vol, x?mi--no. 130; NSW BKEN, N. C, W IDNESDAT 'MORNING,: AEGt'8 f 29,. 1 900 NINETEENTH YSAk it Us s i'A.?" TRY OUR k --v PERFECT BLEND TEA, Only 10c for 1-4 lb. Package. S. Will refund your money it you are not satisfied alter using. . w 47 & 49 Pollock Street. fist Received! A fresh lot Corned Portsmouth Mallets and Small Hums 5 to 6 lbs. Also small Breakfast Strips, 2 to I) ids. Cooil I'uttor 25c lb. Very best Elgin and Vox Uivor Trin Butter at 30c. We are also agents for the Spanish Root Toilet and Laun dry Soaps. They are guaranteed to cure Heat, Pimples, Salt Kheum, Tetter, black Heads and other Skin Diseases. They are Purely Vegetrble. ' Give us a trial for anything in the Grocery Line and we will do our best to please you or refund your money. Yours for Business. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. V i Prompt Delivery From 'Dunn s You can always expect when you order your food supplies from tlili reliable store. Wo can sup . ply every demand of a first class family trade with the Choicest Stiplo ami Fancy Groceries, Hel Itbis, Pickles, Bailees, Olives, Fox RiTJr Print Butter, and Pig Dame at Rok Bottom Prices. We make a specialty of high g'l la Teas anlCorTees. . Our Perfection Blend Coifee is Fine, Price Only 20c. If jou want a good oop of delicious cofTcebuy a pound . and yon will get it - ' This coffee is equal to any coffee in the market, regard- . less of price. ;: .'. . . ' ' t .'' -V''-:;'" v-' 'r;' '.' -y.'1 V Vf'' Candidacy For the United States Senate Xetres It to Els Friends. Special to Journsir Rauuoh, Aug. 18. Democratic State Chairman Simmoos today Issued the fol lowing: - Vs v , ' - To the Democratic voter of North Carolina: More than a year ago, in reply to a latter written to me by he editor of the Ashevllle Cltlien Inquiring whether would be a candidate for United Btstes Beaite to -eucceed Hsrion Butler. 1 stated Iwas a candidate and would be profoundly grateful to the voters of my i party If they should see fit to elect me to that exalted position. My reply to the Citizen was not only published . In ..that paper, but generally, copied by the press throughout the state. - This declaration together with the general understanding that I was a candidate, I had : supposed would preclude the necessity of anj further announcement of my candidacy, but letters of inquiry upon this subject recently received would seem to make it proper for me to again make the an nouncement of my candidacy before the primaries to be held Mot. 8th. As Chairman of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee my first duty will be to the party, and from now. until the election in November I shell devote mj time almost exclusively to the work ol aiding the election of Bryan and Steven ton and the Democratic nominees for Congress- I shall therefore have little lime to devote to the promotion of my own interests. After the campaign It thoroughly organized I may be able t make a few speeches, but they will 1 made for the party and its nominees Under theseclrcumatanoes I commit my cause to my friends and supporters in the different couuties and precincts with entire confidence that they will not per mit it to suffer from neglect, either in caarass or at the polls.. If their efforts are In vain I aball be none the less ap proclatlve. If they are rewarded with success I cannot better attest my grati tude than by bringing to the dlschargt of the duties that will devolve upon me all the virtues of head and heart that 1 may possess.' ' r:.,-''' ; -' '.,''''7','' f " " ? ' i ' BlecliAnte' That Alway Nweara. By our Fine Tools for carpenters, WiasODS and rainier1 0M tell bis fellow woikmea that at no place In this town ran you Bod stirh llioroagb satisfaction In sll kinds of mechanics tools a you can right here, where antulng is kept but a superior grade and fine, bristle of the beet manufacture.- .. l . , ' And we also have on band a large slock of Toreon Windows nd Doors, which vi are now going to sell at cost and ImIow cat In order to make room . for Fall Goo l. FRUIT JARS ! Jelly Tumblers, Tobacco Twine . - - At Lowest Prices Closing Ihem out. A few.Wiokless 'Blue Flame" aud other oil stove. Chimney Plovs He. t ; U. C WHITEHUEST, 45 Pollock Street, Now Bern, N. C. REAL ESTATE SIMMONS ANNOUNCES The Late Rlirts Only Afforded ' Temporary Relief, , Fitz Has Enough. kw Yohk, August 37. Robert Fltr.- slmmons to-nlg'at annonnoed his .retire ment from the pugilistic ring. ' Hemadi an ineffectual attempt to get on a match with James J. Jeffries for the heavy weight championship, to take place be fore the Horton law expires at midnight uext Friday, and to-night Issued the fol lowing statement. "I am through with fighting. I will retire from the ring and will not claim the championship from Jeffries. I am ready and on edge to meet him next Fri day night as bis manager suggested ten days ago, but as he claims be Is In no condition to fight on that -night I through with him and with the ring. Henceforth there will be one man less In the heavy. weight division, for 1 will go out with the Horton law." Sousa Homeward Bound. Amsterdam, August 86 The Euro pean tour of Sonsa's band ended at the Palace of industry tonight, before an enthusiastic audience of more than 6,000 persons, Including Minister Newell, of ficers and 'men of the United Slate training ship Essex. House's marches, were repeatedly en cored, and wreaths of flowers were given to Sonss. The citizens presented the or gaulr.sllon with a flag of the Netherlands. A Ihe conclusion the band gave rousing cheers, and played the Btar Sprangled Bnnner.i..;". w'.R:;tv' '','; '..,: : j The band leaves Monday for London and sails next Saturday for America on the 8t' Urf.H.-S-. No Public Love making. . ' Pauu, III., ' August 27. The pity Council baa Just passed this ordinance! Whoever shall congregate oa anyot the streets In the city of Pern for the purpose, of courting, making love, spooning, shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and shall be fined not less than $3 or more than $100 for each offense, - Mayor'Hoer ner says: "I do not oppose courtship when It la conducted . la an ordinary manner; But whse It Is carried on Indiscriminately and In public 1 be lieve it, like all other nuisances, should be abetted, Peru oltlzeni shall no longer be annoyed by lovesick and sentimental persons If It Is In tbe power of mysell and the Council to prevent It," ! ' It will surprise you to experlenos the benefit obtained by using the dainty and famous little pill known" as. De Witt' Little Early Risers. F. 8. Duffy. CHy Real .Mate bought and so.d on Oomiiibsion ' ', . Cnllwtlon of Rents for tlioe in -the 6 ty as '"ell ai tlioin living OuUlile. II. TvV. ni::r Cuban Independence. - , BAtTtAeo pa Cdba, Aug. id. In re sponse to cordial addresses of welcome at the hands of leaders of both the Dem ooratlo and Republican parlies, Govern or Goneral Leonard Weod, at a banquet and great popular' demonstration last evening, by 8000 people said; ''Whatever the ultimate destiny Cuba may be, its immediate future is In dependence. This Is no pollilc ul move on the part of the United Blatea, but a sin cere (lelro to do What U right." lie ur(r J upon his he arers that tliey sink all parly ilifInri-H(;! ami m-iul only their Ik-bI men to tlio coming t'on. lUu tliiiuil Convention. STILL DRY- The Cotton Conventliia I Poorly Attended Glad to Get Rid or White. Scholarship Prizes -. Won By Weetera ' ' s Boys. Special to Journal. , Raleiqii, .August 28 The Govern-' tnent crop- report for this flute. Issued this morning, for lb" wf-ok ended las' night says thai whllo local rains havr been frequent In many eastern counties as well as on the east slope of the Blur' Ridge, from tbe 20th to S4th. the raiufal was very Irregularly distributed an I gen erally insufficient, trad, though refresh ing to some late crops,' the effects him not lasted long, and I bo soil now appears to be as dry as ever. Crop conditions air more dlveralnel than ever and mot. difficult to summarize. Where rains par tially broke tho droughi 1 te c irn ano cotton have been benefited, alio Belli peas and potatoes. The temperature ha continued unusiiarly hhb, aversgin. again nearly ri dily aliove normal, aim the complete absenco of rain out larg areas make it Impoasilile to considi-r Hi drought broken, or to report auy r.iatoil al improvement lu crop pro pei ts f ir Un 8tale at large. On the contrary where rains have occurre 1 they gnnr.iMy time too late (except poilUy oyer exirciur western countie ) to ct?m the pru'i. ble yield of biaple cropi, wji:h hv continued la luffer f. arfdiiy In section where no rain lias fallen Forest Urea in northeastern u ilk have In-a v.r destructive to timber. The great rimite c nne I li t ie l.e il and drought to cotton has now become fully apparjnl; n.any fields lu s -ni. tl.e appearance wblc.i itiey uually have ai the end of d. p iin ieri nut ia rcpoilw in many ceuutle-; boll are opening very rapidly everywhere, but tho bolls are Imperfect, generally being from on; half to three fourths of full -; picking lain progress; still, late co '.tuu In nnny counties was improved by raiu, and lain blooms are reported by norrespoudents at Chalhain and Rutherford counlies Young corn ia promlalnii only whrre rains have been most frequent this week; the yield of corn will unqueallou ably be very Bliorl; pulling fodder Is still underway. Tobacco iu uiauy sections has fired again, ud cures are of poor quality on account of prematuro ripen ing. Necessarily sweet potatoes, field peas, and peanuts will reflect the adverse weather conditions when the harvest begins. Rice is ready for cnliing. Lute cabbaje In the west has been much In jured. Fall hay will be short! Further reports on tbe condition of apples con firm previous statements of a poor crop In tbe east, but generally a fine yield west of the mountains. . The cotton Stales association of com missioners of agriculture met here to day. Not half the Slates are represented by their commissioners, but most of them have other representatives. R. J. Redding, director of the Georgia experi ment station arrived this morning. Tbe political campaign Is assigned as the cause of so few of Ibeoumlsuoners bo Ing here, but to the layman It seems but a poor excuse for non-attendance at so Important meeting: . '. The State amends the charter of Mor row Bros. nd Heath, of Stanly county, so as to allow it to build and opperale cotton mlllsj authorized eapil 10 ',- W. P. Perkins of Ashe County Is ap pointed to a scholarship In tbe Peabody Normal College. Jt Is strange but; true that nearly every scholarship- In ' this State la to persons In the mountain counties. - It appears that these make a specialty of studying for Ibem., . " The white Republicans here say they are heartily glad that Congressman Geo, Hi While will leave North Carolina; that there is no room here for him;' and that Instead of settling la New York to practice law be ought to settle In Wash ington, Which they term "a negro para dise " . -. Mr. McCollum of Robeson eounty, of tbe board of agrlculturejays there will be at tbe best only t -of a cotton crop and a eora crop la bis section. ? - NO DISASTER. Report of Pekln Being Retaken Unfound- - -d,- People Leaving Amoy.' 1 f 81iec!I.to.Jiurna,: iP;.:n-.,'5.. ':-,;, .' ',7 Washixgtox, Aug. S8. There Is no onfirmmloa, at j, WinLlngton of the minor of tbe masaacree of. the allied troopi and the recapture of Pekln by the Cbineso which ha&lwcn in circulation. Thn rumor la utterly disbelieved. . No refurei.ee has Wn made iu tho several m m-'ges from I'cktn of any Chinese fmcc near there. Ma-iy ttf the richer ola-s of Chinamen and Kuropeaos are leaving Amoy. A cahlrgram from Minister C- ict. dated yesterday has been ivceivi d here liy the D"nruni'iii chowlng thai communlca- lim is optrn v ilh Pekln. - Pa ma, August 27 The Siecle pub lishes Ihf followin; dispatch from its ipevial coiiebpuudenci:: 8t Pelorsburif, August 2( I send you u-ider all reserve the following news, which is ri-pea'rd bTe with persistence. The Government it is said, lias received a dlspalch informing il .thrtt after a ter rible hattln inside t tie walk of Pekln the aHiea retired, lo i:ig 1.SO0 men, most ly Rusilane. The Chinese, it is also (aid .occupy fortified positions whence they are bombarding the allied forces with a deadly lire. 5 5. S THE BOERS MEET DEFEAT. Their Mala Body Broken and Retreating. Capture of General Olivier. Spec al lo .loiinui'. l.oND in, Aiiii i 2 l'!;e muvs from Pretoria ia lh.it liji Istini' wii li Ihe lloerr bai lieen ii Mimeil. i he i5 .oa lines were broken. The ltoera me u'lrcaiiiig. The Urili-li losses nru siuU-ii lo he consider ahlo Id t lie Htl.u k of il. iieinl I'.nller lat rfilurihy llin liners lo I heavily. Half the ijiiiiiiein ol lUu bVHitM commando: it is llllei;eil, went killeil, as well as its enminauilcr. Von Dalwlg. "A council of war of the If jers al MuchailiMlorp, sais s hfs corfcipauil'itil, "iloci.led agnln-it the advice of CotiimiibtUiil-Uctitjral Polha to return to the oiliiul pi m ol rotii ing on L denburg." London, Aug. 27. -TJie Warttlllcrt ha rocclved a dlapalch Irom l.onl lioberts relating to operations In ihecasicru part of the Orange Slnle. Mo aj: "The liners have lieen bt:alcti buck by Uru "e-'lnmilton at Winburs. General Olivier has Ik'Cii captured." The Jiapntch further stales that three of Olivier'a .amis were captured. The Boers niuilv an altacs from lb re sides on Winburg and it was there that the captures were made. Lord Roberts i-ays that General Olivier was ' the moving spirit among the liners in the southeast portion of the Orange Colony during Ihe war. THE MARKETS. Tbe following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. 0. Naw Vobk, August 18 Open. High. Low. Close , 8 87 0.10 8.87 8.10 . 8.00 8.60 8.68 8 80 .8.45 8.84 8 48" ; 8.4 - 8JKT A 49 8.83 " 8 41 . 8 35 8.49 8 .13 8.40 , 8.87 8.48 8.87 8.48 0en. High; Ixiw. Close ,. 791 - m 70i t 7( Cottok; Aug. Sept-... '.. Oct....... Nov.. .... - Jan lch....... WnaAT: Sept ..... Cork: Scpt..., Bo. H y Pfd. TO I.... .. Fed. S.,... Con. T Leather ,. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of YOU'LL SEE At a glance, that bar Spring Woolrns strike the top notch In the variety of ar Usllo patterns. , What a suit is made of and tbe way It is made a p are tbe two unnortant drese points. : We-bave do rivals In either respect. . Our work not Imitated and our display of fabrics Is exclusive : Order now, , . F. M. Cliadwlcla. lot no j nrt, mi Cotton receipts were 4,000 bales at all porta. O - - 1 obacco ; Wo have a com- . pleto line of . Tobacco . Thermomoters, - Tobacco Knives, . Tobacco . .r Tvino. And solicit your Orders for r.r.io. tJEWLOT FRESH PORTSMOUTH MULLETS Just Eeceived at J. L. McDaniel's, 71 Broad Street. Also a fresh lot Whole Dried Codfish, and nice Irish Potatoes. Fulton Market Beef and Small Hams. Nice 16t Jellies in glass jars, lOc'each. Pure apple Vinegar and Spices. Full line Canned Goods. Give me a call. Respectfully, J. L. McDMIEL, 'B'Iioii Ul. 71 llr Wholesale & Retail Grswer, si."n Nf. 1 THE WORLDS, BEST. to call and examine OFTEN JMITATED,. these Shoes. They EVER EQUALED. are by long odds the best values ever offered in the city, only one price $3.50, Mail orders will receive prompt attention; $3.75 delivered to any address in Eastern North Carolina. Write for catalogue. 5". G. VUNN & 57 POLLOCK STREET. CO, PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE Opening Sale, Wednesday, Aug. I. The Plantcr'a Warehouse is located in tho bminesB part of the eity and the finest Warehouso in the State. We will have plrtity of buyers with plenty of orders for all the Tobacco iu this part of the HtaU-. It is tho aim of the management to give his personal attention to all Bales and to ee that you are well looked after when on the market with tobacco Our motto is "High Trices mid Personal Attention to your interest." Free Stables. Come down to the open fug sale, and we will try to please you. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J.'M. HOWARD, Manager. In addition . to the TCTr-jr r O I lW and complete::, Hhy,VV " and Sundries, I am n, .. A No. 1 Real Heart' Hand-made and - - It ' Rawed Shingles always oa hand. , , carrying, a full; ana Ui, cm ! Bnggies. - J i t ' Cf ' Kiln Tar and Tat Llghtwood Postt. Varied SlOCk Of UUnS ; All kinds of Stove Wood delivered to R(frohers, Loaded i Two Stores to let and houses to rent Ot 11 " " FH' ' ' 1 ell tbe time. . OlieLlS, CDC :-' : i7' S; Lime to retailor by the barrel. , ' , will guarantee to sate you money on ; any make of Gun, and will sell other goods in this line on Very close margin. ; Give me a call vn. T. HILL, RUBBER TIRES. Uiiftgiea or Carriagvii fttrnUhed to order with Rubber Tire or Dew wheels with robber tires for your bnggy' or other vehicle at short natine. ' ,' ' .. If jou want anything in our line call on lis. ' . - We will ploaflfl you. ',4 . The quicker J" '"p S coui-li the ! i!-e--r Ih-'io mil! t.n I'M'- lr. - C.,e ' i : " ' v I .- '- 'vf or roM of fatal h ( -lie I 1 Ilifitiec't fully, a. II. Vr.lrrn f n, 1 !,.moi I -. 7 ( I 1 : t.-.-t. l o. run :r"f ill -f I I ! ' I

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