THE JOURNAL. - Published every day la lie year, eieept Monday, l Middle street. ; , , ' ' Phosb Ha 8. ' -i , " CHkKUiS U SrEVENS. : , j'V'Bnivaii'Aiw soniimroRA' SOBSCRIPTlOrT RATES. "."1 One year. In advance ..... One rcarV'hot id JrWWw.i.i.v 5.0 Montlily, by carrier In the rliy.? .50 " if j Advertising Hiies" furnished oa applf Entered at ttie Post Office, Sew Baa, N. i; aa eecohd clan matter." ' .? Oraolal Paper of New Berm .aad Cravea Comity. New Dora. MJC Nor. SO, 1900. WORK FOR THE CHAMBER- OF COMMERCE Tbe United 8ute eeaans .report for 1900, which gives the lucre of some thing over 8,600 in Craves couaty's pop ulation over the census of 1890, may be regarded as a fair Increase by some, bat when, the advantages In loll and climate in this county are considered a doubling in popnlation during tbe ten years wonld not have been excessive, to coun ter balance the splendid natural advan tages offered to all Who would come hbret for health or business. ' ;' On account of this very Ignorance of soil and climate, there caa be. no great growth in population, followed by de velopment of trade and commerce, In this section. The neglect ia presenting New Bern and Craven county to the outside world must be charged to the citizens of this community. And further, ibis neglect will be spe cifically charged to tbe Chamber of Com- more h now oern,. oecause 19 uo- nothlng-pollcy. Visitors to New Bern in the winter season find this place most- enjoyable, from a climatic point of view. But outside of this, very little, If any effort Is made to tnduoe them" (a make this city their permanent retkfenoe.or are there attractions .offered which make these visitors anxious to return; outside of the good effects of the climate : expe rience. Here is work, and plenty of It, tot the Chamber of Commerce to make known to the outside world, the splendid-, re sources of this place, and to follow this up by making every Induoement for those whooome, to remain here, and as sist in balkllng up this section. This Is one work for the Chamber of Commerce, and there are many Uhers. How's This ? We offer ".One Hundred Dollars to ward for any case of Oalarrh .that can not be cared by Ball's Catarrh Core. F. J. CHINET CO, TOfclDO X We, the undersigned, have known T, J. Cheney for the kOf eei,- and be lieve him perfectly hWraJAe la all fma Inaas traaactloae, aafl financially abl to carry oat any obUg a)$ojMdo .twai? WaarATaun, Wholesale Dngglsla, Toledo, a, Wauswo, Kjgnua ft Ma an, Wkoae sale Urngglata, Toledo, O. Hairs Catarrh Cure Is lake leteraelly, acting directly npoa the blood aad pons sarfaees of lb system. Prtoe. T5o per bouta. Bold by all draggbu. Tea- llaaoalal free. Ilatrs Family Pills are I V beet. rwayoodoat admit tie valas of tbe historical wvalT 1 "Oh, yea, It has ne the dialed, fcoval oil 0 the ooaalry. " Tow oaaH afford to rmk 'roar life by aUewlag eooagk or a oak to ietalo Into poeaaaoaia or aoaaampuow. , Om Mlast Oeogh Care wlB eon threat aal lg tree Mm quicker tha aay wUer preparaiioa kaowa. " Maary eases mo It as a sped Be for grippe. It It aa latal- llMavwaody for era p. ' Cklldr Ilka k sad mothers earfora H, r.aV Daffy. traagorOow art talagt la CUotgv taweodeyaf ... .'- ' Oltltto lUtber e,ttr. Tee aall-aolr agflsUoo kss es WML . l. - hi ; - Tail TaTafcMBf ITeidaClie. I Weald a.tkk!y leave yaw. If yon etd Dr. Slag's Raw Ufa TUU. TVwtaad of self eaara pvor4 lh saaicklaa mertt for totk aad Karroo Reader Tbeystak pure Woc4 Ui a 114 ay yawt awaltlt. Oatf M otwta. Homvy seek f tat cored. oUVy H. l -flradhM, lraggiev , ' twarvoj emwiata.. WUl w aMltet.rtereeWaf i ak4 aa the foreer M bis tr4m$ esrt of oleeeleg t4 Aegean ubUe. , "1 oasOMrelf toet'ag 'of tao kona- lees at ." rf B4 ft ere lea. Mltf prt.l wr.ftj lby t le Ur krs aart i'mn Ttta tli' i kt lWtf kt?ie sre all rfkt t-ot t av.nea' fce n"4 t (- ! frt Ml tri f ' C f f. tKi' ft M K ' fr. ft M ! h ' k !' ''" I' Il ' ! ' - ft! - r - llE'STOUlAFOIlTim AND YET HE WAS AN HONEST AND FAITHFUL BANK EMPLOYEE, j , 4-ke DtMCtera Did Set Thlak BU Beaeetr Was t His Credit, end Be Adapted alltnl Method wt MkkiBar Tkeaa Ckaaare Tketr Hlmda.; - - .. .. i ' . .. . tTbez Were sitting in the cafe of a big hotel op town and, being Wall street men, - were distussiuf financial ,institi Uoru. .One of itivta was eommtnting on the ease with which Utnk employees at times steal, money when he wan Inter rupted bj anoihcr of the party.i t y ;. VV9 you spe tbat man overtnere toon- leg lo, the doorJTKt;-,:-Mt He pointed to a man with a command- in flanra, keen, eyes and an arbtocratte. ieorhift,' who, as he spoke, tnraed away tromthe entrance to 'the cafe. ; -r- J "There goes a man who stole $000.. 000 and never went to Jail for it. Fur thermore, .be la av thoroughly honeid man. - - . - This parndoxical..ststement caused a ireneral look of Inquiry and a chorus of How was thotr . ' ' Then this storywaa toldl ?v. " ": "That mancall him Brown, because that's not his name was a trifle mora than a year ago paying teller Tn one of the largest banks in the neighborhood of Wail street. He was quiet and reserved nnd apparently had few friends and ac qnalntanceev He seemed to live for bust ncss alone, nnd bis coworkers in the bank dabbed hlnKthe-tphlnx.' t - , - "At the meeting -of the bank directors one day the secretary read -a letter from Mr. Brown."- In It he apolosized for ob truding personal matters upon the angust Iiody, but be respectfully asked for a raise of salary; ?He was to be married. he said, and be felt, that his salary of f 2,600 a year ' was Inadequate to his needs. . The nsual formula followed,' In which he spoke. Of his long and fnlthfnl cervices and ended by requesting that he be raised to 3.500 a year. , No action was taken on the letter at' the time. It !aed into tbe pile of nnfinihed busi ness and was soon forgotten, -v-.'-" 1 "A week inter the directors held anoth er meeting. In the coarse of It Mr. Brown begged for a bearing and renewed verbally his request for en advance of salary. The directors, some of fhem eriMty old codgers who had made their fortunes, did not take kindly to the prop osition. ' f ";'Why, Mr. Brown,' said one, 'we think yon are receiving a good salary for the position, you occupy. Paying tellers at $2,500 a year are plentiful. We know yon have4 been a good and faithful serv ant, and In return we have paid yon for yonr services. That's about even, lln't itr - 'Yes, air; I admit that,' said Brown, 'bnr there are certain moral obligations to be' considered. I?or instance, I have bad free access to the enormous wealth of this bank. Millions of dollars bare passed through my hands, and my ac counts haTe been right to a penny. Had 1 desired' , . " Oh, that's absurd, yon know, broke Jn another director. Ourytem bere Is wo (KTieti mm 11 wouia 0.impossiDie'Zor any one to take a dollar and not be do tected.' . " " -"v , . ' "Brown smiled a bitter sort of smile and, apoiochtlng for his .temerity, ab ruptly withdrew. It Was noticed that on bm way o his desk he paused a minute at the cavernous 'sperfnre that marked the entrance ta the vanlt. A few min utes later he left the bank and did not re turn. That evening as tbe accounts for the dsy were being balanced it was found there was a shortage of $000,000 In tbe funds. Instantly there was consterna tion. The president and directors Were summoned to a conference. Quick action waa necessary. In the morning tbe newe of the defalcation would be public, and practical rata stared them tn the fees. ' "Early next morning Brown was in hie usual place. Ho looked calm and as im perturbable es ever. The directors csme In to discuss tbe best course to oursne. Brown was sent tor to see It be could throw -any light upon tbe subject "'Mr. Brown,' said one of tbe direct- era, this bank has been robbed of $000,- UUU.' "Tee, sir.' said "Brown. 1 took H.' "His bearers started. Ten,' gssped me yon who prated to ns of honesty! Mfny..'wbet. do.yoo mesoT Do rou kaowV"'-' ,' "Tea, sir, 1 know nil about It The Worst 700 cap de ia to give ne ten years lmaraMamnt.r AHawInf for commuta tion for good behavior, tbe sentence will be reduced betwrea two and. three rears. At tbe expiration of that time I will still esve tbe aOOO.OOOto Urs npoa.' Now let me aobwrit a oreneeltloa. Tea tin ne per scqohtlaf me of all blame aad guars antevter ana immunity against nnslaa meat, aad I will return to yea 000.000, reserving tbe balance ta enpfiort myself as some ferrJga country. Then there will be1 no acaadal. Tbe credit of the bank win be aereervrd. end yea will be a gala- er ay toe traesactloe.' . , . . . - tTbert was silence for a mnnent, then oao of tbe directors aaid Wt Otoat hero time to cowelder thla. TImss wHhdrsw Born are have dlscaaeid tbe matter." " 'Brawe smiles and went out. rifteoo motee leUff be Wea oral for." t " 'Wo aerrot f oar tnwie. Mn. Brown.' salt ead of tbe magnatea stiffly. ' "Giro ae $300,000, aad we wlO agret net to preearute.' - H " .... ' .. "Uilf an baar tmttr Ibm kAd Ovr as tbe dlrrrten $rl.00a Tbe moa t waa earereily VMeled, a rrrelos aire for it ewd w addition a oornmret al-raed br aN prearat hMoriag bla agslast aP, tegs' oonillaailoeai . - "Bfwwo larofd aa If to aw. TWrt was a drameite peaaei tbew, drawlns a balky parkas frees hi porfcet, ke taaard k ee) ke table, serloe rarelMalyi , Tkere U Ike other $)uo.uuq, cmtWasra. I bad ae Wlsaj as steal freas yea. I est aa bowret '.. ae asaltrr what tavay be my atbrr isaiatw. . ' " 1 ousde a fair retieret mt yen eed owe laid tkat kotety was net emsldVe la tbe agalre ef this laetliaiUe-el Irast I set wea lb ewrsnH ef year wards. I tlaioiy wealed to skew yon whet 0 ceo parsvf anaiirr 11 Witsld be te pmk yeey toMmloo drapHr yoer T' ittm tn an)ln( h foM Tksl Is SO ' I w . mi, Unml atoralna.' -' ''las. Pia. wttma ye l fnlor ay talm" nlad4 Ik aarratw wf ibis tea tate, "Is aw tbe t km sm'ilrnl ef lb hssk frwa wklck k ttM t r'l.WJO." Stelstl UiKiMEipom . .. . Tbe -vbt) )' ma aiev tfeetrallae sknrt(l rail SooJ.j rbe wkH sua'i b eWs," A ln,al Aaa'a btiko ta ta aaib-wlty tx thM.-ara- ey Stall. - - OAflTOTUAi v--a ,.r r CAPUDIHE rt cri - VOXAJTS T8.Om.ES AXB FIXALB UISEASIS CURIO BY : Johnston's Sarsaparilla ' QUART BOTTHaV ' Painful and Suppressed Uenses, Ir regularity, LenoorrbOBO, W hi tea, 8terll- ity, Ulceration of the U terns, change of Ufa, in matron or maid, all And re lief, help, benefit and euro is JOHNS TON'S SABSAPASILXA. It ia a real panaeea for all pain or headache about the top or back of the bead, distress ing pain in the left aide, a disturbed oondition of digestion, palpitation of ute heart, oold bands and feet, nerv ousness and .irritation, aleeplesaneaa, muscular weakness, bearuur-down pains, backache, legache, irregular ao- uon ox wa neart, nortneea of breath, abnormal dischargee, with extremely painful menstruation, scalding of urine, swelling of feet, soreness of the breasts, neuralgia, uterine displacement and catarrh, and all those symptoms and troubles which niako the average wo man s me so misers Die. . . - - KICituaAJI BKTO OOV, niasrala, aUah. Sold by 0. D. BRADHAM, New barn. - Won tt. "How do yon '. regard yonr new Con gressman, Vr, Mlggs I Do yon think he's fit for the office r : "Tea, Slree I He's fit bard for It. KawWoa. She Aren't yoa dressed yet, dear? You know it's time we were at the church for the rummage sale. He I can't find my dress cost. She There! I believe I sent It to the rummage sale. : i ., : , MOZLBTO LEMON KUXIB. . . A PluaaipLmoiToalc. Cures Indigestion, headache," malaria. kidney disease, fever, chills, loss of ap petite, debility, nervons prostration. heart failure, and appendicitis by regu lating tne tjiver, tioweis ana n-ianeys. Mostay lmoa Kllxlr, Cured me of Indigestion, I had suffered for ten years. I bad tried almost every medicine, but all failed. Since taking Mmon.&nxir 1 can eat snyining 1 use. w. a, umrriTH. Reeveaville, S. 0. Moaley's Leanoa Klhc'.r. Cured me of indigestion and heart dis ease, after years of Buffering when all other remedies and doctors had failed. . V. UOLDIAS, Ijeulah, S. 0. ' i XosIeys Lemoa Kllxlr. I have been a great sufferer from dys pepsia for about fifteen yeare,my trouble being my liver, stomach and bowels, with terrible headaches. Lemon Elixir cured me. My sppetlto is good, and I am welL I bad taken a barrel of other medicine, that done dm no gooe. - Charles GinntSD, No. 1815 Jefferson St., Louisville,- Ky. toalays tVemeaCUxIr . Cured me of enlarged liver, nervons In- aigesuon sna neart disease. 1 was un able to walk on stairs or to do anr kind of work. I was treated by many physi cians, but got no better until I need Lemon Elixir. I aa now healthy and vigorous. . u. a. Baldwm, No. 83 Alexsnder St., Atlanta, Ga. ' Moalya tnua Bat Dues. Cores all Coughs. Colda. Hoarseness Sore tbroat, Bronchitis. Hemorrhaawand all tbroat aad long diseases. Elegant re- iiaoie. $5o at dragglsta. Prepared only by Dr. n. money, auania, ua Some men foot a bill. to Ihmk it's a feat to Great Lack of Ai Editor, i'For two years all efforts to ear Eo- tea a la the palms of myhaada failed,' writes Editor H. N. Lsatsr, of Syraonoa, Kan., "thea I was wholly eared by Back leu's Arnica Balrr." It's the world's beat for Eruptions, Bores and all skin dUeases. Only Wo at 0. D. Bradhaa ' Tbe peony ooaaiorfelier to haver, BiM of good eeotev !, : ' ' v.-., ... ; SpreaUke JTWrl L Whslthlnp era ."the best" tbey be eoo"tb beat sl ling." Abrahaai Hard, a, leading 'druggist, or Belleville, O.. write "Qectrto Blttora are tko best Bell ing Utters I save eaadtad la M years Yos know why f Moot dlaaaaea bag In la disorder of stomach, tlror; kMaeys, bowels, blood aad kervo. Elect rie Blt Urs toae f Us otootaca, regalataa liver, kidaeya aad bowels, partftes lb Uoo t, stroagthesa tbe oetvea, heoos are ainltttaAs of aialadla. , It ands op the entire system. Pal now Ufa aad vigor lata any weak, alokly, rea-dowa maa or woaaa. Price M eoeu. Bold by 0, D Brad bam, Draggtsi, ; '- - A Cktatmaa tblnttbekl Aawrloaalied Wbr bsWratU SWear. The tallow who Ulaks he's a hot proportion doeeo't cut ssocb lea. Tksr Is ao pleeaero In lift ff yoa dnad going to the table le eat aad rant rest at alga oa eoeoeat of tBdlgastloa. Heary WUIIaaaa, of rVooarrllla, ad sayt be St: that way for rrt, till be entBronred th e of Krxlol Dytpp als Cra, and tildt, ' How 1 ras eat say U.lng I i!k an J all I wast s4 alp soaa lly rrary alit-L" Rod"! Iyipp tia Care alll wkal yoa eat. T. g DaSy. f.cOutt't Tor December. Aa !' .f prmann t'') la ll.! Ihm. I, if.a f r nf 19 fa !,! tv It I "T!. I ail l-ftt .f tl.a Cr.R '. ft : a f :. l rr - - - "J j , w 9 . f j I -.! " i - r, r . ; I I i . r ! -1 !'. ' - . 1 PRESENTS FOR HIS WIFE, i Tbe Wmm', ttary at Haw B riaala . Caaa ta Tan., i - "Hello, old man!- What have yon In an those bundles T. asked a gay,' airy young bachelor of careworn, solemn looking- young inon an tbey met In 'a auborban railway train. v . ; f "Presents for my wife," waa tbe sen tentious reply. ;-"lt'a ber birthday.? "Well, what are you bringing yonr wife In that package from your tai lor's T". gayly pursued the bchelor.5,."y 1 "Troneera,? waa the answer. ;' s ; "Wbatr ' -t 3?:"TX ':,f "Yea, I rereat--tTouers. Just yoii listen. . On my birthday my wtftt got me three or four beautiful lace hand kerchiefs, such aa women carry at aft ernoon tea and such places, ' and a black velvet , bat with high feathers, one of the three story fclnd tliht ob struct your -view of the stage in tbe theater." Tbey looked mighty well on her, and abe naked me If I waan't hav ing a ulce birthday, ' ;v . .weu, 1 crrau't mina tnat very much. put when Christmas came I got anoth er deal of the same sort I gave my wife a pretty gold ring.. She gave me a turquoise ring too small to go over any of my knuckles, and she wears It now next to the one I gave her. But that, .wasn't the worst of it She got her sister to give tqe some after dinner coffee cups and my sister to moke me a lot of lace doilies. That waa all 1 got forChrtetuma.. ," : . w . " "Tomoirow fa my wife's birthday. tn this package I am bringing her a pair of trousers tfhlcu 1 had made to my measure nnd which I shall wear. In this parcel is n pair of the very best patent shoes, size 8M. a good deal too big for my wife; in this package is a iox of cigars, and lu my pockets I have a new niet't-Hckamn pipe and a packet of tobacco. Now, 1 don't see how she can fall to have a happy birth day. Do you? I hope she'll enjoy It for I want to get even for all the pret ty things blie has given me." London Tlt-Blts. Literary Note. The world has never, known a more Iramatto situation than that presented by the foreign community within the walls of Peking while cut off from com munication with their countrymen. During these long, doubtful weeks, the most Interesting figure in this interna tional tragedy was Sir Hobert Hart, who for more than twenty-five years has been as far, aa a European might, the statesman guiding the affairs of the Chinese Empire. . . On the '7th of October, the following cable-message from Sir Robert's London representative to the Editor of The Cosmopolitan waa received: "Sir Robert Hsrt has sent for November number Fortnightly, London, end Cosmopolitan New York, an Important article on ttege of Peking, about fifteen thousand words which I will post you to-morrow.'' The M(. arrived In time to be Included In the December 1st js. "- Clerk And Carrier Examination. Ths United States Civil Service Com mission announces tbst on December 1 1900, an examination will be held In this city for tbe position of clerk and carrier tn tb post-office service. An examination waa recently held which failed to result in a sofflclent number of ellg bles to meet 'the needs of the service; consequently it Is necessary to bold another examination. All persons who hare been examined for the position of clerk or carrier within tbe past year and failed to pass may bo reexamined npoa filing new application In due time. For application blank (Form 101), foil Instructions, specimen examination questions, and Information relative to the duties and salaries of the different poalilona, application should be msde to lb;aadrslgnsd. Application mast be oa file with the secretary of the local board before lb boar of eloiiog business on December 7,1W0. ' A. F. Peltersoa. ' , Secretary Postal Board. . - Schedule f Mails. .. . Arrival of mall from,nortk and" west dally oxoept Bandsy,. ItM, a. a.) fcOO p. m." Wilmington aad tbe sooth 0 SS p. m.j Morebsad City .00 a. m. , Leave,,, Monk aad west S.OO a. aa. aad I.M p. an.1 Wilmington, aad sooth tKW a. M aforakaod City M0 p, ax . -. - Collaetloa mad by Carrtsta from boxer, 7.a to 8.0) a. at.; 1:00 to 1 00 p. mn 4.-00 lo 6-.00 p m. , " - ' acaoayrV. -. Mails arrive from sortb aad west t.40 a ss i)p. aa. UavsP-00 , m and Tb pnbllo will pleaae bear la aalod that tbe otoralog aaall fur tb Hoftk aad wo owso ai 8 11 a. sa. , . . That lb afieraooa maQ for aorth aad waat doss at 1 00 p. m. For Korebead City at 8.00 p. at, Also that lb aureooa aa1 Psnday trail ear- rta aisll for launaedlsto polau betweea beraaad Uoldahoro,- - Oae collaetloa oa Baa Jay fro TOO to to $.09 a. ... -... Ketpoctfalty, , , '. , ' . ' Baraoca W. liSoort De,l,19na - Potioisatev, - frank Leslie's, frail Irallt's I'npnUf Mnalhly bat t larjt mWilpilna Itil II raosld b ltrir. lu oiaaafmatt le -r nf rtla, lis J.tkoa t'ti ika trsr twfor At as a-l 1 tt1mo!t toad an InrrMt lha MfaiMy c(Tna ao Um ihaa tu baa drH eo4 aluy (r (JW) I t b lo ll( r.n and ntn. Iija sad mho thnm n'r I ii.h ( n o'rt!'ra. Tb'a eTf inrn ilw an-1 n, j : :i r 1 , t' t. T' " ,.f , V , ,-!,-. ,' I I " 1 I r ' , Irs k-J UA U v , S, U Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat It artlflciall dleesta the food and aida Katuro la auangthening aod recon structing the exhausted digestive or gan. It lathe latest diseovereddlgest ant and tonic. No other preparaiicn can approach It in. efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cum Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gaitralgla.Crampaand all other results of imperfect digestion. Prioewe, and at. UrgeslseeontamstHtlmea small atsa Bookajlaboatdyspenslamailedfres preporea oy E. c oowiTT A CO. Chicago. PREMIUMS AWARDED Ky Tbe New Bern Fair Association at Their 14tb, Exhibition Held Nov. 12-lf, 1900. DEPARTMKNT V1JI. .Carlos. Best collection Colonial relics, Mrt, Cltne a 00 Best collection Spanish relics, Mrs A. T. Baxter 2 00 Best collection Foreign Curios, Urs. Bcbollenberger 1 60 Best collection old coins, Mrc Bcbollenberger fi'J Best collection family relics, Mrs. Katcliffe ' 1 00 Best wax Uowert, Mrs. M. Har- gett 1 (.0 Best wsx paper flowers, E. Mar shal 50 Best shell work, Mrs. J. B. Tay lor 1 00 Best woodwork by boy, llomer Mattocks 1 00 Best collection old china, Mrs Ral- ' elide 1 00 Best curiosity not listed, Mrp. W. F. Jones 1 00 Best wood carving, Mrs. B. M. Woolen ' 1 00 Beat.Bhells and corals, Homer Ma'- tocks 3 00 Best birds' eggs, Donniu Hanks 1 00 Clilldreu'rt Department. Plain sewing, Mamie UiclinrJscm 50 2nd beat, Elta Walnau 2 Calico quilt, Shlrly Cooper 00 Darning, Elizabeth Clark 26 Dress Doll, Marian Brock 60 811k embroidery, Ittiweeny Whlt- ty SO Oulliue embroidery, Amy II tag "1.1 Hunting, Mmile Richardi n o0 Pin cushion, Amy liana 2") Needle book, Clare Morrea 26 Hemstitching, Myrtle Disosway 2 Center pieco, Etta Walnau 60 Drawn work, Mamie Klcbardi.oh 60 Best button boles, Elizabeth Clark 60 Wall protector, Mamie Richard son' 60 Most ingenius work, Kalpb Wai ters 1 00 Crayon poclralt, M. Arthur 1 U0 Best decorative work, Amy Haas 1 00 VKPAKTMKNT XI. Ladle Work. Best general display, Mrs. K. 7. Harper 10 00 Best silk patch work, quilt, Mrs. W U. Cobn 1 00 Best calico patchwork, do, Mrs. '! K. Route, Klnston 60 Best kail oouoterpaio, Mrs. P. II Auhur " ' ' 1 00 Best crocheted oouotorpsin, Mrs. tt. C. Fream'ao, Ooldsboto ' 1 00 Best rag carpet, Mrs. 8. 8. Oat- klnt, Aaklos S 00 tad best do, Mrs Satan Price I 00 Best hearth rag, M rs. Sollaa ' I 00 Best kpmeepao eat ton, Mrs. It. B' Qsaklos, Aaklns 1 00 Best homeepaa woolen, Mrs. 8 E. Qaskla tOO lad bast do, wool, Mrs. Susan Price' ."'- " ' "' ' 1 00 Bast sowing by hand,' Miss J, Bur- . ras , . ' . 100 Beat sqoar fa.oolors, Mr C. Psyne, Marskalborg J' f CO Best draw work, Mia Beetle ' : , Boll , , ' '.'100 Beat drawa work, Mrs. A. B. Pew oU '. - ' too Best phu dalles, Urs. 0. Psyaa, ; Kartkalbarg ; . ". : t(4 Best plate do I let, Mr. B. 8, , '" ;, oatoo 1 ; too Beet Isfssl drew, Mrs. ClllVa V'.. Waitar r v , ; 100 lad best do, Mr. IL B. Brewtr, . Bocly Moaat .. : ' ' .100 Bast( aaosehoir oaao, Mrs, B. B - en . - , :ioo Boat lias bag. Mrs. J. J. D.aos- . wsf V, ,' : .' M Ooat llaea Ublo over, Mi. M. ;uuk.-r.: :-.s.--. in Beet botlto doilUev Mr, 0. " It. . f Too - . 1 y: I CO , CUm IL-raatay f4 Wf. . , Best (Ok oaabroliWy lutal, . Mr. Dsfbr Uollaa4 1 ) Btt ooilla do, ta thread, M. B, , C Frwatto, CoUtb t4 ' Id Beat tattoalaf Obroii1vy, Mr. CalUosrto - M I'laOO ttvar, do, Mrs. ft. 0 Brew-' Of, Bneky Ml , I Dt pleubli,sSrotl'y,M;as . i. Ue(l, . ' 100 Bael d barry llilnw, Mr M, Taiborw 1(0 iUt ofa pillow, t !k, Mlat Fuoa I t rtt do, ls, M'. JaK 1(1 r rrt!f iiifi, W 'a- B. P. (. ,I..n I 00 Pot t't-'l t:na il-aw 'k. Vtt. !;.. P !! 1 ff) 1 "I ' - ' ' ' T. V. R t; i 3-1 .... . v it c. . KPAXMESTXrvv,..;;:i Carving doth, Mr H. 0 BroBr4;-, S Rocky Mount, . . 1 60 t Of UUle iluen, drt -V 40 Table cloth, Mrf.PpelU " Il0 Lunch olotb, M s. II. 1 . Skinner, . $nith6ull, ; ami Picture frame, Mr. t". C. I'arnr, 2? Marshalbnrg, ' J 00 rVoiU i.nt emcreil rise heir, M-. nirioii, i. in Buffet warf, Mrs R. (1. -Frreman, 'Goldiboro 1 0 Roman embroidery, Miss Sievei s, 1 ' Fancy bg, Mrs. It. Oiay, 1 t.l Lace collar. ,irf. Ilnghi-s HolUnrl, 1 U0 Centre squirii bonlon. Miss 1. Poeil, 1 L0 Centre n. lime, balig. .Mis. liiifi.i Bell, 1 00 Lace curtains, Mrs. ('. 11., 61O Lace hauUkeichief, do 1 00 Pillow shams, Mrs. R. C. Freeman ' Goliisboro, - 101 Apron, Mrs R. Gray, W Child s hood, Mrs Mure, 'I arboro, 60 Child's Back, Mrs dcasie Bell, 50 Table mats, Mis It. 0. Fie. tn in, Uoldsboro, 50 Chair tidy, MiBS Myrtle Pope, 60 Crochet lace, Mrs. D. W. liobcrls CO Knit lace, Miss Elizabeth Clark 50 Slippers, Mrc: Windley 60 Socks, Mis ?usan Price 60 Socks, Mrv. Anita Manly 1 00 .shawl, Mrs. Geo. Ives 1 00 Afghan, Mrs. H. O. Hyatt, Kln ston " 1 00 Shoes, Mrs. B. t . Guion 50 Fascinator, Mrs. A. D. Patterson 50 Capo, Mrs. C. E. Mc3orley 60 nest display work, Miss Wlndlcy 2 00 Fine Aria. Oil painting. Miss J Hollisler 2 00 .Landscape, Mra. E. M. Harris 2 00 Portrait, Mrs P. I.. Ward 2 00 Pastel, M rs. K M . II arrU 2 CO Water color, Mrs It. M. Woolen 1 00 Crayon, do 1 00 Pressed flowers, Miss II. P. Clark 1 00 llest top buggy, Hackney liios. Wilson Diploma llest open buggy; G. II. Waters it Son Diploma For most useful Invention In agri culture or the mechanical arts by a resident of N. C. the Colo Manufacturing Co. of Char lotte, was awarded, for seed planters 6 00 7?s (continued ) Iodgc Dirt? ffory. NEW BKUN CONCLAVE 48li, Improved Order Heptasopl(S, meets 2ud snd4th Thursday nights, st B o'clock st Itoun IreeH lf. P, A. Willis, Archon; Greene Bryan, Financier; A. T, Stransbury, Sec relsry. KUUKKA LODGE NO. 7, I. 0 O.K. OIBcers: W. T. illil, N. O ; J. It Tarker, V. U ; Geo. Greeu, Rcc'd'g Srciy; J. B Dawson, Financial Seer tary; A. K. Pitt man, Treas. Itegular meetings every Monday night at T I0 o'clock. CALUMET ENCAMPMENT, No. 4. I. O. O. F. Ofliccrr-: L. L Moody, C. P; .1. (1. Dclcmar, H. P.: J. J. llaiier, l. W ; ('. H. Hall J W ; Geo. Green. Scribe; E. (iernck. Treasurer. Itegular Encamp ment, 1ft, ard, aud 5th (IT an ) Thursday nlglilB In each month at 7 M o'clock. NEW nEnN LODGE No. 1, F. H. & C J. V. Kcalef, Pntt; .1. H. rrullli, Itccord Ing Sec'y; E. E. ( linlcv, Financial Bec'y. Meets In lbs Knu hin if Harmony Hall every 1st aud Sni .Mouday i.iglmln each month. CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1 K.lUIITS OP ilAUMONY. tlculi 2nd and 4lb Wednaaday nights In each month In Roontree'a Mall. Pollock aireel, al 7 H o'clock, i. II Taylor, Prclifnl; II J DWoiway. ttoc y; It R Hill, Financial Secretary. KNIOIITrtOF HONOlt-Offlorrt: K K Jont, Dictator; O. L Vlnann, Kepo.ii i, W. F Konntree, Financial Itr portrr New Bern Ixvdgo No 44H mrt I, the 2ml and 4th Frlilav nU-bn at 7 80 o'clock In Rouulree'a Hall, Pollock street. REAL ESTATE! , City Real Estate I ought and tn.d on cofomWon Collection 'of Rent for those In Iht s ty ss veil aJihoa living ouiilde. AN EASY .WAY TO;ORN c $2 5 .00 , ;Ws will pay rata "to' t. ssysss a4lNsr M JO w araawtjr. , . .. aarlfHtwaia, ooa 'a"a4 br tto fal . '. rrir vrtN for a a a. r, swtaawrtwtia), m m m swot otaans) a, aatata aaal pmr , tWtitara a , Outlnrj Publishing Co. 239 Fifth Ave.. N.V. - f 1 r ;MM! .-- .0 1- L, E-ftMllwool DBALKlt IN And i! K :.'iK of . tUlhii MATERIAL Wire Nut. 11 , Sc e. u D mrs ut Wisdows. OLACIEH Kl ekM(Ji:RATORS Which arc the 'vt Tin h-ue Imt feu cqiH'a aut N Super. t-r-i lec Cicaiu Frei . T8. V:.ti r CiHii, rs Michigan Slovi s und RHrm.cs Paictj Under Hottl Chalt-iwka, After Dark oven in September a light Fall over coat is fieiiurnllv ver tonifoitublc -in October, almost always. Don't order cloth cut Into before j on see our latest novelties in Raglans, SurtouU. Pad docks and oilier lenders for I be. Autumn and Winlcr'ol lfl;:0 1.. Of course cut and fit must match 1uafr.1i.1l aud handl wotk hero lliry lire. F. : M. C'liac.n ick, Notice ! The Oldest ar.d Most Reliable Pirm. to.iw Running, and Dcllvei iug Kice Bt'.ve Wood, Ash, Oak arid Pine to your door every day. A Special i.ot (,f 1,'cl Hiart, llrn't Made Shlnplcs Just Itcreiieil; liiick ami Lathes, Pos fur fenrin,'. Taraml l.ltno. Couulrymi n I c sure anil see me lieforo you sell yonr raiilc anil pink as 1 bivu opened a m 11 ki t Now my friinda come get the Hest Pork and Pcif Slcak at BIG HILL, Tk Slimls Mao THEY HAVE ARRIVED! The Hi-id! m a' and i'lst Line of Ileal i 11 x SIovcn, B.I ll 'A ,Ht Ib .1 r a 1 M T ill iQ III 'it. cl' . . W air 1 Iro n; 11 f..ijiic well I no vii llivli lm l CtMtkiii SI in i n, t k U a T1.! I . . ' I .r. Klmo, l amer (II I. Farmm 1'ny, (). K. aad 1. U . (v;u. All of e 1 i.aran:. p In vc ( i r lict mi s'mi li..n. I.' ou aie In n t.l 1 f an II. In.' in l'ie 1 1 a - ,1 u jn I i e ... K ,li. I) .on and Blindt, I,It i . meni i.r Nl give us a call and 1 AS AM) WILL hAVE Yot' M. NKV Youra for lliu'r e ', 1. H. CUTLER H'OK'f CO 11. w. NiniNo.. ipfnlfflfl Xl t.TlflMlllf fliTAill ai vulval u uupnuicuuwi 18 Itmni Hirvt Properly For Mnle. . t hsv arvetal deal fable Knililencw for aalr, tftoalod. fo tko tort tvUaro part of ta City. Abo a aombtr of good bafldiag lou la good localltlr J. J. WOLFSSDKX CAROLINA INN, IVrtadftf t,f 2fw Doto, K. ('. Oytm to tU Pwbtlc, A'lth Ula.t ' Modera Irnprovf mrnU. ' I. TaaU Nrt43aao. . . . '. .' (ld 'stalk. ' ft sap two I fra? mfCa .' m 9. tt rnitaT . ' " '.'( rroortetm " Russell Ilouso; tl'l,li T'infttt t as4 in al t' I ! ii rt Flrtt .us t' r.l. A I - f'.f l-a I-f p"-.e. Tut.'ng , U' r " -L l'nl. a r m I ; r " k A. I