacy Club. J. W. Bowden, . President 3rd Ward White Supremacy Club. J. M. Harget, President 4th Ward White Supremacy Club. Approved 0. T. Watson, Cbmn., Crsven Co., Ex. Com. From Maysvllle. Matsvillb, August 37. Th rsln ha Improved the crops very much, Misses Delia and Oassle Bynum came through from PollocksvUle Friday, and reported a big rain and wind there. Miss Delia has been to Ktnston. spending vacation. And 1 (peaking of going back to school, and wa hope she will go, a all have need of education the days We learn that tbs basket party at Bel grade wa auccets, but not enough girl for the boys. W hope there will be mors girl next tint a they onght to be present on inch an occasion. , - " farmer will aot get much mors rest ai cotton Is opening fast - Tz.v Mrs. X. L. Hazelton ot Hugo, Is visit ing friend and relatives In Jones,- and Onslow. . We wish ber much loy. Mr. Lawrence Haselton of Lenoir ha been visiting at Mr. Wm. Bynum' of Whit Oak. '--'- ....:v;. w.: ' - Attention, Natal Reserves I ' . Tou ar hereby ordered to assemblsat your armory, tonight, Aog. 28lh at 8:30 o clock aharp for monthly parade and Inspection. .' vw.v ..; Absentee will b dealt with severely, according to law. By order ot Lieut Cossdg. ,; -; J. L. HaRTSriRi.n, . fl.M,O.P.O., Sunday Passenger Excursion Rates. ! Th A, 4 N. 0, Railroad will tell tick is attsr mis ott at in following ex cursion rat by No. 8 and 4 train on 8ondayc .t " .-. .. :, From M..CIiy toOoldsboro return.. .$110 Newport sin 1.90 l.w 115 Hen Bern Cora Creek Dover , Klnstou' BJ .45 , - LaG range. 'The above ticket ars good only on Sundays by No. 8 and 4 trains and on date stamped or wrltted on ticket, and limits will not be extended. 8, L. Dim., Q. P. A. ; August 80, 1000, Spring Lamb and Spring Chlckens.thls morning at the Oaks Market. . The DDxst and largont lot of spring chickens in th city at the Oaks Market OAfl' a I, OF FOR WEST VA. A number of New Bern Negroes leave to ' Work on a Railroad. Thirty three negroes left New Bern by steamer Neuse last ntgbt on their way to West 'Virginia where they are to work on the construction of. a railroad Mr. W. E. Snellings got the party to gether during the last week and the agent for the railroad, Mr. Geo. W Booker, of Hampton, com on to arrange for their transportation, A block ticket was bought for the low -.,.''-. Mr. Snellings will go to West Virginia where he has position with the rail road company; Ha had 88 names of negroes who had engaged to go but only 83 showed up on the wharf when the time came fo go. A few more were to be taken on at Oriental. The negroes were mainly- young several being boys, but there were a few old time darkles. They had- all sorts ot valises, bundles and bags 'and there was one trunk In the lot. A number of their friends were on the dock to see them' off The men .will receive $1.60 a day for their pay, their transportation to be de ducted out of their wage. : The Program Today. The 11th annual exhibition of O. I. S F, & A. Pair will be opened by Rt. Rev, Bishop C. O. Petty, P. D. Procession will form at Court ' House at 10 o'clock a. m , headed by New Bern Golden Band. Line of march down Craven to South Front, op South Front to Middle, up Middle to Broad, up Broad to Fair grounds. The Rough and Ready Fire . Hook and Ladder Co., and Sixth Ward Reel Company and different base bill clubs will be In the procession. At ulgbt grand speech by Rev. J. H. Love B. D. There will also be base-ball games at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. One Patient Dies. The death of Mr. Berry Scott occurred sunday night from small pox. lie was taken with tbe disease last week as also were bis wife and dabghter, a second laughter having recovered previously, The County Commissions meet to-day to consider the means to be taken to prevent the disease from spreading and it is expected that very stringent meas ure, will be adopted. While tbe expense will be considei able It Is scarcely likely that anyone will object to everything possible belngone on that account. The cost to tbe city while the pest bouse was In Its charge is put at $1,000. The cases of the disease now are all from outside tbe city. The other patients are reported by the superintendent of Health ai doing well. Two Tre Storlm. The Piscatorial Prevaricators' asso tlatlon was In session. "I was Uniting for.cod- off tbe Banks one unjxftome years ago, said one, when I dropped my watch overboard, The next year I went ilshlng at the xame plnw, I caught a whopping big fellow and found my watch inside of him. It was running steadily, the ac tion of the fish's liver having kept it wound up.- But it was five hours fast, The only way that I can account for It Is that the Bsb crossed the Atlantic, staid on the other side long enough to get the time over there, and that caught him too soon after be got back to allow tbe watch to regulate Itself, "I was Oshing for trout In Pennsyl vania lost fall," said another member, "In company with my nephew, who is an Inveterate chrarelte smoker. We lauded a ten pounder and nllowed blm to flounder around in the bottom ot the boot while we cast again, because they were biting freely. My nephew bad just thrown a lighted cigarette In tbe boat, and In some way tbla trout got It, put It In hut gill and smoked It Tbo cigarette seemed to have a sooth Ing effect on him, ' I brought the trout home, taught blm to smoke a pipe, and when we killed blm Cbrlsttnaa I served up to hiy guests something that I be lieve has never been served tip before r-sclf smoked trout It wa great too, New York Journal. ,. . iVWsw is Little To Pr.:, 'A commercial traveling man landed at Edinburgh, Scotland, am Saturday night too lata to get out of town for Sun- day, the next day b found that there wo actually no form of atuuiement in tbe whole city to assist blm In Wulllng away tbs day. He . went to the pro prietor of the hotel to see If be could auggest a way of, passing tbs remain der of tbe day. ;. .'v. The landlord took pity on tbe atran ger and took him to one of tbs rooms In th bouse -In which a number of Scotchmen were playing a game called "nap," which I a ort f modification of "seven up." They were playing for S (hilling point so tbat tbs gnme waa a pretty stiff one. The stranger got In the game and played very cautiously for be was quite sure tbat the players. or at least some ot them, Were cheat Ing. One solemn 'faced Scot be waa espmruUly sure, he caught cheating number of times. lie began whittling a tHtrt ot some vagrant tune. The Scot who had li'n cheating arose from tbe (able and threw down tbe cards. "What Is tbe toiatterl" the other play ers asked. .. :-u f - -,"' .- - . "I'm gnu aln awa'," tbe .Scot answer d, ftlartng at the stranger. "' "I'll play cards wl' oo tnon that whustlea on tbe ftabtnlh." - Hat Afraid ef Thaadnr. Are you not afraid of thunder? I! Of course not. I'm only afraid lightning . TO CLF.ARSB THE STSTrM. Effectually yet gently, when costive billons, to permanently overcome hahl usl conmlnallnn, to awuken lha kidney anil liver to healthy scllvlty, wllhou Irritating nr nkenl'S; tliiin, to illp hril lii, col.ln, or fevers, u By of 1'Ik", nislo hy the Cullfornla Y By nip Co. .!!fr Ti V J : I'M i.u trn: f.-t MJ! ! PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. ' Mr, W. F ' Koch has gone to Baltimore i a business trip. ' " Mr. B. BMidyette of Oriental, was a aitor In the. city yesterday, , Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Meslc left for their home In Newport News. .-,",- ' Mr, W. B. Blades Jeft Sunday for Bis- hopvlle, Md.; to spend several day. , Miss : Inez- Angell went -to Elizabeth City last hlght to visit Miss Kate Davis. Mr, H. B. Salter returned last night from a two weeks at Norfolk and New port News. Mrs.! Has and daughter, Miss Amy, returned Sunday morning on the Neuse from Virginia Beach. - ; ., Mrs, Isaac Cohn and son, Frederick, returned last night, after several weeks visit at Virginia Beach, Messrs. M.'Hahn, B. B. Davenport and Fernle Gasktll were passengers on the steamer Neuse going to New York. Mr. John S. Manlx returned Sunday from New York city where he has been on a pleasure trip. He reports an excel lent time in spite of the heat. ; Mr. 0. L. Stevens and Minn Jessie M. Stevens left for the mountains Sunday They will spend a few days at Black Mountain and be in Asheville during the sion of the Press Convention. Clerk and Carrier Examination. The United States Civil Service Com mission announces tbat on September 2ft, 1900, an examination will be held in this city for tbe positions of clerk and carrier In the post -office service. This examination is held for the rea Kon that tbe Post-Office Department has staled tbat at all offices where no sub- ultute force Is maintained such a force will be appointed as the result of this examination, so that whenever vacan o.les occur In the regular force there will bo no delay in tilling the same. It Is the ntuntinn of the Department as far as possible to establish a substitute fore at every office equal to about 35 percent f tbe number of regular employees. This examination will be held at all classified post-offices throughout th eountry, except those of the flrst-r.lasf and as a result of the samu, In addition 'o the substitute appointment, vacancies which now exist in the regular force will be filled. The nature of the examination Is t ist nf practical, general Intelligence an of adaptability In post-olllce work. The age limitations for this examination are as follows: Clerk, not less than 18 years. Carrier, between 21 nnd 40 years. Applicants for male clerk and carrl must have the medical certificate Form 101 executed. Applicants for cirrier must be at least 5 ft 4 In. height, and weigh not less than 125 pounds. Female applicants are not re quired to have Hits certificate excepted This examination offers an exccllen opportunity for entering the Federal service to bright energetic young person who are not afraid of hard work, nnd the Commission hopes that a sufficient number of Intelligent, active persons will present themselves for this examination It may be stated that there is a wider field for advancement upon merit In th Federal service than In many private employments, not only hy promotion in the same office, but by transfer to other part of tbe service. This examination is open to all citizens of the United States who may deslro to enter the service, and who comply with the requirements. All such persons are invited to apply, but attention Is Invited fo tbe tact tbat from those certified the Department usually selects for appoint ment eligible who are residents of the district In which the vacancies exiBt applicants .will be examined, graded and certified with entire Impartiality and wholly without regard to any considera tion save their ability at shown by tbe grade attained in the examination. . For application blank (form 101). full Instructions, specimen examination que lions, snd Information relative to. the duties i and salaries of the different positions, and as to whether there are any existing vacancies n thl office. applications should be made to the undersigned.; ' : ':'-. . , ' Application thould be promptly filed with th secretary of the local board. and Inquiry should be made of him a to tbs Bats set for the close of. th receipt of application.,-- A. F. Patikuboh. . '... .'; v . Secy, Postal Board To he farmers or Nqrih Carolina. You are especially iuvlted . to attend the session of-the Second Annual Con ventlon of lb Cotton State Association of lb Commissioners of Agriculture at Raleigh, N. C, on August 28, SO, 80 and 81, in tbo North Carolina Agricultural building. Many topics of Interest to the farmer, gardener and orcbardlst will discussed, i The Hon," James Wilson Secretary of Agriculture, will bo present beside many oilier distinguished men of clenoe. r , ' . ' - u' ' ' ' A ral of one and one-third fare has been secured, and In order' to securo tl benefit of Ih low rate you should pur chase a straight-fare ticket from your station, asking for k certificate ot pur. chase. This certificate will be signed the Secretary of tbe Association at'Itsl s!gb,' snd will entitle you to s return ticket at one cent a mile. Be lure t get certificate when .you purchase you ticket. , :7 , -. '.',',- -: I hope many of the farmer of t,b State will attend. f. L. Pattkuson, Commissioner. Clearance Sale Continued". ' No goods charged during this sal Miris7Ki white and Cnloreil iicgll'r hlrlaH:, ladles W) mid Vh: thl alt T.'m, ursi'f'ia t- all 10 ami 1 , fir. l. A ! r - fi .t. 'v The Weather. . Wasbisotoh, D. C, August 87. For North C arolloa generally fair .Tuesday. Light southwest winds. - - -- ' AS -regards distribution of pressure, the barometer is tow over the Lakes and the lower iRocky mountain sections..! High- pressure ..still " pievatlB over the southeastern Mates. '' . . Rains have fallen over tbe tower Lakes, along the upper Missouri and Mississippi rivers, tbe central Gulf coast, and Florida. The greatest amount wa 76 at Tampa.- -' Temperatures continue high along tbe Atlantic Seaboard, decreasing westward. The maximum reported for Sunday was 98 at El Paso; the minimum was 43 at Miles City. Grand Excursion to Asfyevllle. 1 lie r-outhern Kailway wtil operate a special train from Goldsboro to Ashe Vtlle, September 4, 1900. Leave Goldsboro 8:80 a. m. " Selma 9:14 " " Raleigh.. 10:12 " " Durham 11:11 " " Greensboro 1:00 p.m. " High Point 1:80 " Rouud trip rate $4.00. Daylight trip througb the "Land of tbe Sky." Special train from Morehead City to connect. Rate from Morehead City, $5.50: New Bern, $5.60; Klnstou, $5.00. Tickets good to return on regular trains up to and Including train Srt leav ing Asheville 5:15 a. n. (Central time) September 7th. See your Agent for fur titer Information. R. L. Vkhnon, T. P. A Charlotte, N. 0. Special Grand Excursion. There will be a grand excursion to the Land of the Sky." leaving here Tuesdav Sept. 4th, and special low rates are ffered. The fare for the round trip tickets will allow two full days in Asheville. Th round trip fare from New Bern is $5.50 Vraln leaves at 6:05 a. m. The A. & N ('. railroad coaches will go through will: out change. Tickets on sale at th .dice. Pipkin's Popular Excursion. On September 1l!h, R. E. Pipkin wil run a popular excursion from this clt o Norfolk, Washington and Baliimorr the fare helug to Washington and reluri f0.50 to Baltimore .ami return $7.00. The time given in Baltimore or Wii-1 Ington Is two days and one nliiht. Th excursion is for while people only. 15 cUrslonlls leave here at 9 a. m., Heplrni ber Uth. The route from Norfolk Is hy steamc and parties going shouiil write at onci to II. E. Pipkin, Goldsboro, N. C, and eugage their state rooms and thus avoid any confusion later on, when the partj arrives at Norfolk. This Is a cheap trip and anyone think Ing of going north should wait for it and save money. Notice of Sale. Collectors Ofllce, th Dist.l Kaleigh, N. (.'. ' Notice is hereby given of the sale of the following property forfeited the United dtsli for violation of I terml Revenue Laws: belzed ar Trenton, N. C July 3,1th 10 from E L Hardy by ('. M Babbitt, Deputy Collector, one copper still. 3 copper worms, 4 fermenting tuns and H pack ages containing about 800 gallons corn whiskey. smoke stack and grate liars 'I he shove property will lie sold to th highest bidder for cash In the city of New Bern,' N. C, on the 1 1 lit day of August 1000 at 12 o'clock m. In front of I he Government Building corner Pollock and Uraven streets. K. O. DUNCAN, Coll. 4th Dist. N By ('. M. Hahhitt, Deputy Collector, 5th Div 4ih Di't., N. C. Bagging and Ties We a e ready to supply tl e trade wi Cotton Bagging and Ties, Bag Oloth Heavy Sacks, &o, Prices are Illjjht. T. E. Ti th m Co. iiiSLBook Store 9 Your September Ladies Home Journal , . Has Come, G. HEnnctt. VMrjrrAarmrMrMrmjt SALEM Academy and Onllrg, for Girl Votins Women. Best home care. and aether wlilr lull Cellrgs instruction, Bneclallst In "usm, Art, Klncutlos Languages, Commercial and Industrial rttudlea. Institution founded In 1R03. Th Register show 842 last year, New term begin Wednesday, , Bop, S, KMX), Send for Catalogue t Rav. J. 11, OLKWELL, Principal,' ; - Salem, North Carolina Lombardi's Orclicstra FuniiHh Muhjo. for Balls, ScronmlcB, I'rivafc l'lttioes, I'in-Kicn, ExourBiotis, etc., lit Kliort Notion ami Torlng Rcfi ioiml,li. Apply to l;K'CO l,OMHUII, i:r. ?.::.!!!! ri., Ki-w !;-rn. Seasonable Goods v - All 5c and 6c Laltons, Calicos and Ginghams at 4c yard. 10c and 12 I -2c Lawns and Dimi ties 8c yard. Best yard wide Percales 7 t-2c. 25c and 35c all silk Ribbons 1 9c yd, A Lames ontrt waists ore. Oxford Ties and All Baby Caps at o I G. cO. "BARFOOT, i "Unless the iDind stands as it neter stood, It is an ill wind that August is the Clearance Sale month of Summer Goods and the "itoind has been blow ing steadily in your direction for the last few tveeks. Goods are being offered at and be low cost and I must & -a ma 1 4- f- PdrUayc uj ll luu. iia:uc ici jui inc cuiiiuiy week only a felto Ladies Shirt Waist, have some white anil and 50o. rash and White Duck Skirts, Have you seen our iSofa Pillow fancy work at unheard or poices. 5c Laces can lie used to advantage now. nig replenished. Summer Corsets at 25c, fiOc and 75c weather. Otir Middle Street Store can supply all u Boy's wear, from the crown of the head to the soles Visit us, it will pay voti. SMITH'S STORES, 61 Pollock St., (Duffy's Stand) 99 Middle St. If von want a ornnil ahivn O-pt. - - J f, -- ' B tl f' . . . and they ate bucked hy the roauufacturer. And the price is right. We have a eood stock of the every day wants for th" iin ilii season and for the coiniue season. give us your order. We guarantee prices and goods. Few Ice Cream Freezer and Lawn Mowers left to be sold at cost. Paints, Oil aud Varnish. Stains and Enamels juBt received. PIIONR YOCR WANTS TO 147. 73 MIDDLE BTREKT, THE STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL C0LLKGE Or NOBTH CAEOMNA Offer to youg women thorough literary, classical, cieullflc and industrial educa tion and peoliil pedagoglcel training. Annual eapenses 99 to $148; for non-resi-denU, $163. Faculty of 80 members. Irore Ihsu 400 regular atudent. Has ma'ric ulated about ,000 students, representing every county In the Stale except ojih Practice aud Innervation Hobool of aliotit 8 pupils. To secure board iu dormito rles, all free tuition applications should be mad h before August 1. i Correapondepoe Invited from those desiring competonl trained teachers. , For caulogue and dher Information address until August 10th . , . . . PKOP. . V, 40YNKK, Dean of College CBARLR8 D. MolVKli, President, , , 1 MsaMassssseMtswMtMltlSMvMHIHtf simmmmmmmiHiHiHiiiHriiiiiMHiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiit E V- THB NORTH CAROLINA COLLKUH Agriculture and'Mechanic Arts. TECHRICAl EDUCATION IN i Ogl itlllViucs wiw-i"ing r - w :'nd Electrioal Engineering, Textile' lnduBtry, Chemiatry, , - and Architoctor t- . '' ' , PRACTICAL EDUCATION IK " , . - ... 3 -Carpentry, Wood-tirningi BlaoltBniithing, . Machine-worlc, Mill-work, Hoiler-teuding, ! Engine-tending, and Djnimo,' J tending. . ' - ' ".. '. , '3 P D Tuition, $ a yean Board, $3 Nest (cualno open Beptember Entrance Ksmlnallrm In etch o'clock a m; also at tbe College Beptsmlier 4th and 8lb, '. Tat full Itifotmation, addtrrsa , , , .' :r. . ; President GEO. T. WINSTON, RALEIGH, N. 0. i m in tM i' I m i' i !) !M IM I'l I'l Ml IM I' I Ml I' I I1 1 IU I1 1 IU PI I'l I' I' Yet Unsold ? e Slippers at cost. Half. 9 o llows no one good." say you have taken ad- r-r t j- Is r 4" -r at -( f a ass .r coloi'i'il :u '18,' 20c, 30c, 40c, 45c am materials ? Ail kind liOc. of llill.ll'l for Our sliick is const an (I v lif- On 111 lliis wauls in .Men'i the feel,. :.f tllll "Keiltlickv Delilllt." We You cannot d better in our than H-ll 1 1 Qaskill Hardware Co a,, NBW BERN, N O a month. '. :, ' ' 6lh, ? - ' i s " ' County Court-house,' July 88lh, 10 3.. up