VOL. XVI1I--N0. 181. NEW BIRN, H. C, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 27, I! NINETEENTH VKAK EVERYTHING PLEASANT. .4 it LADIES AND CHILDREN'S soles for 43 00. Kid Shoes In button and lace, Natural, Modem and 8panlh Opera, Lace for t'i.50. A lovely line of $2.00 Shoes In Lace and Hiilton, Military .-.nd Sprint: heels. Children and Misses Sliors in Kid, or Kid Top and Vesting tops. Then Last but not I asl Our Kmpri'S Storm Hoot l"A visit from yon will please us. 47 & 49 Pollock Street. "Stop and Think' llrlsk Trade Keeps o.ir St.. our poods are ulwtU'H fri h. "REASONABLE I have a freidi supply of Francis . Lrgetls' , :! ami i l!i ;in kiu(M Prepa'ed Buckwheat, Oatmeal and Pi til John's lln :.(;ii leu I I nm carrying also a nice line of Canned (loodn, Cnnm-d I'oinpli in I'Iumi Podding, Hoar Kront can or bulk, el'-., etr. 1 would be glul lo have you call and examine my nloek. Yours for Business, J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, L! COAL ! We have removed our Ortlro and Ooal Yards lo No. IO Otivtii Hi., Opp CetUa Kirbaatre, where we have a fall supply nf the Hot I'rnnsylvsnls Anthracite, also tho Cele brated Tuns ( reek Bituminous Coal, which h specially adapted for house old ih la K rales and furnarrs aa well as all stesm porpone Prlca 5me Ijist Year. Order PromrH ly and Person ally Filled. PHONG J. Hollister & Cox. A. J. CAMMEYEKS SHOES. t II A VI? Rtcm'ED rUwirw of A. J I WMfU'l OtrfarsiW ih fRETTTEST f AT. LEATHER la Ike wwM. I rarr, ta KnUrat Um mt (Mtart aH TV Is IW H I atakt Kriw t nnrUllv. (lit lb aaatpkn tank Arrai l Waauutrr A Unas Cans and 54 fU. Wll.Ii K. IUXTI.IL Of swelu iaraatk (. llliLlSook Store fahUlaikt i Hfhl Mkifptlna, 6. H. Ennctt COA swi UW in rae S1 firm li -t i frtr. j k is Dfessy Footwea. Hero they ar ricln from I lie makers hands w would like I lie lady who thinks Slie cannot lie phased in I'al. Leather Shoes to feme in. "NWKLL I'ATENT LEAT'JI-.K" with dull kid tope, extended well poles und military heels Lace, for $3.00. Louis XV Patents, vesting tups, welt I. in n;, PRICES RULE." ? D. F. JARVIS, 63 POLtOCK STRECT. IlonarVrrj r' linens, ar)o4 anJ yalUn;. IjiIvwI 8lU an I ( olnrt in l)nm Onxli aod l)rM Trirnmin(ra. D. F. JARVIS. Utest art kerw- Mat IhJ (MH raU44a; nat- gf aw lb aM'h at. trl fatly, ih If. Wtrr A Wn. RN, w ?r Shoes lira ChiWrens nr Made Wraps State Fair Beats Friday Records Also, I Talk Of a State Fzposltlon. Admls- ' ! slons to The Museum. Special to Journal. ! i Raieioh, N. C, October 17. Ytsler- day is regarded as all 'round, the most successful tT.r known at the btate Fair. ( There was good order, no fighting or at - cldents, and faultless weather. To-Uy j ( the attendance was large, breaking the , .record for Fridas'. The railway ban died ll, 000 people to the fair and the street cars more. Yancey county, In the extreme west, "ok the first prize on sweet potatoes. This was a su prise to the officials of the Agricultural Department. Yaucy alto ook the first prize on apples, peaches, cabl.agys and dried fruit: The Marshals' ball of the fair was giv en this evening at the Capitol Club. The number of admissions to the State Muscnm yesterday was 375M, and so far during the week nearly 10,000, It is the State's great show-place. Isaac Lamon of Wilson county to-day iled a voluntary petition In bankruptcy riie 1'. S. Court officials have relumed li re from mw Item. I hero IS onh uo convict sent on the Najuvlllu penl- entiary fioni there; this being George r. ArtlM, a negro, who forged a pension :.cck and g- ts four years. He has served w.i j ars in the Htale pilson, for forg-i-i; :i .c.lionl order. it i more than probable ihul In 1002 lelcwill U; a Hale exposition hen . IN rl.ups one would be held Hie m-il yi'ir, 1, 1. 1 for I lie run-American exposi- IOII Kl 1 tl tl -. Today was Kdiu ailonal Day at the :':i.e I'-iir. All Hie many colleges and li.M.m Ihmc l,ad holiday and there wen ( ci i .il ixeieisc at the grounds. l':iH ! lei iio in liic lo.ilhull ir ime In - in lie Itiiltdgh and iliuikburg Agil iihi iiil and Mechanical college' ut daji-il. Tie lllai.liliurg team arilnd vi -iii.'Mlny meruit);'. Late Telegraphic News. The news that the coal strike Is cndeil aiirt-s general rejoicing throughout the mining dUlricia. Ureal crowds greeted William J. Bryan n his lour through New Jersey yester- lay and Democrats have hopes of carry - ng the state. A warrant lias finally been Issued for he arrest of Alvord, the defaulting tel er of the Klrat National Bank of New k'ork. Hecretary l'earsall said yesterday that he does not think the new reirlalratlon a ill amount lo one per cent. Senator Sullivan Sued. I Special lo Journal. Naw Ohlkans, Oct. 20 Senator 8iiV Ivan of Mississippi has been sued b Miss May Ieetnn for $.V),000 damages For breach of promise. Mlsi Ieeton says that for the past five yean they nave lived as man and wire .ml that he bas repeatedly promised to marry her. Hhe was married when she met him and bo secured a divorce from bcr and educated her al Memphis snd at A arrlngton, Va Spanish War Pensions. -ipc-lal lo Journal. WatHiaoTOJi, Oct 86 Commissioner Kvani of the l'anslon It area a made the folloalng statement In answer to anmer oos Inquires: "There have bees filed II,- fO claims for pension on aocoanl of the Hpanlih Americaa War. Calls have bees made for evidence la 81.434 of these claims. Medical eaasslasUoes kavs bera ordered In 2A.SM claims. Tha dlffereaer txilween Ibe number of clslm Iliad aad the number of medical siamlnatloaa ordered practically represents the asm tr of widows sad depeadeats claims 1,117 of I brae claims bar be a adjudi cated Is It Emef eri Cold? London, Oct M -Tae Dally rail ha ib following froas Lores ae Marqaae. "The Americaa bark Fred P. Litchfield which went ashore her froas kf moor- lap doriag ih (ale oa lb eight of Oca. 14. aad we aaarabad Use Mil day for gold I enaeeqaeaaa of MtptcJoa ikal ska was carrlaf Mr Kragar't triassee, tavb amoaal of XI ,3000,000, erin 4- laaipi to sail tedar, ( Wadaaadar.) rbatalaiuUdU IMt sba carries a large e,aat!ty W f oM kkldea waaW bet allaa." RecnlU Hf Milllpplne. Ksw YoaaOetbt IMMsaal iia- ball, Aa4iisal QaarVarmaetar-Oewerel af laa Dstutd Ihaia Armf, aaaseaaed today that l.tO taaraiia H keavs lot IM rbttlaDtaa U U aait Urea Tha trat l) II1 tea a Ua Iraaa- aft Rafofd aej Meewmbat 1 TVs - aad traawaan, aarrts( the atbaf lon, will balb Kllpeartra, aakk wlU katva Poawmbft Id . -' Tb rwratuaa Ua Baferd win bat anatavaM a Oaf, iae KDaa, a lb Tatf-eatlafaalr.a4 Ibaaa m Ua Ellfalrk Vjr Oai Tally MaOraa, CASTOR I A ' Taf XataaU a4 C.IUrtv Hi Iti Yd EiTi-ir:;1! Pmrt Dva f"T.(wr of loyal Bakin Makes vThelFood More Healthful rior fitness, purity and healthfulness of its ingredients. Royal Baking Powder leavens the . food perfectly by its own inherent I power without changing or impairing any of the elements of the flour. Thus the hot-breads, hot-rolls and mufHns, and the delicious hot griddle-cakes raised by the Royal Baking Powder are wholesome and digestible, and may be eaten without distress, even by persons of delicate digestion. H Alum baking powders are low priced, as alum costs but two cents a pound ; but alum is a corrosive poison and it renders the baking powder dangerous to use in food. ROYAL iAKINQ P0WD1R 00H IOC WILLIAM ST..NIW YORK. ' SURPRISE FROM CUBA. Section of Convention Delegates Deter mine to Beet Before Apolnted Time. Special to Journal. Washihoton, October 36. Cuban Hov- olutlonlsls who are delegates to the 'onslllutlonal Convention to meet Nov 5th here sprang a surprise by determ ining to convene In eitraordlna ry ses. flon much before the appointed time and to ask the United Hlalea not lo Interfere n any way with the proceedings of the convention. This step was not decided upon nntil Oeneil Wood wss out st sea on his way to the United Htater. (leneral Wood leavoe NewYork Monday on his return to Cobs. The Cuban movement Is lo defeat soy possible resolution favor ing the ultimate annexation to l'nlla.1 States. Coal Strike Declared Off. HlTellon, I's-, Oclolier Vt. Tbn mine worker's strike has been doclered olT as lo all companies which hsve compiled with Ibe strikers demands, and the strike will be continued against lhoe oompe ate which bsve not granted IheHcrao Ion ooBTanlloas demands The strikers will ret era to work Monday si the place where Ike tla-ap Is ended This eaaoaaosmsal was oonvyl la a statement add ran rd to the miner and I me red by the Fresldtnt MlicbsltJ.ii.l obr ofdoara of th Called Mine Work ers. Florida Loses Territory. MoHTaoMBBV, Ala., October 3V A eon Ion of Waal Florida baa txra a aid lo Alabama, and Alabama Uws gala M0.0O0 acre of tb beeL ikabef leads la Iba Boalk. Of this, 4. J(B) aia are school laada, aad lb paUkt eeUxil srstam of laa Buu la earkked )aat thai mack. Tb Wed Is da the baaatdar of Alabama aad Florida, aad Iba 1U baa baoa moved soaih lalo flavlda aaa all at mora aa Use Ckatiahooekaa Rivar. f roat ski pot at k goat wesaoanlly la Iba aid boaadary tlaa aaar rf aloe. Is ltSS lb Uaveraaaaat aaiborlaad a sarvy la It laa boaaalarf Umm, aad It was made bf lie. Oafey. Tea rar latat aaalha aaraay Waa aaade, aa4 U was foaad thai Ua aOatal raeorde bad gtvaa rWrtae a aarrww aura of load lot Bat to taaujth baa meo. JTat aom aMaaai aa beUaa am Ukaa af U aw. U(, aad for aavwaly-edd rears is atria aalaUily bafaaaad ba rtortds. la Ua aid raaaed allaalea I mada Ua TsIUbaeas atartdlaa.' mi fmn la Ua m, Tkla fad M Uad Oommlmleaat Doamt to ta vetUaia, ; aeaai allot a Use matf m erf 'autiamlaa iba - Tb I'lUed luut Lead OdUa free aai appraraa: im usafar. Trnbli ti Uat. lamdal bt laarwat Waaaraovow, Ob W,0iaafal "Ma. inbat aabka 'ream Mas He ta4 tmj Ufsatry aad alstf Catsb-y atlas ba4 U laeerfaaw la taan tskawd. TV paalltaa asbaid b low bj(4lra4 rHma Sad lk.e.a.4 b mass. Aflr or.rt Ua Amrtf f r-4 ll rr ta th. Wv llmx I !.,t. .. V ' ' In r 1 C Royal Baking Pow der possesses pecu liar qualities not found in other leav ening agents, which arise from the supe THE MARKETS. I The following iiiotatlons were receiv ed by .1. K. Latham iV ('". New Hern, N. !. Nr.w iiIik, Oct. 2fl Ci thin, - Open. IIIkIi Low. Close Oct KR'i H (l:l H N MM Nov KiNI S :t HHH H MH Jn S '.I.', H tlH M 111 H ill Mrh.. H.l "'.' f'JI M f I May H 112 M !l.", H ill l Wiiiat Open. IIIkIi. Iow I 'lose Dec 7M 7-t 77) 77 ,on . (ias 171'. I7'i .So. H'y I'M . . 'i7 V'd Fed S :t:i( :s Con. T "i Uatlirr . '-'l Cotton rci el t wete. IH.tKKi bales al all pons. For Ui ek :i.iil.iHi iiji I ji at H,'.V1D same wik laul year I h..i,..,l Muk.l. Hpot .', 7 3.'. Sides tH l.(lr Kll turoa closed inlrl (KiN'ov Jan Feb -I W. Ail'lm irccUrd by I K l.atbam .V " wrre that llirrotl-in niarkrl wai uphrld tr cveilnc of ulinrl" and ll!it niorr mem. No fr.i llkelr in tlir i - itton tm!l for Llir flajr or m tr. Hw llr-rn I ,.l l..n M.rkrl 'otUn ild In tliu 1'M-al niarkrl e.lrr day at 4 lo H V. New IWrn l air Nov. n 17. I Prefers Carr For Senator. lll.TTl vil I . N t.H.,,1 91 Inn In the Chailoll. MWiui ..( Ih. tXt( a ahnrt arllrl. willlrn by one who I qptiutf, waa ulna"! lo Id lo what tr wrl. Il pirfrrrl lo l(a It "Maab'sml," snd I mul .ay lo aom. AT a It wa vary 1i-c i -' s. ' avlb. lk. Uilotll II. iM'nr in make apUn.for f M tHrr.-.- ih" 1 an for owraest rW aor N ' '- ao taHtlnmake aai. Mw-mn,.. bal VI r tlarl In bar-' l- 'k a-i-rrllf afssrrawti a)fal Jl -e I Cart lob the ai alnv rofi Carollaa II . rr" r aaaa . U laeaaad walb "fk.mf aaw-l' la ta It, Ha la iba maa U a aM. H ad la bare Ibal boa. 4 asMlna The aa fears Of la anM. ! maalf Ufa baa) gim rat la aiwmHHa; e- aenal hl aad IkMMH aa) ta Hark Capita ) Uau rea raasa aa an laajet: lb- fdaae) oar amafd Yaarw 1 iaj aw Wtbavaa l rewardlad ad kmartwf Ik 4d eatdl at bit Uam aad to all rharwa. aw U M rallf to swpt-rtaf It. fm alia) . Cart tba bad W4 t-l aa-ntd I hat JtefU lee - ailal.a aa alt ft tf la tasa BilaHrle. ' ' . ItewetbJ CWf" ral, teat a4 bO liae, ; , J. Wai.asa ninMi, tar-w, n t B-0 eeeetoeee 01 crMhwl la, ralsa etwUa," say Iba ('neatlwna m n.ranr4eat a fi. "y '!. fs r"l l"t a snsa't a era a; rr-arttm; J it-. - -1 ae t . t a w ' ' Big 'XO CTJT Fresh OnUrio :ind lice uV I'i i-pni-cil I'm-kH lu-ul; Did Ftisli'on :'iickwlie:il; Dried Allies A IVurlii; Nice Fruit Jellies anil Jams; Funny Fii t li Kl-Ju Mul ' lover Hill Print Butter; Fiiney lull Civum (.'lioesej F reel i Lt inotis; (Juinieil (iomls of nl! kiiul.; Il' inz'.s I iekles; Tomato CiiLsiii; Mulnnl :iinl .";une; i lain l'or niiil i runs uml uilli 'lonuiln Siuice; Stitiill I ijr Ilitnis, (!;ilf Ihuns ami Knlili ( iinil Klinillile.ru. Complete Slock of to be I J. L llcMilE Phone !. 71 - J. A. JONES, It KOA l STIiKET. SIKWAKT'S 01,11 STAMI. IjivTV. Pecil, Nalo and Kx4liuiii;c . liiir'est und 1 1'iiiinil in New Item. A l.-o 11 1 1. 11 in Kol. 1 Win Cm I Wl: Cotton FIr'-roof lVnr?liHM ! ( i.ll.ni STOKF.D iiml INM'IfF.D nl mniill cost 1111 ide on Kinie if ilesiri-il. fur nun I liiln r irn irn Himleiin- Silieit i N EXT TO ( (ITTON V. ( II A Mi K. PLANTER'S The Plan t.-r'a Wan licMiar- is bxali-J ami the fineat Warrhouac in llic Slatj-. S . 1 ill 1 den I y of i.riUrs for all ibe Toba. en ill tins imr t of t In Stal. It is the ami of tin- 111U1114? eiieut to 'iie Ins ramuJ nttenlinii In all aali and In rw that ou are e iibed nfu r hen on tin- inarket ailli Uilinrci. Our niotln is "JIikIi l'rw aiul 1'rra.inal Atti iiIkki Ui (nur 111 Unat." Krt- Stalile.. On ire down Ui the oi nin s.il.-, and e mil tri lo ,.Ir PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE CO , J. M. HOWARD. Manager. f, H I.AMOI.KY. AurtusKl r"l.' ''T -k daf at II n'rlork MASONIC IIPEIIA HOUSK, Annelida tltri'fa'ilirV 1 TUENDiY, OCT. HO, Tba illllUHaa OaaraU faraa remedy. inwa KaMM di rllaTe Ma.W nail. . Km T.t ftit-b WwbTS Ureal ma Tmra' ai"aHl aad ae af Mlravnfeal pnnartlraa Gayest . Manhattan HrlmfatJ of atlftk, Hasa aaj arvj fat . Saf ftatartaieiac leeaa I knewasMtl. pawtlaWae tfcw . itfal, arerHaWeg tU.n fait Xevat frwr I 4an4loa reesf mm im a a, en a rvta that (a i . - A Cb-raa U4 are pratls i - " j , -! " Tba a1 ajr'r Oavdewtef With latkraf an'. 5.: the Kest (iriK cries lint! . i itola'Hitlt'- m. at , ; as' M , "I . a STABLES. Finest Sin lk nf MTJLES l.llie of I'll'le.-, VViijriiliH ( oniiili I. ,. ,, F.lr. .1. A. Itread Street, .IO MS. Slf-vinrt's Old Stand Storage. u-'iii;ill' Tin Htatisln nl 1 isi 1 1. m jliM ill II mil' 111. t..r es Im h r I" In f w WAREHOUSE tin Lim in Sfl ill Iiiim- .:irl nf tin ,lel.t .'f I 1 ilv flltl II JSrer Orror k 1 . f w ji . aa I l ha rtaasft, sboddf -ndvttll-d bad bt aea Wltl la kwak, as sb-ea asrtarad, wbaa a era fenbael fraas cournus An laiiwsM - t Ofar Vallt'ea'a irweMe. Thef IlkrAat0aa.Bwaafaa0rb- f aabvsaa. J rHatfaf. Itobkaf Huma " t M 4HV, ! low, IT. 0