VOL, XFIII--NO. 206. NEWJIRN, N, C, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 27 1900. NINETEENTH YEA THE GATTIS KO.G0 SUIT. CHINESE SOLUTION. 0E3E O 3S 1 For Correct Dressers. j People who count proper ShoeE necessary to correct dress will be de- V lighted with tfcli Season's line of Ladies, Sj(f Misses and Children's Footwear tjjf S1.Z5, S2.80, SZ.50 & S3.00 1 are some of my prices. Yes, a store full of prizes In shoes. For nobby Footwear this is the store. W We also call attention to onr Stock of Dress Goods, and in Silks W f uu wikm, we nave me newest snaaes ana materials, unr rrimminirs ty line in in Appleqaes, Jets and Gilt Bralde is up-to-date, with Buttons ' to match. Two lovely things In Ladles Linen Lawn Lace Trimmed l Handkerchiefs for 50c and 73c. , iff ' i CnoiM Selection of Colgate's Extracts and Toilet Waters. W For Pillows and Draperies several Handsome Patterns in Silkallne. M' W Hosiery In all Grades, but a Bpeclat ?5o line. ! ffS . We are prepared to suit the most fastidious in our Table Damask W ilk and Towel Department; so without delay come and judge for yourselves in for WA era rnnfirlAnl that, imv ffAAilfl will aruknlr tnr thnmanlvna wr Blncerely, E. B. HACKBURN, $ State Auditor's Reports. Receipts ant Disbursements. 47 A 49 Pollock Street. REMOVED I ! Va J. BARKER, Jr. s We have removed to our ITe-w Bricls: Store, Cor. II road aJfc Hancock Sin., Where wo will be glad to welcome all our old and new patrons. Ou strict aiteutlon to business in the put Is sufficient guarantee to the trade that we are always looking out for tho Best Interest our Cusiomets. Onr Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries Is Complete. n?" Large Stables and Sheds in back lot for the acoom modation of onr Country Friends, FREE. Tours for Business, D. F. JARVIS, 63 POLLOCK STREET. Julius M.jArnold, Livery, Feed Sale ft FxclianKe K.iikle, IIorettJft Hule. Haw. Wagons,. Haroeas, Whl ad Robr. ftTVart wtoela a apt-daily. 41 Bread nt.. KFW BRM. N. C This is for YOU ! TJsUm year Stat Inwary. Carta, eta, at gatiew ee la ea enlatle. awiist aad wall fritted, H rtpola rtttor tkaa aureole. , . Fme Job Printing i Costs no more ' Use awir work, W do Jeet as etoaety M tto arte let who anaemia e.laj kill at teato aa4 wko ket a Ibowgkt to ttiralat awt a good )okv Try aa. wh.t. 111171 !IUr7el OelMt, AssajsHtaa,OrapV .cphrwea, Jot IMellag, Relator - Hump. r. Tnr.nwiTir, ELiCISIIITaiWEFiLEluBT, Jtseafeetarer at Vsf t, W areas, fsrle, Br ttrleg Paea a select Bette, Bat flee, Wt, V' e tjt Bpt a M4 l"t Max tfea j. If e .aaa. Shoes lies; 1'hes ((p' Chita ci5rT f 5 Y Tailor jtxP ,i. Wraps Tenth District Appeals Before Su preme Court. Methodist Orphan age. Confederate Veterans to Collect War Belles. Electric Railways do Not Pay. Special to Journal." Raleigh, N. 0., November 86. The Supreme Court will devote this week to 10th, dlstriot appeals. The new attor ney general, Robert Dick Douglas, was sworn 'In this morning and will' argue the State cases tomorrow. The State charters the East Ooldsboro Laud and Improvement Company, cap- tal, $100,000, F. A. Norwood and others stockholders. The State auditor reports the receipts for the 11 months of the fiscal year up to November 1, $1,433,504, disbursements $1,409,811; excess of disbursements over receipts $37,817. There was a Bale dur ing the period, of $186,000 of 4 per cent bonds, which brought in $144,000 The estimated expenses during the year will ftxeeed the receipts by about $300,000. Of this amount $50,000 went to the pen itentiary. The officials of the latter are claiming that next year the State will not be called on to give any money to the penitentiary. It Is considered now rather doubtful whether the Methodist Orphanage can be dedicated Thanksgiving day. One building Is completed, an 8-room brick cottage, but the grounds are 'not at all in shape. Democratic State Chairman Simmons is confined to his home by an attack of lumbago. The Uoniederate Veterans propose to take active measures to collect articles relative to the Civil War period for the Hall of History" in the State Museum. Yesterday they secured the battle flag of tie mil JN. V. Itegtment, whicli was commanded In succession by Vance, Burgwyn and Lane, and which under Burgwyn at Gettysburg suffered a great. er loss than any other regiment on either side during the entire war. The report of the electric street rati ways to the Corporation Commission arc now being tabulated. There are such Toadsalflve places, Wilmington, Hal elgb, Winston, Charlotte and Ashevllle. Only the two last named systems pay The others make money out of their light plants. The dtficlt of Ibe railway alone here since 1894 Is almost f5,000. It would really pay to shut down from Nov. 1st to May 1st, as there Is no money in winter business. Rev. Livingston Johnson of Greens boro Is being much talked of as the suc cessor to Rev J. A. While as Baptist Home Mission Board Secretary for North Carolina. The football team of the Agricultural and Mechanical College will play the University of South Carolina team here Thanksgiving Day. .' Motion to Dismiss Denied. Argument on j : s The Case Begun, Special to Journal. Raleigh, Nov. 26. In the hundred thousand dollar libel suit of Rev. T. J. Gattis against President Eilgo of Trini ty Collese at Oxford. -today, Dr. EilgoJ moved to dismiss the case for failure to show notice. The motion was denied. The defense then moved for an appeal. This was also denied. The defendant offered no testimony. Argument began this evening. Friends of Dr. Kilgo claim that the plaintiffs testimony sufficiently proved Eilgo's Innocence of the Gatiia charge-. SOUTH NEEDS SHIPS. Governor Candler Expects Maritime Con gross to be a Success. Atlanta. Ga., Nov. 85 ttoveruor Candler, in a retponee to an Jnquiry on the result of a call recently issued for a maritime congress to meet in Brunswick in January, today said: "I have received favorablo responses from all parts of the country on the plan to assemble the congress. 1 called It to Inaugurate a movement to restore tht Southern marlllmo trade which was lost during the Civil War. Since the war no movement of the kind has been in stituted, though the merchant marine has not been what the Soulh'a resources justify. "I believe the movement will result in much good by building up Georgia and Southern ports and eulargiug l lie clicu lallon of the South's resources From re plies 1 have received 1 am assured the congress will be well attended. "The South's cotton product Ib not re ceiving the attention from tho maritimi service that might be given it. Oui ports are open to ships from all parts ol the Morld, but cotton is frequemly shipped abroad from Northern ports. 1 believe the cong.ess can bu of great benefit in better regulating the shipping of cotton. If you have ever been a child in the agony of croup you can realize Id a grateful mothers are for One Minute Cough Uure which gives relief as soon as It Is administered. It quickly cures cougbt, colds and all throat and lunc troubles. F. 8. Duffy. by Con&rence at the Hague Proposed This Country. Wasihhgtosv November 86. This government has once more taken the diplomatic lead In Chinese affairs. Tir ing of tl.e seemingly endless deadlock of the foreign ministers at Pekin, and be lieving that their personal experiences had aroused their prejudices to such an extent that It would be well nigh Im possible for them to agree upon the de mands to be made upon the government of China; for the punishment of the In citers of the boxer troubles and the amount of the money indemnity which should be paid the powers, this govern ment lias boldly taken a stand In favor of ending tho deadlock by stopping the present negotiations and making a fresh start by the appointment of representa tives of each of the powers concerned, to an international commlsslan or Con gress, to meet at the Hague, or some othor place outside of China, and formu late the demands which the powers shall make upon Uhinn. The idea has. been endorsed by several of the powers and It .i expected to get the approval of them all. It seems to offer a comtnoa- sense way out of the m!x-up in Pekin, which has steadily been gruwing worse instead of better. I PLENTY OF GOOD THINGS 1 THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed hy J. K. Lai ham & Co, New Bern, N. V. Nnw York, Nov. 16 (Jotton; Open. High. Low. Close Jan 9.80 9.80 9.69 9.59 Nov 1) 00 9 97 9.8(1 9.80 Men 9.0!) 9.09 9.50 9.50 May 9.62 9.02 9.51 9.51 WfiBAT: Open. High. Low. Close Dec 77J 771 771 771 Con. Uas 192 190J So. R'y Pfd. ... 04t 00 Fed. S 4!) 491 Con. T 94 Leather .. ... HA 14 A. . & W r. 483 FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER JUST RECEIVED At J. L McDaniel's 71 Broad St. Mince Meat, ('ranberrie8,f.itron,Cnrrants, Raisins, Evaporated Apples anil Peaches, New Prunes, Soft Shell Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Pecans, English Walnuts all new crop, Sweet Mixed Pickles and Girkins Sour Pickles, Lemon Flavoring Extiacts and Spices, Heiuz's Tomato Catsup, Lei and 1'errins Sauce, Ap ple Butter, Schredded Uocoanut best (uality 5o package, CooiJ ing Butter and Cottolene, Fresh Elgin Butter and Buckwheat, Fancy Cream Cheese 15c lb., Macaroni, Small Pig Hams, Can ned Goods of all kinds, Queen Olives and ininierousjotln'if gctd things just received. J. L McDAlL, Wholesale & EEctuil roeer, 'Phone 01. 71 BroH Ht. fmmmmmmmmmwmmmmfm J. A. JONES, BROAD STREET, STEWART'S OLD STAND, ST". STABLES. Cotton receipts were 4!", 000 bales at all pons. Liverpool Mnrket. Spots S. 10-88 Sales 10,000 lmles. lurcsNov. Dec. S.2." Jan-Feb 5.21 Fu- ntkiW!r' LioM, f CftrjU u4 Matting. . ' Lil Bijl n Colon In Vrrh OooJs a4 trm Trimming, D. F. JARVIS. iLi-Dook Store t When yon want prompt act Ins; little pills tbat'aever grips at Da Wilt's Unit Early lUsef. P. 8. Daffy. The Cam Coraer. Cnicaao, Nov. M. U all Um eora drlars la iba Middle Watt raa MoUaa oasly fro sow to Xovasabat SO, tbs last day rordallvary.lt wilt au avail, Ortrit IL rbllllpt aaya, .to twaac all eora eoraf. Tka yoaag plosjar It tUU OMBdeat of ale I na frata oa Um ssarkot. If all of Uua work lo Ulr fall! capacity," aa aald, "sad ar OMratad algbl aad day, lbs y wDI aot be abl lo faralsk M wli axrra laaa 400,000 fest al of No. 1 eoalract tors. Tats accordlaf to taa accept att aula of XflO tottMlt la it abort 1a tarast win laava mm laaa 100,000 awakela, lata rallllpa aaks totwaaa aow sad tho day Ua ooUoa asplraa, oa waka Um saotu mart walk as lo Um offiea o Um loang float aa4 auk wfeat torsM of aatUasaoal tWy aaa. TMSroaUtfr hM too UM'graalaM attpar lo Ua fowag spotaktor, Ko. I satr4 oora, aoeotdlag to it ralotof Um Oral a Coots l!oa, ( b 'astsod eora, dry. oasoaaMy ctoaa." Moot of Uw oar a kaa aot got oat of lu twnaUag pro oaos aad It at ataslllv to Um duapa of iboarsttbof aaapoos Oat of at an arrtvtaf yur4y aaly Jt ear rar f mc44it dryaMMtoeiaaM adr tho oootraol fsajalrtojiata. - . ... The Filipino Junta. Washinotjm, November 2T. While Great Htltaln may deny lbs icquoat ol lUo United ritatct that tbe Filipino Jun ta at Hongkong be suppressed, It it aid tho Cnlted Stales authorities will Insist that measures be taken lo prevent violation of neutrality. Hongkong It tbe centre of tho filibus tering activity of tbe Filipino Insurgents and the authorities propose to bring about an and to the shipment of sup piles to them. A high authority said to day that this Government entertained Utile eipectailon that Great Britain would bo able to suppress the Junta, bat It does aspect It to maintain inch a atrlck supervision over the Flli pl ios' operations at lo prevent ship moals of arms and snppl.es to the Insur gents. Tbe Cttft Condition. Lobdon, November iV While tbe boost bo Delia regarding tbe Ctar' coa-1 dhloa k mack lee favorable than lu predecessors, there Is aotblog as yet to aoaflrsa alaamlng rastort. Qooest Victoria dally reodveo a talr- grasa from las Osariaa, aad It It aadcr to6d that lospUoaal aatiaty Uyt diaplayad. Aeoordlag to tao Moacew eorretpcBdssl of Ibe Dally Etpteea,aa eiaatlaattoa of wator frosa tbe wall a sod for drioslog paryoaoa at Uvadla profd Um preatnea of typhoid germs. Aa Odeeea dtf eieb lotto dally News ay MffMru fo lk bat 10 days lav dloaM aarioM desllaa la taa ttretgU of ttoOaar." - '-"''' M.- Tktlnlilbtrt utmtnf. rrtt"iiy, mm ri:i;rii:rTfi e Taf w 4 rf ' f'MtiMr, i Wciibci CetJitlott, WaMiaofoa, t, C., WerataW fa Nnttk Oaroltaa, fair aad astd. Tat auras Irrer aenWa Ua.t(( y. UHsy lot Sftovtd stortWet lo tkt kt!4 i AHaftUo onset wttk a 4ri4f l tnm ta lelrtty aad Is aaala Vfk l4t aad gl la Um ira awtU Rata In l-t ffMs flftrMt tela t4 K t.mt'nti "(," f. le t f-af rf 1a t'""a e1l-r (;a tr f ri 'l e 'I ( i r -, . . ' N w IIitu (Nlton Mark.t. Collon In Ihc local inrkcl sold at 9.25 io n.on. Advices to J. E Latham & Co: New Vork, Nov. 2(1. Foreign longs silling and hedging ales against cotton found tho market poorly supported. Tbe cotton trade ex pects Increased movement. Rout. Moorr & Co. frobtble LefbUttel ' WtSHiyeroo, Kcvosabar. HBepra aaaiatl Itaxaell, of Co a a, a sMeabtT of iba nowaa aad Meaat Coiaailiteai tt pfMe4 tbi oplwtoa of tba work of la a saetott 'l tklak Um mtasjo bill will ba ito I ret latporuat atoaaora lakta ap ll will probably oom akoad M ibo ap proortatloa Mils aad Um araay bill, aa U 111 to roadf fur aMwaiUa tto first day of tto etoeloa. Tto anny bin saay to Ito aetl laiBortaat sawra lakoe sp, Nelttor wtll rtqslra attjeh time aad boUl sloaWl to dUpoead of wltaoal de lay. I raasat ua ay ItgttUtM Ul to n pantry at tkts sawttoa, for tto Pk(!!pplaaa ot Fno bit. A ro aa e.nlr.aiil VW tliOlU to ptawaj befort ito ed of tto encatna, aad i to!i"va tto kip ltSal.1y bill tknakt a Wo to ped. LltUo eaa to df for Ceto etn Ike ra- tn'.i e tht Coactllaitnaat Coat tattoo I a- Both makers and circulators of coun terfeits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive you Into buylog worthiest counterfeitt of DeWlit't Witch Haul Salve. Tho original Is Infallible for curing pilot, soret, eczema and all tklo dlteaart ?. 8 Dudy. Cubans and General Lee. Havana, Nov. IV At the aetiloa of tbe Constitutional Convention yesterday tbe following retolutlou, signed by Be nnies Bivero, CUnerot and Vllluenda, wat preaenled and laid on tbe table un til Monday: "Inatmock ts General Leo hat beea loyal f lead nf the Cubans during tbe Rpsnltb occupation and also during ibe active, painful military occupation aad bating beca military ckltf of that part ol tns army most inonenstve toiaaia toot sad having generooaly preteettd tto Otttoas during racoaoentrttlon from death ssdtilK "Hteolved, That Ibis coavtolloa es. p eetet Its sorrow to aaa lb eoble Oeaoral leavo theaa shores aad wlthet him totg Ufa aad p roe parity." r -Tin ni i " Liaaaaeaaaa a" - Tho Oiia Oaf CoU Ouro. lnrn.Hani.naanaa'CW leia. tji.Mlra ij rtelaai, ataaaty Nawt eaaia If can. Iwni s IJf.ie If'.f f::i ao tu kM llr t '. k.1. Fy to tal tat e'f !':. r I' ."r H f t r i: t'fm i t 'ft t! t . a, t't, t. aa f f. , . a : " r f it v, t -, t r-.il .-it It ! r.. - 1 ...T ( t 1 i ; r v. . . . i . - J . - Thc, Forum. . PECtlBEIJIOO. ,'. Kewoel f tto CaatpaJga, Ho, retry S lloalb, rW.reury of tto IbroakHcM Ksilnaal Cowuallttw. Tto Work of tbe Hedproetty Coaa- Iteleo, Jobs ftt.lt Oatora, Jotat let iwury of Ito tledpfotliy Cosstslealna). Tto Chinee BfttetS f ttaaklag, Vo9 t h.ft-IHaby. formerly t'.. XtaMat to Cfclea, ... . , Tka rrorrttaaM for Coagraea, Jfeory LilrkSeJd WhI, Cta Tbro Xrer to a Catoa RrpaMla I l.f. ntrtjt. Tto IVoaowihi lUelt M ito Prwiaetirs ityi, Jaa P. Yog. l"fff nsM fa Ttenlnf y, flow. . t. Har ft, Hiitmcmi'm rWretaty ef tto Kt Toil rrlw.i AeanrlalUa. TM :.''!'" of a Mtniiatlra, Pea TmtU fiae'e, fotmetly C. H. telnet tj rT'a ft lla.a,r-T.s ftf fiftlltk fh?(rT''f V ' a . ,',, , tVe ftrt'a, Mia. i"Ka t li.a f;, ,.,(, I. tmttlf U. Uif,(t t 'a !'.'!. tf ' t e f. fctnlt. Pt, UC ft f' at X-Wly-fcafi-etk-.z. e M " ! I' i Li1 e ., . -,' !X WW" imi W. s--s'a;'J-Z3'M r w".swr. '. - TU i v. KM largest and tiiieft. Stuck nf Ever Found in New Hern. Also a Complete Line of Huu-h, tVnpotis Harness, Robes, Whips, (art, Wlnels, Etc. J. A. JON F.N. Broad Street, Stewart's Old Stand HEADQUARTERS ...FOR;. TOT All the Latest and Newest Toys for Children. Good News ! Now is the . . . to buy that Hnggy with (lub ber or Hteel Tim If you arc Interested drop your order on ihc Woatern L'nlon Telegraph wire and we will be sure lu gel ll. Itcmember our Hugctoi look the Itllilion at Ihc New llcrn Fair ii. II. M'Hlfm V Hon, I'hone IKft ICE or home i nr. t Utir Stock U open for iotrwc Uoo and parchato and bow ia tbe Um to tsakt aeloetiottt for Iioli daj iWnti for tto Children. Wa kaf tba Toya Call and Motiritork. C.J:MeSoFlcy&Co Hotel Hat el ton MIX U JaOOfMl, ProprMor. IJTJCtwty Jelfpeel a4 fwmietod TbnwigM riraS-oSM TsMo. taUO fl 09 ft day, a aeal re tea py Ito wk w awmtk , 4 n U J la it, New lUrn, N. C CVeso, pure wholreomt, gaanuiteaxl "u be cbemlcaJly made from dietillid wan r aad fnw I mm Imporitb. Prx-oiaJly in umd Ml aod prvpanid for bnrnaa r eamptioo. ' Ico dollvorod daily (except Huadaya) ameotpm. Kandeys (retail only) 7 a m to II noon. For prkea aad other tofonneiioa. Add neat. New Berne Ice Co. Store For Rent. t-. . rA l e rj!n. .... J - I . I T 1 1 i V m tutal 4 t tut. ' r Winter is Here I We tare IUaJj-. Arr Yen ? Oaf ttoch wt "later Qoods h Oaaplele ( verwoau la Btort, Medleet ad titra Uaglto. tolu fa all (Mylea. t ada. a ear to awlt e-veyowe-la rottea, wool ltd OIvwa la totk dreaa aot) aodroas atylea, allk noed Ml klela. Upettat Miawtloa too tot peld ts oar bet of WklM Mru. Me w to deelre to to watt draed wM do wtt to girt w ii.DUflN&CO., Trie l'tofo)eJs.( Fornlahrrw, , t miJLorxmttr, : Uaxzlng and Iks a ra,1 en y U a lerta wk (,r-w r-c''f - rt rr-no.. Ci . II. Li i

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