1. - STRUMIGS AdsffeasantfyandJkimptfy. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. resents in the acceptable fast thtt Ijtr-Mtlvm arhuanfes of alantr Anown to act mast ieneucialfy: ' TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANF). BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCa SAM mANlV VAbt - LOUISVILLE, KY. ' for salt t? druggists - prln 50tprictfh. New Bern, N. ., Dec. 1900..' Index to New Advertisements; G. N. Ennett Presents. Wanted Farm on share. 8. G. Robert!-Check Lost. Baxter, Jeweler-Wbere to Buy. Simmons A Hollowell Co. Night shirr1 day. Business Locals. CHECK L09T Signed by W. T. DIi on, amount $33.88, on Farmers & Mer chants Bank of thts city. Finder please return check to me, as payment Is stop ped at banks. 8. G. Roberts. FRESH Taffy, at Mcdoriey's. HEADQUARTERS For Hot Drinks, Sandwiches and Oysters, raw, stewed and fried. J. B. Dawson, 103 Middle Street. P1A.NO For Sale or Rent. A new up right piano for sale or rent. Apply at Journal Office. SECOND HAND TYPEWRITERS, for sale, any make yon desire. Machines sold on 5 days trial If you want a Type writer it will pay you to get my. prices. 1 am also agent for the Oliver Type writer. J. L. HarUdeld, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. DRY Stove wood at Big Hill's. Jacobs' Raleigh Rye whiskey Is the best. Middle street. T.' HU8TLINU young man can make 60 pjr. mooth and expenses. Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Clark ft Co., 4tb and Locust its., PhtlaPa. For extra quality of Frankfort, go to the Oaks Meat Market. The finest lot of Turkeys and Chick ens go to Oaks Meat Market. Tine Florida Oranges, 80c perdoren at McHorley's. Celery Headache Powders, the beet remedy for headache. - On sale only at fyarls' Pbatmecy. - , Celery Headache Powders ere guaran teed to relieve headache la tea mlnnlee. Their sale Is steadily rnereealng. Made and sold only at Davie' Pharmacy. ChrUtsaesis ahead, but we are ahead of CarlsUas Ceil " ead see Us pretty telega already here, the iflvaees guard of Christmas ' provtslosM. Loo la. asouod Involves ad vbltfattpato pur- ebaeer, we ere glad to have your p res eat praUe, we will let. the future sake cere of Itself, eqaanev of aa.aowtla . ear store will prove k libera) edoeetloa lataeleieet Dates ef.Oe beautiful la art. We have the good la Oold-i BUret, ruled sa4 Plate, Watches ead cealae Is ell etrles aed pricee, ead i tweet f It le we are geiaf UeaU lass toed .at he;aeweetf peeeHe, BAiraaTaa Jawetasw . , v ;, WotlCfcff Uric. . All pereoes Vsvlsi elalsu agelattthe Fair aeeeelailo are raqeeeied to lie the eesaa with Ike rVcntary ae early as pea. eibiejf as It leaeoeeaerf that all aocoeat ehMld be kaewa before the saetls of the IWd of Directors., '. ,eoejaOasm, eWy, , lvat 0oW Bheea. Doeseetlce K rs,ete.,et J.J. aaater a, t - U)evlt rkemacy Me eoV egeay M -J aJ- Vicara. i j -.; . . '" , ; . Uriels Beef at lb Vtit Meet i bet, I - ' - ' " I . j j, i - ii -1 - 4 " ' Yse One 0V CM Cur? ' ai- -- mm 1 ( aw r GREET TEE COffiKG GUESTS. Worth Carolina Conference of Kethodlst Episcopal Church fleets Here This .. '-' Week. - ---i ' Hew Bern throws open it door to the North Carolina Cob fere ace of the M. E: Church, Booth, which meets in Centenary church .In this city next Wednesday anornlEg at 9:80 o'clock. It represents the eastern half of the State. When'thls bofly raet here In 1883, the the conference covered alt 'North Caro Unt except that west of the Blue Ridge and north of the Albemarle Bound. That was the last meeting , of the undivided conference except one. T x" - " - k Now the whole btate Is taken Into the twortwnfereaces, North Carolina and Western North Carolina. 'S The two have about eqUal territory and equal membership,, which aggre gates about 140,000 members. This does not Include minor bodies of Methodists in the State. -. The Conference la composed of about three hundred ministers and lay dele gates and members of various boards. There are nearly two hundred preach ers.' v.r";r. ;'' - ''-:, Bishop H. C. Morrison of Louisville, Ky is to preside," While here he will be the guest of Mr.' J.-A. Meadows. The Bishop has not been long in his present office, having been re-elected In Baltimore at the General Conference In 1398. It Is his first visit to the North Carolina Conference as bishop, but he is no stranger here. Before hiB election to the Bplsebpacy he was Missionary Sec retary of the- church, and was in this part of the church several times. It was largely ' through his efforts that the Board of Missions ' was relieved of a 1 Oebt of over f 100,000. He was alwajs in great demand as a preacher. When in the pastorate he served some of the leading churches of the connec tion, and has the reputation of being a preacher Of great power. BUt what concerns North Carotin i most la the rank and file of tho roibUlry. Many will be among U9 whose names are cew to people of New Bern men who have given the sirengtb.of their lives to the spreading of scriptural holiness over the land. They have had various ex periences and some have' done heroic service for the Church on meagre sup port. The men who will walk our streets' next week, are due the cordial welcome which they will receive. They have done valiant service everywhere when there were souls to save? This new coun try can never repay the debt it owes to tho Methodist Itinerant. We bid the Conference welcome and trust Us coming be a benediction to all our people. , Jin and about new bern. Ute Happenings DeallngJWlth Matters lOf Local Interest. The temperature made a low record for this season yesterday, registering SO degrees. The flag oa the Customs building was at half mast, out of respect for Senator K. Davis, whose funeral took place, yesterday. The following additional cases are re ported at the sessions of the Superior Court Manufacturing Co.. vs. Gray, judgment for Gray, Sullivan vs. Briggs judgment for plaintiff. Dr.f. 8. Long 'received a telegram from Klnston last night of the illness of lbs Rev. Mr. Griffith of that city, aod leaves oa the morning train to take his place In the services of the day. , The . Jnteraatloiial Correspondence fobools of Bcrau(on, Pa.Js gaining the good will of our, best citlteos through tbelr genial representative, Mr, Pettsy, Dr. Joe, Doguld his taieo a coarse la Electrotherapeutics, that Is electricity tpplied to diseases, which shall be the reellalsg la toe next ceatary. They ears seventy-four coarse In construc tion which maqy of oar most educated townsmen have lekta to study. DeWltrs Utile Early . Risers are dalaty Ittlle pi lie, bat ibty never fell to leeasa the liver, 'remove o bet radioes tad Invigorate the system. F. P. Duffy Cc . . i PERSONAL PAE AGR APHS. Prof. John O. Beasell warned le WO' tolngtoeeeUrdsssofnlBg, -4 . i Mr. P..M. rssrull -wear to Jotes toaaly yeeterdayoa boileeea. '' Mr. A. X. Buveae, reteraed y ester eay, froai a 1il at Bosthport , Ooi. I, W Blswdaie, of Raleigh wst la the etty reeterday. oa a profeseioetl tall.. . ' k t '', r 1 MraM abler ReUtgh, N. C. reteree borne ywtcr jay, tilar t visit with rela- tivee la Joeee caufiiy, J?;., Xlse Xssms nreevbtoni of WCmlag- lee, reureed boats yeirdy, alter a Visit MfSj n, W. JieWrte. - f Mr. Joel Klawy, wha ha m speed ing several wteks wllk her mother, Mrs, psaaetl, la rblladalpltla, rvterbed aoate . 1 , 11 "... ' ' . FOtiCC ' The atntilMy a(lBf of the Ftl eereWel fWwUtv Will be bald el IU m ef Y.'im MsiU ft TaraAtf erur eeoe Dbr tie at fctif r4 tlre o'clock. ,t v " H O Piveoi a, ', 1 fWraterfi . TE2 KARIETS. 7 v. The following quotation were receiv ed by J. X. Latham A Co, New Bern, N.a -. - - -.. 7. r-': ; Nw Tors; Dec 1 CoTTOHt , Open. High. Low. Close Jan.... ..... Mch t... May...... 9.70 9.83 (.76 9.78 9.9 ' 9.71 9.89 0.69 9X5 9.M 9.M 9.M Wheat:-- ;v Open. High. Low. Close May 781 7t 78J 78 Con. Gas 194 J : . 198 So. IrTy PM...., 7 J.t , , ' , 4 1 Fed.?..,.. ..... 49 49 Con. T.. v ' fig Leather 1 18 - - 13 A. 8. ft W,..- 48 ' 48 Cotton receipts were 87,000 bales at ell ports. ; Spots 5.19-82 Sales 6,000 bale. Fu tures open Jan-Feby. B.18-S7. Cloee 5.28. Mew Bus Cottra Matket, . Cotton la the local market sold at 8.60 to 9.9-10. ' BI Sales in Cotton. Fall River, Mass., Not. 80.-The sales In the print cloth market during the week amounted, to about 880,000 plot ail odds. No regulars were disposed of during that time. For the first time In months the sales for the week exceeded the regular production, a promising sign of the prosperous business conditions which are confidently expected by manufacturers. Manufacturers here say the manner in which printers and converters are talking has convinced them that there is a good trade in the South and West, and that the next three weeks will see a large Increase in the sales. Buyers w 1, by that time, be com palled to renew their stocks, which have of late been depleted by the converters, The Increase In- the price of cotton has given renewed strenth to the print cloth market and the production Is held on a basis of 8 cents for all makes. ' B ot I -Ill's (. hill Pills cure chills snd si malarial troubles. That la what they were made for. . Cure after other reme dies fall. No cure, no pay. Price 85 cents per bottle. Sold by Davis' Phar macy. Services Today. Regular services at the Tabernacle Baptist church this morning and even ing. Morning subject, ' "The Lean Prince." Evening subject: "Under Hen tence." Sunday School at 9.80 a m. F. G. Mitchell, Supt. Ton are Invited to worship at the Tabernacle. .Services today as usual at the First Biptlst Church, Morning theme: "Saved to the Uttermost." Evening theme: "Not Slack but Long Suffering." Sunday School at three o'clock la the afternoon, Strangers always cordially welcome.) Christian Science Church Services, Sunday 10.45 a. m., 7.80 p. m. Bible Lea- son Sermon todap. "Subject: "God, the Freserver of Man." Psalm 40:11. Testi mony service Wednesday 7.(0 p. Reading roim open dally. All are cor dially invited to attend. OAHTOniA, Baantk y IM Hw ISI MSJ OTT1 Mitt ef eYy 4UCAU A Lanxhable Farce. The three act comedy ot "Too-Rich to Marry" was ptayed at the opera boas last night. "Too Rich to Marry" Is mora than mereeomedy, It Is a moot enjoyable and laughable farce, which captures the aadleso as sooa as the cartels rise, and keeps It laoroegbly entertained aad amused until ths flaal drop of tela at the ed. That the play was well appreciated last atght, It was oaly asoseearr to tls- tsa to the ooaiinaoa laoghlet aad ap plause which greeted lb player as the eoeasdy. progreesed Ihroaib It three act. , - - . ladlvUaal meelloa It aaicsmery. tot lb satir cast performed admirably. Those who wr bo oal adeseda bight of good, aleea fua, aad lae opportaalty otoajoylagabeany teaga. ? Don't use say ef tho ooaaterfelu DeWltl's Wllck Hstel Salve. Most of them art wonhlees of Ueblo to eeae leiary. The ortgieal DeWttll WUch Basel Halve Is oeertela ear for pile, ocaema, eat, eoatda, barns, sore aad sklo disease t. 8. Deffy Co, JX':- WBERBT0 BUT..... Th sUaseotM Itor of Baiter Tat - ' Jmkr. larJsfaetJoa Cara- To aay sorer, end especially t the aolldtr bever. the el ore of Baiter the Jeweler, Is the Usga ButMlsg, 00 Middle strese will be foead aeseany ellrexlve at thl seeeoa ef the yrer. Mr. BUf la kls aew etore has ne. stsatly s4il te hla slock ef gold, stlrsr aad pttiwl war ge. eH his llaee walcrt, hrarcWu, lrllg stiver aad tu4 ware are eor!le, la the l.inl aad a-. "l entitle oWgnt, lasl VCo to lbe !!, the rtn(, ':n, tiH fcfllUna, )rniml lh jkio nt'i ef p in Utrf, rr'jUJnf b-'n( a iM trr tfti ol ll )"! wnrk rr.r,i,'; a OpU'l giwt, is a'.'o a ' ; arl'-?. r l h f-.'.) gir: to .', i t ' 1 "'.. s 1 N i ' -1 r. I. list of Letters Remaining In the Post Office at New Bern, Craven county, N. C Nov. t 1900: '..-: - - . -T v.- nan's last. r . ' . C Enoch CrawTord, B. B. Collins. I James Earl, J. J. Edwards. ! " -f W.J. French. - ' OZ.O. Gainer. . t H Ed Harvey, W. G. Hamilton. Lob Hardy, care of Moses Parsons. - J Hardy Jones. . " M-J, M. Morchlsoa. R-B.Bose.' ' , , , 8 Charlie Btaten, Thomas Sheave. bweltser and Greenland, Henry Smith.- -" ' - -- T-Claudlus Thomas. " W Alfred Wiggins, L. L. Whitfield, . WhIUock, Cicero Wiggins. T Randolph Yelverton. - ,.-;,',;;'-":woittn,i wst. A Olive Ashtdn. ., C Mary A. Cos, Cora Condon. D Caroline Davis. B-8immer Edwards. F Sarah E Fonvllle, care otT. H. Hyman. , G Susan Green.' H Laura Hawkins. Mary Hawkins, Kate Harper, Ellen Hill, Alice Hoi-1 ton. 8. Lettuce Jordan, Mary Jones. M Henrietta Manors, Nannie B. Moore, Julia Martin. N Lorena Nixon. O-Norah Odem. - P Frances Parsons, Julia A Pate, J. . Phillips. 8-Norah Stanley, Mary E. Sprulll, Maud Smith. T A. R. Thompson, Annie C. Tabler, Jessie Townson. W William West, Blanche West. Y Matilda Yelfort. Persons calling for the above letters will please say advertised and give date of list. Thesregulatlohs now require that one (1, cent shall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. 8. W. Hascock, V. M. Tne Book Party. The Book Parly, given by The King's Daughters, at their rooms on Craven street, Frldsy night, proved an enjoya ble affair. The ladles appeared, each dressed to represent some book, and guesses were made as to the books represented. Miss Lulls Ives was given the prize for the best representation, "Ladle." and Miss Bessye Patterson secured the guesting prize, naming the greatest number of books, as represented by the ladles. Refreshments were served, and a good sum realized from the party. etfoat - Will mi 'k ai it b nt tt n mm mmwimm The,y are proper In Out,' Finish and Price EACH ot them o o 0 o 0 o o On Txhlbitlon in our window, but you could not buy cno lor any price. They aro lor TUESDAY'S DALE. . t- esaajB Booonifflenda Po-rn-na Tor Catarrh, Boo.lt.H.MoOonl. Hon. Myron H. MoCord, Ex-Governor of New Mexico, in a letter to Dr. Hart- man, from Washington, D. C, says : Deer BiiwAt the suggestion of a friend I was advised to use Pe-rn-na for catarrh, and after using one bottle I began to feel better In every way. It helped me In many respeota. I was troubled with oolda, oooghs, sore throat, etc, but as sooa as I had taken your medicine I began to Improve and soon got well. I sake pleasure In recommending your great remedy to all who are afflicted With eatarrhnrM. B. MoCord. The spring presents a much more favorable opportunity for the perma nent cure ot ohronio catarrh, especially old, stubborn caaea. Now la the time to begin treatment. Insist upon having Pe-ro-na. There are no successful sub stitutes for this remedy. Send to Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio, for a free ca tarrh book. T. K. TaUey & Co. COMMISSION -DEALERS IN- TKHRAPiN AND FKlBH FISH. LilS Watrr SI., Italtlmnre, 51 d. Hefe-nce: Furiwis' & Mrv:hanU' National Bank; ( 0 itim- Ul Nuioia Hank. When tho iWfnr do'-M' thnt n woman it.ii.t ro SWK.T for h'-r -l)r iliilil.-1 d!lilr rr,-n?.'r. ni:,l ri:i-. nflt r ftr-si. I inkirs In Hft it-ily - A l.-l.i.-..ri Cl il.e S iiiPUCTin LIMUntllli KERYIME Eatnt .QaTcklr. PermBenltr Rastand. Iit VKiMIT, HOTTOIII Mimr. ImoiSnlK, TOlIn, llniorr, i: Wsatlng illwM aoe all VTMttijM iwtaHIni tmm rl7 rr uim i:1iih, (I sw an. e ftr SS, MallH M aeiaesrau M rap! u s'io 10 UuM MOWIn Oo IU. ni. M.UUL. A be We want YOU to know that when WE NAME A PRICE that it means some thing. We have, secured A LOT OF THE it mm FAULTLESS IIIGOT ROBES. '1 Dress Goods NEW-ARRIVALS! A.T 60c YARD All wool Venetians, 36 inches wide, in 1 lue, Castor, Garnet and Grey, a beautiful cloth for tailor made suiU and very mach under price. JLT 98c YARD 64 inch Ladies Cloth, an All Wool Cloth and worth $1.25 yard. A.T $1.50 YARD Novelties in Black Skirt Patterne,very rich and in exclusive designs SPECIAL NOTICE ! The Silk Velour Slid other Dress Trimmings that have been so long delayed in coming have at last arrived. G. cA. BARFOOT, 43 Pollock Street. urn We do more than Clothe Boys, we Dress ihem. Those of you who know the Boys' Clothing Section, know the Neatnesa, the Natinoss of the Boy3 Suits ws so)I. And never beloro were- wo so well prepared to clothe tho little man in manner to hi3 liking:. A word about the Prices, from $2.50 to in two and three piece Suits. 'SMITH'S 99 Middle Street, Opp. Baptist Church. A Well Selected Stock J OF WESTERN HORSES Y: AND MULES ... 6 Now In our Ntttble mid mnr in ;ir'iv. i beiKlit T our ninny f N yarH -xmtI'iw,' in -nti . ' .: .. Ik.'. . " ;mm We also hare a large lot of rnsVe prioea right Splradld opportunity for Farmers to buy Good, rVrtiroulilo Animals, an 1 at price to suit boyrrs. , M. HAHN & SON, : Middle HI. NUblm, SEW BKRIf. N. PHONE US When you want your stoTe put up - and fitted for the Wintor. Wehave, the outfit and YOU WON'T HAVE TO WAIT, rromlaes Fuifllled Promptly. ' ' -r : . A WVU MJIK OF . - Heaters, Coal and Cook Stoves, Our Carbon Xo. 50 l'xrel. fall iLlirrH. Firo Boards Vithout Joints FUtod. Btovo Boards Any Clzo you want. ' GIVE US YOUR ORDERS. ctals. $6 Our riitroii rt-ap Use BUOOIES AND HARNESS. Will ope j 9 :0 CURB YOUR lll;Al)ACIiB With CArUDI f lias U-nni It t 1 "' ' t kf it r 'r U rfMff 1 ,'. if Ilairdwnrc Co, r n - n r 1 ! T, : . f t T i r v i e r, ? c.