A IIACKBURN'S ; - SHOE - - SALE tCASH - - - the next qs md$20 Shoes for, listen, 99c per W XaAe advantage of this go)denkop $ portunity and qqme. The Sale begins m this. Wednesday mornina. M ft - fits m 47 & 49 Pollock Street. in Just A fresh lot Corned Portsmouth Mullets and Small Hams 5 to 6 lbs. Also small Breakfast Strips, 2 to 3 lbs. Good Butter 25o lb. Very best Elgin and Fox River Print Butter at 30c. Yo arv :iL-o agents for the Spanish Root Toilet and Laun dry Soaps. They are guaranteed to cure Heat, Pimples, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Black Heads and other Skin Diseases. They are Purely Vegctrble. Give us a trial for anything in the Grocery Line and we will do onr best to please you or refund your money. '. Yours for Business. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. Prompt Delivery From Dunn's If yon want a good cup of and you will get it , This coffee is equal to any less of price. eissjewwaiMMagMttBsiaBtMsMiiitstsisitBsxaii IL '11 it TV A Hechanle That -' Al wiyt S wear By our Fin Tools for earnen mns and paintcr'a um, Wli his ff entra, mamns ana paintcra use, win ms iciiow workmen that at no plwe In tins town ran you find such tnorongn sttmraniion in all kinds of merhimicii tools at yon rn rlirht hnrn. where nolhlnr ia kept but a superior (rrade and Una briolle ol the beet mnu(Hcture. And we also b on hml a lurfre lock of Screen Windows and I)oor, whlnh we re now going tosnll at cni nd Imlnw c'wt In ordor to mke ro for Full Goods. V ! X tew days -we are N! You can always expect when "you order your food supplies from N thla reliable store. We can sup . ply every demand of a first claea family trade with the Choicest Sttple and Fancy Grroeerles, Hel Uhee, Pickles, Bauoee, Olivet, Fox Hirer Print Butter, and Pl Hams at Rek Bottom Prloea. ' ;. We make a specialty of high grvle Teas and 0offeea. 'Our Perfection Blend Coffee is Fine, , , Price Only 20c delicioos coffee bay s pound . Jj coffee In the market, regard- , ' ",' r:-,, Steamer GUIDE Lmros Ke ltomlTubadiy end Friday at 8 a. m.', arriving at ttaytoro ttme afternoon. .-v ;K:?"i ." ' Leaves Bayboro Wednraday n 1 Sat' utdty at 7 a. m., arriving at Nw Bern same afternoon. ;' ;. ,; . s , The. following pelnU jarlll- b made Adama Creek, Orletl, ".Yandemerry bomber landing, ' flnrrls Wharf ud 8chcdnhen,ectlvo8opt.18th', 1900. Bat Bivbr T a import aTiOm Co., - .-, J, F. Comix, Qm, Makaoxr, REAL ESTATE! City Real Estate bought and so.d on oomnilis oa, ; . ' .' 1 Cdllcr.tioa of Rents for tlioao 1n the city as "til at those living oulxlilK XT V-T fW Jim V 4 i . . jlr-VJ,,) P, Received! .DEMOCRATIC CLUBS. , Delegates Warned to Indianapolis. Com .. -- mlttee Ranted. Winston Made - . chairman. -' v"-'' Special to Journal. ' .--' " "- Halkioh, September 18. Francis a. Wlnaton waa made permanent chairman of the convention of Democratic clnba today In Metropolitan BalL - .-'' The following were fleeted . Vice- President of . the Convention: Kobb Winborne, W. R. Allen, W.H, Murohl- aon, A. K Smith, H. A. Fouabeo, Cam eron Morrison.. W.. P. Hepburn, It. N. Pickett; and T, A. Jones. .-'"- The following were elected delegates to the National Convention of xPemo- craiio clubs at Indianapolis, .October 8rd: J, B. Lax,' Donnell Gilliam, 0. E. Foy, C. F. Lumsden,. W. B. MoCown, George L. Peachan, J. P.- Cook, E. T. Webb,. Louis Browne; R. A. Daughtoo, and John 8. Cunningham. . . The State Executive Committee Is as follows: H. A. iiondon, .chairman; W. R. Allen, H, A. Fouehee W.fl. Shaw, and F. H. Btedman,. ., . . , The Convention by a rising vote ten dered thanks to Francis D. Winston for hli great work in organizing the White Supremacy clubs during the late campaign.. The attendance at the Convention was very small, only about thirty delegates from club outside of Raleigh were pres ent. It waa expected that Cbas B. Ay cock would be present bat be Is at home sick and waa unable to come. " Strikers do Shootiruj. Special to Journal. - Hazblton, Pa., September 28. The Brat blood shed on the part of the stri kers occurred today 'near Scranton. Twenty shots were fired by strikers and three men were won nded. Th3 question of the strikers having thd right to march on the publio high ways waa argued today in court. The strikers who have attempted to march have In several caaea been arrested and put In Jail. State troops have been sent to the ilazelton district. All ia quiet here. His Campaign Contribatlons. Special to JwrBtTiaeir,,! V;-;. JtALBtouefieniber.aBAH.iaorW ol tatemeni byiugurMnt as-pr Oeneral J. 8. . C 3TiwrWiLr3opS to the cam palgn fund Seorelvf'fVarsall , make the atatemenfHtat in 1898 he gave 1,850 and this year MSO';;;,, Chinese Giye Trouble. Special to Jornal. Wabhiaotom, Sept t. Further riots have broken ont near Canton, the Pres byterian and Catholic churches were looted and burned, Washington, Sept. 29. Pursuant to the policy or the unltea states .Govern ment to withdraw part . of, Ita military force from Chinese soil ' orders were Is sued today by the War Department for the detachment oL 8,000 troops from Peklo and Tientsin and their removal to Join the army in the Philippines. Oeneral Chaffee Is directed to begin ai once the-deUcbment of troops and so to reduce his command tbat it shall not t oeed 1,800. men, : comprising . Infantry cavalry and artillery.'' Orders are also to be Issued by the Navy Department for the wlthdrawl of the 1,000 marines which have formed an effective'' part of the American troopa In China.-' . . ' Too can spell tt 'cough, coff, i cangb kauf, kaff, koogh or kaagh, butlbe only harmless remedy that quickly cure it la One Minute Cough Cure, f S Dnffy. i Weather. Conditions."'' WAsniaoTosr, D. C, September M. For North Caroline. : Fair Thursday Variable' winds mostly light northeast .Weather Conditions. The tempera- tore has fallea throughout the north west and eastward to the upper lakes and southward to Kansas and Miaaourl Freezing temperatures are reported from North' Dakota to eastern Oregon with hilling frosts at Bismarck, and Spokane. Matlmum temperatures of 90 to 98 oc curred yesterday over the Interior and southward to the Middle Gulf coast. Fair weather la Indicated for thla acetic during the next 88 boars.'. A ? ' schedule of MallS. . , ' Arrival of mails from north and went dally except Sunday, Ift&O a. sm 8-W p. m., Wilmington aad the aouth 6:88 p. m Morebead City BOO a. m. ' Leave. North and westtKW a. so. and 8:50 p. m. Wilmington and aouth 9:00 a. m-i Morebead City 8:80 p. m. ' '' SUNDAYS. ., ' Malls arrive from north and weal 9:40 a, m. 6 JM p. m. Leave 9:00 a. m. and 6:05 p. m. The public will please bear In mind that Hie morning mall for lb North and West clones at 8:15 a. m. . That the afternoon mnll for north and Weal cloms at 8:00 p. tn. For Morehead City at B OO p. m. Alea that the afternoon train curries no mall for Intermediate points brtwMr here and Goldnlinro. Itrapeclfully. FKYMona W. IIanxh x July 1H, !'H. roitmaater, 3. 1. V.nili r U s In f.. his I'.lhUo I all an ii:?- PilIS!l. Candidate Martin Undecided Ol The r 2nd District Nomination ' - Dlxen-Csrrell Marriage. Exenrrlen , Te Niagara. ArrlvalsHe the Caaventlosu Mew Besert - - Hotels la Sand Hilt ,' . Srgloa. - 1 ' Special to Journal - ; . - - - Raxbiob. BepU" St. A , aurabtr of the North Carolina - Press - Association paaaed here tills morning on the way to Oieensbord which nlaoa iBcv left this afternoon 6r the excuraton to Niagara Fajla an0 jther points In tbat aeclioa of mm - - - the couDtfy. ': President T. N. Ivey , ol the Assoeliitloa iWas nnabW to- go but aaid at lefijrt 75 members took this trip: In tbi chapel of the Baptist female universal here at 8 o'clock lhl evening Dr. DeUt Dixon and Dr. Norwood Car roll wew iiulstly married. Upon the eonolnafOn of th ceremony - PretUeni and sffs. Vann tendered tbem nte- eeptioiiV -- Soma of the negroes are expreealng marked dissatisfaction with .ha coagre- eionat no nlnatlon lu thU dUtrlct. They dislike 1. A. Oilea, their party' nominee and also J. u. Jenkins the populist noml nee, as they say they have no confidence in any populist". It the current be lief that Giles waa put up as a dummy and will be ttkon d ad there e b.i fusion on Jenkins. Among the. arrivals h ire to attend lb- State Convention of Democratic Club Were the following: D L. Ward, New Bern; Frank M. Sledmtn, U. Y. Grady, W. J. BelUinv I'eorge Pascbau, Wil mlngton; T. B. Robertson, Oharlott; B, N. Hackelt. Wilkeeli-.r.i. Not an many delegates came at were expected, Joseph J. Merlin, . the Kepubllean nominee for,Ungres from the Sad Jlalrict, has n t yel decided whether to accept or decline. He knows that he has tot the ghoat of a chanoe and that the Democrats will carry the district. The building of the branch railway b Aberdeen and i Asbeboro railway, to Jackson Springs will reaull lu adding both a winter and resort to the now Im portant chain of hotela In the sandhill country. There are now five hotels at Plnehurat, Southern Pines and Car thage. FINAL ACT OP BOERS. Destroy Their Arms and Ammunition. Useless Waste of Goods. Losaazo Maaqoaav September IS The Boers destroyed at Koasatlpoori everything left behind which eoald be of advantage to the British. ' Bridges were dynamited, stores burned and the railway property la a maaa of ruins. The destruction Includes hun dreds of wagona which have been burnad together with clothing, ammunition and provisions, such as sugar, coffee. rloe and flour. Thousands of ton are still burning. . Gen. Pole-Carew baa secured doxens of locomotives, but moat of thesa art wrecked. The whole of the Seiatl rail way line Is blocked with rolling slock. In the Crocodile river there, are acres of damaged ammunition wagona, limber dynamite detonators and war stores of other sort. At Eomatipoort, bealdea burning stores, are haadreds of toaa - of ammunition, cape, gunpowder and oth er explosives, ready-fused shells, brokaa rifles and cannon. The Boers bad loft standing many tents. Trunks, furniture, previsions and "clothing were ' lying about In every direction. '.' . British officers now say that a police fores of tO.OOO man can do the work' pacification la security. If Gesiral Bai ler end others move and seize the passes, they also say, neither VHJoan, the new. toommandant - general, nor Commandaat Cause, with the rest of the Boers from Eomatipoort, caa escape ' through the mountains toward Lydenburg and Pie- teraburg, - To remala la the low veldt at this season of the year Is death to aad cattle, t' '' ' '-":'n 'u'- .i ... THE MARKETS. The following qootatlone were renal v ed by J. K. Latham Co, New Bern N. C. " ' V :.' . . . Haw Toaa, Sept. 18. OoTTOKr . Open. High. Low. Clone . Oot..........l0 00 10.03 9 88 10.08 Nov ........ 9.6J 8 78 1.58 9.78 Jan..... 9.59 Mch 9.83 May.;... i.. 9.53 S.88 945 9.8S 993 9 83 . 9.48 9.83 9.44' High. Low. - 8t t)3 9.53 WnsATs , Open. ' Dee . 63J Clone 84 con. Gas. ...... So. B yPfd Bt 108 01 T 0 L- 9. It Con. T - Leather ., ... 91 Cotton rwetpte were 63,000 balea at a II porta. X. Hora Cnllna H.rk.t. Cotton sold In the local market jester day ft. 9.50 to 10.0'.). J" Diaz Keeps Power, Special to Journal. Cm or Muioo Sept.' M President Dlaa was Haabbnowsly- reelMted 'Presi dent of Ktilco today for hfa eighth teitnofoffly, n 4 ' X Jones is Popular,- pacta) to Journal, -v.i Oalvcstoh. Tax s, Sept. iM. Mayor Joaea of this city ha h-en nomlosted by the Repnulcana for Congress. - Howard Convicted. pechl to Journal. FaassvoaT, KT Sept, SO. -The jury brought, ia ,a verdict ou vlctlug Jim Howard of murdering William Goebel In the . capit(4 grounds, January 80th. The Jury waa outjnjy thirty minutes af ter meeting hwtay. uoward was aen teacad to death anil heard tie verdict andVolence unmoved. " - - - In The Supreme Court. dpechd to Journal. . Raluoii, it. O, September 86th 'aeea . argued oa yestenlay were a follows: Board of. &iuclloa of Vance vs. Henderaoav ntotiun of plaintiff t correct judgement, argued by T. T Ulcka for plalnUff; a. U. Zolllconer and t. H, Brldger for defendant. State vs. Franks, from Dare, argued by Attorney Oeneral and B. Q. Crisp foi JState. E. F. Aydlett for defendant. Per son va Leary, from Tyrrell, argued by Prudea a ad Shepherd A Shepherd for plalnlH. F. H. Busbeaand E. F. Aydleii for defendant. Fleming vs. Btrden, from Beaufort, argued by W. B. Hod t for plaintiff; Oaylord, and Shep herd ft Shepherd for defendnm. Appeals from 2nd, District will be called next Tuesday, lu the following orderi Bank vs. Brldger; Martin i. Buffalo?; dond va.RatIrovl; Deltrlck vi. Rail road; Babn vs. Heath; Bond vs. Railroad Lumber Co.; Mebane vs. Capeheart; 4oolt vs. Beardsley; Williams vs. Brown; King va. Powell; Pugh vs. Baker; Baker vs. Carter; Valentine va. Brltton, Wrlgbi va. Bond; Wlllotord vs. Williams; Moor, va. Cohen; Baxemore va. Bynum, Jernl- gaa va. Jarnlgan; Bullock vs. Bullock. Gammon vs. Johnson; Perry va. Perry; Stranae va. Mutual Reaerve Fund Asao cl.itlon; Hill va. Mutual Reaerve Fund; Street vs. Mutual Reserve Fund; Webb va. f'ummlnga. Three Feet of Snow. Daavaa, Col., .September 85 Dis patches from various points In the Rocky Mountalna show that there has a heavy snowfall. At Red Moun tain, near Ouray, anow la reported three feet deep. At Laadvllle there are about two Inches of snow on the level. The snow was accompanied by a , high wind, hloh made the weather decidedly disa greeable. - To prevent eoatamptloa quickly cure thn.. aad laag troubles with One Min ute Cough Cure. 1 8 Duffy. For disinfecting, use ehorlde of Lima from Davis' fharmacy. Are' You Hunting - .a:-:i4.y 'v jk For a good baggy or aay other vehicle la outline. Wa are bonding them and at the right price., We keep all kinds of Buggy Sopilles, Coase to see as, we caa please yoeu . -.-'' O. II. XVatern A Ron, Phone 188 , i 78 Broad 8treet. D.F.JARVIS, 63 POLLOCK STREET, i BOLE AGENT FOE Fresh Ca? DRIFT : Two of flie flcBMt IlrniMl of Flour Noltl. If you want a barrel of Strictly first quality Flour give us n cnll. Fresh PoTlsmouib Corned Mullets; small I'lg Oanii-; Breakfast Strips California Hams and English Corned shoulders. Freb Elgin and Fox River Print Butter, Cream Obecsc. Fresh-Canned Good. A good Table l'cach for 10c 2 ll can, 15c ;'. lb can. Mice Prunes. Fresh Cakes and Crackers. Yours Truly, PLANTER'S J. L. McMl 'Phone 91. m The Planter's Warehouse is located in the bminoss part of t lie city and the finest Warehouse in the Stale. with plenty of orders for all the Tobacco in this part of the State. It is the aim of the management sales and to see that you are well loo tobacco. Our motto is "High Prices and Personal Attention lo your interest." Free Stables., Coine down to the please jou. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. F. 8. LAXGLliY, Auctioneer. fJT3ulei every week-day at 11 o'clock. Forward, In the Slogan This Fall in Men's Suite and Ovcr ooata. Not a backward atep here, hut every move an advance materials, nt ttrns, colors, design, out and finish, ll show tbat we keep pace with tl.e tirma. A new line of Fall Hood that will t traot your eye, and you know how we mako up goods. F. 91. Clindwick, Notice ! The only man there be. Not Left, Come See. A No. 1 Rea Heart Eand-made and Sawed Hblngles alwayetn hand, Laths, Carts and Buggies. ' Kiln Tar and Fat Llghtwood Posts. All klhds of Btove Wood delivered to your door. . Two Stores to let and bouses to rent all the time, Lime to retail or by the barrels 8e i ' b , j ' BIS ffilsiDttle Mai- Bagging and Ties We era ready to supply the trade with Cottoq Paglng and Ties, Bag O'otb, Uu QL. An Prtra. Ill Ptiht .-; ;J ' J ' rmrj ft ' , i- I -And lots of other brands or Kye. V W Xr.lfllllTraHrt ;:iw.rl Mi", Scotch, -IrUb ind llM u Ullldll W yyilt V- ( i ttbe tmm ;f: ,v DEALER III , . J .11 YlA nf- '. A i ' EUUM& tiW:.i Wire Neltinf, Bcreen Doora and,, ' . . v-.s :' window .' glacier RcrRianpATORs Which are li e be-t. Tr y have but rew'Cennty ol ureYon. tnis is to wmiiy mi, equals and No Uuieriora. ' ' . lee Cream Fro wra. Water Coolcra. Kii h!-n Ptovoa and It.uigea. IV.!.its. Load of STAR PATENT Tnir fff Wholesale VI a& Retail edldj Cwror, 71 r.i.l Hi. saw- WAREHOUSE We will have tilctity of buyers tn give his personal attention to all .cd after when on llf. market with opening sale, and we will fry to Wo have just received a line of the above well known Shoes and invite your inspection. We have them in Kid Patent Leather and Calf Patent Leather in both button and lace and in both black and tan Viei Kid. Call early and ger, your choice of Styles and Sizes. J.G.DUNN&CO., 07 POLLOCK STREET. A FEW OF THE GOOD THINGS! Yet For Sale By J. F. TAYLOR. Sweet Catawaba wine. . . . 7.V. per gallon California Port wine .. $1,110 per gallon UWlcelln Claret wine . . Sta per bottle and few Brands of tine medicinal whis key, aucb as: LONK OAK, OL.lt FOItENTIilt HtllTEB, i iwas.msusc, if rt tr. rnoxT VJLU I V, ! Kit U FromtbsMonnfalns, also lots f other i U goods at bottom prices.: - e GIVE U!) A CALL xrcuiorii xioutt,. - jS.taWSiiS iTTti persons bailetl claims apatest the (Stale ofthednceaiwdto ihlliit them to the nn,ii...i,.nt nn nr before 1lth. lla. nf of Mi'pumlirtr iwil. pr this notice will be plflail In hr of llwlr recovery. All per anna Indi litcd to said estate will please niflke Itnitiedlste rm"Tit. ( 'HAS 1.. f'UYfUO, f , fnt MF (,,.,,. It-v-'e. drrpft.ptl.