AVtgelaUe Prcparalionfor As similating AeFoodandBegula' ling tfaeStooacbs andBcwelsof ii.Hi,tIYIT.:zr Promotes DigesdoaCheerfuf ness andRestonlalns neither OpiumXorphine nor Mineral. Not Nab. c otic . xvtguj&MVB.mnm HmUUSJm- A perfect Remedy forConsbpa flon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms ,Convulsions,Fcverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. . Facsimile Signature of ttEW YOHK. I!?" EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. A LITTLE D0E5 MUCH. Boom, Iowa, Dec. M No tongue can tell what I have endured In the put tea years witb my monthly ck osm. While fltifiering untold agoDy, a friend called and recoimeultd Wino of Oardui. 1 sunt tor a bottle, and Oh I wha relief. After (hit first doso I begtui to feil better mil havu ha-l no pain Blnco. Mitt. UBAOB LAMPHERE. Wine of Cardul not only cures but It ids AT ONCE. Here is a case often years' standing and yet one sincle dose made the sulTerer feci better, and stopped the pain. The Wine goer, straight to the seat i ( the trouble. It acts directly upon the menstrualand genital organs. Its action Li not violent, and it does not force a result. It simply gives Nature that little assistance that the sufferer's system hcks. A single disorder in the feminine organs spreads many disorders all over the body, and when the W'ne cures the source, all the other ills vanish as a matter of course. A woman can be her own physician an J cure herself at home. Local ex r Ullir AIVISMT HMRTHtHT. For buI vtaa In run rtwinlrtnsr an!! dtrri'Ufiui. vii!;, trivtrii; bvmptnmK, UMN-MiUrjIMI, Tk MATTaMMMu Eh.DK la I ci)., I'luUUnoum. TVnn. Druggists sell Large FINANCIAL. T. A. flreen, Praps. K. H, Meade, V. Prt H. M. OroTea, CMhlar. CITIZEN?7 IMlNK, or niwara,ir,c. Doinf Oeneral Banking Business. February 18, IW), Surplus aad .Undivi ded Profit", U,185.7&, Prompt and careful etleotioo glvtm to all baalne entrusted to a. AocoaoU received on fsvorsbl Una i. BViaral al Dtraatova. PerdiBaad Olnaa J. A. MMdOffl, Aaaaoel W. I pork. Cha. H . rowiar, i. w. Oralaaar. E. W. ansailwuo. K. U. Maavlowa, Oaea. tnr, Jr. Iwua Bdsooa II ft r xr Hah. Tbotnaa A, .Ma, 6. B. n. MM. . Ivm. w.r.Qroakatt. Marie Diana a. F. & T.I. BANK, rriRUART ut. i ton. Capital Stock, iTI.OOv tSarplaa, I .) KSadlvM I'r.lU, I.S0 DfMalU 1 , ornoEJu. L H.CrTLta PraJlt. W, it. iaoics:, Vk Pm, T. W. tMWar, CaMtw. J. W. llinoi, A. I VhWr. Him Bauvail II a da. Tailrr. rXUPXTTOBMi W. TV. ). M.M. Hat,! Q. II. Bra4ham, t. U. NMtr, ' U a) CxaaW, Va. lMr, ' W. H. Cha4h, 1. W. Buvart, T. w. !), It anlWrU (or awrehaaia, aaaufaotar m aa4 oitwr Haaaa atoaiptly a afwoUl rata to vara. ao4 awa eitca fr- loraaaobto. Bjr lu Htwrallijr aad trfrWfl liatBfM awtboda, k to tnrjrtftf U IW fMt A Kaat UaraliM'l HaaUni laaliaitnaa la lireMr, It la fj mm w.ica SnM.aot la1 raraainiL. F. aiaiaaaa, J. M. ft. a m f .a b. w. r. 5tMnONS, POU a vVARO, 0t 1 1 vaiaii aai iuiiiw r uw. : (ta itni.t.o, CMAc M rVi. rmnt rVrwt, awfjr aw- CMm ate at UMc a SMliaBaU.) fMiM la n awiwt t f. r-if. 1 1 1. pftra WIMrMi M MMI ; y i' iih . ai rii rvtra, mm tumtmi. V. If.rrllrtfrr, A TT 0 1 1 1 AT lW. 1 Ma Mr..t. Irrt ir1k -For Infantnd Children. Bears In Use For Over Thirty Years U .t-vi' -v. -'. the. At Signature Km W CftSTO TMC ttNWUII MHMNT. HCW TORK CITY aminations are largely tilings oi me past the obnoxious custom is no longer necessary. Wine of Cardut Is the only perfectly safe and sure vegetable wine made to-day for the cure of "female troubles". Bottles for $1.00. CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE, -AND- milQBT &. PASSlNOtR For All Point North. The Steamer NEU3E will leaTaM MondiM. WoilnaaJara, add Fridays at 0 p. in. nharp, mak ing landingi at OrienUl, and Iumd oka I land. The Str. Newberne Coioo)eBlo( July lit, a), Uara al 11 a'cl'Kk row 01 Turdiji aid Friday, aaakU laa Un at Oriental It aoakr I a d aa I lijr U.-ed. HP Prrichi iwoeivad Dot latrf tbao on boar prarioui to aailloj. ror lartbar laiornaUon apply U 0K0. UKNDKR.SaX.Afct, al. K. Kl4, Oca. Mgr., tjLOL U0Mlla,0oo.Frt.A raaa.Agt y, Korfol., Va. Da yon Wlab to ExtarmloaU ' Bt4 Bdgt, Cock Roichaa, AnU t - Liquid : fjCrcoIeum OaolmiM I a I ft, a Hftol ranaranld nmmtf tat Urn; at ..(' allntrala. A a ta'afuat it ta awtwtiof to oarixa tnwW. v. Blhor t ""'' pmm. at' aa4 aaa a piaai halitfal sntor. tWiwim H aura 4al ta r rarra la f, aa4 a rtw. a Imraia.' Tr ait fut oa IM avkn, tmt'lUNOHV. AlaaMaJl Pit Mtal a.f Jrll. tJ . " - teamship Co , CaoHiri'M a i a . , Itan4w Mr'' 4""' . ' tV4a MofaaMn la r sa4 a a ar at t Henrys Put'rhticy, 127 AlLJJIc Street. fi'iii tm ttiif H it rfj. I '.-v't I w r ; - HE BRIBED THE -BOY. YET THE MISCHIEF ME SOUGHT TO AVERT ARRIVED ON TIME. : t": V . ' ' . .'-v .- .- A Poaay tCxpartcaM ' Tkai Oaaatlr laint PMaMaat Craat Walla Vta tttaa- a Friaaat Wha Waa Blaaa4 VHk aa "BataJit Tarriaia.". : ; The late General Grant, laid P. V. Daviea of Washington, "wa alwayi fciudBeaaHtaclf to ehildrea. Ha had a large family of faia own, and this it was probably that bred in him the kindly spirit of tolerance that ha ever showed co the younger generation. A friend of mint told me that the-Arat time ha ever saw the general was when he was a small sharer. In those days dinners were giv en at a very early hour, and sweetmeats and nyidiesut ail kinds were much used. Xhiu particular evening Grant had beeo Lining ut my friend's father's house, and :.iy friend had descended the back utairs-l elad only in Ins nightgown, seekiug that which be might devour. The men of the party were bom ted smoking about the ta ble. The bntler aud other servants were busy clearing uwur the remnants of the feast. - I "The email boy peeked through the door, and there, n few feet away, on a side table were the sweetmeats of his heart's desire. Guests and servants seem ed alike engrossed, and so, doubled up, lie tiptoed across the floor. Just as bis ! i iny, chubby 6st closed on the Href dish he felt himself taken by the ear, while the aggrieved voice of the butler said: 'Here now, you Mars Gun. you's d most riischli'vousost buy in Washington. Whnt your innh go ill to say to lwis if he lets .rnii eat yourself, sick wid dem thingsT And with that be gave the offender's ar u twist that caused him to utter a shriek of pain. "A stout, squarely bnilt man, seated nearest the pair, turned nt the sound mi.! called the small boy to him. 'What's I he mutter, little man?' he asked In a Kindly voice, .and the lad. between simf tlcs. explained how, to obtain sweet meats fur himself and a still smaller sis tor, lu! bad mude his attempt at robbery. Tlie general listened gravely to tbe tale, and then, despite the laughing protests of I lie host aud father, he tilled the tot's hands to overflowing with the eoreted sweetmeats nnd sent him huppy to bud. "At another time the general, while president, paid a friend n visit," continu ed Mr. Daviea "Tbe friend lived In a small country town, and, as you may imagine, the visit was ail event of su preme importance. This friend, whom we will cull Smith, was blessed witb a small son, who was the traditional en f:iiit terrible. He was forever In trouble, anil those troubles invariably affected others as well as himself. His father. as may well tie imagined, had laid himself out to eutertnln his distinguished visitor, tail he feared that his son might in some way eompliento uiuiters or render himself ol:noioiis. So on the morning of the duy the generul was to arrive Smith called his young hopeful to him and, producing bright new silver dollar, suul. 'Now, Mat, I'll give you this If you'll promise to 1.-0 awny und not turn up until Ih ill line, and then to go straight to bed.' 'All lilil.' grinned I'eiifaut terrible as he uoeketed the bribe. "To insure n thorough appreciation of this tule of woe, 1 must explain a little about the interior arrangements of Smith's house. The host's room was a luige and sunny one, with a buthriHim at- la'-heil. Near by was lodged Mat. Hurt In ibis b-ithroom he got his morning tub nnd ( on sei lie n 1 1 y regarded it ns a part of bis personal property. As I he best in tbe bouse, Nmhh luititrnlly turned over his own room to the general. Tbe hoy was left uuili).tiirlicd in his own room, and no ne advised him of the change that had occurred in his father's apartment. Here- iii lay the fatsl error. Armed with Irs lollnr. Mat trudged down the dusty road niiil sent his playmates Into spasms of em y by (lasliing the coin before them, tie bought u balloou, a ring and ball and some other trinkets, but cents still re malimL Then csuie s happy thought, ami he Invested his entire balance In molasses randy and start I'd for home. The taffy made a huge bundle, almost aa Mg ns the lioy. It was very hot and the luttknge goi vsry heavy. Then be droo ped It. the bundle broke aud tbe sticky man became covered with dust la this wise he arrived homo." "Mit sat on tbs lawn and rested. No one was about, everybody being at the rallrond station tn meat General Grant," the narrator wnt on. "Then the bof tried to eat hw of the taffy, but tbe din prevented. 'I'll wash It,' qoolb he sod started for tbe boose. Btralgbt to his fat ler ' bathroom h went. and. Jumping the mesa Id the wasbbowt. ha 'urnrd on the fsucat. Tb beat bad malt ed the candy, and It stock to taw aides of tha bowL Mat got K In his hair and oa his shirt froat la bis attempts to dislodge 1 1, and finally, wearying of tna fort, left It where It was and went off aboot other things. "lo tba manUa tbe general bad ar rived, and what with aaartlof tha promi nent rttlseos who had Called lo are aim. etc the anptwr boor ram npya tbeta ool wires. T. groeraj aald he srtahad io wash hi, ha ads. and aa ftasllh eeennrd htta lo bis chamber and ahosred kiss the bathroom. 'Never salad a boat a light, aid lb general as Be toraad on the wa ter aol tarns! his ssads la Ike bowl Great Seotil What oa earth la ibis T ba gasped. Bntllb. with a staking heart. rnahed la and III list laa. aad tn both aa gased at the gwfot Basso la the bowl, 'It's aaoJaseea,' aakj tba giasisl as be es soined ble ttaotla, 1'ao foaod Ikst boyf groaned Smith aader ala breath., 1 df what he's Ismi aa to aow.' Tbeo be waat rata aa aiUotakstT eoaaa aad sborrir rataroed wMb a sieve boy oadef' hla arsm. Tba bny'a bslr was stlrkf. aad bla faea waa atroaked wfca r1w, CrlgbtMard. bo gar a less ea- alaaattaa of what bad aapoeaed. It waa too faaay, and la loaatso asra way. Hoik atea bfna bit oaeMttoflabio abrMut of hagbtrr that narhi4 lb Mr rr Soar ad brskt a frlgbtnted hotaa to lb ma TberO ab raoed be' baa kaad aad bla at aoMlac ttnar at. Obll a athot aad dirty aouM bar. bsj tooHeoea roatmad. waa va4aMy saUls rnf to tbea bow M em to Dwasi lb' giswar ' mrett tb a kariefol waa obtehfd fraaa tb aeiai aad dario tb balaa of lb preak)wt'a vbH t amiaolao, by bat abeeaee - A Mrs. stall a pot O. Tao foaMa'l Ml what ba srootd a. it. sad WMb a and. at ta lb baas ta rtat wa In rml If ye ks kiss Ibcrd bj.'"-rJrw fork Tribaa. - aVosDa f flk OahapoWaf pawiil aw earth bar bm swwf (aaa 1 haow What a t1b-CkWae new. r- r -1 1 I 'til. V. "-t""f e v . -j ( j ' w I I Oll.j'i ' t . , a I . v ' i? t . - , l-.Tl. , I . ; r "t, ai.vi I ' i iM i : f t a. Vy ' ?i ? I I n- 'i n, a , I-' T l,.l 1 I 1 i i I 1 f r- I r I . t la i ! . CmS " , sra ' jeaaaa WmJ BlccdPcIcon - ThenUDopoiscmaohighlycorjtagioD, as deceptive and ao destructive. Dont ba too sura yon are cured because all external sign of the disease havedisappearcd, aad tit doctor says you are wall. Many per sons bare been dosed with Mercury and Potash tor Booths or years, and pro nounced cured to realrxe when too lata that the diseasa jvas only covered up cut again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to them 'have been infected by this loath some disease, for uo other poison is so anreljr transmitted from parent to child as this Often a bad ease of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula ox severe skin disease, an old sore or ulcer developing in middle life, can be traced to blood poison cou- tariy . Jife, for it remains smoldering in the sys tem forever, unless properly treated an 1 driven oat in the lwginning. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this peculiar virus, the only, remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the Mood, and It does this so thoroughly and ellcctually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards. S cures Coulapous Mood Uka. fjT Poison in any and all sV S ,st apes ; contains no kJU kv-H minerid to break down sjaof.CXSr your constitution : it is purely vegetable and the only blood puri fier known tnat ciennpcs the moon and at the some time builds up the general health. Our little book on contagious blood poison is the most complete nnd instruc tive ever issued; it not only te'.ls all about this disease, but also how to cure yourself at home. It is free and should be in the hands of everyone seeking a cure. Bend for it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, OA. Brown's Itnttered Watcrtnetosi. Colonel George W. Anderson, a man of splendid gcnlr.s nnd ran' oratorical glfto, wm at nmplng for Greeley end Brown down In southwest MIsnc:irl. One night In the midst of his tipcech an old fellow ftiose In the back of the house and said: 'Colonel Anderson, Is It true thnt Governor Brown wag so drunk at that Ynle alumni dinner that he buttered his watermelon?" Colonel Anderson reared back o:i his pastern Joints, straightened himself to his 0 feet 2 and with a llnn'.i roar an swered: Yes, It Is true that Covrrr.Dr Brown buttered his watermelon nt the Ynlo aluniul dlm)?r, end I nm happy to In form you thut that Is the only wny In which watermelons are enten In polite society." Anderson's happy retort was greeted with a shout of laughter nnd n rar of applause by his auditors. Ills luter rogator sat down dlscomfltrA, nnd that was the last ever heard of the story of the buttered watermelon nil of which goes to demonstrate tin; value of Danton'u famous Inotto: "L'audace! L'audacet Toujour l'nudacc!" Colonel Anderson was a wonderful stumper. He was most emphatically a rough diamond. In the rough and tumble, rnlch-as-you-cnn style ot delist ing he never had a superior lu Mis souri, which Is saying a great deal. He waa sn adept In the use of every spe cies of oratorical weapon. Champ Clark In Saturday Evening Post. Woalda't Sell the Hoaae. The house In which Joan of Arc was born Is still faithfully preserved In pious veneration at Domremy, where It Is looked upon almost In the light of a shrine. Paasersby Invariably cross themselves and ntter a prayer for pro tection as they go by. The story goes that a rich and eccen tric Englishman tried bard to buy tha place Id 1K8T. It was at that time tbe property of a farmer named Glrnrdln. Tb Englishmen offered to lot litm nam hi own price, but the old man held Arm. "No, uo, no," he cried. "I would not sell It even to a Frenchman, much leas lo a foreigner and eaiwclally an Englishman. People here would call m a traitor and a coward were I to part with tb house from which Joan of Arc set oat to serve France." Tb Englishman convinced himself that farther bargaining was useless and went bla way. Boon after ao officer from the king's household arrived In lb village and asked to apeak with Glrnrdln. Before tb whole village, assembled In the treat, b aald: "Glrardln, the king haa learned that yon bar refused to sell jroar boos to ao Englishman, tie do aire to reward yon. but not In coin. II knows that row no more want tb noaay of tb French than of tb Eng lish, tlMTOfoe has bo commanded mo to Present yon witb tha croaa of the Lo ttos of Ilooor." - " It, Qoawa Catborin obtained plna from laara, aad. la l&U. an act waa pass ed: That do person shall pot to as I any ptnnr but only urb aa a ball b toubl beaded and bar tha beads aold arod fast ta tba ahaak of lb pthnea, WH gluoothed. lb shank well shapeo, tn points won round 814, cauled aad sharp oed." , . t AtOila Urn moat plna war mad at braaa. bat many war ala utado of Iroa, witb a braaa aorfaoa. rratw aeot largo Bomber of pins to Regie od oatll abovt tha yaar tm v - i -- la tbl year aa John Tllaby tarted ptnaMklng la Utoorealerahlra. lo bt. raaaul was hi vaetnr that b ao60 aad LSOO pefBooa working. The) piss asad at atrotrrt wort hasd la high ro ptit. ., 1 .....'.. la Irrtd' ptamakert tMnhltk4 aad fsoodad a ntTMaratloa. Tbo tadsjatry was carried oa at nrlainl and Tttrtnl bant, tb tot b-comlog tb chief tef. I IT73 prise war offered for tb tni aatlv. b4 pin and n1l la carotin, abl daring tb wag rn WIS pin fatrhad mormons prVa. tin vary from 1 Inrba ta bxiiib to lb maH gilt ntnoKHVogtstS' plftt 4JV4 weighing about aa oanra. Oood Ward. . " Tbl So (Wnt I Itfa If yoa ArrA ftteg to tb Ut! IO est n( eaa't aat st alf lit e wr,t fif In -tioa. tl.a'f V !;!!? . rtf f 'in!;'a. In4., M Ti t I' f f"V y.ftrt. t il . r-- . I ., ,.. of Kf 1 -1 I'r,-'P- ,(;. 1 ' ', ' ' . a I r.a ' t I -I . 11 I t - 1 B ' ' ,' , , .. ?-" i ! 1 . - -: Calsa Baaks j&arc ; Cutm b eurions stuff, aad there awn. to be as abnodaur ef It. ; l'ei; l-' wi travl tbroug'i the Dining regioo always uqnire about thj gif at monataius of cat dust that rise lu ve:T direction, anrne cf rhem 00 for lu height. These piles of culm often catch fire cither by accident or tpoatsmstu conitiiistiiiu, and it U nl immU imptatsible idXtlug'iUh I hem. . At nUut the red glare is risible all over the val leys. -. . Near Wilkesbane a culm bank baa been burning for 2-"i y-nrs. Vaiioits at tempts have beeu made to ii-.na;b the fire, but it UJust ns bright aud vigorous today ns it was a quarter of a ictnry ago. and the company, having nb indoi.e.l its efforta tn pi I out li e lire, I'crds it reg ularly by i!?:::ipi;r: fresh culm upon lb; llames. If ilii-' v.eie ool t!n.;o. tj:- lii-e wonld er.t i.s way into lie c i-n b.uk like mi idier mi l elih: i.o !y I mt o .t In seveml :lin fi. 1; I I .. ' : i 'i:- m 'r face tire is fed -i:i fics'.. 1.: i ir i ih not burrow inlo tl: lu on!. Tlie I :i. it'-rpi :mi. Mrs. Waynppc- I t!io:...!.t t! music iiiaKuit.i'i ul. A l!i: .l.h': triumph, of i;ier'u1ile joy. see:: through it. as ilionli the o:. inspired. Mrs. Nnwilt -Tbe orpuiM spired, no doubt, lie w.-.y- tl.e l husbuud, mid now l.e tl 'o n'l ! alimony any more. I!i !:n; . : v.i d ng S not i f ;eil lo r::u ::;ist vere was iu- : .! II:-: t ive to pay Tnl:e Vnr (liolee. One scientist lias discovered that beat Is Increasing al srch a late that it will burn up the vwi-ld in ::i.;i.fi(rt omis, while n not hoi his di.scnv' ,i d that lie e.iitli will freeze lo death in about thai Ii ::e. -Mem phis Commercial Ap;-e:.l. 1. 1. ;ti i I find that with light r.ieaN i y health improves," said an Kskno. anil down went another cauille. Administratrix Notice, having qualified ns the Aininialratrlx of Alexander lloolen, deceased, notice Is hereby given toull persons having claims ata'nst I lie estate of the deceased, must present them on or before llieftih. day of Oi IhIh r laOI. or this notice will bo plea ded tn bar of their iccovcry. All perci-tis indvbied lo an 1:1 estate are mince ted to make Immediate payment. 1,1 1)1 A IIOOI KN, Administratrix. A..T. LOKTIN Attorney. Ninth Carolina I In Craycti Count ' . Superior Court. W. II. t ully V9 Safely Invcslmi nt nnd Loan Company The defendant above named will take olirelhitsn action ci, tilled as acove has been coinmenoed in- the Superior Court of Craven Louuly lo exclude t lie nalil defendant from a lien on real estate invited In Faiii county nnd slate which said lien I l:e defendant c1h:iiis under a mortgage executed to i1 bv '.lie lainllfT in the Slate of North Carolina; and the defendant will further take notice that It is required to appear al the next term of the rluperi r Court f Craven county to be held on the !)th Monday after the last Monday of September 1900 at the Court House of aald county in New Bern, N. C and answer or demur to the Complaint in said action or the plaiutllT will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in snld Complaint. W. M. Watkin. Clerk of I he Superior Court. This 1,1 day of October liXH). i'ol !, Slate of Ninth Carolina, Supeiior Craven County. j Court. The National Hank of New Heme vs. 11. II. Woolen and Julia Woolen, bis wife. Action for Foreclose Mortgage. Notice: To B. II. Woolen and Julia Woolen, his wife. Take Notice. That an action haa been commenced against you In the Superior Court of aald Craven county entitled the National Bank of New Heme against 11. II. Woolen and Julia Woolen, bli wife, for the purpose ot foreclosing the mort gage executed by you on the tract of land situated In said Craven County being part of the Jacob Itbem plantation, containing fifty seres more or bull, and described In tald mortgage which Is reg istered in theollli-e of tbe Keglsler of Deeds of ssld Craven county In book No. 100, page 6H0 etc , and you are required to appear and aniwer or demur to the complaint at the term of tho Superior Court of said Craven County lo be held at the Court House In New Hera in said County on tbe 0th, Monday after the last Monday ot Haplember, A D. 1000. It being tb Mlh, day of November A. I), 1000. October lllh, 1000. W. M. WATSON, Cleik Superior Court. tOMMISSIO.UR'S SAU. BTATB or NoBTII Cas.oi.isa, 1 Superior C'KAVSN CnUKTT. J CoOft. Tb Nailoual Bank of New Bom, vs. E. B. Street el sis. Parsoaat lo lb Jndgmesl In Ibe ab ive Bsmed action readerwl at lb fall Tern IbaW, of tb said Coart, lb undersigned Will sell St pttbilo audio oa Monay lb Mia day ol November, A.D , KM), al to wart boom or sain t raven cuuoiy, at I o'clock, p, as, for rub, tlu lollow la( doscrlbod laads t All that cansla tru-t of land thustad OB ta Borlb lid of lb Trent ro.d ta saM A rivea couatv, aioiii tare mils I root lb ell r of N' ilaia, kanaa as tb Utrmaa 0. Wblifnrd land hvgtni.lag at tb coiarr of tbe l.inl fi'tB't ilf be looting in Kjly F. tk on n il mad, sad roes aorta n IU Weal flv anw owavd bf tteasBel iwtn, lkr sou ik tT weal, p'la axdlsg la tU mill pond, tbeae dowa aald pood annihoast, shlilmbre pols, tbaae BoSIb (1 tt. vly-lghl pnlca I Ik wt Bbl of said po4 aad oa to la t bli ruad leadina tmm New (Wa to Treato. IbrBca wlibsald road es.twtntly Ia ta beginning, OAntalelag IW acre, Otot of Ins. brlag tbeaaea Iaa4 On rayed t K. Htfort by eba.tla V. Baagert aad Ifa bt dead dated Jasosry llUi, 177 re l.t.ml la tb nffW ef IM RegMar of f)ml la flfk No. T olio lit aad tiA, srd tlx leant of lead omMlfilng a boa I tWew.nera of a are costeyad lo MM F'wrd A. ftraat If I J. Moor tad alfe, etrapt tbab part of said land watch Mm n lh aonk ld of lb Wll ailasi -a, Nw Hra aad Nixfnlk rail ma1, boanded a folloeli flaglaalng at Ih frnaaieg tf said rsllroad bv lb Pir.r mad, run. tb.nr anna 1 Ml silth .a d Hlreei't tnad to tba Una ,A fLotga Stu'l s4, Bnw Ilnwaa's ld. lhn lih chopped lln of (,,.rF. att't land, ftnw.a's laad, n'l) P'' weal '1 'nl Inlo Iba ll p"rd. llaee ftnulb I'j lfb n4 r r i,,if ,ina, lf..n' Smr.h :t ' M 0 fl!n. In tka ffttW-l, iltlmDAlISTl will clean your house from Cellar to Garret ;n&f&ii'i!Mt , Hi 'nil i iiiiL.liMiiwi'iusiMiii .iiiih njsjaiiaaiil Trustee's Sale. Pursuant In the power of sale confer red upon Albert It. Shnltiick trustee in a certain deed in trust execulci. bv J times K. Hawkins and Mary C. Hawkins his wife dated December lKth, IPHil nnd rec orded In the otllce of Register of Deeds Craven county, book 1(12, page 1)0 to 100, the debt secured thereby and the said deed of truBl having been assigned lo the K. II. & J. A. Meadows Co , and upon the request of the said Mary C. Hawkins the uiiderslgned will on Monday the 13th. day of November 1900 at the hour of 12 o'clock m. nt the Court House door of Craven county offer for sale anil sell to the highest bidder for cash, tbe following described real estate, vi: All that tract or parcel of land Ijing and being silualed in said county on the north side of tin: Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad being a part of the land described in the above recited ('eed of Trust, beginning at the Atlantic ami North Carolina Railroad bridge at Core ( reek, and thence with said creek to the mouth of Green i'ond Branch, thence with the run of said branch back to the said Railroad, and thence with said Rail road to the beginning containing 10(1 aerca more or less. Tlit' the Oth, day of October 1000. E. II & J. A. MEADOWS Co. Assignees. By E. II. MEADOWS, President. Notice ! North Carolina I Superior Com t Ctavcn County llefore Hie Clerk. Edward (lernck, Ailmltiistrntiir of Fted erick W. Alaler, deceased vs M. I). Maler, widow, and Thomas (lib son and wife and tbehciis 'iiikiuiwu of Frederick W. Maler. To Thomas (iibson and his wire. w ho-e nauiu is unknown, and lo the other bei s of Frederick W. Muler. nil ol whose names and residences are unknown. Take Notice:-- Thai special proceedings have been this day duly Instituted before the un deralgned, by Kdward (lerock, adminis trator of F. W. Maler, deceased, us alsive entitled, lo aell a certain trscl of land on tbe south side of the Dover road lu Oraven county, containing 2(KJ acres und conveyed to said F. W. Maler by Owen II. (luion, Commissioner, by deed, dated May 20th, IW0, and recorded In Ibe otllce of the Register of Deeds of Cru ven county, In Hook MCi, Folio M.V), etc., for Ihe purpose of making assets lo pay I bo dehta of the deceased And you and each of you are ii-quired lo appear al my otllce In the Court House of Craven County on the 2Mrd day of November A. I). Its 10 al tbe hour of 12 o'clock m. and answer or demur to Ihe petition tiled in said proceedings or otherwise show cause If any you have aby the prayer of the petitioner bill not be granted' other'lse petitioner will apply lo Ihe court for the relief de manded. This Oclolier lOth. lOfHi W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Courl Craven County Kxeciilor'n Notice. listing qualified ss Ihe K.xcrutor of George Physic, deceased, late of Ibr County of Graven, this Is In notify all persons having claims against the ratalr of lb deceased lo exhibit Ihrm In ibe andcrslgned on or before loin. dsr. of of September 1901, or Ills nolle will be plead lo bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said ratals will please mat Immediate payaieat. CIIA3 E PHYc'IO, Executor, ln. Phytic., dsceaard. This 151B, day of Sept. ivm AdmlnUtraUr Notice Qtvlsg qsallSH a Ariaalatslralor of tb astal of W O. Trrnpla, deceased, lata of Crave Con at y, H. V. This I lo aollfy sll persons bavlag Claims agaln.l tbtesiat of said decaasad to ablblt tbea for paTtaeat to lb aaderalgaed oa t bafortb7lk pay of Novcmlxr l)l. or Ibis arnica will b pleaded la bar of Ibetr raeovsrf. All parsnas ladebtad to sM a I ate ar raqaeilad lo aiaka Imss dlai payaatBt, -, i1ovaibf 7ib, I1 ( .WOII It K. IWtWR.lt. - ' . Arimlolsirstor . . A Horary. IV TIXKNWITir, BLiCKSMEilHEraGBT, laaafaelartf af ' - t . - , - Biff to, Wagaa. Carta, Af, , lpalrls( &a akrl U. Barglea, Wsfoaa, Can aad Clays kept oa kaso for tobx , BftSMB rraast BMaal, B aa-tB ftllraaa, Karw ttrwsr, . .' . Al LAN I K; AM) N. CAROLINA I! II I 'AKSKNlll'.lt I ) K I ' A li'l'M KVI . SPECIAL LOW It ATKS TO Till: M.U It Kit ft FA I It! Nov. 12th to Cth, I no' ii. i ve, 1 h- r will b'.: many '-ci il alt race ns ul tl e Fair, so I tre poKlers at every ilulion. Tickets lo be pold bv the retiui.-ir m:iil Irain, Nov. lOlh to lliib. i;oimI to ir i-clii ling Nov. V0t.lt. I'.KO Tickets l.v the Special Train lo be sold Nov. loth to 1 i 1. 1 1 , not good to return after N u'. 10th WTlie Special bnir Tinin ill inn on Nov. nth. : lib, loth, no. I ion, from (oililsburo and int.-rni,'.li:itf st.-iiion. I i N .'.' Hi i n and l (;: in n s:tnie il.i , m schedule below: 1'iire for rolled I tip. iin iinloi t ni :id uiissUin into ll:: Fair, i lc n li. k' is purchased, br keu at M:ul Tr iii tlold.bolo $ III Dliik'.i Itest's 'J 'ft Rivi id.ili- I. a ( iranje il (111 ( .ro:i!::n Fnllu.g t.re; I. I HI lliivelock K instoe, 1 t: i ,V w pot : Caswell I t"i Viblwo,,.l ' 'over 1 oil A 1 1 m 1 1 1 n Core ( r.'i k 11(1 M, i it v t Ml I i n I 'IllM'H.IHH Hi Ry S cinl I r .in : ( iiil'U! oro 7"i Civ v. r' I lti.fi I .'tl ilo-r t : U I on La Hr.iii.'c II, i ,,ic l i l'':il io,- fnt l I n i-.,:. Kll.sl.ii, 1 to ClrkV S -lo dill" nf .-p, I ' i ; 1 1 Tl Com: ' l-l A M l . L'v l..l.-l.oro 7 S:i v, I , r r '.i : , " L. -i's 7 .Vl l.'i li v. i :i In " I, a (iionro 1 ; i oM. Ci'ii i iij " Failing rk N. V " To I .n " Kinsi o.i ('i ( i , i ! ' s o :o ' Caiwi II 'J. (I I 'r w Pert, Id Ml I Jet ol niug. Si ecial w ill' wll in I VI p. in , H I i ve l oi'tl.l oro - (I ' S. L. DILL, (.. I'. .. II. W. NIHIPNON, ircliitecl & Si H llrontl Nlrct Some Things Please Remember THAT our kIik k of King Hesters ia Complete and the prb rs ranging from 2IKI lo l" 00 THAT o.,r line of Hoiim-IioIiI H, ec al I s la lir.u live THAT our alor of l. aded Shell, romnlalng ' Semi "mokele. .", ' Sm ke lesa' sndlle "lllsrk I'owd r la . om plete THtT WK NKl D HON K. Y . well a the real nf mankind, an I If you oae us pliaa pay u Youra I u1! , J. C. Whitty New Kern, N. V. E.W.SmallwoQd, DKALFR IK mmi HABDWABK. AndxdJ KlMtft o' BDILDIKI RATIEIAL. I" Kmla'. r - foori t-d WUxiowa. OLACtEH RLTRIQCKATORS Wklcfc ar tb aaas, , They ksvs bl few , 'iaM fin Of t. to Craaja FrTa-a. Water C4rs, ttfcblgaa rUova aod Baas)., ratatf. . , Under Hotel ChatUwka, 1TKW Iir.ItN, W. O Iroprrljr Iorrle. . ' t bar a-wil jaatrsbla lieatdaa for sale, slti.ied I tb Wt reairUBts part of lbs City. Ao t anisitwr of good tiniM b't I id la!M J. J. VOIJI.tDtl ' t ft . . t,1:.ir.; f a Ha m-I rsMrn I to ! v -i' f. V I'S.. ''-'-.-. Iif u, t 'an! p!.1. Apply In i"tA;: ii. rvrti!, in vi".: n.-t iyW't