nzr-iizz:- 1 .. :::: Vegetable Preparationfar As similating foeFoodandBetfula ting the S tDinacte wABam of Promotes DigestionJCheerfuf nessandRestCoAtains neither Opiumforplune norMineral, Not Narcotic. A perfect Remedy forConsdpa Ron, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverlatv ness and Loss or SLEEP. i Fax Simile Signature of ,: ' NEW YORK. - 3J EXACT COPT OP WRAMCa A LITTLE DOES MUCH. Boon, Iowa, Dm. 14. No tongne era tell what 1 have endured - rathspait ten years wtlh my monthly sick ness. White angering - untold hgony, n friend called sad reoommeeded wins of 'vOardul. I cent fore bottle, and Ohl whst . relief. - After (he ftmt does I bess to feel v better and have had qo pain since. MBS. GBAC" LAMMIBBB. Win of Cirdtri not only cures but it set AT ONCE, flerebacatt of ten years' standing, and yet one sirrf Ie dose made the sufferer feel better, . and stopped the pain. Tb Wine goes straight to the seat of the trouble. It acts directly upon the menstruaTand genital organs. Its action is not : violent, and it does not force a result. It simply gives Nature that little : assistance that tbe sinTerer's'system lacks. A single disorder in the feminine organs spreads many disorders all over the body, and when the Wine cures the source, all the other ills vanish as a matter of course. A woman can be her own physician and cure herself at home. Local ex aminations are largely thbrgs of the untr anisNi hmitshit. nn, edrtrvM, stvtng evmiHone IWIIII VH.. CI Druggists sell Large Bottles for $1.00.. WITT AfllB CAROLINA DISPATCH . " - -AND- HE miGHT t fASSESQIt. Far All PoiaU oriLu - The Bte&mfir NRTTRT5 , will ! on Uoadavi, WiAnmHajn, uq ma ati msb. ihart). lot Undioci At OrUoteU. and ok ilkQd. . - , . -4 i ... f WAGS, HEAD. The Str. Newberne ComaMMiug July lac,' will leave; V ocloek oooa oa Tuesday a sad Tri ta tnaklag laallfl a OrtaaUL Sj ao Ulaod aad Xag Bad, : 19 Ftalght rolTT ixh laUr Jhao on honr prtvlow ta taWlinc. For farther faforesAlioB cpplj U . uoui iiAnaaurCV'Vi agi. ae ar nf.-:'rfi.- a. av. uen. jifT.. ; . v , , H-C Uorii,0&FrVarA.AH Do von WUk to LitY)loaU tM Beits, Cexk RoedMft, Anil ? , ';- aiquld .; -- Creotcum.. f reoUwint Vs al) a MvM Wsleedkold ren.iy foe many etur4e aUavnta. As (i l'.f-uet H la e.i(vU ! rbr4 lr r ,, ie rihf potooexme) nor eocvo- tve n baa ptreaaal bee It I ful ardor. MolaTr.-nul e - i AMM A i vi . . , ". Tkt.HH twlr ww mw ,'VVff,. Ale JMh; PrevenUUvw and nia eiita. ... femphnraird t nkIiB. tAvand MiikallK. ' Hrrt!,.;;!. u cwj -M4 -tst Henry's Piitrni'cy, 127 1"!"; Street t Old Dominion Steaniship Ck). y " i ' -' ei ' i : I OuJ Li U, Tor Infants and Children. ' lb Kind You Have Always Boaght ; Bears; the; Signature For Over Thirty Years Au iF In J Use r mm rciiuiird 3 past the obnoxious custom Is no longer necessary, wrneot isrout , is the only perfectly safe and surt vegetable Wine made to-day for . the cure of female troubles . i T mfrj Aum J aa T 1 eH A J I riNANCTAL. T. A. Brssw. free. . t. Msadnns, T. Pics. 4 -v. . at M. Oreeee, Cnehlee. CITIZENS' BANK. cxr asnarw- mmxusr, nr. c. Dofng OetvernJ Banking Builoett february It, 1900, trurpln and TJndivi- j, ded ProBu, 111,185.7(1. Prosnp and earvfal alien lice a-trerj to til baalness) entrasted to us. Aocoanu reoeived oa favorable let ma. fsrdtnaad ThrnsB ft. B. Meadows. I. A. Urn HMUkrwa. una. I DaOv. Jr. telW. Inoek. Jnse niaaeeJj ' Ghaa. t.rnhe), J. W. Ornlnawr, nrnr nana, Tbooiee e.. braes, K. W.SmaJIwiMa. . . ror. Oaw.ll.Ivea. r.r.Qroekati . Hark Dioar. f. mmwk eeaen a bw' -. enjt fsasitai ai avw. Capital lUck,.... ; H,000 narpltt,........';.. ....... , 11,000 Undivided rrttA,......f '."MOO DplU.... tll,0Oe) . - ornoEm tV H. OrTLB iPfmUdwot ' . W. It. ) mc. Vine Ft, '. ,. v T. W. liwsT, Oeetle. , --'' J, W. BiOolo, Aee t Caefcl. , Mum Baovata lUgu, Tel', s . OIAECTOBSf - , Wat. B. Blade, M af.Varha,! J. D. tra4Bav .. P. at. FatMier. - . a.. U t- taauar, no. nwuv, W. sVCfcadwWk, ' J. W.Meweft, ' T. W, Dewey, i It oltsrU In Meavcbanla, SMnnfeetMr a sad other lianas promptly at apegiaJ rata) ewh, snd make rjalrken rev tawws ptamtiiu. ny its nueruiiy am . levpfWtlng pvwlaeen snethorle, H is lorgtng to Le fwrnt of AAet t'ntoima's Banking InwUiaUoejs I lu own my, It la the nmj eeve whtrh 4no4 pay lelrrwet m iumaa. rr)rr.itAu . it. aimmaan. P. Wsfl J. II. Tea. W. Tea. 51M.T0NS. POO WACD, i ATTOKXCTX a rot KrtX)B at MW. atiia, ia, e (! eVI trt, Frt firwt, vvnarty TP it H t ,.',. f-w a'o at l.a f'rb a-4 Pmi-.' I If 1 H, THE IRISH JAUNTING CAR. . It Is Dtssrisel OS the Jelltnet Com. rssM la the talverae. A long lis X vehicles, outside eon and cabs, (oino of them tattered sd shaky, ethers sufficiently veil looking, was gathering on two sides of the green, says Kate Douglas Wiggia In The At lantic. , Dublin, yoa know,- la the car drivlngest city ia the world."? Franceaca and I bad our first experience yesterday. It ia easy to tall the stranger, son, deco rous, terrified, clutching the rail with one or both hands, but we took tor oarwod 1 a pretty Irish girt; who. looked like nothing so macs as bird pa a swaying It ia no longer called, the "Jaunting," bat the outside car,-and there 4a another charming word lost to tne worm, lucre was formerly an inside car, too. bat it ia almost unknown In Dublin unbugh still found in some of the smaller towns. An. outside car baa its wheels practically in side the body of the vehicle, but an inside car carries its wheel outside. This defini tion was given us by an Irish driver, but lucid definition ie not perhaps an Irish, man's strong point, - ; v" v. 'i f " it ia clearer to ear that' the passenger ait outside of the wheels on the one, In side on the other. There are seats .for two person over each of the two wheels and a "dickey" for the driver in front, should, he need to use It, Ordinarily he alts on one side, driving, while yon perch, on the ether, and thus yon Jog along, each seeing your own aide of the) road and discussing the topics of the day across the "well, as the covered tn cen ter of the car is called. There are those who do not agree with Ha champions who call it "Cupid's own conveyance." They find the seat too small for two and yet feci it a bit unsociable -when the company lon occuoiea the opposite aid-' To me a modern Dublin car with rub ber tires and a good Irish horse is the Jolllest conveyance in the universe. There are a liveliness, an Irresponsible gayety tn the spring and away of it, an ease in the half lounging position against the cuan- ions, a unique charm in "traveling edge ways with your feet planted on the step. You must not be afraid of a car if you want to enjoy it Hold the rail If yoa must, at first, though If just aa bad form as clinging to your horse's mane while riding oo the row. Soar driver will take all the chances that a crowded thorough fare gives him. He would scorn to leave more than an inch between your feet and a Quinnsss' beer dray; he will ahake your flounces and furbelows in the very win dows of the passing trams, but he is be loved by the gods, and nothing ever ha pens to him. A STORY IN SECTIONS. Dnmoastratlmc What m Hot n Cm Do With rrmHrul a. 'Some five rears ago." said Blaek, "I was aboard a river steamer oa the Bio Grande. Among other freight exposed to the sun waa a crate of eggs.-' About noon the purser, passing the esate, heard a peculiar sound.' He pulled off a board to investigate, when eat happed an army of chicks. They sported over, the deck like penguins on an Icefield. - The sun bad been the Incubator, sir.' Blue leisurely removed tbe ashes from his pipe and said; 'Did you see me, Mr. Black r 'No, sir! Were you aboard V 'I was, and I saw you when you went ashore." 'Well, what became of tbe chickens. Mr. Bluer "They flourished, sir lust sprang up in the Tsxss son like mushrooms la a damp cellar. Never saw anything like It air.' You could stand therb and almost sac them grow. It isn't exaggerating to aay that w had chicken on the tabls the see- oad day ant When I got off at a lower landing, on of the young cocks crowed a parting aalate. Brown, who bad been silently picking bis nails with a toothpick, now spoke. "Mr. Blue, do you remember seeing me on tbe main deck when you got on r "No, air; were yoa there r -I waa. air." "Well. I suppose yea eaa take op the thread of those remarkable fowler' "I can. '- Yoa say one of the eocka cm wed a salute aa yea went Well, sir. that waa yaet the aegloamg. Before sundown e'er oek hi the let was crowing is concert. By 10 o'clock the sext morning the pullets were laying eggs among the anchor chains. The orig inal eggs had been consigned to the last landing. The peiiete kept en laying stotfl this landing was la eight. Teea the gr er bad the fresh egg gathered ap aad pat in the crate. Tbe hoard waa re placed, aad yoa couldn't tell that the crate had bee tampered Wits. Oa ton dred and two fowls, dedoetkif the U that lad gone to tbe taMe: me done fresh erg over. Qalt proSUble, eh, Mr. Blue! More the Batgiaa ha res. "Chicago New. :, ', ...t. ' arvewtiw. A Dttle gtrl tad bee seat went far walk out oa Ualoa etreec the other day. it ta other day, sussa aad a I hay walked the aklrt so Ik sharp edge aad tor off several Inches nf kvee. -SS2S haee Aa teat H off fo eWr a net neend H gd(ttaf Httle gtrl dropped Aad for aevwral mlnotea thwre waa a oasd of tearing goods"- really sawst) man rearing I ha a was nary te tissue ptee ef as eel aM lack wide. "Haven't ye Isished yetT leally ank ed (he sunt. "1." aald the tlltU girt, rUlag weart ty. I was uklag al tkhj e I wanted weark for asy toll's skirt while I era el M, aad lha. little bit to here weaOda't wn."-MesspsJe Masttar. "I ahsell think rewf aaetW ereajld pntilah yea for that, said the mgbber'B little gtrl te the em wb had dlesbeyed. 1lhe) ran I. wn the aanUt reprr. Tve b tk. bed Tai an wetl eMaib U be spanked yet, and elte eas'l keee :i bl the) aewee, true nee the orwir ee have tree) sr aad wierrtmv 1st kavtag bvJIy Uaa'liafi "Tea, ll't tree." hMMt4 (V4Ma4 Brsr. 1 Tn hmm ta waaaaeeable mii tad yet 1 nwver ret mf Wm4 " "And I e ke m bna-ares of Inefn." tf-lo tbe swaer nHrt. "snd bever loot toy haert." i'biladrJpbl I'reea. V ! r re pwev , ne4 se b ag art ee when tbe fwl ertl a eewmlll Mtr v- ,M lf te fvwvl fertvry ef 11 l't e-f rt4e'-'n e.rer it wae e f -e v,f e . , , ; i g aewd !.r,.tM f. f't ,Si,fre Rheamatic pains are the cries of protest and distress irum tortured muscles, aching foists and excited nervcav . The blood bag. been poisoned by -the accumulation of waste matter in the system, and can no longer supply the pure and health sustain. leg tooa uiey require, lie whole system feels the effect of this acid poison ; and not until the blood has been purified and brought back to healthy condition will the aches and pains cease. , Mrs, Jsmes Kelt, of 707 Ninth street, V. &, Washington, D. C. writes as f oliowe l A few months ago I had an attack of noetic than in he worst form. Tha pain was ao intense tost a. .?. H -J jr' ncrawc coaipteiciy wwi rated. The attach wa an unusually- stveic om. and t condition waa resent. ad as being very dauger k m was iHiBora wv t of the mm nble doe- ' - a in waehlnston. who is also a member of the fee ally of a leading medical college her. He told me to continue mi present t .'' " 1 lions and 1 woald get weU. After baring 1' atled twelve tunes without receiving tne sugnteet benefit, 1 declined to eontinn hit treatment any naer. uaeingnearaoin.B.a.(wiit-8pecinci cotna ended for Rheumatism. 1 decided, ahnoet in despair however, to give the medicine a trial. hobble around on crutches, and eery soon there. after had no tun tor mem sc eu, b. n. 9. 1 for them at all, S. 8. S. having and well. All the distreeaing cared m ind and well. . nains hsee ft me, ny appctlle has returned, nr to be again restored to perfect and I am happy to be taaltb,-.,-,;.;-. the great vegetaoie purifier and tonic, . is the ideal remedy in all rheumatic trouble. There are no opiates or minerals in ft to disturb the digestion and lead to ruinous habits. ' We have prepared a (pedal book on Shtmmatlsm .which every sufferer from this Tjalnf ul disease should read. It ia the most complete and interesting book of the kind in existence, it wilt oe sent tree to any one desiring it. Write our pbysi- cuuiB ruuy aa treeiy aoout yourcast wet make no chanre tor medical aavice. THE SWIft I rl ar&ui CIFIC CO, ATLANTA, OA. reuasou hCOeete of Weariness. The eating, of "high" gnme. is un doubtedly attended with risks, and th poisonous effects are probably due to the - toxin produced In the earlier stage of the putrefactive process. The advantage, of course, of hanging game la that the flesh becomes tender nud decidedly more digestible than when It la quite fresh. The ripening proc ess, however; may mean the elabora tion of toxins. . It has been stated that tbe produc tion of the characteristic flavors of game Is related directly to tbe amount of sulphuretted hydrogen or sulphur alcohol set free, but It Is rather re pulsive to think that the delicate Oavor of game is depeddeut upon that invari able product of decomposition of rot ten eggs (ulpbureted hydrogen. Tbe meli evolved durlug cooking of "high" game Is even more disgusting. fresh game sometimes seta up mys terious poisonous symptoms which have been attributed to the fact of the game having been overliunted and fatigued. Fatigue products Indeed have been separated from overbuntud game which, when injected into a hoalthy animal, have produced marked poisonous effects. There Is no doubt that fatlguo products under certain cir cumstances are also elaborated tn the human body and give rise to a species of self poisoning, characteristic symp toms of which are headache, stupor and gastric and Intestinal pain. The flesh of orerdriven cattle may prove pelsonous from tbe same cause. Lancet - ' DyspeptsiaiCure Digests wh&t yoa eat It artlflolallT dlffetu tha food aod aid Nature, in ateaogUMOlrjg aod recon- tructlnff tha exhauited dlgsatlva or rut, It la tha utl discovered dlgeab- aatandtoalo. Bo other prepaxailoo caa airpToacli It la efficiency. It In UQUy relhtTeaana permaoenliy core Dyipepala, IodlgestloD, Ueartbtirn, FutultDoe, Hour Stomach, Kauaet, Blck HeKlclie,Outrlgla,Crmpoa I ail other roauluol Imperfect dlgoatlon. rMrIOe.ardet. rsmslseaeBlaavtt1taea nanU stn. Boo auanueitavauspeis seal m rise ir.aDcrrTca "'"-''""'' v ' Attention; Spoken ! Wo!l year 'atteslloa to oot Line of Loaded Bhell w ktv iheta ta Baaoaa. lean, Bml-dookalaM aad Black rowder. with prion aa low a oaa b aad aey ara. W also ktv t alot kM of float teg Cost. Ufftas, Bhell Bella, Oaa Caeea, A alee llltl Bportlaf lUfla, ear rlt tl Hi Oft et locf earing, lor I OO. ' Loading impVmsaU, fjuaoteaa, aad afullLlaeolUardwartM Low Dow a ripr. ; .. '. .'i , : ... t " ' Tears trait, -1 ' J. C. Vhitty VO. Tim Ilrrn, K, ',' RussoII Uoucd Wl, In V' eafntt t i'e end ti n at it,e liuM. I lloiu )' ; r et i" ! A kw-e f j r trave'Sg prut, I'uh'hg sad I 11- ' it Btvei'..i.t 'i crnva 1 1 i J a O A. Ul" ri.t, Pf .rl r. t Rheum 2 atra 'rk - i. . ' ' Fe Reeelleetleaa. ' V -f. S v ' "Pld Ton enjoy the etory ofArifidln and his wonderful lamp when yoa were a child?' - t ; ...---.-.-.'.'-- -yea, answered Mr. Blykins. l of ten look back on those happy day of in nocence vrhea I could read yarns of won derful mechanical mreutions Jike that without being tempted to put up my good monev to help form n stock company." Washington Star.' -: - v " ' Thel OplnUtmn. v CrimBonbeak I got the opinion of two eminent lawyers on a certain question of law the other day. ' Yeast Were their opinions the samel ' '"Yesi.25 each." Yonkers Statesman. . . ' : ' Suite Hlae. "' 1 wonfd die for youf she exclaimed, alllowing her head upon his shoulder. , "Oh. no, you needn't, darling!" waa the tuick reply. "I like red hair." Irr spite of their Insanitary hubits the Chinese often escape disease because their houses .are well ventilated and the childrep receive a daily sun bath. Pare butter, eaten In moderation, will furnish the oils required by the human system. . Trustee's Sale. Pursuant to tbe power of sale confer red upon Albert It Bhattuck trustee in s certain deed In trust executed by James F. Hawkins and flary 0. Hawkins his wife d .ted December 18th. 1S-8I) and rec orded in the office of Register of Deeds O raven county, book 102, page 90 to 100, the debt secured - thereby and the tain deed of trust having been assigned to the IS. H. & J. A. Meadows t.:o , and upon the request of the said Mary 0. Hawkins tbe undersigned will on Wednesday the 13th. day of December 1900 at the hour of 12 o'clock m. at tbe Court House door of Craven county offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for raab, tbe following described real estate, viz: All that tract or parcel of land Ijing and being situated In raid county on tbe north aide of tbe Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad being a part of the latiri described in the above recited deed of Trust, beginning at the Atlantic snd North Carolina Railroad bridge at Core Creek, and thence with said creek tothe mouth of Green Pond Branch, thence with the run of taid branch back to tbe eaid Railroad, and thence with said Rail road to tbe beginning containing 100 acres more or les. This tbe 12th, dsv of November 1900. E. H. & 3. A. MEADOWS Co. Assignees. By E. H. MEADOWS, President. 1 d in I u i si r torn Notice. Having qualified as the Administrator of tbe estate of Charity Ambrose de ceased, notice is hereby given to all per sons having claims against tbe estate of the deceased to present the same to under signed on or before the 27th day of November 1901, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment T. F. MCCARTHY. Administrator of Charity Ambrose, deceased. This 27ih day of November 1900. Timber Innd For Male By virtue of sn order of the Superior Court of Jones county In a special pro. ceedlng of E. L. Haywood, Nits V. Hay. wood, Mary McCain aod husband J. 11 McCaib. Rx Parte Petition for tale of land for division, tbe undersigned com mlsslohers will sell to tbe highest bidder (or cash subject to Ibe approval of the Court, al the Court House door In Tren ton. aald county on Monday lb sist day of December 1900 al 12 m. o'clock the following land situate in PoIlocksTille township aaid county, adjoining Hie lands of Pranttlo For. John Monelt, W. T. CliDO and olber. same aa formerly owned by Kachael E. Simmons and Mr. Haywood and known a Oeorge W Blm nrbn land, containing 300 acre more or less. Tbe aboov described land is well Umbered. This the lllh November 1900. A. D. WARD, THOB D. WARREN. Commissioners. Notice I Tho Oltfatt and Moat RelUMo Pirn. How Raaalng, aad Dllvrtog Nice Btove Wood, Ash, Oak aad Pine to your door evtry day. - A Bpeeial Lot of Bed Hsart, Hnad Mad Bhmle oat BMivd Brick aad Lath, Pom for (eaetsg, Tar aad Unv . CouirymaUuM before you avail your eattta and pork a 1 hav or aod a gsarkeC V - " Xe frteod lt tW Beat Iork aad Coat Bleak at .BIS'HHiW n. EWcMai AtlftntJo Cotwt tine. Wn nwnro A Nw Piivi K. 'Tiki Tab Li to, , ,. v 1 -9 I Ktfart Wn.laea.Uy, Ang, T, im,JMlt v Kxorpt Henday. Uoint South octiaovta; Oolsg Kortk o,61, r agar TraJo Mo.M, L. a 1 tTvi. Ar, pa, KewfVrva ........ 140 IM.. ".. It . 19 0.' , HOT. 1)11 . w ......rnHorkseilUl ,, , Vay.V'l. ; 1 Ikerrlill... rrimiftfbi, t I t' irpt I . Ar. W Umlr-gKa I.e. 04 4M 41 IM IK :. t, ; r)ots4 rtowv. ?. 4 Ir lliilnr' X .ndar, W4oea Atj el Fr-'r. leve f-.w )rne Iwmv -), ', ur uj nt.-l rturljty. l v, I I Ar. t m ... i t.Ji n .11 41 i ...i" J ... " ... ' i .tv. w.; Ar. .1 . THE A d ininlstrator'ii Notice Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of W. O. Temple, deceased, late of Craven County, N. C. This is to notify all persons having claim against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them for payment to the undersigned on or before tbe 7th pay of November 1901, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make imme diate payment, November 7th, 1900. JOHN R. BOWEN, Administrator. D. L. WARD, Attorney. Administrator's Sale. Pursuant to the order and license of sale to me directed In that certain spe cial proceedings pending in the office of the Clerk of the superior Uonrt of Cra ven county entitled, Edward Oerock, ad ministrator of Frederick Maler. de ceased, againt M. D Maler, widow, and Thomas ulbsoa and wife and the heirs unknown of Frederick Maler, deceased, which said proceedings are instituted tor the purpose of making assetts to pay the debts of tbe said Frederick Maler, deceased. I will offer for sale and sell to tbe htgest bidder, for cash, at the court house door of Craven county on Ibe first Monday in being the 7th day of said month In the year 1901, at tbe hour of 12 o clock M., at public outcry, all, and singular that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situate in the county of Craven and State of North Carolina, on the south side of the Dover road, containing two hundred acres (100) and conveyed to F. W. Maler by Owen H. Oulon, com- mlsslonerrby deed dated May J9tb 1890, and recorded In tbe office of the Regis ter or Deeds of Craven county. In Bonk 102, Folio 850, etc.. to which records reference Is made for a full and definite description of eaid land. This November 23rd, A. U , 1900. E. OfiBOOK, Administrator of F. W. Maler, de ceased. Mortgage Sale or Str Vanceboro. Puisnautlo the power of sale cos tslned in a mortgage executed to me by J. J. Rhodes and R. L. Rhodes dated the 26th day of June, 1899 aod recorded In the Custom House In tbe Cliy of New Bern In Liber 14 folio 96 etc. I will sell at public auction at the wharf of K. K Bishop formerly the Old Dominion dock at 12 o'clock m., on Monday the 24th day of December 1900 the steamer Vance boro together with all of the maata, bow sprit, bosts, sncbors, cables, chains, rl glng, tackle, apparel, furniture, and all other necesssrles thereunto appertaining and belonging, lerms of ssle cash. J. C. Whittt. Mortsgee' Southern .Rmilway. The BUndaid lUUwa) oTUhe BOTJTB Tha Direct Line to all Point, TEX AH, CAJaIFOIINIA, FIaOBIDA, CUBA AND FOBTO BICO. BcricU rVat-Claaa landpcaewt oa all jVougfe or LeeeJ Train)) PsUanaa Pal nee oeMptai Can oa all Night Train) fiat aad Safe Boned ale. . Travel kr tbe ooeHnsr aad ya area. sarsdaBafa, CWottoblo aad atrptdl leosm Joorway, . Apply to TVket Ageata Cor Tlaao Tl Una, Rate had Oeewrol fafovwaatioa, 04 addraea T. aV DA EST, " .U'TtMO, ' txr.df.A, , A., f AahevfUe, H. 0 . .,Carrne, JfCL' . 5 roast i, Oanow, ' J, M, Cot. MTfett- Ve. . Tt Ka WABHCfUTOX - - Jk 0 ' CAROLINA INN, Op I the) fHlkltC, rrVHk Uttbt Moders Improve men ta, Taklt rirst (1 see, MalCt4 Balka ,p'-e I irw fr fvanmnrc al I KR1. B. H. rrrtEIT, rifpiieereno. BEST Eg fot7doir A. & N. C. R. I . TIKI TABLS NO. 14 To Take Effect Wedr.eaday, Tuly 18lh, 1900 at 12:01 A.M., E. T. Qoing Eatt BCBBDCLB: Going West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 Lv. p m stations: Ar. a m 840 Goldsboro H 05 4 09 LaGrange 10 82 4 83 Kinston 10 1" 5 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv 9 00 6 60 Lv. " Ar 8 87 7 15. ... Ar. Morehead city Lv 7 05 No. 7. Passenger No. 8. Lv. a. m. SundaysSOnlv Ar. d. m. 40 Goldsboro 8 00 8 09 'LaGrange 7 27 8 80 Kinston 7 07 8 65 Dover fj 47 9 60 New Bern fl (12 11 16 ar. Morehead City Lv ... 4 20 No. 5. I 1 No. . Passenger stations: Passenger lrain. Train. Dailt Eiorpt Sondav. A-r. a. n, Lv.p. at 7 80 Goldsboro 7 14 7 48 Best's 6 56 7 59 LaGrange 6 86 8 10 Falling Greek 6 21 8 28 . 8 86 .. 8 46.. . . . .Kinston. . . . Caswell . . . Dover . . . ...Core Creek. . ..Tuscarora .. Claras. . . . ...New Bern. 6 03 . 5 M 5 43 . 6 83 . 5 19 6bb . 4 5- P. H 9 06.. 9 20 , 9 26 952 a. m. No. 1. No. 2, Mz't Ft. a'd Pass. Tn. Mx'd Ft. and 8TATIOS8: Pasa.Tn. Lv. a m Ar. p m . Goldsboro 5 83 7 00 7 83 Best's... 4 53 4 28 8 5s 8 US 2 2 t lo 815 LaGrange. . 8 27 Falling creek. 9 12 Kinston . . 9 28 caswell . 10 15 Ar. Dover Lv 10 40 core Cre 1 10 11 15 Tuscarora 12 48 11 81 Clark's l i 40 1805 Ar. New Bern. Lv . 12 10 1 30 Lv. " Ar ... HU7 2 12 Uiverdale -i 9 21 croalan . . 10 8 06 Uavelock 'i 8 84 Newport, Lv . u 06 8 47 Wildwood 8 47 I 53 Atlantic 8 8 4 08 .. .Ar. Morehead city, Lv.. fc 20 4 83. ...Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 .'0 . . A . - Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday, Thursday and Balurday. H. L DILL, Huperintr den Reduced Sunday Fassenxer Excur sion Rates I The A. A N. 0. Railroad will sell lick it after this date al Ibe following ex cursion rales by No. I soJ 4 train on Sunday: From M. Cily to Goldsboro return.. 1. 16 ' Wildwood " " 116 " Newport " " 1.00 " Hsvalock " " W ' Oroalaa HO New Bern " .78 " Tacarora " " .75 " Core Creek .70 " Dover .70 " Caswell 00 " Klattoa " " .90 " FaUUgCrk " "AO - LaOraage " 40 . Beain w The above tickets ere good only oa Booday by No. I aad 4 irala aad oa date stamped or written oa tickets, aad Imlu win aot be xtadd. Npeveede all forvatv rate, kffartlv CtiaoWr tftk. 8. L. Dru, 0. P. A. ATLAMnO A at. 0. RAILB0AD OO. Fteaa Daraaraasrr, : Ko Bra,lf. OeKov. W, 1 10a. . CtBODLAR. UiaaeJ CoefsewMa f U tf. I. Cbarak, BsmteVVOWTVmlM 10 Hew gesra, J- H . C. Da, ktau tooa To all Ag-a-a of A. 4. N. 0. H, aU -, Tea ar Wrefc Aalkarlaed I a tja ets oe annonat nf bb abwve htamr i Hew aVnro east rotara at TortsT eL . , , .V TVkau to ka oU Dsmeeabe ltd to Dorembe , he.laafv, Oeed b pstara oattl Dssjssamir IXk, It . . - - (Wn Caw tree U. keaa aad U very oM fal to IM thai Ctrrakr, , C U DILL, OewtAveJ rassemp Ajoal. REAL ? ESTATE I C y rd fet III regM 04 fU M . ' 1 I a -a. ' 1 f r.mi Vim' fat fvoea t'f fs"'llleerlv;agwt Lie.

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