VOL. XT.1I-NO. 281. NEW BEAN, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 27, 1900. NINETEENTH EAR These Cold Nights f make yon feel the need of Downy, Feath- ery, all wool BLANKETS I Listen to our Piicei 10-1 $3.50, 11-4 $4.25, m 1 12-1 $5.00. Porlierea (n any and all colors. Hemstitched Damask Sets, and Towels I jo $ in Prices ranging from "Le Trevoux" and "West End" Kids both guaranteed. lyTHEN WE CALL ATTENTION TO OUR STOCK OP EI CHRISTMAS GOODS! c A Handsome as well as useful Chafing Dish, or Five O'clock Tea, Wedgewood Dressing Cases or Glove Boxes, "Terra Japonica", lardineres, and Umbrella TLT Stands, New Designs Ebonied and Silver. Goods. Oh! Yes, and Everything Pretty in Brooches and Fancy Pins of all kinds, so 3KT Come and See Us. Get Your Money's Wotth. 5 You will live well if you buy the best of our stock. It V Sw ,i u i i. it , . . .... . uuu i i mum more vnan me We are getting ia a Fresh Stock of Christmas Goods Such as Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Coeoanuts, Cranberries can or bulk. All kinds of Dried I ruits. and our line of Oani.ed Goods is complete. W It il.- r i n i 1 1 t .v. nu dcii mo iivai, uwus ior uie ijeasi money or anyone m town. Would be glad to have you call. If ymi never cull you ii c ku uio iK'si uoous ior will miss all. Yonrs J. BARKER, Jr. . . s Cor. Hroad A Baptist Female University L RALEIOH, N. C. "In the heart of the city, one block from Capitol and Governor s Mansion and two from Stale Library. Second session. Enrollment. Faculty of Art men and fifteen women 11 Distinct SchobU. vlx.: English, Latin, Greek, Modern Languages, Mathematics. Natu ral Science, Moral Philosophy, History aad Political Helen ce, Ait, Mnslc, Ex preeeloa, and Doslnesa. Kipensea per school year, Including Board, Room. Heat, Light, Baths. Liter ery Tolllos, Iocldentlal Pee and Laun dry, $176. Boring term opens January 18. Ws ksve rooa for thirty other students." You Should See Osr Christmas goods, Boxes of 25 Beho roao Cifsrs $1.00, Pipes, from 5c. to flJttach.- Toar choice of oar rntlie line of Opeqae decorated were, redaoej from ISo. o lie., eoaslstiog of Vesee, Plates. PIlTrsrs, Puff Boisi. Jewel Boies, Tooth Brash Bo ses, Rose Jars a ad Caadle Sticks, Mlrrows 10. sad t"e. Brashes of all kinds AT COST. A la lies of Dolled Kitrsrts sod Toilet Water, eat and plala at low prt. toe, Standard gnota aerrt a ft. A 0 . CnlcalM. A lolph V-alT " ' Hick . lr.'. Trflrt Amn'iol,, I avader aad VIoWt pleis 15c F. M. Iu(I V T K, Tallty (5 Co., -MtLM I TKBKAf IX mo frcsh tm. Hi WaUf U laltlBere, 14. tfort f.rmrr,' A M rrhaott TTtOowil 0sai roitteeotJ Kutoool Hook, Bo Ntt a4 ! year oreVr for iarksys 14 K4 heaas. Oar larkrs 4 rmm of stive Mnadsy 1sVs Mat KstlM." rW' ilia 5c to $1.95 each.' () M in Lamps. ' clieap Ktnd of iiwng either. v i tie icast Money ot anyone in truly, Hancock Sin A loo in our door at our revolv ing ibow caw will convince you that we tell only Ihe Wry IjiUnt 8tjrlea and ( olora tn Soft and Stiff (lata. We have a few KteUon tatn- plea to cloae otiL It it worth your time to itop and too the case if yon don't want to boy a baU ARMSTRONG & SIMPKINS, 67 niddU Atrwot. tJ' A A Year's H&rd Riding hat eroTwo Ami tbo lloo cf Bkycl koadMhf IMUlho hUT. M, . I'M aaor i eoafh'o Ikaa any p retire yo. lUttdH'.taa-!yfor COLCMBt. nARTTORD, BAMBLtR, (.IIYIUXD, mA5$,THACU8, ... liOl J. CRAWrORD, HIAOm. DU ' AUD M I Ri BICTCLW loTJUaalrfairVt'altr: Tl JIeT. lllf.1 BTtW, Oent, laaatWin, Ursrh pa. J PHair. l4flHf iswp- m h m i is ., fPw nfl, rt. c H T RALEIGH. Christmas Celebration. Blf Railroad Travel. Grand Lodge Masons Heet- lng January 8th. Great Growth of the Order. j IUleioh, December 26 Christmas was as noisy a one as was ever seen here, but never did people enjoy them selves more. The eve of the day was : like a whirlwind, and during the day It self the noise of fireworks, horns and ' bells was incessant. In the eastern sub- urbs, the chief negroqnarter, there were . perhaps two severe fights, but none of a character at all serious. Drunken ne- i : groes did the fighting. Standing master Shepherd left today ; for Wilmington, where tomorrow the hearing of the Slate's side of the tax as j segment cases will be resumed. The State chatters Hall and Peareall, merchants, of Wilmington, capital $60,- 0)0; authorized $200,000. Revenue officers make reports of three raids, in each of which they got an Il licit still and In one case a pair of moon, shiners. One capture was near Sprout Springs. 1 he holiday travel broke the record, the officials of the railways say. Grand Secretary John C. Drewry of tiie Grand Lodge of Masons tells me that the 114th annual communication, which begins here January 8, will be the lar gest in the history of the orders. The feiture will be the centennial celebra tion of Hi ram Lodge No. 40, of Raleigh It will he the second celebration of this klud, the first having been that of St John's Lodge, No. 1, of Wilmington, This is the oldest lodge, for though Itoynl While Heart, of Halifax claims that honor, the latter was never able to pro-, c it. Most of the old lodges are ex tinct. Grand Secretary Drewry tells me that i Iiith were last year 315 lodges. There are 5 new ones, bringing the number up to 1)20 Last year there wero 11,360 mem bora Over 700 new ones it the year's n erd, bringing the present membership pnsl the 12.0J0 murk. A great work has been done at the Oxford Orphan asy lum, where thero are 260 Inmates. The Slate Association of Academies 'Mollis ils annual session here tomor row. Help is needed alonce when a person's life is in (lunger. A neglected cough or cold mn,y soon become Bcrlons and houlil be stopped al once. One Minute 'ougb Cute quickly cures coughs aud '(bls and ihe worst cases of croup, bron chitis, grippe ami other throat and lung 1 roubles. Y. 8. Duffy Co Chosen Friends Will Get Nothlne. Indianapolis, Ind,, Dec. 25. Re- ctmr (lark, of the Order of (Jhosro ' rienils, lias returned from New York, w here he secured the bond of lh default ln' treasurer, Wilson, of Newark, and the .-ertilicaU.'s of stork In the Chosen Friends' Hulldlng and Loan Association but no cash. He said there Is a mistaken Impression thai there will be something to pay from the recelveriblp. lie says it will not pay a cenl and the receiver ship was to prevent the payment of more ruoney by policy holders. I)e ill's I.itlle Karly Hlsers are Ir.inty little pills, but tbey never fall to i Iran"'- ihe liver, remove obstructions in I invigorate the system F. 8. Duffy ,t ( o. To Study Philippines. Nkw HtVKX, Conn. Dec. 25 Profes or Edward G. Bnwnle, bead of the his tory department at Yale, has been sleet ed s member of Ibe Philippine Informa tion Commission of Boston, whose pur pose It is to study the history and pres snt conditions of the Philippines tod dtatrmlnsle Ibe Information In order that the Islands may be be'.ler under stood In this country. Many persons hsvs bad the ei perinea of Mr, Trier Ptiermaa, of North Blral fo d. N II . who taya, "For years I saf fered torture from chronic ladljestlos hut Kodol Dytpeptla Curt Bade a well man of me." It digests what yol tat dad Is a certain core for dyspepsia tad i very form of stomach trouble. It jives rllrfst onre svsn In tba worst cft ind isn't help bat do Joa good. t. B I) ffv A I'm. Silent for 20 Years. IUltiiob, Md4 Deo. M. Charlie ntashirt. cotaaoai kaowa a Ileal Ch tills' oneof tbeasoet eartoai cherer. ten la Dsllliaire baa died la Deyvtsw Airing Although latelllgsot aad s to talk be bvl in spoilt a ft 'lly able ml to anybody for W year or asota. rersoos who kaaw tometblaf ef bit early history tsy that when a oatg an ha was eroasad la love aad the atsdt a to thai ba would asrsr apeak to mortal aaaa or wemia ajale, Its oald aod or bow, hat ae ee bearj lha aoaad of hit voka. , Ba was over t$ ysart old, aad for j tire M spaot tioat of bit tlaa oa lha ttratia Dey aad algal, fair weather ot fwnl, he tvaeU ha aaaa roealsg aboal. Oeeeeloaslly ba was Id go la aa tatief loase aad polet to whal he wselsd to CASTOR I A Tot lafaaU aad CM'.drsa. iWe tho o 'ff'Z rn.'ra ef y v , . ' THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E Latham & Co, New Bern, N. C. New York, Dec. 26 Cotton; Jan.... Men May.... Aug.... Sept.. . Wheat: Open. High. Low. Close . 9.64 9.06 9.54 9.64 . 9.46 . 9.38 ..9 03 . 8.43 9.47 9.89 9.04 8.42 9.33 9.26 8.96 8.87 9.38 9.26 8.90 8.87 Open. High. Low. Close May 79 79t 78 Sugar 144J So. R'y Pfd..... 72 W. & L. K 57 Nor. P 84, Fed. S 56i Rock Is llUl So. Pac 45s A. 8. & W 43i Con. T Am. Tob Cotton receipts were 23,000 biles, 78 141 72 50 571 11U 45 44 93f When you need a soothing and heal ing antiseptic application for any pur pose, me the original DeWllt's Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and skin diseases. It heals; sores with out leaving a scar. Beware of counter feits. F. 8. Duffv & Co. Paid Her Debt. Sooth Bradford, N. Y., Dec. 25. Joseph Gilmon, a retired grocer, yester day received a letter signed with an Ini tial, inclosing a $1 bill, and saying: "Forty-five years ago I was trusted at your store for thirty-five cents. Here's your pay with Interest." Gilmon searched his old ledgers and found that in 1855 he hid trusted a little girl for 35 cents, and that the debl had never been wiped out. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. State ok Nonni Carolina, ) Superior I 'iuvkn Cot nty. f Court. The National Bauk of New Bern, vs. E. S. Street el at. Pursuant t.0 Ihe judgment in the above named action rendered at the Fall Term 1899, of the BaiJ Court, Ihe uncerslgued will sell at public aucliou onMouday the 28th day ol January, A. I)., IUjI, al the Court House of said Craven county, at 12 o'clock m. for cash, the following described lands: All that certain tract of land situated on the north side of the Trent road in said Craven county, about ihree miles from the cily of New Bern, known as ihe Lorenta O. Whltford land beginning at the corner of the land formerly be longing to Emily F. Kehne on sa'd road, and runs norm to Ibe West place now owned by Samuel Bowep, thence south 8. west, poles ending In the mill pond, thence down said pond southeast tblrly-three poles, thence south 21 easl seventy-eight poles to the west side ol said Dond snd on to the pubilo road leading from New Bern to Trenton, thence with said road easlwardly to ihe beginning, containing 190 acres, more or less being the ssms land conveyed to K. S. Slreet by Sebastian F. Bsngert and wife by deed dated Jsnuary 11th. 1877 registered in the offlee of the Register of Deeds in Book No. 96, Folio 344 aud 345, and the tract of land containing about three-quarters of an acre conveyed to said Edward 8. Street by L. J. Moore and wife, except that part of said land which lies on Ihe north side of the Wll mlnglon, New Bern and Norfolk rail road, bounded as follows: Beginning si the crossing of said railroad by the Street's rosd, runs thence north i west wllh said Street's road to the line of George West's land, now Bowen's land, thence with a chopped line of George West's Isnd, now Bowen's lend sooth 84 wsst cbslns Into the mill pond, tbenot south 11 esll eight and one quarter chains, thence south 1HJ east 1768-100 chains to Ibe railroad, thence easlwardly with said railroad to the beginning. M. DW. Btevmsoh, Commissioner. Dec. 17th, 1900. Executor' Notice. Hsvlng this day qualified as Kierotot of Ibe last will and las I am en I of Mary Beddlck deceased, all persons lodebted to said Mary beddlck, deceased, in ra- 1 aeetad 10 saakt tamed late Mlllemeol ad all persons holding elalsaa against said deosesed are aotlBed to preeeat the for payssent oa or before !). her Mth. 1901 or thlt notice will be pleaded la bar of recovery. This Iltceabef I7IB. tvoa. ROBERT It. PAVtH, Kiecotnr. Sale tf Hones. At Ibe request of the National Dink, ortgsgsa, wt wilt sail as receivers of R. 8. Neal, for the purpose of sstlafylag Ibe saortf ax e I hereon , tteroted by K. aV Moal to the Natloaal Baak of Ns IWto al aahUe ateilo i for eath, to Ihe hlah- art bidder el lha Coert boose door la psr-'crateo 'led. I ooaalv oa Wedoe1sy. Jstssrr aa bay ase, aaid to to totlleal drlv. r aod aa Idle horse aad oaa Light bay horse especially adapted to saddle, eede to ba applied to aaUafaoiloa of asongsg a tad lastdaa If aay to ba bald h at as rsce.vere. Joti Dcas, Our Ouiow, ' Rotairara. ' tt,ioo t: 7 , H1r or Flub Victory. Will ba told al Beaafnrt, K. 0., oa lha' lad dy of Jaaaary I SOI ia the hlf beat bid lor tor cash lha fnllw!af dVaerlbed e ptn f a hotoagleg to tfco t'anarat (Ml aal rrtllitev tw. Oee ts4r. t-nl) sad Sll atathlavrr helol ibete1 In, tnr,la, errsp bns, fnp hoard. I ski.f tmk Mm, tint nti( aa Ils sUo ese 40 bone fw.f estine, est kovsa td r'.e r"aT (tve ra'1s. soet t.'. rvMs ul WfKt, sli tl r:lt .rrit, int.r.! fe S'l rr4 ld at lit.. 1-. t i, h , . I) (I ti 'a '. ft - 1 t n r. i I.. 1 f " 1 STATEMENT OF TOE CONDITION I af the Farmers and Merchaofs M, j - NEW BERN, N. C, At the close of Kindness, Dec. 13th; I 1000. I RESOURCES: ! Time Loans $182,250 23 I'emand Loans 3o,450 00 Overdrafts (secured and unse ; cured) 6,735 03 Bonds (i()6 3!) turniture and Fixtuies 1,053 38 Real Estate 9.053 6 Due from Banks 12,428 80 Revenue Stamps 58 00 Cash in vault 13,066, 10 .1262,501 13 LIABILITIES: Capttul Stock $ 75,000 00 Surplus 10,000 00 Profits (less expenses paid. .. 1,252 83 Re-Discounts 15,000 00 Due to Banks 4,703 05 Due Depositors 156,455 26 $202,501 13 I, T. W. Dewey, Cashier of the Farmers and Merchants Book do solemnly swear that this statement is true and correct to the best ot mv knowledge and belief. T. W. DEWEY, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed to before me this the 24th dny of Dec. 10( 0. P. II. PKLI.KTlF.lt, Notary Public. Correct attest: L. II. Cutleii, Wm. B. Blades, C. D. BllAOlUM, John Suikk, Directors. A Prosperous New Year Is what we all desire, and we pro pose to help you make the Incoming ono a prosperous one by offering you Bpe call bargains in Sewing Machines. The Blue Ribon Sewing Machine for $15.00. The same In Drop Head for $a0.00. The Marguerite for $19 00 The Reliable Drop Head for $2o.C0. The New Do mestic $25.00 and $3u.00. Tho New Do mestic Drop Head for $35.00. Tho New Home $3000 and $35 00. The Cele brated Weeelci & WIIbod for $30.00 and $35.00. So you need not s.-nd your money away from homo when you can get a guaranteed Machlue from a home dealer for $15.00. Ho begin the New Year right by starling right. Watch our ad vertisement and let us Induce you to come our way. If you need any Ammunition wo off. r you Loaded Shells iu black powder al 40c. Semi Smokeless al 50c. Smokeless loaded by the Latlln & Kami Powder Co, al 55c If you are a wholesale buyer, we offer you 200 B. D. Plows, 20,000 pounds of Casting. 200 kegs Nails, 2(l,0M Loaded Shells, 200,000 Paper Hags, 20,000 Butter Trays, Drays loads of Tinware, and a full Hue of Hardware at Competition Prices. Wishing a happy and prosper ous New Year, we are Yours truly, J. C. Whitty to New Hern, IV. V. I 1 At the R-wrL' Cnt-o I I The CliicHKo h t rller r$;J5. Simple. Durable, Yi.lMc Writing. 5 v i'ou cannot gel greater value hatever price you par. Fasy teims to Preachers. j G. N. Ennett. J STOLEN I Lost aatarday Bight, aboot II o'clock fmtn la front of Carolina Inn, an "Ad alreC bicycle, number w. 01. A re ward of Ave dollars will ba paid for re covery of the tame. Voilfr H II HTIIEET New Bero, N. C After Dark. va la fWpisaW ' light' fall avae anal a fraqamtlr stj coaforubW la Oiobrr, almost always Doat atder (Imh ral Utoheforayoa aa aaf letaet anvelttn la Rag'see. MrteaU, Ps4 rVks tad w'b h1rs for lha Astsaa sa-tWlB.pf af t'O-l. Of eoars eat snl (I snnt watrti astsrls tad hsadl- wn'k br Ih.y are. I'. 71. l lm !nlr!i. FRESH Mt. Aiy Bttte elust Recevied Only 25 ts Per Pound g In Abundance at J. 1. 9Iclaiiie'M SF 71 Broad Street. Florida Oranges, Nuts, Raisins, Apples, Malaga drupes, E Citron, Cunants, Dried Figs, Dates, Nice Mixed Candy 10c II.. 5 (lover Hi:l Print Butter, Cooking Under, a Heal Nice Table 2 Butter for 30c lb., Fresh lot Java Itoasted Coffee at 20c lb s? T- a n , , - . ' " aar unea prims and Cnnetl Goods or all kinds, Very Finest Cream C heese 15c lb., Fresh Lot Small .Sugar Cured Hants, Fulton Market Heef, and numerous t.tlter nice tilings al. Rock Bottom Prices. J. L. McDMlEL 'Phone 91. J. A. JONES, II ROAD STREET, STEWART'S OLD STAND aSM1 START jExchane . . la'tMirf t Largest and FilieKl'Slnck of HOESES and IvdlTJLES Ever Found in New Horn. Also a ( '.unplctc Line of Buggie-', VVagt.ns Harness, Robes.jWliij.s, ( art Wheels, Ktc. J. a. .io.m:s. Broad Street, Stewart's Old Stand GREAT REDUCTION IN CLOAKS and WRAPS. We will sell the remainder of our Stock ot Ladies and Childrens Cloaks and Wraps At a Sacrifice. Come Early and get the Choice. D.F.JARVIS, 6J POLLOCK STREET. P. THEN WITH, BLiCISMITS & WHIKLRIGHT, laaafactarar af Raffl, Wafeaa. Carta, , ftaaelrtaf Daaa aalhari HtUaa, BeggUa, WagtMML fant aad Draya kept oa head for ala ar Um Be !. ' arjrw m tvtrt ffolMay rerfsMa 4 tivtng prVxa orsr a Uwmeead parksf at to aalaat fro ax every oaa a Wgsla. Wa ara aslllag th tna, Coae bfore font favor le It fd-l. Prv'iaia't fafaary. LOT OF mi tj uoiemie r T a & lletail Groeer, 71 llrsi.-vl St. Qualities are found In ourHuKleH. Tho i.adlcn .ay they rloe as easy SB if you were In a 'hair at home. v. can furnish any kind of spring or other up to dale alla Ii inrnl. ureal i on us. A Hon, I'll'M. IS.1 ? Broad Street, Nl W M RU, Julius M. (Arnold, a very, Feed Kale A Ixeluing Ntablrai, Ilorae A Mn Irs., I nfgUa, Wagons ! HarriMi, " U i,i, a aa I l(ohs. taTiart wheals srwclaJl . STOLEN ! A HaTI frrttl nirvrldl ffn Illh- tr . ford patMl So T. 1 1 Inch llanford Uies, Black rrea Calvary ftsddla, aadal t:, (doable "Vrlnf . fWchllgbt tAntara; tahaa frosa the oCot of J K. R CTIa 1, ft" Crsvea Mrsat, beiwa tha hoars of aad T o'clock p a. Mooday D-r. th. I WO. ria (t) iKol,.r, U ward for lie rotor. Two i . (m.) DoCara Rawsr I 'or ll t a.- i mtA aoa vVUna of tba thief. Wire or writ a, PIUKL O-IIARA, Rear Itera, Jt. C. Easy Riding itcspetlfully, W. II. Water tbavajaa reoHrad ft f aaaa pain af B. P. Raod aad W. 0. Doagtaat ahoat ta a3 atylea. Jfs thosa taada that ara Vat War thea HW aad OatUa, arsey lr rsaraalasd. BeepoMfnlly, i. 1. flaiTsa.