vine or Aarfleajantfyandfivmptfy: Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or. costive. freserits in tJit most accepUbleiorm the laxative principles of plants Anown to act most beneficially, TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANffe BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCQ san ritMc:;co, caw LOUISVILLE , KY. CW YORK, N.Y fhr sml. 6r druggists - prtq SO ptr teffU. New Ben, N. C, Dee. 12, 1900. Index to New Advertisements. H. E. Royall Fruits. J. B. Dawson Chocolate Candy, Simmons & Hollowell Co Holiday Goods. Business Locals. FRESH arrivals of Whitman! Mne Chocolate Candy at Jamei B. Dawson's 103 Middle street. Chocolate Almonds a specialty. ALL KINDS of Fruits, Raisins, Dates, Mixed Nuts, Grapes and Figs. Cocoa- nuts grated free to customers at the Broad Street Fruit Store. Phone 83, H. E. Royall. LOST On my way either to or from Kiddle Street Baptist Church, 8anday, a Trinity College Literary Society Pin, Marked D. Thompson. Finder will please leave same at Journal office and oblige Miss Luoy Koonce. OYSTERS served to Ladles as well as gentlemen. - J. B. Dawson, 103 Middle street. GIVE your friend, sweetheart or relative a Christmas gift that will last a lifetime something that no person can take from them that Is a free scholarship in Me chanical Marine, Electrical or Civil Engl neertog, Chemistry, Telegraphy, Book. keeping and TJ. S. Civil Government, maoy more mechanical and professional, For further information write or eall on George W. Pettey, Local Agent Inter national Correspondence School, of Scranton, Pa., Hotel HsVellorj, New Bern, N. C. RINO OFF. I am not an eipert elec trician but can lit np most any klad of e loctrlo bells. Call at central office and see James H. T. Smith. FOR Rent Larva front room, heated and partially furnished, with privilege of balb If desired. Call at borne, No. 14 Johnson street. gRESII Taffy, at Mcdorley's. DRY Blove wood at Big Hill's. Jacobs' Raleigh Rye whiskey Is the beau Middle street. SECOND HAND TYPEWRITERS lor sale, any make yon desire. Mecblaee sold oa I days trial If joe waat a Type writer it will pay yoa to get say prices. I am also agent for the Oliver Type writer. J. L. UaruSeld, Baal Zatele and Insnranoa A (ML. HUBTUNU young maa oaa make 900 pir;moato and espeaeee. Permeates! poeilloa. Eirerleoee aaaeoeaeerr, Write quick for parti cs'ars. dark at Co., 4tb tad Luteal U., Pa lie., fa. For aura quality of Freak forte, go to lb Oaks Meat Market Davis' Pharmacy has sole ageaoy for "Theo Clgare The Deeef lot l Tsrkay es4 CMce eas ge to Pake Heel Market. Celery Headache Powder, Ike vast remedy for Btadacke. : Oa Sale ami at DavW Pkaimacy. CaJoeto Beat sitae Oats Meat Mar ks. " y, We WllmltKiaMlo.a4MSteok, toe eoeatsal Urge perekaaae frem aaaefeearrs win testify, we are aot Hkerlaf el areeeet ever tee qemUoe srflkwetswdlevryel tspeaeloa of Ike aeOoe t tevtltery, t are too oeey to el M Kl te lWe eoaoeret, we are et mtwHef ereetvee la Ue dtreetfae) of , eeqalriaf 4ailfat kew tela ft la pssaems aa4 )etry.a4 (Dtet-ware, we OH awaking arw oestemare aad we la vttt Cee We bile to leapewt Ike remit ear geUerlega, eaQ before fee bey sad 1 tiOak It Will e le ee mewai mo. OI1VU1 1IUJ .attaaTaeJeveWr.' . CURE YOUR HEADACHE With CAPUDINE W t-xl " - ''. iv, r- art r - r i r T a f - r ' : ' 1 ' " IN AND ABOUT NEW BERN. ' Lit Happenings DcaUnfc With Matters .- -v. " Of Local Interest, l.-v Fait, weather la the' forecast for to day, l'- o ' Oysters were In good supply yester day ei Market dock. Flu were scaree. - The near approach of Christmas I OT-deat by the numbers of toys la front of the stores end in the windows. : s- It ha beta found a good deal of a job to cart away the material dredged oat of the river at the foot of Middle street, two-t ilrds of the big pile beings bow re move !.-.. -,. -r?'i ' -K Nearly all the visitors here at the late conference left for their homes yester day, by rail or bout. . A large number of their fiit-ndsaeie at the stations to say farewell and safe" Journey. A large building, JO by 1C0 feet, Vlng erected byr the Cotton wed Oil and Fertiliser JIMS, west of their main fmildiDg. It la to be need for the storage of cotton teed and hulls- - Quite a number of trees have been cut down around town since summer, prob ably in most cases from ' pecesslty or be cause the tree are decayed, -'bat It bould be done sparingly and they should be replaced by young trees. The office building of the E. C D., at me root of craven street Is being re painted by its owner, Mr. James Red mond, being the final improvement to the property which was completly re paired and rebuilt during the fall. Tl e whole property,. Including the Jocks' Is i ow In first clasa shape. A number of wagona especially built for hauling material for the macadam zed road are now In use. They have . loping inside ends and a lever releases ' be bottom ao as to allow ' the material to fall, on the principle used in coal cars. The covering of the road has been dune some distance below the Na tional oemetery. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. E. W. Rosenthal and family, after to absence of several months, have re turned to the city. Mlsree Lena Oall and Iola Eiura left yesterday morning, returning to their home at Snow Hill. Rev. A. H. Harnly returned last night from Raleigh, where he has been attend lag the State Baptist Convention, General Julian 8. Oarr returned to i n r ham yesterday after spending several days In the city ettendlng 'the Con fetence. Presbyterian Bazaar. The Bazaar given yesterday afternoon and last night at the Presbyterian Sun day School room was an entire success. The supper was exceedingly good, the rooms were tastefully decorated with bamboo vines etc., and there was a good sale of the articles offered. The ladlee officiated and In a very charming manner. Woman Against Woman. The ebove play was well acted at the Opera Ilouse last night by the Harry Llodley Oompany. Mr. Llndley, as Muggs, dtd the comedy part, and was frequently applauded Ills song specialty was very good. Miss Adelaide Flint, as Florence Graoby, wae i ffecttve In her pathetic part, while Hiss Luella Beck was tne mercenary woman of the world, In every way.J The other-charaetera in the play were well sustained by members of tbe com paay. The Specialties between tbe acts were enjoyable, and were attractive features of the entertainment This afternoon, at o'clock, there will be a matloee, at wbloh the Silver King will be pretested, prioee IS easts for children, S3 cents for adults. Tonight the last performance of the eompany will be given, The Castaways, aad It promisee to be a plsy worth see ing. Tbe aeual specialties betweea acts wlU be given. Masonic Notice. Theregelar monthly seeetleg of Bt joha'e Lodge No, I. A. P. ft A- M. will be beldibls evening at S e'oloek. Visit lag bra three cordially levltedt "' . ', , . 0. D. BaAoaan,' . W.X. ( m' : A Model Hesldeice.. - The atw boms of Kr. T. f . MoCanhy oa fetlock street le practically aomplete eed lie rateriof le welt worth laspectloa Tbe siterlor, as hae Wee aire tlo eed I aalqaeaed keadeome, the green body oerat with white ttlmmJef (ag very effective. , . .. - - u The feeiaree of the talerior art Use different wood I alshlngs, each room kex lag dlfereai, the Uled Irepteoss of which there ere three oa the fint floor, kad the erraegomeet of tbe rooeM kick opea Into one aeotW aad on the pleeaae. The aarlot U lelshed la white with white meatlepleoo aad gold Iradaf eed wkuo itlieg lor Ike Ire p)". The eHUag room bee a hard wood floor laid la elrlpcd sqeerve, the wood balag wa'aat aad sk. Una of the timbf as well aa Ike walael lembef wae eel at tkemtUowaad by Mr. X. L Rktm. The ralliog to the eulrway Is a-U4 eel." , The kiukra le a deiarlwd o, oth trs eiyle, aad Iks Woaae U ae all mon (k4 e, doWe fltKirs an I dnt t r,i.H ". Mr Urcarifcr ad fs.a. Ily eip-t le ttftfr in r krfr .$ mh. - fix t(4 l;i;' r,,.n , i ( , ainr ti p f,mp T f ivti le r.f tk- ! , i v , i ..f f , . f f tr. t ' r , I :' 1 " r I ' (.' II . ! " ' . 'i ! , DAUGHTERS OP CONFEDERACY. Their Commendable Efforts In Secular Appropriation For Soldiers Home y .' At Raleigh.- .' Washington, N. C. Not. 14th. 1800, the Daughtera of the Confederacy , To Having received the following com munications 1 lake creal pleasure in acting upon Mies Cameron's suggestion l-i send type written copies of Mr. Sir a sub's k lUt to each chapter and itforder explain matters nave added a portion if her splendid letter to me. at le needless to say I endorse all that Miss Cameron says on this subject, and am sure Iter words will find a ready re sponse in the heart of each Daughter. It Is subject of reeret that we oonld hot have beard from Mr. Btronaoh during tne session of the Convention, a message was sent to him by the ladles which must have miscarried In some way.' -. ' Respectfully, .' Lida Ttjhstall RoDMiit, Pres., N.C.D.C. ; Hliliboro, N. O. Oct. Wth, 1900. My-wear' Mtoe Rodman: i - . Tbe object lesson at the Soldiers' Home sank deep Into my mind. After my re turn home I had occasion., to write to Mr. and being full -of the thought of the Home and its needs I spoke of them In my letter. In hie reply he said; "I am pained at what yon aay about the condition of the Soldiers' Home The Impretslon js widespread that the Home was not only established, but Is liberally eupported. Can you not prepare an article for the press setting forth the actual . condition of of affairs I I am ture It would call forth a liberal re sponse." ' In accordance with, this suggestion, I it once wrote to Mr. Stronach for an official statement of existing conditions e c. I enclose Mr, Btronach's letter, atd I would respectfully euggest that yon have It typewritten for all the chapters, and send It to them with Instructions that each chapter shall aa a chapter wait upon their respective members of the next Legislature, and ask that they promise to vote for whatever appropria tion for the Soldiers' Home the Execu tive committee of said Home shall ask for. It Is a shame to the State, but especially to the Legislatures of tbe past that the Home la so til provided. Those men are pert of the Immortals, who made It possible for the State, her proud est and oft made boast, '-First at Bethel; farthest at Gettysburg: laat at Appomat tox." They gave ber their beet, They offered her their Uvea. They have fetrly eerned an honorable provision for their old ege end helplessness. Not charity, not alms, not provision for paupers, the pension and the Home earned by faith ful soldiers from their Motherland. We owe It to them; we do not give it. The burden abould be lifted from Mr. Strooech too, he la 111, and It le too much for such a loyal and loving heart to bear Would It not be poeetble to secure a dele gatlon of If. C. D. C, to go to Raleigh during the session of tbe Legislature end make an appeal for a eemdent oppro prlatloa to be made to support the Home as It should be, and make possible the admission of these other mea of whom Mr. Stronach speaks, In my mind tbe chief duty, the moot sacred obligation which lies upon oa ae a body, to to eee to It that the old soldiers are provided for by the Stale. Let os lake care of I living who caa suffer, before we false memorials to the dead who, happily are beyond all human pain aad waat Very felthfally yoore, Signed. RaaaocaOAMBaoi, Raleigh, N. C. Oct. IM, 1100. My dsar.MIss Cameron: Toe path very clearly when yoa aay the Boldler-'e Berne hae eaffered from mrs-etetemest. f answer your fnqalrlee ae lo amber of lamatee, eonreee of Income, officials, sic. aad a few other mat tars, as I kaow yoa are deeply latereeled tm It. -. - We have oa oar rolle betweea 80 aad 90 old soldiers, who have a right to oa. aider themealvca lamatee of the Hot Wo have aa arrangement with the va rious railroad of ike Bute whereby wa oaa obtain passes la aay part of the Stale for la ma lee of the Home aaebUag them te eleli their frleads aad reletlvee, aad thereby rallavlsg the Home of the eipeaee of feedleg them. Uatlt lhe hospital wee belli we had only aeot modatloae f or aboal eeveeiy. .Weeoald aow care for, aay, ISO lhad mesas to do Tke Ual LsfleUlara ep proprUied for the SMraieeasee of the Homo tlt.OCO pereaaem, aad 0O le balM a bee jltal aad repair old be Ud lege. We hove kept the old bandings la repair "had beta, ea yoa kare aeeei, bollt aa aseeL Itol hoapltal The) prwml spproprle fee will aot do atoea thaa aare for thoee already admitted. ' Wa have ea lie sp. pllcatloas fee edmtoetoa bwtweea 40 sad Maaern, . Te BMet the reqelrsmeaU aecaeeary to anomaaodaU all who Wtoh to Oome te I te Heme, tbe Lagislatare ahoeld eppre. prfete I J" ,000 aa a sally for salata- aaee, sod a aeffieleat aaeoel for addl tUaai aecaeeary balMleea. The efa eiall aa1 f eler eetployaee e( Ike laaw- tatlons mf. Iwo pkystdana, Wko ere paid 1 101 00 each eeanllyt e euverJ, who raoalrae 300-pr moalh aad hfiatd, waKlng, ete 1 1 watrna. wee ra- eetvas 10 90 pr moaik, board, wwhln( ete, alae a tool, who rrttM 1 . 1 00 r-r analh and U'J. two nim, I5 00 p iintkaa'k a4 0't; Ere erar,ia, hi rr!re 00 pr aioelli ao4 ar!l, s fWrU'y whe Is li!4 t1 W j..r m-Miih ;. ' la ! iu;a W t f f if !( watklng 4 ftf., thai tl.a sffnu a-T i '' ' I at t i t n r.a r,- mtt. Yni :! ("nt it. a U.i 'if Stop (' i Cc. :'i rr Yctili I aan loal expenses of officials aad servants more than I2.0O3 00, being about SO are per cent or tne amount appropriated for maintenance.: Thla aDoeara to ba nnlia a large slice, but we are using every j coBomy compatible with the comfort of the Inmates of the Home, r- W have ao- peered repeatedly before f.'lbo Various committees onSo'dlers' Home andep-' proprlatlons, and have failed to erouje any. grett . Interest InV the BoldW i Home. ' Tbey vhave been generous In their appropriations to ail Institutions, white: and colored,, but never to the Home. It was our Intention to talk Ihla matter over with the DiwhtMi r ih Confederacy at their recent meeting nere, out had no opportunity of address Ing them In a body ; appeared possible. We do hope, however; they will take the matter in band, and that every Daughter of the Confederacy will see that the Sen ators and Representatives from the va rious districts and counties shall be in formed and come here with their sym pathies enlisted in behalf of the Home. - Sincerely Yours, - (Signed) W.C Bteohach. 8aarstH jj H Yen Haw Always Bought ' an wa .Ba. jrr ,- iinititiiyot agnates ef DavW Pharmacv sells and recommend Celery Headache Powder and Jordan's ijU BiUitn . Reed Shoes. I have just recelved24 dozen pairs of E. P. Reed and W. G. Douglass shoes In all styles. No shoes made that are bel ter than Reed's and Douglas, every pair guaranteed. Respectfully, J. J. Baxter. Thw One Day Cold Cure. For colda ami sore throat use Kprmott'i Choav .ates iaxatWe Quinine, Baaily takan aa candy Mid quickly cure, ANNUAL MEETING Of Stockholders of The Rational Bank of New Bern, N. C. Tbe annual meeting of the 8tock holders of this Bank, for tbe election of lie Directors, and for tbe amendment, of the third article of the articles of the association; 'and tbe transaction of such olber buslnejs as msy come before them, will be held at their Banking House, on Tuesday being tbe 8th, day of Jan., 1901. The Polls will be opened at 12 o'clock A. M., to be closed at 1 P. M. G. H. ROBERTS Cashier. Fine Florida Oranges, 80c per dozen at McSorley's. 4 lltlW - r I cr- 0 BMIJ a av We ask that yoa sm give as & iook ' We cat? attention of the Ladies to Our "SHETLAND FLOSS . ' GERMANTOWN WOOL, . V . and SAXONY, - : for FANCY WORK. r IC COMMISCIN&i KONBAY?: HARRY L1NDLEV8 DRAMATIC COMPANY. 15PEOriYE15 Will Present the Four Act Society Play iitwtm nil u nm nnnnim SPECIAL FEATURE Little Mystic the Clever Child Actress, Dincer and Vocalist. Specially commended by Gov. of New York. Specialtiea between the acts. Popular prices 85c, 85c, 60c. Change o Prig! am each night. All Taxes Must be Paid. All taxes are now due and must be paid at once. This notice is for every one. Pay up and save costs, Joseph Kinskt. Sheriff Craven County. City Tax Notice. Your City Tax Is long due, please call and pay up, the city needs the money. I will take for City Tax, City vouch ers Issued by present administration or pay your taxes and your vouchers will bedashed, the tax must and will be col lected. J. J. TOL80N, City Tax Collector. City License Tax. Citv ("nAHTEH: Sec. 40. That any person who shall carry on or rxercise trade, profession or use any franchise taxed according to law by the Board of Aldermen without first obtaining a license for the same, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction fined not more than fifty dollars or imprison ed thirty days. If you are doing any business as pre scribed abeve yon are liable to the penalty. J. J. Toi.sos, Citv Tax Collector. Dec. J . EasITy-Qalcklf. Pcrmaoeatlr Risfond. K1,TV. Z"?. Itat vlullty. norrntif lability. IntomDltt, K11in t sMcmorr. e"l WtKUnf j;issw eafHI mil WonmwM manning ivttttj sjany rr ivw xnotwo. l frr st.6fB?ftft. HailH MmwaidmibarMiarptct' prio aiW MtUt AUtUfieOSJ CO Be. Pwttl. MUUU For Bale by F. 8. DUFFY A CO. : GOODS l drop in our store ober. ,; ; t r- 1 IS "HERE. OPENING TODAY. You are Cordially Invited to visit the store and inspect our immense Collection of Dolls, Toys, Games, Books, Wagons, Drums, Horns, Guns, Carriages, Go-Caits, Iron Toys, Wooden Toys, Baskets, Fancy Goods, Pictures, &c. SPECIAL As heretofore onr prices on all third to one fourth less than others a L BARFOOT, 43 Pollock Street. UIT We do more than Clothe Boys, we Dress them. Those of you who know the Boys' Clothing Section, know the Neatness, the NatiDess of the Boys Suits we sell. And never before were we so well prepared to clothe the little man in a manner to his liking. A word about the Prices, from $2.50 to $6.50 in two and three piece Suits. SMITH'S 99 Middle Streetjfipp. Baptist Church. A Welt Selected Stock OF WESTERN HORSES, AND MULES . . . Now In our Ntablea and more to arrive. it jf v JMin experlenee i i f Horne buying. We also hare a large lot ofJBlKiaiES AND HARNESS. Wifl make prices right. 8pletidid opporlnnity for Farmers lo buy 0kmI, Scrio-aM.' Animals, and at prioee to sail buyer. M. HAHN Q SON Middle Ni. Ntblrs NEW BERN, . C. PHONE US When you want your ttove pat up and fitted for the Winter. We; have the, outfit and YOU WON'T HAVE TO WAIT. ; Fromieet Fulfilled Promptly." " j V? . i f ' V UIaI IsIWE OP Heaters, Coa! ' anil : Cook Stoves, Ottr t'nrbou No. 50 Exrel nil ntlitrB. Firo Boards Without Joints Fitted.' Btove- Boards Any Eizo you want. ' . GIVlTuS YOUlToRDERi ' NOTICE ! the above goods will be from one ask, Our patron reap I lie benefit t" our mai Hardware Co. r ! v i it". r t t r

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