TOLV XV1II-.-NO. M. KIW mi, H. C, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 7 1900. N1NGTEKNTH TEAR 'i We Have Been. A fresh lot Corned Portsmouth Mullets and Small i ig Hams 5 to C lb?. Also small Breakfast Stripn, 2 to 3 !! s. Good Butter 250 lb. Very host Elgin ami V'o l.iver Print, Butter at 30c. Wo are also arrpiita for tlie Spanish U o. Toilet, and Laun- dry Soaps. They are guaranteed to eiife Ileal, I in. pies, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Blaek Heads and other KUu Diseases. They V are Purely Vegetrlde. Give us a trial for anything in the (iroeery Line and we will do our heat to please you or refund your money. Yours for Business. J. R. PARKER, JR GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. WE HAVE JUST KE( RIVED New Line of Up-to-date Bat Wing l mo jt t mm ri ra SLaT V & Bk. A nohhv line of Fanrv Vests for Men and Hoys. The most compelte lino of Men's Gloves ever shown in the city at all price. A large assortment of Mens I ol 'ored Shirts hi all the new colors at f 1.00. , Iwu t forget that we ulso bare tb tor toe iinu money, every pair guaranteed, (.'.all and iee for yourself. I n nil mm p. nn .": Tli Vp-to-dnlc Furnlnlior, , 07 rtll.LUt;ik niKtai, -Ja'ius M, (Arnold, I.I I try, ffil Hl i'r,lmllffl ftllllra. f: IIoritrM A Wills, . Wagm, lln.e, Vh a tin. -, rw art h rl.ltv. ' PTW'tl l p$4 1 for UiifM Or.' f, a- M : m T" lirra. R. I'. REAL ESTATE 1 City tUU EtUW lnkl, a4 ao on Mxamta oa j . ' '. - . " CoCantlM tA Bent ft hn H tk (, U U U ItoM lit lag iwl.V, , Looking for You. ':- Yes, the seiiioo of the oysterand tbe lwct. heat -cake U tlrawing near, tod wlntr the moth u tnfclng hlaiast bite out rf yniif tinier eost. fad the ruddy pumpkin h naskfng In theaotumnal son f w"i!frtenitn(l you that lis high i'it.o. to be thinting of your Winter Shoes. ---Tm 'well cipetl much service from your feet before the robins nest again t d'foiroly in relnrn jou might to give hem your care a- il nympathy. We have trorl led a stock of foot-wear to suit every man, woman and child In New Bern. We have rrom Tit nothing but tbe BEST. Oood leat her, good workmanship and correct styles are features shoes MUST pos9os1n order to siicure a place on our shelves. Wn have the exclusive sale in New Rem of Ziegter, Plant and the Em press Sl.oc. Our aim is to do not only ai well, hut better than any other store iivNcw Bern, that is We Intend giving you more for the same money than you can get elsewhere, then surely, when ready for four wlrrtcr shoes, your feet will turn toward our door. Wo have also a complete stock of Press floods, Silk. Hosiery and Under wear, also a nnhby line of notions. Call and examine for yourself. n.wui I HAVE OPENED BUSINESS AT 93 Middle Street! With a line of (lents Furnishings and shoes and will carry up-to-date goods. I have secured the agency for Alfred J. Conimoyei's line shoes and will exhi bit sampled at once, have also the agency for Wanamakcr & Brown' line of Tay lor and Itcidy M ado Clothing for Men and Boy. Come and See fie. H ILIi K. IMXTKIl Opposite JoltllNAI. Ofll.'C. Hi - jj lis" I : is Ma , P ; ,. 'i i , ' ' L - " r S ' "-r -r. . r Briclis Bricks 1 Anyona 10 ue'd of lirio'. a, cnil n l VriROTT, ' f Vi, KI4dl 5lreat, of K, K. !!i"ii ti'Rf O tto t F FOOBTH ISnUiL Meeting of Daughters of the Con federacy This Week. : . Tao Proirraai Arrange! aai BeeeB tlaaa. Karaceaieala Aaaoaa eed. Trees leak Ureea - Again. Jarvli Fayon Primary. Special to Jonrnal. ' Ralsioh, Oct. B The program of the fourth annual meeting ot the North Car olina Daughters of the Confederacy was made public today. It will be held here) Oct. 10-11, at the Auditorium In tbe State Agricultural building. Tue following are tho officers: Honorary President, Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, Mrs, William Parsley and Mrs Francis FttberTlerman; President, Miss Llda Rodman, of Wash ington; Vice-President, Mrs T. J. Jarvit, Mrs. J B Wbimker; Recording Secretary Mrs. William H. Overman; Correspond ing Secretary, Mrs. Margaret W. Blonnt; Treasurer, Mrs. John W. HlnsJaUr, Reg istrar, Mrs. Marie S.Parkham; Historian Mrs. Armistead Jones. The session Wednesday, Oct. 10 begins at 10:30 a. m. with a business session whlc'i will be opened wttb prayer by Rev. Dr. M. M. Marshall. At tbe after noon session there will be a report by the committee for the Jefferson Davis monument, with introductory remarks by Col. Thomas P. Kenan. Captain C. B. Denson will deliver an address on tbe causes which led op to the uivu war. The Slate chairman will report, and the chapters will snbmlt their reports. A collection will be made. Tbe soogs, "Tenting to Nlghl", and "Dliie" will be sung. In the evening tbe local chapter. Johnston Peltlgrew will give a reception In the auditorium, to the visiting daugh ters, etc. and a portrait of Capt. Thomas Sparrow will be presented. Thursday, the 11th, there will business sessions in the morning and afternoon and tbe visitors will be driven around tbe city and to the Soldiers' Home, at which the local camp of the United Con federate Veveters will give them a recep tion. In the evening from 8:80 to 11 the Capital Club will give tbe delegates a re ception. Mr. and Mrs. M. T.N orris of Raleigh announce the engagements of tbelr daughters, Miss Mamie Norris to Mr. Henry A. Coles of Atlanta, Ga., and Miss Ethel Norris to Mr Joe K. Marshall of Raleigh. Both marriages will take place before the holidays: Tbe Misses Norris are well known In social circles in North Carolina. The Supreme court will devote neit week to the hearing of appeals from the third district. The trees look much greener than they did as much as two months ago. This Is paillcularly the case In tbe forests. A very late frost Is predicted. Last year was a notable one for Insects which ate the foliage of trees. This year there havo been remarkably few such In sects. The Melrose knitting mill here will manufacture men's underwear. Secretary Pearsall says the newt which It now coming into Democratic State headquarters thowt that thing are rapidly brightening to far at tbe Ra tional campaign In this State Is con cerned. The city has decided to put np names of all streets and to thoroughly aad care fully renumber the house. The number ing was done In 1884. Ei-Senator Jsrvls say be believe tbe Secatorlal primary will prove belpfal to the Democratic ticket, will bring oat a full vole and save one or two eloee dis tricts THE MARKETS. Tbe following quotations were rtceir- d by J. E. Latham A Co, New Bora, N. 0. Naw Voax, Oct, . Cottom: Open. High. Low. Cloa .1018 10J7 tOtS 10.17 Oct ... Mov Jan Mch. May Wnaa Dee . I.M . t.S? ..87 . M8 Open. ,. m ,.170 lo.m ttt iojb t.M (.84 .W M 183 t.M tW Ml IN nigh. Low. ( lot 88 W -8S ' W MJ Coa. Oaa. , So,nyPfd Coa. T..T.. .... . ttbr. ... .- Vi Cottoa reeelpU wore 50,000 bale at all porta. ..' , ' ' - I j, . . - J UnrynS alaHlet. f Spots I8U tats 4.000 btim, IfiOO Amerleaa. , Fawns etnsei aBlet a4 steady. Oflt-Nov, 41 Nov-D. UV ' Mw mr (Mtas Harks. : Cot to oM la the toeal market yesUr day.atttOMlH rUlaswerettt bale. I - Delefttei to Itttdoi. ; ipeelal to Joaraa'. . ' RtLBidM, Ojtobsr t.-Ksv. Dr( Kllga, Prrtldftol of Trinity Collet: aad Joeapb O. Droit are aleotad dsbtgalx U ta Uatbodltt Rplsonpal CoonMleal Cot fereao at Loadoa eit year. " CASTOR I A Tor Infants and C ".I.ta. ftj Y:a '-;:: '! rrs O.e 9 if t MAKING WWAJI A SURE. fcryaa Speaks Te Ebwbwm Crowds la. , - , ' Trait legions. , Riobmosd, Ikd OcR B.-Ia bins oona- tles In this Slate to-day Hoa. William J. Brya Intra. an spoke to It orasaua; f"k-!rtfk, The places In which stops were mad ranged from 8,000 to ti.090 Ja popula tion, aad the crowds ranged all the way np to 10,000. The day's work was plan aad with a view to economy of lime, and word bad been passed along the tine that no Darades should be arranged in order that Mr. Bryan might have more actual time for speaking. With the tame end In view all the meetings were held close to (be railroad elation. The day was one of hard, serious cam paigning among a etas of voter whom tbe Democrats hop lb bring Into line this year. Four of the counties visited Madison, Delaware. Grant and Black ford are In the ga belt and are centers of trust manufacturing Interests in glass and tin-plate. Early In the day Mr. Bryrn started to uas hi anU-trnat am munition and for It boor he poured hot hot Into corporations In restraint of trade. Without exception hi audi ence expressed boisterously enthusias tic approval of bl anti-trust utter ances. Durjng the day Mr. Bryan spoke in eountles the combined Republican ma jorities In which jrere 13,833 in 1896. But two of them gave Democratic ma jorities. No attempt I made by parti sans on either side to deny that the trip of the Democratic leader through this part of Indiana has brought out more large audiences In succession than any other candidate heretofore. Fire at Hawkside. The dry kiln at Mawkstde, belonging lo the Pine Lumber CJompaoy, was burned yesterday morning. It was filled with lumber and tbe loss Is about 81200, Tbe sawmill and other property waiaot Injured. Some 200,000 feet of lumber has been recently shipped, which was near the kiln and tbl I regarded at fortunate thing. Tbe building will be replaced at once. THE SOIL SURVEY. How Completed sad Lirje Scale Map to be Hade. Special to Jonrnal. Ralbioh, October 6. The State Chem ist says that tbe soil survey of a strip of land eight miles wide from Raleigh to New Bern Is now completed. Chemists are analysing the soil (ample. A detailed map ot tbe. New Bern trucking region Is now being made by C. h. Harris and a United Slates spec ialist will claaslfy tbe different soils. A map oa a cal ot four Inches to the mil will show the various soil oa aay fifty acre farm. Weather Conditions. Washington, D. C. October 6. For North Carolina, Fair 8nnday Fresh east to sooth winds. Weather Conditions. The moderate depression over the Gulf yesterday has moved Inland and combined with a low area of considerable Intensity central near Omaha, Neb. High temperatures occurred yester" day over lb west aud southwest from Nebraska to Tesa. North Carolina Populists. Cb:lottb, N. O. October 5. The Populists oflh Seventh North Caro llaa District, at Salisbury, today nom inated ex-Congressman A. C. Bhnford for Cong rase aad endorsed Barker aad Donnelly for pree'deat and vicr prealdeat. Bard to Believe. Loaooa, October .The Dally Chronicle publishes the followlag statement by Its Washington eorree- poadeati "The Ualled Stale Onreraateat ha aropoaedto tbe Powers lo laslsl that I'rlao Taaa be beheaded, thai the Kan peror be tad seed U goto Pekla to form a Oovera asset of progress! ve Ba de tbe support of Karopeaa bayoaeU aad that Ue Empress Dowager be dV posed.' ,f :k' - ': '' Even lbs Dally CkrealcU admits that It ladi eoaalderebl dlffleaUy ta balUv, lag ibis report. .. 4" ;.';, - ; , ' , sMsaaafawaaWal " : " Rons . Withdraw! Offer. Hitr Toaa, Oct t.-CVrUa Broad way Roes ha withdraw) hie far Of l AX .000 forth reetorstiow ( bis eyesight. ' - - ' . "No farther last shall be medst" said Mr. Boaat today. "I withdraw my offer of tl.qpO.OOO for ease. 1 sbsrl dlt aeaes with the servlees of my eahetltnl. It le deoraed a shall reesala foreves tiled. All eU have pravwl fatllssad aol oa has gtvea asa tbe dlghest rvltf Tbe eiperiaseal oa the eyee of ssy eob atltete, M J. Martta, hav prewa equally aseW. I will pas lb temala- eer of my day ta pat! ' Played Real Inilaa. Uperlal to JoeraaL Taiaroa, N. J.. OrlnW -A e. bar of boys w.ra "playlnr Indiana" her txUy and 1 1'! nns of B'im her, 1 M '.U.'., to t'. ate s r tl. Tb'y b!'.t e a- - 1 I'e a- ! BELIEVED NEAR END. uiatn Hold Ont and Ho More Concessions. Haxii.tom; Pa..' Oct. d The belief '... ,h. ....hii. rowblngaa end Is constder- i approaching i ably strengthened tonight by the action of tffe Individual operators in following the lead of tbfi coal carrying and coal minimf railroad by oHuiIng a on increase of ten per cent, in the wages ol their employes. Naw Voub, October 5 The Eren'n; Post says: "President J. Rogers Maxwell, of (he New Jersey Central, and the president of another coal-carrying railway, who declined to be quoted for publication, msde tbe definite announcement today that no further concessions would Lt granted to the strlkiug miners, and that If they did not accept tbe 10 per cent, offer the strike would be fought out." A Call to the Clubs. The Slate Association of Democratic Clubs was organized in Raleigh on Sep tember 36th. A permanent organization was made by electing a President, Secre tary, one Vice-President from each Con gressional District ami an Executive Oommilteo of five members. Eleven delegates, one from each dis trict and two representing the Slatc-at large were elected to represent the Asso ciation at Indianapolis at the National Convention of Clubs. Eleven alternate delegates were also elected. Tbe organization, In Its working force has representatives in all parte of the Stale, The object of the Association Is lo assist In giviug Bryan and Stevenson tbe electoral vote of North Carolina, and to help elect nine Democratic Congress men from this Stale. To this end, all palriotic cltizena are cordially Invited lo co-operate. Tbe platform ami principles of the Association are found in the platform of the Democratic party promulgated at Kansas City. The Clubs have no candi dates other than those named by the Democratic conventions. The County Chairmen aro requested to call a meeting In each township in their various counties on Saturday, the ISth day of October, for the purpose- of organising a Club. It Is alao urged that at each speaking by candidates or other Democrats a Club be formed Do not let an opportunity paaa to organize. These Clubs are a part of the parly machinery. They are subject to tbe party authority. The twj main purposes for which lliey are to be formed are lo distribute litera ture and to bring out a full vole. It Is presumed that the last campaign secured a full registration. As soon as a Club is formed send the names of the officers to Hon. F. M. Simmons, Chairman, Raleigh N. O. Also send a list of tbe officers to Mai Thompson, New York City, N. C Let each Club appoint an active com mittee to secure the attendance of voters at the poll. A full vote will give the Democratic party 60,000 majority. Tbe issues Involved are momentous, vital and far-reaching. Our free Institutions are endangered by a colonial policy abrosd and by aggregation Of wealth at home. Let North Carolina make a firm aland gainst both. Tbe Slate Association adapted as its emblem a bnttoa containing a picture of that great tribune of the plain people, William Jennings Bryan, upon a field of silver, encircled by these homing words from bis grest speech of acceptance: "The Maa rather than the Dollarl ' Id thl sentence Is contained the true iboo ry of government. . Faaacts D. Winston, Cb'mn. K. B. Lawia, Secretary. Doa't fall to look at onr stock of Shore, Shirts, Neck wear, etc. I caa do yM go$f. J. J. Baxter. Davis' Pharmacy basaiclualve sgenry for "Then" cigars. ', Celery Headache Powder guaranteed to mm aesdarh. Made and sold st Davie Pharmacy. Veoclaalloa Iblelds at Darts' Phar macy. ' ' V "Cream Ooeoaaal aad tafflr at McSor- 'TbeoelgarsVah oaly at Davis Pharmacy. Trusteei's Sale.' " Pareaaal to the power of sale eoafer red a pea Albert It Bfcauack traatee ta seerula deed Interest eteeoted by Jaaws V. Hseklus aad Ilary C. tlawklna hi Wlte dated December imh, 18H0 aad rec orded la ike offln of Register 'hf Deed Uravea aoaaty, booh Ida, page M lo I0 the debt aseared thereby aad th said deed nf.lrart having beee assigned lo the K. H. J. A. Mee.losCo, aad apoa the request of the aaM Mary O. Hawkla lb aorl.r.tiraod will oa Mnaday the Itih, day of Meveaihav DW0 at the boar af II e'ehvk m. at tbe Court llouae dVmf of (Jrav.a enuniy off. for eat and ell te tbe hit Imm bhlWir for euh, the followlag dmoribMl ral eatate, via; All that Irvi or farrl nf land lying and bring altuai.d la ld eoaaty o lbs aorlS tills of the Allaetle and fJorlb Carotin Kattrnai bln a part oflh ai.H tt"-r!;. la th ! rv-llid dfvd rf Trnrt, ln-trinlnf at lh Atlantln and Norih t .ri.Mna liiir"d brlflif. ;at Cot ( k, ami l ilh iM rrrwk loth ann li of t.rn I mUt I'.ranrh, Ihnr : ' rua -t M 1 h !. a lo 1 K. i r,., 1. t II. n. vrtlh t.1.1 ((!!. r - i i I I -.t.i. rnnulntr.s l'lO diiii-Book Store ! We can pltuse you in Kchonl l!ok IlagM arid Kcliool ' Book ' Straps. V 6. N.'Ennett. ! 'j.m-j&M&&mjm"&.$a ' a MUM Thursday, Oct. 11. THE EVENT OF THE SEASON. Enf,a rement of Americas Tragedian Mr. Robert" Downing Assisted by the Talented and Beautiful Alberta Converse. BOEaERT 1X5WNING And complete company including Clias. 1). Herman, Willian bomoin, Lillian Kingsbury, Minnie Mndley. I'rc scnling his latest and greatest Richard, The Uon Ilenrted. Bv AitTttun Dum.KT Ham,, Esq. Superb presentation of a maenlliccnl play Oorgeous Costumes. Appropri ate scenery. Original mimic A po'sillvt' success. hmlorned by I'htlailclplila, WashinEton. Baltiinoro. (bicuiro. Hi- ton, Han Francisco, New Orleans. A romantic drama riiual to the beat. Under direction of E. I). Shaw. To The Tax Payers ! CRAVEN COUNTY. The Tax Lists for the year 11)00, are now in my hands for collection, you will please come forward and pay your taies forthwith. Those owing Schedule It, or L'ocnse Tsx will be reported to the (J rami Jury if these taxes aro not paid St once. JOSEPH KINSEY, Sheriff. A FEW Or THE GOOD THINGS! Yet For Sale By J. F. TAYLOR. Sweet Catawabawlno 71c per gallon California Port wine ., $100 per gallon Monllcello Claret wine . . .l.V per bottle and few Brands ol Una medicinal whis keys such as: IjOXK OAK. OLD FOREftTER HUNTER, CUTTER PEPPER WALDORF, Aad lots of other brands of Bye. Bbtwn'i Malt, Seotek, Irish aad the fiaiiis OLD N. a com Prove tbe Moaatalae, also lota of ether goods at bottom price. OIYBCHACALL ' af. F. TAYEOR, " . 18 Middle sfrawt. EAV-Smallwood, , ' DEALER rif '.,' G7NERAL HARDWARE, And all finds af ' , : ; EUILI3IKG MATERIAL Wire Ketliac, Screea tW and Window. - 0 LACIER RCFRIOnRATOW WhU-h n the txet. Thi y a but few emli md fo Bntrlors. l. Crrm Vrr rr.. Water Coottrs. Mir t'g n Bto.e and lUns,. ralnU. I' ' 1 CI Mf .wt a, Ontario Prepared buckwheat . In 2, 3 and G pound packages. Also OKI Fault-. ' " iom il litickwheat, Fresh Lot Fancy Kl.'in Butter 0 Just ltcccived; Maple Syruj) in caius While Cot jjS oleno in 2 and 4 pound lin buckets. Ktosh lot ' ' v (J llorse liadish, Catsup and Siinccs' New barrel Fulton Market Corned Heel'; l-'uney Crearn:; Anything in Oroceries you want AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. . . McMNIEL 'Phone Ol. J. A. JONES, IlltOAIt STKHET, STEWAUT'S ST A N It, E Ivory, Fft!, Wills' and Kxehiinuc laij;esl and HOESES azxd. MULES'. Ever Found in New Item. Also a (.'oinpl.-i.- .,1' Huies, Vagouft,''' ": Harness, Kvlies, V h i , Carl Winds, Kh . 'ru'J.-, . PLANTER'S . - f r. The Planter's Warehouse is located in the'nm -- ;ni of the fctty and the finest WandioiiKt1 in tlie State. with plenty of orders for all the Iohaeeo in ihis p.n-t nf the Slate. "7: : It is the aim of tin- management to m- hi - 1 ;il I. nlion to all sales and to Bee that yon are well liKikeil after wln-n on I lie market, With. tohacco. Onr molhi is "llieji Triers UTeBt." Free Stahlefl. Omie down to the phyise you. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. K. H. LANfll.KV, Auctioneer. If-Rile every k ilay ;il II o'clock, Don't Take Chances wit immualll n. rupplet I. r Vusll bOOtiBf, Btttrr 'f lion e lliun ml good b( lamnga defect re ma'erisl. t arli th kind thai 01 rer fslls lo do all that I expected ot it Iiary Wlmbesler fcunkele Powder sa l Hb H. Onr eottmeal of Blojle and DnaMi I'arnll Qttn I ry lntet.Uas so am t riors. f dl Ha nf DkyrU and Bqedrir . , wn.T. iiii,t. tt AM MUldl fi ' 'S Beta. N. 0. , TflheaiyTw Ptyer. aasmsar-Tkla.! to klsdly gir j oa aotlc tbst lb ettf tot book for 1W0 to sow Is air bind for eolls tlna, aad at eartr aettltweal of ) oar taias wlUba apprerlata fcr , ,J, J. lot sow, , citfTroi. Koike ta Wtter Uicr. : All Unse owing wstet badwr reaU wilt atmse cell st Ihe I Uf Usll ky the toUi nf this atnatb. othstatoe lbs Bnper tntendont will eJI St lb firainlies ef ttirit. rlolin'in.nt tnt sal eff th wster lloiuz's Sweet Mixed Pickles tnd Swicl, (jerkins' JS ' .... , lipout. f,rvl lt1,ifrni StL.'k- Hi r i a . wJW IB!!1 TI7 WSZ -'t at' an bb j mm laai'':.':.-' . fslrotir, 71 Rrsij.J Si. Fitn - st Shirk nf .1. a. .Bo.r, - r 1 Broad Street, Slew ai l's Old Staad. i . WAREHOUSE We will liav jih-nt v of buyers and l'i Ath-nlinii to your in-; - . '.: .. 1 o iiiiie -al. , and He will trjl'lto D. F. JARVIS, M POLLOCK STREET.. '-. -soi.K .t;i:"i' vol Tailor Made Suits Also b (treat lir rarielyof rikkIs in newest style ij.t and llial tor 'tr, Suits. Bagging and Tic5 WeaiarauljrWnipn'itfalisIrt Cot'oa Pl d Tie, p. " " Hear Peoks, ,' Prkavw ULt i. T. 12, r.nthavm at f For Safe or Lcr k Li tm fVmth Pwal t'- ' J I1 OtOrtr Bute". 1 Mlfl)e'jH' Bit I J Kjpt t 1. ' B J : r j , 'y, S. J. Toi.w, t!'T t. t r. f"i I'rc- 1 fjrr; t