- t. V - y, .s. THE JOURNAL Published ever; dsy la the jeer, exoept Monday, at M Middle street. - ' ( PhoreNo. 8. CHAIfLBS L. 5TEVENS- tT' KniTUH AND, PBOIWimtlU SUBSCRIPTION lUTEl One year. In ad?snee -J... Oneyesr, not In sdvsnce.. 5.00 Monthly, by csrrler livthe city.. .V. .50 AdTCrilgiog Kates furnished on sppH. cation. Kntcrod at the Pout Office, New Bern, N. as second class matter. Uffieial Paper ef New Bera aad Craven Coaaty. New Hera, N. C. Oct 20, i00. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For President. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President ADLAI E. 8TEVEN80N, of Illinois. Third Congressional District, N. C, CHARLES R. THOMAS, of Crsven. AN ELECTION OF PERSONAL PREFERENCE. The average Democratic voter In North Carolina cannot help but feel some what diffident Id the approaching State Senatorial primary. The reason for this diffidence Is at onco apparent to every observer and person familiar with the political con tests In this State. Tbe Senatotlal primary in November, In which all Democrats sre especially Interested, possesses two features, at least, which vary from the customary run of elections. The first feature is that this primary election is for white men, only, and com pliance with the rules laid down by the Democratic executives, gives the fran chise or privilege of voting at the pri mary. A second feature 1b that the coming Senatorial primary is one in which the contest is really among the voters of one political party, where outside dancer, In the shape of the colored vote cannot en ter in to any degree. It Is tiiis exemption from all trouble from the colored vote, that makes this Senatorial contest a most Interesting one, in that no parly obligation rests upon a single voter, every Senatorial candidate being In every degree a Demo crat. The Senatorial primary to be held on November 0th, Is an election In which personal preference for this or that can didate can have absolute sway. This absolute privilege of Individual ism In choice of candidate, probably lu some places will be tried to be held In check, by the organization of some Sen atorial club that will have for It pur pose tbe political coralllng of voter or some paper may be circulated for signature that shall attesopt to pot lb voter on record, and tbu prevent bis thinking of the merits of the several can dldates, and so at lbs polls restraining a free will of personal preference. It Is Ibis very newness of position which should cause every voter to place himself where h can exercise his polltl- csi freedom by thought of tbecandtdatss fitness, sad after sslecUsg a candidate feeling no constraint In voting far him The mors freedom that caa be as Joyed by lb voters la this Seastortal primary la selecting for themselves I Weir candl data sad rotlsf for him, the greater lb iJ sac ciss of lb primary. Asy hindrance which shall prevent the full exercise of s personal nraferaae st tba 8aatorta! primary, makes lb primary a fallsrs, sa tajary to lb fslar welfare of Is Democratic party which stead re possible for the pri- msry. ewee ml CM ! SW Cmn TW marcary will rsrsly destroy tb aaasa of small sad completely (tereaf th bak system ah aalarlag k throat lb maac-s aarfaaae, Sac arxtele sboass aoibe ataatH oa psasertptlusl from rwpatabM physlctaas, sa Ue aaas aga Ibey m a b Ue frnVJ U the feed fo poaalhfy . eWir Jraaa U Hair Catarrh Cart, saaatfaaiaM by F. I. Caasssy A 0a, Totaaa. O, atwatM a) mareary, sad It tahaa tawvaatly, as, taf Oraatly apaa la M a4 maeoM arfasaa of la sjiiit la aajylaf BaU Casarra Cars ha tan fat gat taw ( law. It Is miaraally, aa4 mai la Tomda. Oato, ky T. J. Chaaay ft 0 Ttimall fraa. ! - i , BtU'tf; raw art taakaal, .' Naw Bam Fair Hrr. 13-17, 1 MO OAMTOntAi ' ' " ia OpUlva aw.4awa - "It tikes geahM and hard work to niak a' (treat actor." eicUlraed toe chubby matinee . fararKa who. waa iQioktug a dcaretta and reading a 60 eent novel. " f: T ,' s- .V C And tbe press agent looked up from tbe pilea of action which Ma facile pea was tracing and In a voice that shook with feeling cirialmed: You bet It does!" Waahlngton Star. Rer Dtvwrs. Tim Chlcatro divorcee was talklog about her former husbands. "What was the matter with tna first f asked her friend. "He didn't understand me." "And the second V "He did." Philadelphia Record. Feelings of safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy thst produces immediate result;. It is infallible for coughs, colds, croup end all throat and uDg troubles. It will prevent consump tion. F, P. Dnffy. Her Optaloa. "You see," said the heiress confiden tially, "my father likes the count very much. But he Is afraid the dear boy Is Inclined to be careless about money matters. What do you think about It?" "The fact that be has proposed to you." said Miss Cayenne thoughtfully. might possibly be taken as very good evidence to the contrary." Washing ton Star. DOES IT PAY TO BOY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds Is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure tbe more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. Wbut shall you do f Oo to a warmer and more regular cllmalef Yes, if possible; if not possible for you, then in either case take the only remedy thai has been introduced In all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup." It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy ex pectoration, gives a good nigut s rest. and cures the patient. Try onh liottlc. lifcommended manv years by all drug i . - 1 . . I 1 1 I.' ....... I,' u tuts In the world. For sale hy F. 8. Duffy. A Book's Attractlveueaa. Ferguson Don't you think It wre'eh- ed taste to spend so much mouey on a book's binding instead of upon its con tents? Chumley You must ask somebody lse. I have an eye for beauty in bind ing!, but life is too shorten read bookp. Do not get scared If your heart troubles you. Most likely you suffer from Indi gestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cuie digests what you eat and gives tbe worn out stomach perfect rest. It is the only preparation known that completely di gests all classes of foods; that Is why It cures tho wont cases of Indigestion and stomach trouble after everything els has lailcd. It may he taken in all condi tions and cannot help but do you good F. 8. Duffy. Heroes sml Mlos-rapher.. She Toll you the truth, Alfred, I do not believe In heroes. lie That's funny. If you had said you didn't believe the people who write their biographies, I shouldbare thought nolh lng of ll. afOZLRT'H l.r.MON KI.IXIH. HSulatoa th Liver, Klomacli. Iloweli ftad KldMji. For biliousness, constipation and mi larla. For Indigestion, sick sni nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart failure. For fever, chills, debility and kidney uue, isio ieoon Elixir. Ladle, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, lakeLeruon Ell air. AOc and 1 bottles al druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Motley, At lanta, Oa. : A Frmlml SftalMar WrltM. After ta years of great suffering I root indigestion, with great nervous prostration, trillooan, disordered kid neys and constipation, I hav been oared by Dr. Mothry'a Lamoa Elixir, sad am now a wsll man. Rt. 0. C. Davis, Kid. M. K. Cbarch Month, "o. to Tainsll Bt, Atlanta, 0a. A Pmlml BIaasMM Wrtia. Dr. H. Ifoslcy, Allaats-Usvlnf baea a feat sufferer for Una yr from la dlgastloa, tad baea traavad by many pbyslclaaa, who failed to lira ma aar aay ralM. Ooatlaalsg la grow worse mr aroinar aovnaa asa t try vt. Hoa- My Lrta Kllxlr, which remedy be sea sewa lor several years, loommaaoei lu sea, ssd meet ssy tbet your Lassos suiiir M ua greaust seed tc to aertk I sav trrw suffered a oar staoe I maaosd atiaf Laeaoa Kllilr. R. I. Rooco, wm tteraaaao m- wnpbM, Teas. A OareV TkM It to osnlfy laM I aatd Dr., Mos ley's Uasoa Kilxlr fnt warslia of taa 4 aa4 tyaa with lb most marked beaeflt to my rerai baa lib. I woe Id gladly bar paid im for taa relief ilka tteaa ma al aoet of Iwa or ihraa aoi. ir. - , - H. A. Beau, Chara Bapariot Oamrt Raaaolpk C O. r ymmmU:y j - v . Thar U toiklsc Ml ma, mit tba mm Uwr. tar la kill my bora la lb mhJdW af das stary. ... 0a Jms4 sad ktll blm, aabt tba art lie fritwil aa body IU Mam) y, -; Taa W aaataad f aUal la Href I lb at ef lb reave Mule pill kaawa a DaWUI s LIiim faity fUaert, faay Mlaka, never grip, t. i Dsffy. CAPUDINE ,. CCtM HEADACnE 4 KEUnUGIA. la,f , aad 0e rWtlf. , ; ForCalo byEradham. GOOD HEALTH Jby.the Qiiart. Irarr boltie to mkof iaaaatoaa Sansparnia mamas bur health, sad rrorv settle aoasama a fall quart. It makes better tilenrl wiri blood. To thirty rear this fsssnn resteer ha base ereaUat sad anala Saining tood health. Johnston's Sarsaparilla bond op th system, toaaa aha but, sad strencthens the muss! man promptly sod aaastaally taaa mj other ramsdy known, Th pallor at th cheek disappears, eaerT takes the place of languor, and th rich color of health now to the cheeks. Unequalled for all disorders of the stomach and liver, and tor all weakenlnc eom plalata ot men, women and children. MICHIQAN DRUO CO., . Detrelt, rUcb. Sold by C. D. BRADH IM, New bern. Democratic Speaking:. Hon 11 L Cook, Democratic Cand'- date for Elector at large, New Bern Von day night Out 29lb. Hon. II. L. Cook, and Hon. Chas. R. Thimss, Vauceboro, October. 80th st 13 m. Hon. Ghas. R Thomas, Fort Barnwell Soy. 1, 13m , and New Bern, Friday night, Nov. 2nd. lion O. H Uulon and E. M. Oreen, sci., at Trullts, Saturda , Oct. 27tb. Hon. Chas. It. Thomas and S. M. Brlu- son, Esq., at Dover, Wed. October 81st, night. Tbe graphophone will give campaign selections at as many speakings as possi ble C. T. Watson, Chain. F. T. Pattkbson, Sec'y. State Senatorial Pollholders. 1st Ward Geo. Jones, E. M. Green. 2nd Ward-C E. Foy, Dr. Geo. Slo- ver. 3rd Ward-L. U. Cntler, A D. Ward. 4lh Ward S. R. Ball, J. M. llarget. Born Precinct-W- B. Flanner, J. C. Thomas, Jr. Tlsdsle Preclnct-N. Tisdale, W. F. Crocket. Pleasant Hill J. B. French, G. T. Richardson 1st Township, Vsnceboro S. J. Lane. Dr. F. L. Polls. 1st Township, Maple Cypress Wiley Causey, E. A. Lancaster. 2nd Township, Trullts Noah Fulcber Freeman Eurnul. 3rd Township, Ft. Brnwell-W. ('. Whllfc, Luby 8. Harper. 8rd Township, "Dover Jacob West Corbet Sutton. 3rd Township, Cove-T. B. Ipock, J 8 Koulnson. 5lh Township, Taylor's Store L. M. Uullbert, W. O. Temple. Ot h Township, Lees Farm Henry Mar shall, J. H. Hunter. 7'h Township, ThurmanH. C. Wood Zeb V. Butts. Jasper Louis French, A. E- Wads worth Kd Where te P1b4 Them. An Atchison man got so cold In th night last night Ibst he went out Into the yard for extra covering. Every spare blanket had been wrapped around some rosebush or hollyhock. Iarge sun spots astronomers say en used the eilreo beat this summer, and doctors declare nearly all th pros trations were Indoced by disorder of tbe ttomsch. Good health follows good digestion. Kodal Dyspepsia Cure direst what yon eat. If yoa hav ladlgaslloa or dyspepsia ll will quickly rallv and permanently car yoa. t B Duffy. AiueiU Slim, Youth Oh,Idoa't weal to Uk that character. I'll make a fool of myself tar Maldao Wtll yoa saM yoa a as lad aa esiy part. Th progratsiva salloat of laa world eretb great food aoaaamlag asiloaa. Good food wall digested give alraagta If yoa oaaaot digest all yoa eat, joa ad Kodol Dyspapala Car. H di gests what yea eat. Yoa. s4 aot dial yoareslf. It coatsla all of laa dtgaataau aombiaad with laa beet knows to lea sad raooaatractlvM. It will area digest all alissim of food la a bottle. Ha other preaaretloa will do this. It latlaally ralhwat aad aatraly aaris aH etotaaek troaM. ' f. 8. tMSSewN Oeaew "Tb Uby kaa hi lath' don't yoa think r , "Xonaenaal Nature aol4 aa aaora reprodor that ae taaa aba aoald ra radnrw a Tirroer iraMt'.Mitlt Joanut . Dr. V. B. Lawta, Lawmostffla, Ta, fit, laaalag Kadol Pyapaeala Car la mf practlc smoag arrer aue af ladlgatOoa aad lad H aa adsafrabk reeaedy." ataay hsadrad f pkyssdass dVp4 spas lb tea of Kadol Dysoapti Car la lomart IrrxUea. h dlgwat k yea eat, sad alrt f U all lb goad toad yoa seed, aewetdlaf fv U ot ararload year tloasaaa, Olvaa laataal rallaf tad perm a seal car, T. .Dy.", k Vaaaaaa a M rrl Tn-Kir aa meaim. Vat t 'l kw ra. tdr wh otrw mr yr I whm,i4 Ikiab tl 1W axe a Wk a h It e at l- iit fm. jrwa Htcr"a H-". N -t t rl Ma f f : K .r'N Vk a er--g e tnn'h riene. h tK air eerve greet k- k th re)l PUKY A CROOKED CENT." Wkaa tk Tewa Woaaaa TbaaxtM - Waa Held, la Oat awrwwa. . Tho car bad. Just rounded '. "dead Buta'f .curve'.- at . Fourteenth street, when a dalntfly dad young woman wished something oat of her hand Which as it struck tba street was fol lowed by a sharp metallic sound, t "What was that yoa threw away, my dear?" asked her companion, another girl about tbe same age. "Hooey," laconically responded the thrower. "Moneyf continued her companion In a horrified tone of voice. "Why, It sounded Uke gold." "My gracious L" shrieked the thrower. "Hare I thrown away one of those goldplecesl" 7 By, this time several of the passen gers had arisen from their seats and were looking ta an Indignant way at the conductor for hot stopping the car. He, however, was one of those high collared, stoical young men who boss things on the Broadway cars, and the excitement created by the money thrower did not cause him to turn a hair. All this time tbe car was bowl ing as merrily along as Broadway cars ever do bowl, and It was getting far ther and farther away from the mon ey. One or two of the passengers were about to Jump off the car, but then they thought better of It and turned their gaze anxiously on the young wo man, who was hunting frantically through her purse. Just as It seemed the strain would be too much for tbe excited passengers to bear longer the fair thrower looked up smilingly at her companion and murmured sweetly : "It's all right, my dear. It wasn't a goldplece after alL" "What was it, then?" asked the sec ond young woman. "Only a crooked penny," replied tho thrower. "I always throw awny crook ed pennies for luck." Then both girls softly giggled, while the other passengers, looking both fool ish and disgusted, resumed tbelr seats. New York Tribune. ORIGIN OF THE TERM "MOB" TJeed In Its Flrat Meanlaa In Time of Chancer. As Indicating the populace, prover bially fickle and easy to be moved (mo bile, from Latin moblllls), the expres sion "tbe mobile people" Is as old as the time of Chaucer, but In Its later sense, that of the disorderly crowd, and In its contracted form, "mob," it is not older than the postrestorntlon pe riod. In Roger North's Examen, 1740, reference Is made to the Green Ullibon club, 1080-2. and tho writer adds: "I may note that the rabble first changed their title and were culled the mob in the assemblies of this club Bret mobile vulgus, then contracted In one syllable." It was used hesitating ly at first by Drydon ("Don Sebastian," 1890), Durfy ("Commonwealth of Wo men." lflSH) and 8hadweil ("Squire of Alsatla." 1088), and Richardson point out that Dryden uses both "mobile" and "mob" In the sense of rabble, the former In tbe stage directions as the common word, the latter as If It had not long been Introduced. In 1711 The Spectator Instances "mob" as an example of the popular tendency to curtiill many of our words In familiar writings and conversation The verb "to mob." derived of course as above, does not occur until the pe riod of Horace Walpole, many years later, and Shakes po lire's expression, "tbe molded queen" ("Hnmlet"), refers not to th "mob" (mobile), but to tho headdress In disorder. Boston Trail script Dyspepsia Cure Difjests what you eat. ItartlOclaUy digest tba food and aid Naiara la UnKloealng aod racoo tractluf tba exhausted dlgastlva or gan. ItUtbaUtcatdltoorareddtgeat. ani asd too lo. so other preparation eta tDDtoacn it la fflclaocy. It In- ilantly rsUaveaand permanently cure trnpapaik, loaigastion, ueartDurn, rialulanoa, Soar Btotnach, Nausea, Blck Haadacts,GuUaJgla,Crtmparid all otbar roaulu of Impcrfact dlgaaUo n. tMeeaa.a4(L lAtfiasaoaata H4 stmea Sail II an ooe:liautrpepeisrrilirlfre rraaarad by B. C OowrrT a CO, CVeaoa. "t rry Schedule B. Offlc of BaglatM of Deeds, Ciarea Co. It Bare, N. C, Od. 1, IrOO. ill Toa ar aaraby required by ltw ladauraror ratara to aw, wUhia ua days afiar lb in day of October, vera atalameal of laa aatoaal of tap- llal tmploytd by yoa la yoar baalaaM a marcaaat, mwcaatU Irm or aaaooi Uoa for tba yaar (Iwalv moatbs) pra- odligtbtrliy af 0cobr 1. At dealer la cigar, eaaraoU, 4gar Mia aad maaafaetarad labacae, yoa are rasltad by law la deliver at rataratd aaa, anbla laa aUya aftar laa I rot day of October, a swot afsleateal of U aaas bt of Cigars, cbevoou, tJgarattaa, aad taa aamh of peaad of mreiard moktsg aad aaawlag lehsooa parabsaad by yoa for la yr (twlr moaib) praeadlsg laa IrMdey of Oalob IPuOl ; Taa r rvaslred by la M tWllvwr a raiara la ma, hbla laa day alet taa tral dy af Oetober, a era ataiameal af lasamaaataf year aommlaslaax, aa Mmmmsloa asarcaaat. Vrakar or dealer, baylsg aad sail lag, tar laa yoar (tveiea moat ha) praaaglat laa irsi day af Oa bar. IKJOL. , . s , fromp oompnaaaa ltb laa law It aaraaaUy re,t4, aad lat fallara aa da a yea U1 ba reaaired ta e W la Bawd af Caoaly Cammlasloa. , - IMMTnt.eBEW. . IVfiete af Caada. fotl omce RJ Itfikrt, - Wbeo seadtag aflr tbelr their mad tkey mn aUka glva lb ( lbr key ar aHiie artr, as paetiiveiy bn nl k.rMf M ta ty laa clatttla frffa pl rKI tv r''" o-1t pf lb reaier a eb0 hf rk rt ''"' '" Is r'"' r tn v'. Hiwj, KM n i nn iv I i mm m s, ymm No Other Person Has So Wide An Experience with Woman's Ills, Nor Such a Record of Success. i "A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills." Her Advice Led Miss Farreil to Health. Examination by a male physician is a hard trinl to a delicately organized woman. She dreads the humiliation of it all. She therefore puts it off as long as she dare, and is only driven to it by fear of cancer, polypus, or some dreadful sie'.tness. Most frequently such a woman leaves a physician's ofllee, where hh has un dergone a criti.:.'.l examination, more or less discouraged. This condition of mind destroys the effect of advice, and she grows worse rather than b'-tter. In coiikiiH'U!,' Mrs. Pinlcham. in person or by letter, no hesitation need be felt. The story is told to a wo;n m. ami is entirely confidential to a woman who has listened to thousands f similar stories and who is so competent to advise woruen because of vast cxjx-rii n e, and Ut'jinse she Is a woman, ller advice is absolutely free to all si. It wi.in.-n, and her address is Lynn, Mass. Read Miss Furrcll's ,'u eount of how she was siek. and was lead to health by Mrs. l'inkham. She is -Duly one of thousands whom Mrs. Plnkham has cured this year. Fornalo Weakness Rol'wved by Mrs. Pinkham. " I take pLcj'.MH-e in writing you a f.-v lines thankinp you for your advice. I did just is yo i toM in:- in taknvr your medicine, and owe my life to you. You are like a mother in vo ir s. x. 1 was awful siek, wan all run down, and felt aick all over. I looked like a person brought out of the grave. My face wa-s as white as tile driven snow I w.i , always tired after doing a little work, and would have to sit down. 1 had t rrible pains and headaches, and my appetite was not tfOd i also, troubled with shortness of breath. I could not go up one flight of stairs without lie-n tire I and b iving tosiop to get my breath. I wa-H feeling just is miserable as eo aid !. I took two Isittles of your Vegetable Compound, and eannol . xpress mv t.liiuilis to vu for what your medicine has done for rue." Miss . s. Kauki.i.i., .15 Itevim St., (trove Hall, llosbm, Masa. $5069 ItKUWIUI. Wi. hav ' S W 111 l ifl!.i to H in 't r:iulii, 'r we i Some Thing s Please Remember ,TIIAT ntir ttik of K-ne ilratrr ("omplele and llic p re r uig ng fro la.oo to (in no. THAT our llnr of llonti l.u'd S rem ties la attractive THAT our H.K-k . ( I. adrd Shell comtirltlDr ''Scm'-m'-arlct", "Sm -l lea" and the ' lllark p..v.lrr la mm plate THAT WK NKKII MoSKV rll as lbs rest of mankind, sn.l If )u owe ns pb-sse pay u. Yours truly, J. C. Whitty t New Brrn, N. V. E.W.Smallwood, tiiAUB in 6FHEB1L HiEDWiBK, aad all Kinds of EOILDISG MATERIAL Wlra Jtadlar, tkiara boar aad Wladowa, OUICICR REFRI0ERAT0RS ffalca r lb heat. The? aata bvl Urn aja)s ami fn Saparlan Jo Oeam trmm, Watrr Cf4r, Mkblfaa (Nea aad staanaa, fatal, r . '.. VUt Hotel ChatUwka. ' IjOANINU MOfKYI , . . .... aada. Lai aleceJ. apply U naln anti Tics a s reblt t aerr'? tb tfci lik I: turn I --i'e 4 Tim. fu CI oxk, ry rV'. at r. niti. '."poalt. A with thn Nutloiiftl City Bank of f,ynn, fl000, y j..T-..ti win. run Hurl thai tb ?) tatlmonlal Vttr MibllNlil hoforn uhtairiliijf tli writor'i apavlal pr. l. IHA K. PINgHAM IKD1C1NK CO. NOTICE ! All persons wiitititij- any kind of Slow- work, Tin work or I'luinliiiij,' I I bine ('nil on J. W. WOOD. ton liml liis iru.H low .hi. I H iii k Sal i-f.t lory. I 1 mm T I'loail ami Middle St ret Is JICE 'OH HOMK Ifif ( 1 Tin. pure wholrmome, gnaranlref) U (irralr)lj mble from clit-illlrd r mil frcp from impurUk. H(rci.lly in- Undfl fend prrfaauni for humio Coo u rnpli'in. Ir i flftlly frtcrpl Sunday) ' m, U ft p m lundfeyi (r Ull onl") 7 a m lo 13 noon For pric and ftlirr inf(M-aiiUi, Addrwn, New Berne Ice Co j i st in: f:iVKi A FULL Lt.NK OK King Heaters & Coal Stoves abb-h will ba oM cheap for cask. 17" It will b ta yoar lalaraat lo ta m befot b)l( la that II aa p. n. IHUNEY, I la. fraat t LSTotioe ! Taa 0Kt ari Maat Rtllabta Plras. Kw Kaaalsa, t4 DIlrla Rhat tUata W aab, Oea aM rise u faat It hi RklaiUaJaet Reaeiead. Btteh aaa Larfaaa, lat fj faleJ,Tra5 Laaaa, I Caaria a araaa4 asarna batata , -M ' , Mltm j -4 . riw wf irasaa piejt gal taa Vt fat! m4 ff Ibaes at , ' ElGEILUn: Ei;:i! En i WVea la Kar'Soea ainei el laa Laea. a THEY HAVE ARRIVED 1 The Ha -d-i m si and '. st Lii.i . f If ealin Nlovi.-, Bo h V;n,J I ('. a! vi r ., a in I.. nit v . W arei Lo ).. nts lor n,e v.a'l inn,, llih Grade such as Tl.e Excel, i r, Klmo, Farmer (Jhl, K.jincr !! , ('. K. K.ng aad (i. K. Qi e n. All of w.1 lch tve guarantee to jv; i er- flCl HHtisfiielloii. II jon n-e In n ed i.i an lliiii' in the Ililld A'.'ll'e Lice or Hash, I) on and Blinds, Lime, Cement oi N .i:s give us a call and we (;.N ANI) WILL ,-AVK YOU M. Nr.V: Voors for Krsj.e h, L H. CUTLER H'DW F CO BLOOD HUMORS Ulcers, Old Sores, Cancers, Katin Sores, Eczema, Ktc. Cured by It, H. H, --Trial Bot tle Free. Fiom Impure blond conies nil soils of pain, aches and sores, ending f niiient;y n deadly cancer or sonio chronic i-nru If you ran answer "yes" to hiiv of Ilia following questions your blood Is diseas ed and Impure. Do cuts or BCiatchcs heal slowly ? Docs your skin Itch or burn " Have you pim ples ? Eruptions so you feel ashamed lo lie seen In company 1 Aching lioncs or liackF Kc.rma? Old Sores? HollsT Scrofula? Rheumatism Koulllreathf Catarrh? Are yon Pale? Do Hcahs or Scales form on the Skin. Ilslr or Scalp ? Prickling Pains In Hie Hairy .AJI un Don n, get easily tired, and as tired in the morning as when you went tolled? Fluttering tlcart? Have you I leers Kaling Horcs? Cuni-er ? TO ( I KK, Any JoiuiNAi. reader who seders is ad vised to take a few large lxtll, s of I;. II. 11 (Botanic lilood I'.alui). This remedy Is undoubtedly the best and only perfect Hlood Puiiller made. II H H (lioisiiie Blood lUlnOha.. i record of :i(l years of cures, hence Is thoroughly lesinl. Ily taking a lew laiee bottles of II II It. the hlood Is inane pure and rich, all ilui sores sru healed, mid hcIu s an. I pains vani-li ss the mist In-fore I he sou. B It. II. has cui ed over IIMI rum s of cancer, many of ihem r ,,,.,., ---- r nltlt: by doctors ami sp. iali-t. Kalinr orea, Ulcer- and srr..t':U ure l-eab.l wo thai tliry never In. tin r the pmuhl Biaiii. ii-.ema In its wm-i f. rin w lured t.y from H lo H large hull le. II I; i. eures hy draining tin- poi., m ami Im rn onl of the hi. .oil, al tin- s, tin,.- ii l.ull.U up the broken down e. u--t i i u l i on lor lale lv diiii'gi-l. A I per luce l.o - tie. or ll large boiii. (full tn sl ( 'nmpletc illrri l ioiM vi it i. , r;, I, i ure llio l.ollie lead Holm. Balm. So pulTerei n.-.v le-i .ill.- lie III I 11 a t f nil o.l IWliu "in and Ixillle given away. A. I. Ire.-, Ill Co., A t lanla, I i.i I lei.. r:le h in froo meilleal s'! i r- elver. ATLANTIC AMI N , It A I I.l:i i. 1 1, Tin n hi .in nins I Ik r a i: i ukt SPECIAL LOW RATFS TO I II K V ( State lEalr ! A I Ralelth, N. t. Oct. 24 & 25. Sp. al Knur-Ion Tiain. ai'.l l.e run over till, r-.t-l fr--m Vtorei.ea.l I llv kn.l Inltuinlinli, .lallor. I,'a .i,'t. mii I relilin rmi Ia. mi H ....nil ..f UM. aliovr, on Wnli,,..!,, ,:,, ll,.ir..ly, Dei 'J Hh an-l "J ".111 Hi f,,... ,,W rslpn of fare fori lie r I i n p, ho In. I Irg one ad.ni.ilon l . i lu- l r Mnri ll'd ( Hy l I ... a. .oa $ '. 70 Wild (.-.) t Newport IlarrlrK k 'roaiaii Hlrerdale N.w Bern C'srkt i a K.ip. ( ' A . I 4 .0 K . .'..n ?.) Ka'.lln Crrrk i m l.ai.rng,. .: ill II,-. t - 'J 4-1 Military I'omi a. k. and llan.li In un form leenly (.'Ii) nr moir in. . no llrkrl III l furnliliril ii. ki u at one erni p. r mil per capita All roerbre inrludlng il.r BufTri Pail-.r Car ' Vance" alll Uirnu,li i-. KaUIgh and return without ruanrr Tl,- n..fTn Parlor Car will lie npplhil and all I hi delicacies of th .. n ex till. t I.I Iae Mnrehejul ( Hy. I" l 4 yi A M New lUro n u ' Kls.loe t, A i't (lold.loro on Lr OoHihom h ii Arr Haitlk Hi i IKTl 111 -.. Lear Raklf b ' Vi p M Ar'ta (oMsboro 7 sn Leae UoUtahnro 70 " Klaalna f ti " Jw Hera a Vi - Artie Horebee.1 Cilf drrH 11,19 - B. l mm raa Hp'. Julius M. ,cflrnold aft Kxrhaafffi N(blrft, IWtHs Wfot a. Haras as, Whit aallaSe. " tTn ivaA a sawat-itf . . ' HTWfi M a bwetewl Ori, 1, at Ha i Hraa HrH. be tVra. K. t T Df Cur. nm f IVsmaat ft-) t 0 X I.-