VOL. XVIII-NO. 157. NIW BERN, N.C, SATURDAY M0RHIN6, SEPTEMBER 29, 1900. NINETEENTH YEAR 1 HACKBUnrrs '-I jit QH Hllr' ' Mil r I aii Jjs Daring the nxt few days we areZ jjj oe a ft of Ia f .50, $2.00 1 yjS j ane aavamage of tnts goiaen op-m j portunity and come. : fte sSae s6ems Jj ks. Wednesday momma, A k 47 & 49 Pollock Street. Jtst Received I A fresh lot Corned Portsmouth Mullets and Small I ig Hams 5 to 6 lbs. Also small Breakfast Strips, 2 to 3 lbs. - Good Hotter 25o lb. Very best Elgin and Fox River Print Butter at 30c. Wo are also agents for the Spanish Root Toilet and Laun dry Soaps. They are guaranteed to cure Heat, Pimples, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Black Heads and other Skin Diseases. They are Purely Vegetrble. Give us a trial for anything in the Grocery Line and we will do our best to please you or refund your money. Yours for 'Business. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. Prompt Delivery If yon want a good cup of delicious coffee huy a pound and yon will get it '',' This coffee is equal to any coffee in the market, regard less of price, . sJTllO- HDl3.33.XL, MIMIIMmillllllllll New Location I " About October J st, miPRWTimiOF- FICE wiUpccuptbe store adioming my Bi storVfori :REAL ESTATR tri m i nrrrrr rntifnnra . T 7 -"Tr customers tn Wt linear nose nving ouuid. 93 r!!f: Street, From Difnn's You can always expect when '- fan order your food supplies from " this reliable store. ; We can tap ply every demand of a first cUss family trade with the Choicest Staple and Fancy Groceries, Rel ishes, Pickles, Sauces, Olive, Fox River Print Sutter, and Fit Hams at It 10k Bottom Prices, We make a specialty of high grvie Teas and (Coffees. Oar Perfection Blend Coffee is Fine, Price Only 20c. Steamer! GUIDE Leaves New lierolTaesday and Friday at a. m arriving at Bayboro same arteraooe.., .. . . i . . . , . Leaves Bayboro Wednesday and Sat- atday at 7 a. nu, arriving ,at New Bern same afterooon. . . ; f . " The following points will be made- Adams Creek, Oriental, Tandemere, Lamb Leading, ' Harris Wharf and blooewall. ' . V'. Schedule effective Sept. 18th, 190oV Bar Bivaa TansroTTios Co., : . , 3. t. CowsiX,Gis. MaasosR. City Ileal EsUU bought and soji on fltl...!. Yl i - f 1 1 I - .... ii. T7. r,inr:;or7t COTTC.I GOES CUT- Exporters Rash It Off While Home Mills Are Waiting. , ' Definition, t a Pedli p. - Frella ; Agalast Harness. Kenaa Ke- V eleeted'Clert. A Postmaster Fonnd Short Trae Bills Poind. Special to Journal. h Ru.ua H, September 88 TheSnpremi Court has before It a case Involving lb the question of who Is a pedlar. IV eourt has heretofore eld that a pedlsi is 's person wbo sells goods he has will, him then and there, but In 1995 the kg Llature drew the distinction between a drummer and a pedlar, saying, that an person" wbo sells by order, for future de livery to Individuals for their own indl- usl use and not for resale. Is a pedlar rhe court. It Is practically, certain, wit uold to the same definition. Col. Thomas 8. Kenan has been ananl- mously re-elected elerk of the 8uprem court for eight years. The feeling against the Hormone I now growing In this State. There an sixty of them at work proselyting Id North Carolina A few counties ban driven them out. The postmaster at Scotland Neck Is found to be short in bis accounts about 110 " It Is said that the home cotton milh are buying very little, but sre walllni for a decline in prices; a Very Improbable thing. It Is said lueexporlersare rushlny II the cotton they can get Out of llu country and that the tracks at Wilming ton are blocked with o tton cars ovc tOO in nnmbei; so many In fact that tb railway people are holding cars baci until the block Is removed. Judge Pornell in the IT. S. dlstrlc court here holds that In chancery tin record of a case constitutes the state ment on appeal. The negro Slate conference here wat an entire success In its line of work for he betterment of the race. In the Superior court here a true bill was last evening returned by the Grand jury against ex-State Senator and ex member of the State election board J. A Franks, Republican, of Swain county for porjury. Two years ago a man named G. W. Justice came here, as iswyer, and stole law books from the court bouse and other places. lie was arrested and Franks became his surlty, swearing be was worth $50 clear of all indebtedness. Justice fled the Stale and went to Alabama. When Investigation was made It was found Franks bad no property at all. Execution at Clinton. Special to Journal. Clinton, Sept. 98. Archie Klnsauls was banged here today The first time the drop fell the rope slipped and after letting him hang nine minutes the phy slcians requested the sheriff to place him on the gallows sgaln to end life quicker Klnsauls was only half conscious lend could not stand. The body was laid across the trap door. After be was dropped the second time life was . pro nounced extinct la eight minutes. He was given aa opportunity to talk but said that he bad nothing to ssy except to tell his friends to meet htm In heaven, Attempted Fajth Core. London, Out, Sept., M. Vlotor B. Sail, who style himself "Doctor of Vital Science," will be arranged tomor row oa the charge of manslaughter at the rail Assises, now. la progress . Here, Be Is alleged to have caused the death ol Mrs. Christina Charlton, of East Wil liams, by withholding from ber the drags which would to all probability have effected a speedy care of ber aliment. In May lest the late Mrs.- Christina Chatlton suffered aa attack of typhoid fever. The was la a fair war to recov erf, wbea some friends became dissatis fied with her oondltlon and ' summoned Dr. Hall." ' , r: He pat her under his nolqne course of treatment, and allowed ber to have nothing at all to do with drugs. Now he will have to satisfactorily explain her death to a Canadian jury or go down to the penitentiary for many years.. Weather Conditions, ; WssaiNOToir, September - t8 For North Carolina, Fair Saturday. Cooler in western portion. Light northerly winds.' . . Weather Conditions. The high baro meter area over the Dakotas yesterday has diminished In Intensity and moved eastward Into the lake region followed by rising temperature over the west and northwest. The weamer is slightly cool er over the Interior, lower lake region end portions of the Middle Atlsntle States. . Scattered rains bars fallen bnt we light The conditions Indicate fal weather during the next 84 hours with light winds mostly northerly. Ton can spell It cough, re IT, caugh, kauf, ksff, knugh or kauli, but the only harmless remedy that quickly euree It Is One Minute Cotigh Cure. F 8 Duffy. J. J. Baiter la s i goods very low for t" ling his IUIibons, U, snd all summer 1 No other aid so great Ino other agent so I " 1 ! maKing aeacious, pure ana wnoiesome foods, has ever been devised.; ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., TROUBLE MAY. COME. Germany's Attitude Towards This Coun try Unfriendly. Russian Occupation Temporary. Special to Journal. Washington, September 28 -That General Chaffee was ordered to remain In command of the legation guard which will remain la Pekin, Instesd of accom panying the other American troops from China to the Philippines, Is thought by many In Washington to Indicate a belief on the part of the administration that the withdrawal of our troops from Chins Is only temporary. Another thing which strengthens that belief Is the ordering of a number of warships to join our navsl force In Asiatic waters. While our min ister to China Is carrying oat bis orders by arranging fot the 'opening of peace negotiations with LI Hong Chang and the other Chinese envoys, the edmlnls- tratloa Is arranging for possible war. While officials will not dtseuss the eritlclsms of this government which are dally appearing In Germaa newspapers known to enjoy the .confidence of the Emperor and being cabled to our papers It Is easy to see that they are ceasing considerable Irritation, which may aid In bringing about strained relations be tween the two governments. It is claimed at the Department of State that this government has been consistent all the way through la Its Chinese policy. - - The Russian authorities say that the occupation of Maochurls Is a merely mil itary occupation, Russian and. Chinese flags are flying from the same roofs. . Carlisle Still a Power. Special to Jofirnal. . WASHiaoToa. Sentember 28. Accord, lag to Mr. Peter Fischer, of Louisville, wbo Is visiting Washington, one ansa has It la bis power to change the) result of the election In Kentucky, and theft man Is a resident of New Tork city. Mr, Fischer said: "Many shrewd politicians believe the result of the election In Ken tacky depends upon the word of one man. If John G, Carlisle will noma oat for Bryan, they say Kentucky Will be Democratic; If he maintains his present silence, the State will go for McKlnley. Although Mr. Carlisle no longer has In fluence In tbe councils of tbe Democracy of Kentucky, he still has a large follow leg among the rank and file of tbe party which la sufficient to decide the eon- Morgan Says "Clean Campaign. Special to Journal. V '-"' WssaiNOTON, September 88. Senator Morgsa, of Alabama bss received many compliments for referring la a cominea datory spirit to tbe absence of persoual v!l operation ,o the Presidential cam paign". The reference wis made at the close ef a political speech, and the Sena tor ssld be accounted for It by the fsot that tbe candidates of both ef the great parties were men whose personal charac ters snd lives were sbove reproach. He said of the campaign: "It Is party against party, principle against princi ple, and record aa!nt record, and Upon thess Issues will the people decide the contest," to the housewife, useful and certain in 111 There are imitation baking powders, sold cheap, by many grocers. They are made from alum, a poison ous drug, which renders the food injurious to health. 100 WILLIAM CT., NEW YORK. PRINCE CHIN G GUILTY. He Was Involved Deeply la The Riots. Instructions To Minister Conger. Special to Journal. Washinoton, Sept. 28,-The Ameri can legation at Pukln his procured the subscriptlosnist of the Boxers and flndx ihat Prince Uhlng mado three suhcrlp llons to the list. The Mends of Ching olaltn that he was coerced into subscrib ing. The French patrol was Bred on at the east ga.te of Pekln by the Chinese. The murderer of Baron v m K -meter Is being tried to-day. The Russian orders to leave P.tkln have been suspended for the N.OjO troops there. The legations of other powers are uncertain about remaining, yet they are Inviting the Chinese court to return for peace negotiations. LI Hung Ohang requests the Emper or's return aud that of the Empress Dowager. The Russians sud French In vite the Emperor and Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager demands guaran tees for herself and ber hostile M lntslert before releasing the Emperor. Instrnctions sre being sent to Minis ter Conger which will guide him in be ginning prellmsry negotiations with Prince GhtoK aud LI Hung Chang con templating the return of the Imperial Government to Pekln. The President Is considering whether. In view of Tuan's aoDotntment as grand secretary of the Emperor, It Is advisable lo demand, Im mediately upon tbe assumption of nego stations, degradation and punishment of thatPrlnee. Hanged at Tarboro. Special to Journals , . 'Tanaoao, Sept. 28 Chancey David was banged at S o'clock this afternoon. He died game and first mads a talk on tbe gallows declaring his Innocence. His neck was not broken by ' the fall aad death resulted from strangulation, and took place M minutes after the drop fell The execution was private aad occurred, la the Jail yard and there was no excite ment ''''.' ':'''' ' ' - .V;'.:J;,The Strike Situation. . . Special to Journal, : ' : , . PHliADELPBtA bept, 88. Morecolier- ies have been shut down In the, Shenan doah valley..,. .. . ,.. , Tbe miners and operators have, been all day eagerly awaiting news from New Tork legardlng tbe proposed settlement of tbe strike. , Many operators attended the conference which was held to adjust lbs differences between the miners and operators, , ' ; ' ' Blood Reconciles Brothers. ') t piTTSBone, FnNav Sept ,2ft.-On of tbe Gelvesloa sufferers Is llobert Johns Ion, a brothsr of Samuel A Johnston of Flsk street, this city. When the civil war began ths two brothers took differ ent sides. One went Into the Union sod the other the Confederate Army. - When the war ended, Samuel came to Pittsburg and Robert weal to Texas, The feeling between them was bitter, the family of each knew of the estrange ment of the two men, but could do noth ing In bring them together. When the Hood rme Humnol softened enough 'O allow one of his daughters to wire hur nncle. "Hfe. Hut everytiiing hist," was the reply. Thli was the beginning of Hie reconciliation which lis been ef fected, i i FANCY CREAM CHEESE ! Imported and Oomeslic Mitc:trrmi. ( odfish and Irish PoUtoes. I rcsh Corned Poitsniduth Mullefs. Fancy JCIgin Butter. Fresh Canned (loods. I'icles, loose and in bottles (icnuine Rousted Java Coffee, only 20c lb. obacco Users will lind it to their intci'tst lo examine our big stock of Plug and Fine Cut, waul, a ( he-root, i iguretU; or gooil will please you. Give nie a call. Yours to Please, PLANTER'S j. l mm, $ 'Plusiie 91. The Planter's Warehouse is located in the Inniuess part of the city md the finest Warehouse in the State. We will have plenty of bujers with plenty of orders for all the Tobacco in this part of the Slate. It is the aim of the management to give his personal attention to all sales and to see that yon are well loo ed after when on the market with tobacco Our motto is "High Prices and Personal Attention to your in terest." Free Stables. Coine down to please you. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. F. 8. LAyGLEY, Auctioneer. UST.Solei every week-day at 1 1 o'clock. forward, it the Slogan This Fall in Men's Sulla snd Over coats. Not a backward step here, but every move an advance mater als, pat terns, colort, deolgn, cut snd finish, all -ihow lint we keep paoe wllh tbe times. A new line of Fall Goods that will at tract your eye, and you know how we make up goods. F. 91. Cliadwlck, Notice ! The only man there be. Not Left, Come See. - A No. 1 Real Heart Hand-made end Sawed Shingles always oa hand. Laths, Carts and Buggies. Klin TaT end Fat Llghtwood Posts. All kinds of Stove Wood delivered to your door. Two Stores to let and, bouses lo rent all the time. Lime to retail or by the barrel. - . See ' -f.V' .';'. ; Bagging and Ties We are read to supply the trade with Cotton Bagging and Ties, Bag O'otn, Heavy Backs, &c ,. Prices ate Kiut.,., el. 12. Isathara ' eft Co. E.W.Saallwoo3 ',', ' VI DEALER IN' 4 !.' I GENERAL HARDWARRt I -it". f - ' ' , And all Kinds of W' BUILDING EATERIAL Wire Nottlns, Scteen ' Doors and Windows, ' ' OLACICR RCFRIQCRATORS Whl h are the beet.. Th7 have but few fOnll and N' Hupiriors,- ", j J Ice Cream Freezers. Water Coolers, j Michigan BtoYcs and Banges, t : PaluU. ' ; : i '.'In" ' m t hewing Tobaci If J oil i igar. I have them I bat & E5lnil g 4J TIM'S? 1 71 lire.. I Si. WAREHOUSE the opening sale, ami we will try to Wohavejnst received a line of the alwve well known Shoes and invite your inspection. We have thein in Kid Patent Leather and Calf Patent Leather in both button and lace and in both black and tan Vici Kid. CaHearly and get. your choice of Styles aud Sizes. J.G.DUNN&CO., M POLLOCK STREET. A FEW OF THI GOOD THINGS I Yet For Sale By J. F. TAYLOR. Sweet Calawaba wine. 75c per gallon California Port wine ..,$1.00 per gallon Montlcello Claret wine... IBo per bottle and few Brands of line medlcinsl whis keys sncb an ' ; :' : LONE OAK, OIiI FORENTKR " jiraxJEtt,' . . CfTTTEB PEPPE It . WAIsBOKP. 'A Aad lots of other brands of Rye. PfciWD'i Malt, Scotch, irlsb and From tS Moo nmlns, also lots of ether .Sit Sir Mfffc ..sfcus ts.t 18 MldJle Street. vi . Jlavlnr qnaiinea -as ine r.iecuiornr '(.eorge Piiyain, slecnwed,, late of the County of Craven, LUIS Is to notify all rjf4 persona bavins claims apainst ine relate of the duceamd to eahihlt them to the nednrsiirned on or before lAtbr dav, of of h. i.i.-nilmr lwil, or this notice will rn jilil In har of their recovery. All ji r . . I,i.-M. ! to said olaia will, please ii, sr. i; hmncitiiitc t.ntrti"nt. ( M S K. I'll TWO, r .,., , , r. I , ,1. I'h- )r, (lecc-i'icd. C'.-y r r C