V, . -. y -V:. , A , ! ---.fv r VOL. XFIIMO. 152. . 1 '. '-.v ' NINETEENTH Y . U r r " ' . ...... , 4- - 5, 4 '4 TRY10UR v. f PERFECT BLEWD TEA, f Only 10c for 1-4 lb. Package, w Will refund your m satisfied alter using. IB. 3ssCA.CZZ JHJ "T 47 & 49 PollbckVStreet. i Jtist Received! A fresh lot Corned Porlamonth Mnllela and 8mall Hams 5 to 6 lbs. Also small Breakfast Strips, to 3 lbs. Good Putter 25o lb. Very best Elgin and Fox River Print Butter at 30c x ' r We An? also.iigents for the Spanish Root Toilet and Laun dry Soaps. They are guaranteed to cure Heat, Pimples, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Black Heads and other Skin Diseases. They are Purely Vegetable. - . Give us a trial for anything "in the Grocery Line and we will do our best to please you or refund your money. Yours for Business. J. R. PARKER, J R GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. Prompt Delivery From Dunn's l. 4 . If yon want a good cup of and you will get H. This coffee U equal to any . lest of prioe. 1 , -' ' -j -. ''; ji, t A Jlerhnnlo That Altrayii Hvrenm . Py oaf Ftae Tnnlf for carpenters, workmen tbl at no plane ia ttila towi ra Hnd aar.h Uiurngb (atinfantlon iattt kio1 nf nwirhiutina tnU a you ut a anperlor Rrult and floe 1riille uf the bnl nanulactare. , And we a1o huve on kn4 a larje etnrk of "Hwnon Wlnilnwi n1 Docua, which we are now fi"g to tell at cxi nil tininw ct in ciiilnr to null room for Kill U(k.Ii. i j -.?J.rl Ir A J V money it you are not M ' . Ton can always expect when yon order your food supplies from this reliable store. We can inp ply every demand of a flrat cluie family trad with the Choicest . Staple and Fancy Groceries, Rel !ih, Pickle, Baaeet, Olives, Fox River Print Butter, and Pin Dame ai R 3k Bottom Price. We make 'a specialty of high gr'le Toae and Oo!Tee.. Our Perfection Blend Coffee is Fine, . Price Only 20o. delicious coffee buy a pound - i'-Ky-t :P 5, coffee in the market, regard- jw 09999 Steamer GUIDE i Leaves New lleroTuaeday and Friday at 8 a.- arrivlnc at Bayboro came afternoon.' . ..",. i Leave Bayboro Wedntday and Bat- atdy at 7 a. m.arrlying at Now Bern tame afternoon1.? ' , , ' - J ;' The following pnlnti will he madef idama' Creek.., Oriental, Yanrtemere, Lumber Landing, , Harris , Wharf, and btonewall. v'l"';:" ., Schedule effective Sept. 18th, 1D0O. Bat Itivaa TaaRiORTarioii Co., J. F. Cowii.l, Oca. Mfor, REAL ESTATE! City Real Eatate bought and o.d on com mine .on. , Collection of Rents for thoae In the eity as "ell as thoae living outside. 4m lit FIFTY THCjSCD: V aimed By Simmons As His Majori- , ' ty In Primaries. - Bl( Freight Bnslaess Oa Seaboard.. Applicants Before Supreme Coart ' Meeting . Denoeratle f labs. . ' Important Superior Coart Deelsiea . . Ia Wayael Special to Journal. , Riwron, September 2a The Sea board Air Line is now donble-beading Us sonth-bound . freight' trains; that i using two engines to each, from Weldoa southward, l.At Qrayalone near Bender- son, the company is opening new gran ite quarries, hai.bullt 1 miles' of track to reach them and., bas Several hundred men at work; also a atone crruher of ,150 tons daily capacity. -The stone will be need in ballasting the new part of the road, Rldegeway to ; Richmond and Hamlet to Columbia and afterwards, the other parts, of the line. Baldwin: paasea ger engines are now arriving dally, All have 7 feet driving wheels' and 19x80 inch cylinders. V ; ' : r;' ; William B. Allen of Ooldboro Is here. He talked to-day about the (Senatorial contest and said: "There Is no donbt of my county (Wayne) being for Sim mons. In Goldsboro some are for Carr, but the majority are. for Simmons, He will get a handsome majority In oUr county and section. - In fact 1 see few active Democrats from onr section who are not for Simmont." BImmons him self said tikis morning, upon his return from Pittsboro, where he went to ap pear for the Democratic election officer, indicted by the fnalonlnsls: 'Tin lu touch with all parts of the State. If the primaries were held now I have no doubt I would get at least 50,000 major ity.. I see no reason for anything! aavt an Inorease of those figures by the date the primaries are to be held." It is evident that the State convention of Democratic clubs here next week is ti be a big affair. Secretary P. M. Pear sail says most the clubs will be repre sented, judging by the letters tbey art- writing. Ay cock, Overman and McLean will be among the speakers, There will be at least B0 applicants for license as attorneys before the Supreme Court.- The State University sends hall of these. The Superior Court of Wayne has de cided In a suit for delay In shipping water-melons, that the Atlantic Coast Line is liable though that line showed that It had turned over the melons to the Pennsylvania railway and that the delay was on the latter. GERMANY'S ATTITUDE Dispatch From French Sources Sayt Ten sion There Over United States -Refusal. Special to Journal. Panis,. September M. Dispatch re ceived from Berlin says It Is believed in the German Capital, that there la a se vere tension between the United States and Germany, over the settlement of the Chinese trouble, and Germany's . pro posal which the United States rejected. WAsniaoToa, - September ; 21. The United State Government has made full and complete answers to the various In quiries that have been addressed to It by the Powers relative to the Chinese Iron We; '. It has gone further and has made a disclosure, of all Its purposes, and, as a member of the Administrations put U, "It has thrown Its hand open on the table." -sM-v . -s ;r' J ; i;,' i!'-;9 ' Minister Wo called,- by appointment, npon ' Acting secretary hui, and was banded a memorandum embodying thr response of the Government to the re quest of Chine that Mr. Conger, or some other person, be I Mm ed lately empowered to begin negotiations with the Chinese for a final settlement. Minister Wa left with a dissatisfied expression ea bis face Next came Mr. Thlbanlt, the French representative, and. after Baron Stern berg called' and was made acquainted with the note, ha hastened away to cable It to his Government. The Government thee sent the cable grams directed to its representatives abroad. -A''''' a.i The State Department absolutely fated to mske sny statement as to the answers, taking the ground that to do so would be a violation of dlplomatlo pro prieties. ' However, It wss 'calculated thst all of these answers will bare reached their destinations abroad tomor row. Tre ministers and charges who received the messages here adopted the saine secretive attitude aa the Govern' ment. .. ."' '"' ' ' ' . It Is known, however, tbst the Ger man proposal that negotiations with Chinese be dofsrred until tboie retponsl ble for the Chinese outrages hsva bees surrendered to tbs allies, has failed- of spproval by our Government. The dec lination has been couched In a manner that cannot give olTnnte, but the United Slates Oovornmenl cannot recognize the principal that a country may be called unnn to surruuiler Its own rli'i-m to S foreign power or powers for punish ment. To prPYPht fontti! tlirosl and lm.;r ti 11 1 e Onij h Cure. F H J. 3. r r U , t ! ... o qiiU Uly !; ll One cure f'!n- ALLIES LOSE KEH, reiung Taken After Fight, ' Barbarities , t ; fractlced on Missionaries. ,v Special to Journal, WASHiHQTotr, Sept.'; It -A. dlpalch says tost the icusslans,- uarmana ana Aoitrians altackod the Peilang forts on the night of Sept SHkn. - , '", , The Chinese kept up a Are all night, 'wtavacusted the forts la tii morning, which were then occupied by lbs Allies. Twenty five - R'tuieui and Qorrunns were blown up -by arulne, while entering the form. ' -i Capt. Wise of -the United States Navy entered the forts, and tays only five Chinese were killed. . - . WAsutMuTuM, D. C.,Kpt. SIT An of ficial commttulcaiton, coming tti rough diplomatic channels, Was brought U the attentloa ob- the Stale - Department to day,' giving information as to the condi tions in the Tangise KUag valley, and also giving detailed and fully authenti cated Instance of atrocltlix In the prov ince of Hunan against Christian . ml sioaerler. The acc ount u given by one of the Christian missionaries who es caped, . and L who - makes the report through the officials oftbeQovernmeni now forwarding it to Washington." In one case, U Is stated, a missionary had his eyes burn! ii, then a portion nf his body was cut off, and dually a red hot staff was driven through -his back. In another cue, given lu the report, a missionary was wrap.ieJ in cotton, the cotton was soaked In oil, and the mass set on fire. The missionary was burned to death. SUSPECT GERMANY. Russia and LI Hung Chang Have Under standing Regarding Situation. London, September 21 It veems'to be generally believed throughout Europe that Germany proposed her demand that the sntl-f relgu leslers should be surrendered before negotiator were commenced with a view of delaying aqy general acceptance of her proposals until FieldrMarshal von Wal dersee should arrive at Pekin. At any event, with Count Waldrrser journeying northward and It Hung Chang conducting negotiations from Tien Tsln, matters must soon reach crisis. The matter of Earl Li's reception seems to confirm the suspicions exlsltlng in Shanghai regarding his close under- slsnding with Russia. A long conference was held, at which no representative of any other Power was present. This remarkable friendship exists at a time when two continents are ringing with the story of massacre by the Russlana in Amur. The Moscow correspondents of the Standard, reverting to the subject of the massacres, this morning says: "From a recent visitor to the Amur region I leara that massacres are the or der or toe day with the troops that are overrunning Manchuria. The orders are art Issued by General Grodekaff, but It Is quite certain that Emperor Nicholas must be Ignorant of their nature." - Rathbone Intends to Fight Special to Journal. , . WisaiSGTon, D.O. Sept. S3. Director Ralbbone, former Director of post of fice la Cuba, now On trial charged with fraud, asks for a warrant for the eilra- dltlan of Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Bristow. ., This lodicates that Bathboae will flht his ease. . - .; ; Mob Strlnn Up Negroes. - Naw OuLiuaa, Ls Sept. I-In "Bloody" Tanglpoaah parish last Bight, four negroes were hanged after the Jail In the Tillage of Poatchatoula had b broken open and the prisoners,1' accused of robbing the family of Henry Holtfelt leP, had beta takes from their cells. The men lynched were; Isaiah Rollins, aged elghteea-. years; Nathaniel Bowman, aged forty-seven years; Charles Elliott, Geo. Blckman, aged twenty years. There were fourteen colored ' suspects . In the Poatchatoula jail, accused of " varioui robberies.. " , ' -" "-t. - Mrs. Ilottfelter. who.resbted thecolo-r-d mea, was choked and beaten so un mercifully that she lost her mind.. ' Last Bight at 0 O'clock, a committee of white eltlaens called oa Sheriff Nix and deasadtdlbe keys to the jail. '.The Sheriff refused to produce then. ' Axes were brought and the jail wal Immedi ately broken open. Four of the suspects were hanged to a tre a fesr blocks awsy after being made to confess hsvlng par- tlo'pated la the burglary of lloltfelter'4 house. ;--..'t- The coroner's jury returned a verdict of "Death by unknown bands,'' Clllsens soon red lbs parish throughout the night arrest log all the negroes they could get their hands on. These were orowded in to the little Jll of Pontcbaloula and Wholesale lynching It feared. ' Jltyor Jackson and the -Sheriff, are mlng every mean to realore order, bat are making slow progrew. Tin bitter element s; .:ng the colored population li flwlni to the clitircl', where the 1 1 in I being (pent In priyur. You cn poll It eolith, ciff, ch, knuf, kaff, kon: ;h or k"Rli, but (lie only hutii.li u ri-nii 'y tint (juli kly corr It It One Minnie (' li Cure. F H 1 J u 1 I ! I SITOlTlOlf OUIET. 1 ksWJ.ftaVji- No Farther lfoun-Po1lewc4 First - Outbreakv . Martial law Prevail-. Reading Colliery t loses To l'r.mbl Dis turbance. Pennsylvania Na : lioaal UurdiU4ir Oa Duty And' n.lds Sltnatioa. Sptclal to Journal Bhessxdoau. Pi 3-pt. 42.-A11 is quiat hdre to-dsj', martial U prevail ing lu this dlairlcl. The Keailing Company closed Its col liery to-lay, to prevent any possible trouble. No crowds were permitted to gather at the colliery. General Gobla has 950) Pennsylvania National Guardsmen ou duty. He sayt the illation is well lu hand. General Gobla is Lieutenant-Governor of Pennsylvania, and in command of the Third Brigade, N. G. P , which -is com posed of- the troop noted above. He If a veteran of two wars, and was a briga dier-general la both the Civil and Spanish-American Wars. The Uuns and 1'ules who started yes terday's rioting, look sullealy on, but make no further show of resistance. Bhknihdoau, Pa., September" 31 A sheriff's posse ft re I on actowd of riotous men near here ibis afternoon killing two persons, and wounding seven otheii- SheriC Toole and Deputies O'Donnell and Brenneman were called to Shenan doah today to suppress the mobs ths threatened mine workers and colliery property. At quitting lime three sheriffs and a small posse went to the Indian Rfdge colliery of the Reading Company near hero, to escort the wbrklngmen to their homes. The worjlngmen left forborne shortly after 4 o'clock and met a large crowd ol Poles, Slavs and Huns, men, women and children, who lined boih sides of the a reel. A shot rang out from a saloon This was followed by a shower of stones Many of the crowd had picked up slicks and stones and were acting in a threatening manner. Seeing this, the sheriff, who had previously cautioned his mea to keep cool and not to ust- their firesrms, commanded them to fire. The order was obeyed with terrible re sult." The crowd pursued the sheriff and his posse to the Ferguson House, where they took refuge. CASTOR I A -. For Infants and Children. Tbi Kind Yon Hair Always "Bought Bear the Slgnnturo of. Are You Hunting For a good buggy or" any other vehlole lu our line.' We are building them and at the right nrico. We keep all kinds of Buggy Supi list. Come to see us, we can please you. " O. If .Vntoni A Hon, Phone 18S W Broad Streef. D. F.JARVIS, . '.? poujocic street. ; , isole agent fob -M . I rJ VERY1 rsrsirca wear f mi Welt, tnavv Sole. l.tnk V.z Low Iteot. A1 , I A a 4 r i ' 1.. ." . I -r- - ie: it tsxNoeo '. A on tvtav r SHoa. ' Ft esh Cat I Two of flie llcst llrauds of Flour Sold. If you want a barrel of strla.ly first quality Flour give us a mil. Freeh Portsmouth Corned Mullets;small rig Hamf.; BrcakfiislMiips California Hams and English Corued rhoiilderd. Fresh Elgin and Fox Hiver Print Butler, Cream Cheese. Fresh Canned Goodi. A good Table IVach for 10c 'i li van, I5r :'. lb can.' Nice Prunes. Fresh Cakes and Cracker?. -a. Yours Truly, 3 s 'Plione Ol. f f ft f n i llBimi I p I & mmmmmmmmmfmmmmim PLANTER'S The Planter's Warehouse is located in the bminess part, of the city and the finest Warehouse in the State. with plenty of orders for all the Tobacco in this part, of the Shite. It is the aim of the management sales and to see that you are well loo tobacco Our motto is "High Prices and IN-rsonal AUrnl.ion to your interest." Free Stables. Come down to the please you. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. F. 8. LANGLlSY, Auctioneer. H?".Sloi every week-day at 1 1 o'clock. Forward, is the Nlogfin This Fall in Men's Hulls and Over coats. Not a backward step here, but every move an advance materials, pat terns, colors, design, cut and finish, ell show that we keep paco with the turns. A new line of Fall Goods that will at tract your eye, and you know how we make up goods. F. M. Chadwiek, Notice ! .The only man there be. Not Left, Come See. A No. 1 Real Heart Hand-made and Sawed Shingle always on hand. La tbs, Carts and Buggies. Kiln Tar and Fat Lightwood Posts. All kinds of Stove Wood delivtred to your door. Two Stores to let aqd houses to rent all the time. Urns to retail or by the barrel. Bagging and Ties W are ready to supply the trade with Cotton Bagging aad Ties, Bag Olotb, ' llun IWki PrlM are Bliha. . . J iallmm A E.W.SI111 j " - DSALEIt IN ; '' v"i" GENERAL HiRDWiR, . Aad all Kinds of ' ' - EUHBlKLi MATERIAL. Wire Netting,, Bote a Door and Windows. ' ' ' ,! 1 GLACIER REFRIQERATORS Which are the b.l. They have but few erpials and No Superior. -f lee Cream Frci rnr.' Water Cooler. " Michigan Btove and RariRf. lVn'.s. , V r K 1 Cr-itaw-ka, Load of SUe PATENT WlioleNl Retail 71 ltro.-l Si. WAREHOUSE We will have plenly of Imyers lo give his personal alli-nlioii to all eil after when on the market with opening sale, and we will try to jr- -a- j v?rr"'! We have just received a line of the above well known Shoes and invite your Inspection. We have them in Kid Patent Leather and Calf Patent Leather in both button and lace and in lioth hluck and tan Vici Kid. Cull early and get. your choice of Stylea and Sizes. J.G.DUNN&CO., 57 POLLOCK STREET. A rW OF THE GOOD THINGS ! Yet For 8ale By J. F. TAYLOR. Sweet Catawaba wine 75c per gallon California Port wine . . $1.00 per gallon Montloello Claret wine. .. lAc per bottle and few Brands of fine medlcinsl whis keys such as: LOtfE OAK, OLD FOREMTEK CUTTER PJSPPElt ''And lots of otherbrsndi of Rye. I oi.."l.i.' u.'l c"il. I.l.k .n,l oaani a wau uvvilU) iiicu uu I fT "UV rniHUUB 'w ii j me ramuua -.r'i OLDsN," CrCORN From tb lountlni, ftlno lol of other gvotb) at Iwltom prices, - . r MJ.l,XAYJLOIt' , :! ; 4 WllhWleBlreet.'.'-rr: . ' -ExwutorV !w"etlt'e.-'VV , flsvltig qualllltd S "tbe Ksecutori f , (leoriia Phyile, drxael. late of the ' Coiimy of Uraven, tnis is to nnury n peraous osviog claim irin me inais , o( th rim cased to exhibit them to In undersigned on or before l5lh. da. i f of H. ptemlmr 1WH, or this eottr will hn plc. In Imr of thi lr recovery. All ref. Mm Imii -i.ted to ld Mitat will plca-o ; make liuineuiai' rnetil. C1!H K. fllYFlC, ' -Fterutor, (po, l"hylc, ilrcrawd. ' Tills ! '!, day ol rept. i '.".().

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