i'.r ' THE JOURNAL; - .-" e - PaMlahed every day la the jear, except Monday, at 90 MUdto afreet, f tv - . ; . -: Pbohc Bo, K't? i" CHARLES L. STEVENS, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. n- year, In advance.......... $4.00 Urn' year, not In advance........... Monihly, by carrier la. the city..,. S.00 AO Advertising Relet tarnished on eppH- citin Entered at the Poat Office, New Bern, N. C. as aeeond ctaaa mailer. 0 tidal Paper ef New Beni aad Cravea Caaaty. - New Bern, N. C, Sept. 85, l0O. EXHIBITS INDICATE RESOURCES. A local Fair, or a Slate Fair should be an exhibition of the product of Its lo cality, or Stale. And these exhibits are a visible guar antee of the resources of the country, and show the possibilities of soli and climate, aided by the Industry and Intel ligence of the people who have grown products. The exhibits may be the product of manufacture, and in degree, these manu factures will indicate the resources of the met ion, attesting by the variety of articles, the skill of the makers, as Will the finish of the articles show the possi bilities for manufacture. The New Bern Fair, in its former ex hibits, have shown visitors the possibili ties of Eastern North Carolina, both In its grown and manufactured products. These exhibits have been excellent in the past, but there is every reason for expecting even greater excellence in the November Fair Exhibition, this year. In one grown product, especially, should the Fair management encourage competition In making an exhibition, and that Is in tobacco. There was at one time, some very erroneous ideas about this section of North Carolina, as regards its ability to grow fine tobacco. Some persons may still have doubts about the quality of tobacco grown In this section, and there can be nothing like a Tobacco Exhibit at the November Fair, in this city, to thoroughly dissipate forever such ideas. Let the Fair management offer some good premiums for tobacco, and make a good tobacco exhibit at the coming Fair. State or Ohio, Oitv o Tolioo, ) Lucas Couhty, ) " Frank J. Cheney makes oatb that he is toe senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chxney&Co , doing business In the City of Toledo, County and Stale afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (or each and every case of Catarrh that can not be cured by the use of Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. FRANK 3. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed la my presence, this 8th day of December, A. D. 1886. W. GLEASON, Notary Public SEAL. Hall's Catarrh Cure It taken Internal ly and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY ft CO, Toledo.O, Sold by Druggists, 75a Hall's Family Pills are the best ThoM Mala Besnlu. "He seems to have hurt his bead." "Result of a fall r "No. Result of figuring oat the Presi dential retail, based on the ProMMtloa vote In Aroostook Connly, He."- Pain-Klller, at an Internal remedy, ha no equal in cases of colic, summer com plaint, dyspepsia, dysentery, and rheu matism. It Is the best Hnlmeat in aba world. Its action Is like magic, whan ap plied to bad sores, burns, scalds and sprains. For the tick headache, and toothache, don't fall to try It. Avoid substitutes, there is bat one Paln-Klller Perry Davit'. Price Uo aad 80s. araijrTlMt. Gump So yon have gone oat of pol itic . Slump Yet. (Jump Retired to prlvaU Ufa, I sup pose f v : v ... Slump-Oh, noi not quit that, ' W live In a flat. ' '- Dyspepsia Curo . Digests whit yea eat ' It artificially dig-eats the food and aid Xlatur to atreninbentnj and reooo ttruotlng the exhausted dlg-estlva or tana. It it tht Ut-oala'Movtreddifott ant and tonic. Ho other preparation CM approach It In efficiency. .11 la tantly relieve and permannt!j cure Dyspepsia, Indigos' ion, littrtburn, Flatulence, Sour fetrrmscn, ISanaen. Sick Headache, Gt rH i.( ri'i oand 1 all other retail of impei iectdip wion , price sou. ami tr. u-tiH".i,i f-s email ska. lloukaliaijuatu ..e Pnpmnu r(- C.Bvu r acJ,lv8. "r-'-. turn , - V Qeri ibi Currier Examination.' V Tfce patted States Civil Service Com mission announces that , on September 3. 1900, aa examination will be held in this city for the position of clerk - and earrtor In the post -office tervlee. ' iS; uThlt examination It held for the rea. Ms that the Poat-Omce-Departraent has staled that at all offices whert "jhov tub. ailtute force It maintained sueh a force will be appointed aa the result of Ibit examination, so that- whenever j vacan cies occur In the regular force there will he ao delay la filling the tame, lit. it the intention of the Department as far as possible to establish a anbttltnU fore'at very office equal to about. 35 per centf ..f the number of regular employees, This' examination will be held at all classified - post-offices " . throughout the country, except those of the first-class, and at a result of the tame, .la addition to the substitute appointment, vacancies which now exist In the regular force will lie filled. . :'.; .. The nature of the examination Is test of practical, general Intelligence and of adaptability in pott-office work. Ihe age limitations for this examination are as follows: Clerk; not lest than 18 years. Carrier, between 81 and 40 yean. - Applicants for male clerk and carrier must have the medical certificate In Form 101 executed. Applicants for c irrler must be at least 0 ft 4 In. in height, and weigh not less than 125 pounds. Female applicants are not re quired to have thlt certificate executed This examination offers an excellent opportunity for entering the Federal service io bright energetic young persons who are not afraid of hard work, and lite Commission hopss that a sufficient number of Intelligent, active persons will present themselves for this examination. It may be stated that there is a wider in Id for advancement upon merit in the Federal service than in many private employments, not only by promotion lu the tame offlce, but by transfer to other parts of the service. This examination la open to all cilliwns o' the United States who may desire to e iter the service, and who comply with the requirements. All such persons are Invited to apply, but attention It Invited to the fact that from those certified the Department usually selects for appoint ment eliglbles Who are residents of the district in which the vacancies exist. Applicants will be examined, graded, and certified with entire impartiality and wholly without regard to any considera tion save their ability aa shown by the grade attained In the examination. For application blank (form 101), full Instructions, specimen examination quee lions, and Information relative to the duties and salariea of the different positions, and at to whether there are any existing vacancies In this office, applications should be made to the undersigned. Applications should be promptly filed with the secretary of the local board, and Inquiry should be made of him as to the date set for the close of the receipt of applications. A. F. Patjbkkon. Secy, Postal Board. MOZI.KVS LEMON KLIXIK. Reg-aisle Ihe Liver, Stomach, Bowels ad Kidneys, For biliousness, constipation and ma laria. For indigestion, tick anl nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart faHtrre. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Sllxtr. Ladles, far natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Mo and il bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At lanta, Ga. , . A Prominent Btlnlater Writes. After ten yean of great suffering from Indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kid neys and constipation, I have been cored by Dr. Motley's Lemon Elixir, and am now a wel man. - Rav. C. C. Davis, Eld. hf. K, Church South. No. MTatnaU St., Atlanta, Ga. A ffisnslasnl Memphlu Writes. Dr. H. Motley, Atlanta-Having been a great sufferer for three yean from In digestion, and been treated by many physicists, who failed to give me any any relief. Continuing to grow worse aty brother advised ma to try Dr. Hot ley's Lemon Elixir, which remedy he had oted for several year.' I commence 4 lu ate, and matt say that your Lemon Elixir I lb greatest medicine on earth. I have never suffered a day tloos I com menced aalng Lemon Elixir. - . - R. LRooco, 90t Hernando St. Memphis, Tenn.- A Oar. This I to certify that l uted Dr. Mot. ley's Lemon Elixir for neuralgia of the head -aad aye with tb most marked benefit to my general health. I would gladly have paid 1600 for the relief H has givea me at ooet of two or three dot Ian. - ; , ' H. 1. Bxalv Clerk Superior (Joan Randolph Oo.j tie. v " . 1 1 1 wwewe. . Saidar Passeifer Excursion Rates. Tha i. 4k V. 0, Railroad will sell tick et attar thl data at the following tx earsloa rates by Ko. aad 4 train a Sunday - ''V From M. City to Goldsboro return.,. IS. to " Hnrpfttf rV t.78 ;. Bern , V1! W. l.0 " Core Creek - .'.,.;,- IW Yr.''; MS .Xlaatoa f.PJ.yJU LaOraaga'. i Z :M The above ticket an good only on Soadayt by Hot. S aad 4 trains and aa data ttamped of wrlttad oa tickets, aad fall will not b iteaded. .. " B. L. Dill, G. K aV' : itgntt 20, 10O T. : t ; Whet In Bayboro stop at lb Lupton ''mw1 for ood aonnwininriatlnna ' CAPUDINE " CUBES nEADACIIE & NEUKAKJIA. I80, tti and f,0c Bo'.ils. rcr eclair ::-r::v-"i. 1 Dr. S. Wb MttCHBU, it au thority for the atatemant that nerv ousness it the characteristic nud ady of the American nation, and statistics show that nerve death number one-fourth of all death recorded, the mortality being xnaio ty among young peopic Johnston Sarsaparilla It the grand specific for thti great American disease, because it goes straight to the toorce of the weak. nest, Duucung- up neaiw ana strength bv Burjnlvmtr rich, ahund- I ant- food and pure blood -to the worn-out tissues, routing the liver to activity and regulating all the organs ot trie rxxiy. fM,.? imm onni mm we.,- neusil, aufav U LrtsnttM the mm aula U v(Ula. .je.J ; '; Bllare Water.-" 1 an quite well aware that there are objections to hospital ships In the trop ics. When- they are moored, there Is the burning Question of bilge water. 1 will not discourse on the subject of bilge water, as Inexperience thereof might make the explanation "weari some. Any one acquainted with the bilge water question knows It Is of en trotslng interest Bilge Is a, prince among smells, and if you have ever fallen under Its power you will always think that every terrific thing In smells Ih a manifestation of bilge water. I remember ou one occasion when on l.oard a moored bulk, not a. hospital chip, smelling In the evening Bome thlng that called for mention, so I mentioned it "Oh," Bald my ' com panions, more under the sway of bilge water than I was, from their greater knowledge of Its power, "It's only our bilge water." In the morning we found it was the rotting carcass of an ele phant that bad floated down the river and now hung In the mooring chain. After a considerable time was spent in getting rid of the carcass I said, "For goodness' sake, gentlemen, stir up your bilge water, and let the smells light It out together while we go ashore for a spell." "No," said' my companions, terror stricken at the sug gestion. "You do not know our bilge water when Its back's up. It would stretch you If you were half way across Africa. This elephant Is mere lavender water to It." This was a more dreadful bilge water than a hospital ship would have- Still, though bad. bilge water Is not neces sarily fatal under proper management - -Cliambera Journal. QUESTION ANSWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the laig est sale of any medicine In the civilized world. Your mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of nslng anything else for Indigestion or Biliontnett. Doctors aie scarce, and they seldom heard of Appen dicitis. Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc They used August Flower to clean out the system and ttop fermenta tion of digested food, regulate the action ot the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of tb system, and that is all Ibey took when feeling dull and had with headache and other aches. Yon onlj need a few detot of Green's August Flower, In liquid form, to make y .u satisfied there la nothing serious the muter with 70. For tale by F 8 Duffy, Scneduirtf Malls. A rrival of mail from north.and . West daily exeept Sunday, 10:50 a. m. 6:50 p. m. Wilmington and the tootj 5:88 p. nv; Morehead Oil 04)0 a. to. . Leave, North and wes9:00 a, m. and 8:50 p. m.j Wilmington and south 8:00 a. m.i Morehead City 5:60 p. m. 80SDATB. v j v Mails arrive from north and west 9:40 a. m.; 5:50 p. m. Leave 8:00 a. m and 6:05 p. m. - -v; : - ' . The public will please bear la mind that the morning mall for the North and West closes at 8:15 a. m. . . That the afternoon mall for north and wet closes at t.-OO p. tn. For Monhead City at 5.-00 p. m. Alt that the afternoon train carries ao mall for intermediate point bet weer, here aad Goldsboto, 4, . Respectfully. . i, y Bbtmoob W. Hajiooor -My 18, WOOi -,T" .: Pott matter. Notice of Meetlnf of Creditors to V Consider p&airti: In the DUtriot VConrt of . the Unitad State, for lb Eastern District, of - k. ; la Ih Matter of LrrrMAB Edwabds, of iy- GoldsboTo,K. 0.' BankrnpL' la v Bankrsptcy. . ', 'sC. To the Creditors of Petitioner who hat btea adjudged a Baakraptt ' - i-" . Tak notte that a meeting ofi-eredW i ' ... . . . . . -1 tor iwiu otr naia at m onv or l, l Moor, Referee, la !New Bern, N. C, at IS tt., oa tba 5th day of September. 100, at which time tb Bankrupt will apply for hit discharge. Yon can be present and show cause If any, why b thai! not b dltobarged. .;.V. . - v ' . I J. MOORI, Refer' ;h " -V-In Bankruptcy. ,-Ne Bem. N. 0.. iepLl, WOO,. v notice of First neetinc of Credl -... . -.-tors, . .' In Ih Dittrict Coorl nf tht DalUd . Btttaa, for the Ratleti Pialrlct of Mi. C. . . ... - : . i la tb Matter of R. fT.'Batier, Bankrupt ' la tlatikruptcr. . . I - ; " To IbeCtf "inrsi l I .ililonor,' wto bss ."been ailjudicaleil Hsnknipt: , Takermtlue thai a i! '-rtiOK of cridliofs will be hulil at the ! , n of L. J. Mnme. Hefen n. in ;?w lltirn. N, C, at 1 i M. on the T ', daynf t'cptemlier 190.1, at which r e.th cieilliort may attend, prove -tiiflr clalmi, appoint a irnsti'e, esamlne the li' : t, and transact such other hunli oiay properly coma liffore tl. in' 1. ' ' J. ;'(!!?; ... ' r..'. ''1 1 : ' , Y. r- 1 :;. c. . 1 . : JUST A TRIFLE GAUOYi'; It We Hot the Kind of WatTo' fk , , Ol Umm Bsaer4.--. r - i. "Ift a hard life.? declare the eti eir." ens man. and I alwajs aay at the close of every season that I am through with It' But there is .aometfaiug In the life, the small. ot the sawdust ring, the glitter and noise, the changing scene, that ap peals t a man who has once been la the business, and it Is seldom that one leaves the-lite jintii death stops In. There is a good deal of humor In the business, too,, aa we are: brought , lntp contact with all aorta and conditions of men. , . ""I am reminded of a funny.thlng that happened to sue a good many years -ao when auch a thing at moving a circus by rail was not thought ot,: It was part of my work at that time to drive our great $10,000 chariot not only in the par rade, but between towns as well.: What little sleep I got 1 had to eatch here and there on my seat while we were on. oar way to another town. , One night my dose turned into a sound sleep, and. when I awoke I discovered that the team, left Without a driver, had turned into a farm yard and come to a stop before a bay utack, where they were quietly eating. While I was rubbing mr eyes tnd try ing to erap the situation the old man who owned the hay came irat where I waa and walked around the chariot and looked it over with a critical eye. , ".'Well, said I, with a grin, 'what do yon think of It? "Gosh, said he, 'ain't hit jes a trig bit gaudy T " "'Well, what do you exnect?' said I indignantly at this implied reflection upon the great moral show that I repre sented. ' " 'Well. I suppose hit Is all right,' an uwered the old man doubtfully as he look ed it ever once more. 'I ordered hit, and I'll stand by my bargain. Hit seems ter me that hit is jes a bit loud. But I suppose I ain't uaed to city ways.' "It was how my turn to be surprised, and I was about to ask him what lie was .hiving at when be added that I might as well unhitch, as the funeral wouldn't be until 2 lu the afternoon. "Then there were explanations all around. It seems thnt the old man's wife had died and he had sent to the nearest city for a funeral car and had mistaken our great $10,000 chariot for It There bad been a good deal of rivalry in the neighborhood m regard to funerals, and the old ran had made up his mind to outshine them all. and I think he was disappointed in the end when he discov ered that be had been mistaken." De troit Free I'resa. RIBBONS FOR A MARRIAGE. Pnrple and Gold on Doorknobs For merly Announced Snob an Event. "I do not kuow how the thine 01 'Urinat ed or where it came from," observed an old resident to a reporter, "but 1 do know of a custom lu my boyhood days In Washington, any 50 years ago, that, aa far as I can learn, does not exist now. It was of di-npinir street (lonrkuohs with purple or culil colored ribbon the day a wedding n as to be celebrated in a house. Il was the custom certainly In the old First ward all of the city lyinjr between Fifteenth xtreet niu! Ilock creek and I am sure in some other sect Inns, if not all over the city. I was told once that the custom prevailed Jn Kurope ninny years ago, but had full Into disuse there. Very often, if the occupants of the house, the parents of tbe bride or others did not provide the outBide decora tion, friends furnished it. The mark was hang like the ordinary funeral crape from the outside doorknob. In the great majority of the cases a purple rihlion lyns used, but 1 bnve seen a gold col ored ribbon used. The ends huug long always, renchiug to the level of the bot tom of the door. "I have known of this decoration beiDg placed on doors even without the con sent of the parties who were to be mar ried and nooVrstood that it was done by Instruction of tbe clergyman who Was to perform the marriage and who did it for bis own protection In cnes where Ihe marriage bnnna had not been regularly made public in the church. Tbe custom of reading out marrlnge banns was al most universal In the early days of Washington, all denominations Joining in lt' la some churches they were read an three successive Sundays, in others on two Sunday, while lu ethers one Sun day. In sonic cases where the people who were to be married were not church goers or who did nut desire that their banns should be published in tbe church es some clergymen deiuauded that pub lic notice should ba given of the wed ding by the doorknob decoration, which wat bung 'at early breakfast time' and remained 00 tbe knob until after the wedding waa celebrated. In eases where there were lo be weddiugs st churches 1 have known of a similar sign being given. Some ministers objected vry seriously to he custom, tuough other were as strongly in Its favor. I hive not seen snythlng or Indeed heard any one talk even of tbe custom for at least BO' year, but it waa very generally observed 1 half century ago here aud, for ail I know, lu ether eitlee." Wasbliixtoo Star. ' Timber la England. By the general laws of England oak, ash aad elm are "timber" if not yoangor than 20 years or ao old thai a good poet cannot be rut from them. , What Consti tutes "timber" varies slightly, according to locality. But when tret Is proved to be "timber" a person who ha only a life interest In the mud It grows upon cannot cut It down unless It be on an estate enltiratrd . solely for the produc tion tf taliM timber or antes he bss special agreement giving him the power to do to. .,; '.- ' - .' i J , k'itt !"& "Sir," laid the Jong haired oa Indig nantly to Ihe editor, "the poet is born." "Oh, Is her retorted the editor. "Well, I'm darned sorry he lav Bui this Isn't tb place where they 'tak In tb birth a tloes. Yon go oa down stairs to tht busi teas office. Detroit Free Pre, - - 1 , f-.. ' Copy Reader Here four eoloma ttory on germs In drinking water What shall I do with HI ..; '. L I1 J -; Bditor-Km the germ. .'1 ,"!-; ; '. ':, Copy Header KM tbe (ermsT . " Edltor-rYs! boll It" dowo.'-Syracns ItoraM.v.A' vv ' v '. ,.- J.lnnlds placed In vessels of anglated earthenware are quickly runled. The rea son is 1 hit tbe norms eertheawsre quick ly beconir saturated, tnd lb evapora tion from lis surface cauart It to become qoltrmliL - ' ' y . TWIny." said tb penult hoarder, "M' like a rblrken. tt isn't rterybndy whit ran rarve tt to his entire tttisfto-tion."-l'urk. - - , ... . , Poieoaoos toadstools ' resembling mushromns have canned ftriiurnl deaths Ibis year. lie sure 10 ns only tbe gen elitev Ohserv the same ear when yon ak for DeWlila Witch llssel Palve. There are poisonous counterfeits. De VYIit's Is the only ordinal Witch Har.el 3alvo. It Is a safe and certain cur for pllna snd skin illaranea, P. 8. Do IT y. . . J).m't full to I h' e k I.' ii'Hlfol flsu f I i.-l ':k n a'a hi J J. I' v.-r's I ..-fore 8JEER KUIHED A BUUhQMf f: Texas Lmarhenr Had Meats of inert ) Chanaed the Progrinnc, . . A resideirr of Des Moines was a wit ness to a SpanUh ftmllBghr at Seville, Spain, a few years sgo in which, one of the-animals in the amphitheater was a Texaa eUer. - steer, be aaya, will nev er attack a horse or a man on horsebacks A man on foot he may kill, but: a man on honebaek he will not moleBt. ' He also doe . not shut -hit eyes 'when ha Charge, while a toll takes bis line and then shuts si eyes aad charges, never deviating. front the Hue his sight gave him before be -closed his- orbs. This It is that enables the toreador to step so easi ly, oat of the way, (or the bull, not see ing, make bo attempt to reach the man when he hss moved from the spot he oc: copied when tbe bull charged. "The only trisl ot the Texas steer,'" continued the lowan, "was pulled off at Seville, and while they intended potting seven the Brat ne they let loose gave them all they wanted and quicSly brought that experiment to an inglorious finish. After the steer bad cavorted about the ring for awhile they turned u lioi-s loose. The steer paid no attention to him, but the borne, fearful of the unknown beast. Would not advance. In enme a helper with a sharp stick, and the steer, positively bellowing for joy, started, as tbe crowd supposed, for the borsc. By him the steer went 'in pursuit of the big ger game, and the helper shortly cleared the protective fence, with ton feet to spare owing to tbe steer's able assistance. The representative of the Texas cattle trade went over that six foot barrier as though it was a prairie dog mound of his native plains, bat the helper won out to one of the protective taxes and safety. "The steer did his bent to get at him, but finding it impossible looked about for other game with which to sport. The stone seats arc ten feet above tbe ground, and this has always beeu an insurmount able barrier for a bull, but they reckoned without their Texas steer when they built them, for n Boon as the steer's eye lit on the throng shove his heHil lie stepped back, and the next Instant he win nmnng them. Before the people could escape he had tossed half a dozen Into the I'inc. but they were all rescued by the ring attend ants. The stone scats cleared, the steer returned to the. ring. and. seeing no one else to throw duwn the gage of battle to, took the exact center of the ring unci bel lowed his defiance to the universe. In the meantime the management hnd been busy, and a soldier with a Matter tide hnd been summoned from n nearby bar rack. With the box rail as a rest, lie took Kteady aim. and with the ping of the bul let the steer's life ended, but the Span iards have not experimented with Ameri can steers In Rimnisli hull rings sinee that time, nor are they likely to again." Chicago Clirotilcle. An Eartliqiinke. Yokohnmn mid the neighboring Tokyo are said to hnvo about "i0 eaithipinke shocks a year. Most of tliein are insig nificant, lint now and then comes one of a different sort. In 1S!)1 the Japan Mail described the experience of n man who hnd witnessed the terrible earthquake at Oifu. He had just finished dressing when the first shock entile, lie crawled and drag ged himself out of the huu.se. fur t" walk was. ull but impossible. The uc.t mo ment, so highly strung were his nerves, he burst into laughter nt seeing the 11 ntnrkuble wny in which n gill was mov ing down the garden pnlh, stepping high in the air, as it seemed. Then, looking over his shoulder, he saw a great and ancient temple, which he had been admiring the pievious day, leap into the air and rail In dreadful ruin. Looking again In his front, he saw the whole town in uo Instant swept away be fore bis eyes, and out of the great chunl of dust came a screaming, gesticulating, wildly frantic crowd of men. women and children, rushing hither and thither, they knew not where, for refuge from the grent destruction which hail come upon them. Clilna'a Grent Canal Rrnfeni. The canal system of China is the most extensive In the world with Ihe possible exception of that of Holland. Wherever the lay of the land permits Ihe thrifty na tive has made a canal. Thus he is en abled to carry the products of his labor lo market with the minimum of expense. It- must be acknowledge,!, however, Ihe process Is carried out with the expendi ture of the uiuximiim of time. The wn terwaya rnngo in sixe from the tlrnnd cnnnl hnndreds of utiles In length mid navigable by deep water Junk, to the lit tle "neighborhood" canal of barely sum clent width for two sampans tn pass each other. They nerve not only for the purposes of navigation and in place or roads for trade nnd commerce, hut also as local fish preserves, as breeding pools for water fowl aud for laundry put immcs. In moat of the canals I here Is more or less current, so Ibey are not the menace to health that is generally supposed. National Geographic Mngnslne. Tke Land ear the Benn. Singularly the ordinary bean, which only the Bostonlsns know bow to cook properly, may be cultivated with cer tainty ot profit In only a small part of tba country- For many years Monro Or leans and Niagara counties, lo New York state, produced many more beans than any other similar are In the world. Their bean crop waa the only one of Im portance on earth. Brockport, Jn Mon ro county,- wot the world's bean mctrop olla, and farmers near there uinde small fortunes out of beans. New York Press. as Qeed. -' He I tay, ail.. It there a drugstore Open anywhere near hear? . ' ' Barmaid tat railway restaurant) No; they're all shat, r , .' .' He No place where I eon hi bay rob ber ring or something like that, suitable for a liaby cuttlug Its teeth? . - , " naroialdN'o.- , , ; - - : ' . II tin a tone of Tslgnaliiml- Well, then, wrap me p one of yous bam sand wich. Stray Storlrar '-. : . - I'.V'.v- Tfc" ..There Wis War. ) - Matilda of uncertain, age, but who Is aboot lo-be married) Hurry bus pat tome beautiful old fashioned .furniture In the hirone. Tlr baat .erase for an tique thlugWY ;--'. , i. . -' , -. '5- alollas (nnalikf to eoncwit her Jsafe nayf I should Iblnk -ao If be asked yoe) to marry him. . -. ; ;f v -,r, '... ''.-' "'V Bad Break, '', " "Toor wife seem lo have taken a vk lent dislike in M wen in." ; -. - "Yea. Wkea be was at the hnusr lh Other day he Imunl hi brad liack ngniant wv ef the eninmentsl tidli she kii-tm l (bo rxKklns ehslr for that purpose."- Chicago Ti-.lmBe. - jt-, - 1 .i - .... Airgv eue puin airuininitire in y csnaed the extreme heat thlt summer, tnd doctors drclsre nearty all the prot. (rations were Indurrd hy disorders of tht stomach, flood health follows good digestion. Kndal Dyspepsia Cure HlgriPt what you eat, If yon have Indlgnstloo or dypcpls It will quickly roltev and pormsnently enrs yon. F fl DurTy. OAflTOrtlA, We have the highest regard for the medical profession. Our preparation ai u uot sold for the purpose ot am agon izing them, but rather as au aid. We lay it down as an established truth that internal remedies ore positively injuri ous to expectant mothers. The distress and discomforts experienced during the months preceding childbirth cuu bo al leviated only by external treatment by applying a liniment that softens and re laxes the over-strained muscles. We make and. sell such a liniment, com bining the ingredients in a manner hitherto unknown, and call it Mothers Friend - Wo know that in thousands of cases it hai proved more Than a blessing ta expectant mothers. It overcomes morn ing skkness. It relievos Ihe sense ol tightness. Headaches cease, and dan ger from Swollen, Hard and Rising Breasts io avoided. Labor itself is shortened and shorn of most of the pain. We know that many doctors recom mend it, and we know that multitudes of women go to tho drug stores and buy it because they arc sure their physicians have no objections:. We ask a trial just a fair test. There is no possible chance of injury being the result, be cause Mother's Friend is .scientific ally compounded. It is sold at $1 a bot flc. and should be used during most oi the period of gestation, although great relict is expei lenced 11 used only a short time before childbirth. Send for our il 'us'.rated book about Mother's Friend. THE BKADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS TRAIN. Thursday, September 27, 1900, From Goldsbnro and Intermediate Stations to Morehead and Return. A. & N. ('-, II. 11. Co., ) (lUN'l. MII'HUIM'KNDKNT'sOKFIOB, f Nkw Bkjiin, N. C, (Sept. 27 I'JtlO ) The above Tniln will run in accord ance with Ihe following lly-Law of the 1 ompnny, 011 tho 27th: Sec. 7. 'Stock bidders of this Com pany having lirst obtained a Stockhold er's ticket with llielr immediate families uoiiig to and returning from tho tneet i igB of the company may favel over the I load free of chiirgo lo and from the plac.o of meeting. "The company's construction of the Btockhold's families are those who live und domocilc with him under his own roof who he maintains and support holly at his ow u expense as his fami ly." All persons other than those mention ed above found 011 this train will lie charged full tirst class fare each way. Tickets will be furnished from this of fice from September ITilh to 2(Jlli inclu sive, to ail persons i-nlilleil to them un iler the Hy-I.aws of the Company Ap plicants fi r tickets must ho stockholders of record. KiJiclule. l-esve (ioltlslioro 7:40 . m Lndrangfi HM " Kinstou 8:.K) " " Dover 8:55 " Core Creek. 0:08 " " Tusciirors 9:21 " New Hern !l:'0 " Kivenlslo 10:15 " Croatan 1018 " " Ilavclock 10::t0 " " Newport 10:18 " Morehead l-ily. 11:15 " t j5"-KcUirning, train leaves Moreheail City 4:00 p. m. lly order of the President, -8. 1, Dili., (Jeueral Supl. Low Priced Campaign Offer. The Times, of Richmond, Vs., Daily and Sunday, four months only $100. Tbe next few monlliB will cover tbe Presidential and Congressional cam paigns, and a few additional mouths will include the Inaugural of the President aud the close of the second session of tbe Fifty-sixth Congress. The Daily Times Is pcculsrly fitted to cover the entire tiekl with its full Asso ciated Press reports; its large tIT of special correspondents throughout the Stale, and Its staff correspondents at all Important news points. Tho Times has no ax to grind, II prints tbe news as II occurs, and the mau who reads the Times gelt ill Ihe newt all the lime, truthfully reported and unbiased in any particular. . No subscriptions accepted al this rale after November 1st. The regular sub scription rate nf tbe Dally and Sunday Timet It IA.00 per year, i.M for six months and 11.85 for Ihret months, or SO cefilt per month. Address Tub Tinas, Richmond, Vs. .,w.,v., mm anrihlnff rrm Inntit or impmti ftlao tt CAVEAT.TRAQ.MARM, COf YRISHTor DCtMsM PftOIEOTIOH. Band mod!, rtAtOTpaWto. for trv samlMUoo and tdrltm, BOOK OH PATENTS "'biV BiMi UanamtlftBtUIMATr.ll F tfi. Bale oiReal Est&te. North Csiollas, , , y In the v , Cvaven Couuiy, 1 Bu SoDerlor Couru ' Tho T. Mctnby, Administator of the estate of Jess uro .as, ueeeated. ;. L,,F, Mulln, Fhsue Dtloach,. brBr; ... reny ted mhera,- - . ? :' 1 , : By virtue of an order of lha fkiperlor Court of Craven rounly In the abova entitled action, rendered ott lb Iliads) of Aogum, 11)00, 1 will on Monday 1h 1st day of October,- 1900, at 4h eonrt hoo door ta New Bern, at It o'clock, M fell to tht highest bidder for oath, all 1 bat certain tract of parcel of land 00 which Shade )lnai'h and Ahrtm Perry now reside, la I lie rwmltiy of Crsvsn, oa the south title of Nense river snd east side of Hr.mi's creek, being a part of the 'endconvfV'd loje.se Hrooknr Ma rr n Hmillncod hy deed, recoiried la H""k H8, Kollo 9192, in tb olllo of Heftier of Drefl for Craven county 8ld tract of land containing 11 acie mora or lest. 1 IKK M DAHTIIT. Admltd.irstor of J,-a Hrnol, di c'd. 'i his i'i tiny of A i t, 1 ). "nTT" QA11 Lodjce Directory. E0RKKA LODGE NO. 7, I. O. O. V Omcers: J. li. Parker. Jv , N.G ; W K t'rockttt, V. G ; A, T Land.Ttecoidiug Sacty; 3. B. Dawson, Klnanclal Sec';; k. K. l'lltman, Trcas. Kegular meeilmrs every Monday nighl at 7;30 o'clock. CALUMET RNOAMPMBNT, NO 4 I. O. O. P. Offloers:J. a. Delamar, C P J. I. Baxter, If. P.; ,1. B Dawson, S. W. T D Carraway, J W; (Jen. Ureen. Scribe K Qerock, Treasurer. Regular Kucamp mit, let, 8rd, and 0th (If any) Thnrsdui nights in each month at 7:80 o'clock. NEW BERN CONCLAVE 4MS, Improve Order Ileptasopbs, mti Is Snd and 4tl Thursday nights, at 8 o'clock at Itoun tree Hall. P A. Willis. Archon; Greem Bryan, financier; Z V. Murphy, Sec relary. NEW BERN LODGE No. 1, V H & C 3 C Scales, Prc.st; J 11 Smith, liecording Sec'y; E E Quidlcy, Financial Scc'y. Meets In the Knights of Harmony Hall every 1st and 3rd Monday nights in eueb month. CRAVEN LODGE No. 1. KNIGHTS OF HARMONY : Meets 2nd and 4lh Wednesday nights in each month In Rountree's Hall, Pollock street, at 7. ill) o'clock. 8. R. Ball, President, R. J. Dis osway.Sec'y.H. R. Hill, P. Sec'y. KN1CIITS UP HONOR Ollicers: K U Jones, Dictator; G L Vinson, Reporter; W P Rountroe, Financial Reporlor New Berne Lodge No. 443 meets the 2nd and 4th Friday nights al 7:"0 o'clock in Rountree's Hall, Pollock street CANTON ULSbalONT NO. 2. I'. M. I. ). 11. r Offlcers : Geo. Slover, Caplatn; T. u. Hy man, Lieut.; P. II. Pelletlcr, Kustitn ; Wm. J Pitt. Clerk ; Ed. Uerock, Accountant. Ben ular Cantonments, ft) anil 4Lh TiiursUay alctila In eaoh rooiii.li at8-(iu o'clock A. & N. C. R. R. PASSENGER PEPARTnENTI Nkw limiN. N ('., Mav Ml 11)00. ItHtes to MurehAHll. The following special rales for season (1900) from stations named below to Morehead City and return in elT l .lime 7, I'M 0: HKASON SATI'llOAV STATIONS. TII'KKT. NIOIIT. Goldslmro tfl.00 t.r,o LaGrange :i :,0 I 50 Kioston .I.oo I. in Dover 2 7". Core Creek 2.7.) H New Bern 2 00 .7 i Riverilulc 1 7"i .70 Newport no ,:r GcriiKin nnd Siimltiy Stations. Itall Ticket. Kxcnrsion. Gohlsboro tl 25 g 25 LaGrange 1 00 1 till Kim-ton so t) Dover 7" 75 Core Creek ;() .70 New Bern 00 .Ol) Newport .'15 115 German ami 1 S --al 1 Tickets -ol,l only to ten or more on cue ticket good to n lnru next morning. Sunday Excursion Tii kets sold on Sunday, good only on Nos. 7 and H trains. l'Ticket Limit Cannot Be Extended. These rstcs supersedes all previous rateB in conflict. ltutes lo Sev'i S, lilt;. Glimmer excursion, tickets (season 1 1100) from A A N. C. sltiiioiiH (tound Trip for Seven Springs, N. C. Itourd trip tickets will be sold lo l.adrnngu lo parlies visiting I tic above Spiings al the following rales of fare for ihe round trip: Gohlsboro . . ( ,7'l New Bern ...$2 25 Kluston lid liivcrcl.ilo 2 75 Dover 105 Ncwpoit .. II 45 Core (!reek. . . 150 Mnreheinl City a U0 Tickets on sale June 1st. Tickets good lo return to October .11, 11)00 Hales to Mollliluln Itcnort,. Through rates of fare Round Trip' tickets from C oupon Stations below lo points named on the W. N. C. llsilronil (season 1H00). Tickels on valo June 1st, 1900, to Heplemlier ilOlli, I'.IOO inclusive. Good for return passage on or hefoio Oct. SI, 11)00. t O Q P ;-. a . c c t. To. 5 25 "3 Hickory $1:1 50 50 l 1 lOflO.W Horganton . 14 85 lil S5 1105 I LIS Old Port 15 65 14 05 ID 25 12 05 Black Ml. ... Iff 20 15 20 1:180 18 20 Ashevllle. . 16 85 15 85 14 45 11185 Hot Springs. . 18 85 17 35 15 95 15 35 Kates to all other Resorts lu Western North Carolina or Virginia may lie furn ished upon application. Children under Ave (5) ) ears of age are free. Children under twelve (19) years of age half the above rates. 8. L. DILL, O. P. A. LOANING MONEY! Loans njedei Loans placed'. Apply to IrUAO H. BMI.TIr, 130 Middle street New Bern, N. C. HiMMA A FREE PATTERN I mjMtoctlntt) to fry tv J "fvlfllir I AUWES MAGAZINE. art . iMMoK S..I, ; Sohh., 4li Ctf ' S"rrllh.llahtaiifta.Vp-e. u- 3 "jl(ownic I M ahwilaielj I rf - r hih rapw i HMfsa v llt.lllHtlt rynwHatnaflMK. 1 i c.:scALLir-. ;- I1A7AH, J I t (W"i a Altoth-aVaaO PaftTVU.) ; 0lf 4 tf fvo ?ahi mnmm iftm t J tm ike, 4 im mmiit mwf m t ' 4 lata, mf try an art ( i : THO McCALL CO.. ; : tit us 4 a si., e in 4 :fs f .-

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