VOL XY11I-K0. 211. SIW 8K&N, N. C, SUNDAY MOUSING, DECEMBER 2, 1900. NINETEENTH TEAK V . - 0 'si 4jkV;; 88i1 :.;v :; :v : x - SS'.I O f Irs1 I 3S i $ I I W 4(!S'MWS9 i Verdict . Aealnst Dr. Kite Gire ? $20,000 Damages. . PRESIDENTS I.USS&BE. j matter of" rltrht' Lot in ftct of tacjiakBtfiM&aita.a...a..... . . - -Unless Turkey grants Dr. Norton's -jB - ' ' j exeqaator before Congress, meets the ProtaWj WiU Insist On Holding president wli declare the relations wun .; to her persistent refusal to pay the mil-' Philippines. For Correct Dressers, w ,1 Peoflb who count proper Shoes necessary to oorrect dross will bo de lighted with tola Season's line of Lad e, Mlasei and Children's Footwear '; $125, $WM & S3.00 f 5E were same of my price. Tea. a store full of prizes In shoes. For nobby (n -Footwear this is the atore. , - W h , r We also call attention to oar Stock of Dress' Goods, and In Bilks W ana velvet j, we hare the newest shades and materials, our Trimmings in line in in Appleqnes, Jeta, and Gilt Braids is up-to-date, with Muttons W to match. Two lo?ely things in Ladies Linen Lawn Laco Trimmed W Handkerchiefs for SOc and 75c. iff Choice Selection of Colgate's Extracts and Toilet Waters. K For Pillows and Draperies several Handsome Patterns in Sill. aMae. Vv Hosiery in all Grades, but a Special 26o line. W We are prepared to suit the most fastidious In our Tablo Damask w and Towel Department; so without delay come and judge for yourselves ii't fur we are confident that our goods will speak for themselves. VJ. Sincerely, V' E. B. HACKBURN, t Mm ? M sfav n.ll 1 ' 1 tjF A sWj 4H I I si M 14 niTHKI. 4-V Tim. Run a r1 ah rated Oaa Aad I Demands Oaen Door In China, ra Argaesl Alt' tk Week. A I terg Ship Subsidies, Eeduetlon Appeal Take by Kils War Tax, lnter-Oceanie Ca to 1h6SnDreme Court nal and Increase Urg I Special to Journal. mar Arm,, Ozfobd, N. 0., Dec L In the hua-1 Wuhihotoh. D. U. December l.ine dred thousand dollar suit of Bev. T. J. I President's message has gone to the Gattlr against President Kilgo of Trlnlt rinter Iffl proof lt wm be revised, and in some instances elaborated and added to before lt Is complete. The following Is an outline of what the President has decided to recommend, The Philippine Islands are to be held tu f km.,i i ,h.i, ,.i,t thl. by the United States as a part of Its ter .m.j. .j 6 " . V.. .Imll.r evening. Kilgo takes an appeal to the ""7" ? " Supreme Court. rjT 1. .r.n Oxford. N. C , Nov. 80.-At last the oe,!U ul ' -.u...u .r.nn..tinlh.4n tnth. ntila-Kll. O-UCUSBeo. .ireeiy, aou iuo up.muu o libel suit for M00.00O damages Is ,t pressed that, although the time has not lw - I a- I hn nual in iT tk a a ilA nu VMM. i. . ... Cyrus B. Watson for the prosecution ?' gen'V 8"" leP!"u and Governor Chas. B. Aycock for the a"" nou.a oe i.aen L... ..h ,....,!. .HHrMOM I Congress will he asked to pass the I " J I . .,. n.l,l( f.,11 .... . . 1W tT. k I DDUUDGf Ulil. KITtHK IU I isoiuvu. m to tne jury io aay. jur. nuno iddui ' , ihl.nn.nl.i..nlIV lnn.V Min nitari '"'""'"ll ."-a J I.. ft nVWIr thl. ifutrnnnn Th Ho '"" "u u" ". knrhMwereworthvlneverv war of """"J Iorce gf0y B. N. Duke and Odellthe Jury brought In a verdict of $20,000 damages. Argument in this well advertised easel began last Monday, and speeches .were I made by twelve lawyers, the length of I the longest address being six hoars. slonary Indemnity sad ber refusal to permit the establishment of an Ameri can Consulate at Harpoot. The President will s'ay tint this coun try has been faithful to the precepts of oiding entangling alliances as to af fairs not of our direct concern, and again explain tiiat, as England and the Boers in the present war did not both ask for mediation, it was impossible for us to interfere. The President has not determined whether he will recommend tbo purchase f the Danish West indies, although the belief Is that he will. When the stomach it tired out it must have a rest, but we can't live without food. Koilul Dyspepsia Cute ' digests hat you eat" so that you can eat all the good food you want while It is restoring the digestive organs to health, it is the I only preparation that digests ull kinds of food. P. B. Daffy & Co. REMOVED I We have removed to our InTotxt ;n3ric3s Store, Cor. Itroad A Hancock Hi., Where we will be glad to welpome all our old and new patrons. Our strict attention to business In the past Is sufficient guarantee to the trade that we are always looking oat for the Brst Interest oar Customers. Oar Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries Is Complete. WLargo Stables and Sheds in lack lot for the accom modation of oar Con h try Friends, FREE. Tours for Business, J. VARKER, Jr. k O AsTlX1Asl'l,AsllXll)wfV'A O SUITS IB the kiDd we build, they are linked ThcBoggy that D.F.JARVIS, (i POLLOCK STREET. grn 1 together like a look with the latest crews, bolt and hinge shaft coup ling, that make up the most popular baggie made, with 8leel or Robber . Tint. Respectfully, G. If. Waters A Son, tl ara4 Street, IBV IBM, H. C This Is for YOU ! Valaae yettr Stationary, Cards, ate, are ao4te b la ae anUtte SMaaet aae wall airlatad, H rvpett ratbar Uaa atiraota. Fine Job Printing Costs no' more Uaa poof work. We 6a (set as (Wp'r m the prist wb iinxa eril skill c txt aa4 win has ae Uial lo laraiag Ml a f w soak Try aa XVST.T, mr,Tw IlieyelM, Oaaa, AatsMslOoa, OrspW pbnaaa, ob Pr1atl, Ba'baf fhaaspa. tl A at KktdW r tVra. H C the two really great lawyers who made them. Judgo Hoke will give the case to the Jury tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. There is much speculation as to the re sult, though the belief Is hazarded by many that the jury will bo unable to agree. Intensity of interest in the Gattls-Kil- jro case is evident as the long trial draws near its end. The scene in the court room is an unusual one, by reason of the presence of a large number of ladles and this serves to show the excitement prevailing In the community, being but a reflex of the sentiment of the State at large. All persons seem impressed with the solemnity of the occasion, and the case has lost Its aspect of a battle of lawyers and legal talent, and the public is face to face with the realization that a question of grave Import to the parties to the shit Trinity College, the Metho dist Conference snd the elate Is soon to be decided. The possibility of a mistrial by reason of the Illness of oos or more Jurors, wss by no means a pleasing prospect, and it to be hoped that yesterday ,s breathing spell has removed these grounds for ap prehension. Kitchener In Commanl London, Nov. 80. The War Office announces this evening that Lord Roberts handed over the command of the British troops la South Africa yes tsrdajr to Lord Kitchener. It is further announced that the Queen approves Lord Kitchener's promotion to lieutenant-general, with the rank of gen' era), while in command la Booth Africa A dispatch from Darban, Natal, stales that Lord Roberts Is due to arrive at PleUrmarttxbarg December 4 aad should arrive at Durbaa December e oa his way home. . Cur Likely to Recorer. St. Parraaeaoae, Nov. 13-Ia foraa- I tlon received through private eoarees I fully eeaflrsM the reoeat favorable tmlletlas referring to the Gear's baallh Be has made seek geealae Improvement thai his eoodliioa swats lo promise lOvrUla recovery.' rhilllps Mow tests. Ci toaoo, Nov. tO. Baooessfal la bis oora eoraer la the est eat of eboat ttOO, 000, Oeo.0. Phillip, la yoesg Van leader, who aatfl Wedaaaday was the ariodpal objeot ; of tttatloa ea Ike Beard of Trad, has resolves! kereafler teeoeflae ale efforts lea eirelgai eoev aslasloa baslaeaa. Tkls tt weal a said to-ds; at VaaaC Fer the Brt Usse la tea jreara be beea aa Xnaage Mr. Fhlttlp was aot oa the loo to-day. Be waa la hi of loa, a lb sswoi loor of Ike Rlalte Balldlei leid, vtshlpg frlaade aad oetalag bauhee of Vaturs, 1kt eaae from ail sovrc aad eoatalsed tklsg from a proposal I rose a Toeeg oail la Dalaih la marry kiss o sight la ea , aifar by a Heb New Ywkerio suae kirn la earthing a snlgkt aadftlala, be tl aaotbet core eoraer ev a poker gaate. Ue alo ra- 1 Ja.l . 0 . IV. - . . k. L oiHw stnti oiots la Feeeetarpriee. of Slioes i i aim - 1 X f k ' t l j Talloi Made .fV.--' Wraps Utraaskaepar'a ad Vattini lbeos, , Carpet Ooodi and Off Trimtnlnn. D. F. JARVIS. !.vri' EUCKCiTH&iEiELHIGHT, K iflirr ef Ff it's. Wsrt. Csrts, . ttftUltf tit ;r "t!'. I Wf -m, fft Ski I mti I ( X f n t - 1 f .f ' ft . i- f -. ILiUook Store i on; V v fti tfif eH t tn w h ITr r.v.UUi mi l : t ;-; rlnfr There Is aot a mors slea4 aus la Cklcafe thaa I," he said. -Xrtytbla have aMAainltabad, aad so Bet ae BMir eoratrs (tt sa. lirrut It I straight ota ralsaio blta. A wok fr'MW to or row I will Wsv fnt Caavi tfl visit my nltttrta It Is ant that I ! tii rv, f of I aw MyMtt tut wot anil; bt t bVt ! a la 'K mil Sd t tliorgsl It was S "tx) i:rr4 sow In us oa. "Ailoakt a 'k f n. la my lr.W If I of :..(, I,. . It lf t'tf. ' - r.l t.f'td . trtf..i-l. ;S. mi m ii lit I '.''r tiu rednced to the limits of a Dolice organization. The treatment of the Thilipplne question will be extensive anil will foreshadow the ultimate adoption of a broad colo nial policy. The message will renew the pledge of this country to oppose all schemes ot territorial connuisi and will warn the Powera that, wha'ever result may U reached, the United States will liifalsi upon the "open door' in the Orient. TbSre will be no declaration that this country will not occupy a sphere ot influence if that conclusion be Inevit able. A promise will be mt.da that the Island of Cuba is to be turned over to the Cu lna soon. The work of American offl cera in Cuba will be pralsec. 1 here will be no distinct declaration ai to llu form of government Cuba ought lo h&v but the admission will be made that the people are fast learning the lesson self-government. In general terms the President will re fer lo the work of the Isthmian Cauui Commission and commend the con slrucion of a canal. He will make i plain, however, that the Ulayton-Uul wer treaty must be first repealed the original llay-Pauncefote treaty rat ifled. Aa argument will be advanced show the need of a large army lo some years to come. The protection of Hawaii, the PhlllnDlnes, Porto Klco Cuba and possibly the Islbmlsn Ca nal will be used to authorize slastlo Increase, of which the mln mum will be 62,000 snd lbs maximum 100,000. Wllbonl mentioning the reductlo that should be made, the massage will call alien lion to the fact that the condl tloa of the Treasury now luillne the removal of some of the burdens taxatlua Imposed by the Spanish war. Ooagraaewiil be erged lo lake such action as may be necessary to dlscrlmi nave Ulweea what Is useful snd what lejorioos la business operations. Mack slieas will be laid upon the fact tkal Ike modus vlreodl with Canada Is a leaporaay arraoeaeat that doe nut prejudice la claim of Ula coanlry to lb Irylog dispute. The P resident will show that entering into Ihl modus vl- readl ks easUWd a satisfactory adjuit sseatof other mature la dispute be tweeei Caaada aad lae Calu 1 Bleu Tk flaaaclal leglilslio of the mat ssssioa will be highly eommeaded, aaa eiteaUoa called to th per pet sal aav. lags la laureet by refasdlng the esiioe el debt let low lauresl-beerlnf gold so da. It will b clilaed that aader la operaUoaa ol Ike Oold Biaadard law tk actual ot oaplta trrealatlo ha In- ereaaad far beyoad aaTiklef of the klod pllabed by aay pre nous AdsaJuU- trailoa. Coagras will b speclScafly sjrgad to eaikorlse tk laying of tbl eoeaeet lag this cosatrf with ike a poase- sloa la Ik PacISc, aad siuadlog Ihl Dee from Manila lo J spaa. Bblpplag aubsUlee wl!l be reoowiawad- sdisoit a stroaf plea for IngUtallo that will build ap aad foetar lb Aatrt aa kMrehaal maHa. Me Specifi pis Will be s(u4. Tkework ol tk esty dsrlnj' the seal year will b reviewed aad renoss PLENTY OF GOOD THINGS JUST RECEIVED At J L. McDaniel's 71 Broad St. Mince Meat, ('ranberries.f itron,Currants, Raisins, Evaporated Apples and Peaches, Near Prunes, Soft Shell Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Pecans, English Walnuts all new crop, Sweet Mixed Pickles and Qirkins Sour Pickles, Lemon Flavoring Extiacts and Spices, Heiuz's Tomato Catsup, Lea and PerrinB Sauce, Ap ple Butter, Schredded (Jocoanut best quality 5c package, CookJ ing Butter and Cottolene, Fresh Elgin Butter and Buckwheat, Fancy Cream Cheese 15c lb., Macaroni, Small Pig Hams, Can ned Goods of all kinds, Queen Olives and numerous other good things just received. Wholesale & Retail REVENUE OFFICERS SHOT, mm. An Unavoidable Accident. Farmers Overdoing: Farming-. United States Court. J.L. . 'Phone Ol. 71 Bro4 Hi. f 142 vi yi Kiivuiiiiiaus ol Rai.kiuii, N. C, Dec. 1. Revenue Collector Duncan Ima the following tele gram from Dtmily Collector It. J. Lewis who by mistake slmt t no revenuo offl cerB from Virginia Tliurs liiy afternoon ty, ('., lu winch two ollieers from I J w Virginia were shjt, neither fatally I Sale 81111 wounded. Unavoidable." Lewis told a I xcllUlli'e oeputy marsnai mat tne oincers irom Virginia lia I loit their bearings and came over into North Carolina territory. Collector Duncan said the accident, though deplorable was unavoidable. ,Tho Stats charters the E lKcmool Company of Durham county, Julian 8. Carr and other stockholders, giving it leave to increase 1H capital stock to $l,OKl,0JO. It can build and operato factories and othor plants. Some farmeis are saying that they are afraid the general prosperity now pre vailing anions the farmers, certainly the greatest in fifteen year or mora, will lead thetu to buy more la:nl an I go in iebt, and will alsa cause them to plant too large crops, anil say they see hlgus of bth these movements. Today the hearing of the railway tax assessment case wai continued here. It Is really amusing to see the newspaper head, lines. One psper thus declares that the railway has proved their contention that tbe other property Is assessed far below its o-it on true value: another paper that the Stale baa already proved its case against the roads. Great regret ia expressed here at the death of A -I. ilryan, one of the olden employees lo tbo Houthern Kipress Company's Service. He served here 13 years lu charge of the Italulgh office Tbe United Hlairs Court begins a term here nett Monday. The dooket, though DUy QlOyOS, DefOrO th6 UCIJf Hill, II HUl I ltfti IISU4I, I , . . Tbe November Bulletin of the Agrl- uoob WWtD ucavo wuuu cultural department will contain tbo I al ort Arl TJTTo VifltrA O . ... 1 WWWWW WWW www drsl If pnrl of the work of the soil lesti farms at Red Bprlngs and Tarboro. NODDy Line Ot U JtO- J. A. JONES, BROAD STREET, STEWART'S OLD STAND, STABLES. largest and Finest Stock of and MULES Ever Found in New Bern. Also a Complete Line of Buggies, Wagons Harness, Robes, Whips, Cart Wheels, Etc. J. a. joi:n, Brosd Street, Stewart's Old Stead GLOVES Now is the time to date dressed and un dressed Eld, Mochas, Dog Skin and Wool Four Filipinos to Baof. MaaiLA, November 80. Geoerel Mae- Arthur baa conn rated lb senuooe of h.n.ln. MtMll tlliAB rmir s.llvM M eeolly ennvlcted of murdar l Uagayo. I Gloves at prices with- S!..',! In the reach of alL UlltlUIIHW UUHWI, muu VIIIWWVW I ssaaaloa, who victims, ll I charged, I asr kldasppod and boloed. They will a baaged Oombr II. Help is aedd at oao wbsa s persoa's Ufa I la danger. A aetWeted eoegk or oold assy too boo serioae aad should b slopped at loan. Oa Mlal Coeik Cut quickly care cough aad oold aaj th worst of creep, brom- obllla, frlpp aad etbr laroal 4 hag troabl." T. 8. Duffy m Co, - Call NOW and exam ine our line. J.G.DUNN&CO., TDe Up-to-date Farniabeni, M roiXOOC 6TB KIT. HEADQUARTERS :.FOR; TOT All the Latest and Newest Toys for Children. TO FIRM OH SH1RIS. Or.will accept posi tion on I arm. White man with wife and tour children, jvanti to live Mdatha ad fr u incre ja vicinity ol NcwCcru ;r.r4'r, 7,-1 will tasuch work list rtreagth aad mmr u St the WitU anyOUO DaVlDJf It. to bo agrood upon. Address L. care Journal. ' i t firtdnfli. lUr .'.'I li.il t. a 'r Uiifi ft.F, ) eseda af Ike ship Bow aader coast toe- tXCTIUS It OK. for.'fs r1U'.ns alll b rv,wjd at Upi, stoli tb. t"ntff In ha st fi,' with IK wnil.l, and tha k--l fit 14 tKe A.ti'a rm!lre In Ctlaa ti l '!)ta !!) K. f"'ni-l out as lb. I p.o-.f tfc.liU t'ti!i..l H'.i. Is a., snd A I IPTin Ql P :;i r,-a'.;B lobe.cn i.f Ihe wori !'s U li I Uil OlUU f ' r I l 1 Julius IL cArnoM, XI oram & IInl, Whip s 1 1 f I! I .1 I ' k,. -.';.' I A " ' . "i Of I'lir! inrtl Fafflaa, WafnlB a4 Bos-w. ttt wWr thf. rslL, rW BIIH.il Oar Flock Lt ef tot iaspeo Uot acd pare ha aad is th tias to maia oUon for lloli &mj IWili hi th Ckitdrasw . ' Wa tsavtT Um Toy Call m4 m Mf ork. 1 c f U- Froprrty Tor flaltx. 1 liTS Tf4l Wlrt,l tlmlAm 1i !s !tot4 UlV.,W. sv.M.axi f1 r( th f f. i '.fl S f w4 r.-r, '. rg 1-ls to l"-t ! 't j . v, (.( rrtr.rt iiaTT. niixrnosr.-; Afcbltccl & Sipcmlcndcnt i nroad r.trMt Hotel Hrelt oa MtX t. nr. i. ri tt. T . I . J t .