F "'I . t. U, Syrup-Figs AcirfJmantfyandJhmptfy. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. Presents in the most acceptable form the laxative principles of plants An own to act most beneficially. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE , KY. NEW YOHK. N.Y. for ssle try drvgisH - prte 50 per bottle. New Kern, N. C, Oct. 4, 11100. Index to New Advertisements. Oaks Market-Pork. II. E. Royall-Fruits. .!. O. Baxter Optical. J. J. Baiter Clothing, etc. James B. Dawson Tobasco. Whllehurst China Opening. J. L. I.c.Danlel Buckwheat, c'c. Simmons & Hollowoll Co Fashion Paper. Business Locals. Obl) KNOLI8H l urve Cut and Bingo Cut Plug Smoking Tobacco at James I! Dawson's, 103 Middle street. Jacobs' Raleigh ltye best. Middle street. whiskey la the CHINA Opening to-day at Whltohurst's. BIO LOT of Pears, Grapes, Oranges, Apples and Bananas at the Broad street Fruit Store to-day. II. E. Boyall. 1'OKK at this week. the Oaks Market ovcry day I.O.ST. White and yellow Setter Dog, scar on left fore leg, answers name of l.cc. Liberal reward for its return to Carolina Inn, Broad Btreet. I'OUK, Veal and Lamb at the Elm Market this morning. City I'TNKSI' line of .Meats of nil kinds be found at the Oaks Market todav. FOB Fine Pou'try call at Oaks Mark" NICK fresh pork sausage today nl the Kim ( lly Market. l'AI'l.lt FOB SALK, suitable Lo pin iiii der limiting or carpets, at Journal olllcc W A NT to Borrow Some Money. W ill give lirsl-elaHS city property sieurliy Address l'osloliice Box 40.1, New I. em N C. ' I-1 N h stall Ted lieer, choice ciiib 10c. per poiinil at the Kim City market, Snelling's o d stand, Broad street. 'Phone Nil DONT ruin your eyes with poorly fitted and common glasses, but got the very- best made In the world, and accurately filled and adjusted to your eyes In frames neat and durable. Perfect satin faction guaranteed. Don't dolay. The present Is all that you can claim. Bai ter, The Jeweler. MISS 8MALLWOOD will re open her school, Monday, Oct. 1st. Pupils taken In both advances! and primary classes. Those desiring placet apply to her No 1 111, Craven street. I'SE House's Chill Hyrup for all Mais rial disease!. Druggists will supply It. H. Berry. IIU8TLINU young man can make W p;r month and expenses. Permanent position. KipericDce unneoeaaary. Write quick for particular! Clark & Co , 4th and Locust Su , Phils , Pa School Notice. All persons Interested In paying learh era vouchers due for past years are hereby Invited to appear before the county Hoard of Kducotlon at a regular meeting to be held In New Bern oo October H I'.KX), and eipreae their views at to whether such voucher should he paid wholly out of the fund of the cuirent year, or paid In Installments for two or three yean. This September 19, 1900. Jon a P. Lo' n. Fecretary of the Board Millinery Announcement. Hlmmont llollowell Co., will btve Ortnd Opening of I heir Fall Millinery on Tburtdar Oct. 4th 1800. For disinfecting, ate cborlde of l ime from Davit' Pharmacy, CURE YOUR HEADACHE With CAPUDINE Mo bad avr erTijU whaWyer.- ' 16c, Km iM Ite., ff feWVy T ?,A 11017 m4 DtV rkamaoyt ' , .' ; - IN AND ABOUT NEW BERN. Late Happenings Dealing With Matters Of Local Interest. Yom Kipper, the Pay of Atonement, was observed y the Jews In this city, yesterday, by closing their places of bus iness Mr. Tho. I). Lindsay, Jr., of Beau fort, N. C, has accepted a position with the wholesale grocery house of Messrs. y. A. Paris & Co. Fish were in fair supply yesterday and oysters for local trade were brought in. The rainy day Interfered Bomewhal. Uray trout were in abundance. Mr. 8. M. Hrinson haB received his of ficial commission as suli-elcclor for Craven county, from the Stale Kxecutive committee. Mr. J. C. Thomas, Jr., I1119 been appointed by the National Oenio cratic committee, a special representa tive for his precinct. Yesterday's rain Miows up the bad condition of the sidewalks down tow! . The west side of Middle street between Pollock and Broad was in horrible cr.i - lilion most of the way. The west side ..f Middle street at the market is very bad. Hollows in the walks an-sure to lioiil standing water. Something should tie done as it is a disgrace to llii: city. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. W. li. Blades left by etcaim r Neuse last night, tor Maryland. Mr. W. II. Oliver left by last night's -learner on a business trip to Kichiunnd, Va. Miss;" Mary Jones and Annie 1 1 an If left yoMerday, returning to the Male Normal School at Creciishoro. Mrs. Basil .Manly ami sons. Masters Mat t and llusil, rt turned on the JMls a'erday from North Hal ley, Canada. Mr. (Icorgo II. IJobeN's Cashier of the National Hunk; went to liie,,i,iond v rday to attend ihe medium of th iueriean Itnnkcru Assoei.tl'un. Mrs. William lloluslcr, Jlnj Clover, and Misses .ieuueile Ilol!i.-ler, Sadie Ibdlislcr and Marv Union icturu 1 from Black M ounlain, ,. (' last nielli. This is t lie season when ninth" tlarmcd tin account of croup, luickly cured by ( hie Minute 'urc, which children like to lake. ll i Duffy. Winston Fair. Lady Marshals. The reidinont I'aiU Company, of VVii aton, N. ('., reiiicslcd Hie i-Vrks of the court of the ( ounlies of t f - Male to appoint one youn lailv ol their icppei live Couniics to act as honorary marsh at their Agricultural Fair and llm Miow whicti opens the .loth nt t!ie j . ri-s- eiiih month. Acting upon Iheir reiiiesl our cici Mr. Watson, has appointed Miss Isabel ..onsiancc nrvan or .New iieru. a liono rary marshal from Craven I'ouutv V regard the app-ii n '. incut as a veiv lii one and hope 'ii-. llrv'in i 1 1 aeci pe HoinT.uy lady niai-hal ; v i- an a tractive feUnre ( our h,l -lid, 1 .dr. W. II. Ronnlrec, D-nJ. The Kin. t. HI insl. reporl '.lie Neck town-.hlp, II Uounlree, a.i Mr. Knlllllrce children, Mr. W eil y be in.; a s n The Millinery Openings. The adveitisiug Columns of the ,d .i -i u, are su eially all i :n live I' I., ucek for the ladle, anil today it Hie day, Thursday, October lth, i n which Ihe .Millinery ipenlngs so dear to the femin ine heart, ate lo occur The weather clerk picdlcts rain out side, bill 1 li o Joi UN a i. is assured that the event, the Mlllnary Opening will take place as advertised, and that the Indies who visit the store, a adveitlsud, may feel assured of seelim attractions, Mml will forgel Hie weather oulside, when Ihey view the displays indoors No other pills can equal DcWiu's Ml tie Parly Risers fur promptness, ectlaln ty and ifllclency. V. S Duffy Patrick-Tucker. Miss Betsio Tucker, eldest daughter "f Mr Eugene Tuekei, was mnrried nt In r homo yeslcrdav morning al S ::i o'( doc ., lo Mr. Joel I'airh k, of Oilfton, N C The marriage ceremony wn purfornu d by Her. it. B John Mr. Patrick It a merchant ,1 ling h i Inesi at Orilton, ami la held In esteem by those who kn w him. The newly married . .lipid left nu llnr A. A N. C. train for a short trip, and will mike (Jrifum their home Premium Sale Today. Tobacco rame to Ihe I'lanlen Wate houto yetlerday In largo qiiautlliot, f r the premium tale today, 'iiifro wire throe car loadi of tobacco from do!! the road. If It bad not been for the heavy raiaji. Manager Howard thlnka the floor wnald no( bare bald th" tobaooo, and at It In the tale will be larger than lett premlona dr THAT JOYFUL PEELW0 . With the exblleratlng tente of renew ed health nd etreflath and loleraal leMllaata, which followi'th aatwf Bjmip of riga It unknown to tho few who bare sot prnfreiaed beyoarj the old tin Medicine and. cheap eubetlintM sonatina offend hat oaret accrued by the well Informed. Buy tha gna Jne. MaatfaoMrwl b tha Oallforala U'lg Bymp Co, - - . , . f , aWetha ' A m tn ktt hot 1 ree i'riM, ,,r I In- .lid .1-iMl :U I ..ill- Ml n. II I en m r mi nl nt' ,'i d "i'.l yen-. h it a if.' and .-lev ei: '. F 1 : i . 1 1 i : r i " , ol tlii of l!i. oei u ,-,! City Aldermen Proceedings. ' New Bern, Oct. 2nd 1900 v Board met In regular session, "Mayor Patterson presiding. Aldermen present, Parker, Foj, Oerock, Watson, Bowden, Davenport, Philips, McCarthy, Johnson, and York. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. Petition of J. A, Bryan, Pres. A. & N. C. li. H. in reference, to railroad track crossing Soulh Front street. TJpom mo- ion was referred to Chairman Street and Pump committee,- City Attorney added, with power to act. Dr. Francis Duffy presented to the Board the following re quest: Upon mo tion was granted. It is ordered that In consideration of the removal by Dr. Francis Duffy of the leps from in front of the brick building No. i!7 on the cast side of East Front street, being the second brick vbuilding s mth of Pollock street, and whereas the said stcpfl so removed have projected Into the street and upon the side walk for a distance of five feet or more for a period antedating the Cival War. and ill lonsideratiou of the improvement of said sidewalk by such removal of said stops, Dr. Francis Duffy is hereby granted per mission lo erect, steps on the west side of the brick building at Hie soulh east inter of East Front and Pollock streets lo project not more than lour feci from I lie west wall of said bunding. Ollicer V Lupton's resignation was presented to Hie Board aud was ac tfptcd. I'pon motion the board proceeded lo elect a policeman in place of Lnplon re- iirnctl. Mr. E. F. Kowe w as nominated and having received ten votes, was dc lared elected. I'pon motion the Clerk was instructed lo order at once ten boxes for lire alarm keys. I riou motion it was ordered that ic soon as all in any block In the city col. iiect. Willi city sewer said block shall have free sewerage. All voting yes, ex ecpl. Aldcnnln Foy, voting no. I'pon motion il was ordered thai any on" failing to pav their water and sewer (cut within ten day;', from beginning o llie ou.'uler the Kutiel lutelidenl shall cut olT their connections. I pon motion the ( hlcf of I oliec was empowered lo have I he healer at City Hall repaired and to pun liae wood for ('tly use. I'pon motion of Alderman Watson, a compensation was allowed City i'bysi eiau for atiendlng tin' smallpox and su iicct cases of the Oily at the rale of fiOtl.OII per month. l p hi motion the water coiiiiiiillci with C. E. Foy added was requested lo fo: iniitale. a business plan lo operate w.iter and sewer syslem New Bern, N. (,'., October 2, I'.IOO. l'o the Hon. BoiihI of Aidcrincii oi tl.o New Item. Oentlcinen: I have the pleasure ol making the following reporl for Hit month nf September Have disposal of Liiiriy-l wo ;I?) cases, :;1 of which wen eomicled, 1 discharged and I sent lo jail. A niou n t of li ;e s a:nl cost imposed hi ; e cut ( lte.r I'lllM. iv 1,1 illll! T I' di ilar- and toil Ibllolted. ! li-os, M-iy New Bern, ' . I ' . icioiier . (' the lion Miiliir II. 'il-l . r.ioo of lilt A hit riiieu. l.i nll' incn ! i'-u J lea-e find : .01 1 1 or tin- ii. mil h i I :-i tii i in :c r. no Wf Iiave made ainl 'Miine; month ol wuich .ill wi re C'OU m led a ii., I i dischiuged an I 1 cut I" J til. Fine- and eo. , oil, ( . d J I lo i lid nut c.nliec'i .1 i!l ml Tola! 'I'he above auu luriiid orer Hie T ... y... ni Y,:: in bai HHiin i and 1 h, l-c, n Id hi- re-eipt for the 'J'Uli,-. I'i.ii, i, nr. ,n ii. Inforiiul. K Warrant BrliiBon I S Montague. . . ' 11 I.upton 7 :; Dixon . I Smith ll Lewis. ' :t Totals .... '-'i I lllicer Hi liiison, almeul , sick 7tUs 1 upton, " !l " Sinilh, " 11 " Dixon. " 'J - Wcpccl fully iibmlled, J M IUiuiutt, C. of P BeguUr and oilier bills allowed. Bonn! look recess stibbvl to call o Mayor J. J Toi.son, City v'leik SPEAKS HERE OCT. 16. Dr. B. 1 . Dixon Will h: Here and Dlwim the Issues. It It eipccicd that tbero will lie a number of good eakers here from now until the close of the campaign. The following received yesterday by the County ChaliRuu It a good announce ment: IUi.kiiiii, N. C. Or:. . Mr. C. T. Walton, Now Itern.N C. Dear Sir 1 have made an appoint- ment for Dr. D. t. Diion In tpeak at New Bern In your Cnnoly on Oclober ISth. Pleaaa adverili thlt meeting thoroughly and gel oat at large a orowit aa potilbb- V ours truly, T. M. BiMHotm, . . .. '., Cbalrtiah. Tha beet method of aWaaatalg lb liver la the net of the fanona little pill known at IHWItt't Llltla Eailt HI ten. Km) lo taka. Narar gripe. , f. 8. Dully;. Wanted I .. One joting mea from Crave) ononljf, lo prepare for lb oomlng Itallway .Mail Bervlce Eiamleailoa. W farplah evrry thlac, Including book ami wap. A1 dretn, enclnelag itamp, latar-Aiata Cof renpandotitt Intlltnle, Oedar Itapldt, it, ; ' Th On Oe Ootd Our. ' PnretAii. and wtrvlhrMt " rnwiH'CW4 imiem l. ! Baltic. tiMmif take at u,f a4quKaiy out. ON PUBLIC ISSUES. . Hun Dan Hugh McLean Spoke Last Nlfht To a Fair Sized Audience. I In spite of the continued rain there was a fair attendance at the Court House , last night, to hear the Hon. Dan Hugh ; McLean, of Harnett, Elector-at-large, , apeak on the public Issues of the day. Mr. McLean is no stranger to New, Bern, and the attention given laBt night by his audience showed the appreciation iu which he is held. : Mr. McLean was introduced by James A. Bryan, Esq., and after speaking a few words iu complimentary terms of the peopls of this city, Mr. McLean spoke of the apalhy that was prevalent in North Carolina, when most momentous issues were at stake. The reason for this apparent Indiffer ence the speaker said was lo be expected when It is to be remembered the struggle through which the people of the State had just passed. ' But it was necessary that the people should arouse themselves again and go forth to victory. Mr. McLean reviewed the situation in Cuba, Porto liico and the Philippines, allowing that the Kepublicuu parly was lo blame for Ihe errors and mismnnaL'c meiit that had been going on, and that i lie liberty which was promised llieee peoples had never been realized by hem. The speaker also showed the evils which threatened the country under an growing up of an Imperialistic tondciicy under the Republican administration. There was frequent applause given the speaker, during his speech. The JnuitNAi. wishes to urge that In future, the people of this city, and coun ty so far its possible, shall attend all pub lic speakings. The names of the speakers is enough to guarantee a large audience, and it is certainly due these speakers in all cour lesy and respect that they be given a large attendance. Another thing about these public speakings, is that they have an educa tional tendency, ami every one of them ran bo attended with profit and in terest. Toi luring skin eruptions, burns and -ores are soothed at once and pioinplly healed by applying I )c Will's Wilch Ha zel Salve, the best known cure for piles. Beware of worthless counterfeits. K. S. Dully. B. & L. Association Meeting. The New Bern Building and Loan As sociatlon held Its annual meeting last nk'ht In the city hall The Treasurer's report was read and a, lopted, and in Hie election of nlllcers, the same ones were re-elecled. Bcantln !tl K:rJ Y'U H,in AUajrs Boj-'M ri TO Have .Just Received A Sample Line of the "KSP 'Sartre "STSf A 'WFY ilYir UK 1 AIN 1 LADIES Celebrated Drew, Selby & Co. 's x rt S And. any Lady desiring the LA TEST in FOOTWEAR, would do well to look 1 fTION. JO SPECIAL ORDERS. f V. i rj . r-'.n l;ti) - .. y P ',' s ; .'4UCCGS50kS,TO O. p- A A, Should be Satisfied. Cotton Is telling atlOeentsin Au;- uat, and there is no kick coming from the farmer at this price, and Iheie ougl t ! to be none from the manufacturer. If hit business Is not so adjusted that lie can operate his mill on 10 cent cotton it Boon will be, and it ought to be. It is certain that the farmer caunol complain at 10 cents a pound tor cotion. Two yeai9 ago he sold it for H cents, and a year ago for six and a fraction. Tlio-e were not remunerative figures At fi cents the average farmer lost nmiiej. though Borne made a profit even at that It was generally figured out thai Ihe faimermuBt have 7 cents to make Ins cop pay. But if anyone had lold him he would get 18 cents Ihe prophet would have been pul down a3 a dreamer. But 10 cents a pound Is here as an actual fact. More was paid for a while but 10 ceuts a pound Iscnough lo salisly the farmer, aud it seems piobab'ic Ihal the crop conditions and the world's siq ply will continue to justify those liuro 1 hey make a new ei a for the Southern fanner, ll has been a long lime i-iiu e he could figure his collou at iji"0 a bale and il makes a mighty pleasant basis lot figuring. Of course he wisle s be lied more of it, hilt if all had more of il I in i; it would not be worth 10 cents Let iiiiu extract the plcasuie out uf present con (lit ions without vain regreln Unit In didn't sell when the market wanner II cenls, or that he didn't raise twice ... many bales. Augusta Chronicle. The Neal .Receivership. MesBrs. Oulon and Dunn, receives I o the li. S. Neal properly, returned from Carolina City, after taking charge of tin property of that place. It is the purpose of the receive,; ': sell the property of Mr. Neal, includim: mill and timber land, as a w hole, and not divide it up. Trenton. October :rd. Km,'. Miss Kslell Murray alter niakiim ;i: extended visit at (ileeuvilte has lei ,a ee,: home. Rev. .1. M. Ilensou a'-i-:led In .' ' i I'airaway ol Beaufort, held a proiiai u i meeting in Hie M lv Chinch lasi w,i There was a lire alaim in h ,, 1 Monday, Mr. W. A . Cox ilghlcd m-iu paper in the lire place and the el.iie;. burned out. Snu lie In gun lo c mtr through the ceiling, owing lo i be ,! !. of the chimney, a lit tic excileiiient ;.'r no damage done. Misfortunes never come sin, jh- i.a ,,!, M rs. L.irtiu, wife-of M r. iv .1 l.-.i i in. :, parted Ibis life lal Tlniisdav, an i I lerday liirt hiiihIIchI iiil I wi-ui t mother in the ccirli tl t ih . I reft hitslinnd lins n.ii l,i:wl It I pul hies. j Mr. K. A. KImmIch lu,, (.:i where ho will pun UnM- :i hiijM j f rtl I Ofltltf. I Mr .1. K. Dixmi luis secim A : wtlh thu Mnyhvillr S-ipplv ('.. I irel tn see him h-nve THE 1ARK5 CO. ' $ O iiair.i. l r?f ':-hnS ' Will 7!i:l!.- ' i. Ml OTEcHJcHG I FALL MILLINERY) is rs iivlic you to i KID (JLOVi- 5A5J": h on? semi - dies Kid Gloves on ui on sale for we k Ladies Warranted t our tt,'!.;," j i .V'j Of Pair r : " mi r i.i . t : - i. i . ,w a a rs ra h t-m v e. a & We I Bey T ! I'liov i t ;i l r V MM', l,i il a j Kentucky A i .. . i li Prompt i If joil Wiml it jrond cup of ilclicioug colTce buy u viiim1 anil yon will get it Thi coffee in fMint1 to any roffoo in tho iimrki t, refrnrd 1cm of firlop. Grocer. . . . .. o i o 9 IBS T A visit the store. our custom for f 1 - 1. ci. t'W years to no. vie annual sale of La- Opening Day, so 7 this day 200 pairs Kid Gloves in black, move, uniy ' , to each Purchaser. cBARFOOT. i asm Winter T Oct A .4, & p Mi r. B "& SkS KnaP ' Will inn' C:i rria;ve Tii'tifi, !".d l i i i 1 1 J.-. "; lor i n- oiir w.mta. Wo iasi'wili Hardware Co. l)e!ii;lil, Stoves Our Specialty. NKW Itl'.U'-J N C Delivery From Dunn's 1 1 i t ii I ' fl ii e I M'i'l M ln n ii di r ) , ,,ir I o-.d toippl ich f 1 1 in liaiilr Mlor.-. N'.- i oi vll -, er . ileum i I of a 1 1 r I i Ihsn V tra le with the (Milder it an I Ka'i:-y Urocrie, Bel 1'ickln, Hiucei. Dine, fa I'll il ilultnr. and Tor llama c i H illom I'rl.M. H v i It i in ike a snccl'ili y 1,1th K r , 'e Ti an an I l)olTees. Our I'erfoctlon lllcnd Coffee Is Fine, Price Only 20c.