4 fKf- Syrup-Figs Acts ffeasdstfy and Jhmptfy. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. f resents in the most a cceptablefonn the Jural 'ire principles ol juants known to act most beneficially, TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS diiv tuc r.runtuc . MAMFh RY UU I I lib WbHWinh -ia w - CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCQ 10UISVILIE . KY. NtW YORK. N.Y for ss. druggiiti - frier SQtptrteffh- New Bern. N. C, Not. 10, 1800. Index to New Advertisements. Watson. Veal, etc. Mrs. A. 8. Beymonr. To Let. II. E. Royall. Oranges. Jaa B. Dawson, Applef. Geo. N. Ives & Son. Oyster? . J. L. McDanlel. Crackers. Herald Square Opera Co. G. H. Waters & Hon. 3 things. Royal Baking Ponder. Ruoda Royal Shows. Business Locals. OYSTERS For sale today. A few gal lons good standards 25c. quart, solid meats. Geo. N. Ives & Son. CALL on Jas. B. Dawson for apples 40c. Deck. Fine Confectlonarles. 103 Middle St. A LARGE line of Fancy Oranges, Ap ples, Bananas and Grapes today, In the new brick building. H. E Royall. TO LET: A desirable suite of rooms suitable for a small family. For terms apply to Mrs. A. 8. Seymour, Ho. 11 Metcalf street. GO To Watson's Market today, you will dnd it well supplied with stall fed Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork. Phone 181. PIANO For Sale or Rent. A new up rigbt piano for sale or rent. Apply at Journal Office. FRE3II Walnut Buttercups at McSor ley's. FRESH Lemou and Lime Drops at Mc- Borley's. WANTED 4 or 5 quick girls to work n Laundry. Will pay good Wages Dayberry'a Lundry. FOR SALE A desirable building lot 50 foet front, 108 'feet deep. On Metcalf Street between K. R. Jones and J. ?W Smallwood't. Apply to K. R. Jones. SECONDHAND TYPEWRITERS for sale, any make you desire. Machines sold on 5 days trial If yon want a Type writer It will pay you to get my price I am alo agent for the Ollrer Type writer. J. L llarufleld, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. DRY Stove wood at Big Hill's. WINTER Is oomlog, now Is the lime to pot In broken window pane. It may sere you a doctors bill. Leave your orpers at Oaaklll Hardware Store for Lafaynta Williams the glazier and palntei. Jacobs' Raleigh Rye whiskey Is the best. Middle street. HUSTLING young man oao make O0 pir month and expense. Persnaoeat position. KiparUoc oaDeesesary, Write qakek for pertloolars. Clark A Co., itik and Locust iu., Palis., Pa. Tha One Da Ooid Our. ForeoMs n4 mn ikMt w KnBaatCkaa quail for aal at Oak's Market la Lire sad dressed Utrkeye at Osk'l Market Betarday. ' Fmh sad picked tripe sad plf feet for ale Oak's Market. . Davte rasrsssei kas scJesiv agescy fo Tbf tifxn. Vaetlsatloe lk Woe at Darts IW "TkW etgsrs oa aais ealy 4 Davis rkerwery. ,' , . t . fnf dMafertUg, m sWV)e W Usm freej Davis' rksraasey. : .-' , CURE YOUR HEADACHO Va With CAPUDINE Cf AMD ABOUT NEW BERN, , Lite Happening? Dollar With Mutters Of Local Interest. - . . : ; Fair and 000110064001(1 Is the forecast for today. " ..--- Low water Jn the rWeri here, Tester. day, the westerly winds blowing It out, ' ' 7 ' :.; a C Business houeet should decorate their places, It wlU benefit both themselves and the city. ' . , , The , oold ware Thursday night. brought a fall of about forty degrees Id temperature In this section. The heavy wind blowing down the river yesterday made sailing craft seek shelter and gave a deserted look to the stream. Season ticket for the Fair should be purchased today, as it is the last day for their purchase at reduced rates. Fair Marshals' badges should be' obtained at once so as to be ready for the event. A GOOD SHOW COMING. What Danville, va., Thinks Of The Herald Square Opera Company. The famous Herald Square Opera Company, direct from New York City with 25 artists, a host of pretty girls, a powerful sud well drilled chorus sweet singers the best comedians will present thr.e comic operas at the Newbern Opera House, three nights only, com mencing Nov. 14. The Herald Square Company played ''filllee Taylor" to an Immensely pleased audience last night at the Academy. Every leading character is taken by thoroughly qualified and experienced persons who would shine In any com pany while the chorus Is strong, well balanced, and the voices excellent, tbe girls young, pretty and attractively graceful in form and stage manner, Th'e applause was a rapid fire production by ih'j audience forming a continuous nccoinpantmeut. The comedy In the hands of Tom Whyte and Thos Callahan was great and kept the audience in one roar of laughter, we understand they have booked a return date after Christ mas. Danville Register. This is the same company that made u big Hit In Newbern last April, this season they are larger stronger and better than ever. Secure a reserved seat at once. Getting in Shape. Race Track In Fine Condition. Busy at Fair Grounds. The Stock and Poultry Show. The Floral Parade will be on Wed nesday, but if the weather should not be favorable on that day, the parade will be postponed to Thursday. The race track Is now In Bplendid condition, and by Tuesday's first race will be all that the most critical Jockey could desire. Nearly all of tho horse owners have arrived, and are looking for a fine week of sport beginning on the 12th. Everything Is now humming at the grounds. Many of the ladles composing the ladles committees' were hard at work yesterday decorating the Interior of the main building. A great many entries were received by them during the day. "The work fitting up the warehou e building was going along at a rapid pace yesterday. Tbe ball room will be beautifully decorated by the very able Samuel R. Radcllff, and this Insures Its beauty. A handsome booth for tbe or chestra has been built. Tbe floor Is In good oondlllon, and will undoubtedly prove very popular with Hie people. Mr. Bennenger! big show of cattle and stock will be as big ta Its line a that of poultry by Mr, A. W. Smith, of New York, and Mr. Vanderbllt, of Blltmore. Both of the shows are here, after win- log first premiums at the Atlanta Ki po sition,' and fill ever three ears. Mr. Beoneng er's show embraces nearly every variety of blooded stock, and also come here fresh after wining laorsli at At lanta. OYSTER BUSINESS OUTLOOK. Ho Northern Hostel Operating Id North Carolina. Oysters Scarce aad foor . Tbe recently psbllabed statement of Ki-8b.il Fish Commissioner White, oa the oyster oallook la North Carolina, seems to have so basis, saorpt that ta ll maa ss sols authority. The Joussalka psbllabed s sessbtr ef article OS Iks oyster basis OBt look Is this seotloe of North Carolina, sad aot oae article kss aoted say good prospect, ss Mr, Wklu tells sboei. Maaar Heaar, of 11. f. Ifaav sawsy A Co, oyster dealers la Nov folk, Va with k oases la BslUssota sad Ww Bsvea, Ooss., was la Ik city, yester day, looking ever tbe oyster shesUoa Mr. Bssaeawsy M his koass fa Elis abeth City had aot beta spaaed this so), aal woe Id aot be eolll Jasaary 1st, sad aot tkes) ealees the oysters were better Is sjweJIty sad e,essUty. B also said Ike oysters la North Oar otlaa waters were so poor this year, tkst ad eonbers aoases wera operulsg la Ike tuts st pretest. Booth (X, opesed Iketr keass at Betkseea, V. C kal after roealsg tew days,slo4 apaa aeeeaaioflke oyt kef betas snare aed poor, tsd It sssall eepply. . . Tbe 'lotal eyetsr shippers We ere tVlf aethlai la oysters, the tveetpt ( very light, sss Is as way fissl le etdersj Tb retail oyster dealer ker rs krpt SS the rss to supply IWr stsads, s4 Us few bo r1v! with nysur srs qatrlly plrttd t A brtj rMnv sll Um n'cM k K I Tt Ian fijilers tn In ("I Board of Aldermen Meeting. ' New Bora N. O. Not. 8th, 1600. Board was celled to order by Mayor ther being so quorum present ' Board took rsosss to meet November T. Board met in aeaslon November 7th, May or Patterson presiding Alderman present. V. T. Watson B. B. Davenport, W. 8. FhiUips, Ed Gerock, J. W. Bow- den, Ferale Gasklll, W. H. Johnson and J. T. York. ' -i, Mlnnte of previous meeting read and approved. . ' .? A vacancy In the Board of Alderman by absence of J. J. Mosely, wss declared Upon motion Mr. W. A. Mcintosh waa nominated, there being no other nomination, City Clerk wss Instructed to cast the vote. W. A. Molntosh hav ing received the vole, was declared elected City Alderman to fill the va cancy. The following persons made applica tion for license to retail liquors for 6 months beginning December 1st, 1900, npon motion was granted, all voting yes, excert Alderman Gerock, voting no. Tho?. Bowden, 52 Middle street ; To bias Burke, 126 Middle street; John S. Garrett, 37 Middle street; J. F. Taylor, 22-24 Middle street ; Max L. Jaeobs, 70 Middle street; W. H. Johnson, 80 Mid din street; W. A. McCoy, 60 Middle street ; A. T. Rowe 120 Middle street; E. R. Alexander, 26 Middle street; J. D. Dlnklns, 54 Middle street ; C. C. Roach, 486 Pasteur street; J. P. Rodman, 181 Broad and Queen street ; Noah Powell, 151 West street : Mark Disosway, South Front street ; L. J. Taylor, 104 Queen street ; L. B. Habicht, cor Queen and Hancock, west side. Upon motion, the Fair Association was allowed the use of electric light as heretofore, under the supervision of R. P. Williams. Upon motion, all liquor saloons were granted permission to keep their places of business open all night during Fair week. A petition was presented relative to the condition of H. C. Wbltehurst cow lot. Upon motion tbe Sanitary Com mittee, with Chief Hargett added, was instructed to investigate this matter. Petition of Policeman Brlnson, Dixon, andJmith, upon motion was referred to Chaliman of Police Committee with power to act. Mr. Julius Arnold appeared before the Board asking tbe privilege to remove a tree In front of his place of business. Upon motion the matter was referred to Chairman of Streets and Pumps Com mittee with power to act. Foreman Delamar of Atlantic Fire Co. made statement to the Board that their borse was disabled and asked for another horse for the company's use. On motion the matter was referred to chairman of fire committee with power to act. Upo motion, J. J. Tolson, city clerk, was requested to give one thousand dol lar bond for money received on account of water and aewer works. Upon motion, the report of Sanitary committee was received and ordered spread upon the minutes. To the Hon. Mayor and Board of Alder men. Gentlemen: We, your committee, styled the Sanitary Committee, desire to make this one report of proceedings and In Ibe matter of employing a physician to look after tbe one negro coovalecing In Ibe smallpox pest house: On the 3rd of Oct. w proceeded ac cording to Instructions given by Ibe Board of Aldtrmen to notify Dr. J. W. Duguld of hit election a Port Physician to nil the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Dr. J. F. Rhem, and asked him to tak Immediate charge of the case remaining at tbe pest bouse for tb consideration of $100 per month. The electeon to Port Physician was not accepted by Dr. J. W. Duguld, and h declined to lake charge of tbe case st lb pest house for les oonsldcrsttoa than (200 psr month. W mad svsry snort to employ s whits physician, but as ooss would sc cept the offer, ws, having no authority to locrsass It, and recognising the a slty for Immediate action, proceeded at ooos, ssiler Instruction from the Board to tmploy Dr. YY. L. Lsssller to uk charge of lb case for s consideration ef IO0 per month. Dr Laaalter Imoedlstsly leek chsrgs sod gae lbs ess his peraossl slUsllea still lb ss;ro wss discharged ss wsll sod safs. All of which, w rsepectfolly tobsslt. Wat. f). Paiurs, Ckas., Sanitary Ooss . Report received. MlBMttf atoswft Baettery Cveuetet. Te lbs Doaorsblt Board Of Aldersssa of the slty of Mew Bora, treaties: Hsvleg besa added to the Bestiary Oosssslttes, for Iks epesJel parposs Of employing a physiclaa te at lead tb ssssll pas esses siknlsg st tks Hies f the order ef Iks Board, poa tbe decllsailos of Iks Port PkystcUa M aot at tks sslsry sad i or Ike eoipeeaaUoa sssed ky tks Boerdi I keg tears la re port, wltkoat r8 actios, spos say ef ay Bseosisiss aa Ike Cossailttes tkst tpea asesrisislsg that Sow whits plyslelsa eoeld b proesred to slteed tks asee Bested, sad tkst raeert If SI alt, for tks oosspsaealloa aaased asset be ked la oae of tbe colored pkysMea of the stty, sad aot btisg la aeeord wltk tks Cesssslue ta selertag ape say aegotleiloas for eepIoyaat of S tolored physldaa te set la tks tspscllf seated, sed sseerlels leg tket perhaps the Coeiailll Woe 14 disagree wltk sf lews spoa this so )t 1 rpefll seked tea siesaed frost SVetinf spos tb Ooauattfee, lrd sjy pretMt to sey actios ky the li te Is US 4lrer4ts stated, sad dcl!d te art with lbs tomnltte Is s stsaaer which old sot anv appro!. A4 t Id ''if ytiMr It py duly la to p1 it tfcl H"f)" )- 4 la pt to th y slloa t !. rif !y s,n .1 All Of whlrk Is ' i f!'y :!!. f. T, i'ttf clan wss disposed wltk for the present. Dr, Dugqld baring decllnedto serv. - Ssnitsry Committee wss Instructed to smploy physician as seeded. - Upon motion the following 'rule was adopted for plumbers in reference to City Water end Sewer Works. : No plumber or ether person shall make alterations In or additions to any water or sewer pipes or fixtures where no motor Is used unless the owner or sgsnt shows s permit thereof signed by proper officer- of the water end sewer system, snd then only to the extent sta ted therein. . After such alterations aforesaid have been made, tbe permit shall be returned to the Water and Sewer System with an endorsement signed by the plumber doing the work, showing all thai. had been made. Tbe resignation of Water and Sewer Supt. W. B. Flanner was read to the Board and accepted. Nominations being in order to fill the vacancy, J. C. Thomas, Jr., was put In nomination, no other being made, tbe Board ordered that the City Clork cast the vote. J. C. Thomas Jr., was declared elected Superintendent of City Water and Sewer Works. Mayor's Ueport. New Bern, Nov. 7. To the Hon. Board of Aldermen of the City of New Bern. Gentlemen: I have the pleasure of making tho following report for the month of October, 1900. Have disposed of 16 cases and imposed fines and cost to the amount of (37.65, two were dis charged and two worked out fines and cost. Respectfully submitted, Fhank T. I'attkhhoji, ' Mayor. CIHifi IC.port. New Hern, Oct. 81. To the Hon. Mayor and Board of City Aldermen: Gentlemen: Bolow please find my re port for tbe month of October 11)00. We have made Hi arrests during the month of which 14 were convicted, 2 discharged 2 worked on streets. Fines and Cost Collected, 27.00 Old Fines and Coat Collected, 5 00 Total, $32.00 The above amount $.'12.00 has Ixicn turned over to the Treasurer and I bold bis receipt for the Baiue. Informer. Ex-War RrlnBon, M ontagnc Dlion Rowe Smith Lewis 4 2 :s r. a 6 1 l :i l 2 2 1G III Officer Smith Blck 6 (lays. ' Brlnson' " 4 " Respectfully aubmltled, J. M. Haiioktt, Chief of Police. All regular and audited bills allowed Board took recess subject to call of Mayor, J. J. Toijion, City Clerk. ITT To make room for our New Halliday Um brellas we will Cut Our Old Umbrella Prices Almost in Half Your opportunity to save money. The waist Is a garment, tucked all over with fine tucks. A BEAUTY. Your dress makor would cbargo you mako one liko it (i. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. John H. Bell left yesterdsy morn ing returning to Washington, D. C. , Mr. P. M. Peareall, Secretary State Democratic Executive Committee, re turned from Raleigh last night. Mr. J. W. Timberlake left on the steamer last night for Bucll, Va., to take s position with the Norfolk Railroad and Lumber Co. Bows to the Party Will Gen. Carr hss Issued a card to the Democrats of this State in which he says: You have at the ballot box cxprcs.-,ed your choice for United SlaleB ben&tor. Your will is my pleasure. 1 assure you my devotion to the welfare of Jforih Carolina is unabated and toy loyalty to tbe great Democialic party unshaken. My defeat leaves no bitterness. In the luture, as iu tbe past, 1 will In; found fighting tho battles of Democracy. 1 am deeply (jraleful to my many friends throughout tbe Slate who have stood so loyally by me. Surely It is the privilege of years to be honored by the support and confidence of so many good and true men. 1 shall never forget their loyally. And may heaven's rlghest blessing abide with them, may the great Democratic party long triumph as the champion of tbe peoples rights and the salvation of tbe Stale I love." You can't afford to risk your lifeliy allowing a cough or a cold to develop Into pneumonia or consumption. One Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and lung troubles quicker than any other preparation known. Many doctors use it as a specific for grippe. It is an infal lible remedy for croup. Children like ii and mothers endorse it F. S. Duffy. Onslow County Coming. The pleasing intelligence is received from Onslow county that t lie attendance ut llie Nw Bern Fair next week will he the largest on record. The FhIt lius been well atlverliseii and n:n;iiiw people are coming. Tho excur.-i'tn In. in will be run Wi dncsday. AN IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE. To makj it apparent to tlionsandft, who think theras. lvts II), Hi at they nr.- not afflicted with any (li&rno, hut that the system simply neetU kaMMnir," U to bring comfort home to tneir luarlH, a a costive condition is Cftnily uirt-tl hy using Syrup of Figs. Mnnufacturcd ly the California Fij; Syrup Co. only, mid Bold by all riiuggitftfl. Piano Tuning:. If those who have sent in nrdcra for work will bo paiknt I will iet around to I he in as booh as possible. 1 have nuA th.tc or four piano- 1m yun and am waiting for malarial to tinUli thorn. It pnniPltinc? lakca a week or ten d.iya to gel special wires etc., made to order. There will be no unu(!cc9'iry delay in the work. .loilN i. 1!( hhKI.I - o o o For Today Only Ia our Price To day for a Ladies Black mercerised Satin " Shirt : - Waist. beautifully made more than $100 1o " $11 O THE BEST MILLINERY VALUES. No use informing you where to look for the Very Best Values in Millinery, The Darjoot Mock and the Barfoot rnces are to well knol&n for that, make comparisons, there can be but one verdict, Ladi8 Fine Felt Walking Hats, assorted bands, in grey, li'no, red, cantor, brown and blue!;, rotjulur price 1. 00 Our ttiwiiil price thin neck 75c each. We are Dialing up a l'ciiiiliful all silk Velvet IIhI, in black and al color?, trimmed with Bilk velour, breasts, plunur, ornuinc nLs, A, at $:i.50 eacl), really worth $5 00, Beautiful Pattern Hale, value, $5.00, JO 50, $7.00 and $H.OO inch that we have marked down owing to t lie late arrival of cold weather. SPECIAL SALE OF RUGS. We hopejthis part of our advertisement will fall beneath the nolico of prospective Hug buyers, the result will prolil, them and us. Uiijjs from 25c each and by easy steps tip to $3.90 each. g; a. varfoot. THE NEW LINE OF CL B Tlic little man can pick a suit to suit bin fancy. After lie's suited you can look at the price ticket and and your purse 'il be snil.-d, loo. We are the largest distributors of MKNS' & l'.' CLO TIllNti j in the cilv, if we can't "Suit" You clusive. The 1'iices? Well, they are bound to be lihl.. I'njiiii; large ly and paying cash we get a'l the advantages to be had. Wohb.v line of Over- ( coal in iTleltoii, IterfteyM ;unl Covert CI0II1 from SMITH'S 99 Middle Street, Opp. Baptist Church.. FINE MULES JUST ARRIVED ! yx FINE H mm LVl'M1 M'l .IT'lVWWITUflr.HT-J r JUT 1 1 Mil . l - -K4 ryi" trjr,' Splendid opM)rtiuiitT for Fnrniert to buy flood, Sei Ticeahb, Tn i mi.UV, and at prices t niit buyer. We abo have a hir-e b.t ..f UUOdlES AND IIAINI55. 1 )l male prices tibl. M. HAHN & SON, Middle KI. Klub!i., KKW II UU V. . V. PHONE US When you want yonr stove put up and' fitted for the Winter. We have the outfit and YOU WONT HAVE TO WAIT. Promises; Fulfilled Promptly. V V a rcix liiwE op Heaters, Coal and Cook Stoves Onr Curbon N. 50 xcU nil othfra. Flro Boards "Without Boards Any Size you GIVEr US YOUR ORDERS. .AWAITS YOU. it will surprise us. Our sili m an- ex m ii si .so Two i'ir IjOiuIs ORSES ! Joint Fitted. Stove want. " ' t(e hi afVt fle fcUTr 7 c. n u i to Gasklll Hardware G), Tl '.rm, SH, l htl, C. raox HJ. (-A. v awl so. T" y T A l.rn'j an I tV riwrny.

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