THE JOURNAL.: Puliltehed every day la tbe year, eieepl Monday, at e Middle atreel. A i'HONK No. 8. CrlMM.KS U STEVENS. KDinm Kna morantTna. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One jmi, in advauua .$4.00 One war. hoi in advance 5.00 M .nilily, liy carrier in the city .SO Advertising Kales furnished on apptl Citlnn. Entered t the Poet Ottlce, New Bern, N. ('.., an second claa matter. Official Paper af New Bora Crave Oaaty. Nen Hero. N. C Oct 81, 1900. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For President. WILLIAM JENNINGS BKYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President. ADLAI E. STEVENSON, of Illinois. Third Congressional District, N. C. CHAKLES R. THOMAS, of Craven.! THE MOSQUITO A FEVER GERM CONYETER. The article published In these columns in a recent issue, in regard to experi ments made at Quemados, Cuba, where yellow fever was epidemic, and where by careful examination it was found that the mosquito served as "Intermedi ate host" for the parasite of yellow fever is an article full of interest. From the observations obtained at Quemados, the question of tbe mosquito being a fever germ conveyer, would seem to. be settled, and it is in this con nection, that a recent article on the mos quito as a conveyer of malaria germs which appeared In the local oolumns of the Jouknal, Is of interest on the same Bubject. From reading the report of the experi ments made In Cuba, there can be but little doubt that the mosquito In the yel low fever cases there was the "Interme diate host." In the case reported In the Joobrai., which was from Information furnished by Dr. Charles Duffy, of this city, while no direct experiments were made, yet from Dr. Duffy's observations, he being a careful student, It wai fairly well es tablished that malarial fever germ had been conveyed to a person in this vicin ity, who had a prolonged case of the fever, and where In tbe room of the patient Wi re found a number of tbe special kind of malarial mosquitoes. It Is not necessary through these case to condemn the entire mosquito world, but tbsl Ibis Insect In certain classes, li a conveyer of germs, there Is little question. The neit thing for scientists to dis cover, Is a method by which these health destroying mnaqnltoes, she "Intermedi ate boat" class may be eliminated. .-. .. ....' iMSHtl etOwt Of , " .f Aa Aawrieaa .ammmi tells tf s vhh ah aad ansa friend paid la the Krtipp gnm work at Kioe'a, (Jetmeuv, jreers a.0 and of ewmuiirruia; Peler Jouhert before be IbvuKhtor ruing to tv.uih Africa. Tbe wiioiiiii w,tbr gneat of the. Americas vuihiiexadur and .hi wife, and at (he rurkit they, oere met bjr Kriii himacjf. la uiHkhiit Ihi'ir lour of tlu arsenal they were" joined by a man who fulhia-ed throtiich cacb department ami In a few imiuwHta leKuondcd to sonic caeual nis thiH uImhiI Kunn from one of the party. Oner having- aiKikiu, bp Inmichcd forth Into mrb detailed description of their manufacture that Krupp. who hod hith erto been talking, kept utill and simply followed a one of tbe auditors. The wmi accompanied the party. explaining as he went, uutil the lour had been made. Then he bowed and retired. "Who ix that man who knows so mnch about guns?" demanded one of the party. 'xm. that a Dutchman named Pete loubert," replied one of the oliicials. Heoara ef Otauoeele For Ceterrti THet Cwotale Mil wry. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange tbe whole system when solerlog it tbroogb tbe mucous so r fane 8uob artlelea should not be nsed except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as tbe dam age they will dn Is ten fold to lbs good you can possibly derive fross them Hall's Catarrh Core, manufactured by F J. Cheney Jr. Co., Toledo, O , contains no mercary, and Is taken ialaraally, act ing directly npoa the blood and nancoas or face of lb system. In baying U all's Catarrh Car be sore yon get lb genu In It Is takea Internally, and made la Toledo. Ohio, by P. J. Cbeaay at Co. Testimonial free. Hold by druggists, prlc T5e per bottle. Hall's Family PUla arc lb baal a I lMhSlTnn. I'm sorry, eatd ta raral oeelnaaa Us speaker, that than ala'l people baratoatght, bat what does Uoae detseuate ha ads of lb other tide ao bat ga a argaala a laM-pla borate' fr laa vary alghl we kai roAtjUed ta cosmI to Jr ay. a. UwhstawraaewvUla, Va, write, -ttaaeetag Kotol PrapapaU Cr (a aay piaatlo emoag aa . a of ledtgeoUo aad ta4 l aa adaslrabhi reatady." Maty koasroea l er)clei dVpaad laa as of Kaaai IysppH Car la Moataafe ttoaUaa, . sllgwsu wbat oj aat, aad altew yea la aal all Ua gao4 food yoa aasd, pravMlag jwm ooaot ovarloaal year Waaiaea. Olvaa laataat rttVaf aa4 a airaium cara, a. B.Day. MOZI.BVS LEMON ELIXIR. HeKHlatea tlio Liver, Kfomaeh, Ilwels and Kidneys. Fur biliousness, constipation and ma laria. For Indigestion, sick anJ nervous ncatiacne. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart failure. For fever, chills, debility and kidney locates, take Lemon Elixir. Ladles, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Mk: and ft bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. II, Mozley, At lanta, Oa." SAVED HIS POSITION: QUICK WIT LANDED HIM BAFECY OUT . ' -: OF A TIGHT PLACE. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kid neys and constipation', I have been en red by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir, anil am now a well man. Rev. C. C. D.vvis, Eld. M. E. Cbnrch South. No. 28 Tatnall St., Atlanta, Gs. A Prominent Mcmphlan WrlteK. Dr. II. Mozley, Atlanta Having been a great sufferer for three years from In digestion, and been treatod by many physicians, who failed to give me any any relief. Continuing to grow worse my brother advised me to try Dr. Moz ley's Lemon Elixir, which remedy he had need for several years. Icommenced its use, and must say that your Xemon hllxir is tbe greatest medicine on earth. I have never suffered a day since I com menced using Lemon Elixir. it. b. hocco. 200 Hernando St.. Memphis, .Tenn. A Card. This Is-to certify that I used Dr. Moz ley's Lemon Elixir for neuralgia of the head and eyes with the most marked benefit to my general health. I would gladly have paid $.500 for the relief it has given me at a cost of two or three dol lars. II. A. Drall, Clerk Superior Court Randolph Co., Oa The Final Trial. Corlnne Bculah Is so plain that I can't understand where she got the name of The Supreme. Miriam Since no young man goes to her until thrown over by thereat of the girls, we call her the court of last retort. Largo sun spots astronomers say caused the extreme heat this summer, and doctors declare nearly all the pros trations were induced by disorders of the stomach. Good health follows good digestion. Kodal Dyspepsia Cure digests what jou eal. If you have Indigestion or dyspepsia It will quickly relieve and permanently cure you. K H DulTy. orator s to this Making Htm llaruilvM. I understand that a slump private car Is to be attached train. Don't worry. Mr. You will not bedlt- luibed. We have arranged to remove li e rear platform Just as soon aa the train starts. Apprer'eled Njrmpetbf. I always has mo' faith In simp'fy dan I has In congratulations, said Uncle Eben. You knows foh sbo' dat dar Isn't anybody gwlnler be Jealous of yob babd luck. DOES n fAY TO UY CHEAf? A cheap remedy for coughs and cold is all right, but yon want something that will relieve and cur lbs more sever and rlaogtroui result af throat and long troubles. Wk.t shall yon do T Go to a sirair and more regular ollmai Yea, If possible; If not postlM for yoa, tba la either eat take lb oblv remedy thai aa bera lalrodacad I til dvlllxad roan trie with saoceai la vera throat aad laag Iroablae, "HoacW German Hyrop." -It koi only bealt aad sllraolaU ta lixnes to destroy laa gm dlaeaee, bat allay larlamaiaUoa. cause easy ex pect o rat loa, give a good algbt's rest, aad car tbe patient. Try uaa botlla. Heron encoded ataay years by all drof -U la tka world, or aal by r. 1. Duffy. Haw Clark Worked Co no Exaaaa Tka Woo GLodly Aeerpted fcs- Bio Baaolorar, to Wkoan He Haul Skovroj 6raae IaetoSUty. "Ifa mighty bnrd (or a clerk to be nave and polite all the time." snld a department manager In one of tbe Ills store. "A clork is like any other hu man being, subject to headache and indigestion and fits of Irritability, and occasionally he will be a little gruff without Intending It W'lien I whs younger, n few thoughtless words once come near losing me a good job, unci the way I esea'ped being Bred was rather amusing. It unppened like this: "I bad churgv of tho wen's furnish ings counter In a large clothing store. and the pity bclnir hint rate and chunce of promotion excellent I was naturally anxious to bold on to the job. One morning, however. I was feeling nil out of sorts nnd was Just developing nil ugly hendnche, when a mnn enme In nnd asked to sec some cravats. "I could tell from his general appear ance he was from tbe north, nnd be hnd a curt, seinlsuperclllous maimer that Irritated me Immediately. If I hnd been feeling well, I would have kept my temper, but my head was throbbing, and when be pawed over the stock, Uitdlng fault with everything and sneering at my statements as to quality I began to get crusty. "Finally 1 couldn't stand It any lon ger. 'If you really want a scarf,' I mid, 'you'll find plenty here that I dare say. nre as good as anything you've been accustomed to wenr.' Just then I happened to look up and caught sight of n floorwalker stondlng in a rear aisle and making frantic gestures to me with bis hands. " 'If you'll wait a moment' 1 snld to the customer, wondering wbat the diekens was up, 'I'll sec If I can find something else at the other side.' With that I hurried over to where the floor walker was standing. 'What's the mat ter?' I asked In a low tone. " 'Great Scott man,' bo whispered, 'that's the boss!" "The store, as I should hnve explain ed, was the southern branch of n New York establishment and during tbe time 1 hnd been there tbe head of tbe lirru had never before paid It a visit In person. C-onsequently I didn't know him by sight, and my blood ran cold when I reullzed how hopelessly I had rammed my foot Into It During the next five seconds 1 did some quick thinking, and among other things that came crowding Into my mind was the fact that tbe boss had been married on ly a short time before. That gave me an Idea. " 'I'm going back,' I whispered to the floorwalker, 'and In a minute or two you send one of the boys to me with n piece of folded letter paper." " 'What an- you up to?' be asked. " 'Never mind.' snld 1. 'You do ex actly ns I sny. Let hint Juat Inind me the paper and walk off. I hurried back to the counter and found my ninn look ing black ns thunder. 'Sony,' 1 Raid, still ns gruff as ever, 'but Hint's all we have. If nothing In It stilts you. you'll huve to go elsewhere.' "'Very well.' he replied Rarrnstlinlly, 'and now let toe give you n mnull pii-ce of Information. I' "At that moment a boy handed me the paper. I tore it open, pretended to rend n note. slapied my leg Joyfully nnd procwded to do a double shuflle on the floor. The stranger glared nt me In nmuxeinent. 'What the deuce Is the nintter with you 7" he growled Are you ernzy or Just drunk T "'Neither!' I crlil 1 n in simply re lieved. Inexpressively relieved nnd re Jolccd! You timet pardon thlx UIMlp exhibition, my dear sir.' I went on ear nestly, and I hox- yon will nlno pnr don my irross rttilenitoi to yon a mo ment ngo I was U-Blde myself wltb anxiety and illiln't know wbnt I was doing The fuel K' I nld. with tho lnt Imitation of dlMidence I could muster up. the fnrt la. we have Just hnd 0 new nrrlvnl out at my house. It's hoy. sir. and everything' ll right And really I hope you III over-look'- " 'Don't say a word.' be Interrupted, eordlnlly grasping by linud 'I appreci ate your feeling, and your nisilogy I ample. Here's my rnrd. "Bo that wns the way I got out of It." added the department ninnnger. grin ning, "but It wna a clooe shave, e daily In view of tbe fart that I we and am a raae banlem-d old bachelor, with a apwlil avemlon to Infanta. Tba boa an very kind and cordial, and whenever b cam to town fterwnJ b never failed to-ask how tlie yonn tor was letting on. II doran'l know any bottef to tbla day."-Nw Ortean Tim- Demormt "D ma wbo talk do mo evbout a agbtla naaJltloa." remarked Cart Epb, -awaally got. mighty tea talga."--auta OooMUtatioa. N . ' It at aald that snata, tba Seal) Aa ra varlQ awatala Ufa maay day Vti ooart h paaga af bangor-. a W1k Boo Mr wlfa Uaraad fraaaa la weeks. . e tVaa sba apaak twmellyl WdV, frof. 4 Tarfo aayi kar fraaal l a fooel at aay apoaaa la aar kaiga- Ta ot votao4 of ateaaovaf tka Mm It ta aoa af tka faaaoaa tlMJ ailla Uaw a PaWkfi UtU Early sUoora, Tmj Utaka. SaratgHp. r. ft. Daffy. 'Trial Oeta) Day 044 Our, II I wall la a tow tbat fHWlu'. Wttca Baoal falva I1I kool bar a aad day Ua pata at oaoa. It will tor ti aaaa aa4 (kla dlaaoM aad agif wawaoa aaol aoraa. It h a anla aar for pfloa. Covaaorfolti aty k efforod jtm. g laat M got k arlgiaal DaWM't Vile naaalBalv. F. ft. Daffy. . .. . OAHTOnXA." aVaxaax si 1J La ta tro M hnfft CAP UDINE ecus DEADACnK i'xnjtUAGU. lie, ra, 4 V JtoiiU. For Ca.lo byUmdhim. iwrm ft Boaoasaxoaoaaooasooxoxasooooaooaao oosoa'o alae Meeiie4. In tba old cotonUI day Boot on bad an "Intelligence office," wblrb was also a atav market, a anyara from a no Uc publlahcd la loliniary. IT70: "Tba Intenigenc offlc oppoolt tho OoMrD ItalL lately kt by Heajamla llgh. la tow ketH by Orant Webolee. Tber la to b anM at aaM oftW Wert India and Hew Kagtaaxl rum. wlno of aev oral aorta, anal aad f etna l aegroea, aawral rodnod cbalra," etc-New Tort Trfbtia. T Um Walt. "I dloxrwa yr cried lb angry par nt 1 shall oiHt wlib a afaU- nr "Tea, ate," twplled Ike erflo; aoa. Aad MlgLt I ba tbt ablUlDg aowr MRray auerVra. - rtwta tie root af tba pretty power kaowa aa whita bryoay taa b aid a diaattlaa wairk act wHb BAogknl af. feet la carta) bralaoa f an dear1p ttoaa. It at aald ta b aocaliarly roV axloa la beat lag- a MaHtaaod ty. , Da aat gal acarad If y baart trJaW yw. oat llaaty y aaffar fro ladl poUo. Ke4ol Dyspoafa Oat dlfatu wbaiye! aad ilra lb r oat ttooMCB partoel root. I I laa aaty praparaUoa laowa tkot otltlr dl geolj U eUooo looda; Usl I Wkf It ran lb warot aaos f Mlgoottoa aad Mneaoeb traahl aflat eerytJtlef at os fsllM. It enan Ukaa la all roodt tlna M aaaaot kelp bat do yoa food, r. i. nffr. . WWt ! Tvi1""! su-p at tha Vf p'ru eiea Iff i i" t - '-. " ts Operations Avoided. When a physician tells a woman nufforing with ova rian or womb trouble that an operation in necessary, it ot courso frightens her. The very thought of tho operating table ana tho knife strikes terror to her heart. And our hospitals are full of womon who uro there for ovarian and womb operations I It is quite true that thaso troubles may rer.r'n ,i stajre where an operation is the only resource, but sueh cum. are much rarer than is generally supposed, because a great many women have boen cured by Mrs. Pinkham's med icine after the doctors had said the operation must bo performed. Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been vofy Buccescful in curing ovarian troubles. In fact, up to tha point whore the knifo must be U6od to secure iustant reliof, thm medicine is certain to help. Ovarian troubles are easily developed from womb troubles, and womb troubles are so very common that ovaritis is steadily on tho increaso among women. It is, nevertheless, a most serious trouble, and to recommend wrong treatment for it is a crime for which there cannot be too deep a penalty. It Ja, therefore, with full consciousness of the scrious nofts of the disease and tbe steady failure of other medicine to cure it, that wo present for ovarian and womb trouble Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as tho most certain to help of any modicino in tho world to day. Any person who could read the letters in Mrs. Pinkham's files at her office in Lynn, Mass., would bo convinced of the efficiency of Mrs. Pinkham's Compound The fftrongest and most grateful statements po&sihlu to make come from women who have escaped tho operat ing table by the use of thio medicine. Let any woman suffering from these troubles, or anything which may de velop into them, write and get Mrs. Pinkham n advice. If Tou are beyond the reach of tho medicine, you will be frankly told so, but, If not, you will be fully and carefully and kindly adrbod. The most erioua oi all the diseases of women, at well as the minor ilia, are promptly overcome by ldia'E Plnldmm's Earnest Words of Gratitude. MRS- r.M.KNAPP " Dear Mn. Pinriiam : Aft-r my rhild was born, blood poison set In, which left me with granulated inflammation of the winnh and congested ovaries. I had MiftVreil tmni suppressed and painful mciistruntion fn.m n airl. The doctors told mr the i.imr, i,ml,l nave to be removed. I took tri ntment ti.i yean to escape an operation, but still re mained in miserable health In both IkhIj- oml mind, exporting to part with rav rrnwu with each coming month. After using one. bottle, of the Compound, I became entirely n.l ot the trouble In my head. I continued to uise your remedies until cured. The Inst nine nimnlm have been passed In perfect o.l health. 'i his I owe entirely to Lydla I:, ('inkham's Vege table Compound." M lis 1' M KNAIT, 1688 Rlnnickinnie Ave , Mllwunl...-, Wo. " DiiAB Mna. Phviham: Your Veritable Compoumi hss complrtrlv cured mo of the worst form of womb trouble, and ina'le ine a h.:r.:iL-, healthv, robust woman. Ilrfore usin(r l.yjla E, Wnkham's Vagatable Compound, ! lour r. ,i wltb severe palna In bock and snli , In rvlu. :,r ind nervouaneaa. Menses wo-ild somrtinn-i occur every two woeka, and once I had o -e ere hemorrhiure which laUd n ni'-nth. I km ConCncd to my bed and the att. nulnjr plivii Clana Vila me 1 would have to ui.Mero an .;n r alloo aa soon aa I waa strong enough I rend In one of your little books several testinnnnnU from ladlea wbo were cured bv vour Cnmoound after havliifr been told by their doctors that an operation wan neceaaary, nnd I made up my mind then and there to commence laklnr vour Compound. I did so and it has completely rc atured me to uood health. I hare gained twentv- two pounds slDoe taklnfr It and my tleab is ax solid us rock. My friends remark about the eliana In me I am o Hvtncr atvertisAmnni tj what Lvdla E. PtnKhara' V efrtaM Compoond oan do. and have In fluenced many of or friends to try It, which baa proved very irralify Injr in IU rc nulla, f thank you for restoring ma to health." ANNIE HARTLEY, 2'il W. Coogreaa bt, Chivoiro, III. ' okrW. A MUS SNU HOKIttv ll " DiA Mm. PnTKUAat: I foci It my duty to pobllah the wonderful help Lydla B. iMasUsaaa' Vasjataeia Comaosad baa boon to me. 1 naa like a crasy person son id not Bat or aleapt thora ni no rest for m day or night. Fbyaiolaoa aiaaolnod ma aad aald an operation waa neceaaary. lie fore andoiTroin- It, however, I determined to try Lydla R Kinkhara'a Compoond. I am ao glad I did, tor It eared me I am a well woman now and aaa do any kind of work. I want this published throughout tha land, ao that aU sny safferiog olaUra may mod. and If In aay way aniotod with rental troubles, thry may ba In do sod by my sincere sUtement to try this SeoodorfOl Veretobie Compoond and be oi:it1 - MBA MARtlAKKT BAM FOR 0, Ontrunlol a., O sot set Beach. Barara, Maa. il ll Mt. ANN. A1T0N " Diab Maa. PmiM e I wiah to aend ynm wortlmoalal statin the fraud effect Lydla E. Maahaaa' Vegatab Caatpowakd has had on my koolth. 1 area nffartag to aaeh an eiUnt frora ooartaa troabla that my ptvatoian thoocbt an et41oi woo Id ba a ry. Toar saadleut aavtmg baaa rosmiiiasailnl to ana, I eWfa)ed to try M. ltn aalag ooreroj boHle t foeoxt r,o4 1 wo wared. Mreyetem was toted op and I nf. aorod a oMvoeHUimyovartea. Toar aeod toiae ts tka reoaaoa boos oa earth to aa S'erlng wornoe. " -Mka, AMMIM aVSTOM, Boa MTT, Troy, Mo. 000: REWARD z Sn any pworo) tn eon obwe Owtet to b v4 I oliioiooj of iVematn wkVa tha st She eieseo m m nmmtM atauauu aoataaam.ao4saa.baoafrmaj eneal eea on si In aa wora amlUa s.i .. -tu.. Z 0a., lay, Mas. T. ' " r. TltKNlVITIf, ? ELirKSEIITE 8 WHEELBIGHT. laaafertarrr af Hf He. Wra. 'r, , tlryslrle peasakr Xollr. Pnyetet, We(", Vtt M lfys kept oa ss1 for ), , . v-r ami, r. LOANIJVCaf 1 !on Skoda. Loess alocad. Apply lo IMA0 fJ. SMITH, 110 UbUia street U Bar, V, 0. v--" , . .' .. Bagging and Ties We a a reedy ta pp!f lb trad wl'k t-oiino I:,-!r! d Ties," lt fMola, lle.y V ! rrlree r JiliibU IGB 01 lOIBCSI Clao. pair Waolosneaa, fwsi be eheroieeJIy o4 free aieOlked ora'at sod fro I men ta partite. fpeerieJIy ta ttvte4 a4 tio4 for aaovaa na ruoLptioo. , ..... Ln oVil dally (ate Soadayo) i t at to S p av x Pnedey (aetoil aoly) fa ai to It aoa t of fltm a4 other tfifonnataa, ' Addrasa,, ..; Now Ecrno Ice Co JVHT l.ECEIYn King Heaters ,& Coal. Stoves vbHk will U aald rUi fet aab. r ' I aril alii he ta yor leiernt ta V oe'oe byl I Ibal Mo -' -e "., r. n. ii4KKVr- I la. rral V u 'ins, a if tm htm so pwS if fMro, e eo,, to