r v k Tr ..1 .". S VOL, XVHI-SO. 146,- NINETEENTH Y K 3- V TRY as i i PERFECT BLEND TEA, pnly 10c for 1 - T Will refund your ) satisfied alter using. I 47 & 49 Pollock Street. -1 just; .cveceivea t A fresh lot Corned Portsmouth MullcU and Small Fig Hams 5 to 6 lbs. Also small Breakfast Strips, 2 to 3 lbs. Good I'utter 25c lb. Very best Elgin and Fox River Print Butter at 30c We are also agents for the Spanish Root Toilet and Latin dry Soaps. They are guaranteed to cure Heat, I imples, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Black Heads and other Skin Diseases. They are Purely Vegetrble. Give us a trial for anything in the Grocery Line and we will do our best to please you or refund your money. Yours for Business. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, Prompt If yon want a good cap of delicious coffee buy pound and yon will get it This coffee is eqnal to any coffee in the market, regard less of price. ' 1 Jk nechanle That v Alwayn Sweapi; ' By oar Floe Tool, for carpenter., muon. anil ptUnter1. dm, UIU fcU fellow workmen lhl X no plane in tliia town ran ym Bud inch tlutroagb MlUfaclloa in .11 kind, of Birr h&n Ins tool. a. you cm right bore, where aolblur t. kept hut s nipmlor Rrui. and fin. brittle of tit. bMit BinnulMtar. , And w. alto have on b.nd a 1rr .iivk of Sorera Window, .nd Drxx which we nr. now ln to nil .1 eon I nd twlnw cwt in ord.r to mk room tor r.U Uooli. OUR 4 lb. Package. money it you are not , Dunn's You can always expect wben you order your food supplies from ' thli reliable store. We can sup ply every demand of a flrat elms family trade with the Oholcest Staple and Fancy Oroceriea, Rel Uh4, Pinkies, Sauces, Olive, Fox Rivw Print Uutter, and Pig Ham. at It 3k Bttom Prloo. We make a .peclalty of high gr vie TvM n I rOolteet. Our Perfection Blend 1 Coffee is Fine, Price Only. 20c. Steamer GUIDE tttares New lira.Tutdy nd Friday M II . m., arriving at Bayboro tame afternooe. i .' 'v, Leaves Bayboro Wedneeday and Sat' ntday at T a. m., arriving at New Bern tarn, afternoon. , . , The following polnla will be made Adams Crock, - Oriental, Vandemero, Lumber Landing, Harris Wharf, and btOn.wall. "'"'':" v : Schedule tffeetlve Bept. 18th, 1000. , Bat Rive TaAmrnaTATioK Co.r . .J. F. CdVmx, QtH. Himoit, REAL. ESTATE ! ' Cily Real Eatate bought and to.d on commission. '. Collection of Rents for those In the city aa ell at those living ouUlde. 1 IVIXAIiriSK. ii. xv. t'.izzrr.oiz. Dedication Of A New Church Edi fice Takes Place To-Horrow. ,i Methodist Orphanage - Hatters. Changes at State Normal. News paper Cbanjes Its Name. Conference of Caatfl--, dates. Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 15. The local etent here to-morrow It the dedication of the hew Flnt Presbyterian church. The coal of the building It l!W,0W. 1U Mating capacity It 1,000. Eer. Dr. Walter G, Moore of the Union Theolog leal Seminary, Richmond, will preach the sermon of dedication at the 11 a. m. lervlcet. Last evening -Rev. Dr. Wil liam M. McPheetert of Columbia preach ed, and tbla evening Rev. Dr. John 8. Watkins of Spartanburg. Dr. De'.lt Dixon, sitter of Rev. Thorn at Dixon, to well known at a Baptitt minltter In New York, It to be married here In the the near future to Dr. Nor wood Carroll, ton of ex-TJ. B. Martha) O.J.Carroll. Dr. Dixon It phytlelan to the Baptitt Female Cnlvenity here. Dr. Carroll Is a well known dentist. The Republicans of the 2nd dlitrtct at Weldon yesterday -nominated 'for Con- great Joseph J, 'Martin, posmaster at Tarboro. Dr. D. H. Abbott, Republi can Chairman of the 1st dlttrlct, tpeak ing this morning about Martin's nomi nation, taid the negro Congressman Oeorge White no doubt manipulated it pe added that there was not the ghost of a chance for the election of anybody but a Democrat for the lud dlttrlct, and that be did not take any oddt against It, .One building at the Methodist orphan age here Is almost ready for use. Another is under way. Rev. Dr. Ivey of the Christian Advocate tayt both will be ready January 1 and that SO orphans will then be received. At the settlon of the North Carolina M. E. Conference In December there will be a great ''orphan' aire rally," at whloh it It proposed to raise a large turn for It. Manteo lodge of Odd Fellows here tblt week made a liberal gift to the Metho dist orphanage and alto to the Roman Catholic orphanage The officials Id charge of the latter writes a very grate fill letter. The Catholic orphanage does not confine ltt good work to Catholics alone, but shelters protestantt alto. President O. D. Molver of the Slate Normal and Industrial college It here' it opens Oct. 4. It changes at to ltt lormltorles from the double bed to the ilngle bed system and herein cannot accommodate at mtny ttndents aa here tofore. It will however lease quarters for students. It greatly need domltory room. Dr. Mclver says there are in thlt State 22,000 more uneducated white wo men than white men. II. declares that the women ought to be given abetter oppor tunity. The matter will be properly pressed before the Legislature. Secretary T. K. Braner of the Agricul taral department ha gone to Taney county after ohoioe applet which he will pack carefully and tend to Washington to bs forwarded to Pari, for display t the exposition.. As staled the penitentiary will next Monday take convicts from railway work and tend them to the State farms on the Roanoke, to pick ootton. Prett dent H. 0. Bridget of Tarboro who building a M-mllc road eastward from that .town Is here to urge the penttea Uary authorities, not to take away hit 100 convlott. The State .board of - pnbllc school examiners today Issued life oertlfloatet to ten teachers, among them Miss Mabel MoCuKech of Clinton. . , ... John Wilbur Jenkins, late of Char lotte, bat bought the afternoon . paper here, the Times-Visitor and will Chang. It name to the Raleigh Time. It will be made an 8 page papar. He ha bought a complete ' new equipment for It and leased a building. - - Kaleign'1 contributions to the ual rat ion .offerers wet. this morning more than iuuu. - lb urana bodge of u .ton's tat chartered th following lodges: Lokt Mdiangniin at ADeskiei unaiia at uni ka; Scotland at Ollson; Roberdel KoberdeJ: unerrvvllle at Uberryvllle. The conference of th Democratic nominee for Congressman and .lectors neid last night with mat Chairman rtlmmons luted until vary late. Jose pnu uanieia pretiaea. : The masting was new at Chairman simmonf horn. v ,:..... " ' Gompen Will Help. Special to Journal. " V ," " ; ' ; 1'BU.ADEi.rHiA, Sept. to, Bamu.1 Gomper, President of lb American Federation of Labor, will arrlr Sbamokln, Pa., to-morrow. ' Oompert tayt that he will do all In hla power to aid the striking coal miner. The miner la th Wllkwbarr dis trict will go out Monday. There are 49, 000 mlne-worken la this region, oce tblrd th total number In the anlhra.ll ooal fltld.- . , An Indication of th men' attitude to be round in the meeting in th au merou local throughout th region, where th members sr. reinforced by dor.ons eager to Join th. union. Last nlKbt 8,000 men berVm. mrnibar. In th district, and meeilnrrs sr. to b. linlil to morrow night and Kumlsy. The f elowsre, f.arlawanna and Vet ern Compiny will ni ,ke an effort to GERMANY TAKES STEPS. Seizes grand Canal ef China to Preserve Her Interests. Special to Journal.' ." v WasHtKoriM, Septemlier 15 It I an nounced that tbe German force la China will Mice the Grand Canal of China at several points In order to protect the in terests of Germany. The Foreign Office denies that 11 knows anything about America being desirous to leave the European concert if the powers will not agree to peace commissi oners for China Germany d not yet acknowledge Li Hung Chang's authority a sufficient. Affairs ia China. Shanghai., September U The Em press Dowager and the Emperor, with 8,000 troop a. a guard, are no guests of a Mongol Print In Mongolia, IS" miles north wett of 1'ckln, near tbe Kal gan Pat. No purtuit of them it Intended by th. foreign troop. Many native officials out of employment her. are secretly tending to the Empress Dowager and Emperor assurances of loyalty. The Russians are keenly pushing their interests. There are 8,000 of tbem here now. They occupied the summer pal ace 10 milt northwest of tbe city after a race with the Japanese and took the leading part in the parade of the allies through the Pekln palace In Manchn rla they report ilghiing everywhere with Chinese troops, pointing to a permanent occupation down to the great wall i Shan Hal Kwan. The Japanese are watchful for oppor tunities. They bare 10,000 man here. They occupy the whole northern part of th city, the largest and richest share of all. The weather h cool and the troop are healthy. The railway to Tientsin, in oharge of the Rut lana, Is now running nearly half way cid n'lll be complete In another month. THE COAL MINERS STRIKE. Extent of the Trouble. Loss of Wages. Cause of the Strike. Philadelphia, Sept., Ii. The order of President Mitchell calling out the miner in tbe anthracite coal region of Peenniylvhnta - recall the last great Hrlke in the tame dlttrlct three yeart ago, which was practically ended by tbe '.ragedy at Lattlmer, in which twenlj one miner were killed and over fifty wounded by Deputy 8berlfft. The strike inaugurated today by the United Mine Worker will for t'le time being term! nate operation In the most productive hard-coal field In the world. Tbe mine employes In the anthracite district of Pennsylvania number about 143,000. Tbe membership of the. nnlon is not known to a certainty, but the leaden claim that about 80 per cent, of the minors are organized. The nnlon men do not anticipate any difficulty hi Inducing tbe unorganised miners to strike. Tbe ooal basins extend over an area of about 470 square mile and are diatrl- bated throughout several counties. Tbe average production from tbe entire dls trtct is 79,000,000 ton a year. The closing of th mine I expected to reduce th regular ooal production about 78 per McL, leaving free only tb Reading Ooal and Iron Company' pro- duclloa of 20.8 per cent, of the total output of th region and 8.68 per eent. of th Lehigh Valley's production. Should th ttrlk eoatlnn oyer a pe riod of two month, th lot la wag will amount to 800,000j lost to ra' roada, 30,000.000, and loss to sum operator, f'30,000,w00. Officer of miner' anion estimate that th organi sation ha a cash balance of $1,000,080 ia th treasury with which to conduct th ttrlke. . v ; . . Ia their demands the miners ask the correction of meay evil, th mora Im portant of which an tb following: . Abolition of th company store) re duction la the pile of powder to 1.80 kg abolition of company doctors; semi monthly payment of Wage; abolition of tb sliding scale; .'wage paid la oath; 8.140 pound to tbe ton; an advance of M per cent In wages 1st than l-&0 and not exceeding f 1.78 a day; that all classes of day labor now receiving tl.oOand B0t exceeding f 1.70 (bail receive . IB eent. over pres.nl wages; that all labor now receiving 81.78 shall be ad vanced 10 per oent.i that no miner shall bar. at any Urn. mon than on breast, gang, or other elattof work and shall get only hi legal share of cars. ;;"!, ; -,thb markets, y ? Th following quotation were recalv d by S. S. Latham, N.w Bern, N. O. ' . -; - ' Haw Tom, Sept 18, OoTTOX; Open, High. Low, Clow Sept...: .....10.18 1048 10-18 1045 Oct. ...... ...10.28 10.48 1088 10.48 Nov. ....... ..lo.oi iato iroi 101 Jan.... 8.88 10.01 8.88 10.01 Men.........'. 8.1 10.00 8.01 10.00 May .... ... (ta'f.M 9.09 8.M WnaATt ' Open. High. Low. Close Deo ,, m m 82 Bl'i Cork: Sept. ,.... So. Ify Pfd BSJ ' 82 T 0 1 68) ?J Fed. 3. tt-H 8? Con. T Uslher ..' ... 10 10 Cotton receipt wer 18,000 bale at ll portq. lrTB!CdOX?f Rays Horlaltu1iuU ' lift U f t ff iiP:'iii I qty ff GalTesion. Some Vatlaeit Rmnmiag. 'Ne Lower Kstiaiatet-ff if",o Oeitl. : Krery Baildiaa , la . Jared u Many "a Lrarlag. .. .. ' , IpecUl to Journal, 1 ' GALVtaT -N, Tek.,t4eil. 15. There lsa mora bopetul feeling tn the city than at uny lime since tbe disaster, ami the situation . Is visibly brightening. Tbe State Health officer thluks thai the ilanger of aa epid.mio hsi passed. There aa emergency hospital established in ach ward. The bank bv reopened , and ome other business la being resumed. Looting and plundering In Ualvi tlon have ceased No one has been tbefkud order prevails throughout the ity. Lawlett persons know Ihey will he shot on the spot wben eaugbl in depredation, and this hat bad very wholesome effect. Official reports show that the calamity was the greatest on record in this coun try. The best estimate are that from ,000 to 8,000 people perished In tbe wa- ten or were crushed In the falling build logs. Over four thousand houses were de ttroyed tnd not one building remains that was not Injured. Ten llmusnod per sons are homeless and destitute. There are many who seeking their former residences were utterly unable to find a single remnant of them, such Is tb confusion of timbers and wreckage. Great numbers are leaving and hun dredi more are eager to go who are un able to secure transportation. Along the bay front scores of families with deject ed facet plead to be taken away. All freight on tbe way to Galveston at the.tlme of the disaster Is blocked at va- rlout polnlt awaiting orden from con llgnort.' Nothing It beins; forwarded ex eept relief mstlerr Houston, Texas, September 15. As near as can be estimated $3,000,000 has thus fsr been donated for tbe relief of tbe Galveston and Gulf Coasf storm suf ferers. Up to 4 o'clock this afternoon the Pos tal Telegraph office at Dallas bad trans ferred more than $50,000 In cash from the company's finances at Dallas to the Ualveston sufferers on orden from Eas tern contributors. Tbe Liverpool, London and Globe In surance Company, by Its general South ern agent, J. B. Hertford, at New Or leans, wired $1,008. Among the contributions already In hand or to be sent to the committee are tbe following: New York, $188,408; Philadelphia $88,874; Chioago, $75,000; St. Louis, $40,00; Johnstown, Pa , $3,000; Kansas City, Mo., $10,000; Washington, $4,000; Pari (France) $18,000; Norfolk, Vs., $1,000; Bristol, Tenn., $3,070. CASTOR I A ' far Infanta and Children. Hi HnlYpl KaTi Always Bought Bear th Blgnataraof 1 W he nady a moat e elualTe Un of ' Men's Suits, and ' Ovetcoais At $8, $7.80, $10. $18.60, $18 and $17.80. There I a particular charm about oar clothing. It I weir triad. Many so called tailor-made Sulla suffer by com parison. - W Invite your cloeeat Inspec tion and promise perfect satisfaction. j.G;Du;:;:ciCo., 87 POLLOCK STREET. " 6!lBoo!c Store 5 I Sheet L'jsicl . I LJjt Lhzzp I I ? One 'in ml red and seventy- 1 five pieces d Sheet ninsio I , r:;. n ,i in nan uozen iota a i"i cents for each lot. For Fall Fresh Car DfilFI 9 ii injlsOTLXR. I Two of the Best Ilrnul of Flour Sold. If you want a barrel of strictly first quality Flour give us a call. jfe Fresh Portsmouth Corned Mullelsmall Pig Harm; Breakfast Strips "C California Hams and English Corned Hhouldera. JJa Freh Elgin and Fox River Print Rutter, Cream Cheese. jjjj Fresh Canned Gond. A good Table Peach for 10c 2 lb can, 15c a lb i can. Nice Prunes. Fresh Cakes and Crackers. 2? Yours Truly, 'Phone 91. PLANTER'S MtWl MIVBHIIIHai The Planter's Warehouse is located in the bminess pari, of the citv and the finest Warehouse in the State. We will have plenty of buyers with plenty of orders for all the Tobacco in this part of the State. It is the aim of the management to give his personal attention to all sales and to see that you are well looked after when on th:: market with tobacco Our motto is "High Prices and Personal Attention (o your interest." Free Stables. Come down to the please you. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. F. S. LANGLEY, Auctioneer. (STdalei every week-day at 11 o'clock. Forward. In the Klogasi This Fall in Men1. Suits and Over coats. Not a backward step here, but every more aa ndvanoe mater .Is, at- lerns, cdou, design, cut anit linlab, all .now that we keep pace with tbe times. & new line of rail Uoods that will hi tract your eve. and vou know bow e make up goeda. F. 91. Chadwlek, Notice ! The only man there be. Not Left, Come See. A No. 1 Real Heart Hand-made and Sawed Shingle always on hand. Lath, Carts and Buggies. Ella Tar and Fat Lightwood Post.. All kind of Stove Wood delivered to yoordoor. Two Store to let and houses to rent all tb time. . , Lim to retail or by the barrel, , . . "Bee . , . ' i ; . m , . BIG HILL, Ik ?ittIe Mai Bagging and Ties We are resdy to tupply tb trade with Cotton Bagging and Tiet, Bag Olotb, Heavy Sack, Aa ' Prices ar Right. Y. E: Tiathnm A Co. E.W-SmaliwQoi ' DEALER IN GIKERAL HAEDWABE, : And all Kind of ;.(' ' EUILDIKG MATERIAL Wire Netting, Soien Doors ' and Wlndowa, GLACIER RCFRIQERATORS Which are the beet. They have l'ui few iiihIs and No Buperlor 4 ' . Ice Cn am Freewira, Water Cooler. J'i. h!;nn Rlove. and Range. ; ' ( t , riiint. Load of STAR PATENT Wholesale fc Retail Grocer, 1 71 rsifl Nt. WAREHOUSE opening sale (1 we will try to In addition to the large and complete stock of Bicycles and Sundries, I am carrying a full ana varied stock of Guns Rebobers, Loadea Shells, Qc. I will guarantee to saJe you money on any make of Gun, and will sell other goods in this tine on 1ery close margin. Give me a call. Wfl. T. HILL, 91 Middle Street. Opposite Journal'OfbV a riw or THE GOOD THINGS! Yet For Bale By J. F. TAYLOR. Sweet Catawaba wlue. . . . .1 5c per gallon California Port wine ...$1.00 per gallon Momlcello Claret win. . . .18c per bottle and few Brands of fine medicinal whis key 'such est i .j,.-.-. i LONE oak, i vB4tr vaawiaKse ' , , ., ; ( ' ', BJXl iatv, CUTTER PJSPPEK And lot nf.Pther brands of. Ry... Sbiwi'iililt, 8tUh, Irlih md i' n ihrr.mnrfTA mt- i. QLDllfMiCOW From tb Mnnntsw, also lot of other - xi-: toodf'8t,bottom rtlcea . i QIVK US AALti" : rkiH: lil8 HIlUI Street. " Kxccutor" I"bti(ce. .', Having qualllled a tb .Kierutor of . Oeorj?. I'liT'lo,; deceased, late of tbe.. County of Craren, this la to notify all " persons hsvlns claims aalost th. ealat ; of lb. derevwd to e x Ii I til I thm loth nndersliriied en or befor. l.'uh. dar, of of heptemUer luul, or this notle will b ploail in I r of lln lr recovery. AU per- , sons lrxt txlto. sll rstni. will plcsM (Tlft n I mini 'lifil "nvrriTit. c:ta3 i;. i uvhio, I I.,-., I i.'- (( t im-,l. man all the n.i'n ln d :!ie to wmk i I n' t! i !r 11 ' 'I i l l-i i l I t t i I r