ffs W V V W syWMJS ? A " - j.. '..-v. ' i- VOL.- XYIII-KO. 316. MW BIfiN, N. C.j 8ATGRDAY MOMINOT DICEMBER !8t Mpt NINETEENTH TEAK 0 V. 4 '3E3E O V r or Correct Dressers, w JTITE FISHERY. Satisfaction Over Its Establishment On All Sides. Peopui who count proper Shoes necessary to correct dress will be de- -lighted with this Season's line of Ladle?, Misses and Children's Footwear - are some of my prices. Teg, store fnll of prlies in shoes. For nobby JK Footwear this is the store. , ' W We also call attention to our Stock of Dress Goods, and In Silks W ' and velvets, we hare the newest shades and materials. Our Trimmings At line in In Appleques, Jeta and Gilt Braids is up-to-date, with Buttons W to match. Two loTely things in Ladies Linen Lawn Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs for SOo and 7Sc. rty Choice Selection of Colgate's Eitracts and toilet Waters. For Pillows and Draperies sever Handsome Patterns In Silkaline. JK Hosiery In all Grades, but a Special 25o line. W We are nrentred to suit the moat fantMlnna .In nnr Tahlo nn.t sM ?n1 T0!, Department; so without delay come and judge for yourselves il't for WB are (HinfMant that "nil fruvta will onftalr tnr KnmaAlna ' Wr T w for we are confident that our goods will speak for themselves. ' Sincerely, E. B. HACKBURN, 47 49 Pollock Street. We have removed to our TeTxr Bxic3r Store, Cor. Broad efc Hancock Sis., Where we will be glad to welcome all oor old and new patrons. Our strict attention to business In the past is sufficient guarantee to the trade that we are always looking out for the Best Intere our Custome s. Our Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries Is Complete. - eWLarge Stables and J-heds in Lack lot for the accom. modation of our Country Friends, FREE. Tours for Busluess, j. "PARKER Jr. This is for YOU 1 Uaboo your Stalloeery, Cards, eta, are gotiea ap la aa an 1st to Meaner and wall printed, it repels rather lhaa attract. Fine Job Printing Costs no more thaa poor work. Ws do Jmtt aa cheaply - aa ike priataw wka 108818111 ae apeelal skill at taste and who kuwUs ht to tarilaf oet a food job. Try aa. xvm T. MIL, I . ' ..... BJeralee, Gaaa, Aaaaalttca, Greek , ; opbowea, Job . Prtatlaf, Ra.ber 1 8iaaapa ' " HK Kiddle rBrm,K.C Jalius M Arnold, '. rirery, Teed Rale & Xlxrliane n(afl, XIorm A Zlulea, Borta, Wafnla,! Bavaaat, J Whip a4 Kn. ; '.'. ' ' ITMart vhelt apeoUlly. , - Braa4 rK, If ItlX. R. C. r. Tnr.mviTir, D. F. JAR VIS, 63' POLLOCK STREET. Shoes Ufa: 4 ' " trV a. acaawjaasBwawm Ml;'- . wtaps VMs4l, noiuokeeptt' C tmm$i farpcU and I'attinj. ' ; .' Ul Blj ir and olon in Drrii OooJ and fr Trunrotogi. D. F.JARVIS. Sltnatton in South Africa From American " : standpoinL : ? LosK, Dec. 4. James G. Stowe, Trial ForSwiadling Through Mails. State Hoard Beport Matter of Sale White Oak Swamp - Unda. , Will Tote For Boada. Special to Journal: . - - Ralbiok, Deo. 7. Much aatlsfaolion is expressed at the decision of the State Board of Agriculture to establish a flsh hatchery at Avoca. The United States baa had a hatchery across the river from that place, and it has not proved a suc cess, but the Bute will have better for tune. A number of years ago Its hatchery there was very successful. In the federal court here today the trial of J. L. Tork of Fayettevllle began the charge being using the malls tor a swindling scheme. Adjutant General Royster (a here. He says the report of the First Regiment of the State Guard, which at present has only 10 companies, shows 466 officers and enlisted men. The State board of education has made sale of the White Oak Swamp lands, in Onslow and Jones counties, for $36,000 There are alleged to be 124,000 acres, but It Is said there are really only 110,000. The lands are claimed by C. S. Vedder of Charleston S. V under a grant of 1795. The State claims them,' uader deeds made by sheriff In 1709 and 1600, to gov ernors William R. Davie and Benjamin William i, for non-payment of taxes. It Is said that a man In 1705 made entry of all the swamp lands In Jones and Onslow and sold them to the man for whom Vedder claims title for $100,000. K. S. Finch got an option of the lands recently but sold it for $178. As the lands are In dispute the State agrees to sell to a trustee, getting, as stated, $26,000, ol which $1500 Is in cash. Then Veddor can sell his interest to the same trustee for whatever he can get. It Is the pur pose to get the timber from the lands, which are useless for any other pur pose. The Board of Agriculture decld ed to submit to the legislature a provision for the fixing of a standard for fertilizers. The matter will go before the legislature In January. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction says he Is confident the rati fication of the franchise amendment will result In a notable stimulation of public education. It is certain, that more money will be given to the public North Car olina, more populous than Virginia, Eirea only half as much to the common schools. The aggregate capital of the .wood working establishments chartered by this Staie-lhts year Is $975,000. The Supreme Court will next week take up the last of lha appeal dockets, that of the 12tu district. It will proba bly end the fall term about Dae. 22. There Is no doubt that Raleigh will vote next year for another $100,000 bond issue for street Improvements. ' The macadamising of streets hat been push ed rapidly this year. Vssl quantities of stone hare been taken from ths city' gran lie quarry and crashed or out. the United Stales Consul General at Cape Town, landed at Southampton to day, wearing the Identical coat which he wore when the Boers attacked his train while he was on his way to F-Bennle Fiancls. M. V . ichmi. uu .wui uimiuu. o. uuuei Henry Ftword. note in me couar 01 nis coat tesiinea to the narrowness of his escape. Mr, Stowe is taking "a long-delayed leave of absence, and will sail for the United Statea on Dec. 15 on the St. Louis. -He said: "I give the war in South Africa four months to come to an end. In my opin ion, it is bound to be snuffed ont during that period. I do not believe Lord Kitchener will do much more than any other General. The present plan of the British campaign Is bound to bring about results. Moreover, there are 16,000 Boer'prlsoners in Ceylon, St. Helena, and Cape Town, all of whom are anxious to have an end of hostilities. Shortly before I left there Christian Botha, a Cousin of Louis Botha, got up a pettlon among his fellow-prisoners at Cape Town urging .the Commandant General to make peace. A majority signed the petition, which undoubtedly represented the aggregate opinion of the Boer prisoners. All this talk about burning farms Is buncombe. The only farms destroyed are those from which shots are fired at the British or those which are being obviously used to shelter the Boers." Mr. Stowe commenced to relate several Instances where the British bad good excuse for burning farms, but refrained He said he did not believe the rumors of sedition In Cape Colony would result to much. "I have friends among the Boers as well as the British. I have been strictly neutral throughout, and I tlj not believe that the colonists have any intention of cutting their own tbioats. Splendid commercial opportunities are belli opened up In South Africa, of which the United States is only just beginning to take advantage. As soon as the fight Ing Is over South Africa will be ono of the best markets in the world, a market where the British themselves admit that we are already outstripping them." Ds Witt's Little Early Misers are dainty little pllla, hat they never fall to cleans the liver, remove obstructions and Invigorate tba system. F. 8. Duffy 4 Co. TUB MARIETS. The following quotations wore reeeir ad by J. E. Latham A Co, New Bern, Maw Tons, Deo. T Conor.-. . Opoa, High. Low. Close 3mm.:..'...:.. $.71 7 M 1.40 Mca... MI Ml ,9M $.90 Mar I.M I.M Ml. Ml , Aag. W .M III til tm,,., ... ... M0 : . I60 WutkT Opee. Blgh. Low. Close May.......... 7 7 W loa. Ue. ..... 190 ' ?T 80, VsfM.U.. 17$ .V'' " fwLl ... .... 4t ; r .s V'P. ...... .M Leather . . '., lit ' A. Aft W 41 Cotton reoalpU ware lQOd dIm at all porta. ' Recafpta eottoa for weak war tM.000 nalat, teas weak last year H0OQ belts. .'J 188 1 Msaaftrf af faiilaa, Wsfaaa. (arts, A, It rtrlei teaa ea,ktrt Jfattrf i frmt lnr rt'mn sr. 4 ii.rt Vf7,f ., moy h rn ti"H tUa with Ttrntitl f'nl ittiil , ; t o-ri ir Ullf(Ht Ntftli ' r . ftpota e. II Bale 7.000 tlee.' f. tart Pe&-Jaey. I H. jM-feby. I ll : n C a Mrbt.' . Cotton la tba local saarket anld at to 1.57. CONSUL STOWE'S VIEWS. ; .' jV List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at New Bern, Craved county, ST. C. Pec 8. " 1600: HXN'a LIST, B--Frank Byrd. " C-Capt. 8 G Clark. Capt. E. G. Evans, Schr. Dorches ter. ' : ' Fitzpalrlck, Don't use any of the counterfeits ol DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Mott or them are worthless or liable to cause Injury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sale Is a certain cure for plies eczema, cuts, scalds, burns, sores and kin diseases F. 8. Duffy ft Co. Tbe Tiber Does Damage. Rons, Dec 5. in consequence of the rise of the river Tiber, the quay Angullla a. SOO yards long, which had been undermined,' slid into the river to- day. The damage done is estimated at wo million lire ($896,000). Ilelp Is needed at once when a person's life Is In danger. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious and should Us stopped at. once. One Minute Cough Core quickly care coughs and colds anj the woratcaaee of croup, bmn chilis, grippe and other throat aad long trochlea. F. S, Duffy ft Co, . G-W H Qibbs, Leonard B. Grund- ler. 'H-Jerry Hackney, Willie Herbert, Berttle B.U1, Frank P Hunter, J H Hug- gins, William H. Jacksou. K Frank Kennedy. L C C Lawson, M. B, O. Leary, dl. M James F Mack Gentry Dog and Pony show, Eph Moore, Capt A Moyer barge Burks. Mc J C McConnack, Gentry Poney show. N Gralz Norket, Capt. Thomas Nixon. O Oliver Dramatic Co. 1' James Pattls. R A. E. Raakin Bank examiner, R. L. Ray, J. Randall, Ed word Richard son. S C H Sawyer barge "E. E." 2; Charlie Staten, E. P. Selden, Willie D Smith 2. T Harry Taylor. W Jas E Warren, W A Henry War ren, E F Wiggins, M C Williams, Maj. W A Williams. Y Capt Chas York, Schr. J. A. Hall. WOMEN'S list. A Love Aslin. B Hattie lirlnson. D Susan Duncan. G Hazel! Gray am. J Alice .Tnelin. M Susie Moore. Mc Mrs. Mdlveen. P-Mllly Pate. R-H J Roberts. S Mahalio Slade, Carrie Shaw, Frank Smith, Cath Smith, Minnie Smith, James B Smith. W Lizzie Wetherington, Gladys Web sler, Margaret Williams, Jane Williams. Persons calling for the above letters will please say advertised and give date of list. The.regutations now require that one (1 cent shall be collected on the delivery . of each advertised letter. 8. W. Hancock, P. M. Cily Tax Notice. Your City Tax Is long due, please call and pay up, tho city needs the money. I will take for City Tax, City vouch ers issuea oj present administration or pay your lazes and your vouchers will be cashed, the tax must and will be col lected. J. J. TOLSON, i City Tax Collector Burflar Cautbt Napping, , MAsarxqua, L. I. Dc.9-Tirrd by the labor of ransack log a house and select ing what ha wiener) to taka awav, a bar fler sought the best bed la it early this morning and lay down to sleep. Be was dreaming-contentedly whoa awak- oed by thoatuxxWof a revolver being Jabbed ag alaet bis aoee.' The man be hind the ana la thla east was a minister. The ialrader snrrtDderad, aa taere were two sat a iMblnd the soaa behind the gna. : ' Tho house had Wa thoroogbly raa sacked. Thlots were turned topsy tarvy and clotkleg and other articles wrre aoatiared la all directions. ' A satchel of aflvarwaro and other valua bles stood wear lha had and there was a buadle of clothing lUd np ready to be carrM off." -' -, ':, Wkts yei need a enotalag eod Veal log aatlaepiie sppllcsUoa for aay per pose, ttee the orlglaal DeWlit'e Witch Uaset Reive, a well kaowa care for pile aad ekla dlseaasa. It heal 'soree with- oat reeving a acer. IWware of eoeatar-1 flu. Fd, Duffy ft Co. Th One Day Cold Our. Celery Headache Powers, Ue Wat reiasdy for headache. Oa aale only DaiU' i'baiaiary. City License Tax. Uitv CninTXR: Beo. 46. That any person wbn shall carry on or exercise trade, profession or use any franchise tared according to law by the Board of Aldermen without first obtaining license for the same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction fined not more than fifty dollars or imprison ed thirty days. rjr yon are doing any boalneae aa pre soil bed above too are liable to the penalty. J. i. Toieon, . ( City Tax Collector. 1 Bargains in Xmas Goods. Bllver Moveltiee at Do each eoa si st ing of Bhoe-hooka, Bhee-aoraa, Carlere, LTwecnri Braaere, Seals, Letter Open era. Dtraera, Bell, Combe, ASe. - A full luieo? Bamjile ILJr Brathee Tooth . Brnshee, Flesh . Bmahee aad Lather Drathee at oeet pr'tcee. . . Opsi)oe decorated ware, Cacdle 8tlcka Fin Tisjs, Puff Boiea, Vane, Rnee Jars eU , from 10o to tit. , flllvif Uwoaled Toiiat rVis, Mdtiery Bnnhca, -very haadaocte Cat plan Botllee of KatrecU, aad Tlt Waters, Aatiaeilsere Soap Dosea, tto!, at low pilore. ripe froa e to $1.50 rack. Pu race. Card elo. , ' . M. Dair A Co. NICE LOT Jamaica Orangres Large, Juicy and Sweet Just Beceived ONLY 30c PER DOZEN At ' J L McDantel's 71 Broad Sr. Also New Barrel Fulton Market Corned Peef and Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams. J. L MAIL Wholesale efc Retail krocer, 'Phone 91. 71 IlrH Nt. J. A. JONES, II ROAD STREET, STEWART'S OLD STAND, Lilvery, Feed, 0T A T Ttf Sale and A I Kl M Exchange . . Wa A eft SAA ArndK t Largest and Finest Stock of HOESES azxd. 1TJLES Ever Fouud in New Hern. Also a Complete Line of Buggies, Wagons Harness, Robes, Whips, Cart Whirls, Etc. ' J. A. J ON EN, Broad fUroet, Stewart's Old Stand. fa fc Ties ! Just Beceived last night Our Christmas Neckwear. The Nob biest line we have ever had. at prices which cannot be equaled. Hat Whig Hntterfly Hand Row Ntfing Tien Putt Imperial Four-ln-IIand lufl The shapes in all are NEW and your in spection is invited. J.G.DUNN&CO., ' Tne Up-to-date Fornlohentv ' ' Vt POLLOCK 8TUET. VaV 25c 50c ma ttitwfsn Hotel Haielton " VAX L. JACOBS, rroprUtor.' ,' tWTSmlj stqalpped eod. remlahed Throcthosjt. ' rirMlaaa Takl-s Bawai It 00 par day. ' Battel ratee by the erk or etoeta. " riWdleSC. Now Beret. H, C Property. Fr Hale. I have erveral deetrahte fUetdeeeO far sale, tlieaud la the beet rrcldeece part of the City. Alee aaasber of good baOdieg iota la food lorllllf. i. j..woLnbEt: Chlcigo et the Advlees lo J. E. Lathan ft Co; . . Ktw Toik, tW 1. Xsrkrt lonka hivy. L" loUrMt latf. Seatutsl la sapport. lirlh s. llmyt laTr.ailn j. sipwt hfy II'i'iMa- 0l M'kt Hob, (Jot.rnm. il tor..a rJ be vary bn'llttr to p.nt sh.rp tU0. !l IlIIH I !ll'HL O.ss Mrat Mar- for tn ir-.ti J ..ill' f y at Ike Y .f fti-a Eisy Riding Qualities HEADQUARTERS ..,FOR TOT All tie Latest and Newest Toys for Cliildrea. Oor retook is open for inapro tioo and porobaee and now ie the time to make eel actions for Holiday (VearnU for tbe hildrvn. w- ,Tf Lara tba Toya all and eee oor atook. KK Talty &.C6., o . ' 1 y I t I .f ft;l f ri n to fiuitY i im'.tr mHTio ,, r - r A t -i'iy ny I . wi:i Vt" A mm Cr, f 1 ( II v ee fead la j Ml fit a sTLm 1 Tbe 11 Z ... i . e rt.le M ttj e U oa re It I kilt . koe 'e ran fur. Us r ti.a el r'li-f or f-t ".r tif 4v !! S!'l. .!. ' : neifsaa na . V TiRsim aid nm run, ftl Hater l, lalUaiera, leV He'evee! fat r ft V'Wte Kstnl i ai Cm lMii4 " If ire si r r IX. V 1 W foes, CarM Sb4 t 1 f f lnjs r I ! Y , 1 '! Mr.l -r sr. 1 I '

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