J&ttu VOL. IY11I--50. 221. NIW BERN, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1900. NINETEENTH YEAR These Cold Nights f make yon feel the Deed of Downy, Feath ery, all wool L4NKETN LlBten to our Prices 10-4 13.50, 11-4 $4.25, 12-t i.00. Portieres In any and all colors. Hemstitched Damask Pets, and Towels In Prices ranging from 5c to $1.25 each. "Le Trevoox" and "Weal End" Kids both guaranteed. lyTHEN WE CALL ATTENTION TO OUR STOCK OF R 4 &SSSSi STATE REFORMATORY- NEGOTIATIONS CONCLUDED. XT mmssi CHRISTMAS GOODS I A Handsome as well as useful Chafing Dish, or Five O'clock Tea, Wedgewood Dressing Cases or Glove Boxes, "Terra Japonlca", lardineres, and Umbrella Stands, New Designs in Lamps. Ebonled and Silver Goods. Oh! Yes, and Everything Pretty in Brooches and Fancy Pins of all kinds, so Come and See Us. lock. Il living -i I '!t. 3 . , aa Vt A Vital ITAwilv J a TT UI U1 K s t You will live well if you buy the best of our don't cost much more than the cheap kind of liv Wc are getting in a Fresh Stock of Christmas Goods Such as Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Cocuamils, can or hulk. All kinds of Dried Fruits, and our Goods is complete. We sell the Bent Goods for the Least M.m, v town. Would be glad to have you call. If you in ait call wmi will miss all. Yours truly, J. "PARKER jr. Cor. llroad A Ifniicxk Sis. ('raiilieni,-.; line of (.'aui.ed of alivotic in --it rv This is for YOU I t'nleas yonr Stationery, Cards, ale, are got an ap In an artistic manner and well printed, It repels rather than attracts. Fine Job Printing Costs no more Ibas poor work. Wi do Jail m cheaply as tba prlnlar wba poaaaaaaa no special kill or last and who has no thought to taralag oal a good Job. Try ua WW. T. HILL., fUcyclea, Guns, Ammunition, Graph opbotf. Job Printing. Hnbbar Btaanpa. U A M M dla - : aw IWn. N. C D. F. JARVIS, Attorney General Douglas Working: For Its Establishment. Pension Warrants Sent ont Only Two Convicts Attempted to Es cape From Penitentiary. New Tree Discovery. Increase in Valuation. Special to Journal. Kai.ehiii, December 18. Today the pension warrants were sent out by the auditor to the clerks of the various counties and they will be ready for dis tribution by the registers of deeds on the 15th. They are as follows: 1st, class frS a year, 111; 2nd class, $43 50, 35?; 3d clasp, $29,(114; 4th class, $14 50, 2320; widows, who get 4th class, 2058. The amount covered by the warrants is $112- 0. This is not as large as last year by $000(1. This is because last year the pension account was overdrawn $1800 in order to distribute the fund on hand. This year a balance of $1700 is left. Last year the fund got $5900, which the secretary of State had turned in as an old bind grant fund. The legislature di rected him to turn it over to the treas urer and after ft months lime the latter iiiincd il inio the pension fund. The Winyah Sanitarium and Hotel Company was today authorized by the State to drop the word "hotel" ia its charter. It is a' Asheville. It ia nai.l that the sales of leaf tobacco here this ye.nr will approximate a mili um pou nils. This has been about the average for several years. The es imiuallons at the agricultural ami mechanical college began today. I lie warden ol the penitentiary Bays only two convicts have attempted escape fr.oa tin; gu.trds this year. One got ,i.vay, The other was knocked down atnl ca'ilit. A number of the socalled "trust ies'' have escaped. Attorney (ieneral Duuglas Is sending to Ihe attorney general of e ich State a n iiiesl for information as lo reforma tories for ymitiir. criminals, lie Is also in com nuaicalioii on the same subject w.ib tip secretaries of the great religious i i.!i ;ci 1 benevolent societies 111 Ihla Male lie is devoted lo the good work o: MTiniii,' ihe establishment of a le rrniiiliiy. It now appears that thi step m ill be a' lust taken. I inf. ,M ;ihn' y of Ihe Agricultural am Me, I i 1 1 j i m 1 Collier liiis il iseo vcreti a I r. e which is 11 ii i 1 1 1 1 e In tli e I nitcd Stales '.he !'-n lodicy. The hemes are i hru:lit ii'-len color A tree is in thi .'"i.mi I w o or three others ate hearJ I :. in. ream- in the valuation of rea i -i.iiai propiTly in this Stale In I-!'-. "Wi I Ml a was f.',?iM;,ii40. In 1H!H .v. r is 's $;s ihni.iHMi, ami tliiB year r is: il. ui' olli, i ih rilicle a laid in Job r and fin icl nn Illicit mill al lp . under 10 was si work. lie mi I Ih'O I wo moon tin lr cm ape ne was Fish Office. ou r n ,1. ltcm'tr 11 The commit i ri v f i ( w 1 1 n k the treatur 'I lli r a mIII- e, I at In done every tl eil with i he w arrant for llir i,-,t ' f .hcldah roinmlaalnDi r u I. il l hlii- 4 l,a k talary, an or U .ni 1 1 1 f -oipri'm' ( ourl. ljtie1 y : ! I i nhhhlho Itllrr lavs the .rdrr. lm h I a nunilarrjiit, for th n niM l wai mide by a majority of the , t :n 1'iii'ni nrf Increase in Valuation. Note of the Powers to China Agreed lo By All Concerned, London, Dec. 14. The negotiations of the Powers in regard to the joint Chi nese note were concluded satisfactorily yesterday, all agreeing lo the conditions Identically as outlined by Count Von Buelow, the imperial Chancellor of Ger many, November 19th with the excep tion of the introductory clause, saying the demands are irrevocable, which is eliminated. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham & Co, New Bern, N. C. . New York, Dec. 12 Cotton; Open. High. Low. Cloic Jan.... 9.33 9.45 9.83 9.89 Mch. 9.25 9.27 9.20 9.23 May 9.16 9 19 9.14 9.18 Aug 8 92 8 92 8.87 8.88 Sept 8.34 8.38 8.34 Wiikat: Open. High. May 711 j 79 J Con. Gas So. R'yPfd 03 J Fed. S Ki Con. T Leather 134 A. 8. & W 444 Cotton receipts were 48,000 bales at all ports. Julius M. clrnold, Exchange Mfablr, IIrM A Hales, Wafrw 1 1 HanMwa, Whips PI.h, m4 Bobm taTTWt Vbaa p- ciall-. M lr4 U XrW BKBX. C OJ t'VJ L UJV K MKI'.I'.I. t ' .1.1,,,,. I., vie J I he Shell Shoes jCnildrcns sj- mi . . mm mmy "'i ilvralaD'lInf HoilrkMjKr'a I. nrnr, (ai-l nd V atl.ns- j I Itt htro-a ai I ( clo-a in Ij... THE MARKETS. CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR ! We have Just Received a Very Handsome Line of Neckwear for the Holiday Trade in different styles ami patterns Puffs, Four-in-hand, Imperial String Ties, Batwing Strings, and Butter Fly Band Bows 25c and 50c. I Good Cooking - ran 'Uiuiwiiiuiiiiimm Duuer Also a Beautiful Line of Low. 7!) 8.88 Close 79 188 07; 51 4 13j 48 We sell nothing hut Up-fo date Goods. A g'ance at our windows will convince you, ARMSTRONG & SIMPKINS, 67 fliddle Street. Ilvorpool Market. Hpots f;. Hales 8,000 bales. turea Dec.-.Iany. 5.15. Jan-Feby. Fu-5.18. New ltnrn Ciitton MarkRl. Cotton in the local market sold at 8.75 to 9.35. Nkw Yoiik, Dee. 18. Cotton market closed easier on lar,;e estimate for tomorrow's receipts al Now Orleans and Houston. Hub'. Moore & Co. When you need a soothing and heal ing antiseptic application for any pur pose, use the original DeWiil's Witch Hazel Salve, a well known lurrfor piles anil skin diseases. It heals sores W illi out leaving a scar. Ilewaro of counter feils. F. S. Duff? &. Co. Dr. Stranfe's Last Sermon. WiJ.MtNiiToN, N, ( Ieccmber 18 He v Or. Koberl Strange will preoch Ills last sermon as rector of St. JameH' KpU copal Church hereon ne xt Su niliiy morn Ing at 11 o'clock. Evening prayer al 3 i'. M. will be his last service He will leave the following Thursday for Hich mond and make bin first public appear- anro as rector of Rt. Paul's Sunday morning. lercmber 28. Mrs. Strange and children will leave Tuesday for Lawrence vllle, Vs., lo visit relatives, R in' lo ltlrhmonil later in Ihe week T. K. Tilley Q Co. connifcHiftx Ooods and Drrt. 1 rimming'. D. F. JARVIS. 0 T s vi! ii A i-Book Store 5 Tjm Ttrltrr U'..l l" Jmirni1 10.11 IlrrvmlK'r 1.1 Atlornr) . HtnidaU of rountel for lh in llr III aMamrnt rul, ftl y I ' fiho InvrMlfiiinn will baa .t i In i:it!in. and thai In itn iiti liifirur in railway Talna lion w tl 1 a: 1-aal frt pPf rol Iturninf of Boer Arms. V twmlir IJ Kortv oat i ".a of 1, ,rd ltolrli bav I o.l,-l TIjt hat ln mostly Tfnuli 1 prvTlosalr la Iba owtps I ' ditxl NnTmbr lih appM'a lo h owa mlaus ieard tb bwrftlnf of farmi. lt. Gommaadpf la ('biaf wtabaa tli foilowinf ii b lb llaM apna l,vi (inm1 rjrn msandla ar No farm la to b baraad aiotpl for n 1 '.I trf bry of i at Iroopa ar nr 1 nn trot tba prala, a ass l.r,n,.nl fnt tba bf,,of tba tatagn k or r;;ar. a4 m lmm of r.pf iiinna tnt rM. aa 1 lb naif vllb tt. d rxn rnaaaal of lb (aawal oflnvt r munan) la ( Ta art fr( that a t itbr la sSa ea avHaataaKto U mm ii t" aa a twaana fit War lt al i'hw All raitla. " a4 fvWtirT att W hm f4 fraxa all fni If ika la lattvwavV ib-f ara l U rtu mhnlt tb atari t fn a.! at ,n lion't nae any of Ihe rountrrfrtla of Dr Will's Wllch l!a;el Salve. Moat of them are worlhlras or liable to lr. lury. The orlirlnal l)n Will's Wllih Hael Salve la arrrlaln cure for p rrfmi, ruta. aralda, burna. aorca and akin dlaraars K. S l urTyACo. Lstlmatc Of Cotton Crop. New Yoik, Dec 12 Having received many lellrra of lr (tlry roarernlnn the probable total rot ton crop of ihrt'nlted Hiaiea for t h la rear, nn lacarahr lai, wu mallel 71 HiMi leitcra lo select and reliable correapon denla banka, baokara. cotton cnmiula slon marchanla, brokera, proprlalora r,f pnblir (Ins, rallroa 1 offlclala and planlrra covarlng evary cotton (rowing county In Ihe Houth - aekln Ihe Inform lioD I p lo Ihla data. In rvaponar ui our Irllera wt hava rccailvxl a.JHi rrollra of averafa dale Dacambrr ntb, wblrb onnabWr aa rallabla as any loforaiallon tbal ran b obtalaaal on Ibis aabjeel, and wp laSilala aa folluwa 10 Kj Alabama. dec 13 ).' Atkaoaaa, la. i "IO.CKiO rinrlda, dr S 4S.MO Oo,la. d.e 41 1.1M 60 Uulalaaa. daa i 575,000 NlaalMlppl. ilat VH No Car Af. it oaa0 mm 50c to $1.25 The K. of P. at Kinston. The District Convention of the Knights of Pythias was held in Kinston Wednesday night al which a large num ber of Knights were presen1. There wore seventeen preseot from Athenia Lodge of this city. The lodges reprt- scntcd were. Kinston, New Bern, Green ville, Tarboro, Goldeboro, Wilson llocky Mount. The Knights of l'ythlas baud of Gnldsboro was present. A banquet was served in Loflin's opera house. Numerous toasts were offered and covers were laid for 250 guests wilh music by Italian band. Mr J. j'. Scales of New Hern responded to the toast on "Endowment Hank." A special train brought the members lo this city after Ihe event. Cove Items. December 1 There in a genual bog killing Jn this section Ibis week. Mr. S. W. ll.ici oek p me I Cove yesterday on his way ton Mr. (Vo. W. DMlruhl spoilt the day in New He.n today. Mr. II. It. Smith representing .1. ('. Whitly A Co., was here today and went lo Hover this evening E. II, I.ane of Winlergreen waa ir l ove today. t hrouh to Tren- Xlce and Fresh Only Also a complete stock of good things to eat for ( hi'istnnts and the Holidays. Mince Meat, liaisins, Currants, Citron, Evaporated Apples and Peaches, Nuts all kinds, Trench t akes and Crackers, Can dy, Oranges, Lemons, ( ocoanuts, Cape Cod Cranberries, Pea nuts, Flavoring Extracts and Spices, Small Hams, Fulton Market Corned eef, Atmore's English IMum l'mlding, Catsups, wauces, Canned Goods of all kinds. f-panish Mackerel and Cod Fisli. Anything in Groceries you can get at the Lowest Prices from J.L mm WhoIeMale aV Retail Grocer, 'Phone 91. 71 Brti'l M. J. A. JONES, ItROAl) STREET, STEWART'S 01. 1) STAND, i..?-..!'-- START FS KxelianKe . . W il I 9 1 j I ikJ Christmas Holiday Rates. To AoKN'lK Account fhri-dmaa II didays you will aell round trip tickets at rate of one and one-third first class fare for round irip t.'oupon Agents will sell to all points east of Ihe Mississippi and soulb of the Ohio and l'otomae Kivera, Including Washington, I) Tickets sold December 22nd, 28rd, 24ih 2'ith, IKIlh and 81al l'J'KI. and January lat. 1001, final Inn l January 4ih, 11MH Iron clal signature forn ilrketa, limilei lo conliniloiiB passage in ea, h direction, will be uaed between c.metiiie poinla Thear tlrkela may lie aold lo studcnla of schools and colleges on Decern a-i fob lo Z 1 at, 19!J, Inclusive, wilh final limit January Hih, ID. 11 . upon ireaenta llon of rrrllllrale signed by the Huperlt -lendcnta, I'rincipala or I'realdenta there of K U K HSON , afllc Manager Ho. far Ttaa Ttsaa, aVc dac. dar. la 10 UI,4M 1 ,IV),IO0 1 u 1,04 1. WO 7.'0,(M) ivrioo l.tng.uno txi.ooo l.zsoooo 41.000 JI 000 ftu.ooo l,1l,0un TMtio liK.ono 1 109 rorraapoadaU tvporl tbal lb crop baa baa a ntora rspMlf anarkaiaH, of ab!pp4 to saarkvt aa qaWkly aa la fofaMf yvara M covrn.a,laaU rapot tbu a lar( jaaatttf tbaa laat J' kaa kawa Mi ens plaatalloas, towas a4 eltia fof bbjbaf pfteaa. RaapaMfally Mbaalllr1, Lva aa, ALaitaoaa Oa II M Ijikiw, (itn'l I'aaaenfrrr Agent I'avia' Thai rr.acj'arlla and rrrrjrrmfr.il ('alery Hradarhe Powder and Jordan's ough II il tni Reed Shoes. I hair Juat rrrt lvr1.'4 doM-nj palra of K I'. Ilrad aod W. G loulaaa aboea In all atylra Nn abort mail Ibal are tsal tar Iban Itfavl'a and Donflaa, ftcry pair guaranlr1 Urajrlfnllv, J "J llalTlR Thav On Day Cold Ours. r- f a,r thrnttl aw K -m.i t Hrw laoa lj..ti. i,4iaiM F-A. I y ian a. can4y vad rfm air ri. rv Tor ftna drraatrt Oaka Markat (Kiullry call at Tna .urges I HOESES Km Foil nil in New ess, Kolies, W ill' I'eni. ih, ( art anil Finest Sin Also ii i oniplel, k of MULES Line of ItiiL'i'ii-s, H'.e'ons Wheels, Kt-. J. A. llroad Street. JOXKf. Stewart's Old Sland rv riv m- 1 1 IPs, n, lifs !j Just Received laat night Our Christmas Neckwear. The Nob-j biest line we have ever' had, at prices which j cannot be equaled Ilat W I ii K IliiKfrfly Ilauil tow Hiring Tl.K I'ii 11 Iniperlnl Foiir-lnIIiiiil The shapes in all are NEW and your in spection is invited. J.G.DUNN&CO. The lTp-toMla(e Fnrnlnhent, r.7 Till. LOCK STHF.ET HEADQUARTERS FOR MS GOODS AillMfimtii' Tns ! ( lolls H fl'l unit's x Animals 1 lit 50c tr . I buy your nisi fo. S.oli 's on w ill en .,. very al tin- vrn, lnrM p r ic,. All klndi and aoria .' . I . 1 i , die., I 'niiff. 11, ,11. snd Hon Hoi and Nut" l,y 1 1 , i, ton ' Hunks , I 'mi Kruit Here's the Plan: I l.very 1'im haae amounting to in rri,t eiilU 'i a r o lo ,,,, ,. ,,, , ,,. , ( I'o.l and 111.- I o:.-!.l I'lano le, lie Hid., IL-nu'ln her this. M n Fin K.ortda Oranfea Mtw,rl) a fr doarn at Hotel Hatelton MIX I JACOIW. Trotrletor lTNly Ftulppl and Fnrnlahel Throughout. Fir ' Ian Jahl . Hat 11.00 p r day. Hpx-ial raU by th weak or mo- l' niddle St., New Bm, N. C. City Tx Notice. Voot ('Hi Tal la loag d , plvavaa call aad pay ep, tba rily anula tb motiay 1 lll lata for ( ii. Tat. Clly vosjf b tra aaat Li p. arm adanlalalralloa or pai i" , ui" snd fnnt Toarbara lll y- ,..... ih.ni inoai aad UI t rnl !'' J. J Ttil.viv, 1 . T . Cnllawtor Bargains in Xmas Goods. Here's Something Better: I'lrk nut. your t'H now, nnl nn mini of imal! ti.m to itiiurr t'Hiltiraa. thrf will (ul kwiiv f r until Xmt' r t-T m k tttp finiak!! inklt jm iTiffili T"ii t own thrn. n-" l ntl (fpt full prtitu'ri .f thla nn I Mf Willi ft (ikk (nr It ! Hit lloys and Little IVoys Your Mr Worka t Mc5f)Wl.l;Vr. (II REMEMBER MrorU,F.Y ! Hni rim.1 pr( nt! rapmntllT In thU rltjr, Y'.u kn"w who b I an1 who IvHh ar. mit nn C. J. McSORLEY W.far. rallaek aaa Uladla .ta Easy Riding Qualities tUBirn iid f Rtsif ristr. til Vwr i4 lalllaftr, 14. ' i MiaV a U to "yOaaJ Cciti IfalWaaf IWal. . nt4 T T. I WITSfHofSlKHll HCS-cnsiiH Wib.jr la, o Bbo. books, ftkoboraa, CrUra. C'tTf I aaaraa -fW. a. Tba aay Twsaaara Znn, fWa, Lanur r paoara. b abali carry or asaraiM Ihtm,,, Roll, Ooaaba, ate. IS, fWraaloai r-t aaa oat fraarbUa A f," Ma of kacW B If Braas. lasH avawallM M kf toa) Taotk BfMkaw, noao Rraabaa aad Mrn mhhtmi rM atalala a UtW Braba at na at w fca fr tl wis, ataJI m falMf of ( aM . ooraaaal sin, ( aadU ml ks olalaoaaM.ial tx aworkaleai too rii Tra.a, Pat Ro oa, Taaaa, m am af A f'nrSS m I A m iMi sny "t lnavav CrM ICt ta Ita. WFm MoaatH 2 vMol Un M A Ouitier will Cure - 'Mn' r mMt ' ll t Uluia Ml ClUdm. VOi,''' iu u'c If )..a-a aay bmitmm ffa t..ara.lOot OUaotaMUaoW Ktuaata, I tt- rt.J v.. ... l f,ai Vr i- m4 Tofta Waaora, lbMitte lata - ' S lilsVEl Itl Cill A.IJU t..: w.o. batlf. i.i.Tm. ' ftota (btu ol Vra W PIm. ta ' Q. N. Lnnett. u, JIT? " Hfm" "" W' f C", -" rtiyTalOoUottt. MbU ak. rtMt, Ci ObMs O. II . WtTH A ftn, j'CUAUf ""- aw"7, kwj, Vrm, 0Mb, (tbaaaa), ITiaaaatloa, Bo' I rsJOTl ia peMl aM purwA. tloaa, aa a4 I. i, laitar'a. m. , auu avav v m roM itrwv - nt , 't If I l Is.f i., i i H Vn-i raaaK fai aj-"a t'oat ( in ffiar I", Da Will's Uttaa fcaHf fUaaT ara alalaty lltUa oil1, tral tbay tm fofl lo cWaaM loo Ura, sasot ahavraaHlooi aael lorifatau IW tytiaaa, t H. Daf f a av A Cold My Ml You Roapmlaily,

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