, The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and lrblch has been In as, for ever 30 yean, has borne the signature of All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castoria Is a harmless snbstitnte for Castor Oil, Pare goric, lrops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worius and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio . Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hp In Use For Over tm ewrrauH oommht. tt mvmmvr B WOMEN WHO WORK. St. Louii, Mo., Aug. 12. Though only 19 yeari old, I t: ffered from palna and female troubles two years. Last spring I got so bad I had to quit work. I luul to support myself, and could not afford a high priced doctor. I got one bottle of Wino of Card at and that made me feel better. Have now used several bottles and am well My mother uned the Win for Change of Life aud was greatly relieved. HISS MARGARET WALSH. KM Miry rlrb nd women find it necessary to earn their own livinjr In various kinds of empkiyment. Their work is often so hard r.nd confin ing that the health breaks down. Their delicate constitutions are unfitted for tiresome tasks. Weakness nearly always makes its appearance in the peculiarly delicate womanly organs. Constant standing on the feet, and coming and goiog at the beck of a superintendent or foreman, in duces falling of the womb, leucorrhtea, headache and backache. The pay of women workers is olten so notoriously small that when sickness Comes they have no money to engage skillful physicians. To them Wine unit' IIIIUI! iirTMiT. ror sUtic In imm minding aprdal fllrMtinn, luldrrM. rItIiis. yinioBift, I' A-t.Uy, l.'l. IbvlUATTOUHMU asaM-lkBCu., Ckatlaitoosv Tenn. Druggists sell Large FINANCIAL. T. A. lr..ii. II. . K. U. Meadows. V. IVm. (Imtm, Cahlr. CITIZKNN' HANK, ow nswaiuur.ll.c. Doing General Banking Bud ocas. Febr iry If, IttX), rturpliwand Undivi ded I'roOts, fl,18A?, Prompt ami nan-fal stlaolloo given la all builne miniated to as. Aoeounta received en favorable term. tt-mr al Dbartar. rardlaaaa (Tfnaa i. A. Ma4aa. HUlHl W. IfWW. Cbaa. H, PowMt, 1. W. Urala-r, a. . Staallwoa, K. II. l.a.lOWe, Chaa. IHiflr, Jr. Juii'i kwlmoodj Mayar Haaa, Tboa A., ti raaa, C.a. ror. MO. . IVM. w. r. Procure Mar Diana a v.. - F. & M. BANK, FP.BRtIA RT lit. 1t00 Capital Stork 7a,00w Aarpla, tailvla 1'ralU.. Depaslla ta,t04 l.aOO tcs.m OFFIOCUA , L II. CiTa -era-Want. W. t. i Hadwhw, Vina Fraa ' T. Ihwst, (aabiar. J W IlitMM, Am i Caafcbr Hum Itaowsts Hark. Toilc TMRKCTOBHi Wo. M Blad-a, M. M. Ilwka, t ;. I) Bredham, . P, H. rNdlat. Culb-r. Jan. Hater, W. R. Caad-ick. J. W. HUvvt, T. W. iMirey. ll rJlri lot mrrchaou, ntautartiif m aad mhrt Hanka pmmpUy a ai ilal rate In var h, and BMkna q iie'..' rv Uraa pnaaibla. By IU llbavmllty aa4 m-' lornrWn o im aaxtinit, M la tutmy to Om fnMt of tUM OaroiiM i tivwla laMltatto. I la !(. to I Mm Mtr rm whir inttmtA par laleraai a ir t T. M. Jam .a., i. a. Twm, MMTIOrXS, P?U A WARD, ia w .n Btmnm, p. y imt M ata. rrnaja HUwt, Wrtr . , BkJ UMMawka, f MaUaa Jm) am lMa aa4 kasUfcfWd.) fiiatln ai i af twav rn.na), ni Imln, umrtm Pmmli, Ma, liaw larMM a4 Wrtona 1 la aW a. f i aava r-aj Mark, aaal ajaaaatai pawttaa aea awaaaaa, ... , AtTOtVIf AT Uf, . . , it PlrMti Uftt PrVlT " atatUlaiV . " " - Wrfl avt a fa fimw mt fi tm) rM, r.ii w a Ubwm a4 piana (! at Aj i3 and baa been made under Us per sonal sapervistoa since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Always Bought 30 Years. nwrr, mew torn cttt. of Cardui is truly a blessing. It cures them of their ills at a small cost, and they can act as theicown physicians. No doctor can do as much for "female troubks" u Wine of CarduL Bottles for $1.00. JEANT-EItN CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE, AND 100 rBtlGUT & PASStNGRh. For All Points North. Tho Steamer NEUSE will kava on Mondavi. Wodnoadavi, iiid Pridaji at 0 p. m. "harp, mak- : me landing! at UnoDtal, ami lioan wkn l-lrd. JSAGH m: I J). Tho Btr. Newberne Ormiraene.u Ji.W 1 .t. lrvo i It eelock i ooa o i Tuivdtyii n l V'ni.'ar. aaaking lanctia (a Orlcnul. Itnok.' luul an 1 l4ara II id. Fraight rooelved not later loan on boar provlooi to aailing. For fart hot information apply to QKO. HKNDEKSON, At. H. JC, Klo, (len. Mgr.. LLC. BvtMm,an.Frt.4 ram.Agt I Norfolk, Va. Dnyou VVInh to nalarmlnaU 04 Bugs, Cock Koachta, Ants ? itu, Thou Dij Liquid .. "trcolcum. Urantaajaa h aim a Iwvfnl koawbola iaMMi tot nM aiwirHi ailoviani. Aa a swmaoiaai apnuf is tr artdk H ssHUVef poiao noa ) or carro iaa aad has a ptaaaiat Vvltliful neAnf. OiultUe a aoet aealkj tn fVa. mm Mat M a: K4 f riiaa hoeae.' Taaj eiw-aat at frj easti4 aa Um awtx. TK, I'KTH 0 LY. ' Ala Xisia, ttttm.UU'4 ami taaaatlt Id - - - ," . Caaaraa MaHkil a. tMaf llataajlsja hi awa frmmi para' Henry's fhamucy, 127 Middle Street I" ah 11 To let irUe'fi sat ft f- wry. rtiyaWaa'a lerf pt;oi rart'sHy Steamship Co AFRAID OF BEING KISSED. Clint Starr mt a UmmZ BtaU ''.-:".-,, iroa Kcttl. : ... lien? Is so ingenious Circassian lo-' rj: A man was walking- along one raid and a woman aJont another. Tba roMils finally nulled, and tua man and tbe woman, reaching tbe Junction at the same time, went on from there to' getber. The man was carrying a large Iron kettle on bla back. In one hand be held by tbe leg a Uve chicken. In tb other a cane, and he vu leading S gnat Just aa -they were coming to a deep, dark ravine tbe woman aald to tbe man: "I am afraid to go through that 'dark ravine with you. It la a lonely place, and you might overpower me and kiss me by force." "If you are afraid of that." said the mnn, "you shouldn't have walked with me at nil. How can I possibly over come you and kiss you by force when I have this great Iron kettle on my back, a cane In one hand and A live chicken In the other and am leading a goat? I might ns well be tied band and foot" "Yes," replied the woman, "but If you should stick your cane in the ground and tie the goat to It and turn tho kettle bottom side up aud put tbe chicken under It. then you mlgbt wick edly kiss me In spite of my resist ance." "Success to thy Ingenuity, 0 wom an!" said tbe man to himself. "I should never have thought of this expedient" And when they came to tbe ravine he stuck bis cane Into the ground and tied the goat to It, gave the cblckcn to the woman, saying, "Hold It while I cut some grass for the goat" and then. lowering the kettle from his shoulders, he wickedly kissed the woman, as she wns afraid he would. Stray Btories. THE UNTOLD. Why Mra. Cavil Failed to Be laform- 'fl ly llr Haaband. "I didn't tell you, did I. Mildred,' k:i l.l Mr. Cavil to his wife, "that I saw your sister Jane down town this day week ?" "No, you didn't, Charles Augustus Cavil," replied Mrs. Cavil. "Why didn't you?" "Well, you see" "Yes, I see. You meet the only sister I hnve In the world, and Instead of coming straight borne and telling me nbout It the same day, as any respect- nhli; husband would have done, you kiH'p tho matter secret a whole week and then risk cnrelessly If you have mentioned tbe fact that you bow her." "But, my dear" "Don't but me, Charles Augustus Ca II. I have no doubt that she sent me a message by you, end you not only failed to deliver It, but by this time you have forgotten what It was about Toll me If this Isn't the case." "My dear. It was this way" "Don't tell me It was that way. Charles Augustus Cavil. I know ex actly how It was. You Blmply didn't care a straw whether I knew that you had seen Sister Jane or not or you would not have waited a whole week to tell mo you hnd seen her." "Hut I didn't say 1 saw her." Mr. Ca vil sulci nt length. "Then I'd like to know what you did snv. t hnrles Augustus cavil. "1 linked you If I told you that 1 saw her." oxplnlncd Mr. Cavil. "Well, why didn't yog tell roe 7" "The reason I didn't tell you was be- cnuse I 1 1 1 1 1 1 see her; that all. Mrs. Cavil gasped and was speecb-less.- Itoaton Hazar. A Trlrk of ladlaa Tklavaa. In seine of the thieves' schools In In illu a regulnr course of training Is gone through In the art of "pouching." or concealing articles of value In the IhroHL The Kngllshinan. a newspaper puMlxticd In Calcutta, thin describes the proeeps: "At (list n a in ii II piece of lead, at tnrlied to a thread, la (wallowed and guMiil y the action of tbe tongue to tin' orifice of the asc In the throat. Aa himiii an this has been thoroughly learn ed the lend Is coated with lima. Tbla cats Into the sac and enlarges It. TtM size of the article to be pouched la gradually Increased until It Is aald that ninny of the Indian (blare eaa pourh H or 10 rupees at onoa." ToroaV t Mall and Empire. rutlaaj Batata. Aa la well known, aoma natal are unaultabla for casting, arhlkt others, like Iron, can readily b east In any da llied hap. The property at easting well Is aald to iWpaod a poo wketbaf the metal contract or aipands on so lidifying from the liquid form. Iroa. like water, aipanda la aoildirylog. sod bnce the solid metal may be awa Boating In tbe liquid Iroo aboat IL.Taa ipaiMlon caoaea It to BU tbe die tola which It la poored, and so H caa bo mat eaally. Gold and III var Coctrart In cooling and tbatefora ar oat oattav ble for casting. aa tevniaa. "Wbat't tbe (natter wMa Uat aar aaked the clortt. "ll doean't seeta bar anything to do bot wind sm ao." "No." raplM tha rakwalar; -W aaat working Ileaa4 kla rawpansana atrara pom tline go." "llabl Baptmaa I akoaM atop work tig vary tlot I arrack T Taat'a aa, Nrt I aeOoa tt up avary tlaaa a takaa efr."-rkltade4pbla lraa. Ca-Meaeialtaa ila)aa. tlaai-Borvwarafl gat M of arad It for tba way aa keapa kla fajart 4 4. . . Joag-fa; they tall taara art twa af tnrea sleat at tba very dsynniadeapaa Reeara. ae iHal DMaf -"THd aba gt raf UUr "Tea: I dlracted KHM kaabaa4 aad Mft4 M VIIV COURII Pf. Poll tsjojl tynia earat t mgai rif taUl at ". tVmTnwa fVi V'hnntng ' jmirt and ieala-xiBf a rlLarmt f. Ail oW rai r j4nr jieaavwiba tt f l wi.uk IloaMnaa, (Wff, rutfivia an4 immirr.t- m. ' ' ' ' r "'" Every woman in tbe country I ought to know about R!o5!.er's friend Those who do ini'.i WoHiler l. iw they i-vor without it. It h:.:i ro! birth of is terrors f.r i inn a youief wife. It hns pr-.-served her girlin fture a:i 1 saved htriuuth sttfferinij. It is an externnl lini- H ment and canics with it then Tore, I abjolu'uly no drnfror of trv. tiinj B tho -S) stem m ilru:.; taken I '.tin fj ally are apt to d . H ii t he L ru'jbed into the uKdo-neu lt : 'ft. n p aud strcnKthcn U.J i..usclts v.hicli cj are to bear tbe strain. ThiimeTns B much less pain. It also prevents morning sickness end all of the other disc mforts of pregnancy. A druge,.iit of Mneo-i, O t.( suvs: " I have sola a iaru qL::mtity of Mother's Friend ami have never known an instanco wljero it has failed to produce the gK,d results claimed for it." A prominent lady of Lam berton. Ark , writ..: " With my rst six children 1 wa; in labor from 24 to 30 hours. After usintf Moth r' Friend, my seventh v as born ia 4 hour.;." Get M.i'Iii t'h Krlenrt at th i drug HUiiv, St .OO itjr Lutilu. THE BRADDELD REGULATOR CO. AIUMA, (.A. (Joed Stiry of Hacaalay. The fallowing exeeipt frutu Margaret Macanlay's little volume on her hint hi r. which was I'lin.id in 1SIM Tor private clrculatliin, thows Mncaulay'a catlike ability always tn fall mi his fret: "One day Tom said jokingly that there are some thing which always Inrlined him to liclipvc In tin- pi-itl.H iiiiiiiiee of evil in the world. Rncb, hu said, as hrentl always falling on the Imitertd side and the thing you want always tieiug the last you come to. 'Now. I w ill lake up '"nl ume nft'r volume of this Shakespeare 10 look for "Ilnmlrt." You will si e I Lit I shall come to it the lost of nil.' "The find volume lie tisik up opened on 'Hamlet.' Kvery out' lnut liril. " 'What can he a stronger pro f of what I said'' cried he. Tor the first lime Id my life I wished that what I was look Ing for uoulj riiiui' up last, taul for the first time in my lire it has conic up first.' " Clllne Ctilnni. A eorresponiient of the liiuhin tlrr.tihic says that the friends of the dend in Chi na lieg permission to bum ipiain' pssl, board linages of men and entile Miin;eil In crinkled pnpei 011 the njii.; li.i 'he dead lie. The ceremonr is n nook nf re spect and la believed also to net ns a sed ative on the departed Npirits. Another eiirloua custom In China is the de-orec lion at funerals of bogo bank nnti'u hear ing a huge face value, which ore n tnk n that the friends of the desd 11 re hut wbelmed with grief and so fuicttfi'l nr worldly matters they lavish tlieir suh ftsnee even to the verge uf bunlo-iipti'j Theee bogu note sre sH'einlly inninifnc tured ftml sold for the linnniinl i-ffi-ct the? produce at a funeral. Sb Ool II Frr. Rnterprlslas (Tieailst Ilere'i a enrd. tnfidatji. Kverj time you huy Romething to tho value of a ahiltinB I'll pum-h a lede in it. When 10 shilling an- puixhi-d. you get a siphon of audit woter free. lladsm Tlial'a a line Idea. I'll tnke 10 ablllln-' wvrtb nf DoaUgv tamp Dyspepsia Cure Dlaests what yoa eat. It krUflelally d la-arU tba food iDd aids Katar la tkranKtiMnl nf and raooo ttrueUDg tba cibaoatad dbjaaUva or faoa. IlUlb latest dlaooveraddlireaU Ml and tootc Ho otber preparation caa approach U la fflclency. It ln auatijr raUaTMand pamaoanUy cores xmpapala, iiiaifaatioB, ueanuaro, riaUilanoa, Sour Stomach, haoaea. Blck Haadacba, OaUila,Crampsaid ilolhaTrawlUof Impatfect dlreUon. rVVaaaaaaitL U'l i ssstitu ti4 Waaat aaauaMa aooa ait u,ai jiupaianaaii Vaaaaeta tf V C aaTTTT CO. Ctaaoa- r. . pcrnr i RHEUMACIDE RHEUflATISn tt srtat ccaan. Taa msoical voirnaa or raa Ualila Qnlir; t Hi A vagal able nan if that aoalUra W tj aara aaavat aad Inag ud- W lag ratal. TIM rraataat Mood aj pari oat kaowa. Oaa U batn 7 aaamsaiiataf Uadlsg akni. W aftariaamaft trial. Caeaf U) I laaf aaat av taa caaas tfaaiaa. JT-. fjl - AoM by att Mr &rra draf W fetaa at-aa rt ttrtil. UIAl.EJlIa1 . " GFHEEiL,HiSD71HXp ;: Aa4tAKTHSlaf- V ' EUHDIS5 EiTEBIiL Wlra ettl, IWa I WlnWVaW -OLAaCH SETRIOPIATDRI Wfcte ae ia Wat, T-y t bat 7l t Pi tipV, Ia (Iea4 fraeaar tlM Coraar. pfw.f aa Mmi aa4 9mmx fslaia. :ilxi;t it U J'- t ll' 1HJ H K '1 Cll'lli- R Eltellwi, Aaelaat Orlgla af Bfllltary lalaia. When did tbe mllltnry salute come Into tme? ll certainly dates from the earlier half of tbe fifteenth cen tury, says tbe l-ondoo Chroillile to tbe "Speculum Unmans? 8sl:itlonls," which was Issued before the Invention of printing by movable types, then- Is an exceedingly tiulnt Illustration In Which Abraham is represented ns sa luting Melchlscdcc. Theiatrlarch Is In inedlieval nrmor nnd apparently ou guard, aud It wonhl seem that Mel cbiBedcc Is lirluglng lilui refirslmients of water, and the salute Is distinctly tbe military one still In use. The '..irtb'a Shadow. The 1 :n i : tins a sbinl.;iv. Iui lew ever see it eeept 1:1 eel:pse of tbe moon ,'e ertlieless many of us have noticed on tine, cloudless ev I'.lngs In summer, shortly before sunset a rosy or pink arc on the horl7.no o;i)os;te tbe sun. with a bluish gray segment under It As tbe sun sinks the are rises until It attains the zenith and even pusses It This Is the shadow of the earth Ills Ulanatle Implied. She What are you thinking about, Harry? He -Nothing She--Aren't yi;'j afraid of overtaxing your brain. di arV Detroit I'"rcc Press. .(it!t' ! Noith Curoiina I ,Sup- ri- r Court i'iavcu ( onniy Hcfoic inc Clerk. Kdvvard (Jernek, delin;y r 'tti'l i.f Fied t lick W. M 'tier, iic ci used vs M. I). Mnler, widow, and Thomas Gib son ttnd wife snd the In i"s '.ii.kuown of Kicderitk V. M niu. I'o Thonins (lihscii find !ph wi'e, whose niuiiu is unknown, mill 0 I lie other hei s of Frederick W. Mnler. a!! ol whope unities am! ret-Joi. i.i e., a:i n n 1 .. ,v n. Take NotUc Thai special proeceonigs ii ivc been Ibis day duly instituted hefore the un til isiu. il, 1, Ki! :.ril lie: orU, inlmiuis t rut or o V. W. Maler. leccs-ed, as above -it it li:il, i .:ll 7i 1 1 r-..in Inu'l of land on the soui Ii side of the. line r road in t'ruvi i. iimntv, coi'i'Onini! Vi-tl m res and convened to said b W. Ma'er by Owen II. ion, I 'oniiiii-'ii i." r, b dee.l, daled Mhv 2'.hh, iK'.l'l, and rn-onliil in the olllce ir the Ki lister of Ilei dn nf Cra ven county, in liook l(to, Kulin :1"i0, etc., for the I'lirniisr of rioikin hsm is to psy I he drills el I 1:1 ill I t-:,M it. .And you slid eneli ol y H an; M'(nircd to uj pi- .1 si in v i Hire in l lie Coot I I louse of Craven ( 'ounly on I lie ;2:ird day of N v. in' or A. 1). 11.. in nl ihe hour of I'J o'clock m Hint niiHwei or ilemur to the pi t I ' i on filed in s-aid proceedings or otherwise show cause if any yon have w by the praer of the petitioner shall not Is crnuUi!' oll.orv ise .i lili -ner will a p! to the e:u:rt fir ihe ulief de nial, ili-d. This Oi tolier 10th. 1!MK). W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court Craven County. Noith Can. Una Craven County, In Supr'rlor Court. W. II. Cul Safely 1 11 vchI nicnl nnd l.mn ('niniany Thr fli-friuiHTit fthovt' imiTinl vill tnki nolicc llinl rii Hction ci)li(lo(l i nenv Iii.h In cn 'oinmciH'cil in 1 lie Supc i tur Onirl ofCrftven county to oxclmio the aid ilt fcno'iuit from n lien fin tch cstiiir nittut(d fn Pftlil county nnd Mhv which Kflfd lion tlic dcfendfint clfiiniH under n mortyao cxwuicd lo il hy Lite pUinillT In the State of Nurth Carolina.; and th' lcfcnlant will further take notice that it it required lo appear nl the ncsit term of the Hurxrior Court of Craven county to be held on Ihe Wth Monday after the lant Monday of KeplrmN-r UMK) m Uh- Court Hnune of Raid emmty In N(;w Hern. N. ' ' . and nnnwer nr (Innur I the ('omplaint in naltl at-ilon nr tlir plaimllT will Mpplv 1" t IX ourt for thr rcllrf ilc and d in said ( 'onipUInt W M W .ft. ( l. rk 'f i li u r n -r ( On rt Till- 11 .Ut nf ). u.Kcr 1'J (i Administratrix Nu'let' II k v n k i(.n)i'l n. thr A tnin ini r ii r I v f A k XKixIrr Hu'iti n. df-r.-aw d, iiul u I" lirrrtir Kivi n tnnll m tmhh lintnp rlmrnn agatnftl iliii t-ntati- nf ilir dcrrsiM'd. inun' p' cm-nl i Lrm on r Iwfnr-1 lir flih , il v l Ort(drr nr ihi) tiil,. will r nit a dcJ in l'r cif I In Ir irmn ry A 11 fv rini Indrl.tnl U ad f-t .ir m-1 mjuralt-d to niaat Imiimliala prmrui 1.1 ill A IIOufKN. Admtntkiratrii A J UtKTIN Allnrnr ) CIIXMIS.SIUMU'S K.U.E. Hvr or Noktii Cash is, I Superior CAaa t'ot'UTT t touri Tbe National Bank ol N Him, v. K 8. Hirwt. at al. I'uaaant U lb judgment in (hraluve a am ad aciiua raaoerail at ib Fall lrm In), of u aald CouM, the uadsrala-aad will sell al paliltc auction on Mnaaf tae Mikdav of MoraiaMr. At), laoO. at taa eoart booas of ad Craves ouoatf, at I o'clock, p. a, fm ah, tier fotlnw s( daeMb4 Uad All la at eartala ir ri ol iud .liaatad aa I Im aartb tlda af in li.io .. I la said tavra oiwalv. airmi is mika froat Um eHf nf Nr li, kaoaa as law Unau U Wkiilool lead tio.nla at laaeotaaf ol Ik UihI InfBMil. be Ipailac U Riall V Kkn o aaM rd, ae4 taa aanb lo lb WM plara mam wa af lauaarl ll"r, I ! auata CT el,- BUa ewtlle la tk Mailt pnoA, tbeaaa do a a rM asd !, Uilltf-tkra ajokna, Ifcear soalH XI ra.l. --( kl aotratitllM weal ! af aMfsa44 cat la Um mWH ruad laadiai froe Mw aara lo Trealna. ta abk said road aMairdir u th h)Mf rvaiialalag laa ser, aanra af Ww, low- la la ad anfd la K. X, mttru f ft I laa f. IUftt aad Ifek. ae4 dsa-d iaarf lllk, imV ra- Wnd la Ik trfaea af lb Naitat at Iwavta m Hm4j Xaa,rlHia4aadla. aad lae traot of las anats'alaf aWat tarrv-aaanet ol aa) aara aaa'arad M eaWIUtaardlSIMrMd kf t t- Moat aad alfa,ira ta fH ot aU lead akW ta na il aorti M M tad wll lfi"a. IWra aad fftrfolk raiV eaad, a adad aa tolbv i fWa'f 4 t -MMir of railraad Of IM alm-i ( taayt, r Ikaaea aorta l M Mk -d mraM's road M tha Ma fMasvr Wall torn. w Baa' l4, iK-ara wlife a a"fr' Ha af Wanrea w art lead. (' la. nat Stl" wart etala lata In taDI txpsl. tr tk 1( at e'rM aad aaairt (Waloa, brot acatk ' ! Vla rW U la eailraad, Ik.. -a aanaard wltk H railroad a IM jr,,! M Ptlt. t , t AS Iifilf. GOOD HEALTH by the Quart. Every bottle 70a take of JoJwston i SarsaparilU means better health, and every bottle oontalns a full quart. It makes better blood purer blood. For thirty years this famous remedy has been creating and main taining good health. Johnston's Sarsaparilla builds up tbe aystem, tones the nerves, and strengthens the muscles more promptly aad effootuaily than ny otber remedy known. The pullor of the oheok disappears, energy takes the place of languor, uad the rich color of health flows to the cheeks. Unequalled (or all disorders of tho tomach and liver, and for all weakening com plaints of men, women and children. UJiwTwhm. rrlM, $LOO pr fell n,ri Uttl. MICHIOAN DRUQ CO., Datrolt, filch. 8 !d by C. U. UllAI II M, New hern. Julius M. clmold, liivery, Fed Sale .Kxcliane Nfabl?', Hordes fc Mil I oh, IIU(.'t;'''B. Wagons, Harness, Whips and KoIk'S. tyt'art win els a tpi cialty. KfWill he open for business Oct. fi, at No AG Broad Sticct, New Bern, N. ('. Russell House While in Beaufort be sure and stop at i he Ktisell House. Klrct-t'lass Hoard. A home for traveling people. FiBbinti and hunling unexcellod. Terms ll.ii6 l'iy or f.ri.0ll per wiwk O A. liUKHKU, I'rot) BLOOD HUMORS Ulcers. Old Sores. Cancers. Ealing Sores, Kczeiiin, Elc, i nn d hy Ii. It. lie B. -Trial Free, Hot Krorn i inniire blood eoines sll sorts ol pains, aeliei and sores, ending freiiuenliy n deii'lly cancer or some rhronle sore I f yon ( an answer "yes" lo any nf the fohow iu iiieslloQs your blood Is dls-as-cd uiid impure. Ilo euts or sr ratchet hesl i-lowly ? Does your hkin iu h or hum ? Have yiu piin ph I1 Kruplions ho you feel axbamcd lo iw seen In company 7 Aching Hones or Hark? Kcetna? Old 80 res ? Boils' Scrofula r Hheumallsnir Foul Hn-alh Cslnrihr Are you I 'ale I Do Scabs or Scsles form on the hkin. Hair or Scalp ? 1'iickliiiK I'alns In the Hair? A 11 Hun Dnwii, tfel rssilv tired, snd as tired in the morning ss when im Hi nt In Uilv Klullrrilii; llesrl llnve you I 'U-i v Latins' ores Cancer? to nut:. Any Jio nSAl. reader ahn nifTern Is ad vised to tnke s few laier Isitllcs of H. II. II ( Ituiaiiif llliM.il IUI1111 Thin ri mcsly I. iiikImuIiIi' lly the tct snd only perfect Mood I'uiiller made. II II II Hi ianh ll'ofi llnlmll.-i :. rrcoril of .'10 years nl iiinii. In nee I. thoroughly tested My I laklnK a Ii Is't'r Isitlles of II 11 It the hiisid I maOr pure and rich, all the lyires are healed, and arhrt aod pains j aniah s the mlsl Ivfon? the su.i. U H. II. haft ui rl liter 400 caea of cancer,! many of Ihem pronnonr.1 'lenralde by dncliir and (rMs-lalltti. Kalln( sorra, ' 11 lea r and acrofnla are bealcd ao Ibal 1 1 hey never Isitber Ihe pallrnl asalo j Kcrema In Its worst form Is cured by from S lo M large Isiltlra. B. II H. rura bv draining the polwins and humor nul of lb bloc d, al the same time It build up lb broken do wo onnxllallnn. tot aale bj dro((lila, l par lart e bo lis. or t Urn boll laa (full treatment) tS Coanpleta direction wllk eacb hnllle. He ore lb bottle read Ibilaolr lilood Balm. 80 (oflerer may let ll a trial bniil flvaa sway. Addras Blood Halm Co., Atlaats, (i iNaerib )mtom and frea anadical advlo flvea. Prompt Delivery From Dunn's If jv want foot! aap af tUlkranaa coffea toj a pottad imijoi tiIlvtlU Tall eoffea il aqoal to aej Ooffaa ia IW" aaar.rt, rfrd teaa a prioa. SDfne Things Please Remember THAT our slock of King Healers is Complete Mini t he pi ices ranging fron i.ntl to tin Ml. THAT our line of Household B chil lies is idt ra live. THAT our stock of leaded Shells e mptisiiiK "Srmi-Sniokelesh", "Smoke 'iss" and the "Ulack Powder" is eom ple e. THAT WK NKED MONEY as will fl the rest of mankind, and If you owe us 1. ase pay u. Yours liuly, J. C. Whitty jVew llern, N. V, Bricks, Bricks! Anyone in need of Bricks, cull on 1MUOTT. No :t4 Middle Street, or K. K. Hisluvp, in nr t iilton Kx . Ii:ili''i'. CAROLINA INN, Broad Strett, New Bern, N. C. Open to the Public, With Latest Modern Improvements. Table First Class. Hot and Cold Ilal list. Sample rrsrms for commercial men. Mil-". S. Ii. 8TKKKT, I'ropriet ress. Architeel k 8uperiuterident 68 Ilroad Ntreet Notice ! The Oldest nnd Most Reliable Firm. Now llunniiiK. mid ni'livriiiii; Nice Sl'.vc WimmI, A f 1 1 , Huk nnd 1 'i in to nur door t very day. A SMM'ifil hot of lied Henri, Hinid Madii MiitipU'H .ItiHt Ken-ivt-tl; llrick find Liilln"", I'omIm for ft-iii:lii, ''ni )iiil 1-tinr ( 'on u I ry incti bo hii re and nvt' uh I rf'fo re you hi-II your entile nnd pm k im I lntvn oprneil a nmrket Now ir y ft icnil eoine t In- He-1 I'nrk and I ref Stt ak nt BIG HILL, Tbe Shinsle Man After Dark en In Heptemler a llsht Kail over coal 1 frequently erj comforlshle in ticloher, almial alway lion't oolcr rlolh eul Into lirfor you air our Ulrl nnvalllr in ll(ln. .Suitoula, I'sil dock and olher leaders for the Aiitiimn and Winter of 1100 I of rourse ml and At mutt match malirll and hn II work - hern lhy are F. !TI. lin.lv, l L, Ymi cb alasy aipaei wba yoa or lav yoxr food ipj lla fn m Hit relia'4 elora. Wa ca aap. piy rvary daaad of a Aral rl.at family U4 wlia the Oboira! PlHi avl Faaer ijrooafba. Hal (has rirklaa. n mhw, Ollt, f ,i Rv h Prlal Hultaf, 4 Vit llama at ll it 11 uaa fti jaa. Waaaa t fpattalt of hik frrad Taa aad (Go""! Oar rVfaMtoa BUad- Ooffea it Pine, Price Only 20c. enarpa4l. r i i iifi'Mtittti; i tttaai

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