V v " 1 t- r ''ATT OAV-f"'" Mi- & VOL. XVHI-NO; 182. HIW BlfUl, N. C., SUNDAY-MORNING, OCTOBER" 28, 190(1. NINETEENTH YEAR w. 2 Absolutely Ptrce ; : ' Jsf is y?7777nniTTr7Trx HACKBURN. I - $ "Stop md Think Brisk Trade Keeps our Stock moving, accordingly our goods arc always fresh. 44 REASONABLE I have a fresh supply of Francis H. Lcgetts' 2, P and fl ll packages Prepared Buckwheat, Oatmeal and Petti John's Break fast Food. 1 am V carrying also a nice lino of Canned Goods, Oannod Pumpkins, Plum tf Pnddtng, 8our"Krout can or bulk, etc., etc. C I would be glad to have you call and examine my stock Tours for Business, J. R. PARKER, JR.r GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street COAL ! COAL ! We have removed our Office and Coal Yards to No. 16 CVaveii HU 0B Cetloa Exebaaire, where we hive a full supply of the Best I'eansylvanla Anthracite, alio Hie Cele brated Tntna freak Bllumlnoos Coal, which Is specially adapted for household ui a giaira aad (uroaces aa well as all Kant purposes. Pricca 5ma aa Laat Year. Orxlera Promptly and Person ally FllUd. PHONE 34. Hollister & Cox. A J. CAMMEYER'S SHOES. 1 IIAVt BTCE1VED BawpWa of X. t. CaaiMvw'l Celebrate Hhoeh tba fRETTTEST fAT. LEATHEK U IM world. I carry IB ttnbMawl Um 4 Ccaa aad TV la tkr eliy. I aaak Markwaaraaorclaltr. UIiViplei Ibo. Aaatfor Waaaaskai At Brow a. Cna ad 59 fU. - .Opposlui iooamaL OfBoa. illiLBook Store . Waarw agwataia ftUndftrtl rpr t . h Putfrrnn r.ti iwieirr , ' . .-. il ew v , ' ) , rad , . J sVasHifel tW, (to, rtewttnaa, 5 aed rff4 fiulg Oiwtaauerl. . ... ... . 't'-n J t Hit rre sM l!f I. I v PRICES RULE." D. F. JARVIS, 63 POLLOCK STREET. wpcr a linens, Carpet and Malting. La tut fitjlea and Polora in l)rr Good's and Vrxu Trimming. D. F. JARVIS. The : Latest Out . Wi are Vll.'. a f the sawt e ip i t'p-iiMtaM fl"r Ihe ait' ''" tlpifui:, ' ti.'ti. Wnfrra a, 'en, iSlxoes Misses I (wm Childrcns Hr 0h TaiIot 111? WfaPs llonarh . The Number of New Names Very Fevu Was Expected. Result of Uolag ta the Fair. Mar shals' Ball a Sneees. Old Keg Ideat Dying. Cotton Bulletin Re port Special to Journal. Raleigh, October 27. Today the reg istration books closed for tbe national election. It appears that there was a very trifling additional registration, over that for the August election. All tbe Democrats had registered for the latter. Negroes say there was little or no new registration of their race. Secretary Pearsall of the Democratic State Com mittee expresses tbe Opinion that the new registration Is not over one per cent of those for the State election In August. The Supreme Court will devote next week to the call of appeals from the 6tb, district. The docket Is light. Thursday a farmer named Green, liv ing near Youngsville, came to the State Fai; here. This made his wife very an gry and by way of expressing her anger she ran awayjduring hla absence. Her family says she eloped with a young man, a neighbor. There is no trace of the elopers. A search was made for the woman yesterday. A specimen of each of the prize win ning apples from Yancey county at the Stato Fair was today sent by the growers o Mrs. George, Vanderbllt, now In New Yo k. The Marshals' ball which closid tbe ma jy gayetles of tbe State Fair was held last, .light and was very brilliant. Chief Marshal W. T. Old was presented by tbe Assistant Marshals with an opal pin, Mr. J. Richard Young, Insurance Com missioner, making the presentation speech. The Chief Marshal then pre sented to each lady present a souvenir p'n.ii the shape of a horseshoe. Dr. Thomas D. Martin one of Raleigh's oldest citizens, is dying at tbe borne of b's kinsmen, Capt. 8. A. Ashe. He Is a native of northeastern North Carolina. The State Agricultural Department to day Issued its bulletin for October. It Is devoted mainly to game In the State and tbe game laws. It says the ques tion Is "Shall the farmer give the game awry or sell It?" It calls for a now game law; a the ptexenl one Is a maze. 11 says tbn faiaior t, hoc Id protect the game and cba'ge for the shooting privilege. T iesg 'cultnrel Bulletin says: "Tie cotton situation is af great tens . I co-cent cotton Is naturally In lu asl'ng. Will it continue so, or go o Tier or bighe-?Wuile many speculations i' e made, tnere ha, heei no aatlafactory SU UKOJ. Wl.uout goiig Into unnecessary de tails. It may be safely aaserted that no surplus of consequence was brought oi er from last year. The total crop of "0 world will hardly supply tbe World's ietnacd for the coming year, unless the nit "s materially curtail tbeir proauc'ioo. At the same lime there Is a limit to the p. Ve beyond wulco tna manufactories c i not operate. What that limit is mast I Died by tbe demand for tbe goods, and caa be ascertained oaly by teat of the market Notwithstanding tba present down web tendency, the price ought aol to fal' belpw tea eenu, aad will not. If far mere do hot crowd tbe asarkeL It Buy not, aod I think will not, go aiaok above for some months to ooaae. This la a brief summary of ihe sitae, viol, as It preeeate Itself to Ihla writer- lint tbe price will be affected by i yield, aad tbe total yield la aot yet aieer. talned, nor caa be until the season clo Ut-pending somewhat apoa tbe weather, sd, especially la tea Mowtaera Btatea, npoa aa early of late frees.'' This la the aeasoa waea saotaera are alarmed oa aceoaat of eroenv It la quickly cared, by Oaa Mlaaia Coagk Cure, which ablldrea Ilka to lake, T. a Dairy. nrs. Emily Boll Deal Special la J cereal. IULkiea,Uct. n.-Mra. Kally the widow of Ike late Kdwla Hoi I, Hall died at Oraaasa today, flbewai Ue atotaer at ta lau Ooveraos Boll aad. waa N yean af aga. ' Her daerwadsata are Iwgesl aad asost lalaeaiUl faalty H the Mala. Uet kaebaad waa the foaede af tbe aottaa ledaalry la North Oarollaa. rf Tie Cilcits rarade. Ipeclal to Joe real . Cir0 Oetobet f7. BapeWloaes eM a mom tar Tresperity aad see ad mary" par)! toUy. A keadred taoasaad marchers were la lie aad U Uealeree aad Uenref atarrbed side by side aarry leg fall dleaer'paj' AH kee Im was eaapeeded, Twe.pnilowe of peeipU HaeMltha petee la aolck re maay slepaseis sad vtr t knadred kala Vf k vJ I Wi Alii t or Is'ih'.t tr.4 t "t, I ' f c , BRIAN IN NEW YORK. Tbe Great Demonstration Arranged To Close Toe Week. Nkw Yoau Oof. SO Everything is now ready for tbe reception to he given Hon. William J. Br van by the National Association of Democratic Clubs tomor row night. AU 4w Deniocratlc clulis In the city, i well as annmber from Con net lent,, will take part In the demonstration. Mr. Bryan will airlvo ut .1 o'clock In the afternonu from New H Tvi n, and will be taken to the Hoffman House, where dln ne will be served. At the conclusion of the dlnne.r ho and his party will wit ness a kpHclal dl.-ptavnf fireworks, which will be given in Miuiioou Square. In Ibis square has been erected eight different stands fr. in which inteiluga will lo ad dressed simultaneously. The Madison Square Garden meciing will leglu at 7:80 o'clcck, with speecnes by David B. Hill, W. Burke Cock nr,. Senator George L. Wellington, of Mary land, and Anson t helps Stokes. In the meantime Mr. Bryan will be driven through lines of Democratic clul.s to the Broadway Athletic Clubhouse, Cooper Union and Madison Square Gaiden, at etch of. which he will speak. All along the route meetings ta the num ber of 75 will Hp In progress, and Mr. Bryan Is scheduled to speak from, his carriage at 30 or these. His Madison Square Garden speech will occupy about an hour and twciit) minutes. The Democratic candidate ex pects to reach his hotel before mid night. Ntw Bern Fair Nov 13-17, Ii00 Bryan to Yale Students. Spcci il to Journal. NrwYokk, Oct. 87 William J. Bryan spoke to Yale College students today, and In his speech said that the g eal coal strike shotted the necessity of arbitra tion for the settlement of labor troubles Six monstermetjitne ate itein lielti In New York City tonight at which Mr Bryan will speak, Bobbin's Chill Pit's cure chills and malarial troubles. That la what they were made for. Curo after other remc dies fall. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents perbottle. Sold by Davis' I'liar macy. - Son of Great Man Arrested. Special to Journal. ' New York, Oct. 87. A son of Sir Edwin Arnold has been taken from this city to London to answer tbe charge of etnbexxltng 1350,000. His wife Is In Han Francisco where be was arrested. . Atlanta's Horse Show. AtLakta, Ga., Oct. 28 Atlanta's first horse show closed tonight. Kentucky and Illinois horses carried off mast of tbe prixea. The show waa a pronounced sucoees and will be made an annual af fair hereafter. Torturing skin eruptions, burns and sores are soothed at once- and prompt healed by applying DeWltl's Witch II zel Salve, the best known cure for plica. Beware of worthless counterfeit. P. 8. Doffy. New Bern Fair Nov. 13-17, 1900 Reward For AItckkL Naw Yoaij Oct. 1 A reward of 9 000 will be offered by I be First Na tional Bank for the arrest aad deiaalloa of the defaaltlag aoie-taller, Cornelias L Alvord. This ooaelasloa was arrived aad aaaoaaeeeaeat mads today after a loag aoafereao of Ike beak ofllalsli wilk Captala kf oCleaky, of the Detective Baraaa, Tbeavtaiag Telegram today prints the statssa t that Alvord was taken aad laatlU a a aaaturlaai aot far fro Moaal Yeraoa. It la aald tael wkea the def Salter aaew k had beea deteeied la kla ataallag ae eoaopletaly aolUceed. feelings af aafely pervade tnaaoaecN bold that aaee Owe htteele Cough Care, Ike oely harmla remedy that predacaa laMtedtala rasalls II la a fallible for eof ka, coUk, tttfcp aad ail tamat aad rang IraebUe. It will arvveat eoaismp llow. f, f, Daffy. " -, , " . - TBB lAUETS. ' ' . Tk fotlowteg quoUtloes were twealv ad ky 3. . LaUsm Co, Kew Bern, K.O. ' ' , Toaa, Oat 17. Corroai Opaa. Illf k. Lew. Close Oet ........ 11 gag tM toe Jaa... IM in IM IN I'd gat a 0. 101 $M ) ...... Weaan Op-a. f!t-k. Ut. (1oe Ie Coa. Ose. ..... Ha. Ty Pfd Ft). .- a (a,T... Llht .. ... 17 17 t L II it C'ollne rertpU were i,.w'l b't at a'l liiMwM..ij-.t. I l..tM M . -4. It!) U'i r.' r On v ( 4 - TUAN HAT BE BANISHED. It Is Thought He Will Kill Himself To AroU Punishment. Washington, Oc' 58 The Chinese Minister has received Htli-paicr,. stating that Kang Yl, a meiutx r of the Cabinet, with Yung Lu and one of 1 l:o intense anti-foreigner, whosj puiii-liuient was demanded by the Powers, died of ill ness on the 18th Instant; aUo that Yu Hien, the late Govtruor of IShansi, who is said to have been re&uonaible for the IckIIi o' mauy niinsloiiatles has com- milled suicide hy swallowing gold leaf, Aiinlsti r Wu rrganis this act as the re sult t f the disfavor which tbe high ofli cials huve received Irom the throne. Governor Yu'a meilhod of suicide by swallow gold leuf, is unique to C'h'na It is a meuus ly which high persousges take their lives, the gold leaf being leprc- Lsentatlve of their high station. The leaf forms a congealed ball in the canals of the body, and brings tlcntli from suffo cation. Minister Wu'. advices today also show that Prince Tuan has been visited with severe censure fiom the Throne, and to such an extent thai It would be no sur prise if he followed the course of Kang. Yi, and Yu. He ha' been prevented from accompanying- the Imperial Court to Sinan Fu, and retains -.11 -hansi, cut off from further influence on the Throne. it is salt! thai iu will lie banished, which to a Prince of the blood is worse (ban decapitation, and under the Chinese idea of propriety sul; liln is likely to be his end. Wu. laid his dUpatclics ltcforo Secre tary Hay. Telegraphic News. Albert Patrick an I Cha.los .Tones are held at New Ytirk for lite murder of mll- onalre Mm. A plot to assassinate Presidont Loubet of Fiance his liien discovered and foiled. A grct celubrai io.i .it 1. hi. Ion in hon of th return of tli. I'n urlal Volun teers Ijus been postponed until Monday owing to the delay in tho arrival of the transports. The Emperor of China agrees to re turn to Pekiu. He will he escorted by Ave thousand of the allied troops. Tbe Erupross Dowager Is reported to be dy ing. At Buskin, Austria, the Jews were moblied anil their quarter devastated They lied Into th connlry. The one hundredth anniversary of the lilrlh of Fleld Marshal von Motlkc was celebrate! In Berlin. Instructions have tieen Issued iu Ha vana for the enforcement of compulsory education. During the last fiscal year the Bureau of Engraving and Priming turned out 1 1(1,000,42.'! sheets of Government stamps snd chocks. According to a consular report Ger many, neit to England, Is the greatest foreign purchaser of American ;rod nets. Anil Trust Law Effective. Bt. Louis Mo , Oct. 2fl -The Retail Grocer' Association haft lrcn making an attempt to force all dealers to charge annlfo.m price for flour and etatt a profit f.f at least 4!)ocnU a barrel Mill era throe-hoot the Stale we.-e warned by Secretary 0' Hialo laenr that anyone who l( ted the proposed agrerrjgenl wnnld tie gulliy of violation of the anti trust law of Missouri and the HI l.-ols millers who were behind the scheme have apandoned si. Gayest Manhattan L' idojModly ihe lrigft sad beat spec-Ucc'r- tirvesty, combining opera, high e'as vaadevi'le and comedy, ever eeea oa o.'r loc stage, will he wltaeseed aett I.esVUy evening, whea Gayest Naahrilaa roese to tbe Opera Iloaea. 1 4 cojpeey U aeld to be large, la keve a kost of p.eUy i' Is, aad oeme with lae eliap a Kew Yo.it approval. Cut In Kinston. Oeaeral Jallaa Car apoke la Elaa toa yesterday in a laraVawl mtkaWae I aadlewoaakwt fl'll rvevy aeal la Ike Coart lloaat tad IMiM rxtr af ike ba'l. Be lank ep tbe Mim l ike eaav pe'ia tad apreiail' lk trnsia, aad fe ealved apptaea f-r kle legy af W. I. Bryaa. ' ' ' , . . At tea etc ka epoke nf its awa twa dUsry for tbe gentle aad kle remarks wire greeted wftb epplaeae aad eliieit, Tka majority af tbota prteewl wwra ('err kaltnaa aad war la tympethy wltk ike speaker."- Ufttillfnl' koeeet wa prveealed .1 . ' . L mi. wnj ft ft) . II . iirmrwMt . mrr wv pifiw pviKirvn t..i. 'dlr. W . Oliver of New Beta re- an,iiaiki.nMri ftbti snu tbe rnsneM of Oawtral Carr. ft lei riki of OtaeraJ Carr we mad by kt ft, T. T. Otatnad aad tkeft wre a atmbet af t.ra fnaul Tlr vre taioresileg potnis It tbe ttti tad awe e dnwt aa tbe pf-a was . (rr pt ai jtuftft ne ktft w 1 a vMra rwtWd -v ) r""i-l te 4- ti'ii " li a Mill ta Ml H Itk t en4 --4 I r. -r . . 1 . ftimnl 7 ( I t Gen. Carr in Greenville. Gen. Julian S, Carr, candidate for the United Slates Senate, reached GreenvlHc on the morning train to fill his appoint ment for speaking here today. He was given a most cordial welcome lo our town, one of which any man might feel proud, and one he said he would always remember and appreciate. . The speaking took place in the Court House, anq tbe building was crowdid f nm the stand to the door, even Ihe gallery being full. There were a uuuiImt of ladles present, anil Masonic Hall School and Alios Aunic Perkins' school both turned cut in a body to bear him. Many Confederate veterans from all portions of the county attended. Il was a fine crowd. 1 Gen. Carr was handsomely introduced to the audience by Mr. Alex, L. Blow, Chairman of tho Democratic Executive Committee of The county, and was given quite an ovation when he arose. He made a magnificent speech that was responded to with frequent bursts of applause. He paid a glowing tribute to William J. Bryan as tbe great anil safe leader of I Uu people, and his nfoicucc to the patriotism and valor of the North Carolina Confederate soldier was su perb. Gen. Carr said he had sworn eternal enmity to trusts and with him It would be a labor of love to help free North Carolina ffom the shackles of monopoly. His reference to his candidacy for the Senate was very modestly made at the close of his speech, when he fl r Bt urged every Democrat and every lover of North Carolina to vote for Bryan and to do his utmost to send a solid Democratic delegation to Congress, and said he would be glad if at the same time they would honor him with their votes In ex pressing tbeir choice for the United Slates Senator. At the conclusion of his speech, Mr B. C. Pearce, In behalf of the teachers and pupils of Masonic Hall School, pre sented a beautiful bouquet to Gen. Carr. The reference of Mr. Pearco to what Gen. Carr bad done for Ihe orphans In North Carolina was-mosl touching. Gen. Carr responded felicitously in accepting the bouquet. Tho Osceola band was present and de lighted the large audience with several of Its best airs. Greenville Ketlector 21th. Pickln? The Cotton Crop. The continued warm and molt weather causes the cotton plants lo blos som freely but of course such late blooms have nothing to do with a crop. The llnlds along the A. & N. C road are picked pretty clear but there is much cotton In the fields on the A. ('. Line lie tween here and Wilmington. One planter has a fifty acre field thai has not had a picker In II this season and a nnmlier of others are partially picked. Thoro Is a considerable scarcity of labor to pick the crop and It Is forlu uate that the woather has continued s 'avorahle. Quite a large Mold near Jack sinvllle, Onslow county, has a cnlp still 01 Ihe vines thai will run a bale to the acre. In other sections where help hi lieon abundent the crop Is almul all in. Tobacco In South Carolina. The tobacco grown In Bo 11 lb Carolina aggiecatea between M.0OU.OUO and 40, 000,000 pounds a year, and yet In ordl nary statistical reports not out pound Is credited to this Htate. The tobacco is planted, cultivated, harvested cured and sold In this Stale lo Virginia and North Carolina buyers and Is credited lo the statistics of I hoe State as a part of tbolr product. The tobacco grower of tb Pee-Dee country have determined to ahnw at the eipoaltioa la Charleston thai South South Camilla not only grows a very superior quality or lb wd that con man ds the blgbaat prl from tb moat experieaced barer The half ha aot beea told of the wonderful reeoareet of thla Stale, aad la aoae of tbe eipoallloas that have beea held has I here ever beea a complete display of Ike varied waallk of Booth Cerollae That I owe of the malt obUcta of the eipoaltioa ta be keld hare aeil year, aad Itlakopad that every eoeaty la tke ataia will da It beat to auk It reaoer oaa kaowa to tka laveetleg aad how see lag pebUc CkarUslow Hews aad Cerlev. - Na other pllle aaa eoeei Da Wltft Ut ile tarty ft leer ff pvwesptMa, rwrtaJe ty aad afleiaaey. f. t, Day. Kc4oa4 SnUy hwetfer icr- loi Kate I Tb A. 4s K. 0. Rail rW. will sell tick- i tfiaf UI date at tbe fotlowte; at- eerttoa rate ky Roa. aad WWa oa gaaday - frota kf. niyloOoJdftsWerelera-.ll.li WIW . III ' " ; in Kewport . - ttaveteck Croaiaa - Kew Beta) Teero-a Cor Crvok " , tVT , ,' " - : .10 fwsw.ll " - ' KlaoMa m - rstlUf Cf- -. ' '" " lirMra ' - Mt fWa " .10 Tb. asr-va IU are fd Italy 'r I j lr I sa-1 4 Iftata d ne . r. .4 . r -4 ir w tit ' e 1 1 ftta, a4 ; r 1 i t t.n-i.!. r - ' a ' r t tft'.ft. I- s '5 TO Fi-ei.li Ontario ami Heokr's Prepared Hiickwlu-nt-Old Funhion Hunk wheat; Dried Apples l'cur-lie-Nioe Fruit Jellies and Jams; Fancy Fivsh Klin and ( lover Hill Print Butter; Fancy Full Cream Cheese, Fresh Lemons; Canned Goods of all kinds; Hi-inz's Pickles; Tomato Catsup; Mustard ami Sauce; Plain Pork and Beans and willi Tomato Sauce; Small Pig Hams, Calf Hams and Knish Cured Shoulders. Cornpltte Stock of to be i J. L. McDAHIEL, 'Phone 91. wmmmmmmmmmfmfmi J. A. JONES, ItKOAU STKKET. STEWART'S OLD STAND, III very, Fe?ri, fhlTl A ITa, n-mj Nale and Largest HOESLS Fer Found in New Pirn. Ilaiiiiss, Koliis, Whips, ( all A Iho a ( 1 1 1 ) i i . -1 -Wheels, Kle .1. A Itroad Street Cotton Storageil J,ir?-ro4r War4'li4ii!s' (dlon STOHF.D and INSFUFD al small . ..-t vaiici-s made on same- if tli-sinil. Tin si a I i-l n a I -il age of cot ton for much higher priees w Inch m I I . v . ('orreHK)iidcm-e Solicit' il. NEXT TO COTTON F X ( II A N(. V. PLANTER'S Tlie PlanU-r's Warrhotiw ii and the finest Warehouse in I hi with plenty of orders for all tin i ItK-att Slut--. ' Tohin Il is the aim of the mnniigcmcnt to give In- k rsnnal attention Ui fcllf ' ".' sah-s and to lee that you are well looked after h. n on the market with f tohacxxi. Our nmtlo is "High Price and Personal Attention lo Jonf In-' s tercet." - t - 'f Fw Htal.lc. Come down U the ope ning sal. , and we will try. to V please you. - 'k V .4 PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE OO.J.VV J. M. HOWARD, Manager. ' f. H. I.ANGI.KV, ncllnne. r vule every wsk-dey at II o'elockL . ' r iitnetloi titriordlsiti I tijijhdAv, OCT. .10. . Tka tjlllterlag Oprratl f far Comedy. Dtratd frwea Koetor 4k BUI'S Matt Hall, . Jtew Tork (Hly-Hh Woikt s tireal- eat Tnmplaof Amierewat tad - . Horn af Ritrevagait I roe id ftnaa Gayest Manliiittaa tUlmfetl f atlnb, Meetotad MrnsM4V tag ' Keiirtelelsw Tt pftlneea t, Itewlbtcrl). that life!, lVtWllchl. Itoega Taafl Kevel f(wgHf Cofttlaftte A Faeat Caftnull ' A f Vw iket 1 tg I A ( bonts thai tra frssty I A show wnnoui am tqual. p;-.r''y Owflftjli.j wtih teafhfr.g !i-.'!..nt !. Maate, Wtl'y lar. CTJT. the Best Groceries had. Wholesale efe lU'tail Broker, 71 Kr."l fit. A Kl Finest i MULES I. in. -ui' p.iiL".'i. MTagona Men ill I s Old staad. ". nahle J s theater iv come. -'s WAREHOUSE il c in lli' Wc I. ii - part ..f the citj plenty f buyen .f the Mala , ., . v(. tin I ..lit Did 11 1'.ver Oeeur Tm If n ? Uet tka theetV skoAly "t-t" wkewl Is awta llksry t break, . pMarad, wkea yeej are fenfc' 1 f CottmilAl A RArVTr OrtfT aer bl lft an trntil aw BURS awvnata IV ?l. T. 11 1 r t,r yel, (Jim, Arm rfhf., el--H I t f ' - Bishop J' I n t r a.

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