' - ' - . -.. ,..;.. ' ' IU. I I I I Ml I . II I I NEW BIftR, N. C, SiTDRDAT M0ENIS6, OCTOBIR G, 1900. VOL. XVIII-NO. 163. NINETEENTH UAlt fWe Have Been Looking for You. ifs mr - . .1 u 'J ft i Yis. the season of tin" oyster and the huckwht-al cake In drawiiu- near, and while ibe iuciIi in tutting his li.m bill oat of yvtr Inter mat, ml : he ruddy pumpkin Is baking In the autumnal bue--.. c would n mind you luat Its hUh "- in he thinking of your Winter Shoes. You well ei rt nim-li service from yi-'ir leet before the robins nest apain hi d smelv in return ou oueht to Rive theui your care and bj mp&thy. We have Iprovlded a stock t)f fool-wear to suit every man, woman and child in fcew Bern. We have room for nothing but the 11 EST. Oood leather, good workmanship and correct styles are features shoes MU8T pooss in order to stcure a place on our shelves. We have the exclusive sale ii Now Kern iif Zie'er. IMint and the Em prop? Hl.nea. Ofir s nt Is to do not onl; as well,' but liel'er I'.an any other stnri in New Bern that is -e intend (rivins you more for the nu-.moi.. y than you can pet elsewhere, then mrely, when n-nA for yonr wln'or siloes, your feel will turn toward our door. We have also a c"ii'ilete stock of Diess (Joods, Silks, Hosiery ajiil Under wear, also a nobby line of notions. Cal and examine for yourself. Si A fivsh lot. Corned Portsmouth Mullets and Si, i. ill : i; I Inn is .". to (i His. Also sin:tll liivakfast Stiii-. 'it 2 (inoil ! utter h- Ili, Very l.e.-t Klfr'm and Fu H:i-r Print Butter tit ;!(),'. ' :,1V :l .'V'll - 1 or Mil' Spalli-dl I J. Hit 'I'' ''' I. illi'l Luun- dry Soaps. ' 1" 1 1 . y are Jjlia lull Led lo t'lliv Ileal, i " i It. 1 '.-!, Salt Kheiini, Teller, P.lack Heads ami other Skin Diseases. They fi are I'uivly Vet;. I ride. C (iive in a (rial for anything in I lie (imccry Line anil we will tin "iif l.e-l lo tileaw nn or r fund vonr nene. .' tut l fur Business, s J. R. PARKER, JR., GPOCRR, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. Julias M. Arnoldt A' I''x-liiiiiy;' Wnhl.M, lIorMi'N V 3uU'N, Rn(ri', Wnnr,g, Harness, Whips an I KoIm'S. ti'arl wine's n ip ceilly. UT Wdl be opc.i fur hun'me Oct. r, I No aiV-Kriail Miieel, New fli rn. N. ('. 1 s.yt V .m-Z, tj "; i.fl fc I If I n 1 n " I- tkrf ".:tk Wc ho just received A line of the alxivr well known ShiK'S mill invite your itiHieetion. We have (hem in Kit) Intent I-ather Htul ( alf I ntent I-ather in both button and luce and in txith blac'i nd tun Viei Kid. Call carl J and get jour choico of Style and Size. J.G.DUNN&CO.,! 1.1 tni.rf!ir btuvbt ? 0 -ii o is 4 s Hill STBIKE. , Contest In Alamance County As To Control Of Mills. Holt Kills Nted Fr ttuoa Treat meat. Cy TaoBipsoa Oa Kle tloa. (aeitUa Orflalppinpr Sweet fetatoev, Meltane Iajnred. Special to Journal. Raleigh, Oct. 5. There is a squat e Hght between the cotton mill oviners aud the labor unions In Alamance county The operatives in the three Holt mlllB l Haw River struck. Those In one mil, asked for the discharge of the superb, tendent, and struck because the dematii was not complied wlib. Those In th tw i other mills struck for sympailn I he Holts are the pioneer family in e,e tin milling Id North Carolina, and liav always been model of kindness to on p yees. (,atl year the New Englau. abor unions, wishing to organize laboi n the Southern cotton mllli, sentai i.Htors here to organize unions, and thi i what causes the trouble. The mil; moil are determined. T..ey know th whvle story, All the mills in Alt.ni.inci and there ate 25 of I hem. save four, por notices that lues will not employ an pe.soo who Is a number of a lata, union. This makes a square test. A mill owner says the mills have made im moi.cy idnce August 1st, and ought t have shut down then, but they were kept In operation In order to give work o the emplo)es, of which, lu A lamas i alone there are.7,000. The labor sgiia t . s have made the claim that they ha e organized unlo'is In practically all tl e nulls In the Slate. Last summer one he Holts at liurlinglon had trouM i tli I he Union and came out a wlnuei . inn t licit! vtss trouble at (irieusbor .ml si Ihirln.m Al the latter place 1 1 nil! owner out of putt kindness ol heai lid the blrlkcra' families. A monument Is being placed over Hi rave of Secretary of Stale Oclavlu ' eke, in Oakwood cemetery here. It I ( blue pearl granite from Davlo counl .lid bcurs this simple luscilplloii: ' O, i. .i i u b lule, born in Willlaniibuig, V Oct. 14, 1840 Died August ,30, lb05, ii Kalt-ljP." Cuir buttons have made their appear n ee. They are while and red, with litem words in blue letters: "For Senator. Julian S. Carr." Joi n Hprunl Hill, a native of Duplin county, tills Slate, Is the nominee foi t'ongicss from the 12th New York (J It -tricl. Since the bankruptcy law went Into (T-et only 07 cases have lieeu filed here. ( his Is not one-fourlb of the number ei- pectcd. (.'yrus Thompson, Secretary of Stall and the head of the Mlddle-of-lhe-Roul I'opulitts In North Carolina, said today, In speaking of the campaign In tbti -(tale: "Politics Is 'deader' than I evet -aw It; so dead that I am afraid the Mid illi of-ilic Koailers cannot carry the Slato." The fact Is that the Middle-of the Road outfit Is like Falslaff' army. Most of Hie Populists will vote for Mc Kluley. Even Ibe secretary of the StaW committee, R. B. Davis, Is an avowed McKtnley man. A letter received today from Stats dupcilntendent of Public Inst ruction Hebane at Newton, ssys he was thrown out of a wagon there and fell backwardt upon bis shoulders. He la painfully hurt and la confined to his bed. An eipert from the U. P. Agricultural department Is here, looking Into lbs mat ter of sweet potato shipment abroad, mainly to London, for th present. II says most of the American colony inert prefer Ibe dry and mealy sweet potato, such as Is raised In New Jersey: potato which a North Carolinian woold not at, but he hopes to develop a taal for the potato grown here, which I th real thing. The officials of tne Stat Agricul tural department say lb freight ar high; 3 t barrel lo London, wbll to potatoes sell I bare at 8 to 10 oat pound, I her is no Idling how long sock a price would hold oat. Tb akpart who Is bre says on of lb problems Is tb preservation of lb potatoes. H thinks kiln-drying a solrtloa of th dlffli illy AjJiLBook store 5 OUR FALL OPENING J 3 mUoUAI ffiUiUHinii ScImhiI S Childmi J Cordially Welexi.i.ed. I . - J G. N. Ennett. To The Tax Paycf s ! V CRAVEN COUNTY. ' Th Tai Ltst f.if t r 1B0O, rfj s g I ' ow la y ka1s for o(botlosi, yo will Df ft IO ' RpiPls' O I ptM mm forward aad pay yoar Uw U I lUiXO V lOlVO I Tt will b rpat4 6t tt Oraodiury,' PIC3IITT, tf iW Uim ar aot raid at oax. I K. 14 HI44I (rrt, - JOSEPII KIN BEY, ; R. r,iiUr, rar aitx-n r.. Pherlff. changs Ancient Stricture ftorncd. 9txiclal to Joaraal. UraoiW, Oct, ft A win of Wallbrook Abbey, lb fsmoas at of tbf Duk of Portland was bara4 to-day. Tkrt was a hoar lot of ptetar Bad fa rat lure. Many plclar that war prkx less, bowsvsr, war aarad froas U flames. Tbe Coal Strike. ' Special to JoaraaL - - Waicsuaaa, Pi., Oct. I -Ur ot llarl wsr elostd to-day.'. All Ibt Heading eollUrt tr bow Mop pad. All tb Uhlgb eoltl.rU ar attll working, la tfforU to ladoo tb wilaar to slrik having fslksd. ' . Hdm of lb Lackswaana Cosapaay's strikers availed IHasaselra of tb offst of loraaat wage If tb woald rctara to wort. V 'i , -:''- BoeaS Your r Baking: Powder Contain Alum? Prof. Geo. F. Barker, M.D., University of Perm.: "All the constituents of alum remain (from alum v baking powders) in the bread, and the alum itself is reproduced to all intents and purposes when the bread is dissolved by the gastric juice in the process of digestion. I re gard the use of alum as highly injurious." Dr. Alonzo Clark: "A substance (alum) which can derange the stomach should not be tolerated in baking powder." Prof. W. G. Tucker, New York State Chemist: "I believe it (alum) to be decidedly injurious when used as a constituent of food articles." Prof. S. W. Johnson, Yale College: "I regard their (alum and soluble alumina salts) introduction into baking powders as most dan gerous to health.". In view of such testimony as this, every care must be exercised by the housewife to exclude the over and over condemned cheap, alum baking powdersj from the food. taking powden bade from cream of tartar, which b highly refined (Tap aod-are promotive ofbealth, aad more efficient. No other kind should be used tea veiling food. Royal Baking Powder i the tuchcX euoplo at pure crcamtf Urtar powder. "... - isSVM, baJCHM WWOU Mta, WtUiAM IT, NEW VOMC. NMiummnmimiWAvmH riv.. I Ontario Prepared 1 'Buckwheat as Jm In 2, 3 anil C pound ae!agi-8. Also Old Fash ioned Hiipkwlipal, Kivsh lAtt Fancy YAg'm Butter Just Received; Maple Syrup in cans; White t!ot olene in 2 and 4 pound tin hnckets. Fresh lot Heinz's Sweet Mixed l'ickles .md Swtet (lerkins' Horse ltadi.sli, Catsup and Sauces- New barrel Fulton Market Corned I'eef; Fancy Cream lleese and Holtii'na. J Anything in Groceries you want to ' Z AT THR LOWEST tOSSIBLI:. PRI.HS. a as w IJ.L MtlJM y a 2tiii WliolMnl II 'Illl.4 Ol. 71 Kwl Hi. I St- 1" J. A. JONES, ltUOAI. STCKrM'. STKW A ItT'S OLD STANlt, SXABLES liver.v, F'd, Hnlf mid ICxa'lian;; . Germany Makes a Proposition. Special to Journal. Washington, Oct. 5. Ponlbem China Is becoming greatly etclted. A great rebelllao Is thought to be threatened. rue Chinese authorities appear unable to maintain order. Thar are antl-Ohrlatlan riots and several missions hare been destroyed. German Issues a second note to thi Powers proposing an Investigation by the allies of the official lists of the Chi nese to be punished, to see if It Is correct and complete and If lb punishment awarded (Its the crime, also th means by which th allies can treat the Imposition of penalties. Secretary Hay replies favorably lo this proposition. NOTICE AS TO ELECTIONS. BRYAN 326. CASTOR I A for Xataate and CMMrt. 1 .1 Tki Ncl In K:tiA:::;iC IWar the Pgiatnr I Of UCr( Kales Applyiaf to Kegtsters la the No rember Election. Special lo Journal. Ralhoh, October 5. Secretary l' ear- sail of the Democratic Htate Comniitla announced tonight for the benefit of lection officers throughout the tttale that registration for th November elao Uon will oommenc In the morning Oc tober 12, and rlos at sunset, October 17tb. Oa the closing day lbs register as a I sltead at lb polling plaoa with bis rag -lalralloa boeks so that person saaf ray Isler I bar If they doalr to do so. ,t other day be may regUtr proas que r I lied to register al aay place la bla p elaot. Tbe aaat poll bolder aad rrgk r Iran who baM tbe Aagaal eieeUoo ai reqalred to bold tb Movaasbse eUcllot aad aay vaoaaeJes are U b Ailed eiaei - iy a tbey ra filled ta that skscllua. ) a all respect aa lo lb lias aad pUr u4 boldlag tb abMtlo la 'November, tkss ame la prevalUn tb polls brief opeaedl at sua rls aad etoeed at sea set, rotlag betag ioM at reaeat roUaf rweiaeaa alee tbe ar al tared by lb Mao board of totloa. Weatfcer C-idltloii. . WaaaiMToa, October (.-Fqw XoHk Carollaai ' Oeeaaloaal rale a-sds. U(ht to freah eM I eenbaaei tada 1 Wo tbe Ooad(tloae.-Tk aodatU depreessoa of tbe berosastse aa the Oall yeaterday eoallaa eeatlraj muk tt the ooeet lie aad ae yet baa. dsssloesi i eaergy. It keaesd gsstesaily eloadr veatbet aad ahower k tbe Xaat OaUT aad Booth A Uaatlo States.. f , , A lew beroeaeter, area aovera tbe aoKhwaal atovtBg asiww. ' Msitmaai tsjespeeeiorea of freej to M aad M oooariesb yaaady ever aja ialerior valley aad-WesStra ttatea, Fotlct t Waicr Oscn. ' ' AB tboee wla vase aadawsretawBte VUl pbaase aUI -t the City U8 Vy ke lou C this aaoath, elbenHsi lb Hnar laUadmlwIllMU a t-s r.h f lkw dclloulaad ent tS Ihe w-r Tt'r. l.J. T-i Estimate by Vlce-Chalrman Johnson. Bcllnlcy Certain Of Only 88. Chicago, Oct. 3. For the first lime this campaign the Democrats tare broken tbe rule they had established and have given out an estimate upon tbe lection by Btates. Vice Chairman J. 0. Johnson or tbe Democratic National Ei ecutlve Committee reached Chicago this mornlug, and gave ont table showing how Bryan will get 82 electoral voles, HcKlnley only 88. and the doubtful list -will number 88. This est lassie was pro voked by the list given out by National Committeeman Manley of Maine, tbo head of the Republican easnpatga In Ibe Eastern Htates. In which 9M votes were predicted for McKlnley, lit for ivyan, and 60 doubtful. The figures which I gie oet," ei plained Vice Chairman Jhaeen. ' ar based not onlv upon tbe sooat reliable Information which our nesaaalltee bi from every Bute la the UsUoa but also upon tbls further remarkable (act: Kvery bodv knows that it was tbo Gold Demo- ratle vote of tble country wtlob elec ted McKlnley four yrara age. It Is nuallv well known now that al Mil W pir cent, of this vote will go for Bryan tHs Pall. "The (larman vou was alm-wt eaanl sas'usly against itryan la 111, while this yar.r we have vuatvortliv InforaiaUoa lai t b-edr ua to bUvs ILat '"lly Hu per rehU M ib Oei.an w la ib lvolal Buux wiM re eatt for itryan. hl staie wmbI la In. aol itoait ol ti.,- tirrsaaas but of olhas dlatiaosJxiy forelg laeses of voter. .Tbe grea body of the crgaal aao iMior rrHa whlcfc was leduned 10 auopbrtcKlDUy fosn year ago rill be BMarlv solid for Us Deourat c il'.ket mad osoBib. GIFT TO TIINiTT. Ijiirgest ii 1 1 i Finest Stock of ECOEBGES and tvTJXES Kver Found in New I'em. AImo a 'omplete l.ine of Huiei', Wagons, Harness, Kobes, W tups, ( art Whirls, hie. J., A. JONES, Hroad Street, Stewart's Old Stand PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE Tim Planter'a WarelioiiBe is located ill tile liuainesH Hurt of the eitv and the finest Warehouse in (lie Slate. We will have plenty of luiu-rs with plenty of orders for all the 1 olmcco in tins part ol the .Male. It is the aim of the management to fjive hi personal attention to nil sale and to see that you are well looked after when on th" market with tobacco. Our motto is "Ili'li I'neeH and rernonal Attention to your interest." Free SUIileS. Come down lo the ojH-niii! sale, and we will try to please you. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. F. H. I.ANOLKY, Auctioneer IWtaloi every weekday at II nVlork. D. F. JAR VIS, W POLIKK STRI-I-T. SOI.K A(J KNT FOK bake sire lMt Per CadewaseaL IU laay temeOctlMi. 1 Baaelal la) JotaraaL DoaaaM, M. 0 October (-It wa as aoeaoad by Fridat Kllgo, at as teeUagibto taoUuj thai Waahlagtoa Dak of Darbaat, bad glrea aaotaer baadred tboaeaad dollar, lo tbe dewasMit of THalty OoU-ge at Darbaat. Mr. Dekeaf gift ta THalty mhl thrs deoad H afgragaie half a aatPlow dob kr aad tbe fine f tb Dak family darteg tb I Mate aatoeat to evev li b drad tbMseaad sot lecledlag vbe gift by 8, B. Dike, of Mew Tort, for slavery balldlae aa bw ereeted tbtt areaeat year. WasMagto Dese beat ausde fcrfer gift to awiUMra edeeallo taea aay other aatlve aoatbtae Im tbe eejtbaaV Pna't fall J look at ner atork of T'iv-, f 'rt, frk wr, stc. 1 eaa do t. t r 1 J. J. I '-r. Don't Take Chances with amauaitlna, rappkss for quail shootleg. rVt tar slay bom than mlaa- a good bag tbroagh defective sna'ensi. I rD tbe klad last aever fall to do all Ikat as eapeeted of It. Irary Wlarbrder .aefcel Powder aad wtrlie. uar s n rtai n1 of fUagte aad Doable Bam II O-m bi terr raUrswtlag, so ar ftton. yJ Hm of IkyeUa aad Beadrice. WJI. T. IlIsLls, it t Middle KwHeta.C. MalflW-M-MPlll I 1 II DeW Fbanaaey ka eielaaiva egeery for-V-Weifer. ruuJae Ue-deeba Powders gaaraatead te ear bssvUaae. Mad ad aobi at Davie nagaaaeyv " 5 - ; - - Yaeeia-ttost CbleMa at Davtf Pbar- t aad WOBet at McS Tailor Made Suits i r fit i i .1 V I 'I Also a errat varirty of good in neweet ty lea , and ahadee for Suite. V Oreea lw ",t1 AialoUlrttrU Koilcf flsvlag aaatlBed a tbe Aaslolslralrls of Aksaaadet Boot .aWeard.eoiife la hereby five la all penoe bat lac elabas ia mlAU mt tka dwwaawl. must pioseatlbaeiMor Uforetbel-b.dey of itntobM IWI. or this aotiee wle) be pi. a d4 la bar of tbwtr neovery. AU pereoM latlemea an sera swisia a raqeeeied to awake immediate jaev aval . . . . L4DIA HOOTER. Adsilalslrstrli ,A.j.Loms. - , Astorwey. . psaael rVlttle aad freah taff, tt H wlsy's todsf.

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