P 1 Syruf-Rgs Acts flcasantfy and fivmpty. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. resents in the most acceptabk&im the larative principles ofpjants Jtnown to act most beneficially. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFfc. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAl. LOUISVILLE . KY. MW YORK. H.Y For sslt if druggists - prie SO prr tottlr. New Bern. N. C, Oct. 81, 1900. Index to New Advertisements. Watson Barbecue, Oysters, Steak. I. L. McDanlel Mackerel. Jas. B. Dawson Caramels. I'rof. RuBsell That Piano. J. O. Baxter Novelties. Business Locals. FINE assorted Caramels only 20c per pound at Jas B. Dawson's, 103 Middle street. VERY fine Barbecue at Watson's Res taurant, Middle street to-day. OO TO Watson's Restaurant to day for Oysters. IF YOU want a nice tender steak or roast, no to Watson's market. Phone 131. DRY Stove wood at Big Hill's. WANTED Three white girls, berry's Steam Laundry. Day KRKSIi TRIPE and pigs feet, Chicago beef just received at Oaks Market. STORE FOR KENT, C. E. Slovih. THE New York Life Insurance Com pany Is issuing the most liberal policy on the market and offers an excellent op portunity for first-class reliable men to make money. Correspondence Invited. Martin A. Lyon, Agency Director Charlotte, N. C. WINTER is coming, now is Ihe lime to put in broken window pane. It may avo you a doctors bill. Leave your orMTs at (laskill Hardware Blore for Lnfavctlo Williams the glazier and palnlnt. I'EANl'T and Cocoanut Brittle, at McSorlcy'a. FOR SALE A (lenlrablo building lot 50 fret front, 108 feet deep. On Mclcalf Htrrci between K. R. Jonoa and J. W Hinaltwnnd's. Apply to K. R Joins. FOR Fine veal and small pig pork go to the Oiks Market, Unlay. Jacnlu' Raleigh Rye best. Middle street whiskey Is the Ht'STLINO young man can make rt0 p r month and expvnws. Permanent rxnition. Experience unnecessary Write quirk for particular. Clark A Co., 4 Ui and Locust 4u.. I'hlla., Pa. Darts' Pharmacy baaeicluslve agency for "Theo" cigar. VarrlDallon fchleldl at Davis' Phar macy. Cream Cocoanol and lafflM at McHor ley's 'Tticn rlgars on sals only at Ivti Pharmacy For disinfecting, as ehorid of Lias from Dtrls' Pharmacy. ( lry Ilnadaoax Powders (varaatasd to cere beenWbe. Made lad sold at IstI' Pharmacy. Yos will (Ud at U OUs Market this mnralsj svervthlag that is kept la s Drat riaas Msat Market. IWl fall to leok at ear stock of Phot. Rblrte, Keel wear, etc t eaa do yoe food. i. 1. Hatter. OAslTOnZAi sWttta IsjUllwlwalwfl trrea Oeoda, No- Uoaa, eta., at J. J. Bait. Br Water Is I will have the Wpat Vaaa of Stetllag Mrvwr eevttO I ever awl All boofklet trw rrta. Watch Jotaau rv la4f arrival J. O. Ittv Jews. CURE YOUR HEADACHE i,, IWltircAPUDINE H AtfB XfeOUT NEW BERN. , 5 ' late lUptcalan DeW Wltk ittcrs - : '. Of Local Uteres!, ' The King's Daaghurs will meet at I be borne of Mia Louise Dennlaon this afternoon, at 8 JO o'clock. Messrs. 8. H Brinaon and E. M. Green, will apeak at Gore, on Friday, at 1 p. m, on Trusts and Imperialism. There was a good sized crowd at Jones county Superior Court, at Trenton, on Monday. No cases of importance on the docket. The Sewing Circle ol the Home Mis- lion Society of Centenary M. E Chnreh. will meet this afternoon at Mrs. L. H Cutler's at 4 o'clock. The marriage of Mr. A. O. Newberry of this city and Miss Nettie Rogers, daughter of Mr, J. R. Rogers, will take place thia morning at 7 o'clock, at New port. Hon. Charles R. Thomas and Mayor F. T. Patterson, went to Vauccboro, yes terday, wheie Mr. Thomas spoke to a large crowd on the National political Issues of the present campaign. Gayest Manhattan failed to arrive yesterday, and those who had anticipa ted seeing the performance, as per bill board displays, were disappointed last night. Not much loss, however, as the show, In theatrical vernacular, was pro nounced "rotten" by the press where it exhibited. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Lieut. Francis Winslow is ivisting in the ell y. Mr. E. C. rotter of JNortolK, Va., wi s In the city last night. Rev. John Stanly Thomas left yesici day- returning to Suffolk, Va. Mrn. A. C. Hyman and Miss Bessie Ilyman returned from Ashcville, N. C last night. Mis. J. C. Watkins and son. Cutler, left yesterday morning, after spemlin several weeks in th'o city with rclc- livqs. Mrs. B. R. liuske returned to her home at Fayettville, N. C, yesterday af ter a visit with her father, Mr. Wm, II Oliver. I bis is the season when mothem arc alarmed on account of croup. It i quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, which children like to take. F. 8. Doily. Naval Reserves, Attention. You are hereby ordered to assemble at your armory to-night, Oct. 81, 1900, at 8 o'clock sharp, for monthly inspection. By order of commanding officer. J. L. IIakthfuslp, B. M. C. I O. The work of posting has also about concluded. In the language nf bill stickers, the State Is protty well "paper ed." Every little hamlet as big us a po litical candidate's bat ia u study in fair posters that is, within a radium of fifty FAIR FACTS FOR EXHIBITORS. If You Haven't Gotten Your Exhibit ReaJy Begin Work On It At Once. The Ex hibitor Is Always The Great Gainer. Messrs. O. II. Waters fc Son sro get ting up a buggy ciblbil for the next Fair that will be extremely Interesting to every visitor, besides relloctlng credit on the city no lens than on the firm. It hat always been conceded lhat this -llon li the Ideal spot for wood working manufacturers, and the enterprising firm mentioned above proposes to show by Its unique exhibition of light and heavy vehicle lhat to get a first class high grade article it Is not necessary for the purchaser to leave the county A light rnnnlni, rubber-tlrod wagon Is nearlng completion at the factory, and for simplicity, alrength and artistic beauty will compare with any foreign goods, and In the greater number of comparisons prove superior. This wag on wbsn finished will be put In the ei hlbll st ths Fair. Don't neglect your exhibits. The next Fslr will b the beet place In which to advertise your business by s good i bIMt of your wsres or products that was ever offered, for jroo may confidently look for large crowds of visitors on the Fslr ground The tea son of th year It most favorsbis for a fair, and tbsr are thousands and thousands of people all over this taction State, It might be said who are walling for Norembtr 1 with lively expectations of a good old tin hi th City Of Kim. Ho It will wall repay the merebsnl, wholesale or retail: si wsll as lb manufacturer and artisan to show kit wsres and sihlbttt st lb Fair to th bast edvaalag. It Is wore Iks rtdtatloaa for oa la a be tin to ooclad lhat Fair advrtlalD 1 aot profl labia. laooad, ft I difficult, erts Of Mok 4vftistBffi bat by the aai toke It st Nily hard to moanre the rood toar Mow wladow dose, or year well twsyt loot. Tot no aaae aMrehaat board tp lb treat of hi store aay mor Uaa he art taoOt lab. To My bey lb vary fees good oa Upmarket, a4 brtag th I M am with Um fall ratoatloa of astllag UMsa for tianUy half of wbt they sett, attfyoa bht roar 3tek UJd a alaab aH 4 aovvt tell what year stir pes la, to oa la tba world will vt b abb) 1014 yoa la fear aadertaklag To atst b4fa bar I sll oforayoaaaa tip a eastoatef. la I lber0ta Ibaaovof to- rst aet, eo only the bat bb fof asle, bit also leH boa lew b a fa a4 po lie aeaMtf, sHa a4 sUdrsbtlllf. Krery. tf Us "I a id r Ut. Tkti Ttir tor shearing yonr goods whatever they ay be and telling aboat them, no on eaa hope to gainsay. Besides these argu ment addressed to the pocket book (which after all it very hard-headed,) there are reason that go higher, and touch the pride and patriotism. This Fair we have is just as sorely a perfect reflection of the character of our busi ness men ajid other classes of workers, as is the Sunday service at church a per fect objeot lesson of the church's effect npon society. Our people have never done aught that would reflect discredit upon the city, and there are good reasons for believing that this year's Fair will witness more unanimity in the work of making the Fair a true exposition of the city's resources than has ever been shown befoie. The Curio Hall will contain some fea tures this year that will prove of un usual attractiveness, notable among which is a big exhibit from South Africa A few of the articles that form this ex hibit were shown by Mrs. Eva Uargelt at the Raleigh Fair, but to seethe ex bibit in its entirely, you must come to the New Bern Fair. 137 FOR SIMMONS. Expresslon of Sentiment of New Bernlans For Mr. Simmons. To the Editor of the New Bern Journal: It seems to us that our newspaper should express to the public the senti ment of the communitv in which it is published on all Important matters There is now pending in this State the very important matter of Senatorial Primary and prominent Democrats are candidates for the position. One of them Honorable F. M. Simmons was a long and until recently, a resident of our City mil it is well known that this City and our County and the neighboring coun t.ci, Jones. Carteret, and Onslow arc a' most unanimous in his support. So pluiu is this sentiment that it cannot be mistaken, yet 19 has never been published in the Journal, and we feeljbat you aro not doing justice to the community and the patrons of the Journal. We believe that you have a perfect right to your individual preferences, but think it also due to us that you state tho true conditions in this regard. Nearly every publication in your paper is favorable to General Carr, and not one word do we see In behalf of Mr. Sim mous. We wish to let our sentiments be known through the columns of your paper and request that you publish it. We believe that almost the entire Demo cratic community of this Bccllon of the Htalc prefer, and will vole for Hon. F. M. Simmons for Senator. Geo. N. Ives, Mark Disosway. D. U. Davis, Hamuel Parsons, J. R. 11. Carra way, Walter Duffy, W. A. Mclntocb, E. II. Meadows, II. C. Lumsdcn, Thos. Gates, Halph Gray, J. M. Howard, Asa Jones, Go. A. Oliver, Hollister & Cox, C. E. Foy, E. K. Bryan, J L. Burrus. C. L.'ltyeucer, W. P. Burrus, J. C. Whilty, II. li. Smith, F. H. Whilty, II. I). Eu bank, F. M. Agusllne, T. J. Mitchell, J. A Meadows, W. P. M. Bryan, John II. Ellis, W. 1). Wallace, J. A. Worthy, O. S. Waters, F. C. Small, J. II. Parker, Jr. J. L. McDanlel, .1. J. Simmons, D. W. Habislon, A. B. Powell, J. J. Tolso.). Jr., A. K. Hlbbard, John B. Watson, (Irccn itryan, h. B. Parker, Owen II. Ouion, Ernest M. Green, W. M. Walson, S. It Ball, B. O. Credle, .lames E Carra way, J. A, Jones, X. M. Brock, T. 8. Baxter, L. A. Dsvls, 0. G. Wayne, W. C. Willetl. Isaac Cohen, E. D. Harvey, John Dunn.J. G. Dunn.O. II. Koberls, J. II. lisckburn, E, B. ilackburn, G A. Il.rfoot, J. F. Ives, J K. Gatklll. J, W: Duguld, J, W. Wood, Henry it. Bryan, j.-, Itomulus A. Nunn, J. F. libera, H. II. Lane, Charles Duffy. B 8. I'rlmrose, C I). Hradbam, B. Gerock.E. F. Early, A. H. Ilangert, H. B. Marks. T W. Wa ters, J. L. Hartsfled, K DuVal Jonea, Jtmea L Dawson. W. K Baxlrr, W. T. Hill, F. M. Chadwlck, J.J. Bailer, F. F. Aimslrong, ('. K. Wetherlngton, J r. M'Me-, J. II Jones, B. II. Hcott, L F. Wjmons, M. C. Dowdy. 0 N. F.nnett, K. L. Duffy, E. E. Perry. F. B. Duffy, L K Gottler, D. L. Robert, Robert Howe, II B. Hollsnd, Bam K. Eaton, A I). Ward, E J. Mallbewt, Chat H. liol- Itler, I) W. Robertt, O. B Cox, J. C. Toomat, L. H. Ervio.K. W. Bmallwood, 8. M B iosnn, W. F. Roontree, M. B. Hmltb, J. A. Parlt. R. Llrlch, T. W. Uodaay, Jr.. N. C. Ilugbes, H. O. Rob- trls, D. M. Kotwrt. Ma o. naisrt, j J. Ustlter. M. W. Joss. J. II. Holland A Co., H. M. drove. W. L. Wsrd. Max L. Jacobs, Harry D. Moor, Joseph Cubto, J. E. Hmltb, M. L. Ilollowtll, J. f Wahah. Ma. Btavs: W detlr toxtnd to you th thank of Mr. Simmons' fredt for lb oosrvwy esteaded tbea la acceptlag for pabuoatloa tbo meaJosUoa beaded yoa for this isoao. Kaoalaf as w do yoer oaa persosal a.afaiaac la tboBoaaloHal ootK,'w appodu highly lb flratof yoar actlva la Jnstle lo at ii Vry lUspeetfally, a I For. O. II. Ociot), lomn Do a. BobUu'a Caltl Pill fart kllli 4 alt alaria!lraMa, Tkal U aat ta7 war ataaa fot Cars aiWf Um( maa dial falL Ho tata, M f. Prtaa M eats ft bouta. loUk Data FW- - TIAT JOTTCt riEU5fl Wlta Ua tihlUratia aaaaa al a4 aaalta aa4 atraattli aa4 latwatl alsaaltaasa. walra follow laa aataf $rnf nt rtH aataa la ska fw ba arrs shI aingt m ly oal IW nU Um awdHswa s4 rtp sbttllas anawtlax efft4 kal arf atflt T 141 atlt tafotssM. Bat Um tsaalaa. MtaarsrtsM wf iba Cnfo.afca fl ;rCo Onslow Const' Superior Court. I Owing to th National election, the Fall term of Onslow County Superior Court, which Is set for Yonday, Novem ber, 6th. will not convene nntll Thurs day, November 8th. All jurors are requested to be on hand on Wednessday, November 7th, when Judge Moore, the presiding judge, will be present and charge the jury. Onslow county jurors please note this. Feelings of safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. It ia infallible for coughs, colds, iroup and all throat and lnng troubles. It will prevent consump tion. F, P. Duffy. That Ferry Road. That Ferry road leading to the New Bsrn bridge is not improving -by age and use as do somethings, It is in bad shape now and is still improving along that line, from bad to worse. Well the sooner it gets to be Impassa ble the sooner our people will have to turn their trade somewhere else, it will soon be Impossible to reach New Bern by land. Pamlico Enterprise. The progressive nations of the world aretho irreat food consuming nations. Good food well digested gives strength If you cannot digest all you cat, you need Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It di soats what you cat. You need not diet yourself. It contains all of the (licestants combined with the best known tonics and rcconstructives. It will even digest all classscs of foods in a bottle. No other preparation will do this. It instantly relieves and quickly curCB nil stomach trouble. F. 8. Dully. Mr Slow. "Confound this watch, whack ! whack I whack ! as he gently touches the post with it. 1 paid Mr. H. G. Price (Xi.OO for it and he has worked on it a dozen times. Mr. () N Time, (as he pulls out his waicli) Here is a watch I bought from Baxter's ycais ago, for $15.00 warranted for 25 years, (which was a .Ia. Boss tilled gold case with Elgin movement ) Go to Baxter's when you want a watch. I never had it repaired but once, then the hal)y had it If you wi.l give him your watch to fix, you will Have an accurate lime piece, as hundreds can tell vou who tried him. That Piano Ag;ain. "Touched liy a skillful hand, Wakened by pal'ence. Chords that were broken Will vlhrnte once more.'' Your piano has lame or broken chords why not let ui apply the proper remedies- We use steel exclusively, liy the way don't make a mistake. I have no as sistant. If you cannot take time to send word wall till I call. Your turn will come loon and I i an save you money. John (1 ItrsNKi.i., Tuner anil Repairer. Al Mrs Richardson's. Cold Wcatlicr Coining i Riiv One of I 9WMAli BLANKETS that are made for North Carolina trade by a largo North Carolina mill. Every pair Guaranteed; "Wo can SAVE YOU MONEY in a Fine Stylish Jacket or a Fur Collarette. Ask to see thorn. Our line oi Neckwear for Ladies and Children contain some sur prises. We have some Splendid values at 250 and our 76c Ribbed Ladies Vests are Bargains, ; During the week we will receive a lino ol the ' sVfVfolk.j ssnd , Jfrwbriinstwlrk Q for ladies,' Including their $1.60 .Vest- Mi' jiiliiil IXCI.S.'OWS THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham A Co. New Bern, N. C. New York, Oct. 30. CoTTOif: Open. High. Low. Close Open. .. 8.80 .. 8.80 .. 888 ..8 87 .. 8.88 Open. ...78 . .. 173 . .. 0 ...38 Oct Nov Jan Mcb May Wheat: Dec tOii. Gas. . So. R'y Pfd. Fed. S. . . . Con. T Leather . . 8.S2 8.96 8 99 9.00 8.00 8.80 8.85 8.8fi 8 87 8.88 8.92 8.92 8.98 8.18 8.97 High 7f8 Low. Close 77 j 7 174J 5i 81 i m 11 Cotton receipts were 02,000 bales at all ports. I.lvprpmtl Marknt. Spots Hj-. Sales 8(KKi IihI s. Fu tures closed oulet. Oci-Nov. .1-4 Jan- Feb. 4..".3. New llt'rit Cuttim Mttrket. Cotton sold in the local market jester day at 8. to 8.J. No other pills'can equal DcWitl's Lit tlo Early Uisers for promptness, certain ty and elllciency. F. 8. DulTy. Notice To Shippers. All freight for train, No. 2 leaving New Bern at 13.50 p. in. for OpI.IkIk and stations west of New Bern must lie delivered at the warehouse of the A. & N. C. R R. not later than 11 o'clock a m-and all freight for train No. 1 leav ing New Bern nt l.!10 p. ni. lor Morehcad and stations east of Ne'.v Born must lie delivered not later than 12 a. m. Freigh received after these hours will l:c for warded next day. ,1. 1'. ('. Davis, Forwarding Agent. October 2!lth, 1000, Evading Full Postage Kales. Postmn-tei' Hancock slates tlial ll followinc is the Postal Law, and lb: all peions are asked to slrielly conlorm to it and thereby save I rouble. "Any person who shall knoW'i'rl conceal or enclose any matw-r of a bigl claus iu that of a h-wer class, and 'Icooslt or cause the same lo be deposited f convevaw e I, v mail, at. a less rate lha wouli he ehaii'eil for lml h such hi. or lowel class mailer, shall, for ivery such oltem-c, be 'table in a penally of ten dollars. Any person, hclnc a letter, or any writing what! vcr, in a package, hook, or magazine, violate s ihi law and if they altempl t send it otherwise than lirsl class, and nt ay evpect iiiiiea-ant conse quences.'' New Barber Shop. ell kli.i Imisii in the stal le Hugh I, Unit III'1 va col . s f,,r St reel ored barber has gnne i himself and has a sho I.ulhling, next I" llahi Our ALL WOOL o o tut 1! t! - 7 i t ; TO O. flM:,t.4 CO RWEAR Winter Uncle wea LrfMiiefi, MenN, ClilldreiiM and Infant. See the stock we have gathered for you. Medium up to finest grades. Judicious buy ers will not slight these money. Liulies heavy Rilibed Vests, long I sleeved, drawers to match, ankle length, all sizes, inc. Ladies Extra Heavy Ribbed Vests, lleece lined, trimmed with silk rilibon, drawers to match, 50c. Ladies White (nearly all wool) Vests lone; sleeve3, ankle length, all sizes actually worth $1 our price per irariiient 7.rc. We sell with the strict understanding that you are to be satisfied reiunded. G. A. BARFOOT. THE NEW LINE, OF 0YS' B 'I' little man can pick it suit to suit his fancy. at the nrice ticket and anil vnnr pnrsr 'il 1 yon can W'c are (lie largest diHtrilnitors of MKNS' it ItOYr in the ( it v. if we can t "-uit Yon elusive. The Prices Well, they are bound to ly and payin;,' ft'sh we get all the advantages to 1 IVobb.v line of Over--(nH in jrleltoii, Kerhjs :uil Ciivt'rt 1'lotli from SMITH'S 99 Middle Street, Opp. Baptist Church. TWO C FINE MULES f To an ivc a'n'Ut N . ' ' Splendi.l opH)rtnnitT for Farmers to buy Good, Serviceable Anirnak and nt price li suit buyer. We ul. have n lu'i-e lot of BUQOIE3 AND HARNESS. Will miiVe iincen riht. M. HAHN S SON, PHONE US When you want your stove put up and fitted for ther Winter. We have the outfit and YOU WON'T HAVE TO WAIT. I romises Fulfilled Promptly. i FULL LINE OF Heaters, Coal and Cook Stoves, Our CrbaM Xcv. 50 EjwIi nil Hlier. Fir Boardi Without JolnU Fitted. Stove Boards Any fitii you wwit. GIVE US YOUR ORDERS.. opportunities to save ';hildrons Heavy liibla-d Vests, 15r, lKc and ilic. 0c, Very Kpt'cial. Mens Heavy Knit lleece lined Shirts and Drawers, gray and tan, sizes from 34 to 42, actually sold by other stores at 1 .50 suit, our price !tSc suit or I'.lc each. or your money will be .AWAIT5 YOU. After lie's suited suited, too. CI.OTIIINt; it will siinin.se rise us. ('in- si h-.s are ex- light had. iiying large- - I3 JUST ARRIVED ! Two Car IoiiiIm I FINE HORSES ; Gnskill Hardware Co. U a4 nfVt tfs WrW. )Sx atitl "M. ft rW hf T W'l I' rwT. noKi 14T. fnmm4. ktk with tbM4 of t'll sr h IV IM I tk emU Niw Tsffti Talr roT. i 17. isr

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