THE JOURNAL. Published every dy I" tbejear.eweht Monday, at W HKhlle lreet. -""J Phone No. . CUARLtS L. AThVENS, EDITOR Alin rRiirHlkT. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One yer, la advance M.eO One year, not In advance 5.00 Monthly, by carrier In the city SO Advertising Kales furuiabrd no appll- callnn. Kim red at tbe l'"i Offlue, Near Bern N. !., ax second claaa mailer. UiHrial i'aiter ef New Bern aad Or,, iVe.ty. . M.W Hera, N.i;., Oct. 4, HUM. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For President. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President. ADLAI E. STEVENSON, of Illlnoli. Third Congressional District, N. C, CHARLES H.THOMAS, of Craven. ABUSE OF SENATORIAL CANDI DATES SHOULD END. The Senatorial fight, now going on In North Carolina, Is developing cunning, and every kind of political Ingenuity among tho follower! of the candidate. These efforts In behalf of favorite candidates are all right, provided their promoters keep constantly la mind that kveky can di datb, Carr, Waddell, J art is and Simmons, is a man of irreproachable party reputation, and to cast attempt to dishonor an opponent In this contest, by any deed or word, which shall impugn the political Integrity of a candidate means that the Democratic parly of North Carolina Is dishonest In its organization, and untrue among its membership. Tbe fact of this dishonesty would be In strict evidence, If the friends of any candidate should accuse and i r ve that an opponent was not fighting squarely upon I) imocratlc lines. In a contest, especially a political one, it la not to be supposed that any deli cacy of manners Is to be used towards an opponent, and yet In this Senatoilal contest. In which every candidate for nomination la an acknowledged strict party man, and the fight la within the ranks of the Democratic party, there Is a certain courtesy which cannot rightly be denied any candidate. Messrs, Jar vis and Waddell are candl dates seemingly without press agents, who can keep their constituents or fol lowers fully advised on the situation each day. M'ssrs Simmons and Carr on the other hand seem well provided with news agents, who keep in perfect touch with the situation, and keep lb puUle folly advised as lo the particular doings of each. The disadvantage ol Messrs. Waddell and Jarvla In this way Is perfectly ap parent. They are helpless lo quickly correct the reports of an opponent which may be sent out, and their an swers must come, only after a report la a day or more old. Here are two candidate In a measure defenceless. A report can be sent out, that one or both of Ibeea have withdrawn from lb contest, and before It ean b contra dicted many voters will ae It and read, and perhapa nvr learn diffrnlly, and thus have their volw diverted. This was done a few days ago not In a direct slatemeal, btst by a Insinuation thai Meter. Jsrvfi aad Waddell woald withdraw from lb raca by October 15th. Tbl la not Mty def Ibm gsnlle- mea an Injury In tbelr oandldaey, bat It discredits them as starting In a senato rial race lo be nsd aa a cat's paw for some other candidal. If tber la to b any political "Mob- keying" of this klad la la prt ( atorial race. It la not art dltrdlt bie to the candidates, bal h I a vr reflection on la parly which will ea- dire a candidal Being Men SMth- odt. Let lb senatorial cosiest b a hot oa. bat let bo Democrat forget that th ogni i aaioBg smart IB -wee po litical faith, aad therefore lot bo abas B(r Into It. Dr. W. II. UwU, UwreaoerWe, Ti, writ. "1 tlg Kodel Dytpep) uare la aay arson aaaou Bsawra ol ladlgeetJo feed tad H a adalrebU reaaedy." Maay headred physiciaai 6pad aaaalhoMatflCedtdDseeeyptJa Car) la Moetach UoabU. It Hgmt what yoa eat, aJ aflewt ye u aal alt la good food ye awd, rMIg y do aot cferload year ttoaaaiV Ohm laalMl telle! aM pirtBaaaal . f. Msiloaa Uvov rOUoar all Km III THE SECRET SERVICE. 4 - ct -kar DtaawtaaY i aVOOO Watii, - Bona- governments maks nae of bo kuerala for their ciphered communtca Uoua with their agents abroad, other mixture of numeral and words, and j et other exclusively words. Of course. tbe only problem that need solution lu dispatches of this kind, I to ascer tain tbe key number or key word. When that Is accomplished, tbe re mainder la easy, though generally very tedious. Indeed it Is difficult to conceive of a more tiresome, bead splitting piece of work than either to cipher or deci pher a dispatch of some 1,500 or 2,000 word. Tbe writer talks from sad and weary experience. Some governments change the key word or key numerals with eacb dis- atch. according to n Bottled arrange ment Others, again, change it every month. Sometimes It Is placed at tbe beginning of the dispatch, at other times at tbe end. To tbe uninitiated n disateh of this kind will appear in the nature of a Chinese puzzle, but to nn expert cryptographer the deciphering of a government code dispatch is mere child's pray. Occasionally the dispatch will appear a mere Jumble of consonants without any meaning, while at other times It will be so ciphered as to contain sensi ble and plausible sentences, the mean ing of which appears on the BUrface. it was a code of this kind that was used by the Spanish secret agents in this country daring the war with Spain, and tbe clever staff of secret eervlce men employed by tbe United Elates government were In a ver; ehort time possessed of a key to t' cipher In question. New York Trlbuu. . A KAFFIR "SMOKER. The Native Women Are Enthusiastic Devotees ol the 'Weed. In South Africa the native wornar smokes Incessantly. Your native sen ant smokes as she cooks and as she washes. The tobacco she likes Is rank. The dainty cigarette an English or Itusslan lady of fashion enjoys, smok ed through a quill, so uhat no nicotine can stain either teeth or fingers, would be sueered at by a Kaffir. "Give me a pipe and something in It I can taste," Is In effect what she says. The men Kaffirs are beyond tobacco. They smoke something so vehement that it makes them cough and splutter, lose their breath, choke and sneeze to an alarming degree. They like snuff. too, and are fond of offering and tak ing pinches of It ("schnlff" they call It) when they meet and visit one another. Regarding tobacco as too mild for their taste, the Kaffirs take another weed and smoke that Tbey proceed to arrange a smoking party, by squat ting on the ground and getting ready their "pipe," a cow horn with a thin tube In It Inserted half way down at right angles to the born. Tbe end of the tube is in a basin, and It Is from It that the smoker sucks the strong stuff that makes him Incapable of anything but a series of coughs and chokes for some tluio after he has had his turn at the pipe, which is passed around from man to man, until a perfect cho rus of coughs rends tho air. The tobacco the Boers smoke looks like poor tea and is peculiar In flavor, yet Englishmen who have becomo used to It acquire such a taste for It that they never ask for any other kind. London Mail. Relies of Former AgM. The big tree of California Is unique In the world. It is the largest oldest and most majestically graceful of all trees. Scarcest of known tree species. It Is the best living representative of a former geologic ago. It has come down through tbe ages simply by reason of It superb powers of defense against hostile conditions. The bark Is some time a much as two feet thick and Is almost noncombtiHtlble. Tho oldest specimens felled are still sound at the heart Yet, with all It advantages. tbe big tree do not seem to have In creased tbelr range since the glacial epoch. Washington Post No! Hla. The drill Instructor' face turned scarlet with rage aa he rated a raw Irish recruit for bis awkwardness. "Now, Rafferty, you'll spoil the line with those feet Draw them back bl atantly, man, and get them In liner ilafferty dignity was hurt "Plato, aarglnt" he drawled solemn ly, they're not mine; they're Micky Doolaa'a, In tbe rear rank!" A Ore II aad. R was dow fnHgbt handler. "Load those barrel In that car,1 or- r4 tbe freight agent "Ol can't load barrel In that car, or," responded too new man. "Why notr If a a box car. or." Chicago New. n Adirondack mountain embrace M km of over 2JB00.00O acres, and In tbJa ares folly 800 mountain peak rUe to aVOrnde rangtnc from l,ax to 6.000 Wtm thtsfi arc lmpolbltn thetn eai It ki xmH to much imeaaa aa that la wan tin; to briaa to a meeenfal lao. wes it m to airr cheat-? A ekp ramady for coughs and oolds U all tight, bat yoe want something that will rltv endear th mor aevsr aad daageroa rolu ( throat aad kiB troablea. What hall yoa do f Go I) a warmer aad moti regular ellmeUf Tea, K poalbi If not poaslbU for oe, thea la either eaa take the oaLf remtdy Ual hat heea latrodaeed la alt elrlllaed. aeMtrlea with iuocm la MVr throat aad Uag troabl, "Boeehee'e Oenttta Syrup," It aot Only heal aad llmulaU tha tlceoe ta deetroy th term db, hat allay talaaiaaUoa, causes easy ea peetomloa, gtree a good nlgfal't tMU aad dare the iwtlMt. Try oaa bottl. aataaiSDH Bal (1st la la world. ear rear try U drug. ror ai by r. e. Daffy. - J CAPUDINE HE1DACIIE & KECRAAGIA. I V, re, and 80o Bottlr. ', . ror Calo by Eradham. GOOD by theQuart Ivery bottle yon take of Johnitoa'i Sanaparule mem as better health, and verj bottle eontalo a tall quart It makes better blood purer blood. For thirty year this famous remedy has been oraatlag and malar talninc good health. Johnston's 5arsaparilla builds up the system, tones the nerves, and strengthens the muscles more promptly and effectually than any other remedy known. The pallor of the cheek disappears, energy takes the place ol languor, and tbe rich color of health Bows to tbe cheeks. Itlnequaued for all disorders of tbe stomacb and liver, and for alt weakening com plaints of men, women and children. S.U. ..,)... Mn.SI.OSfOTMIturihMSt. MICHIfjAN DRUO CO., - Detroit, filch. Sold by C. D. BRADHAM, New bern. Kitenuatlng Fact. Judge Yon hit the plaintiff with a chunk of coal, and your conduct pre sents not one extenuating circum stance. Defendant Beg pahdon, Sah, Jes' one, Hah. It was soft cOal, Hah. Liirge sun spots astronomers say ciuseu me extreme heat this summer, aiid doctors declare nearly all the pros i rations were induced by disorders of Vhe stomach. Uopd health follows good digestion. Kodal Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. If you have indigestion or dyspepsia It will quickly relieve and I erinanenlly cure you. F 8 Duffy. One Good tua"ty. "It's terrible the way the price of coal Is going up," walled the pessa mist. "Well," there's one thing to be thank ful for," said the optimist; "coal doesn't melt, like Ice." MOZLKY'.S LEUN ELIXIR. .egnluteB the tlver, SUmiache, Bowels and Kldkeys, For biliousness, constipation and ma hula. For indigestion, sick anJ nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart failure. For fever, chills, debility and kidney lisvsses, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough, or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. r0c aud f 1 bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. Ii. Mozley, At lanta, (la. A rroinliiont MlnlHter Writes. After ten years of great suffering from Indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kid neys and constipation, I have beeu cured by Dr. Mozley' Lemon Elixir, mid am now a well man. Ituv. C. C. Davis, Kid. M. E, Church South. No. 21 Talnall St., Atlanta, Oa. A I'romlnnnt Meniililan WrH. Dr. Ii. Mozley, Atlanta Having been a great sullercr for three years from ln illgeHtiou, and been treated by many physicians, who failed to give me any any relief. Continuing lo grow worse my brother advised me to try Dr. Moz ley s Lemon Eliilr, which remedy he had used for several years. I commencel its use, and must say that your Leuion Elixir Is the greatest medicine on earth. I have never suffered a day since I com menced using Lemon Elixir. K. L. Rocco, 200 Hernando St.. Memphis, Tenn. This Is lo certify that I used Dr Moz ley' Lemon Elixir for neuralgia of v the head and eyes with tbe most marked benefit to my general health. I wonld gladly have paid tflOO for the roller It has given me at a cost of two or three dol lars. H. A. Bkall, Clerk Superior Court Randolph Co., Ga Frraal Paradom. Teas She's awfully neivoua, Isn't she? Jess My goodness, yea. She be no nerves at all. It Is well lo know that Do Witt' Witch Hazel 81 v will heal a burn aad slop the pain at once. It will cur ex terna and skin disease and ugly wounds snd son. It I a certain care for plies. Counterfeits may be offered you. See that you gl the original DWllt's Witch Hazel Balv. F. & Duffy. WIsIm4 a OeMaraata. , Hibernian In front of unfinished build ing to fellow-workman at lfth-torr window Mulcahy, go to th spaklng lube. I weal to tell ye to eoaie down. "Well Ibis Is g real, I mast say." "What' the matter r " 'I gave Delia money to get me ante thing la Pari, aad here (be eeatUa BOUwhhthma worded a If iha 'weie anaklag aa a p recent of them." Mewaw f Obataaeal Fet CataTk That -, CMtaU Mrr.;-.' I as rcsry will nrely fintrey tha teas of mmII asjl OompltUly derange the whole ytm waea aaterlag It through the macooe- sarfsce. Buoh' artleiet aboald aoth ad a trept ah pmorlptlosi from rsptttabtjpbysleiaai, w tha dam age they will da b lea fold ta tha good yo eaa potiAf derlv from them, Bsll'a Catarrh Our, matofseiared ly f J, Chy 0s ToUdn, O., toatamt ae mereary, aad I take Internally, act ing directly epos the Mood aad.meeoas surface of th system. Ia boylag Ilall'i Catarrh Our be tare tea get the ga lea. It I takes Internally, aad mad 4a Toledo. Ohio, by t. t. Chy A Co. TaMiioonlal fr, - - Bold by druggist, price ?5 par bottl. II1I' family rill r tb beat - MADE HER FORTUNE. 'S: : m r- ' " . Buardlas nana SteoJta That Orwsr Ttatrr la4ea -"omr Toet Hamas. Y.!SiieaiUig of lucsV-said remlnta- jeeuc nmiv "reminds me of how fortune came to a boarding house keeper In a mill town where I once lived. ' There cauie to the house when he first struck the town a new inllrhand. This board er seemed at first Just like any other young nuiA with a good appetite, out of whom the profit to be made was likely' to be small, but It wub speedily discovered that he was a man of abil ity and promise, who was likely to get en at tho mill. Tie made great prog ress at the works. It wasn't long be fore he was at the head of the section of tbe forgo department there, the boss, In fact of the four ton hammers. "As far an he wag concerned the only thing that marred his happiness was the toughness of the steaks tbey had at tho boarding house, and that they were tougb nobody could deny. But he was equal to the occasion there as he hod proved himself to be at the mill " IMadaiu,' bo Bald one day to the landlady, 'If you will let me take the etenks you buy before you cook them I will make them Just as tender as can be without any cost to you whatso ever.' "Now, be had paid h's board regular ly, and he was at that moment virtual ly tho star boarder. Tho landlady handed him tho next morning without hesitation the bundle of steaks Just as It came from the butcher, and the ham mer boss Just took 'em over to the mill, this being before the regular starting time In the morning, 'and, adjusting one of the four ton hammers to about the right gauge, started it up and ran the steaks a couple of times under the hammer. "Goodt Why, they were Just simply beautiful, and every morning after that the genial hammer boss' used to run across to tho mill before breakfast and quietly,' without the knowledge of any one, run the landlady's steaks back and forth once under the four ton ham mer. Tho fame. of tho landlady's ten der steaks grew rapidly, as did also, naturally, the number of her boarders. And bo she accumulated wealth." New York Sun. HOW TURKS EAT. They I'm No Tables, Chairs, Knives, Forks or Plates. The Turks use no tables in their homes, and chairs are unknown, says Loudon Answers. Instead there In a huge wooden frame built in the middle of the room, about 18 Inches high, and when tho family assembles to dine cushions aro brought, pluced upon tbe frame, and on these the members seat themselves, tailor fashion, forming a circle around a largo tray which occu pies the center. The tray Is a very large wooden. plated or silver affair, according to tho social and Qnnnclal condition of the family, aud thereon Is deposited a ca pacious bowl. About It aro ranged saucers of sliced cheese, anchovies, ca- vinre and sweetmeats of all sorts. In terspersed with these are goblets of sherbet, pieces of hot unleavened bread und a number of boxwood spoons, with which to drink tbe soup. Knives, forks and plates do not fig ure In the service, hut oacn one lias a napkin spread upon his knees, and ov- erv one, armea wltn a upoon, neips himself. When this Is consumed1, tlio bowl Is borne awny, and another great dish takes its pluce. This time it is a con glomeration of substuutluls, all stewed up together, such as mutton, game or Kultry. The mess has been divided by tbe cook Into email portions, wldch are dipped up with tbe aid of a spoon or with tho fingers. For the host to fish out of tho mess a wing or leg of a fowl and present it to a guest Is considered a great compli ment, and for a Turk of high degree to roll a morsel between his fingers and then put It Into tho mouth of a visitor Is looked upon as the height of favor and good manners. A Dre Wanted. Our consul In Birmingham enys that several yenrs ago one of the Harbors, of threadmnktug fame, told him that tbe discoverer of a fast black dye for linen thread could command Ills own price. Examine tbe Uircad holding the button In men' clothing, and you will ae that after a abort time tho black disappear, and even new linen thread has not sufficient depth of color. It la Impossible to Und In the English shop men' black cotton socks with top at all elastic. The fast black dye for cot ton was tbe discovery of an English chemist. English hose manufacturers would not at first buy hla secret, but the Germans did and built up a trade all over the world. New York Time. Maitaal liMwaltlta "Bices my ouH" explained tbe man with tbe Iron gray beard, cordially ex tending hi handul "Ain't you the tow- headed boy that used to worry the llfo out of me 123 years ago, back In old Chemung county, by climbing my or chard fence and stealing my apples r "If you're tbe Infernally mean and tlngy old hank who owned that or chard and used to set your dog en any hoy who cam within half a mile of It. I am," replied tbe younger men, grasp-kif-th proffered band and shaking It ieartllyCblcago Tribun. To B Caaala. : "Toung man," said tbe editor to tha boddlng Joarnallat who-brought him a column story which could have beea told hotter la ten Uov "when a man dlacevtrs hla house I abiaa he doesn't go to tbwlndow and tell tbesasera by that 'half an boor ago what threat ened, to be' a terrible cou(1grtlod broke ant In the upper ttorf of tbe pa latlal tnaoaloo occupied by Mr. Jore ulah DtcteD." Be simply rushes to tb ftoet and shouts P1rr B ceav ewe, gaag mt&: i.f...- V-v . . ' --) i 1 1 "mi ' ' '- " Do aot get scared If tour heart trcablei yoa. Meet likely you iuT f rom'. ladl gmtloa. Kodol Dyspepsia Cat digest wbatyont and give lb worn oat stomach perfect est. It Is the only preparation known that completely dl gMts all claaaa of food that U mpf It euree th wont cam of Mlgestloa sad stomanh troubl ..after everything else ha fsllsd. It war be takas la all oondl llons and cannot help but do you good, r. 8. Daffy: ' - - : ' Whea la Baybnn atop at the Ltiptoa Dont for good aco" mvlatlon Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests tbe food and aids Nature) la strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It lithe la test discovered di get t ant and tonic. No other preparation can. approach It la efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Soar Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Cramps aud all other results of Imperfect digestion. PrlceSOc and It Large stse contains H times small slxe. Book all aboutdyspepsiamauedfree Prpard by C C. OtWITT A CO, Chlcac K M Y Criminal Court Jurors. 'I he Mlowing i the H hi cf Jurors for tlie special term, October Hili, oljiie Criminal Court. No. 1 Township Willie Kiikmmi, W. A. Swell, Sam'l. Kile, J. A Cnskii s Alfred (lallin, Leon C Dawson. No. 2 Township A. C. Ilollon, C Gaskins, W. H. Arthur, J. M Arthur No. 3 Township II. O Kornegay. No 5 Township ('. C Cuinbo. No. (I Towiishlp-J. it. Russell, J. Goodwin. No. T Township J. W. Conner, A. I . W Conner. No. Towii8hlp-C. V. McOchce, E. (1. Hill, Jr., J. J. Land, 11. E. L. lios.-, II 0. Armstrong, V. A. Vincent, V. L. Lewis, T. H. Kehoe, O. Marks, .1. A. Ilearne, F. F. Armstrong, J. H. McDan Icl, L. M. Edgerton, Geo. N. Ives, I). F. Atkins n, W. F. Crockeil, Jos. 11 Ililn- Mn. I. A. Willis, Geo. Itixon. No. 1) Townfhlp Guthrie W. Davis. United States District Court. The following persons have bicn drawn to serve lis Jurors at the next term of the lulled States llisiiicl Court which convenes in this city on Tuesday, October 2:inl, Hi 10 o'clock a. m. Craven County. L. II. Culler, Win liar rum (col.) John S. Morton, John Mu ter, Jonas Daniels (col). A. 1(. Dcnnison, W. F. Crockett, O. Marks, lliyan VV'hll- ford, II. M. Grovei', 11.11 Holland. M. Holly (col). I'hil II. Thomas, J C. Green, F. M. Cliailwlck, W. II. I sue, C, Wetlicrlnglon. Ileaufoit County. Jesse Mayo. K, Tuthill, F. K. Cherry, A. S. Warren. W A. Ii. Uranch loins County. I'anl Kooiuc, .1. S Hinder. - Lawience llom Hrock, Lewis Byuuin. Iilon. 1 :iac Greene Counly. pli Siil'k, Joseph .1. M r -i.i i k ' ' . il riek, D. W. .Jos- ' j. 1 - rick, I). II. Dixon. Pamlico 'ounly -W. Muse, It. F. Mel Wayne County. I'l kin, M. S. Lu CarU ret (ounly. -George Dees, 'oiler -W. Ii. l-'artiie ... W I'. Daniel H. F. Taj lor, Willi I .ei Ralph llnwlaiiil, I). M. Join ir Conniy. !t. F. Kit I.I.., Ni,-,l l::im llerrli.!:. Ilytle Colllily inii Ii. I'm Cnunly. I Onslow Ciuinly D-iil-i W alia).. nge li. MeC K. .1. Ilnrilh Kilgei'iHiiho County. . lex Miller Low Priced Campaig:n Offer. The Times, of KIcliQionil, Va , Dally ami Sunday, four months only $1 (XI The nexl few lannlliH nill cover llie 1'rirsiilciitlal snd ('onrer.sional cmii puili-t, and a few atlililjonal monllis will include the Inaugural of the Frei-nlcul a nil I lie ei. .si: of !ln: second session of the Flfly -sixth Congress. The Dally Times is prriilarly filleil lo cover the entile Ii. M with Its full Asso elated 1'rosB reiorts; lis laru stalT of special correspondents lliroiighoul Hie Slate, mid its staff correspondents at nil important news points. 1 lie Titties lias no ax lo Kiinil, II prints Die news as II occurs, and the man who reads (he Times gets all the news all the lime truthfully reported and unbiased In any particular. No subscriptions aecei'lcd at this rale after November 1st. Tlio regular suh rcrlption isle of the Dally and Sunday Times It $-1.00 per year, I2.C0 for six months and $1.2-1 (or llirco mouths, or f,0 cents pe'r month. Address Tint Tiuks, Ulrhmond, Va. Outing. Outing for October will Interest every body. It "A Treason of Nature," Charlea G D. Hoberts enters Into hunt lug from the Moose's rather than the hunter'a point of view, depleting Its de flanl lordship, Its passions, and Its un doing. ''The I'lace of the Automobile as Sport Factor," Is the abaorblnK qui tf Hon of the day. "Courting on Western Prairie," breathosthe almospheie of one of the most popular sports of the West "The Development of the Amorlcan Trotter" ia naturally Interesting In con nection with the modern speedway de velopment. Chtrlee F. Holder defends the mali gned nee-eatlng shark and satisfactorily proves thl -Big Hharks as Game" pro ride a mighty fund of spert. 'Hnort roval too, for angler Ii In "Up lb Klillgoache forSalmos." - - With lb opealng of th teste of ikat Sraat gamaIg Fooilall Twenty ve Year Afro," by a Princeton graduate of that era wilt he a entertaining pre lude. . ' 'i , "Tbe-adventures of Mareo Polo,n tbe greet! trattllsr tb world hat ever seen, are of -special tlmeltneat In th October Oallng. U Ilvd In China mor tbaa eeven hdrd year ago, end hi sulking i lory la Outing n from ih pea of Dr. K. L. Uoldeu. . ... Post pttlcd Box Renter. ?'JJ.. ' Whe teadUg aftet tbelr their melr the anirt either give' th - Bieegf their ky or written ofdet, aa positive! so hoi will hereafter be, opened by i ifi clerk la Jhl ofBo eioept Ipoa the wrttUn order (it th4 renter or a ben they make spplicatioa la paraoa. . . t BBTHoua W. Hanooca, '- , ; , rosimatltr. A.& N. C.R. R. 1 I V U l.l I N . II IMim W. ill esun , liply 18lh, r.i T-,iu lllbl ?riK K': No. S " i J ' 1 . M . I-. H N'IIMiLi.K: I I'""'" TiL' r 1 'I . on,)! N W. . 4 - I ATI. 'N.- ' MR lo.M : i 0 l-H .l0..'. i" ? I. II-! : ' N " K ... I 1 :i Mv'.l I'M I I ., II V l-..Vt 4 III ' II 211 . HI :m. . 10. Ml M l.ov.i l'Ll t ! 1 Ulk-:. N. -w iio No. 7. I,v. a. in. 7 40 . . . HOI h :io. . . Sli inlay Ni l;il ....Ol.l.WiOlO.... . . . . J.iiti liilil" .... . . . . . K ill'-tol: Ho .1 . New 1 1 l i s 00 i 2'i 7 17 i; ,7 i, i 4 2 II I.I ,r M li a I (.iij I. No. 1, f I ilx'cl Fl. und i I'aHH.Tn. I I .v. a in 7 0) 7 iiii Nn Mx'l Ft. n:i I Fif'S. Tn. Ar. ii ti, o r. . Golilslairo.. lit-Ht'H .. . I Jritii-.-. . Fulling creek. 'ja.svvcli .. Ar. I K.ver Lv core ere 'i'o- t--i:-!t .i . . i -lurk's ... . ..AT. Ne'.V lie:,.. I ...I.v. ;:iv; ru. .. . :-:tl.lM . . , IlliV.-loCl; . . N. M.r'. I . WlLltvo.-.l . A I l.-vnt i- .. .Ar. Mon-lie-ul eii.y, .Ar. M. i-ily Depot 8 11.. 9 27.. J 14.. 9 25.. '.I 40. . 10 40.. I 15. . 1 31.. 12 05 : 1 30. . 2 12.. 2 20.. 2 4.. :l 12.. t 25.. till . :! 4ii.. I 01 . . M. . . 4 fi.i . 4 :)i . :;;t 10 .. 2 00 . . I : . . 1 2U . 12 50 . .10 7 . . 10 10 . . 10 ll'l . 0 40 ii lll; . . M I". . . H'.n- . H 20 . . 7 5 1. Lv I v. .VI (T. inlay. W,'iy. 'I I. ill.. hi lay " S. mil '-'riilay. d Sulurilay, I, 1MI.I,, ii.-.'iipl n Sunday Passenger Excursion Hates. The a .v els after th: eilrsiun lal. Silnilays: - by :r..i .'r..iu M. ( i New; Neil t'me II..V. Kin-1 I. ill. i al. i i v ! , - 'I l.i 1 . i n -1 .- . Ilit e.-t fil :on l .imlis will i ;.l in .1 l.e . mil . I ;. i 1 1 AlUMIs" .0 I O Allan! iv 6.'oat Eji:. I I.M 1 N i . I - I I M II Ktreel W. ,1 i-; iV , i . i a i; 1. 1 a i;. i;m i;. i; :e-....J, All.'. 7. i ej-t Siui.l ,y. m t n . 1 1 1 t I:; I .i..i-n)'ei Ti,,ms vi a i n i ; Nrii Hi roe . . IWlS, Dm!) omx Nurili N . 511, Ar. p in 5 I' 5 01 I .1. 4 1- I'Ulli; Sol Nn. 51 i .V. 11 III, I' no. . . . I... I, mI5' , . . M,.;. - Me. . . .Ia. ki-"ll ill.-. 'iliiiiiij.r;on, I oi.'ii D.-pot 12 0 -' 2 :i2 2 15 . . M So. :i, lx'live Ar. W illllihl Lv. 2 V. V H Kni'liillT Nn. 4 Mondi.y. Weclnou- I'aksi-.nijj.i: W i I ruin l; 1 ill lay und Friday. Leave New Heme Tuea diy, Tliurailiiy and Saturday. !-V. A M Ar. ! M 7 110 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 45 8 40 Scott's II ill 12 55 ) WooiIbuIc 12 15 10 05 IlollyridK1' . .. .11 40 1051 Dixon 1051 11 20 Verona 10 21) 13 05 lacksonvlllr (14-, 12 .) Nortlienat H 55 M 55 Wliiterak H 50 1 HO Maysvll!.. ft (.5 15 I'ollocksvill,! 7 20 2 55 Deln uM's 3 40 Ar. Now Iwrne, Lv 6 00 laily Kxcop. Hunilay. J. H. KFNLY, lenoral Msnac Schedule of Mails. Arrival of mailt from north ami west dally except Hunday, 10:50 a 11,; 5 50 p. m. Wilmington and I he sotiili 5.')5 p. m.; Morehead City H tH) a. m. 1 eavo. North and west D 'iii a. ni. and SM) p. m.; Wilmington and emu h 11 00 a. m ; Morehead Clly 5:50 p. m. IDMI iVS. Mailt arrlvo from north aad not 1:40 a. m. fi50 p. m. Leave V:00 a. m ; and 0:09 p. m. the public will please bear In mind that tha morning mall for tha North and Wott clote al 8: 15 a. m. - That th afternoon mull for nmth anil weat dotes al 8:00 p. m. Por Morehoad City at 8:00 p. m. Alto tbst the arternoon train rarrles no mall for Intermediate polnla betworr here aad Goldsboro. lletpeclfully. - - , , BavMovs W. UancorK Jo'ylMOOO. I'ottmantor. ' rcufdde b. License Tax .- All rron who ar Indebted to the Coaety for rkhedale B. Llcens Tti, ere hersbr notified that II nasi 'he paid at once, aad ' ue heiog reported to Court a;f ireek, v- -' V- 'JOBO-n ElMdBfj - . ' ' Bbeillf CiMea Oounly Ate Coast iincEr.ilri.a4 Co, Cnndensed frhednle TKAlNo OlHISO SOUTH rut Hi ' ai i 'o y h i too 1 V, C V 's, c A M P M. T. .M.M.M ', ! I,v . V , M,, .Ml n .'.Mi J i. . . Al i.. iM . . , i irti -,! ..J . . . I.v Ti llo.lL' 'J!. II 00 i.v. it. Mt. : i i '. 'i :,. La. Wli.-oi., I . '.: in l. . Srliun '. - I I o I.v .':i' I ::n u ."'. Ar.Klurrnr. ' ? 1'-'.' tj 'Jl1. T. M A. M ! '. i:. ia 'i -'-Ti 2 40 Ar. ioiilri..l . . . I,v. ti.,1.1.....; .. I.v. Maiiai ArWilin'ton1 i; v.: .. . . 7 i . ii 2i i i ; T M A M '. 10 M TRAINS GOING NOKl ii c"3 : c j 1 ; ".- i c"; I : "a 'A M l I'. Ii I, .Florence; 0 .V) ; 7 l-v.Kav'ville.lJ Sir. . . . : U I ', ! Lv.Sclina. . 1 Wli in r,l! Ar. Wilson. I 2 :tr ... .11 :ut i - 'A.M.- !l'. M 'A. M. i ' . . 7 mi i :;fi . . .i. . .in ;on hi I -mi ....j o 12 20 Lv Wilm'tnii . Lv. M.m'lm . Ia. Golds. .: 'I' .M .' A.M. I'. M I'. M I.v, WiiHi.r 2 :t5 5 :i:iil :t:t;io 1.". I is At. 11. Mi . ' :i :m 0 m 12 07 . 1 1 2.t- 1 5:; Al . Till ilOln; . . . 0 l. j . . ! 1 V. Till h"l :- I 2 '..'i . . . i Lv. H. Mi. : :i ;io 12 07 I. . . . Ar. Wi Idoio I :',2'. . . I on . I. . . . i'. M : A. M i N'.-i,l k 111 r-ivisn-u M:im Ijii.e - 'I'l'lill leaves ilillillt;t..ll II i 0 a in, ar livos 1 av. tt.-ville 12 05 i in, Ii uvi-h Fay e!1e ille 12 '.'5 in. an i i Snnli.i.l 14:1 p in. Kellil lilliK leae ntif.u-.l 2 oil p lu, arrive l-'iiyetteville ' -I I in. leave Fnv e teville Ii -111 i in, adives Will: i II j-L, ill 0 411 p in. I '.eniiel tsville Hi aiu li Tr.-iihH leaves Keooetlsvilli H 05 a in, Jlnimi '.) Ill a in, il.- I !-pi l'l'.-i '.) M :: I.I, 1 Mills III ::2 ii l:i, ariive Fnyi 1 1. illr It) 55. Hot, li n ing leaves l-'a etti v tlie 4-10 pin, Hope Miil I 55 ti in, Ke.l r.iii-i 5:15 pin, li!5 .l.l. M-rives ii.-illH ILsville 1 15 p in. ( "oiipeel i"in at l-'.iv-tle ille vvilli train No. 7M, at MaMon '.villi tlie ( 'at nl ii.ii I ' ll, at lie.l Sj,r,i.;s with t 5e li'-.l Spi i ns anil liou-nnoe r.iilr.'a.!, al .'-:!'..ircl .1 with llie eal.i.ii.l Air Line ami Sou;l,:--:i l-u!. ,;v. it Hull' -.Villi llie Diirli un an.l ( 'lu-.i 1. t ; l.".,;!ii.ail Train -ni Hi" Cclhi.-I N. d; llr.wli HI....I leav .. ' ;.t..n :; ",.'i p Halif.i.; I li p in. ;.!'. .Si-.l! oi.l ,-eli al 5 US p in, til. i n. . ' '157 p in, Kiiiiini 7 55 ; in. I !i t u . 'iij- !- :i . . i :u ion '.' '.'I u nl . n -ii--. illcH ' i : -i, .irrivii:;; ! ! ! i fa al II 1 -l 1 1 -. W.;!--n 1 1 :..'' -1 i.i, iiailj ex- .- I'1 -I' . 'I r.,n-s .-n Wipiliiie.'t..;. iii:,i eli leai' Wa..ln:.y'..u H lo a in :.i..i 2 . ) p in, ar rive r.-iritii-ln ! ;'i i.:. I 4 mi p in. re- l;u inn-; le.iv.- ('..rioi ' !i :'i-ii-. i'. ;:o p in arrive W.-n-liii-et-.o li o mi in ;ii..1 7 50 p in, .!.-. . , i ;-l M.i !i,v. Ti .in I. a ve '1 ;-:!.. -i 1 1. I : . .i., . i y e tec ft ' S'lii-lav 5 l j. n; ,11'. p in, ,. j r;-.. I'lvlnoiit'i . lo p in. li lo i m. ,.. ! ti: : M 1 T ii1, . i.'Vi . 1 I v I:. 'HI I 'i .t-o'v' i Mept I Si inlay. 7 5" a in, nml S:ni.l:iv '.' OO a in, I an ive.H Tarli'.ro 10 10 a m. II lei a u, 1'iaili on Ml ! lui li 1 , N t' I'ram-li leiives 1 I J .l.l-l.-i ir. . daily, except Con.l.iy, 5 ;:tl a. ni u'liviui; Smillilii -Id 0 ID a hi. Itetnrn il j;lenveH .Slllltlilielil 7 5". a 111. anivi-s it li.. Iilslmro II 110 a in Tiains 'Hi N.i-li-.iile l'ri.iM-h leaves ; ia c . v Moiii't at 'l :tO a ni, lo ji ni.aruv-e , Na-livil!,- 1(120 a ni, ll-ipni. .Spline, ll.. i- 1 1 00 a in, 1 '.' . p o: lv Im eo:r l,-:ue ) Spri-i Hope 11 20 a in, I Vi p in, Nn-i;. v llie 11 45 a in, 5 25 j i:i. in ri , at KiH-.kv Mount 12 '.0 a in. II 110 p ni. daily except J Sunday. Ttani on ( "1 1 : 1 1 1 Hi Ilfalieli i.ave., W .i j saw lor t in. ton dnilv, rv.. pt Sionlai, 1 1 10 a ii! anil l 2.i p in, 10-tn i miij; leav. h t'linlon at 0 -15 a m an.l 2 (i in. Tei:ii N" 71' inakes i I...-, eoiinei ti.iu at Wei. Ion t"l ail points .Vollt .laily all rail v ia Klrlonoii.l. H M K.MKIWO.N, tlen'l I'aas ARent. ,1 It KKNLY. (ien'l Mana-er. T M K.MKItSON. Traill.- Mnniifrr. Russell House. While In Ileauforl lie sure and stop at the Uusell! House. First ( lass Hoard. A home for traveling people. Fishing a. ul hunt'nir unexeelleil. 'lerrns 1.25 dsy or I5.CHJ per week U A. KL'HHKLL l'ror CAROLINA INN, IIiokiI .' tie '. Nc.v I e n. N (' Open to the Public, With Latest Modern Improvements. Table l lrsl ( lass. Hut sail ( old Hatha. 8 nip e r i. s ( -r - niinen al ni M1(J .u. II HTKKKT. I' opr.eires REAL ESTATE I (lily Ileal Fstiiln liounlil and on rinnn.lss ir. C lectin i of Itenlt fo: lh.c In tie c ty -ell a i it os living o Ide. K. 10. IIAltPKIt. Special Term Criminal Court. A special term of the I astern ltrle Criminal Court having been reijueated b the Itoard of Commlatlnnera of v'ra vee county, the lame has been onl red by th Hod. Aegnstiis M. Moore, ,li dg of Hit Eastern District tn oonven atthai court bona In Mw Pcm for the ' Hall nf criminal cautea lo enmnenca Monday. Odober 8th, IBM, and cnuUnoe on Week, anlsM lb betlee of th trm shall he disposed nf erller. By order of Judg Mooir. W . M. Wtno . . " tlerh. ' Bepl. flat, 1900. . Tha On Day Cold Cure), : Cnl ta hM4 a4 tkmrt mm M Kf. miaCkomUm La4l Mali, at taataasaMlf, k.ktMmicrr l Iktat,"

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