JOURNAL. :- Published every day la I he year, except Mind. Mla '- ; . ' I'oohs No. ?. ' "' . : tie, . f w . ' ikimh ,ni jiipiriitton. , - SUBSCR1PT10H RATES. -On jreer," la" B'tvaea ,..,..00 Onrf year, 'not la advene:,-...:.' Monthly, bv carrier In lbtlty...,-".SO AlrtU m n t f ifflii oa PPN .. alioii. - .,,-.. ' ' : Fr-mred at the PoetOlfict,New Bern, H; ri.."a second clas matter, Official Paper f Hw Be aid Crave Cearty. , Sew Berm. N:CJee. 8, tWO.;t RAILROAD TAXATION CASE. Whatever J he result, bo far aa the rail road are concerned, in the, railroad tax ation case, which li (till being given a hearing, this week In Wilmington, Jhere must good come from It. And this good will be, that there will be corrections made In the listing of real and personal property In many sections of North Carolina, and some equalization made in tax paying. The contention of the railroad com'pa nleB, that their taxes should be less be cause the real and personal property of this or that person is under valued Is no argument, the question simply being art the railroad people psylng their taxes on their own property valuations. That there may be property : owners who are not justly taxed, doe's not ex empt any tax payer or railroad company from paying their just taie. , The testimony put In evidence since this case has been given a hearing, is full of Interest and value, as It pretty effectually shows up the method of tax listing and will show that there is really no equalization In tax Jilting, therefore no fairness in tax paying. If there was an equalization, and every person, firm, corporation and, railroad company paid their taxes based on actual valuations of real and personal property, there would e more than suf ficient money for the conduct of the State's affairs. It is not the fail road companies that have the real cauae for complaint. In this matter of State taxation, It is the great middle class of the people, whost real' end personal property always gets listed for Its full valuation, and who have to pay their taxes- promptly, and with no opportunity of seeking any re dress for grievance, If they believe themselves paying foil rates, while th corporations and wealthy people eeeep their jast tax burden. avM tftfl But the time for an equalised tax rate, based on Just property valuations cannot be much longer delayed In North Carolina. And this railroad laxetloaease It the means for bringing It aboat. Deafness Cannot be Cured oy local applications, as they4 cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only on way lo ear deafness and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caostd by an InEaaad con dition of the mucosa lining of U ' eus tachian Tube. When this tab gala In flamed you bare a rambling eouad w Imperfeot hearing, and van It It a 't I rely closed deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be lake oat sad this tab restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroy forever; nlss case oat of lea are cttuad by catarrh, which Is nothing but as Uflaated conditio of the maoous sur face. W will give Oaf H.adr4 Dollars for y one of Dnf nee (eaased by ca tarrh) that eaaaot bo Cared by Bell's Catarrh Car. . 0e4 for jMraBlera, free. - P. J.-CBISIT Co, Toledo, 0. Bold by druggist, TOc. - -IlalTi Family Pills ar Us test TB ataaly TMag. Kkeeo Ho, I Mat ' bear coIUft tbetf rtaak, ' I doal list V I au tskt Woetea's part. . RottlU-My- gowd.t l'ftlek would b cowardly of aha If ha dlda'l Ttrttrcdt' Wliaest. - i fateaa rTrl( Wtt aadared by wlt Ba T. U Martin, of Mile, Ky, befov b gsv ikls vide M coOibed every . alht 1111 say threat M aeely rW thaa tried Dr. Klaa'a New folecoVere " which SVS Instant rallwf. I bar aead . It la y fsailty for for years sad m-om sbad It a the treeleet rvmerir for Cough. Colli d all Tsrwn, Cbe-l ted Irteg trowble. It will Slop the worst amwek and not aalv orevesta bat alieo- et,y for oiarllo. I ilo I silt) 'Kvety rMtt srsall. Trial bme freest C t. Pralbw Drug tor. rtia tK!t.lis t.eran i!o It si!, TS Ik Kisstmik 'lillit..k. val! sever tH W do sny of It" - Sielrhe m French Daa. . 1 A young woman of smart wit and striking beauty presided at one of the stalls at a Paris charity baznnr. Among the small erowd which pressed .round the fair vender waa a young mau of much aesurance, who gated upon the girt with freedom and effected to ad mire the various fancy article exposed for sole, but bought nothing. 7 - ., ; What will yon plena to buyr ask ed mademoiselle, with an . exquisite mile. k:. V-: 'k Xh,T replied the young dandy, with a languishing look, "what I most -wish to boy la unhappily sot for sale.. "Tell jue, what you wish?" she re- pondedi ft Jr;n)r- . ?r'f: Oh, no; I oar not declare my wish-. "Neverthcloss let me know what you Wish to buy," persisted the fair ales woman, r ' ' "Well, theo, since you demand ltj I ahould like a ringlet of your glossy blnekhalr.", i She manifested ho embarrassment at the bold request, but with a pair of scissors Immediately clipped off one of. her beautiful locks and banded It to the astonished youth, remarking that the price was only S100. v Her audacious, admirer was thunder struck with the demand, but dared not demur, aa by this time a group bad col- f ieeted and were listening to the conver sation. So be took the balr, paid over the money and left the hnll. : : - :: Vain ( Telapkome Hnasber. "Telephone numbers have an actual money value," said an officer of the American Bell -Telephone company. The assertion has a strange sound. but If you think for a moment of the advantage a business, house derives from having its location well known the thing seems only natural. : - . In the course of time people's minds begin to associate a firm with Its tele phone number, and If when they start to call up an old friend they find him. masquerading under a new number It Id as much of a shock as If they had rolled at a house with which they were lu the habit of doing business and found it bad moved away. It all comes under the legal head of 'good will,' a very elusive commodity, but one which has Its market value. 'So much Is this fact appreciated by some of our Old patrons that they ar willing to pay heavy mileage If they move away from the neighborhood of their exchange In order to retain their old telephone address. Many Impor tant bouses have followed the north ward trend of business In the last few years, and there are several cases of a Drm's office address being In the up town district, while Its telephone nnm brr remains so and so Cortlandt or Broad. The firm's line to the exchange may be several miles long." New York Mall and Express. . A Poet Wltk Vtior. The McMillans of London published a book of poems by T. B. Brown, which the English critics lauded because of the '"vigor of the poet's descriptive style." Here Is a little sample of It re ferring to the sailing of a fishing smock: So to Iht Jttty gradual aha waa hauled Tim one the tiller took and chewed aad apat upon hla hand and bawled. And aaa the ea&vaa abook Forth Uka-a moldy bat. and one, with noda And emUea, Uy on the boweprU end and called And coned the harbor master bj bia godi. And. rotten from the gunwale to the keel. Rat riddled, Ulg beaten k. Bio elobbere. horrible, I aaw her reel And drag bcr ooar Bank And aprawl among the deft young ware that . laughed And leapt and tuned In aaane a aporMre wheal Aa aha thumped onward with bar lumbering draft. We believe this Is a poet who could almost do Justice to the Chicago stock yards. Toe rhythmic swish of the pig Hcker knife and tb thrilling splash of the bog In the scalding vat ought to thrill such a bard to tb very cor of bis Immortal soul Give us a call, Browp. Chicago Times-Herald. Th Iimii Weed Trae, Th remark a bit sneea wood tree I s native of Natal and other parts of Booth Africa, It's funny nam was given to It because on cannot saw It without ansing violently. Tb dost of Its wood baa lust th asm effect as tb strongest snuff and hi so irritating to tb Do that work men ar obliged to aoees eero wbso tbey ar .planting It - ' It plec of th wood of this tree t put In th mouth, ft to found to hav very bitter taut, and no doubt It la this bittern which prevent Insects of any kind fro in attacking th timber of tbtoiMWOod"trw. 'r ' . m - Tb fart tbU Insect find It so dlsav STwMibl make Its wood very valuable for work that Is required to last t long tlm. .--. . '- " f , t -. ik t , r Bttausiwd th Flaawt. . la th middle of tb fourtmib cvn- tury r Pari a mw ordinance rn kilo- tog th elsanalng of tb streeu and lb butting op of a win w. esrefully Deglectpd, a usual, and lrrtlW plagu wst th Mtiaexiurtre. Tb fac ulty of medtdn. rallml upon for a rn edy by tb king. mt to Inform blm arte Wag dlavwaaloa thst lb plague waa U reault ol boertll coaJUOcttoB f tb planets Man aad Jupiter. .- ' ' ' ret atlch r I aeiet I i. Count d Koronwt (who as an ardent admirer of Willie's lt1-tVbit tr you after, my little fellow) Com round ber wber I can tet yo. Willi (who la efl m Wo i oo lo lck f lb covnt's ehalrv Tom Mid ye bsd Skattng rink em hiyxf yrror head. Ind I ant t Kl Hrooklyn Ufa. . Kow I lb l!m who troop sad long imuhlrs prer rapidly fatal. Tb only karmlewa rwmealy that prodeoe Im dial naslu Is Uas KlaaU Cos.h Car. It Is very pleaeanl to Uk aad ran t r- U4 po to (jttlckty ear ennKha, mlila aad all lunf dleaam. It will prsTtet ooaaaaipilo. f. ft. Puffy A Co. "War yrr thlaklng cf suVWe wba t saw fo oa th itot enax.Mn u1r" erl4 th Plwrla Mug. "Bakl-'..'- f; 'U J t)r Wi t. r- ''Vwa, dli:g 'ik with yntirf.;f. - r- ; - - An : . J imperfect sl:ln 1 is always causcd-by bad blcxxi. Remove the.j cause I ' Improve your ( blood. -How? By tak- , ing the- blood purifier , that has -stood the test for thirty years v -: QUABT BOTTLB. It has thousands of happy friends. Quart Bottles sell every where at $i. ' ' - "TUB MlCHKlAf DRUQ COmPAMY," mm, ' Lrnrettea kx Urwr Ula, - - i. ItoFammUttfcUmFflk.; Bold by'C'D. BHADHAM ' w Vela Sar4 tinea. , . , , "Well," said he, anxious to" patch up their: quarrel of yesterday, "sren't jyou tfriout to know what's In Ibis package? ' " "Not very, "his wife' still ftiirtlenting, replied Indifferently. - "It's somethlngEfor the one I love best In all th world." 'Ah! I suppose It's' those suspender ou ld you needed."! HOZLKTO MCMON ELIXIR. V , ' '' A PleoaontlLemoniToolo. J Cures indigestion,'' headache, malaria .idncv disease, "fever, chilli, loss 6f ap petite, ' debility, nervous prostration ni'srt failure; and SDDendlcltlB bv reirn- lating the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Moaley'aLcuioulIUlr. '" 'ured me of Indigestion.' I had suffered For ten years. 1 had tried almost ever nedlclne. but all tailed. Since taking Lemon Elixir I can eat anything I - like W . A, URirriTH. ReevesvilleB. 0. , : Moaley's Xmoa Elixir. ured me of Indigestion - and heart dis ease, after yeara of suffering when all oiber remedies and doctors bsd failed. .N. D, COLIMAH. Beulah, 8. C. Moalrra Lemoa KUxIr. t have been a great eufferer from dys pepsia for about fifteen years, my trouble osing my liver, stomscn ana ooweis. with terrible headache. Lemon Elixir cured me. Mv annetlta la snnd. and I am well. I bad taken a barrel of other medicine, that done me no good. ' Dhablbs -Oibbabd. No. 1815 Jefferson Bt., Louisville, Ky. Moatejr'aSLeBMmriCllzir Cured me of enlarged liver, nervous In.lZt'h " Md 8rd Mond,, B'ghU ln Kgettlon and heart disease. I wss no- We to wslk up stairs or to do any kind if work; I was treated by many physt' lans, but a-ot no better until I - used Lemon Elixir. X am now bealtby and Igoroua. - Oi H. Baldwix, No. 93 Alexander 8t Atlanta, Oa. Moaley'a lmo Hot Oraps. BCT Cures all Coughs,' Cold. Hosrsenes ore throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrbsg and 11 throat and Inn diseases. ' Elegant m- uaoie. - . . kwjv isoo at druggists, frepared only by v i. Morley, Atlanta, Ga ll's funny If the flight of tlm caul b arrested that anybody can atop a minute Bobbltt 's ChlU Pills cur chills aad al malarial troubles. That is what lby war mad for. Core after otter ran 41a fall. Ho eur. bo pay. Prio tS cent per boul. Bold by Davis Phar macy. ' : '--': Falbar I tak It you called to see Lacy.,'.' ' ' ,. ' Lover Well, 1 r-a'g-:. rallrsr Eiactlyt that's what I wbea I was asked a similar r,aesltoato yaais ago. J- A mmtn't Awfal Peril,; 1 "Ther I only on chaaoa to save yoa III sad that to throegh aa' opwratloa wrtlalrUlag wcbawrd by Mr. I. B, UoBt of Lia Rita, Wis., from her doctor after b bad val sly tried to eur ber of a frightful a of toeBack troauto aad yellow Jaaallot. 011 iloaat bad foraod aad sb coastonlly grt worse, Tbea sb began to um Eleotrk nil lavs whkh wholly cm rod bar, It' woaderfol Btomack, Liver and Kidney remedy. Oars Dyspepsia, Loet o( Ap petite. Try It. Oaly ao essla, Uoaraateed for ! by a D. Bndhasa, druggist "U would b betttf It you'd bold sill! sir," soinwilad tb barber. 'Alatyou afraid of M cuttlag yoar UroeuT H6m soiwereJ tb vlotlaa, with -other lurch, ot l loaf as ye that raaof." , . WorW'i Qnmploa. "I tried many rnll to cart pfUa," wrilas W. U. fmltk, of Uthara, 111, "bt found bo rallef 1111 1 aaod Porllea'l Atalra fialv. I bar not ba lro!,lrd with pile el nee." It' lb only champloa pil cure o Mrtb and the beat eJ I lb World. li. pen bos, giareald by C. I), ttradbac, draigltt. Th new lrvn)r let We wwk I lit fcmue, "It It anat,' U.a iar! -'t, with grrat rtellfary tr,f Imlgora in j t l!.f ft." tbiM -f.r - h, l at a a:i t,h' k r.!M "'!, "I'm n it t .?! i ti't a lotg tlm, Black Maaiaaaa, Black diamonds are comparatively rar and rorrespondluply high priced. Tbey, are Uirve or four times aa bard a the white ones, and Are .cannot barm them,, however great the heat, but if a drop of water should touch them while heated they will explode and leave nothmgbttt a littld beap- of eand In their place. -i-vj .f, . v-;?,"..;: r Their beauty Is not remarkable, but on arcotmt cf tbelr extreme hnninees they are Invaluable for dressing rur faees Impervtena to thefriction of any other material -The -largest black dla monds. are- set In the end of a rottnd short bar of, steel with n handle- of wood, and are used In dressing emery wheel that have lost tuelrf.truenesa.? A black diamond Is the only substance that will hot be ground away by on, tact with the emery surface.' :! :f , Black diamonds aru alap need as points tu scoring pencils which .are used by aealers of weights and. meas ure to mark glass receptacles. " They j used by dentists for drilling teeth before filling tbem with gold. In ap pearance they look mora like a shining little splinter of Iron or grain of coal than a precious gem,' and their chief mission la a distinctly commercial and nor as ornamental one.,. ' " BCPPOeiTOBlKS. tbuigHiloxi of Olntmenk BU of OtnBanA. tans tmilina Cnrua Of rry nator um decree. It mmken in operation Villi th knlfsor lnnatlnamctf nttoottaria hi4i u patnlul aiMl nldotii a pewimMntoiirw). and otum twaiuiHu, ii usaua, aunuutjawjairT. irni naura thM trlble dhaeaw? WPaok a Wrlnori Otnmnta In eaoh Boav Ton only par fof beneau reoelroa .KM. and it a boMur Itsinl MPANtSE PILE OnrraEMT. 25. a Bsx. CONSTIMTlOMa? WJV grvm UTIK una D1UAUU HSHtUIjATOa andBbOODPOnlPlHB. Bmall, mild and pleasant to take, wipoetallT DOaptM lor ehlldren a an id Doeee aval n Gonnl im Ctwali 111 van for sal only by P. B. DTJFFT 4 CO. Xodgv -Directory. NEW BERN CONCLAVE 486. Improved Order Heptssopht, meets 2nd and 4th Thursday nlEbfs, at 8 o'clock at Roun tree Hull. P, A. Willis, Archon; Greene Bryan, Financier; L v. Jdurpby, Bec- retary. EUREKA LODGE NO. 7. I. 0 0. F. umcers: w. l. mil, N. u; j. k., V. O Geo. Green, Bec'd'g Uecty: i.W Uawson, Financial Becntary; A. E. Pitt- man, Trees. Itegolar meetings every .nonasy nigra at o clock. CALCMET ENCAMPMENT, No. 4, l.. O. F. Officers: L. L. Moodv. C. P J. O. Delemar, U. P.; J. J. Baxter, 8. W C. H. Hall, J. W.t Geo. Green. Scribe; E. Gerock, Treasurer. Regular Encamp ment, 1st, 8rd, and 5th (If anj) Thursday nights in esch month at 7.BU o'clock. NEW BERN LODGE No. 1. F. O. & C- i. 0. Fcale. Preat J. H. Pnitlh. Record ing secry; tt. it. mil, financial sec y vieets in the Knights or Harmony Hall CRAVEN LODGE NO, 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. UeHs 2nd and 4tb Wednesday nights In esch month In RoHutre' Hall. Pollock street, st 7.8 o'clock. J. a, Taylor, fresldent; It. J Dlsoswsy. Bec'y; K.R. Hill, Financial secretary. KNIGIIT8 OF HONOK-Offloers: K. R. Jones, Dictator; G. L. Vinson, Repot ter, w. r, Konntree, Financial Reporter- new Berne bodge No. 448 meets the Sad and 4th Friday nights at 7:80 o'clock In itoontree a Hall, pollock street. THEY HAVE ARRIVED! e . '." The Hsodscmt:siandjBestuie of Ileal 1 n g Store, Botb;Woodott.Ooal er shown tr'JMdty. Wrfare also agi nl, for J- he well . .. known High Grade Cooking HtovrN, . ; loch Tb ' Exoelalor, Elmo, ' ' . raraar OH, Farmer Boy, O. K t' King and O. K". quaes, AU - - which w guarantee to give pr lecttatitfaotba. i ' If yon ars la n-d of anything la . tb, Hard war Lin or Bub, Doors . and Blind, Urn. Cement or Nail girtus aeall Md-we C1N AND. WILL BATE TOO KONETi; r; , - Tour for Busin, S . " l.H.CUTLR H'DV'FCO The World's . Best Music flpWodldly bos ad la Ua vo!si at Bargala, intra mratej sod Vocal. BtrloV lyetasalcaL. A ebarmiag lata Pre!. Also Bbakrapear complete la gilt e-ktlf price. O. If. EKNETT. FwtOfflce Service. The ttustloa of. lbs patlle U r- pecifslly i:4 lo lb cbssge la Ik srhedel of lb Bialla publlaaad today Tb change acaltal s pew srhedtl for tb carrier, vln Colieriio T oo a, m. to 8 00 a. . Dflleery t) " " 11.00 " DeSWery ll.r0 " " 1 00 p m. Co'lntln I D p n." 4.f-0 - ' CV)!ir-tn Is bqeln dlilrkt osl 4 tn p. ea. lo 8 ') p m. I!'il!n Va'.l I '0 p. m. to I SO p m, l t! t: (i.Tr the mall for !,a d 1 , m tt a -!..-e il MU, in. r- r I' e 4 ,") p m t .'n at 4 '' f m r..r i t.'n s t to y keal abnrinrrt Ami Diana 3 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat It artificially digests the food and aids Katura In-SuKnathenlnK nd reoon- structlog the exhausted, digestive or gan, it is toe lateskaiaooTereaaigesv aat and tonlov No other preparatioo can approach; It In efficiency. It In stantly relie ves and permanently cures pepsia, - indigestion, jieartDurn, ulenoe. Sour Stemaeh. NauBea. Sick Headache, Oastralgla.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price50e.artdH. LergealaeoontalDjSH timet small sum. Book all abontdrapepalamaliertfrBe PraporsdkyE. CMWITT CO.Ctlcae. F. i-DUFPT CO. r RHEUMACIDE CORKS RHEUriATISfl TO STAT Cl'RED. TnS MKUIOAL WOKDER OF TIIB Nineteenth Century t Avegetable remedy that positive ly cures recent and long stand ing cases. The greatest blood purifier knotvn. Hits the hearty endorseuieti t of leaoltig physi cians sfter thorough tiial. Cures 98 per cent f the cases treated. Bold by all New Bern Urng- gibtB. Price al.OO I'cr llottlo. X t t Leans made. Loans placed. Apply to I8AA0 U. SMITH, 180 Kiddle street New Bern, N. C. Commissioner's Sale. Pursuant to that certain ludgmeut of the Superior Court of Craven county rendered at the Fall Term 19 '0 In the action therein pending eutiiletl the Na tional Bank of New Hern against li. H. Woolen and Julia Woolen his wife, aa CommUaloner appointed ln said judg ment, 1 will oiler lor sale aud soil to the bigneal bidder for cash, at the court bouse door of Craven coini.y, on Mon day January 28lh 1001. al thshour of 13 o'clock, M, all ihc foil, iwlii ic-il 9tnte condemned in aai.l iujiuuut in he bnld and fully (lust rlbtd in lue c roplnini tile,-) In said action, boundu.l hui! iIcm:i!m'1 a follows to wit: A piece or parcel of land Jylntr itnd belnir in the- Third township of the county of Craven, Stale of North Caro- llna. and known and design vel as nil- Iowa: "A part ol the .lnc.nli Hhcin plan. latiou and the BHine dce.ied to saiil li. II Woolen by John Wonten nnd I.ucln Jn Woolen bis wife and loins tho html J. .1. 8auls, It. Ot. Cobb and olhera. beg Inning at a stake on the north nlie of the licb and runs south 64 east to J. J. Hauls' line, then with Banls' line poles to raid Sauls' and It O. Cobb's corner, (a cedar), then with said Cobb's line to Hall Moon Swamp run, then up raid swamp pole to a stake on the side of saltl swamp run, then south 10 weal poles to the beginning, containing .V) acres more or lees, fully described In lite certain mortgage deed registered in Ihc office of thr Register of Deed 4 of Cra ven county In Book No. 100, paee 580 to which reference 1 ma le 'or a full descilp tlon. Tbl December S3nd, A. D. 193o. OWEN H. GLMON, Commisslonern. CommlrViiouer'N Male. NORTH CAROLINA, I Superior Crsve County. ) Cuuit. The National Rank of New Hern, H. H. Perry and O. H. Perry. Pursuant to th Judgment and decree' of sal mad la th abov entitled action under which I wai directed aacommis etunertoeell th hereinafter described land la eooordaac with tb terms of said deer after duly adreulalng tb same as Ibertln required. 1 will thsrefpr offer for sal and sell to th highest bidder for cash st the Court Ho door of Craven eonaty on Moodsv January, t8ib A. D. 1901 al lbs hour of It o'clock m. It being tb oral day of lb text term of tie Bupertor Court of Oravaa oonaiy, all the follow deecrlbed tracts or parocl of land lylog aad belog alluat I ssid Craven couniy. bounded and described a follow: Be ginning at tb mouth of Cypres branch bet wees Greta Ulll ssd ttooooa Island at a marked Cypres aud running the tarioo coarse of fid breach :9 pob to a plaos opposlt n Iroo post on tb oat beaat aide of slid braaeh. ibea fa a Hn with said pns fmta tb rsfl of Said Bnaek south 4 derre wel 171 pole 10 a Iron post oa lb aorth aid of Oak Grove the anna W (Ugiees west U poles to oolhew trow pott then (oulk 4 degress west Di peio to ao Iroa poH tbe north M degree t Alf polts to salroesikt Postal lb lao tsar a narked Byeestor Ire isert aulh 4 de gree weet beck lie nf Hatch' land Ua with said slwar4ly 10 Brtee' creek, the dow Ik wtd rewk lo tb bialnt.otlalt( 1000 trre gaor of lea. Being tb laads deMilbed I lb complalst filed la tb abov entitled rtlns 10 wbloh referwae It saad for fell deeerlplloa. Thl Deeewilwv 4tk 1J00, - OWEN U. OLIOS. Cotrjll"r. ' IVolIcr. itiTS r Itotr Ciaoi.ijii I pertor - Casvtl Curat. CoBrt. , '.' rail Tr, -A Tb Netlosal Dank of Ntw Bert : va. - (t (I Brtgt. . To fl , huws, Tak NrHoe..TTial a trilo t he rowlwieiirwd aftlnet Jo la Ik Purilo t'oort of eelrl I tare mtiai f entlU'd "-'III Itatlnnai lUtit of New Born t (I. llrlfffe." f..r the p iifee of rrrieerlrie J lg. Itml a n tt f eliitpe t)iia (l'd d , e e f In'e'Ml tk ion. en tr. r,iel dfa'te dl r iu. I .y Ihe pl!il(f enj inn r,nl.-ei 10 ei-peer1 t 111 M It Irffn ol th ( . t .-.I l.."!,itf 11 t r ' (oorl (! el Ihe lnd r lion m He ,1 h-m . I' e f t tteHet In h .'tr ft Jen l. . , I , i e -1 I - , ) . Trnte' Sile, Porsaant to tb powar of aeie oa tained la a deed in trust executed 10 us by r. W. Heams-aad wti aottii. a. Webber dated tb Ui iif l Augut 1898 and veeordea la Uie ulUuw Mt tt Register of Dead .I .CTavea count tu book VOi, pages M, till and tv at wi.l sell at public atteuoo ua Un-Uda In ItmOiiy of Nhw Beiu at 12 u'vlouk u. on Monday tbe Tib, itay of juui.arj iwul tbe tollo wing real eauie. One. trnca, lylun t the jint-llou HaQCtlCK trtx L olltl NuUetJ U.ttt brlli ol &.II1 tut on Uu eock Creek aud ruuuiug i.pai... .. ,u said cut to Kteu'e cui; iljiute u,i aiuu cot lo tbe biltljje acruxa pa tl Keett'e cut where tbe uitl Holloa plnuiaiiou road crosats the aauu ; tuunce a Girei i lii.e wilh said road due to a hicaory on me shore of Neuae ltiver nt tlte river end said plau tat loo load; thrucuuu eaul river to Hancock' Ci'iefc; :heuce iiy said Creek lo thebeginutug, reaeivtug to rv 1111s a. rates rirrit ol way to be chosen by bim after h becouea of hk across the land 20 feet wide aUo ih privilege of a wharf on said Creek to use for shipping and iiahing, the said tract being the aame which was conveyed lu 8. W. Reams snd G. A. Webcer by W. B. Boyd, Guardian by deed recorded In the said Register's office ln book 116, pages 299 &c. Also two other trscts of land described as follows: Situsted in the Connty of Crsven, State of North Carolina on the South side of Neuse River on both side of the main road leading from New Bern to Beaufort and on both sides of Han cock Creek and on tbe East side of the East prong of Slocumb's Creek bounded and described as follows, the, li rat tract beginning on the East side of Hanecck Creek and South side of the mouth of a Creek known aa little John's Creek and running thence southeastwardly up and with said last named creek to a marked black gum on or near the mouth of Pop lar Spring Branch, Leonard Loftens be ginning corner of his grant for 160 acres dated 1702; thence with Loftens eastern line boulb 19, East 198 poles to the divis ion line established between Oavid W Bell and Henry J Lovick 1857 thenco with tbe same North 70, West 240 poles with a marked line William Hancock's begin ning corner atthesiaeof Hancock Creek of uie grant for ti40 acres dated 1707; Ihence up and with said creek to the mouth of Deep Branch the beginning corner of Joseph Master's grant; thence up and with aaid Deep Branch and Mas ter's patent liue south 10 west bO poles: thence south 30 east 104 pole to bis third corner; ihence wilh his third ling south 45 east 105'polea to his corner 03 Hancock Creek and the dividing corner between eaid D. W. Bell and Arnett Dove, ihence with Dove and Bell's line norths west 17S poles to Hincock'e Creek; ihence up and with the same to 1 he mouth of Mocococ Branch Uancocks lourtb corner; thouce with his third line uotlh 4- east 2(W poles to bis third cor ner by the south Bide of the main road leadiiiK from New Bern lo Beaufort; thence down and with said road east wartlly 125 poles to Abner Neal's 640 acres west patent line known as Ellis' iiii ; thouce south with the same and William Cully 200 poles to bis corner and the corner of Bartholomew Howard ijraiit for 200 acres dated 1809; thence with his west line soutb and east 100 poles to the north-east corner of a grant to the heirs of Koger Jones for 100 acres dated 1801; thence wilh the east line of the same south !)U0 poles lo his corner al the side of the pucosln aad also the corner of a grant 10 Henry A. Jones for 100 acres dated 1834: thence with his line north 83 west 120 poles to hla cor ner thence with another of hla lines west 136 poles lo Isaac Perkins' south-east corner; thence with Perkins line around aud with ibe pocosln to Obadlah Always and Perkins corner al the side of the po cosin; ihence with tbe southern line id Obadlah Always grant north 80 weat 130 poles lo nit soutn-wesl coroor and tut corner of a graul 10 Hardy L. Jones for 156 acies daied 1S24; thence with said Jonos line south oil weal 100 polea; ihence aoulh GO weal 60 polea; thence north 12 west 1 40 polea; thence wilh another of b'.a Hues north 60 eaat 73 pole 10 Adam Tooleya 110 acre patent line; Ibence with aaid l.nley liue north 80 weat 108 poles to hla corner; thence with another of bia linea north JO eaat 80 polea to the aoutuweal corner of Adafn fooler 35 act patent and alo the cor ner of a grant lo Henry A Junea dated 1834: Ihence north and wealwardly with the aevtral coureea and dlatancea of said II. A Jonea' grant and the edge of ibe pucosln to his northwest corner, theoce east 04 00 pole to Jamea Davie' patent line; thence with the same norm -8 w 98 pole lo hi corner; thence north 7 eaat 100 poles to s grant to Krsncls Al ways; tbence with aaid line tooth 80 west 60 poles to tb (oulhweat oorr of said Always grant, theoos north 10 west 100 poles to a corner of wbal hi knows aa th Jeremiah Persons land; tbeec with lb tin of tb earns north 80 east ISo pole lo th corner f Venter Weeds' Isndi tbeoc with his western line south 10 ast 138 polea to bl southeast ooraer; tbenc south 85 ttt 135 pole to a nark ed crpreet la a braaeh at Shop Neck Branch; theoos dowe aad with lot earn lo Hantock't oraek; ttttnot dowa aad wilh ttld creak to tb plaot of lb be- tinning coaitinisf idou acre more or it, tb tacoal tract kaowa a lb How land bteHialag at Hpslghl's aad DoaBells' eoraei a blacking standing stlssdlgo thstastsld of tbcaatt prong of hloctis creek kaowa a tb India landing aad running theae with a marked Ho Booth 86 at M pole 10 a osk oa tbt onh aid of a brttck kaawa a Heaaa't or hraacbi thsaot ap aad with Hid braaob to a baarked gara eorwwf oa lb aorth aid aad aar lb road Uadlog from bra to Beasfort kaowa a aUke eorri tbeoc with aaid fllka atarkad Ira anrlb taat 104 pole to Btae Rat brtaeb en pnl tale U-od waKg to Jaaaee II. Ueelef ptawtatrewi Maoao p ead with tM braooh to rVkea' aoftb. set eonter of kl W arr potearr tliasiu Nth 8 weet 17 pohw wilh Stark ad lie I sn tewed plat tt tM-taaio rem last below tb fork or tb d taaXlce to pevtoat aad Rvwiaet ptaautloa, btr. telle end HpeJeht' traeri tawnwllb Otialrbt-and tkmaell't Ha eewth 44) weat tO etejle to tk eld of lb sooeala. eeetwsrrjiy witn ttt tog an tsa -fwewel ( Ik rnrcer ef a greet to Henry A, Jon I WW 1 Ihwarw with bl Its et 4W pole to 4me rU' feferit Hat) nmth a weet tt j-t lo hit rorweri Ikewrwaewik rweaat luOpol ttfrraaels Alway'l patent Ha I Ik gwne potMtt llMrac with Alway'l ttiettt II arrt Ik W weal tO pules to Always SMlkweet ro': Ikeer wli bl lis wortk It) V'ti 1 10 pole lo Pareo eorser: taeeo wit) tbe several eoofeot of Ik i'artoat line annkwardly t branch knnwa at flySeah branrk: tftetP dowa tnd with tho earn and r lo lit Mat prrieg of Plor urn rek; ttienrw wtili aaid Tk 10 th Wr laalrf . r. lelnlng ft"l aree tr nf Ir-iej lire) w Irene of la rut lieln the seme Irene wh fli et e erl II fl W, ft nr linn !im'V if Jamea F e-l wife f-r tld Hid th fn Her if ;..'r. .,l.. t - r-. ! T In T and rrrlet ta It. - Administrator1! i?le of Ld. Norn Cabousa, 1 lu Bapeiior Col it, ' ' Cbatbb Coubtt W ,W'lV V, . . I on, . t. C. ; .. . Thomtt F. McCaitby,' Admiiilairat.r of '. lb JEftate of 1 Lailtj Am- -i,1: - brose, rlectaaed, ' John Burden, Kitiy Hill aud turtle UilU her huslianil, i.r ia Aiiilin si. niunt 1 icai.i uu utuay ricke. By virtue of an order ol tbe uptiu,r mrtf Ciarrn Coouiv made ilita l'Hh. day of Di-ceini er lOiKI, in ihe a'mve Mi- llllrU action. 1 will on the 14Hi day ol January IU0I. at tl.c I ciuuli4ii duur in tbe cily nf New tt. in ,V. 1:. al 14 o'cliK-k rn. offer fur Ibe fuhow.ii.g 1i scri tied tract of land lo make assets, to wit: ln No. 0 Township mar Rivinlalc, be- il uinning al a liuhlwooil stake at the Lead ' ofHorsepen Braucu, near the edne of the Beau foil mail, which ! ads I elweeo Beaufort ami New Bern, and runs with said road to iLe Woods road, aud wilh . the ald Woods rod to the Great Branch, thence wi'h sold Oieat Branch . lo the mouth of Horsepei Biancb and witb Bald Horsepen Branch to tbe legin rring, containing 173 acies more or less, being the lands conveyed to tbe-late Charity Ambrose, by Deed, recorded In the office of Register of Deeds for Craven County ln book 105. page 60. JLesa about 03 acres heretofore convejed by Charity Ambrose to John Burden, Lewis Arab ose and others. Terms of sale ca h. This 10tb' day of December 1900. TH03. f. McCarthy, Administrator. Mortgage and Receivers Sale. For tbe purpose of satisfying Ihe mortgage due the National Bank of New Bern, and at tbe reqiest of said Bank, we will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for CASH at the foot of Metcalf street on Trent Biver, at the hour of 12 O'Clock M. on Monday the 81st day of December, UNK PILE. DRIVER, formerly the property of R. 8. Neal. The proceeds therefrom lo be applied to the satisfaction of the mort gage held by mid Bank, and the furplu if any lo be held by us as liecclvers of it. h weal. This December 10th A. D. 1900. John Dunn. C'wen H. Guion. lieclevcm. Adiuini.Htra(or'i &nlc. Pursuant lo iLe order and license of sale lo ine directed in that certain SDe- clal proceediugs pending in tLe olllce of me umrk or the Supenor l.ourt of Cra ven county entitled, Edward Uerock, ad ministrator of Frederick Maler. de ceased, again! M. D Maler, widow, and I nomas liloson and ife and the helrB -unknown of Frederick Mulrr, ileceased. which said proceedings are instituted for the purpose of making asfcits to pay the debts of the said Frederick Maler, deceased. I will oiler for tale and sell to the blgest bidder,- for cali, at tbe court boufttj door of Graven county on the first .Monday in January, it being tbe 7th day of said month in the year 1901, at the hour of 12 o'clock M at puhllo outcry, all, and sinpulnr Hint certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situate in tl.c county of ( raven and Rtalc of Norlli ( arolina, on the soulh aide of t be Dover road, roDtaitilng two hundred acr(s("0) snd conveyed lo F. W. Maler by Owen II. Oulon, com missioner, by deed dated May I9lh 1890, and recorded In the oflico of the Regis ter of Deeds of Craven count i in Bonk 103, Folio 80O. etc., In which recordi reference Is mada full and ileUi It 1 description of said land. This November 23rd, A D, 1900. E. Okkouk, AdmlnUtralor of K. V. ilaler, de ceased. tdiiilnlstrutorN o. !'. Having qualified aa the Admlnlatralor of tbe estate of Charity Amhroae de ceased, notice I hereby given to all per son having clalma agaiust the estate of Ibe deceased to present the aame to under (Igned n or before the 97tb day of November 1901, or tbl aorte will he plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will . pleat make Immediate payment. t. f. McCarthy. Admlnlrtraior of Charity Ambroae, deceav d. This 7Hi day of November 1900. Tlnibtr laitiiti For Sale By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Jonrs count) in a special pro ceeding of B. L Haywood. Mia V. Hav wood, Mary McCain and husband J. II. McCain. Ks Parte Petition for sale of laad for dlvlalon, lb undersigned rom mltstoaers wilt well lo tbe highest bidder for eaab eohject 10 Ihe approval of the. Court, at tbe Court House door lo Tren ton, aaid couniy on Monday lb Slat day of December 1900 at II m. o'clock th. following land alluate In Pollocksvllle. lowatblp ttld county, tdjololog th. Itndt of Frtoilln Foy, John Malt, W. T. Dttoa tnd othtra, time a loratrrly owned bv Bachtel K. Blmmont tnd Mrt.. Haywood and known as George W Sim mon land, containing 100 teres mors oc Vast. Tb aboov deacrlbed land I well Uabartd. Thll tbt Ilth Novtmber 1900. A.D.WARD, TH08 D. WARRF.N. Coeamlaelrinart. Forecloar0 Maxlr. v 1 By vlrto of talEority tea ted la to a -Clrfcr4tb Xaeltra Dfitrlet Crlmloal .' Oowrt for Citve cosBtv, I wllitipoe to pablto tal for ch, tt tbt oor bo door la Htw Bern, oa Monday. '. Jaaaary tt, 1901. at II o'clock, at, ' til , tkat ertala pkto or parcel of bad det er 1 be I oenala ssortg siee io lkntlof North Carol! by.Jewe), Wbkttid aad wlf la lies of boad for- 1 Ibe apnea reae of said WkllAelii at Ike Frwwry Term, 1000, of letd enart. a.u boad bavlag bee forfaited ted fneanl-. , r of BtotWiag terderte . Hetil l4 I. Healed a boot o aad t half aalket lro,' lb diy of New Itvrwaa Ik pwihe roed toj .lallkUdet 4.1. Ub ted Weet eonlala e arwe r lee. ... W.M WATSON. Ck. CAROLINA INN, ' f . 1, TWwd BtTwH, HW Pera pt. P. Opeq l tha mtke'rVim Lautl ModrB Imprwvtmtnt. TsbU rirttCUta. ' v , Ktaa4Ci4 Vtlln. ftawipl Moirit M fowteierr'al 1 rf I W d ef t tares tr. 1: -'"a MR1 f4. H. Tnr?.r, PrAf -f'eiree. I ' OAfi' : . J t i r - ' : . C ' a Liter I ('.::"' r a I o I