THE JOURNAL. ' Published every day In the year, eicept Monday, at M Middle street. , - I'noHH No. 8. - , 1 CHARLES Lw STEVENS, ; - KItVOB AND ritfnilTO. ' ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES. V imp vr..ln advance..,. ,.-.......$4.00 ! year, ant la advance......'.;., 8.00 Mimibly, by carrier la the city.,,. ,40 A 'vftilBlDg lUtes f uralsbed on appH- Knutred at the Pot Offloe, New Bn, N. C, as second class matwr. V '"- Oitlrial Payor aft New Ban aaa Cravea eanty. Now Sera, N.C Seat. 88,1000. PARTISAN OR INDEPENDENT. The following It the opinion f the Minneapolis Timet on the position noil occupied by the Independent newspa per: Ml has become more and mora appar ent as the Republic grow older, as ede culon fat mora widely dlffosed and (as a corollary) men think not only more, bat more to the purpose, the (unction of the independent paper is becoming better and belter understood, the) need for such a paper Is becoming more widely recog. ulzed" j" lu an address al St. Louis b fore, the meeting of the press association theie, the President expressed himself as fol lows, in pretty plain language, regard ng the strict party newspaper: "Men who have no use for a paper po litically are the first to call on it for help la matters of local Interest. The minis ter wants lielp to get a crowd at his meetings; the business matt Wants the town to boom, and he frequently con sults the paper about the best way to procure the result; the city officials want to keep all the bad things they do oat of the paper, and want to see the good ones inserted; in tact the whole commu nity goes to the newspaper office to help push alone; different things. ' In all this work the editor la con sulted, for he is generally a man who loves his city and country, and It will ing to be worked to death to see them improve. Oftentimes he Is the very head of these matters, his opinion It sought and his advice taken, bat the line is sharply drawn when he touches the) subject of politics; then he becomes as great a fakir as wis ever graduated from the new Chinese school. Why does this condition exist? The answer is simple. In one Instance both the editor and paper seek to be. honest, Independ ent, fearless; in the other the editor is forced by the paper to line up with his party he Is not Independent; often he is not honest, and at general rule he is cowardly, for fear he may offend some scheming politician and thereby lose hs influence with the party." State of Ohio, Oitt or Toledo, I Lucas Gouhtt, j Frank J. Chcnit makes otth that be Is the senior partner of the 11 rat of F. J. Chin it A Co., doing baslaeas in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said Arm will pay the tut of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that can not be cured by the use of Hall's Oa- TABKH CORK. FRANK J. OHXNBT. Sworn to before me and subscribed la my presence, this Sib day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLBABON, Notary Public SEAL. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal ly and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. 8ead for testimonials, free. F. J. CHKNBT ft CO, Toledo, O, Bold by Druggists, 75c Hall's Family Pills art the beat OataeUa. . ' ; ' -You ought to be ashamed to wear so dreadfully at the caddy. He It tbe minis ter's little boy. , It's all right. His father believes la ht fant damnation." : . ' - Cramps, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, dlarrbosa, and Indeed,' H vowel eoav planta quickly; relieved - by Pbbbt Davis Pais Kills, a safe am tad speedy cure, for ell tbe troubles named. Every reputable druggist keeps I supply. Each bottle his fall directions. Avoid substitutes, there It bat oae Paln-Klller, Perry Davie', too and WeTV? vT? f- ... "Have yba read my aew book V asked the author of his friend. :'.MNo,'1 wat the reply; I havetxea quit 111, and the doctor har warned aw to be careful." ', - r c r - n - ! r "y t ! ! , . . I n .-Itartinclaj!y(J!r-"t.ro3aodaiaa tructlng tba ' 4 veor- gana. It Ittha 1 t antandtonlo. J t r? ion can apprnu.ti It In ' it l tantly rliev-' I i v..r.-s Iyspepsia, J , , s, . Ffatuiencc 1 .i r l , " afeear Vkaaka. ' " Possibly the most novel response ever ttrMe to request to return a vote of thank to a chairman was that made by sir. Moody during bta first visit to England. :;,;'- He had attended a meeting at which the Earl of 8haftesbury was chairman. Tbe duty of proposing a rote of thanks wat assigned to him and the announce uentTnade: "Our American eonsln, tbe Rev. Mr. Moody of Chicago, will now move a vote of thanks to tbe noble earl -who lies presided on thla occasion." .The whole thing was quite out of Mr. Moody's line. English formalities might or might not have com, gracefully from- hit llpa had he attempted there but be did not With an utter disre gard of conventionality he burst upon the audience with tbe bold announce ment: " , r"" " "The speaker has faade two mis takes. To begin with, I'm not the Rev. Mr. Moody at all. I'm plain Dwlght L. Moody, a Sunday acbool worker. And tbea I'm not your American cousin. By the grace of God I'm your brother, Interested with you In our Father's work for his children. , "And now about this vote of thanks to the noble earl for being our chahv inan thla evening- I don't tee why we should thank him any. more than he should thank us. When at one time they offered to thank our Mr. Lincoln for presiding over a meeting In Illinois, he stopped It He said he'd tried to do bis duty, and they'd tried to do theirs. He thought It was ( abort an even thing all round. . t' -rl ,j That opening fairly took the breath away from Mr. Moody's hearers. Sack a talk could not be gauged by any known standard, Mr. Moody carried his English andlencea with him from that beginning to bis latest labors. Tooth's Companion. - - i . The Aa eki Trmt. From tha&6rtbem and of Chatham square starts the Bowery, and a few steps from its commencement Is tbe building now used as a Oermen thea ter, which was once the Old Bowery. Before tbe Bowery theater and previ ous to the Bevolutloo the tame site occupied by . a building which has a place In bistort because Washington slept In it. This was the Bull's Head tavern. Being close by the city slaugh ter bouses, all the butchers who came to town stopped at this Inn, making It the first commercial Inn of Its-day. During the Revolution Henry Aator, brother of John Jacob Astor, owned the Bull's Head tavern. He leased It to Richard Varlaa. But Varlan went privateering and left' tbe Inn to be conducted bj bis wife.; Astor was a butcher and conducted his business In tbe Fly market In Maiden lane. He Incurred the enmity of all tbe butchers in the town by con ceiving tbe brilliant Idea of riding far out along the Bowery fane, 'meeting the drovers as they brought their cat tle to town aad baying their stock, which he sold to the other butchers at his own price. At tbe lane wat really tbe only road to tbe city, Astor in thla Way formed a trust and prospered for many yean. The Inn, too, prospered until 1820, when It gave place to tbe Bowery theater. Home Journal. Be Let Btan Oat. The king of Naples, In tbe plenitude of bis absolutism, paid one day a visit to tbe Neapolitan prisons In order to nee for himself what sort of men his rrlealoals were aad whether tbey really deserved the punishments they were undergoing. What Is your sentence T" be said to one .Fifteen years, your, majesty." "Aad "what had yon doner; Nothing whatever." "Quite Innocentr , "En tirety your majesty." -""And youf be naked another. "Thirty years, sire. Victim of false accusation.'' . "And yotrr tt s third. ;"In for life," my king. "And what bad you doner Everything yon can think of. my king! theft burglary, highway robbery, man slaughter, murder. I only wonder tbey did not sentence me to deatn." ."What. Is your name?" asked the king. "My name," replied tbe first class criminal. 'since r have been here baa been 912.". After finishing his tour of Inspection the king said to the governor; "All tbe prisoners here seem to be perfectly In nocent There Is only one bad man among fbem. No. ftlS. Too bad better let him out, lest be corrupt the-others." Argonaut' ..-o:-J- Case.. -" . ; -. "Tou ensrge thla man with tfn person ating an officer, do youT ;- va "I dc wkeaf.v': 'r:p Tried to make yon believe he wat a pollcemsn, did bef " T.- J. i "He dld.". . W- r j "When be was la the saloon with joo, did lr--vuy; "He didn't go into any saloon, yonr honor.''. '. v j. w- "Tbe prisoner la discfaargedV'-Chl- eagoTribone.;'7."i;: A.. : t. ' He HM Kafiair. -. : la speaking of tbe late Ballard Smith tbe Louisville Courier-Journal eayt that when be first sought a position la A newspaper office after graduating from Dartmouth college be entered the sanctum with an air of condescension. He Wore- a sm tile and K velvet Jacket He said tut would like to be dramatic edttftr, bat be was given a"pUee on tbe local staff.' In leas tban six months he was made city editor. After that his rite W Journalism was rapid.' ' ' ; - ,-'; . ;i:-'.v. ''-;-ff- . PraaablF. -yj,--That Baft I more woman who gave her pet monkey a first class funeral most have been greatly attached to tbe aniinal." - . "Yei K probably gave her a regular monkey wrench to part with If meretana nam ueaier. ' According to the ancient Chinese writers, tbe chronology of that country goes bach 1207.000 years. .; : The most dainty and effectived llli mad are DeWllt's Llttlo Early Rlurs. They are nneqnalcd for all liver an.l bowel troubles. Never gripe. F 8 Daffy Ski I . ' ' Da. S. Wsta MrTCHEi.t is an tbority for the statement tuat uerv outness it the characteristic mal ady of the American nation, and H statistics show that nerve deaths number one-fourth of all deaths ii recorded, the mortality being maw ly among young people , w v . ; Sarsa I. Al - 1 . mUlm . i M American disease, because it goes straight to the source of the weak ness, building up health and strength by supplying rich, abund ant food and pure blood to the worn-out tissues, rousing the liver to activity and regulating all the organs of the body. - M1) UMgaa Stat 0s.. Li natlw Uw imam satU Urm flil, tie. Harriet Whea I said "Speaking about husbands," what made yon stop me? Carrie -Becsnse I wae afraid ' yon would offend Mrs. Uennlwed..' She hat lost no lest- thsu three hnebaadt,- and she; It very sensitive on the -snbjectj therefore She It afraid that people will think Ihey were lott through her care- lessaess. -?:;f:isiSliSt -r. . ., QOESTIOrl ANSWERED." ' , Yes, August Flower still hat the laig- est tale of any medicine in the clvlllted world.. Your mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of asing anything else for indigestion or Billontness. Dootort were scarce and they seldom heard of Appen dicitis. Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc Tbey used August Flower to clean out the system and atop fermenta tion of digested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and thst is all they took when feeling dull and bad With headaches and other aches. You only need a few deeet of Green's August Flower, In liquid form, to make y u satisfied there It nothing serious tbe m iter with yon. For sale by F 8 Duffy ATDtnIUiM. ' "I think ru be married on. my birth day," aatd Hiss Tommey,, : I . - " . What!" exclaimed Mitt Frocks, hold I ig up her hands In consternation, ,''and lo e one entire set of preeentsf MOZLKTt LKMOK BUXIK.- BefttUtas tbe Urn, StawuMhe, Bawels aafKldBeys." 'For biliousness, constipation and ma laria.. - ' v Foa Indigestion',: sick anj nervous headache v .. , . . : For - ileeDlessnest.' nervousness and neart failure. ;; . r For fever, chilli; debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir, ! Ladies, for natural and thorough or. ganlc regulation, take Lemon Klliir. sue and II bottles at drue-srtsts. Prepared only by Dr. H. Motley, At lanta, ua. , .- ; , - , ; A Pramtmat Mbttatae 'Writes. " -Aftr tAn vear -Mf vfm. anffrtn from Indigestlou, with great nervous nrnatrAtlnn. hlllnnitnf riiaAntAMMl WtH- oeys and constipation, I have been . I T.. - T toll and am now a well maa. - .. v - r .Rav. C. C, Davis, Kid. M. X. Church South, , No. 88 Tstnall 8t, Atlanta, Ga. A PnmuT MMapklaav WrttM. ' Dr. H. MoxleT, Atlanta Havinr beta a great anfferer for three rears from in digestion, and been treated by many pnysiciaas, wno iauea y give me any any jelief. Continuing to crow worse my brother advised ate to try Dr. Mot leys xmon juixir, wnicn remeay ne naa nsea ror several yeara. j. eommeneea Its use, and must sty that your Lemon Kllxlr la tbe neatest medicine u earth. i have never suffered a day since I com menced astng Lemon Kllxlr, ' - ' - R. L. Rocco, 80S Hernsndo St.. Memphis, Ten. - : This It to certify that I used Dr. Mot ley's Lemon Xllxtr for nearalgls of tbe need and eyes with the most marked benefit to my teneral health.' I would gladly have paid (SCO for tbe relief It bst given me at a cost of two or three ooi- lara. . H. A. Bkall. Clerk Superior Court Randolph Co, Ga. Soidif ?assenter Excnrslon Rates. ' The A. 4 fCO. Railroad wUl tell tick- eu after this date at the following, ex. eartioa rates by Not. and 4 train oa Sundays: - From M. City toGoldtboro retnrn...lS.10 . " Newport " U t " "i m.iu f " : Core Creek - " .. I.M 1.15 - '.a "M '. Dover . . f ' -i; " Klnston . " LaUraoge. " .. 4 The above tickets are'good only pa Sunday t by Not. B and 4 trains aad on dates stamped of wrllted en tickets, and llmltt will not be extended., ; , ' - ' ' 8. L. Dim, G. P. A. ; ' Aogutl 80. 1900. .ir. ' Whea la Bayboro tuip tt the Lupton House for rood siyiommmintlnnt Notice of First Keet'n'of Credl- . ." ' .. tnrs. ' la the District ;Court of tbe United Slates, for the Eastern District of N. C. " . . In the V cr of I;, fl. Baxter, Bankrupt In I '. ru, 1 ": To the f "!(uf "-iIiInM-r, ;o has T ' ttol' 1 s'fin of cri'!!' ..r. will ! h. 1 at li. e of i . ?. lt :Vw I-.n.N. t'.,atri M.oh lli" "i, i! y f H- fifii.l.rr i w.. i'..e . -:t i . dim at an Awf al Calamltr. ". "It came out as t Jourmiyed on bone- back throi.u Dakota, that almost ev ery settler s land was under mortgage,' laid a westerner, "and one day, when I came upon a pioneer seated on tbe grass by the roadside, with a troubled look on his face. 1 asked htm if It was the mortgage he wot worrying about,. "'Wuee than- that stranger,1 be re-. piled as be looked up. wearily. 'Sickness or death In tbe famtli rr "Then tt most be a calamity indeed. - You didn't lose family and borne by a prairie flre?, 'S;i --i''''-- " 'Nope.' but you are right about Its beta-a. calamity "I've been tryhr to think of tbat word for two hours past. Yes, sir, you can pot it down as an aw ful calamity.' " ' r r ' - "But won't you explain I persist ed., v -t i rfJ1 . vej i " 'I wiU, sir." 'Thar was a mortgage on the claim." and I Was .feellh -at big as any of '- my Beighlwra-nni) takin things , easy when my wife was left $000, . Stranger, dare "I tell you what the did with that moneyV -' ."-' 8he didn't lose Itr " -"'No, sir.. She Jest paid that moil- gage, bought two horses and a plow, and this mora la I was bounced out of my own cabin' bekase I wouldn't peel off my coat and go to work! ires, sir, you are right . If s a calamity a ca lamity that s landed me on the outside and between my .durned- pride' and her blamed apunk somebody'!! be eatlrr grass afore Saturday night! "Wash ington Post - - 1 .: i Brs arna Taaa Baaaaaav. ' Tim. Samson was a gray haired vet eran sportsman, who on one occasion, when out moorfowl shooting and feel ing the weight of years begin to-press upon bun, expressed tbe belief that the expedition waf to be bis last and de sired. In somewhat tragic style, that he' might de and be buried - In the moors. . . - ' Burns, bearing of this, Immediately' composed but famous elegy, In which he1 related at length- the exploits and skill of bis hero, ending each verse with tbe plaintive line, "Tarn Samson's dead." . .' . ,. ..Some one having told Samson, that Burns bad written a poem "a gey queer ane" about him, be sent for tbe poet trad In something nice wrath asked him to read what be bad written.' On bearing the reeltal -of bis exploits be smiled grimly aud seemed by uo. means displeased. -''But" he exclaimed. "I'm no dead yett Roblii. Wherefore should ye say that I'm dead?" Burns retired for a few minutes; then be. returned and recited to Tarn the following verse, which he bad' composed In tbe Inter val! ' - ' .j. ' PEB COSTBA. :. Oo. Pane, an cantor like a Oily - Throve a' th Mmta ao neuka ot Rlllit; ' Tll rfn SKlal. boneal Lllll ' . , Ta ceaat Su) (ri!1' 1 ' tor rt unikaith'd bi Dtath'a flee tulllt. Tan Sanaon't llrtal Samson langbed gleefully and ex claimed. "That's no' bad. Robin; that'll do," and the poet was received once more Into bis good graces. Chambers' Journal. ...... -. ' flwsittwar Babeaie l Soath Afrleaw Tbe" baboons which frequent this rocky country are so destructive to the stock farms fhat organized raids have to be mnde upon tueni. It Is useless trying to get a shot at tbe baboon dur ing the day, be Is a wily creature and knows tbe deadly effects of a rifle just as well aa tbe hunter. ; . Early In tbe morning tbe party leave the farm and quietly surround., tbe kraus, or rock, where the unsuspecting baboons are .sleeping. At tbe : first break of dawn the bend baboon It on the move", to see' that everything Is right- He no sooner makes aa appear a nee tban be Is' greeted Wttb a shower, of lead. In an lnstaot the whole troop la bf an uproar.. .'Tbey rush hither aad thither, bowling .with- rage end pain, looking for a place of escape. But few of them succeed. - Directly tbe burners have retired., tbe' blnckv who' lihve been following np tbe party, make a rush for the . tails of tbe V baboons; Sometimes tbey are In -so great hurry to tecur these tliat they fall to ob serve that the baboon Is not dead and an nglr bite or tear It the result The talis are taken Jo the magistrate's of fice, where a reward of 2s. Od. each Is paid for them b government, London Chronicle. r t Sk Dldat Stew." - Conjurer (pointing to a large cab! net-Now, ladles and gentlemen, allow me to exhibit my eonciuUing trick. I would ask any tody to tUe'eotnpauy to step on.thetnge and ataad In -this eupboard. -X will then- close tbe door. When I open It- again, -the lady will have vanished without leaving a tract behind. J - - ".:.." Gentleman In Front Seat (aside to hit wife) I say, -old woman, do me a favor and atep up. London Fttn.-" ;.'jl.'.,' Boee laltakl. "I object to the personlflcatloa of time lu the guise of man," said Ten- spot ..- ' ' ' '.-. ' "Why r asked Wblffett 'V. " ' "Bo Inappropriate." It should be 8 woman." -;?' ;;; - N"Whyr'a-. r :;i.-r' .-.s- "Yon know - tbe . old ' proverb - says, Time will tclt,"-Detrolt Free Press. .'fV., Ha4 fViMl ,-'!'M -i' "Did you ever experiment with the Knelpp curef asked one of the In mates of tbe convalescent ward at the hospital - ' , "Only for poverty., answered the Other, a large, freckle faced woman. "I always went barefoot when we lived on the farm." Chicago Tribune. . Rat Ilia r.all. "Why. Johnny, how much you look like your fathcrl" remarked" a visitor to a small 4-year-old. ' "V'eo'iu." nnawered Jnhnn. wMh an air of riHiljrnntton. "that's what every iHwIy sayn. Init I can't help It" New Orh-nns lleayune. . ' Irge tun spots astronomer any csnnctl Ilia extreme hfnt llila summer. ai.l (locWiig (L.clftie ricnrly all lle pro l. ie In l.n . ,1 ,f l'iirit-r of t: I' H'-mm Ii. (in... I h.-lMl f.-l!..n s tl !mi K'H1-'.! n., 't Cum dip ) I yill If yml linVI! Ill'Cj.l-tlliB l.f ;; . '..if ?. .'ill ! " Be Deeaat tike Aaaaurlaaat, Why say 'oa Bhoold ever have de sired to own or to visit an aquarium Is a mystery. The view of nsb, except when nicely grilledor wjhen suspended at the end -of a fishing line, Is one of the most uninteresting of sights. The other animals whea In confinement dis play traits which are more or less In teresting. -The lion has a sense of hu mor and displays If In the most pleas ing way when he -devours tbe Don tamer who hat entered too often into . his cage. The bear. In his thirst for buns seems so much like the human boy that the' spectator of his antics frequently feels an irresistible desire to hit him with a stick.:, .. ; , But the fish has not a single Inter. eating trait, . He will ewim around tbe tank In which he Is eoBflned with a persistence which Is maddening to, the nervous spectator, JSe never encages In a genuine flgbt but contents himself with an occasional surreptitious bite of an enemy's tall, which gives no true satlBTacttoo lo the beholder. ; If be happens to be a large snake thinly dis guised at aa eel or an octopus or some other alarmingly ugly fish, he will sometimes swim directly at the glass through which the visitor Is looking at blm and thereby give the bitter a- mo mentary sensation of horror, bat the Average fish cares nothing for the pub lic and treats bit . visitors with calm contempt An aquarium without fish, like a .seashore retort without tbe sea. is unobjectionable. . but an aquarium with real water and real fish Is the dreariest object In nature. W. I Al lien In Pearson's Magaxine. - Tbe Parts. Cab Driver. Outside of many wine shops In Paris and In the principal cities of France a sign- h often to be seen bearing the words. An cocher fldele ("To tbe faith ful cocbcr"; beneatb It a driver Is pictured, bat la band,, restoring to a gentleman and lady, tbe hirers of tbe- eoaeh. a purse forgotten on tbe cush ions of the vehicle. This Is not a conception- of the artist nor vile flattery of the restaurant or Wine shop to draw thither the coachman with a foible for the bottle, but a reality which often oc curs and of which the cocher has every right to be proud. Anybody who bag lived any length of time In Paris will Indorse the state ment Who lias not forgotten an um brella, a walking stick, a small satchel or some little object on tbe seat or floor of a public vehicle And who has not had bis property restored without even having takeu the number of the ve hicle, without any remembrance of the physiognomy of 1 he driver? By a shu ple application to a special office at the prefecture of police, where all objects fouud In public cnrrlnges are deposit ed and nrrnnged accordlug to the date and hour at which tbey were brought In. one Is able promptly to regain pos session of bis lost properly. This -reflects great credit on tbe Paris "cabbies," few of whom, by the way, are bora . Purlslnua. Harper's Weekly. a lie CoMeentvated. Professor Countemfast Is a small map with a large mentality, nis wife Is a tall woman, Who believes In tbe power of matter over mind. The pro feettor bad been absorbed the whole evening' In a profound paper on tbe mental characteristics of iieople who were uubapplly married. Suddenly looking up. be remarked: "My dear, nie you aware of the fact that a man's brain weighs about 8V4 Liouuds?" ' "Humph! you've just rena mat haven't your . "Er er-why er oh, yes; certainly, of course." "Well, that article says a woman's brain Is'not so heavy, eh?" 'Er er yes. It certainly does, but"- - "And It also states that a woman's brain Is of much finer quality, doesn't Itr ' -' ' v, "Er-er well, yes; you are quite right tnf deor." - - t "Now.: . listen to me. Just concen trate your 84 -pound brain on that scuttle and figure ou( bow much it will weigh after you bring It full of cool from the cellar." The professor meek ly bowed hit great head, and, as he de parted .for tbe lower regions In search of abstract Information, he murmured: "The man who tblukt that mind, la superior .to matter Is an Illustrious Idlotr-London Tlt-Blttv ; i V1- . ' Te Traak Paid. : ... . . ' , Some years ago a man ran up a bill of $200 In the Tremont House, Chica go, and then ran away without settling It- .The trunk which remained In his room wae unusually heavy and when opened after his departure was found to contain, specimens of ore, brought from the gold and sliver mines of Col orado, where presumably be bad lost all his money, - After waiting out tbe legal time Ur. Qage seat tbe contents of the trunk to an aasayef, who return ed two -bits of metal valued at mere than $100 lo excess of the bill after deducting hie own feeav ' , 4 " " ' -:. Uxlaawa." . . - The result of an examination wt put up on the police board of a well knows cramming establishment and oae of the attendants was scanning tbe list with as much Interest as any of the breathless students. At tbe bead of tbe list was written, "Maximum BOO," snd when tbe sttndant's eyes retted there on be exclaimed. "Why, that Mr. Min imum, he's always top, be ls."-Ixudou Globe. - "'"',. : 'f' v , . Rot a Owl Coatoata. ., '. '"Well sir" remarked the observant passenger, after watching the conduct or collect etfflit fares and ring up five, "you need never be afraid of being struck by lightning." ' "Why notr' asked the trusted em ployee. : ' "ISceaniu"." replied tbe observant pas sender. "It Is evident yon are hot a good conductor." Philadelphia Press. Pniannous tomhliKila reaemlillng mnali rooms have canwd ficiiient dentin llila year. lie aura to nae only the gen. uhic. (Hti-rvp Hio .(;i!H cre when yon k for Ic Ill's Wliili llnw.l Halve. T i ri' are niln"nn..ii culinlerfi'lla. D V, Ill's la the on'y 'nnl Wllcli IIn.i-l ' . Il 1 a .' I'.hI i :':i'n I'i'ip for pili-s and M d'i -.w. P. 8 i y- i Bob lift 7iili Women ''Thero are few women as beaa 5 -tiful aa they might be. Powder and paint and cosmetic don't aak good iooka. : Beauty : ia S Bimrjlv an ImooesibDity without ' beahh.- Beantifut wottrftaj?. XT'. . . i in eview Because netuiay women ue 5i few. ; Th war to ;have; g"ftu$ face and tt wellHfounded figure; ar is to tako ;rtVt"fe.jf vv' .' J.. , This is thai old and tim-tried medicine that cures all female 'troubles and weaknesses and J drains. It makes no difference what th doctor call the trrm? a ble, if there is anything the matter in the distinctly feminine organs, male Regulator will help J- and Cure it. It is good for ir- -regular or painful menstruation; , for leucorrhoaa, for falling of the 2, womb, for nervousness, head- ache, backache and dizziness. Jake it anfl get well. Then J your old-time girlish features' : and figure will be restored. . Sold bydragglats lartl abottla. THE BRADFIELD KEGCLAT0R CO. ATLAHTA, OA. ae)i IHII BLOOD HUMORS Ulcers, Old Sores, Cancers, Katinj; Sores, Eczema, Etc. rifted by It. U. B.--Trial Bot tle Free. From Impure blood conies all sorts of pains, sches and Borea, ending frequently n deadly cancer or some chronic sore If you can answer "yes" to any of the lollowlng questions your blood Ib diseas ed and impure. Do cuts or scratches heal slowly 7 Does your skin Itch or burn f Have you pim ples f Eruptions so yon feel ashamed lo lie seen in company T Aching Bones or Hack? Eczema f Old Sores f Bolla? Scrofula I Rheumatism f Foul Breath f Catarrh! Are you Pale? Do Scabs or rtcales form on the Hkln, Hair or Scalp T Prickling fains In the llalrr All Kun Down, get easily tired, and aa tired in (be morning as when you went to bed? Fluttering Heart? Have you Ulcers? Eating Sores r Cancer J TO CURE, Any Journal reader who Buffers Is ad vised to lake a lew large bottles or II. Ii. It (Botanic Rlood Balm) This remedy la undoubtedly the best and only perfect Itlood Purifier made. B. B B. (Botanic Blood Balm) ha: u record of 80 yeara at cures, hence is thoroughly tested. By takinir a few larire bottles of B. B. 1). Ibe blood is made pure and rich, all tbe sores are healed, and aches snd pains vanish ss Hie mist bntore tbe au.i. Ii. H. 11, has cored over 400 cases of cancer, many of them pronounced !3iurahle by doctors and specialists. Ealing sores, ulcer ana soronila are sealed so thai Ihey -never bother the patient acara, Eczeihalnlls worst form is cured by from 8 to 8 large bottles. B. B. B. cures by draining the polioot tad humors out or the blond, al the same time U builds np tbe broken down constitution. For sale by druggists, (I per large bo tie, or fl larire bottles (fnll treatment) tY Complete directions with each bottle. Be sure me ooiue . reaas Botanic mooa Balm. 8o aufforers may test it s trial bottle given away. Address Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Oa. Describe tymtoms tnd free medical advice given. Saleot Real Estate. North Carolina, ( lathe ' Craven County. I 8uperlor Court. Thot F. McCarthy, Adralnlsutor of the - estate of Jesse Brooks, deceased. L. P.- Martin, Shd Deloach, A I ram Perrv aad others. By vlnoe of ea order of the Superior uonrl 01 craven eoaaty ia ina anove eatitled action, rendered on the 84ih dav of Angnsl, 106, 1 wilt oa Monday tbe 1st day of October,-1000, st the court house door la New Beta, al II o'clock, M.,ell to the highest bidder for cash, til that eenala tract or parcel of land on which Bbade Deloach and A brass Perry ow reside, le the county ef Graven, oa the aonih side of Keate river sad-east tide of Boon's creek, being t part of tbe laed conveyed to Jesse Brooks by Margar et Bmsllwood by deed, recorded ia Book 88, Folio 91-M, In the office of -Keglstsr ef Deeds for Craven county ' Bald tract of land eontalalnr IS acres more nr last. - .- : TII03. MoCAIlTHT,; Arlrnlnlatrator of Jesae Bmnkt, dee'd; , - Thit 7 dty Of August, UWO, T7 ; - i 1 H s .i -n - : f -. it t Je., aaaaaaaaaaaaiian aiaaaiaiaa.a i" M il f l.t '-.u-Mam. t'TlriiHUjorbrkihid pHiMi CIKtN. Hnd rao.l, aktHchfOTpiioW, fr-r fraf) Tamltiskiioti and Bflvtr1, vCafleCvsreS co. frataat tuaarara. WAtHIIIOTON, D.C. -'; .-'-. j' ''XPt...i-NCS ' 1 K I ' I Tl.l. I Lodge Directory. XTJRBKA LODGE KO. T, I. Il.-O V Otlkers: J. It. Parker Jr . N.O i W P rrnckett, V. H ; A.T Lahd. Kerordiug Bectv; J. H. Dawwin. Pfnanrlnl fee'u A. K. Pittman, Treas. . Ui-ifu'ar meeiinw every Monday night al ?;'JU o'clock. CAMIMKT KNCAKPMPNT, NO 4 I. O. , Vi t)(Bctfc-f J. ell'-Hsmsr, t! f 1. . Baxter, II. P.; 4. 11 Dawwm, t. V'. T Carta wsy,-J W;Ue.t Uu. Serine K. Gerock, Treasurer.' Kegnlar Eiicniup stent-, lsi, and tih (if say) Tburoitsj aighls in each month at 7:80 o'clock,-. rfflwlfljRNi'ONCLAVEA Improve reer tieplasnpha, met 3nt and 4i) Tbnradav nlgbt. al R o'clock at ftoun treeHali. P A. Wlliis, Arcln-n; Qreeut Bryan, Kluancier; Z V. Murphy, Sec Ktary. -. t . '. ' - : AEW BERN LODOE No. 1. F II & C X C Scales. Preat; J II Bmith. according eec'y; & ijutuiey, f inancial hec'y. Heels la the h.niehts or llnrmonv Hall every 1st and 8rd Monday nights in each month. CRAVEN LODOE No. 1. KNIOIITS OF HARMONY: Meets Snd and 4th Wednesday nights In each month In Rouhlree's Ball, Pollock street, at -7:80 o'clock. B. R. Ball, President. R. J. Dla- sway, Sec'y, R. R. Hill, F. Bec'y . . KN1CHTS OF HONOR Officers: K R Jones, Dictator; O I. Vinson, Reporter; W r Kountree, Financial Heportor New Berne Lodge !No. 443 meets the Snd and 4th Friday nights at 7:30 o'clock In Koumree's Hall, 1'oilock street. CANTON CLBhrfONT NO. S, P. at., I. O. o r OlDcu-a. Geo. Slover, Oarlaln; T. O. hy man, l-lrat.l P. n. Pelletler, fcnlnr : Wio. J ritu, t;iera;fio. weroea, Accounuinc. k..- nlar Csutonmenta, id ami 4lh Thursday althts la each idodUi ats-ou o'clock A. & N. C R. R. PASiENOER DFPARTriENT 1 Nrw Bkkn, N. (;., May 31. 1000. Kates to Moreheact. The foljowiug special rates for season (1000) from stations named below to Morehead City and return In effect June 7, 1900: SHARON BATURDAy STATIOHS. TICKET. NKIIIT. Goldsboro $4.00 fl.50 LsGrsnge 3.50 1 SO Kinaton . 3.00 1.10 Dover 2 75 .( Core Creek 2.70 85 New Bern 2 00 .7 Rlverdale 1 7" .70 Newport 00 .35 Oerman aiiil Sunday Stallone. Ball Ticket. Kicurslnu. Goldsboro f 1 25 $125 LaGrange 1 00 I 00 Kinaton hO 0 Dover 75 .75 Core Creek 70 .70 New Bern 00 .110 Newport 35 .35 German anil Ball Tickets sold only to ten or more on one ticket good to return neit morning. Sundsy Excursion Tickets sold on Sunday, good only on Non. 7 arid 8 trains. HTTIckel Limit Cannot Re Extended. These rales supersedes all previous rates In conflict. Rates to Seven Spring. Summer excursion tickela (-casein 1000) from A fc N. C. stations Hound Trip fos Seven Spring, N. ('. Kouid trlpllckets will lie sold lo LaGrange lo psrtles visiting the above Springs al the following rales of fare lor the round trip: Goldsboro.... $ .7') New Bern ...2 2. Klnslon AO Rlveidale . . . . 2 75 Dover 1 Oft Newport . ..345 Core Creek... 150 Monhead l ily 3 90 Tickets on sale June 1st. Tickets good to return to October 31, 1900 Ralas to Mountain Koaorta. Through rales of fare Hound Trip tickets from Coupon Stations Mow to points named on Ibe W. N, O. Railroad (seaaon 1900). Tickets on ale June 1st, 1900, lo September 30tb, 1000 lucluslye. Good for return passago on or Ixifore Oct. 81, 1900. To. o e s o a 15 a E cO fcS hid Hickory ... .$18 60 $11 50 fl I 10(10 60 Morganton . 14 35 13.85 1195 1 1 36 Old Fort 13 65 14 05 13 25 12 65 Black Ml. ... 18 20 15 20- 160 18 20 Ashevllls . -11 8 IS 85 14 45 13 85 flotPprksgs.'. Wg; 17 85 15 95 15 85 : Rstes to all other Resorts in Western North CtrolKa or Virginia may be furn ished upon eppllratloa. Children under Ive (5) j ears of age' are free. Children undar twelve (U) years of age halt the tbove rates. 1 : p. L.DILL.G. P. A LO A' W I N O'M ON HIT ! - Leant made. Loans pieced r Apply to ISAAC 11. BlllTU; 180 Middle street B aa. TAJ AT . (.' "' -1. . a '- r v .' . ,- . ' f I A TKCE PATTERN -.i .'r ' fmar aars aalactlual a avarv aaV S an aar. Oal cma a raax. A UDICS' MAGAZINE, . n" i .-a. .4 i t-a : l..l.iuM rii,Mi.,.i. HimoWH. ; ( a. , . ; .... .mnwiit kini,;KIM,l M tm " I-" mt.tU y to Ui. MM tS . Lm m mi t.n4 1 Mraa tj Tli, Ki-llibla. tlipl. n P ; !, l..imifal u4 AImiiIhiai 2 I itti4 t-avw PalMraa. . , . ti a; r,. pro vi .sr ! cinsii: -) ISin i Sll'-ll 'nT 1 . .. ? f,.. ; . 4 i i t Blck n, ( t -, ( I. t - 'i.A '. i.i.i, 1 . t--ri.J all other results on. . ea'- ifv Prsparst t fc C-1 t ' - t. . u:: . ceadac::;; ::;:u;iALniA. ...4 if ... . .. . i: : r call cd.. i i "i - int ., ... . 13). : i

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