XY -V I- 1 VOL. XVIIf-NQ. 151; NIW BIliN, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 22 1900. NINETEENTH YEAR ' " & try our: I I .... -. .I I PERFECT BLEND TEA, f TO ' - - ' . Only 10c for 1-4 lb. Package. & Will refund your satisfied alter using. W 11 T-s -!r- A i - " ratt t Cj. V$ Jst Received I $ A fresh lot Corned Portsmouth Mullets and Small I ig Hams 5 to 6 lbs. Also small Breakfast Strips, 2 to 3 lbs. Good Butter 25c lb. Very best Elgin and Fox River Print Butter at 30a We are also agents for the Spanish Root Toilet and Laun dry Soaps. They are guaranteed to cure Heat, Pimples, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Black Heads and other Skin Diseases. They V are Purely Vcgctrble. V Give ns a trial for anything in the Grocery Line and we will do nnr best to please you or refund your money. v . r. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. Prompt Delivery If yon want a good onp of delicious coffee buy a pound , and you will get it. This coffee ia equal to any coffee in the market, regard less of price. Jno. lEJiiiiii; -II 1 11 1 A mechanic That AlvrajM IS wean : r t By our Fine Tools for mrpentert, ' . inasoas and painter's nsa, tells him fellow workmen tbat at do place la thhs town V ran yuu Ood such thorough satisfaction ' la afl kinds of mechanics tools a yon " caa rleht bore, wbere aothloc to kent ' but a superior arade and floe bristle of ; , the best manufacture. , , , And we also bare ea band a targe Stock of uorma . Windows . and Doors, which we are now going to sell at cost end below cut la order to maka room for Fall Qooils. i: summon money it you are not p 3 From Dunn's You can always expect when you order your food supplies from this reliable store. We can sup ply every demand of a first class family trade with the Choicest SUpio and Fancy Groceries, Rel lihet, Pickles, Sauces, Olives, Fox Rivr Print Butter, and Pi? name a: It :k Bottom Price. We make specialty of high gr i le Teas and (Coffees. Our Perfection Blend Coffee is Fine, Price Only 20c. Steamer ;GUIDE ' ' tJt New. UeraTubsday and Friday at' 8 4. m., arriving at Bay bora same afteraooa. ., v . . Leaves Bayboro Wednesday and 8at- ntday at 7 a. m., arriving at New Bern Sam aflernooe. . v . ".): .; The following points will Imi mad- Adsnw tOreek,. Oriental,' Vandemerr, Umbrf Leading, , Harris Wharf and Monewall. ' - Bchedula effective Sept. 18th, 1900. -Bat Enrta TaaHspoBTaTioa Ca, ' .. J. T. Cownix,G(ft. MaaAQiRr' ' REAL ESTATE ! City Heal Estate bought and so.d on oommlaSion. ,- " Collection of Rente for those in the city as wefl as those living outside. ' There Are -"Now Poor Senatorial .Candidates In The Hell Jarvls Come to Light Cetioa Sales For Aatrast. StadeaU At St Mary's. Water Work Primary Talked Of. Special to Journal. RaiiBian, September 21 The State charters the Southern Consumers Brew ing and Ice Company of Charlotte, capi tal $300,000; Wilhelm Griesser, J. T. An thony, R. L. Lacos end J. W. Cook stockholders. - - A charter Is also granted the Aaheville Aoditorlum Company, with 8,678 shares value 136,760, A. B Andrews of Raleigh being the largest shareholder (300 shares) The cotton sales here since Angast 81, by wagon, are 3,800 bales, about 800 more than last season to this date. The number of students at St, Mary', college here Is said to be the largest oi record. The rector said today In reply t an inquiry, that he could riot give lb number as he did not know It. The tax list for this county shows an Increase of $3,000 over last year and ai Increase of 77 polls. - The yield of cotton on the counl farm near here will be 1) bales to th aire. There are no uniformed Odd Fellowi n this State and very few unlformec Masons, The reason is said to be the expense. The Republicans have held all tbeli congressional conventions save In I hi 1st, 3d and 6th districts. There are now four candidates for thi 17. S. Senatorshlp in the field, ex-Sena tor Jarvls having announced himself to- lay. Inquiry is made as to Whether H. (i. Connor will enter the list. A lady who one night some months ago claimed to have caught her foot In s gas pipe exposed above a sidewalk and who sued the city for $4000, today took 250 an J seemed glad to get It. There is a movement for a prlmarj here at the November election to get tht view of the voters as to whether the legislature should be asked to ' give the aldermen the power to purchase the water works and Issue bonds. ' Kroner's Trip to Europe. Special to Journal. London, Sept. ai. Ex-President Kru- ger comes to Europe to appeal to the Tribunal of International Arbitration for a peace conference. The Dutch crnlser Qelderland Is going to Delagoa bay, to take on board Presl- lent Kruger and convey him to Holland The offer of this warship to conver Mr. Eruger was made when It was learned tbat Hi Kruger desired to visit Europe. Simultaneously with making the offer the Government Informed Ores Britain of the action taken and the latter In thanking the Netherlands foi Ihe in. formation, declared the British Govern ment had no intention to Interfere with Mr. Kruger's p refected Journey. Fire At Concord, W. C Concobd, N. C, September21 Flames threatened to wipe out the whole bosl- nesi section of this place early this morning, but by heroic efforts the flames are bow under control. ' - The lire originated la a small house on Depot street and the high wind and lack of water made matters critical The loss will ran op in the thousanda. as six dwellings and two stores are la Mhos. ' ' l' ' , v ' . The Weather Conditions. WisnmoToS, D. C, September 81. For North Carolina. Saturday fair ex cept showers on the coast, Fresh west winds. 5-. ..-v. .';-,;. .-v,. Weather conditions. The low barom- eterarea has moved eastward out of the Lake Superior region followed, by clear ing weather over the northwest aad up per lakes. ziS-Q-.h':- -V " '"i- The temperatnre has risen In the Kasl Gulf States and northeastward along the Atlantic ooas), and fallen slightly over portions of the lake region, apper MIk slppi and upper Missouri vallsysv .., f": J.J. Baxter Is selling his Ribbons Lawns, Ladles Oxfords, and all summer goods very low for the cash. '- . -' ., lee Cream Soda today at MoSorley's ' The Roller Tray and . Bureaa trunks for sale by J. J. Baxter. . For disinfecting, use chorlde of Lime from Davis' Pharmacy. k , ' Don't fall lo those tee beautiful flan ael and silk coats at J. J. Baxter's before buying. v.i--,' Davis' Pharmacy has exclusive agency for "Theo" cigars. J , - , : , Vaccination i hlelds at Davis' Phar macy. . r: , CASTOHIA Tor Io'anti wl Cl.nSrea. I -ri t!i y- I !((( The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world- celebrated for its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful; it assures you against alum and all forms of adultera tion that go with the 1st cneap oranas. ROYA1 BAKING. POWOCR C04 100 FRESH CHINESE TROUBLE.. Boxers Burn Villages LI Almost Unnoticed Russians Massacre . Special to Journal. Washington, September 21 Fresh disorder of the Boxers has broken out near Canton, China. Several villages were destroyed. Several beaelged mis sionaries escaped. The Chinese troops could do nothinr against them. The al lies have sent a force to the scene of the disturbance. LI Hung Chang is at Tako. He has at tracted little attention. Only the Rus sian and Japanese officers called upon him. Several of the powers concur in Ger many's note to China, Uermauy believes that all will concur in the plan proposed. Detailed reports show that the Rus sian troops massacred twelve thousand C bines at Blagoneapel. Not one China man escaped. War Is again threatened In China. Just when everybody thought that ' pro gress was being made toward the open ing of negotiations between the powers and China for a peaceable settlement, the Emperor of Germany throws a bomb Into the council by demanding tbat the hlnese officials responsible for the attacks upon foreigners be pnnished be fore negotiations are opened. If that demand Is backed by the powers It mesas war, as China cannot possibly comply with It The nature of the answer sent by this governmeht to Germany's request for endorsement of the demand Is not known, but It is known that this govern ment will not participate ia a war on Chlaa. The Chinese Minister to lbs United Stales I so worked up over -Germany's d-raund that he has dropped Lit asual diplomatic reticence and talks with much freedom of IC . Among other things, be said: "I am Indeed surprised at this action of the German govern ment.. Thaxlreular imposes Impossible conditions, aad to nothing more aor leas thaa notification of the. proposed dis memberment of the Empire. ,' According to the terms laid down, 1 myself may b liable to bs beheaded because some gov ernment selects ms as a probable leader attached 4o the Chinese government The note la evidently directed at Ihe Dowager Empress sad Prince Tuan, aad at both are members of the govsrameat, to punish them at suggested woaldbs to leave the Empire . Without ' govera ment," : ' ? ' The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham Co, New Bern, " Kmr tots, Sept. .'. Cottob; , Open. High. Low. Close Sept.,. MV ,,. ' ; - t.08 ' Oct.. . ...... $.87 t.tl M ; 9M Not..,....,..- 1.5 8.57 $.68 .1 Jaa .... . 9.09 t.H 8.47 Mch.. $.47 0.58 0.47 $.43 May....; 1.47' OSS , 8.4 8 41 Whbat- Open. High. Low. Close Deo .......... 84, 84 I53f B4 Cobb: 8ept......i... Con. Gas.... ...1841 '188 So, R'yPfd..... 89 . ' 63 t o i ; , , ;' . Fed. S. 80,' ; 80 Con. T...., 78 79 Leather ..... 9, ' . C Cotton receipts were 29,000 lii st all ports. Hw Trtt Cotton M.rknt, Cotton "' 1 la t' I - 1 n-nrV-t y''-r- i' r fi"- 9'. i t 9 '. ' - til ' Ahaa bakiof powders arc low priced, as alum costs but two ceols a pooad ; trot slum la a corrosive poison and it readers the baking powder dangerous to use In load. WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. THE COAL STRIKE. Matters Assume a Worse Aspect. State ment of Wages. Special io Journal. Philadelphia, Pa., September 21 There appears to be no protection furn ished for the Pennsylvania coal miners who have not struck. The sheriffs of the counties In which the strikers are locat ed are afraid to Interfere with the strik ers. The railways are being crippled in their work, and the factories are getting short of coal. There is a plan being formed to tie up all the coal carrying railways in order to aid the strikers. Mdb violence hat begun to transform the mining region into a scene of wild disorder. Hundreds of foreigners who are attempting to go to work have been attacked. The operators maintain that they will not recognlxe.the miners' organization, though in many Instances they would be willing to arbitrate with their own men. The Pennsylvania Coal Company has Issued Its statement showing by a re sume of Its comptroller's reports that average wage of miners and laborers In all of their twenty-seven collieries, foi the month of August, was respectively $8.80 and $1.67 per day and that twenty days were worked. Hlddle-of-the-Roaders. Special to Journal. ' Raleigh, September 81 The Mludle-of-the-Road Populist State convention is called to meet here October 11, to name an electoral ticket. Procress of the Census. Special to Journal. Washibotok, Sept. 84. The Census Bureaa bad up to to-day counted SO.OOJ, 009 inhabitants and the count It now ooverlng a million a day, at which tate It will be completed about October 20. Director Merrlam declined to make aa official forecast of Ihe total, but aald Jilt personal opinion was that It would be about 78,000,000. : . To prevent eonsumptloa quickly cnie throat aad loaf troubles with One Min ute Cough Cure, t Duffy.-.: V NOTICE I : 'All peraons wanting any kind of Stove work, Jin work or , Plumbing Done. Call on W'v;; . J. W. WOOD, -And yoa ' will find hia" pricea . low and Work Satisfactory. iX ' 'T' ' " ' Corner Broad and Middle Street. AnthBook Store t Shed Music!, . V : Dirt Cheap I v 1 aj ! five piecea of bMt muma s offered in hfilf dozen lots at J 25 opnti for ea!h lot ; . una iiinureu ttnu kictii- s u . . .1.1 v . S I ' r r" r--"f f. i s Fresh Car DRIFT B FLOUR ! 1 Two of flic IS?nI Itrniids of Flour Sold. If you want a barrel of strictly first qnslily Flour give us :i cull. Fresh Portsmouth Corued l!ulleir;small I'iir llam; BrcsikTaHi Strip. California Hams and English Cornell lioiililcm. Fresh Elgin and Fox River I'rlul Butter, Cream Cheese. FreBh Canned Goo.Ik. A (jootl Tal.lc IVrcIi for 10c '2 1 r . .in, l.'i can. Nice Prunes. Fresh Cakes and Crocker. Yours Truly, Phone 91. PLANTERS J. L. McDMIEL, The Planter's Warehouse is located in the liminens part of the cilv and the finest Warehouse in tin- State. We will have plenty of buyers with plenty of orders for till the Tobacco in this part of the State. It is the aim of the management to give his personal attention to all sales and to fee that you ate well loo.eil after when on 4 la-- market with tobacco Our motto is "High Prices ami Personal Attention to jour in terest." Free Studies. Come down to the opening sale, and we will try to please you. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. F. 8. LANQI.HY, Auctioneer. t3T-'ule every week-day Ht II o'clock. Forward, Is the Nlogaii This Fall in Men's Suits and Over coats. Not a backward step here. Iui every movo an advance muWr.als, in. I ttrns, c ilors, design, cut and finish, all show that we keep pace with the times. A new line of Fall GoodJ that will at tract your eye, and you know how we make up goods. F. 91. Chntlwick, Notice ! The only man there be. Not Left, Come See. A No. 1 Real Heart Hand-made and Sawed Shlflglei always on hand. Laths, Carts and Buggies. Kiln Tar and Fat Lightwood Posts. " All kinds of Stove Wood delivered to your door. Two Stores to let and bouses to rent all tbe time. Lime to retail or by the barrel. See BIG E1LL, The We Mao Bagging and Ties We are ready to supply tbe trade with Cotton Bagging and Ties, Bag Olotb, 1 Heavy Sacks, Ac Prioet are Right. JT. E. Ialhftm A Co. 11 1VUUU111811 Vv 'f - DEALER XM ; ." : V " d j Kindt of--' ; BUILDING KATERIAU Wire ' Ktltlng, Bcreoa .Doors and Windows, . V-.i-1'.'"- -., :-'t-'eiV: OLAC1CR RCFRIOEftATORS Which are the beet, They have but fow equals and No Superiors. ' f V X Ice Cream Freerers. Water Coolers. Michigan 8toves and Ranges. . j ' j " paints.' .' .i '.' Under Votei ChattawVa, J ........ 4 . v. P. WMIImnnil Load of SFAH PATENT 1 :i 11. IVIioU'salo Jro'er, 71 Ilrsij", Nf. WAREHOUSE In addition to the large and complete stock of Bicycles and Sundries, I am carrying a full ana varied stock of Guns Relol7ers, Loadea Shells, Sc. I will guarantee to sale you money on any make of Gun, and will sell other goods in this line on Very close margin. Give me a call. WH. T. HILL, 9t Middle Blreot, Opposite Journal Ollice . A KEW OF THE GOOD THINGS! Yet For Bale By J. F. TAYLOR. Sweet Calawaba wine 7.1c per gallon California Port wine . . $1.00 per gallon Montlcello Claret wine I5c per bottle and few Brandt of line medicinal whis keys such ss: LOXE OAK, Oia FO KENT: It HUtfTEU, CUTTER lEPPEIt ! WILBORF, And lots of other brands of Rye. Sbawa's MtltSeoteh, Irlfh and OLVfcClCORN From the Moantalns, alio to'lt of other .jr.j'.xAYi.on, I' r 18 M Iddlt Street. " ' 1 ' r- ' ' . - 1 15xecutor' Notice. ' Uaviagqualided as , the Execuuir of Ooorge. J'hvslo, , deceased,; late of tht County of Craven, this Is lo notify sll. persons bavlnc claims againat the estate ' , or tbe aeceaaea to einiun mum 10 ion .. . undersigned on or before lath, dav, il s of September 1901, or thla aotlca will Is . , plead In bar of their recovery. All r sent Indebted to aald tsUle will plea's . make Immeitlate tiavment. . . CIIA9 E. PIlTflC, ! Eieeutor, Ueo. Physio, deceased. .- . . This iSth, day of Hepl. 1CO0.

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