4 VOL XV1II-N0. 168. NEW BlftN, H. C, FRIDAY MOKKINQ, OCTOBER 12, 19011. NINETEENTH VKAH 83 ALLIES MARCH. THE MARKETS. We Have Been S Ti. O JU5L IXCCClVt I A fresh lot Corned Portsmouth Mullets tuiil f-'nall I Hams 5 to 0 lbs. Also small Breakfast Scrips, 2 to His. Good Putter 25c lb. Very best Elgiu ami !(.; Uiver Vint Butter at 30c. We are also agents for the Spanish Uoot Toilet ami Laun dry Soaps. They are guaranteed lo cure Ileal, I id pics, Salt Hheum, Tetter, Black Heads and are Purely Vegetrble. . Give ns a trial for anything in the (i ninety Ki.ie and we will do our best to plense you or refund your money. Yours for Business. J. R. PARKER, JR GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. WE HAVE JUST RKCKIVKi) New Line of Up-to-date Bat Wing Ties at 25c. A nobby line of Fancy Veals for Men and Itoys. The moat compel te line of Men's Glove ever shown in the city nt oil price.. A Urge assortment of Ment Col ored SliirU in all the new colors at 1 1.00. lon't forget that we also have the BK8 P 8 HOBS for the lea! money, every pair guaranteed, (.'.all and see for youmelf. J.G.DUNN&CO., FurnUlierK, 67 POLLOCK KTREET. Don't Take Chances wkk aatajuaU a. adapt lot Qaa'l .thsMtia, IV Use t'er bow Uo mi fmi Imc Ibroaga oVfertJv ataleriaL I a I IM kM tint m ffl lo So all rlbst W s-spr-ud of ft leery Wlbrtr fcanaatrwt Tewdev id ftbslls. Qnt a . aorta! f 0ing1 and DmM flamD . flaa It eery lotmrtln, r evW, t M llM 4 PtryrWs nd Hilndrl, IM MioMJa lh., Hew tuea, J. C. Looking for You. Tea, the season of the oyster and Ibe buckwheat cake Is drawing near, and while tbe moth is taking his last bite out of your winter coat, end the ruddy pumpkin is basking in the antumual sun set we would remind you that its high lime to be thinking of your Winter Shoes. You well expect much service from your feet before the robins nest again and surely in return you ought to eive I hem your care and sympathy. We have provided a stock of foot-wear to suit every man, woman and child in New Bern. Wo have room for nothing but the BEST. Good leather, good workmanship and correct styles are features shoes MUST possess in order to secure a place on our shelves. We have the exclusive sale in New Hern of Ztegler, I'lsnt and the Em press Shoes. Our aim is to do not only at well, but better than any other store in New Bern, that is we intend giving you more for the same money than you can get elsewhere, then suiely, when ready for your winter shoes, your feet will turn toward our door. We have also a complete stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Hosiery and Under wear, also a nobby line of notions. Call and examine for yourself. 1. 1 warn. 1 ? otlujr Skin Disease.'. They I HAVE OPENED BUSINKSS AT 93 Middle Street! With a line of dents Ku r n Is-h i t,pH unit shoes and will carry up lo ilulc onils. I have secured the agency for Alfred J. Commeycr's fine sliois and will exlil tlt samples at once, have alxo the ageney for Wanamakcr it 11: wn' line of Tay lor and licady Made C'lulliiug for Men snd Boys. Come and See Tie. WILL K. ll Aii;it Opposilo Jni'iiNAl. MHce. VU : goo M; Nig f jig Bricks, Bricks! Anjon In ieel of I'-rioA, Call on -' Fff j OTT, f " Ka. II If 1441 lrw, ir K. K-nrr lotion lt rbang. Marriage of Shepherd-Vass a Society Event of the Season. Danghterg of Confederacy VlslUthe Soldiers Home. tirahain Dares Will Uellrer Aa Address. Canning Company Charter. Special to Journal. Raleio'b, Oct. 11. Maj. 5rahm Day. I of Mew Bern accepts the invitation of the Ladies Memorial Association of Ral eigh to deliver tue next Memorial Day address here, May 10. Ills subject will be the "Causes which led to the Civil War." This evening at the First Baptist Church here Miss Lilla May Vass was manied to Mr. Brown Bhcprhed. Society people attended in great numbers, as it was one of the social events of the sea son. Miss Eleanor Vass, a sister of the bride, was her maid of honor and Mr. John B. Seymour of New York City was best man. Tue bride was given away by her brother, Mr. William Vass. She is a daughter of the late Maj. W. W. Vass of the Seaboard Air Line, who was at the time of his death the oldest railway treisurer in the country. The groom Is a son of ex-chief justice James E. Shep herd. This afternoon the State Convention Daughters of Confederacy went to the Soldiers' Home, where thoro were some special exercises and a reception. The new hospital was lnspectod. It Is not as yet occupied. The electric light plant in the peniten tiary will be In operation in a fort night. Tho convicts in tho penitentiary have this year mado 3,750,000 brick in the yards there. The State charters the Southern Canning Company, of Galdsboro, capital -1,000. Louisburg is having a tobacco carni val. Many people are attending It. Pork Cornered. Special to Journal. Cuicauo, Oct. 11. Sir Thomas Lip ton of London says that he controls praeticr-lly all the mess pork In the Uni ted Staie. October delivery lias made a phenomenal advance. Boers to Surrender. Special to Journal. London, Oct 11 It is reported that the remainder of the Borces intend to make a general surrender October 20. Tho British forces have reoccuplcd Smltlitie'd, Houxv'lle, Wepener anil Dewetedorp, O.ange Froe Blale. Didn't See Dollar Marks. C.i'OAO.Oct. 9 Ei-liov. Hogg of Terns, one of Bryan's chief campaigners, led a petty of Teias Democrats Into the Republican national headquarters to-day to Bee Chairman Haana of the Republi can National Committee Mr. Hanna ami Mr. Hogg are old personal friends. M'- Hogg just rustled through Ne braska accompanied by Senator Welling ton of Ma.y land. On his arrlvul bere he found a number of Teias Democrats aan4ling him. All wanted to see 8ena alo. Hanna. Ei-Oov Hogg Introduced i lieni to Senator Hknna and there were frlcnd'y greeting all aronnd. Ei-Qov. Ilofg said afterward: ' Some of the Texas boys wanted to see Senator Hanna. They bad heard a. great deal abonl him and bad seen pie lures of hlra, so I told them to come along with me. I bare knowa Senator Hanna for a long time and I Just took the boys over to introdooe them and to show them that Mr. Hanna Is a gen tleman and a fine fellow and Ibat there were no dollar marks on bis clothes The hoys were delighted to talk wltb Mr. Hanna." Weather Conditions. Wamhrotor, D. C Oct. II. For North Carolina. Friday rain. Fresh northeast winds. Weather Condition. Tba high pres sure area which baa doalnstad ibe weather for several dayt past i central over tbe eastern portion of tba country tbl morning. Cool weetker eoatlaoe In all sections. Heavy frost t reported from Dodge City, and light frosts fro Chicago, rinctnaattl, Waablagtoa City and Baltimore. The weather la generally eloerfy la the lower Mississippi tallry aad al wsrd to ibe Booth Atlaalie eoaet, . The a tell led am to lb smith tad aoateweet wilt spread Into, tbl aectloa ant rata. -. - Connect let t'l People.. Apeelal to JoaraaC,. . ' WiSHiaoTtm, October lt Tba popa latioa of Consent leal to 08,000, aa ta- eraaat of II.fi per oeaL t, i. fiafUf be tbe laest llae of clothing ever la tse otty U he aeM at old P'res. Can o hi before haying. CASTOR I A for Intact ani CliMrsa. iMfci Tea E3TiA!-;:;irr;'! But There Are No Americans In Line, marines Leaving Tien Tsln. Special to Journal. Washington, Oct. 11. The Empress of China have given orders for tbe be heading of Kang Yl, 'President of the Board of Punishment. Another report la that the Empress ia dead. Count Von Waldersee assumes com mand of the allied forces. Five of the allies are marching on Paottng Fu. There are no Americans in the expedi tion. Satisfaction is expressed here at the punishment which the Chinese Govern ment is reported to have Inflcted upon Prince Tuan, who is banished to the Im perial post road on the Siberian frontier. It is known that some of the powers of Europe, notably Germany, will be dis posed to insist upon the decapitation of Tuan. Officials here say.'however, that the banishment of Tuan Is in itself a heavy punishment, and that many Chi nese have committed suicide rather than be taken to the Siberian frontier. Tientsin, Oct. 10. Tho American marines from Pekin have arrived at Ta ku, where they will be joined by the Tientsin battalion and will' sail an the transpart Indiana for Cavite. It Is understood that Fioli Marshal Count von Waldersee refused to ac knowledge Li Hung Chang's visit Friday The Field marshal goes to Pekin In a few days. A military order has been issued to the German troops to occupy the railroad from Yang-Tsun to Pekin. Tho rest of the road will be occupied by the Russians and the harbor of Chlng-Wan-Tao has been allotted to the British. Eight hundred French troops, with six guns, started this morning to relieve Catholic priests wko are held prisoners at Chlng-Hsleu, 00 miles to the south. Three hundred French troops started In the direction of I'aotbag Fu to co operate with 400 men reported to have left Pekin. Bryan in Michigan. Special to Journal. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 11 The Demo crats are enthusiastic over Bryan's trip through Michigan. They claim that the entire foreign vote of Michigan is for Bryan. There Is In this Slato indication of a material change In the German and Hol and vote, more than in any other State visited by Mr. Bryan this year, in several place recognized leaders of these elements, men who supported the Re publican ticket In 1890, were active in the Bryan meetings. This year there is but one issue the attitude the United Stales towards tho Boer republics. Four years ago practi cally all the Dutch were Republicans. This year their votes will go for Bryan almost to a man. Rich Men's Strike. Naw Tork, Oct. 10. Sixty copper plant engravers, employed by Tiffany A Oo., who are among the highest paid me chanics of their class In the world, are on strike. Dressed in tbe height of fashion, they picketed the establishment of the firm In Union Square, today to prevent tbe em ployment of non-union men. Tbelr dress from head to foot was immaculate. Tbey wore silk hats, top coats, lustrous patent-leather shoe and diamond scarf pins. In tbe company's factory at Forest BUI, If. J., these men earned from tftO to 1 100 a week. They made all tbe Copper plates from which Tiffany A Co's wedding, reception and calling cards and similar stationery was engraved. They belong to an organisation kaowa aa Ibe brotherhood of Copper Plata Ka- (raver. Tiffany A Oo. have rs fated to recognise tbe anion and a strike was ordered. Tbe striker era well able to stand a long period of idleness. Rbodes Is Conciliatory. Csra Towa, October 10-Cell Rhode received aa ovalloa todsy wbea be assumed tbe presidency of lbs Bocifc Af rioaa League' 00 agree Mara. 1b aa address be attribatad the Boatk A f rioaa war to tbe "asuj-VBHp," aad said ibat bet for tbesa Mr. Krogsr woeld never hare dared to sead aa aliiouuss lo Great Brllala. Oa lU Hbela, He, Baode was eoeclllalorv la bl remark. H declared that bow that "Kttferfsa hea nabbed" Orea Billala woeld ee- taMlsa a Liberal Ootaraateat, "wkkrb weald do everything possible to I a It tbe Interest of tastb Africa wltb those of lb Bejglra.'' j - "Wow that U battle It ever tbe 4b paiee oa tat ewigla of tat war eagM to eaaaa. Tat root qaesttoa jet be aab- ordlsaled. TVt leaf at ikoeid tap port tare polat ibe Mpraaaaee af la -pi re, 00.01 rlgbte kd .eW u Delck tbel taenia feellag' afalaet taaat. Uavfai woa what h 1 atlitUl to, m saafat agbt to dewtoastrste Ural lb lateraeft af taa rasa art taa aaaaa. Taea lam Will be fTaai aowt for la eoaalry.". . Ftpabrt Elcctta. - " NpwUi M Joaraal. ' Kiio, CMaUe It. TU Vld,1W-f fined IVpulItt Rut Cnevmtlna mrt ht todsy. Oely Ua dfinstse wot I preevst who aootlaated eUttore. 7k mi j ef IS slociots asntwl sre A.I. Mny ef I TIM, I. M ! t r of Inn!r a4 j (harlr P. fori, ks it '''. The following quotations wore receiv ed by J. E. Latham & Co, New Bern N. O. New York, Oct. 11. Cotton; Open. High. Low. Close Oct 10.00 10.19 9.99 10.19 Nov 9.70 9.89 9.70 9.89 Jan 9 80 9 80 9.60 9.8) Mch 9 60 9.80 9.00 9.80 May 9.08 9 79 9.06 9.79 Wheat: Open. High. Low. ( lose Dec ... 8li 81f 80f 80S Con. Gas. 189 18 So. R'yPfd m Fed. 8. 83t 3:4 Con. T 77 77 Leather .... 9J Cotton receipts were 58,000 bales at ail ports. Liverpool Market. Futures quiet and steady. Oct-Nov, 5.99 Nov-Dec. 5.21 Dec-J an. 519. New Bern Cotton Market. Cotton sold in the local market yester day at 9 50 tot9.75. Receipts, 95 bales. The best method of cleansing the liver is the use of the famous little pills known as DeWltt's Little Early ItlBers. Easy to take. Never gripe. F. b. Duffy. Business Locals. FINE Lemon and Chocolate Taffy, Co coanut and Peanut Candy made fresh today at James B. Dawson';, 1113 Middle street. PEACHES, Oranges, Pears, Bananas Apples, Latham drupes, Delawaic Grapes, Cocoanuts, and all kinds of Taf fy today, at the Broad Street Store. II. E. Royall. SCHOOL NOTICE:-Mrs. M. N. Wil liams has opened a private bcIiooI for both day and night pupil at her home No. 190 Broad street. Terms reasona ble. TAKE NOTICE From now on you will find at Watson's Market, Broad Street, Choice Stall Ted Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Saussgt, In fart every thing is found In a 11 ret class market. Thank ing the public for their past favors, I ask their continuance of the same. I'hone 181. Yours to please. J.B.Watson. CHOICE lemons at 20c per dozen. .1 .1. Tolson, Jr. 60 Brosd street. WINTER Is coming, now Is the lime to put in broken window panes. It may save you a , doctors bill. Leave your orpers at 0 ask II 1 Hardware Store for Lafayette Williams tbo glazier anil painter. THE Carolina Canning Co., wishes to contract (with farmers, in the Immc dlale vicinity of New Bern, to grow for them, in the Spring, a crop of peas. Kor particulars, call on or address, Wii.i.iam Dunn. FRKSH Lot of Chocolates and Hon Bons, Just received at Mc -oiu.ky'h Jacobs' Halelgh Rye whiskey Is tlir beet. Middle street. POKK, and Lsmb at the Elm City Market this morning. NICK fresh pork sausage today at tin Elm City Market. FINE Mall fod beef, choice cuts 10c. per pound at tbe Kim City market, Hnelllng'i old staad, Broad street. 'Phone 80. UdKHoow's ( bill Byrup for nil Mais rial diseases. Druggist will supply It. K. Berry. HUHTLINO yoong mao can make aod pjr rnootb aad espenses. I'ermanent 1 position. experience unneoeeasrr. , Write qolck for parilonlar. Clark A j Co., th aad Locust M$., Pbll., I 'a. Notice. Bute of North Carolina, 1 Superior Craven Cooaty. Coorl Tba Hatloaal Bank of New Bern VI. B. II. Wootea aad Jalla Woolen, hit wife. Aelloa lor foreclose Mortgss. Notloat To B. U. Woolaa aad Julia Woolen, bis wife. Take Kotloa. Tbal aa action has ueea eoaaeeeed f sleet yoe la tbe ttaperiof Coert of atd Uvatwa nmmlf entitled the Matleaal Beak of Mew Bora aalas4 B U. Wootea aad Jalta Wootea, bis wif, for tat perpoae of force losing lb atort gajr aaaoatad hf yon no ibe tract of lead altaated la eaM Craven County beiaf part af taoiaaob Ubesa ilaoutloa, ooatalalai I fly asore or leea, aad deeerlbed la said asongag bih I reg tauired la tbe offioa of Ua RogUier of Oeeda of tsld Cravaa eoaaty la book Ho, lot, pc MO ata 1 aad f oa are nqalred ta appear aad aaawara dasaar to tat ensaplalal at tba terasnf taa Superior Ceart of aaid Oravea Ooaat to be beM e4 lb Coart Howet rl New Beta ta aaid Coaatf aa tba Ha. Mnada 4tef tba last Meads rWptaastwr, L P. I It M ibt aita, da af Kereasber A. t) ortoW iitb,irA - - - W. H.WATOIf, i CWrt Bepertor Ooerl. AHJU. Llrtll Of Hng Heaters u Con! Stoves wt.'b w"l tie s-ofj r! 'p fo rub. t !! H hm i v -r Im'mI to S l-? In t S I Ft esh I Oatf lakes fresh Ontario and Hec or's Prepared Buckwheat; Old Fashion I uckwheat; Dried Apples & Penclio; Nice I-ruit Jellies and Jams; Fancy Fresh Klajn and ( lover Hill Print Butter; Fancy Knll Cream Oheese; Fresh Lemons; Canned floods of all kinds; Heinz's 1 ickles; Tomato Catsup; Musi ard and f-auce; Plain Por and ! cans and with Tomato Sauce; Small 1 ig Hams, Calf Hams and English Cured Shoulders. Complete 5lo;k of to bs J. L. MM, 'Phone 91. J. A. JONES, BROAD STRKET. STEWART'S Old) STAND, iXriX- START FS jiiL'efil and HOESES and. 2v"CTIjIES Kver Found in New Hern. Also a Complete Line of Unties W. toot's, IlanieSH, KoheH, Whips, ( ml Whirls, Ktc. F. A. .IOMX llroad Street, Stewiirt's Old SIhikI PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE The Planter's Warehouse is located in the limitless part of tin- cily and the linest WnrchoiiHc in the Slate. We will hao plmtv of Imveis with plenty of orders for all the Tobacco in this pari of tho Slale. It id the aim of the management to give his personal attention t,, M sales ami to see that yon arc well looked nftrr when mi th" market with tobacco. Our motto is "Higb Trices and PeiHoiml Attention to your in terest." Fm- Stables. Come down lo the opening sale, ami we will In lo please you. PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO., J. M. HOWARD, Manager. V. H. LANOI.KY, Auctioneer. IHTSalo) every wwk-lsy nt 11 o'clock. Some Things Please Remember THAT our slock of King Hesters Is Complete and th prices ranging front 11.00 lo 1 10. Of). THAT oar line of iioasebold Hicll lie Is sttractlvr. THAT oar stock of Loaded Hbells ooaprlalnf "rteail-Hmokslesa", "Havrke 1 and the "tllack PowdVr" Is com plee. THAT WK NKKf) MONEY as wrll a th rwst of mankind, and If yon owe s pteae pay as. Yoara traly, ' J. C. Whitty to New iUrn, If. C ilii-Book Store i i W can plraM jou ia Hrhool Hook J G, fl. Ennctt. J i! and in PuckagoN. the Btst Groceries had. I A Ilcfail 71 Br.,H Hi. Finest Slock of D. F. JARVIS, 6J TOLLOCK STRHirr. -SOI.K ACKNT FOK TaUo Made Suits Also a great variety of good in npweat atjlea and shade for rJuiU. BLiCKSSHEVtHiEBIGBT, aaafarttrer f Ka if 14, Wag eaa. Carta, , ' lalrlalettaaBbrt rtetlre. ' flaf(1t, Wstjoaa, Can aad f;s Ispt aa beat for aaM. . t tmtrw aamar, . r. o. Th On Oef eaM Curav. f'gnatare of wCr t , l.!r 1 Pr tk

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