Sl IT'.' VOL; IVHI--N0. 160. NIW BE UN, M. C, WIDNESDAT MORNING, OCTOBER 3, 1900. NINETEENTH W;i; HACKBURN'S AS IS IS CASH - SHOE - SALE i i Daring the next offering a line of Ladies $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Shoes for, listen, perV i ae advantage $ portunity and come. ft wrs, Wednesday morning. 47 & 49 Pollock Street. y ! Jtist Received I f A fresh lot Corned Portsmouth Mullets and (Small I ig llama 5 to 0 lbs. Also sniull Breakfast Strips, i to 1 lbs. Good Hutter lit. Very best Elgin uiul Fox liixer l'rint Butter at .'tOo. We nre also iipents for the Spanish Hoot Toilet, and Laun dry Soups. Tliey are guaranteed to eure Heat, I iniples, Salt Rhenni, Tetter, Black Meads and other Skin Diseases. , They are Purely Vegetrble. (Jive, us a trial for anything in the (i ropery Line and we will do our best to please you or refund your money. Yours for Business. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. Don't Take Chances wl li in n 11 d, i apple f. r ,u 1 hoitn-. Hitter if I o e than mist agool hag Ihrorgh defect!' uialerisl I K V tbe k nd h t neTjr ft-lls tn do ill that Is expected of It. 1 1 try Winchester Smoke si Powder i n I Shells. Our re tortn enl of Hngle aid Doublo fu 'II Oui very ! resting, so ere rioet. F ill Ifne of Bicycle anil Bandriit. WM. T. II 1 1,1 01 A 93 M (Idle R'., Fe HeinxN. 0- THEY HAVE ARRIVED ! Thi Ha'ubK ai ' and Ibsl Lin of Heating Mtvw, Both Wood and &! i ver iHowa ! tbe city. Waara alao afala for ibe wall aaoa High Orai Coklng Mtove, Hb aa Tm rTaraialir, Bbms, Fariaar Girl, Fines Boy, O. X. K lac aad U. K. Qaoea. AH of I tea wamnraa: lo glva par trot aaUtofartir. It jom art la d of aavtblosT la tho Hard era Una at Hath, Da .' . and Blinds, Li ate, Uaaaaal at NalU irtva as a aail aad wa CAS AND WILL MAYS TOO ItOHEYi : 1 ' Yaanfor Buatboia, : L B. CflTUB B'DTF CO Ha 9. HIMPSOIf, Architccl & Sbpcrintendeni pfl Ilroasl ferret few days we are oj mis goiaen op- w The Sale begins 77 Broad Street. Steamer GUIDE Leaves Ne v I! rt ri;(jg l..y nnd Friday U 8 t. m , arriving nt Kayloo t nu t'U rm o . Leaves Bayboro Wednesday an I Sat utd ly at 7 a. m., arriving nt New Hen ame afternoon. The following points will lie nmde Adams Creek. Oilntal Vandemere. Lember Landiug, Hnnls W ha-f and Stonewall. Schedule effective Sept. lHth, liKK). HaV lilt Kit TkANHI OKTATION Co., J. F. Cowki.i., Ukn. Manaiikk. Are You Hunting For a good buggy or any other vehicb ia our rW. We are building them ano at Ibe right prioe. Wa keep all kinds ol Buggr Bap; Ilea. Come lo ns, we can p eaia yon. Ct. II. Watera A Hon, Phone 186 78 Broad Street. To The Tax Payers I ' CRAVEN COUNTY. kuTaxUeiafor tba yaar 1W0, tr bow Ik aiy baada (or eollaotloa. yo will pi as toast (utWAfd ao4 pay jroar lasto forthwIU. ' " - . " : Tbosa owlag BdwduU It, or LloanM Tal will bt reported to lb Grand Jury If tbaaa laxaa bi Ml paid al oaot.- "SEPH KINSET, NOTICE ! Alt ptraoni wanting any kind of fitott work, Tin work or Plumbing ToM Oall on f y, , i , . . ' jr. 1r. wood, , kni yon ill find bit price low land Work Balitfaotorj. Corner Broul anil Middlt Slrrvts. i -Sta SEHAT0RI4L. Question Overshadows the National Election In the State. Top Cotton Crop Promises to bo Very Largo. Edncatloaal Returns. Tax Ae sessment Cases. Special to Journal. Raleigh, Oct. 2. Labor Commissioner Lacy U again at bli office, after a very severe attack of Asthma. Be la now compiling the returns from mill owner and operatives, and from farmers. Qo where one will the only talk heard is about the senatorial contest. Today it is said that not a few persons desire the senatorial primary fixed for a later dale than election day, on tbe ground that it interferes too much with the elec t on. On the other hand there are as sertions that lt'will do more than any thing else to bring out a big vote at the election. Borne declare the whole pri mary Idea is wrong and this years ex perience will prove to be final. The State charters the Gilmer Drj Goods Company of Winston, capital 150,000. R, J. Kaynolds, a widely known plug tobacco manufacturer, Is a large stockholder. Among the arrivals are W. D. Mclver, of New Bern; Francis D. Winston, and St. Leon Scull of Wilson: Charles Price, of Salisbury. Farmers say they have never seen be fore such a growth of cotton at the top. A cotton-grower yesterday said that If there were no frost until mldJle of No vember ho really believed the new growth would produce a third of a crop, so full of blooms and squares is It. The Stale Superlndent of Public In struction is now making up the returns for this year, Last year all the reports from county superintendents and treas urers were In baud, while this year ten of each are short. Standing Master Shepherd Is this week taking testimony in the tax assessment case at Weldon. The main idea of tbe Corporation Commission appears to be to endeavor to prove that there is no systematic undervaluation of property other than railway property, in making assessments. A State official says thai the undervaluation Is something like :CU per cent, lie does not say that it I. systematic or by an understanding or flxed rule. Weather Conditions. Wasiiinoton, I). C, October 2. For North Corollns: ltain Wednesday. Fresh norliioaat winds. Weather Conditions. The conditions along ibe Atlantic coast are similar to yostcrday, tho barometer being high over the northeast sections and low to tbe south and southeast of Florida 'causing fresh northeasterly winds from New England to Key West. 'I be wealb 1 er Is generally cloudy along tbe coast 1 with Bhowers in the Middle and South au"nuc ol,le'' I ocai snow la falling al Huron, South Dakota. Tbe temperatures have been generally moderate except In the southern half of the Gulf States. lb' coodlllons will continue unset tled In this section with rain and freab nolbeast winds. DEMOCRATIC aUES. Fifty Thousand Visitor t Expected la In t dUnapolls. Indianapolis, Ind., October 1. Ar rangements for Ibe convention (or tbe National Association of Democratic Club bare Wednesday and Thursday Lava been practically completed. Offl cart of the association expected there will be 60,000 visitors here by Wednes day. Adlal Blevenson. candidate for Vice President, will arrive to-morrow even ing. Senator Jones, chairman of tba Democratic National Committee; W. I Bryan and Bourkt Cockraa ar expected to arrive al boob Wadnaeday. On the VaaL Special to Journal. London, Oct.!. Tba Boers ask ad for aa armistice ot Bra day ab Btade aaa o tin lleae to drive rattle, aorlb frost OlspbaaUritr . i . General Badaa-Powall bm arrlvad al Preloria U leka oommaa4 of tba pollca la Ibt Traasvaal aaa) Oraag Bitot oola at. wsera U la proposed ' to atalalala f oroa of 11,000 ataa, all aadar Badea- Powall. , ' CASTOR I A . Tor InfanU and Caildra. til Kind Yoa Hsti Ahttri E::;'J ; Boar ik sVgMtaraof Folaoaoaa . loadatoola raaoabllsg atashmoait bavt oaaaai freqaa daalb Ibll yaar. IW tor lo oat only Uo fa alna. Obsarra Ibt ssma eara wbaa yoa aak for DaWltt't Wllcb Hsxal Balva. Tbara era polsaaoss enootarfelu. Da Wltt't It lb only original Wltrk Haul Salve. It Is a ssfssnd erula jenr for plln and skin dlteaws, F. t Duffy. TIED UP TIGHT. Miners Confident and Insist on Their Terms. Operators Against Coal Roads. Special to Journal. Wilkbbbahiik, Pa., October 2 I'res- dent Mitchell, or tbe United Mine Work era, says that the strike Is now complete aad that there will be no resumption of work unless there is first a convention representing every colliery. Tbe miners declaie that tbeir Union must be recognized. The independent coal operators a'e defiant. Their committee walled upon the president of the coal roads and pri - tested against their being coerced Into granting higher wages and other cor. cesslons. They will not join In tbe proffer of a 10 per cent, increase unless the coal-carrying companies agree lo a -low them 65 per cent. Instead of 80 per cdht. of tbe iide-wat r selling prices for their product. They are not making 10 percent, on tbeir iuveWpbenta, they lt clare, and if they b ,ve tViDcrease wages 10 par cent, it will practically wipe out tbeir margin of profit, and they might as well close up tbvir mines. President Mitchell does not believe that the operators can bold out much longer. He believes that if the strike shoulu be uniluly prolonged II may make history by changing tbe drift ot popular opinion and making one of the candidates at the coming election Presi dent. No Arms For China. Special lo Journal. Washinwton, Oct. 2 Li Hung Chang abandons the Idea of going lo IVkln. He Is now at Tien I'slii aud will negotiate with the Itusslnu Minister when the lat ter has arrived. General Chaffee saj tint It will re quire a month lo gel the Amerie troops out of China. The powers ar e as to ' hi .a In for bidding in tho future any importation of arms into that country. Great Britlan, France, Germany and Russia officially announce that they are In accord on the question of Ibe Chinese settle menl proposed by Delcatse which plan favors an Immediate opening of negotiations. BRYAN'S GREAT CAMPAIGN. Sweeps Through Minnesota and Speaks Six Hours. St. Paul, Minn., October 1 Mr. Rryan today traversed what aie known as the Pine Barrens and the Scrub Oak portions of Minnesota, reaching the agri cultural part of the Sta e north of this city during the afternoou. He made the first speech of the day al Wist Superior, Wis., beginning before 8 o'clock In the morning. He Immediately crotseri I lie St. Louis river to Dululb and starling with an hour's speech there. He marie peaches at eight other places on tbe way, which, lagelber wllb tbe speech at Dululb and Superior and those made to night In this city, made an even dozen speeches for the day. Four of the speeches averaged an hour In duration and tbe remaining eight, fifteen minutes each, making abaul six hours of speech making all told for tbe day. The train was decorated with tbe na tional colors and tba special car bore tbe Inscription "Tba Republic, no Empire," and "Equal right lo all." THE MARKETS, Tbe following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham A Co, New Bern, H. 0. Nbw Yobi, Oct. 1. Oottom; Open. Hlgb. Low. Close Oct 10.80 10.81 10 It 10.10 Not 10 01 10.0s S.W t.ftH Jan IN 9.8B Mch 9.8 1.88 May .8 88 9.78 9.81 9.78 9.81 Low. C'loaa li OS 8I Wbxat: Opaa. Hlgb. Doe m 84 Goo. Uea. Bo. R'v Pfd 021 Fed. 8 . Oon. T ... Leather 10 Oottoa raoalpta wara 000 bales si all porta. In Hra Ostoa MarBM. Oottoa sold la tba local Market jeetor- day fro .M to 10 So.; fUoalpil U balaa. Spll Term Oimlul Cenrt. A special larat af tba Kaattra Dhtrloi Orialaal t'oart batla baaa requested by tba Board of OoMtaakMan of Cra tta ooaaty, tba aaasa baa baaa orderad by tbo Uoa.. Asga Mat M. MoOra, Judge of tba East era Utetrtct to eoaveae at Ibo eoailboaaa la Maw Bora for tba trial of erlatlaal esaaat to eoaavtaoa Monday Octobar Otb, 1900, aad ooallaM oaa weak, aaVasa tba boelneee of Ibt teraa ball b dltpotad of oarilar. ; . , ' ' By Otdatof Jadgt fetooto. ' ' ; W. at,' Witaof h .Clarb. " Bapt, Hit, 1900. Tbo oaergeacy bags taal by a chart b Society to Eaasaa soldier la tba Fklllp plaes onatalaed among the ascmtiWa a box of DaWltt't Whob Basel Balva, tba wall knowa cure for pllai, Injnrh aad tkla dlsaasea. Ths laillsa look tare to obtsla tlta original D Will's Wtth Hl Balva knowing tint all the fir1' ' ! s are wort' ' -l. F B Vn"f. Young Vanderbllt At Work. Nkw Yobk, October 1 Alfred Owynne Vanderbilt today look up tbe burden un der which his grandfather and falhtr fell. He became in fact a well an uaiuc head of bis bouse manager of h great railroad fortnnes. Young Mr. Vanderhill reiolmion to go to work was as iiuevpec.ieil us il was surprising. Not even his nit iul iniate friends dreamed that be onuniplutcd such a thing. IV: has pivcu the iiepres sion that he preferred ibe exisu nce of a sociely man, but bis tinni.cee, Miy Kl-ic French, urged him, il is said, n look af ter his own estates. The announcement tvm nonle last night at Newport at a dinner given by Mm, T. O. Frence, mother of lnrf liiinee. A few of tli el r young friends were pies eut, but laud uol Uiu Inkling ol young Vundei bill's intention, until sud denly lie aiose und xaid simply that be would be on his way to New York will -In an hour to begin a new life. 'I am golni; to my father's desk," he added, "lo try to take up the work where he left off. I want you lo wish me good luck," This morning he anived in New York and spent the day In conferring with officials of tho New York Central. Young Vanderbilt in lliu richest young man in the world. Ho Is worth MI,00(l, 000 and Ids income is f :1,0.J,00l) a yea;-. Il is suid to be bis Intcnlii n to exceed tbe wealth of his uncle, W. K Yandei bilt, estimated at $100,000,000. Davis' Pharmacy has exclusive for "Tbeo" cigars. agency Celery Headache Powders guaranlccu to cure headache. Made iiml sold al Davis' Pharmacy. Vaccination tbields macy. at Davis' I'lifti- Cream Oocoanut and Ullies ui McSor ley's. "Tlieo" cigars on sale Pharmacy. ii ly at havis J. J. Ilaxter is hi lling Ms liihlioiis. Iawns, Ladies Oxfoids, anil all Hiir.mcr goods very low for the cah. Schedule of Mails. Arrival of mails from noilli and west dally except Sunday, 10:50 a. m ; 5:5(1 p.m. Wilmington anil the south 5::t5 p. m.; Morehead City 11:00 a. m. Leave. North and weat.'.I Oil a. in. anil 3:50 p. in.; Wilmington and south IMS! u m.; Morehead Oily 5 50 p. in. SUNDAYS. Malls arrive from north ami west !i In a m; 5:50 p. m. Leave 9:00 a. in, and 6:05 p. m. Tbe public will please Ix'ar In mind Ibal the morning mall for the North anil Weal closes al H:15 a. m. That the afternoon for norlh ami west closes at 3:00 p. m. For Morehead City al 5 00 p. ni. Also that the afternoon train carries no mail for Intermediate points Ixtwecr here and Goldalioro. Respectfully. Hitvuorn W, Hancock July 1. lttOO. Postmaster. Julius M. (Arnold, lilvery, Feed finle A Kxehnnge Nlablen, IIoriteM A Iff ii I cm, Iiuggiea, Wagons, HarnoH, Whips sa I Robrr. rjt'art wheels a specialty. V Will lie open for business Oct. 5, at No. M Broad Street, New lic.rn. N. C. TT i ASU r.:'".i 't l.Ta' . 'a U '., W bate jutt reorWcd liut of Ujo abora well kodwn Bhots and IntiU your Insjwtion. Wt hati'tbitji. In Kid; TaUnt LmUmt and Cl( Patent ttaiber in both ballot and laot and in both black' and Un Vjd Kid ' -. ; Call earl J nod get jont cboico of cUyleaaod feiiea. .. : - u .; J.G.DUIIII&GO., 7 r0LtCIC BTRKET. 1 " O A. T TT T JK. . ' FANCY CREAM CHEESE ! Imported and Domestic Mae.inmi. Codlisli and Irish I' Fresh Corned Portsmouth .Millie's. Fancy Klgin Butter. Fresh Oiui lied Goods. Pickles, loose and in bottles Genuine IJosmtcd Java GoiTee, only 2k: lb olmcco Users will lind it lo their inter ' big stock of Plug and Fine (hit want a Cheroot, Cigarette or good will please you. Give me a rail. Yours to Please, J. J A JONES, ItUOAl) STKKET. STKH AIIT'S Ol.ll STAND. Isiverj', Feed, Sale and Exeliaiii;e . PLANTER'S The Planter's and I he lines!. Wai W ll ll plelil V of oril 1 1 is tile :ll in ' Ware I I'llOIISI is for f the I Urges! : 1. 1 1 I Fille-t Sloek of .. ; Her l''ound in Neu IVin. AI.-iii t'uiiiplel.- I.iueol 1 '. 1 1 1 1 - -, ':i 1 Ihuness., Whip.-. ail In. I,, Kle. .1. A I I! Street n is loraleil in I he Mali ill 111.' T.llmrr.i in utiiagf incut lo oivi ,re ell loo., , ;,fl I I'- Il I'l li es alnl I1 sales a I tob:ieeo lo H Our noil,, teres! ." Free St:il.l. Coi lou II to t PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. F. f I.ANGM.Y, A act r Forward, In the Slogan This Fall In Men's Bulla and Over eoala. Not a backward step here, but every move ao advance materials, pat terns, colors, deign, c I and Anlsb, ill show thai we krep pace with the um a. A new lino of Fall Goods thit will M Irani yonr tye, and yoo know how we make np good. F. M. Iliad wick. J4T 0rJwrjwmMrArrjm arm sW34 P a . nTa . ' P I LLZLtsooK siore I j ODR FALt OPEHIHG ' OaA sBa4M a Bisf aWi M S School . J Children . I Cordiallj i Walobmed. ' ' "r I , th Orsm Dr Coll Our. ,f hA 0"vmt rr4 W trrfl ( h'i itW w at ir (j.'"". f t li tiMiO'i;, "ttntiff b ti f " ihem. m , . si to examine m Tobacco. If yi haw lliem Hi Chewing ( igar. I m Kr."l SI. 71 stables. Sleninl s III. I SI, lid WAREHOUSE Ihe 1,11 I I lie Wi III M: Il of II al a! 1 l.- r In ll'l il Alt ri 1 1 In - npi lino' ;l . and Mill I I tTV"le every week day lit I I D. F. JARVIS, 6.1 POLLOCK STKIZHT. .SOI.K AG KN'I' Idi; tUA 0. 1). by'. ell i 8TB A 11 KR KKU8K will reaarabor KiulfcX. BoHednbj otm y;t$ initswairti,'lf. - 8pU SO. , Agent Tailo 'f Made Salts Jm yJ Alw n ffrent" I W Vnricfyof goodt I . in tirweat atylct ClyV llr )

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