.4f a! Vl 4 9 7 A- 'C.'t "( J The Kind Too Have Always Bought, and which has been V la use for over 80 years, has borne the signature of , " 'wr" -' baa been made under his per -; r-ftff onal supervision since its infancy. , All Counterfeits, Imitations and M Jnst-as-good are but . experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience . against Experiment. Oastorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare , goric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. -It Is Pleasant. It eontalns neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and, "Wind Colic It nslleves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving- The Children's Panace-The Bean the Signature of - lk Kind You Have In Use For Over 30 Years. tMnmn'eMnuvr. rr mmmtmnninwinnt.'" ' WOMEN WHO WORK. Sr. Loom, Mo., Aug. VI Thoagb only It rn old , I tuBered from Muni and fnU troubles two yean. It print I (Ot o bad I had to quit work. I had to rapport myMlf , and could aot afford a aif h . priced doctor. I tot on bottle of Wine ot :, Oardul and that made me feel better. Have now need aereral bottles and am well. My another used the Wine for Change of Life ana ; was greatly reUoTed. , KISS MASOABET WALSH. Many flrb and women find ft necessary to earn their own Hvlnj in various kinds of employment Their work is often so hard and confin : tng that the health breaks down. Their delicate constitutions are unfitted h lor tiresome task. Weakness nearly always makes its appearance in the I peculiarly delicate womanly orgrans. ' Constant standing on the feet, and coming and going atths beck of a superintendent or foreman, In - duces falling of the womb, leucorrhoea, headache and backache. The pay of women workers is otten so notoriously small that when sickness ' ' comes they have no money to engage skillful physicians. To them Wine of rardui is truly a blesslne. It UHCrIVMV llfAITHIHTs TorEdrkM Hi ctsM rqu1r1nu spfxtal 1 alBWICUBUV. M Druggists sell Large Bottles for $1.00. FINANCIAL. . T.A. Oreea, Free. K. ST. Meadow, T. free. H. U. Grree,Cakler. CITIZENS RANK, sr.c. Doing OsncrsJ Banking Business t,,'. , sTsbraary 18, 1900, tkirptus and Cndivt .. ded ProfiU, l,18i7o. Vrompt and earefol attention given to - jail bastosM Mtrosted to ns. . AocounU ' jsffAelvad on favorable terms. .', - .aVmrd at Dtraetora. , rardlaaaS OtowS . J. a.MaaArara, . B. Cbee.1 jasuie Maealows. a. Ontr, it. awie SedoMmd. el W.lpoca. Vnaa.a.r I. W. Oral SLW.taa . Fowter. Merer HabB, . Bralnnr. nomas a.Mwaa .Baauwoex. u. B.rov. ieH-lvM. W.P.Oroakatt. Hark Dlaossr. rtorinsioxiu r ' F. . fllsisisss. I, P. Wsrl ; JT, H. Pt, ; . Jt. W,PS. iTTOSXITS Ml CODNBELORf sl ' . , LAW.. ss HKsxaB, a. c . .. OOe Bo. front BUmt, a-arlf opp ' s . sUo llotxi Chattawks, . .(OOoas also Baleick sad BenlthtMl) fraetlee Hi rk owatoe of Orvrm. sria, ,tmt, Oiulow, Oarural reeallwl. Wake, ,JntnM. Haraa a Wlleool l tot H . atrenie U4 Fenere.1 M rrk-o are Sulreif. " irasrslsa... ....., 1,00t :i'sdHI4ad rrella........ iPIU ISS.WW ornotux , r -1 it,, n. 0r4 Jrreml-I"!. , .W.ril'i"W,Vlr4la,' - -' T. V. IWS, 0ie. - ' , , W. HiTH.Aee lteri. ', '.I Jtn l:a.wisHyt..ll-. piuecrottsi . ' , "We. . PWU. ' M st. Marts, J ' CJ. I, Prahaaa, V. rl. I'ellMJee, t. 11. CUt. J"1 Hfltr, ,l.lWtrt, i. W. Btart, f. W, fy. It JlHi fo (Mf y an . eiaanfaMar. ve aa ). lnia BoipUf at pl rl u re' a. s1 mke ii. re- lnri t.tl,ke, 'r a litiiiy aad lo 111-if"' i4 tit Jol a'i oe n n rn , It Is r-.-'t ".i wMf b !' 'H fj l(itr oe 1 , n ' healthy and natural sleep. Mother's Friend. j - mi Always Bought Ji. ' cures them of their Uls at a smau cost, and they can act as their own physicians. . No doctor can do as ' much for female troubles" as Wine of CarduL 1 ' ' EAST-EItH jcABoilNA DISPATCH UNI, Old DoiQinion Steamship Cj FREIGHT t PASSIN61B. For All Points TSotQu The Steamer NEUSE will loavs on Mondays, Wednesdays, sna Jrrtday st 0 p. u. tbsrp, malt' ioc laodingi st Oriental, sod Eoan oks lilsoa. , , ' WAG: HEAD., 4 . The Sir. ITeberne ; OotnsteBSroc July 1st, D1 lra t 1, o'clock rooo oa Teedays sal Fri ays. Staking laadla js at Orient U BnSo'.s l'S4d ana sgi u Sj - 17 Freight received no Utflf I than ods hour prevloos to sailing.- , for lartbar inforsnsuoo spplj to i i GEO. flENDIESON, Agt,. sf. YL JUno, Oon, Mgr., r f Q.O. IIrDOis,Gen.Frt A Psas.gt Q ; Norfolk, Vs. 4 , . . Do you Wish U Deter ml naU Bed Bags, Cock Coaches, Ants 7 ;: ; Liquid ; V , -Crcolcum. CroUu Is slao a earful komeeold reaiwiy far eneay eliple ailawaU, As a dl.tn(runt It ta upariof la c'Vk4. le Mid. le sHilr potmnowe tint rnrto. ei'e and baa a (l.nl bmli) tul ordr. Cranlmra I ear iWh n flea, fnrfe MaocSla l)ra,and p l'l eff k'aoa. Thrtirt f'l ,my oa ibeswMkot. Ifc.N I E:Tb (LV, Al M .; Ptt)l4llre Sad ImmII. cWe. Caajipb'tai'il Miti,!B. f Kdli.a'trie In le ooftd ( k ll 1 ILr.fjS P,'i:r;:: 127 ... Te 01 Cheetsmte." - It Is said that certain Cleveland lady whose handsome bouse Is In an tiltrafnshlunable section of the city .was culled past while ber borne wa9 under- going the renovating and refurnishing process. During ber absence a man was especially engaged to hang the pic- turoa. . Among them were a number of excellent copies of the. world's greatest works of art. and the man, an. artist, found his task a labor of love. ; . "" With great care be hang the more valuable copies lu the roomy reception hall and had just finished his tank "when the lady returned, .'.ti'ysv:-;.: Her eyes snapped as she surrey ed his work.. . , 'i::-";:-1,- :."Whe hung those Old . chestnuts there V tho cried. ; ; a t i ffe h , :'0ld masters, madam," said the.star- tled artist iiV'-vfU''C-as - "Old chestnuts, 1 say; It's the same thing., 'If yon hung them, tak them down. I won't have them there- ' With new furniture and new decorations and new - carpets and rugs I'll have new pictures too.. Who ever heard of such old trurapyry stuff in a strictly modern house?" ( "And what shall 1 do with the the old chestnuts, madam?'1 the artist In quired, .' : ' "Oh, dump them Into the attic until I can get rid of them," replied the lady. And there the "chestnuts" lie, Ma- dounas and cherubs and all, gathering dust and calmly awaiting the getting rid of process. Cleveland Plain Dealer. RpaflBtT Looosaotlves. ' Hundreds of locomotives are rented every year. Several corporntlona make their chief revenue this way. The BahlVins have mauy machines out on the rental form .of pajinent that Is, the engines are rented In .the same, way that you would buy a stove on Install mentsso much down,-, so much a month, the payments to apply on the final purchase money. It Is seldom, I however, that a railroad rents locomo tives. They are usually let out to con tractors who construct temporary rail ways for hauling dirt from- excava tions, ; ,'' .. - r ' - ' Contractors who hire the locomotives usually have their own names gilded on them so that the public may suppose that they belong to thcm.s The engines, as a usual thing, are cast offs. They may have pulled express trains once, but oow they are only fit to pull gravel cars. The engineers who work them are oftentimes also the cast offs of the profession. They may have operated express engines, but through careless-ue-83 or other Incapacity have been dis charged from one rond after another until they are only fit to .haul gravel or wood trains. Philadelphia Becord. Golf Before a Mirror. - Oue of the chief teachings In the reli gion of style Is that to attain to ortho doxy It Is necessary or at least desira ble to practice dally In front of a look ing glass so as to make suro that all the motions of the true stylo re being cor rectly carried out. - This always appeared to me a very "linrd" saying" until 1 had consulted W. G. Grace, John Roberts, 0. B. Fry. K. S. RanJItslnJhl, H. K. Foster, Krncns U'lti, E. C. Bredln and other champlohs of sport. i ' - All the above were unanimous in at tributing the high degree of skill to which they have attained In various games and sports to the fact of their having devoted many hoilra a day from a very early stage of their careers to attitudinizing In front of looking glass es In tbelr tmlroomi.-aolf Illustrated.' The OMeat Vlattlss; Car. Tbe state archives of Venice) are said to possess the oldest visiting card of which there Is any record, of course leaving aside the probable as of such articles for some thousands of years In China. Olacomo Contartnl. professor at tbe University of Padua, sent tbe card In question as a curiosity to a Ve netian friend, saying that tbe German students who cam to Italy bad tbe ele gnnt and laudable custom of leaving such lit Us cards, with their nam and place of origin, at too booses pt friends when they called and found tbatn ab-st-nt Tbe csrd referred to bears S coat of arms with tbe motto, "Eapolr rue con fort,' and beneath. "Joannes Wes- turbof Westpualus acribebht rsutu 4 Marttl ltVOOr-lAnrton Tsblet ; : Mian i COUQH SYRUP . At SJUAVsy aVAeaAmtllSX VV" 1 lmy Sore Longs, (Jnpr,I'nu- monia anu Pronohltia in a fnwdaya, Wby thoa risk Cororamption, s slow, euro deatht 0t Dr. Boll's fjoogti flyrop. Price, s&o. Doti't be imposed opon. Hrfoae Ike oaWt eaiUi,M; el I, not roJ l Sail's. aW.M UN oaree Hlneaietleaa, A r ii aaa Patee. laa.acla. ElSiio mi - DEALER W , . " GENERAL HARDWARE, , : , And all KM ot . " ' " immi niTERiii. Wire Vrtlss, He sb toon art Wtiulows, olacicr cnrRiar.RATORs WhkbsreiU eat. TVy bare bt fr t ,als 11 0f. MkJilce PUiv Bnn. raitil. I'rxlef Motrl Ch!!,k, I - 7 "We have three children. Rcforc the blrta of ilia last one my wife usd tour bot tl:S Of KOIHER'S FRIEND. If you hi! the pictures of oar children, yon coald. see si a r ance mat me usi one is teilthiest, prettiest and ' finest-looking of them au. My wltt thinks others f Friend, is the . greatest.. and , grandest remedy In the war lor expect ant mothcrs.,-i: Written by a Ken' lucky Attorney-at -Law. j I) prevents nine-tenths of the II Suffertst; Incident to chlU- nlrtluf T;heMnme; disposition and temper remain unruffled throughout tiie ordeal, because this relax- I0f, pecetrauns; ununeni relieves: ue usual distress. A good-natured mother is pretty sure to have s good-nature"d child. The patient Is kept in 4 strong, healihj condition, which the child also Inherits, Bothers Friend tsket a wire throng n uv crisis quickly and almost painlessly.' It assists in her. rapid recovery, and wards off the dingers that so often follow de livery. ' Sold kygrugglstt for f 1 abottle. THE BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO, ATLANTA. OA. Bend for our free lllustra'.el book wttttvs apreaaly foryapectani nwwera, . flimtlll EXHIBIT. . Office of Register of Deeds of 1 Craven County, Deo. 19CKX J Pursuant to brovixiAns of Seotlon 751 of tb" Code, the follow log report of re oolpts and disbursements of the County taxes Is submitted- to the public. : Department of Jnetio, Continued James M. Harrison, witness at court 860 J,M. Hargelt, do 10 00 Sarah Buklns, do 60 Louisa Harper, do 2 60 to 8 00 George Harrison, do 8 00 Henry Harrison, do 1 60 Louisa Harper, do 1 60 Joelsler.do 8 60 Geo Jenkins, do 8 60 Jas Jones, do SfX, Caroline Keys, do 8 60 Lens Klrkmsn, do 4 60 Joe Kirkman, do 60 H. Kenneday, do 60 Mary Larkln, do 8 0) Jss Lawrence, do 8 60 9. Luptnn, do 4 00 George Moore, do ' 4 60 Henry Moore, do 8 50 Everllne Moore, do 60 do ., 8 0' a P. Mootagoe, do 1 00 P. Orient, do 8 60 J.R. Pratt, do 8 80 Moses Phillips, do 8 60 R, 8. Primrose, do 800 Ales Blohsrdaoo, do 8 60 Ben Blekatds, do 8 60 H.S.Boyalt,do 8 00 Tho, BUsy, do 8 00 W. Rogers, do 8 10 J. P. Stanley, do 1 80 r. Blade, do 180 West Baggs, do 4 60 H. Bumaerell, do 4 M Rube Smllh, do . 810 W. B.Bmlth,do 810 R.T.Bslib.do 100 8. a Bbavenor, do 8 00 Taos Stanley, do - 8 80 G. H. States, da , 1 80 J. P. Stanley, do . .; 180 tfstbaa Tltdale, do . - T 80 U J.TijIor, do;" , . '.'480 Itaoey Tsakard, do ,' 880 fdTaotree,do ' i v 8M Ales VTaiera,elo ', . 180 Cloero Wood, do - ' I 80 D.WIa8eld,do .180 Xtibea Wslstee.de ' -,."180 alsrtkt White, do - '188 A. Wsiera,do . ...1W Koafc WUUs, do ' -; . ' -.188 do .. , . , M do . . . : . . 88S Riley Wood, do - ' 'C- v.tSO JlWkiia,do . ' v -480 UreaU White, do ,"' ' ' ' '. 80 do : 3 ,'180 rUeelWlgglss,do M A tt ' ' I 80 do - V " 180 do- -t 80 UmltVUia, -v't-;.. v too OilaWhltlBg.de 80 Aasle Kills, do ' 80 Kftihaa OiUbs, do. . ' ' 1 80 Rtw 8ia, do i iu4 ueii, do ... -:,;. M W. Chapejas, do "." , - 80 -too W Kaser Taaksrd, do - - ,' - 8 May, 14. 7 ' Uarnll rriatlnt CO, Sappllse for eletae office " H. M. DefTy, eauf, aulas. fw J.U A. D. Morvlf, llaat at eoart It. Kiney, ehtrlff, ebertH fe f ,r Apt ! W. M Vi u.,o. CUC, tumlna- tl in i.f IitmI rierne tta.r (' I .e. vllum lirkfts 483 II 84 IN MM too Jan.. Vj '1 ; r.Inwy.et.ff. ft Of frlana- treia-.ntW 1 : 1 if. fe '4 of r -. i r- T f OOUIt - ' July. 1900. ' , 1 , ' Jo. L. Hhn, Ki-Sliff. eaah Dt - eastern borpllsl ,-;-(. .' 3. B. Waters,' ataiionery . for .. 1 kiks office - . -Jot Einsey, stiff, teed of pritoo- " ' era, 1 monib" : ' v- . 6 00 -.-j 19 74 - '4 6)1 MOJ . 800 0 20 0 10 10 00 W VM .' W ataoa, xaminaUon of ; , - y sane '. Vr;;;v Walker, Event and Cogswell v -f . books for oHirks office ;, G. K ; . Enoett, stationery : for Clerks office y ; ; j ; . v Dr. j: F. Rbem, coroner, holdlne: - lomieat on Catiuir Uard- ner ' K' '-J:t- arrell Printing 2ot stationery . 8 60 5 85 t OD 10 75 14 80 19 77 23 60 9 GO " 52 73 40 22 60 104 40 84 8o 2 So 9 oo 2 oo 2 oo 4 5o 15 8o 34 75 17 60 10 6o 8160 2oo 111 96 17 6o for clerks oflloe -' W; f :HIU & Co .stationery for cierks omce . M. Watson, C. S C. exami nation of insane person Jos. Einsey, soft.: taking Kl Gardner to Asylum do, bringing l be Mannings to jail do, oottt in case of Zeb Wil - or August, 1900. l)r J. F, Rhcm, holding two in- Queats Luby 8. Harper, serving no tices Harrell Printing Co., stationery for C. 8, C. oe.1inaey,sbff. feed of prison ers M. Watson, CY8. C, record w. ing and making duplicate abstracts ' 8ept,.19',0. Joieph ICInsey, feed of prison- in or. Einsey, sheriff, books and stationery for office fua Klnsey, window shades for sbei Iff office W. M. Walton, C. 8. C, examl- nntion of insane person W. M. Watson, do W. U. Walton, do Or. J. P Rbem, coroner, fees in Inquest esse J.'liaxler, m'd'se to prisoners C. Jordap, Iron work on jail Dr. J, P. Rbem, coroner, hold ing Inquest on Wise Sim mons 8. McGlawhorn, arresting John and Nlles Manning October, 1900. Or. J. F. Rbem, coroner, hold ing Inquest on body W. M. Watson. O. 8. C , exami nation of iDaane perton Jos Elasey, sheriff, feed of prls- 'onersone month Dr. J. F. Rbem, coroner, hold ing inquest Wa Mann A Co, supplies for 18 15 8o9 olerk't office November, 1900. W. L. Taylor, deputy-theriff fees and expense of arrest of Sam Lilly Jos Elosey. sheriff, Jury tickets Harrell Printing Co, blanks for clerk't office do W. M. Watson, C. 8. C, tele gramtto Judge Moore N. B. RichsAdaoa A Boo, print ing btsnkt for 0. 8. C. E, E. Quldley, keeping., court house during court Joe Einsey, sheriff, feeding pris oners Wav U. Watson, 0. B. C, ;coart . costs 4 11 8 198 K W. X. Daniels, solicitor, do 71 J. U. Bmith. court fees Jobs A Jackson, J P, do M. D. Lane, do, do P. T. Patterson, do, do 8 A.M. Williams, do, do A A Bryan, do, do M Blaunons, do, do Wat Colllgan", do, do Joe E Eoroegar, do, do 1 OO 1188 9 Tltdale, do, do 8 It Street, do, do 8H M W Cbapsaae, do, do H R Bryo. do, do Bryea sad Hell, do, do 608 8oo 818 . o 18 68 K P W!.llsma,4o,do J M Hargetl, eoaaUbU, do Raba Smith, do. do Aadrew Jaoktoa, do, do 0 W Oavtof, da, do J. Pi St My, do, do - llo ITS 888 L i Harper, do, 40 li eater A le leader, wtiaees si oeett . -' - 8 71 llo do, do . ' - . WE Brooks, do . . llo Leslie Brian, do Heery Brows, do a r To 88 llo MsUlda Brack etao, do B T Brlaeoa.do " Joks Boon, do 4.V JB Brock, do ".: 0 WDrleoo,dOv i . t UdsUf.do ,(: A sale Boeaer, do , . Hear; Deck, do 'y SaaaS Bryeo.do HdO "-'" ", j" Petet IJaltle, do lluldy Crawfeot,do M W Oiepwae, do ; C CCot.do Alias Carler.do. 7 to far'r,d i . )., Hi - ' Cheil.yCoo, J rir l ki'M. ' ( liu "uinr,e. ip loo I To A " See , lo llo '. 8o 88e 8o 00 Fr.ok C'.oismwler, do JuUr I'ltoe, do A J tfc.r.aereoe, dn J ,a Har, : I J W iM' ( . I -.III r i " t. rla , rf., r, .1 . 7 n Florence Crimea, rin - - ('anifort iuilfiini,'f., f .-J . Fl!tfter Oxrwcr, d , ' , ' MenryUealiua. d ' Andrew (Jtllmit. du " MaVk Gardner; d. ' . a ii Hill, do . . J M II uK.it. do '. MoUle IllneMio Lewis Ham, do do, do ' do, do do, do ' Flura Usui, do Duke Ham, do t leo H(m, do Jim Hnlliaier, do S. ti H ,m 5 ,e, V .'iti A lo 3. In 7 oo 1 oo 0 o 6 o S oo S oo 55o 5o fi 85 25o 2 5, 460 800 1 00 G W IUrdlson, do Suaaa llnr.liiton, do Adam Uill.d, H. Jones, do J. K. Jones, do York Jones, do "do -do Shepard Jones, do ' Geo Jenkln?, do Rhnda Jackton, do BUI Jii k'on, do Lucinds Keys, do J W Kenneday, do Ralph Kennadsy, do Clyde Kenueday C Lupton, do J T Lupton, do Jas Lawsbn, do M Lynch, do George Murrell, do David Morrill, do Eato Miller do R P Montague, do Jno Manning, do J B Manning, do J Nixon, do J B Dixon, do Sylvester Oden, do Henry Peterson, do Henry Pritchett, do Ben Pritchett, do Lucy Pritchett, do Tobe Peyton, do A B Pitman, do W H Bender, do Florence Powell, do do, do Dr.F L Potts, do Wm Rogers, do Mary Ruttell, do Howard Simpson, do 8 81mpson, do Garfield Swindell, do do, do jf Stewart, do Lucy Stewart, do Ellen Swlndtll, do ElLn Stewyt, do DrNU Street, do Martha Bprulll, do Will Smith, do D 8lmmont, do Richard Swan, do Jnor-mllh. do 2 50 7 50 70 5 00 0 50 5 00 2 60 0 60 2 85 2 55 8 93 70 0C0 6 0 2 50 4 50 150 2 ro 200 7 50 800 7 50 7 60 7 ro 2 85 2 (0 250 2 50 2 50 10 00 6 20 2 50 200 2 00 2 50 50 2 00 7 50 7 50 7 0 1 00 6 60 2 20 1 00 2 00 600 2 00 T J Toler, do o Walter Tripp, do do, do 8sm Tylor do Wm Taylor, do 6"i Ed Hempton, do 55 John Veil, do 2 50 4 50 1 00 1 51, 5 53 2 50 Henrietta We'd, do 48 do. do 80 Nid Wllllamt, do do, do D E Willis, do W O Wlllelt, do 15 I John Warren, do J 8 Wallace, do 2 71 oo JosEtntey. fees at court Joe L Hahn, do 19 25 15 5o Sheriff Beaufort Co, do Pitt Co 75 " Wayne Co, d j so J M Hargett.do 78 F T Pattersoa, J. P., court coats 8o I Llney Hardy do 1 is I Chat Freeman, witness si conn 0 I W M Watson, C. B. C. blank. 78 for C. 8. C. 86 December 1900 J 48 IK E Qetdley, sept C. U. daring court week W M Wstson. O. 8. 0. examtns tlon of lasaaa persoa Jos Elasey, sheriff, Jury tlckeu J J TolaoB, extra ratloas to prisoners Joe Elasey, sheriff, board sad feed of prisoaers 119 Joe Einsey, aha riff, money paid Jadge Moore sad dlsln fee teal for jail 8o 164 4,718 CoeatyPooi, 8,818 Deparuteot of JmUos 4.7M el Brl4(es and rerriee 8 SI481 Cos sty Ofletal Maektaery tfi 71 Is tenet oe Boexis , IJK Craves County lblie Schools :8Stll Msrrlags Ucesteo Paid Bleu 811 TfeeeaivVl OoeaajtUlos 888 OatMeadleg Bonds , . 4At8 t'spaid Cooaiy Tooeaers J .8e I Ereetl ',L Orees tUftst of Deeds Ot Crave) eoeaty. do kereay aertify the foragelag saaaal euieetest ex eftonty't laaaea la tree end correot lbs beat ot Sr kaooledge aa kellef. 4oo loo llo t8o I To e ERNEST st QntES, t " V . Heglttet Deeds. , . ANN U AX. ISEinWO . Of tlotkseidmsf TW "ttloeej saaJt T8 loo Too 6 oo Hew.nera, EC Tee saaaal sewilng et the ftlock b'lrtrs ef Ibis rash, fut the eUeUoS ot lie Ii',ieHora, sad for the ssvaadnwaa, et lbs tfclrd artUle of Ibe artklee of the SM-UtK-e: and ibe transact) e of eoch n: h.r NIms as eey torn before tbeat, I to tl 8&o l?o III be held tt their Baalim lloeee, 71a 1 vf 1 ri e r. To- .-la; k!rg tbe Sih, dsy of JeS, 1901. Ike I cJ a i:i I pl et 18 e'tloeh A. M . to N fV i at I T. M. i. v. v B;r.T. A Prosperous New Year l4wbt we all desire, an I we p n poeo i t help you roue Itie inciiiniu one a prep n is tme by offering jou apc eail tergal ns In Sewing Macbiue. Tbo Blue Rtbon Sewing Machine for 415.00. The muh in Drop Head for i'iO.00. The Marguerite for $19 00 The Reliable Drop Head for 23.C0. Tbe New Do mestic t2 i.O) and $3u.O0. Tbe New Dr mes'lii Drop Head for 485.M). The N, w Home $4)1.00 and $35.00. Tbe Cele brated Weeeler & Wilson for 30.0fc and (35.00. So you need not send your money away from home when you can get a guaranteed Machine from a home dealer for $15.00. So begin the New Year right by starting right. Witch our ad vertisement and let ua Induce you to come our way. If you need any Ammunition we offer you Loaded Shells in black powder at 40c. 8emt-8raokelees at 50c. Smokeless loaded by the Laflin & Rand Powder Oo, at 65c If you are a wholesale buyer, we offer you 200 B. D. Plows, 20,000 pounds of Casting. 200 Legs Nails, 20,000 Loaded 8hellsf 200,000 Paper Bags, 20,000 Butter 1 rays, Drays loads of Tinware, and a full Hue of Hardware at Competition Prices. Wishing a buppy and prosper ous Now Year, we arc Yours truk, J. C. Whitty New Bern, W . CO. c. COMMISSIONERS SALE. State ok Noutm Carolina, I Superior C'ltAVKN Cot.'NTV. ( Court. The National Hank of New Bern, vs. E. 8. Street et al. Pursuant lo the Judgment in the above amed action rendered at the Fall Term 181)9, of the said Court, the uncersigutd will sell at public auction onMondavtbe 2Hh day ol January, A. D., 19J1, at ibe Cuurl House of said Craven county, at 12 o'clock m. for cash, the following debcribed lands: All i hat certain tract of land situated n iht north side of the Trent road in aid Ciaven county, about three miles rom the city of New Hern, known as the Lorenza 1). Wbilford land beginning at the corner of the land formerly be longing to Emily V. Kehoe on said road. and runs north to the West place uow owoed by Samuel liowen, thouce south 8." west, poles ending in t!.e mill pond, thence down said pond southeast thirty-three poles, thence south 21 east seventy-eight poles lo ll.o well side of said pond aud on to the public road leading from New ueru lo lrenlou, tbence with said r.mil casiwardly to the beginning, containing lVOacres, more or ies4, lielng the BHitiq land conveyed lo E. S. Hlreet by ebasllnii K. Bangert and wife by deed dftUul January illh, loll registered In L lie nlllce of the Register of Deeds in Hook No. 00, Folio 34 anrt :m.'i, and the tract of land containing about three-quarters of an aero conveyed lo 6 00 2 60 2 75 said Edward H. Htrccl by L. J Moore and wife, eicept (hat part of said land 1 60 25 1 60 which lies on the north side of the Wil mington, New Bern and Norfolk rail road, bounded as follows: Beginning al the crossing of said railroad by the Street's road, runs thence north 2 25 no 45 west with aald Street's road to tbe line of George West's land, now Uow en a land, tbence with a chopped line oi George Weat't laud, now Bowen's land, south 84J" west chains into me mm pond, tbence south 12 east eight ind one quarter chains, tbence south 18, east 17 58-100 cbaina lo the railroad, thence eestwardly with laid railroad to tbe beginning. M. I)kW. Btkvkssos, Commissioner. Dec. 27th, 1900. 16 16 95 711 850 7 60 1 i Executor' NotIc Having this dsy qualified as Eiecntor of tho last will and tcatameol of Mary Reddlch deceaaed, all persons Indehled to tald Mary Reddick, dooeaaed, arc re quested to make Immediate aettlement And all persons holding claims against said deceased are notified to present the essse for payment oo or before Drcem her Mlb, 1901 or ihlt notice will be 6 0' 8 oo 91 6o 16 o7 pleaded la bar of recovery. 4C Tbil December sun, ivov. UODEKT R. DAVIS, Kieculor. 41 46 Easy Riding Qualities 87 00 SO 88 m Reepeetislly, tssS the to are found In tTbe Urihta rife te easy can forelsh any klad of eprlag or oiaer ap-to-dste tUach-osss, O.' II. Wer4 .V Hon, ' ' Psos !. Tl Irosi Itrsrf, HEW lEhR, The Only Man' There st I) Oek. kt esl Pine Wo-cl-el cut oteo iergib.nrL.YF.nr.D tot iR roos -ii gr.pr im)ir iAna f nDi IlEVSa UaTI W, T la rvlsf wteAhe. , Kj. II ath s, I ovu fo- 11 1 , TtT, an4 I Inva, file I t a kr.Uesl. Jul f e-lvel s lol o l!4il:(fi 1 1 Tir.r. 'S finroMa. OS .- ; l!r tier, :l T ur, , I ;!! I !. 1 In. 1! fell' k . - -rf , (- , , . , . . , l J I