1 " "i . ' ' ! j : t LhM-';rt,iTifB1iTt'-iWilMtlBftTMTi)Hril MIT- 1")T"" Tf'J' SyruFo'Rgs Actsfleasmtfyandfivmptfy. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. resents in the most acceptablearm the laxative principles of plants Jtnown to act most beneficially. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE - MANFD BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCQ . SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. NCWWMC.H.'C for sale fy itqggitts - frkt SOtptrtotth. New Bern, N.;C, Dee.. 28, 1900. Index to New Advertisements. Masonic Opera House J. O. Dunn & Co. Boys pants. Oaks Market Fresh tripe. Lost Pocket Book. Jas. B. Dawson Peanut Brittle McSorley Chestnuts. Simmons & Hollowell Co ISct. Business Locals. FRESH Peanut Brittle at James B. Daw son's, 108 Middle street. L03T Christmas morning, a pocket book, marked Richmond Guano Co. on the inside. Contained $9.00 In bills. Re ward (or Us return to 0. H. Jacobson, Pine Lumber Co., on Griffith street, POSITION WANTED A young man of good morals wants position. Has held present position eight years. Beat of. reierences. Address X. P, O. Box, 406. BOOK BARGAINS "Worlds best.Mn. sic" in ten handsomely bound volumes Shakespeare complete in gilt. Websters Unabridged Dictionary, America's Won derlands, Columbus and Colombian Echoes from the Rocky Mountains, Bible ComprehenslTe Commentary In five volumes. All at one-half price. G. N. Ennett. SECOND HAND TYPEWRITERS! for sale, any make you desire. Machines sold on 5 days trial If you want a Type writer It will pay you to get myl price. I am also agent for the Oliver Type writer. J. L. Uartsfleld, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. RING OFF. I am not an expert! elec trician but can fit up most any kind of electric bells. Call at central office and ee James H. T. Smith. FOR Rent Large front room, heated and partially furnished, with privilege of bath if desired. Call at home, No. 14 Johnson street. DRY Stove wood at Big Hill's. Jacobs' Raleigh Rye whiskey Is the best. Middle street. EXPERIENCED Dry Good Salesman wanted I New Bmm, IT. I). Answer with refereno and salary expeoled. Ad drees "Dry Goods" car of "JouaaaL." BUBTUNU youag pu oaa make 40 pii month, and sxptmes. Ftrmaneot posltlo. Experieoos oanioeeiary. Write quick for particulars. Ckrk et Co., U and Locust Ju Phil., Pa. - Baaaaaa, IS osaU dosea at Motor- ChesiaaU, 10 asals per poead at Me SorleyV Boy fof b7 Xooai for a Christ sue trt,k m ko alia off the tree. Trice 11.00 to at Brad- Waa's Phamacy. Drew Ooode, Shoe, Doaasstlca, No lloaa, J, i. iter's. Ptrfaiswry A. for Cartas lrW m Davit Prescript!" PlarsMcj. ' I Drawlsg HU, Military mu, Bra. Co, AtmliVa. M 0v1 Presorts. Ilea PbaraaKf . ... Ws have pU tdal tuto w the MUcwov of Mr Xau Utkeyt. Ws asv 130 4wthlhft will pay row I see Ums War pladBf yoaf ordar. Oak sal Market, CURE YOUR HEADACHE and LaORIPPE With CAPUDINE tv., fx ri t, - r r' ly T A EfAKD ABOUT NEW BERN. Ute Happening Dealing With Matter Oflocal Interest. ' Fair weather followed by Increasing cloudiness and warmer Is the forecast for to-day..'...' 'Vf V. '.' The Sunday School of the Presbyterian Church had Its Christmas zeroise .on Wednesday night, tn the lecture room. The truck farmer la this neighbor hood have already planted some fields of cabbages, and ars busy in preparing their lands for early truck. r. i. t x After the Carnival of the Seasons, to night, the young gentlemen will give a gcrmanin Lowthrop hall, complimen tary to Mis Cammle Lord. . A white shad, the first of the letson, was for sale at the market dock yester day. There were quite a number of hickory shad, this variety (being on sale for several days. , ; -i"? The revenue cutter Boutwell is deco rated for the holidays with holly and evergreens. The mast are topped ' off with large 'bunches' and the whole effect Is quite attractive. - The entertainment to-night Is spectac ular la character, therefore It is earnest ly requested that ladles remove their hats, so that no one will be prevented from having a clear view of the stage on that account. The Christmas prizes offered by C. J. McSorley, a child's piano and large wax doll, were warmly contested for, the suc cess 'ul ones being Hies Ruth Watsofi, who got the piano, and Miss Winona Willis, the doll. . The great sale of reserved seats for the Carnival of Seasons, which is to be given at the opera house to-night, lndl oates a very large audience. The cur tain will be raised at 8:30 p, m., and it is to be hoped all be In their seats before that time. Word is received here of the death of George McOotter, of Grtf ton who died l herd Wednesday, aged about 65 years. Mr, McCotter was an ex-mayor of Grif ton and had been farming most of his life. His death) was caused from con sumption. There should be a Urge attendance at the foot ball game this afternoon, it Is the holiday season and It will do every one good to turn ont and see the boys. The merchants would do well to let their clerks off so as to reach the grounds at 8:30 o'clock, the time the game begins. ' The Ohiislmas tree for the mission Sunday school of All Balnts Chapel, took place on Xmas Eve, at five o'clock in the afternoon. It was a pretty tree of yupon covered with red berries, which glistened In the light, and was heavily laden with gifts for all, pink tarleton candy bags and apples and prettily deco rated, lighted and strnng with pop corn. As the children's eyes brightened at the sight of the laden tree, and their little voices swelled out In the joyous Xmas hymns, It was indeed a glad eight to see. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. W. B. Smith of Maysvllle, Is In the city. Hon. F. M. Simmons came down from Raleigh last night. Mrs. J. W. Duguld snd child, I visit ing her parents, st Macon, G. Mrs. I. Feder and child, of New York, Is visiting her father, Mr. M. Haha. . Mr. R. 0. Hol'on, the Journal's oorree pondent at Arapahoe, was in the city yesterday. Mr Job W. Thompson of Raleigh, Assistant Commissioner of Immigration, I la th city. Mr. P.O. Bryan of Chicago, III., Uft yesterdty mora log, aliar several days visit In lb city. Messrs. Bryan Gardner and Jo. Pat rick, prominent dlluns of Grlfton, war in th city ysstrdy. - CapL W.J. Elgl of Salisbury, N. O I spending th holiday with hi slslsr Mrs. J. R. B. Carraway. Mr. and Mr. Kdstoed Btradwksk of Richmond, r visiting Mr. John BtfbM Broad trwt. Mr, T. A. Qraea went t Dark, B. 0, yeaUrday, o basin as eonMCUd with lb Oxford Orphan Ayav , .' Mr. B. Sperling of Baltimore, Md, ar rived ar last tight, and I th peet of Mr. Wm. Baltaa, N Pollack street, , - ' Sti 0eroaCriTci Street . ' Wedaasda; night Job 0 Collins algbt watchnsa at the city hall, was trowing Crav si net wha two beg its cam swlfU) do Ike tr( sad Ufor Col II, who ha b-it not Ut;, oold get oat f lb wsy h wu si nick dow sad ra over by e of lbs rente!. Th horse's boot struck bis 14 We fs, tllf bi Iff d b received bmbes hi body. II w aiusded by Dr. DdgnM sad ws reported dole; quit wtU oomldartag Ik ttter 1jerle. ' PrrbTriptib Osk,Msikt tbl (vralog. - Olcry llaadatb Powder MdtfUn'e 6of b ItaUeoi oa Ml only st Jsis Prrtpt4 rtaosry. Am Caitman Kodak mikti n vpropriats) tccfpfabl Cbtitim Clfl. II 00t Jil On. Agency f CrJhm' rtinrmcy. When Tlrrd Out f mm Stincrlng Brr.dlinmV. Hot S(kI:i Virmi, I iU-i- 'im, N-uirU , It's I'!, H - V I ; I j i I ' t ' " r t n f ! . GEN. NELSO:iA.KILES. Arrivet Here on a Hunting Trip. Leaves At Once For the Trip Dp Trent -V ''S:r' Bircr. '' V j General Nelson A. Mile rr)red I New Bern yesterday by th morning train, accompanied by Dr. Daly. They came on Invitation from Mr.' 0, P. Je rome to spend few day hunting at th letter's lodg at Rock Spring on - Trent river. . ' ' ;- V" v'',- . ' . v. -. General Mile drove to Hotel Chattew- ka, but did not register the ' trip up th river was to be made at once, About 11 o'clock General Mile and Dr. Daly walked to market dock where Mr. Je rome had hi napth lunch "Phenol" tn readiness at the end of the . dock. The trunks came down by wagon and a large box with a corner mad of open slats was opened by the General himself when two fin dog , leaped out and began frisking bout.'7 Th box wu afterward put on board the launch, the dogs taking their place inside again. Several day will be spent at Book Spring. There was e (mail crowd of curlous4 spectator on th dock to see the party Off. . ' "V '' General Mile occupies a distinguished position a Lieutenant General com manding th United State) army." He was born in Massachusetts In 1839. Serv ing In the Civil war, he was wounded at Fair Oaks and Malvern Hill, and left for dead on the field of Chahcellorsvllle. His chief reputation was made by long service against the Indians In. the West, the last encounter being in 1690 with the Sioux and Cheyenne. Foot Ball Today. The Cap Fear Academy team of Wfl- mlngton came over last night, and will meet the Graded Echool team of this city this afternoon. The teams are abjut equal in weight and size and a fine game may be expected. The gam promisee to be replete with brilliant plays, and sharp tackling. . Let every body go out to see the game at the Fair ground this afternoon at 8.80 p, m. sharp. The teams will line up. a follows: Wilmington. New Bern Fischer C Kafer McCartney L. G Vinson Everett ..R. G Toleon, J Hall L.T Watson Laughlin, C R. T Lnpton Galloway L. E... Stevenson or Roberts Dozier .....R. E Hill, i, Jordan L.H. B Thomas Montgomery R. H. B Tolson, L Ltvghlln. J. J .. .F. B.... Patterson, A Peschaa, (Capt) q.Gapt. Pattenon, J Subsi Hardlaon, Rountree, Hill, H. H. It Is quite an expense to the boys .o give the oitlxens such an opportunity to see a fin game of foot ball, and they should turn out well.- Everybody come and enjoy a good lime. Admission M ctaj "Ladle . IB cts. Children 10c. Th On Day Oold Our. Cold In hem and sore throat care bv Ker ttott'a Chocolates Iazuti Quinine. As naar ta u u cmaay. -uumkb cry tor unn." Thar Ha Was. "Yes," be said. "1 think a man owes It to himself to cbooae a wife who ran do housework. If neeemary. Of course I wouldn't want my wlfa to work In tbv kitchen, but cue ought to be bl to do so. On never can tell what may linppen. Olrrs aometlmes leave od drnly, and fortune art occasionally swept away. In my opinion, a girl doe herself Just a much honor in learning to do housework a In learning to play the plauo or In atudylng 'Omar Khar yam.' and" -"Oh. Mr. Spoodleklna." b cried. ": cos m for interrupting yoo, bat aocb a funny tblag happened tbl afternoon. I dropped th dishcloth and uld to my sir, . There, I know aotnebody will com tbl evenlngf And bert yon rr -Chicago Timeo-Hcrald, - SUrlfr Dw4 of DmII. Sir Lyon IMayfair. who reprentod the Unlrenilty of Edlubargb far IT years, naturally cam In cootact with the most eminent men of England, and be pot tbl qoesttoa to most of then, "Did yoa la your axteostvt practice ver know a patient wb wa afraid to dlr with two xeptloB, K arena they answered -No." Ooeofthaaeex ceptlone ws 8hr Banjamln Brodle, who aid be bad era oo can. The other wa Sir Robert Cbrtallaon, wbo bad sw on r, tbet of a girl of bad Character wbo bad a euddeo acchleot iiitb. ' ;'. Th Dlwtmr Iroo. Tearber ftsnimy. ran yoa lD wber end bow Iro wa I rat ttaror. eredt , IUmmy-1 ran"! trll yoa Just wbrr. air. iHit I think I know bow it we dt coverrd. . . ' ' : , Tearbrr-tS'elt. Hsmmy, tst b yoat wtortBtttoO oa tbat pototT " fUrnmy-l brard pa say the otarr dy that they Mnrlt It ' Th ) Km MH. A dory, eorrrtit about lb Wthnf of Loailoa tiwiyii bin ae a Inred Us f met to a wlody arrb. Tumlnatoa frllow aarTrr, be aald, "D yea know thst spmkwF was tl, a hewrr, r do." Mid It blaboo. "fie 4tndr tisny a I !, bnt bl nam Tbonss lint." Ixmdo) New a thb noRrsn now. Ha Msad thtt 1HU e are laprnvo! W'' fcy th p!rM Pjrtip f f K la " of tl- Uttilre "" ef a i.r!'. rm'y, ihm j any ctf,r, ,:,!-. erjy II anl ll tn.?,u (tn 7f In ffi.y, rrnp t-l T'r: ts r n's- . t- '. '"F,! V t fin. rt,'f n't f. ... r Knights of Harmony. ' At a regular meeting of Craven Lodge No. 1, Knights of Harmony, Wednesday night, the following were elected ofil cars for the ensuing term: - . President 8. R. Ball. c Vic President J, T.; Hancock. Chaplain J, T. Lincoln. Recording Secretary R." J. Disoa- way. r ' , , . r Financial 8ecretary-R R. Hill. " Treasurer John C- Scale. Mrshal-H.H.Tooker. ' Inner Guard 8. B. Taylor.. Sentinel John P, Hall... Finance Commltteo-H. W. Simpson, J. Tolson, J. R. Medford. Trustees J. J. Wolfenden, H. C, Whltehurst, W.B. Phillips. :OABVOXiXA. Bsarstbs jf M aim TO MW Alwarg Bought ef i Lecture. There will be a lecture on Persia and the Persians, illustrated with over 80 stereoptlcon view at the Tabernacle Baptist Church, on Friday night, Dec. 88th.' The political, social and Religious life of the people, together with a descrip tion 'of the Armenian atrocities and American missionary work, by I. N. Yo hannan, a native of TJrmta, Persia. He Is a graduate of Urmia College, and was a professor in the same for four years. He I also a graduate of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and is Is now a third year's student at the Ken tucky University. (Medical depa-tment), Lonisvllle, Ey. Mr. Yohannan Intends to return to his native land as a Medical Missionary. The song will be sung from the screen snd the Lord's Prayer will be read from the same In six Ortentsl languages. Admission 10 snd 15 cents. McClnre's For Januaiy.. In variety and worth of contents Mc- Clure's Msgazine for'Janusry is notable, as well for literary merit and for art. The first in a series of memoirs by Miss Clara Morris appears in this number, and.by the graces of her writing the famous actress gives sdded value to a narrative full of .Interest. In this is told the story of her trials and triumphs on the occasion of her first appearance In New York. There la a careful and vivid pen-pict ure of the Emperor William, tbat most Interesting figure of contemporary royalty. From this study by Mrl Kay Stannard Baker the reader gains defin ite acquaintance with the man and the sovereign. A third article of merit is entitle "Great Acnievments of Modern Bridge Building" Here Mr. Frank W. Skinner, O. E., relates many marvels in this moat marvelous branch nf modern engineering, and we learn Just why It Is that America lends the world in this work.' will buy any one of our atterdinner Cups and Saucers that were leit over iromour Christmas Eve Sales. Then you paid 25c for them, as you did also tor those Beautiiul Dolls.'that are now 15c. All our stock of Dolls have been All the 25o onesjare now 7ic, 5o ones 3c; . ', ' We had a'few oi those CREAM PITCHERS that will now well as those 10c Como down and Cheap .Holiday Goods. Wo nro not KOins to carry any of it over. W will havo all NKW G00D3 lor Koxt Xmas. O AT COST. My entire stock of 20th century silk snd Cbsln Jobs I offer st price never heard of before.- Factory price Is all I ask.- Come early and get yonr choice. - j :, -'-'," Baxtu, The Jeweler. . Perfumery In fancy package for the Christmas trad at Pavls Prescription Pharmacy. ' ' Huyler'a Candies Packages-- to 5 lbs. Pharmacy. ' In Holiday Bradham's SATURDAY NIGHT, JAN. 5. A idea Benedict's SCENIC TRIUMPH A Dramatized by CHARLES W. CHASE. (Positively the Original Production) Excellent Cast of Characters. Beau tiful Stage Settings. Special Scenery for every Act. Cor rect Wardrobe and Properties. PROIIOUKCED EVERYWHERE "THE EVENT OP THE SEASON. Friday Dec. 28tli. The Carnival Of the Season ! BY MISS LORD'S DANCING CLASS Assisted by some of our most popular young ladles and gentlemen, making al together a class of 00 people. Handsomely Costumed and Beauti fully Staged. Reserved sests will be placed on tale Thursday December 27ih, at C. 1). lirs(i ham's Drug Store st the following prices: Qeneral admission 60c., Iteserved without extra charge. Oallery 25c. t 16c, the lOo c go at o I o Tiato's ihat are lelt.'.'J buv'somo of tho 1 "Quo Vacfcs" ic CHALLENGE SALE OF Chiistmas Goods I Dolls, Toys, Oaine, B3ok, Horn, Wagons, Swords, duns, Tea-Kta, Building Hlooks, Expree Wagon, Doll Carriages, Go Cartf, Bank , Pictu res, Tool Chester Drums, Fancy Baskets, Mirrors, Ac, at from a third to a halt less tlian other ask. Things you do not have to Sunshine to the life of the mighty little here. Come to the Store or Read Our Big Adver tisement for Prices ! G. cA. VARFOOT, 43 Pollock Street We do more than Clothe Boys, we Dress them. Those of you who know the Boys' Clothing Section, know the Neatness, the NatiDess of the Boys Suits we sell. And never beiore were we so well prepared to clothe the little man in a manner to his liking:. A word about the Prices, from $2.50 to $6.50 in two and three piece Suits. SMITH'S 99 Middle Street, Opp. Baptist Church. Serviceable Goods tbnt give Satirfaction and have a tasting recolU-ctioii Carving- Sets, Knives and Forks, Knives Sep arate Sets, Spoons, Scissors, Shears, Pocket Knives, Butcher Knives, Bread Knives, Razors and many useful things that will mnko good gifu. WV guarantee them as rqtrcsunted mid chn rfullr lake them bsck if not Hoys Air Guns at $1.00 and $M. FH0MK 147. TTorses and Mules, ft-II Kinds and Prices, Harness, Buggies, Vagons, N"o Better Place to Buy, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Two Oaf Load IlorK ft MalH rccvircd a fe day fo, and our 11 HabnvUlb iii'llnUldyllb 00 tntrf .M) UtolO bind, wishing S.Wlo I iCXi l H uiUltlii t tW', farm ami rvd vork. . . ".' Two ' ar Ioadi lUpgW rjircl.J altliio ctxttlnif eW Ilaroru of Kicnr lV'ciinlm and Mrtt will W to your ojTMtag u n brfurs .Huylog WK M. HAHN & SON, HMtitft fit, f.fAi.ir-. irinv nnnr, n. c Held rL-:cltcaTo all Farm:rc. I . JA( 1. rr'-; - w ......... '. C. have, but if yon want to add little ones it will cost yon At Gaskill's Hardware Store Gaskill Hardware Co. 7 ii idols bt. rfyr ubi w. 5. c. ti.t tt la M af t-i1 -H in m a f r T "t J. M : ' ' t r ' T -. 1 pk'1 r-i !'' !'"-"!.

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