4 y VOL XVI1I-N0. 150. NEW BERN, H. C, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1900. NINETEENTH YEAR u - k & TRYIOUR PERFECT BLEND TEA, Only 10c for 14 lb. Package; Will refund yor 4y satisfied alter using. 47 & 49 .Pollock' Street. . . Jtist Recciyedl A fresh lot Corned Portsmouth Mnllets and Small Fig Hams 5 to 6 lbs. Also smaU Breakfast Strips, 2 to 3 lbs. Good Putter 25o lb. Very best Elgin and Fox River Print Butter at 30c. We mv also agents for the Spanish Root Toilet and Laun dry Soaps. They are guaranteed to cure Ileat, Pimples, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Black Heads and other Skin Diseases. They are Purely Vegetrble. Give us a trial for anything in the Grooery Line and we will do our best to please you or refund your money. Yours for Business. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. Prompt Delivery If yon want a good cup of delicious coffee buy a pound and yon will get it. This coffee is equal to any coffee in the market, regard leas of price, . ' tlWMMNMMMCMM Ileeliftnte That 1 , '" . ' - ml. it iA Alnmyu Hweara 1 ' Py oar Fine Tools for earpeateri. tttana and painler vm, tell hie fellow workmen that at no place la thl town eaa ymi find (uch thomngh aatlafaotloa la all kinds of iMwhanlr tola you ea right bore, where nothing la Kept but a superior trl and fine briille of lb tMt manufaotar. ;( And w alo have on hand I arte tack ef "omm Window ! Doot, whlnh w r now irolng to sell at end nd below cnat I eider to make room for Fall Ooo'li. l" it M l. '-.fir'": x - '-'Ay V.I money it you are not , , - From Dunn's You can always expect when you order your food supplies from this reliable store. We can sup ply very demand of a first class family trade with the Choicest Staple and Fancy Groceries, Rel lnhea, Plcklw, Sauces, Olivet, Fox River Print Butter, and Pig (lams a: Rk Bottom Price. We make a specialty of nigh gr iio Toae and (Coffees. Our Perfection Blend Coffee is Fine, Price Only 20c. Steamer GUIDE . -o-n.-f.; HJ-1.. t . fieavat New UernTneedayend Friday at a a. m., arrlvnf M Sayboro. safttf afternoo; 1 1 t f ' A I'M , Leave Biybora WediHwlay and Bat utdiy at T a. m., arrlviog at New Brn tan afternoon. " ' . "" !' ( The following point wtll be made-: Adam Creek, Oriental. Vamlemere, Lnmbet. Landing, Ilarrli : Wharf and btonewall.-r 4 --' '.-.:. BcbeduW effertive SpV 16lhr 1000. Bat KiVBst TAirotTaTio Co , ;, " ' i. r. Coma, on. Mkaos. REAL ESTATE! " 1 '- i-v City Real Estate bought and so.d cn Collection of Rent for those in th etly as ell as those living outside, ii. v. nirii :'rY I r ' " I I Pi r I r ti J n I ill l I U t. ,ai .. ...J mm cuiLis. Both Aspirants Putunf Oat Flfures An4 Both Pleased. - Qaeer IdeaOf Bepablleaas. Patients At Insane Asylaau Cattle Feter . Break Oat, Atteadaaee At ; CalTerilty, Htrlag Cot- ' ' 7 torn Plckera. Special to Journal, v-r", , Ralkiob, Sept., S0.--The Senatorial light grow warmer daily. Julian B Cart was here this moraine and assared his friends that he was greatly pleased with the outlook.. Cbatrman Blmmons fas advice from hi native couMy that his practically solid for him Not mnch is as yet heard in this part ef the State of WaddellU canva.eThe latter ha some tealons friend here. 'Tbet.facT tr the Benatorial fight makes . llvaly .an otherwise dull campaign. v j A number of the. Republican, who voted - their straight ticket and foi the Amendment have the idee- that they can vote in November at the Senatorial primary, and are talking , about wha they propose to do. Their talk cause much amusement. There are now in the Insane Aiylnm here 470 patients. Of these 88 are ai home on leave, or furlough. All patienU who show 'any prospect of being relieved are taken. There are almost half a doz en whiskey and' morphine users undei special treatment, these being pa) patients. With these there has been great success. There has been no slck- dobs during - the summer. The watei supply ie flue. Three driven wells, op erated by electric pumps supply wate for general ases, and one, operated bj steam, water for drinking. One ot'tbi patients have been there since 1858 The asylum was opened February 22, 1856. Cotton seed selling here at S2i cents per bushel, against 12 cents lasj year. There Is a fresh outbreak of Splenic or Texas fever among cattle in Edgecombr county. The Commissioner of Agricul ture was notified today of this. Seven teen cattle in a herd are sick, and five hare died. The writer of the letter asked for a copy of the law in regard to the driving of cattle from one county to another, particularly when Infected, There are now 448 students at thr State University, of these about a dozen are ladles. Of the ladles who graduated last year a number have good position as leschers, etc. For example, Mbr Alice Jones at St. Mary's, Raleigh; Mist Burke at Peace Institute, here;.'lilsr Leah Jones in the Schools at Brookllne Has.; Miss Marcla Latham (the winnei of twe of the highest honors) in Texas' Miss Bailie Stocksrd is doing special literary work, mainly historical. Two of the new members pf the faculty, Dr. Thomas Ruffln (IswV and Dr. W nor ton (chemistry) have arrived. The American Cotton Oil Company has pat up la connection with Its plant here one of the best cotton gins la tht Stale, with a capacity of 60 bales k dsy Melville P. Troy, an employee in tb oustom house at Havana, Is here on a visit. : He Is a son 6f tb lata Rev. R, P, Troy. He waa until 1898 oa the Greens boro Record. He 'that year went In' tht- United States hospital service. , . There are some very smart farmers Last Sunday during the morning service at one of the aegro churches here, s farmer drove la front of the church with two or three wagons, and as the people left the chnrcb faired all be oould bsul to go to hi farm and pick cotton. He filled hie wagons and drove away, 4 - Mr. and Mrs. James H. Pod left today for the mountains, for a ty of a month, ' - Death of Br, McGutre. ; Riobmoud, Va, September U0-Dr Hunter MoOolre, the chief surgeon ol .Stonewall Jackson's Corp and on o' tb best-known medical men of tbesonih died here this morning. Ils death M cerred six months to the day from the time he., was stricken with paralysis. This attack oocurred la the street while Dr. MoOuire was being driven from his borne ta St. Lake' Hospital, oa West One. street.'''-' "5 jH-.' :. ' At lb close of the war Dr '- MoQuire made bis bom In Richmond, having beea appointed to the chair of surgery la the Medical College of Virginia, Es resigned this appointment In 1878, bat la 1880 he accepted tht emeritus professor ship of surgery. ;t-, ; - -. I 1877 he tu honored with lb de gree L. L. P , by the University of North Carolina, and In th following year Similar boner wu conferred upon him by Jeflersoa Medical College-of Phila delphia. ; -.!'-' , .- ,,,(- ; In 1883 h established St Luke's Hos pital and horn for th sick, which h conducted with the greatest success. Jo 1824 be established the Virginia Hospital and th University College of Medicine. .. To prevent consumption quickly ear throat and lung troubles with On Mln ut Cough Cur. FSDofTy. . Don't fall lo those see beautiful flan nel and silk coats at J. J. lis ner's befor buying. Dsvls' riisrm( y lix eir.luilve sgenr fir "TIn-'i" elj;ri mil' si T DEMOCRATIC CLUBS." Convention Meets at Raleigh Ifext Ved- ' nesdsy. Delegates and Leaders - ." Invited. , RaLXtow. September 20. The State convention of Demeerstlc clubs meets her on Best Wednetdsy, September 2(th, at noon la th Academy of Music. TesurRay State Chairman Blmmons and and National Committeeman - Daniel telegraphed to Gov.- Stone, of Missouri, who I now In New York, and to Sens- tor Daniel, of Virginia, Inviting them to address the convention.: Also an invi tation was sent them by mall, and It hoped - that the will be able to ac cept'- ,- e ; - . Speeches will be toaile also by Hon. CharlesB. Ayeock,Goernor-el(l; Hon Le 8. Overman, and H ut. Daa Hagb McLean',' ereetors-at Jarite, akd other AppUcatfonS has been msdetd tberiff roaJlof redrjcedralesa one fatsvtatc win prqoaDiy vm aeenrca -f ----- -. While deiegatea : have already . been chosen by th clubs in m -ay. counties, in others the matter has not been at tended to. In such eaa deiegatea should be chosen at once, and In all towns where clubs have noa been organ ized the democrats are urged to get to gether and organize hi time to be repre sented In the convention. In addition to the delegations from regularly organized clubs, every Demo cratic Congressional candidate, 81 ate and county officers and all leaders of the party are Invited and expected to be present and participate iu the con vention. The Coal Miners Strike. Special to Journa'. Wilxssbaure, Pi., September 0. The Pennsylvania coal mine strikers are today fort-lug lliemlior men, who are not members of the Union to quit work and v. ill not permit mining opera lions to go on. Anather effort at arbitration failed to day. Appeals have been made for help by the city poor. The grocery ruen tf th reglon have refused to allow the strikers credit and many are In difficulties. A settlement of the strike Is not ytt in sight, and the situation in that respect Is precisely the same as It was yesterday, The United Mine Workers' officials are Cinfinlng their efforts to getting the men to quit work everywhere,' believing that they cannot successfully osrry on the contest ubless every operation is tied up, The operators appear to be doing nothing toward a settlement of the trouble. They are working the eolllerlea -Which ar.rlpp)du beat they can. The Weather Conditions. Wasbikoton, D. C, September 90.- For North Caroline. Partly cloudy with showers, warmer In central and sooth- east portions. Friday, showers. Fresh east winds. Weather conditions. The tempera tare be generally risen In tb eastern, central, and southern portions, and fallen slightly over the northwest. Tb high barometer area ha moved eastward off the coast. Tb low area is central over Lake Superior and has caused shower in the lake region, the Interior valleys, and the southwest and northwest. ' ' High temperatures prevailed yester day lo th lower Mississippi valley and southern Texas. :,a Tb conditions indicate that the settled area will spread Into this section and rata may be expected Friday. Tb wind will be easterly, fresh. Th most dainty and effective d 111 mad are DsWIU's Little Early Riser. Tby arennequaled' for all liver nd hiwel troubles. Never gripe. F B Duffy, ,: , TUB MARKETS. The following quotation were receiv; d by J. B. Latham A Co, New Bern, iv-vCNtw Tom, Sept, 10.' Oorrosit -" Opea;'Blgh. Low,' Clos Bept.....;; ,?.89 .89 not. ; . . .;.; .w w 5 ut t . Jaa 48,l.4T,.fc.8.ri- Mch. S.4I 0.48 , B S8. tM Wbbat! 1 ; 'Open. High,' Lowi Cloa Deo. '...: 88 B0 .84 VVM Sept.......... . - . .1 Cob. Uas. ....1o7 , , . 109 So, R'yPfd..... Vt ...V- 62, Fed. S...... W... 811 r. 10) Con. T. ..... i. ;', Leather .. .... "' 91 - 1 v--,".':.-':;- . Cot too receipts were 29,000 bales at ail ports.- -..- ..;,' ' Cotton sold In the local market yester day from 9 75 to 10. Bales were 80 hale. Tou can spell It cough, coif, caugh. kauf, kaff, kongh or kaugh, but lbs only harmless remedy that quickly cure It Is On Minute Cough Cure. F 8 Duffy. i t I r I SII01IIIS IN CBINI. Late Kflltnf' of missionaries : Re - ported to the Department.. Will WlaUr la Pekln. Dlvislea Aast; th Fewer. Laipres - May Rrtara le Vapital U Protcc- Special to Journal. - Washington, btptetnlier I '.Presi dent MeKinley makes a lespunse to the German note. This note atks that in structions be given to Minister Conger to Indicate the persons, responsible fot the Chinese outrage.. The President WlUabewef lhe.tequeal of Prince Cbfng than Mhitater Conger be .iuitrueted so fhat peace negnliaitoa. tnaVhe opened. pmu requests Wirt be denied. . - . .-TJicTCiaprvs T-iagr is Mid tob Wllllog to reCnrn to Pekln If she Is guar anteed prelection by the 'allies. The Generals in command of the allied army are unwilling to assume sileb responsi bility. Germany and Great Brltlan stand against France and Russia, while both sides are ardently seeking the adherence of the United Slates. The Lsue appears to be in such shape as almost to dismiss further hope of attaining harmony of action -respecting China, aud the point apparently has been reached where the Uulted States must lake kI.Ios or pioceed to act Independently of other powers in reaching a settlement. Ten thousand of the allies will winter in Pekln. The Cermsu force will be the largest of the allies. An attack was begun at daylight this morning on Pel taug by tbo allies. Liang Singh was captured. The llilil.h plauttd their ttag on the walls In ten minutes from the commencement of the attack. Reports from China to the War De pertinent this morning tell of the mur der of missionaries. Two daughters of the Itlsslonary at Watu and i0 othen- were killed. Missionary Clapp, his wife and four others, and another missionary with his wife, two children and six others were murdered by their escort from Watu on August 15th. Six mis sionaries escaped to the mountains. End of Boer War. Special to Journal. London, September 90s Lord Robe its cables to the wsr office that nothing Is left of the Boer army. He has destroyed their cannon and dispersed the forces There was general disintegration when the Boers taw that their-?-was hope less. A Lorenso Marques dispatch says that President Kruger will not sail for Europe on the Uerman steamer ilerzog next Monday, as Intended. The Government of the Netherlands has been notified ol Mr. Kruger's acceptance cf Its offer to put a warship at his disposal. Another New York Fire. Special to Journal. New Tobk, Sept. 90. A big fire todat. swept away the Terminsl stores on Tenth and Eleventh Avenues in tbb city, destroying the wholesale dry goods stock. The loss by the tire Is put at s million dollars. Wolcott Dosnt Want It. Special to Journal. Wasbibotob, fept- W. Ex-Governor Wolcott of Massachusetts declines the appointment of Ambassador to Italy. Justin McCarthy Retires. Special to Journal ' Lobdob, Sept, 90. Justin McCarthy, member of Parliament, author of "His lory of Oor Own Times" and other well known works, retire from Parliament. Th can of rati re mat I 111 health. ; J. I. Baxter Is selling his Ribbons, Lawns, Ladles Oxfords, and all summer good very low for lb cash. ' Ice Cream Soda today at McSorley's ; The Roller Tray, and Bureau trunks for aaUby h i, Baxter. Vi .- Fordlainfcting.Beborld of Lime from Davis Pharsnaoy. v .- :,i .-. , KOTiCE I f AU persons wanting any kind of Stove work, Tin work or Plumbing Done Call on ; ' ; , ' ' '. ' . y. W. TVOOD 4 And yon will find his price low and Work Batisiactorj. :' -'i ': Corner Broad and Middle Street. mmjmmarmm'A it , I Atw Rook Store I . . , c s Sheet llasi'cl ' Dlrt'Chsapl One hundred and seventy five pieces of sheet music ooercd in half dozen loU at 25 cents for each lot. Fresh Cat DRIFT a Two of (he liVst ISrnud.H ol Flour Mold. If you want a barrel of strictly brut qunlily Flour Rive us a cull. Fresh Portsmouth Co mod ftiullciismull i'ii; IJiuns; Breakfast SI rips Caliloruia Hams aud Knglish Corned .iliouMer.-' Fresh Elgin and Fox River Print Butter, Cream Cheese.. Fresh Canned Good. A sood Table l'ear-li for 10c 2 lb can. 1 Tir ;l lb fan.- Nice Prunes, frenh Cakes and Yours Truly, j. l mm 'Phone Ol. wmmtftfmmtmmttfffitmfWfwni': PLANTER'S The Planter's Warehouse is loculod in tlio binincss part of the cily and the finest Warehouse in the State. We will have jilenty of Imyers with plenty of orders for nil the Tobacco in this pai l of the Slate It is the aim of the management to give his personal allonlinn In all sales and to see that you are well loo -ed after u lien on 1 1 1 - market willi tobacco Our motto is "High Prices and Personal Attention to your in terest." Free Stables. Come down to the opening sale, and we w ill Irv to please you. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. F. 8. LAXGMSY, Auctioneer. t-ialoi every week-day at 11 o'clock. ...... - ''nsajfea cosrwtftHT Forward, Is I be Slogan This Fall in Men's Suits and Over coats. Not a backward step here, but every move an advance mater.als, pat terns, Colors, detlgn, cut and llnish, ill 'bow that we keep pace with ir.e tim s. A new line of Fall OoodJ that will t-t- tract your eye, and you know how we make up good. F. n. i liadwlik. Notice ! The only man there be. Not Left, Come See. A No. 1 Real Heart Hand-made and Sawed Shingles always on band, Laths, Carts and Buggies. Kiln Tar and Fat Llghtwood Post. All kind of Stov Wood delivered to your door. Two Store to let and bouses to rent all the time. Lime to retell or by the barrel. Be ' - ,, ..'. BIG HIlIiV Th8 lDle Han Bagging and ties l We are ready to supply the trade 'with Cotton Bagging and Tie,' Bag Cloth," Heavy Sacks, Ac.-. Price are JUhC ' T. E. ; Tiatlmm . JoJ GENERAL HARDWARI, , And all Kinds of- -1 " BDILDIHtJ, MATERIAL: Wlr Netting, Screen, Doors nd Windows, ' ' '.,:':'; iv -,u GLACIER REPRIOERATORS Which are the best, They have but few equals nd No Suporlors.. f- Ice Cream Freezer. . Wstct Coolers. MichlRan Stoves and Ranges. Paint. -"''-. V- x V 'M CJ -tiswka, . ... j, a i '. :! . . . - - . ; - -- -' :' DEALER IN '-5;" '-i-'ft-'H Load of STAR PATENT 1 Cracker. Vliolsaii & Eiefnil 71 Irr:l Hi. WAREHOUSE In addition to the large and complete stock of Bicycles and Sundries, I am carrying a full ana varied stock of Guns Retotbers, Loadea Shells, &c. I will guarantee to saJe you money on any make of Gun, and will sell other goods in this line on 1ery close margin. Give me a call. WH. T. HILL, 91 Middle Street, Opposite Journal Olli e A FEW Or THE GOOD THINGS! Yet For Sale By J. F. TAYLOR. Sweet Calawaba wlno. , . T5c per gallon California Port wine . . M per gallon Montioello Claret wine, . . .ISc per bottle and few Brands of Hue medicinal whis keys such as: LOJJE OAK, OLDFORESTER IIIJNTEIt, CUTTER nlJKPP12 II 1VAT.DOHF, 'And lots of .other brands of Rye. Siiwn'r 11 tltr Scotch, Irleh and OmMCiiCORN From the Mountainsalso lots of other e ...goods at boiiora prfs. ... ,, OIVJ TJtt A CALti f.- ' 5 i, ; .J.F.TAyOll, ; ,T"W Mlcijl Street. 'f ' ? 1 bb mC 1 12xcator'"-XotliM. ' nving quailflad tt tb. Kscutorof ' (Jsorge Physio,, deeeaaed,' late of the County of Craven, this I In notify nil twrsnns having elalms against th slaie of tlx deceased to exhibit them to ' undarslgned en or before lllh. dec, -f of HeptemlMir iWJl, or tbl Dollo will plead Id bar of tbolr recovery. All per tons Indented to said esUI will pl maklmnclll rameat. .- CU K. PHYflfi, ' Eiwtilor, (Jeo. I'bysle, deceased. This 1.1th, day of Pept. t r 1

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