i VOL. XT1II--N0. 2H9. 'SO BXJIN, N. C, SATURDAY 1I0SXIX3, JANUABT 5, 1801. NINtTIINTH HAR These Cold Nights mike yon feel the need of Downy, Feath ery, ell wool . LUten to our Prices 10-4 43.50, 1 14 14.25, 18- tYOO - . ' Portiere In any and til colon. ' 'Hemstitched Damask Kete, and Towels la Prices reading from to to f 1.8B each. ".'bi Tievoux and "West Eud"Xid both guaranteed. .' . WTHES WB CALL ATTENTION' FANCY GOODS ! V'..A Handsome u well Dish, or Five O'clock Tee, Wedgewood Dressing Cases or Glove Boxes, "Terra Japonlqa", lardlneres, , sod , Umbrella Stands, New Designs la Lamps. i "Ebonled and, Silver Goods.' ; j Oht 'Sit, and Everything Pretty In Brooches and Fancy Pins of all klnd,'iso , Come . . . and ' Us: ReKabSKty Motto. 1 . Pure Products at reasonable prices.'1 It is well to tnru oirer ! s "New Leaf at the end of jevery jear and begin a , New Year trying to do better in tomi way, than yoa have in the past one.". ' 8o begin the New Year' in&i&g with Parker and yon can readi-. y lee at the end of )the:y)ca that yoa have lived well and Bared. money. We carry a fnll line of Fancy Groceries, our stock is " complete in Very way and a call . eiauiu, yoa wtu reoesve grem oeai oi oenenw .v' : ? Wishing all ray pld pal new' patrons A Happy -aid Pros ' perons jfewi Year, I am f, 'jTouni to please,' . . -; . M mm mm K mw - i ' imw m . V mm , ir m m -a m mm m , (I, - f. Cor. ikiroad'eJs 1 ' ; BateUiu7l Pollock ' Street tad ; ' lee yonr lsandry. ' We hsTe moked of Laaadry Offlce to the store Mr. Ho , r., Borley generally a see for toy,' ' We have oat Laaadry plaatta flpe Sfeape, plenty -7: of light, plenty oFrooa, plenty of geod .f soft water. Now with these sdrsaugee wt will fuarantee better work lhaa we 4 have ever done., '. " . : . We doe I step at tbtee promises. We heveeOO Bio praeesU whleh 'wllbe 1 ' give away with every package i of laaadry Ust la left M the odea ,Tbeee preseate are watt Worth coming ejiet aad will only be given owl two weeks. ' , Oar wegen will be m the streets evwry dsy. aQ goods will be cailed for aadde. V Urered as bsfore. . s With ataay lhaaks (of yonr past pl- toaage aad wlshlaf au . proeperoae ' Hew Tear, we are .. DATBCE&T 8TCAVI LJUID3T. ; : - " J l-ryv ; w pollock a, : stw Bn, 4 c You Should . Sec Oel Cbttstme foods Boui M Bsho voes Clears tl.OQ) rinea, frost So. to ll.Weeeh. i . Tow choice of oi r satire lle ot Opeqee deeetsted ware, redeosd fnsa So, to He ces.Ullnf of Tases, Plates, 11a Trsrs, PsS Bosee. Jset Bot Tooth Bretb- Boies, Rose Jsrs a ad Caa4 Slick, VUrowl 10, l U aad BrtMbee o( all klad AT CQ8T. sImXu of Dott ed Z tracts ftel , Toilet Water, eel sad pleia at lo prt W rUaadard twU aach as U. A (I , C"-o!tuw. A Wf pi Her aad Mk IrSjer'a. TfJW Aatiwoela, t Srtsilef aad YtoM rie'l IS C s!rf frie, fro I OJ ep. sci futv from 4ds per et f Ui ritd Kel"se4 fmlis fr I ! M f f, I ttt n'4 i(vvfns friMa V H p ? '. ; ' wr s f "'H o r. A f 1 a A " I , i I!..',f left asl'h " i . I - tt - k si -l f t I 49 m useful Chafing S V 4 from jon will be highly appro- , . ... :C7. ' Ilaneock Sis. A Year's Hard Riding has proven that the Uoe of Bicycles handled by ate Is toe BET.- My 1901 lias It asore complete lhaa any previous year.- I have eicluaWe egeaoy for . COLUKDIA, HlRTTOnD, BAMBLfRfl, CLEVELAND,' BTEABNS, STRACUBE, ; ' O"! EAOLE. CRAWFORD, . " C. s J r HUO ARA, IDE VL, - , VEDETTE, PEKNARf . , ' . AND MA Ho BICTCLE8 JjrlUjalf1agtBpclaItr, , ' . 'i'WM. T.HIMi,:;r Btcyclea, Oaoa,' Aaunnatllo,brdph opboaea, Job PrlaUsg, - Barber Buapa. : II N Middle New Bora, . toil! We bavo some good BAttQAMS in llcna, Youths & Boys Cloth ing to C!c:e Oat ITot7 13 tho tir.i5 to as v,o t-r r.ro j:i roo::i C. i 1 10 I t 'JrllS jrtK.rejs TV : r. t 'I The Number In State Labor Com- v misslonert Report. Ohief Jastleeghlp Scramble. - Lt Got. Beynoldsa Important ; Man.;Doei WalUr Hark, ' r ' Insplne Attack On , i A BnsseUCFarAd- . '. jutant fteneral-. - 5 Special to JournaL v' . IUlbiob, Jan, A State Labor Com missioner Lacy today made np his. tor port on the newspapers in North Caro lina.' It shows that there are 894, a gain of 80 in a twelve month. Of these 88 are dailies, 181 weeklies, H semi-weeklies 39 monthlies, S quarterlies, 1 semi-an nual, 1 annual, .. In the way of . politics 18S are demooratic. U republican, 26 In dependent, 8 populist. There are! 11. Bap tist. 0 Methodist, 8 Christian,. 4 Episce- psllan, 8 Presbyterian,: 1 Romau Oatho- llo, 1 Qaaker, and one each of all the other denomination'. Besides there are religious Journals, of no' particular hurcb. - The Masons have i, the Pyth- laris and Odd Fellow 1 each; while liters ure, medicine and agriculture each has There are medical journals. Seven ire devoted to news, 1 to law,' 1 o tel le Industries, 1 to poultry, 1 toathletlcc to labor anion.' Eighteen use type eel nn machines, while' M use patent roatr ter. . ' ' . v Tlk about the chief Justiceship" was rpe today. It Was learned that revenue collector Duncan who went to Greens boro night before lut to see Senator Pritchard about the appointment, oouldn't And out how the the Senator stood on that matter. He wanted to get Prltcbard to make sure with . Lt. Gov. Reynolds that the latter, would appoint Gov. Russell chief Justice, One thing is wre and that la Russell will be sure Rey nolds will appoint him before be resign. AS soon as Russell resigns the public may be snre Reynolds Is "fixed." It Is a new thing, this looking to Reynolds as a friend, when Gov. Russell has had no use for him these 4 years. -The Russell people jre giving It out that Pritchkrd Is for their man. They said Wednssda) alght that Reynolds was for him. IJt. C. L. Harris made both statements. ' ' The two sides, the Russell and the antl-RusselL are .-lining up." The antl- Rassellltes say vice-president Andrews it the Southern railway started the Rus sell boom. The Russellltea say thai fudge Walter Clark of the Supreme court, ho wsuU to be chief justice. Is Inspiring the newspaper attache oa Hus sU and also that It was he who choked off the endorsement of Russell for ehlel Justice by the Raleigh bar.:: Some ol RosselJ's friends go so far a to say that Judge Clark wrote soma ot the s news paper articles. , : ( The moderate ' Republicans say that the right thing for the governor Jte do' would be to promote D, M, Farohes ti be chief Justice and fill the vaoasc) by appointing Aagnstos M. Moore. Bat, said oae ef these moderates, "yoa 0001 expect Russell to do the' proper thlag,. He doa't know how.", The whole aorsmbw for the chief Jus- Uosshlp Is besoming a faros osaedy. Ii Is the talk of everybody. The goveraot has persistently sanbbed Beyaolds aad aow wests him. Msattoa was made the other day of a rumor that If Beyaolds got to be gov- sraor the Atlantic aad North, Caroline railway woald be cold. This wee a fake The governor has no authority a to tula road. It Is eU la the. board of In ternal taproreweats aad the directors, and the legUlatara eleeU both aaving takaa the power el appolatmeat from the goveraot. Oea. .WllUam R.Coi ot Edgeeomhe Is here to-dsy aasaaMd his new dalles as president of the State Agricultural So ciety, fissajebetaiead to make the east State fair a great oae. Arrl vele-P. K. Fearaatl ot Nsw Beta who will be private eeoretary to Oover- aorAyeocki Keabea D Retd of Went worth; C. O Cevlngtoa, of Wllmlnxton Speaoe B. Asia a, of Greeasboro; Isaac A. Sugg, of OreMvtlle; W, O. Qsech eebaak, of Laareaburg. There are at least Ire aspirants for the afpolatasat as adJutsat-feosraL Tae Bute cbsrurs tbe Pledatoet BbaV tie Works, of Oreeosboro, capital (1.1 000,0 Z. Fleailag aad otaera stork holders. The eooipsay will oeafat tare mill aad wsgoa aad begi y aop. plUe. Ths State hsd ISO ilsra to ret la In Stldtoos Is the tat sem.amt. It so Uke e rest eottl efiw the Irgl.Utlre smloe ends. It f up 60 d.rt, at s;ina f Tia tss otlisr as Its btirlng wa to t f os oa aatll las dy IkS lgl!tore Ca t Mcycle I ro:n tajoa. Ti,rT, B. (, eteamer V; ',-(! err! ,1. Ths ir ff-m -1 " ,-"S I k't a ; i 1 r I 1 St a cr ' . t i n fr-.m r..---a. 1 I- A. r. i . , ii,, i. r F"- F'-. Li U U U mm Vi And AH Forms of . Itching:, Scaly Humors Are Instantly Relieved .and. Speedily vV' :;- - Cured .by. CUTICURA; The Itching and burning I suffered In my feet and limb for three years ' -were terrible. - At night they were worse and would keep me awake a , pitals, and all else fail. Sold throughout the world. Porraa Dnuo. urn Caaif. Coar, Bole Props., Boston. " How Purify and Beautify the Skin," free. - r Use only Ctmcinu 8osr for baby. sUa, sealp, and hair. - It Is not only the pnrest, . sweetest, and most rerxeenlDg of Buriery eoape, but It contains delicate, emoL ImnlS Uent properties, obtained tram Cutioura, the great skin core, which preserve, AC purity, and boautlfy the skin, scalp, and hair, and prevent aimple skin blem. I W hhea born becoming serious. For distressing hen rashes, ehaflngs, lnflam 'K0THEIS motions, and eruptions, tor emsted. Itching irritations ot the scalp, with dry, w nam anj failing hair, tor red, rough hands, and shapeless nails, and simple la, antUe humors, lt la abaolunlr Indlspenuble. . ' - ' TUB MARKETS. The following quotations' were recelv sd by J. E. Latham ft Co, New Bern, C. , ' , '.. New Vobk, Jau. 4." CoTTOH; Open, High. Low. Close .8.69 3 9.83 8.H9 9.81 . 8.18 8.88 9.48 9.68 . 9.43 9.S8 9.45 9.51 .. 9.05 9 15 9.05 9.18 . 8.43 8.88 8 45 8.68 Open. High. Low.' Close 'Jaa........ Moh. May.. Aug-,. ... Sept.. WHaat: May. . 811 82 8ll ; 186 821 itul 7U Sugar., So, R'yPfd... W. L.B ... Nor, P........ Fed. J..... .. Rock la. ..... .est .117t 43 .. 93 ,. till ,. 1881 561 121 43 94 1181 142 So. Peo , A.S.A W.... Con. TV. ... lm. Tob..... 0. a dt Q Cotton receipts were 81,000 bales, ., Utsrpesl Market, Bppts 6 17-48 Sales 8,000 bales. Fu tures Jaa-Feby. ,6M Aug.-8ep. 1JJ7 Recetptrof eotloa for the weak 188,- 000 bales against 157,000 bales same weal tt year, :: . Wew BeVsj Oottoa lUrkai. . Cottoa In the local market sold at Quality and act qaantlty makes De- Wltt's LilUe Early Risers such valuable little liver pills. r. 8. Duffy A Co. . 1 ., i.Gen. Mtot Reply.' t WianntOTM, January AOea. Miles Is being Importuned by many of hi best Meade not to make, say reply to the charges agalast him made by ai Secre tary Altjer la eooeeetioa with the reop ening of the embalmed beef army seea- dal, or at least not to reply while bale oa the active Hat ef the army. Gea. Miles It rather iodised to ss- swer the charge la the seme pabilo maaaer Mr. Alga' ken made these, aad be claims to have soase new facta, bat says he has aot fully decided to do )to. It Is said that the Preskleal regrets the snbllcalloave of hie fo rater Secretary of War aad that he would be pleased Oee. allies would Ignore the whole baa! Such little plttt as DsWlti's UtC Ear) Risers srevery easily taken aad they are wonderfully eftVtire la cleansing the Uver and bowels. V. S. Daffy A Co- K Vhliky Fr Africa. . WstoTir, D. C, Jaa. A The treaty for the pmter.tloe of estlrs raeee la Africa against Intoilrata, to Wblrk ths Penile (rs In tooMnt 00 1 1 - bf It, will iwlrs Ike furnal e'l-l'-a of tbe Called F;s'a hf Prr.1 l.ntlai pnclamaUos as s"0 as lo'mwil'it Is r l-l as to ai.et t '.h'i eonlrtos bars rstial It. Tte l-'j-a r"'-'ii: rl'- 'sf.r.f f. t tka en't.-,i . ; ' 'mb (f i' a f'n'l- I ' 1 ; a r - r I ; . I - f r 1 1 a i tj r. 1 1 . i r W -.1 ' 3 p ! f I' ' - ' (.-..!. ' t t t " ,1 A" ' f-' ' f b ' " '' i Ir f i .-J L , : greater pan ox tne njgnt.-1 consuitea - doctor after doctor, as I was travelling , . . on the road most of my time, also one . I of our city-doctors. None of the doo- . . tors knew what the trouble wan. I got . , , a lot of the different samples of the medi- cues i naa neen using, i ionna tnem ol so many different kinds that I con- -eluded that I would have to go to a Cincinnati hospital before I would get rellef.r I had frequently been "urged to try CDTicuEii Rbuxdies, hut I had no faith in them. My wile finally prevailed upon me to try tnem.- XTesto I rv nat a change I " I am now cured, and it is a . permanent cure. I feel like kicking some doctor ormyaelffor sufferingthree years when. I could have used Cuticoba SEMBDIE8. H. JENKINS, Mlddleboro, Ky. - COMPLETE TREATMENT $1.25 Consisting of Oonouaa Boar (2So.), to : cleanse the skin of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle, GonctraA 7 Ointment (80c.), to instantly allay Itching. irritation, and inflammation, and soothe ana heal, and Conotm BasoLVmrs (50o.), to ' cool and cleanse the blood, is often sufficient . ; tooure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, : : aoalp, and blood humors, rashes, anairrita. i tlons with loss of hair when nhniclans. hos Cuba Very Friendly. Havaka, Jan 8. The Cuban Constl tutional Convention Is considering two promulgations of 'he future relations be tween Cuba and the United States. One ot these sfflrms, in the first place, sn accptanne of the Monroe doctrine and the establishment of friendly rela tione with all nations, together wilh resolution to proceed la all cases In com plete accord with the United States. In lbs second place, it proposes to put at the disposal of the United States portion of the shore ot any bay on the north coast and of two buys on the south coast for naval stations, together witb concessions sufficient In extent for the purpose of defense and aanitatlon. In the third place. It declares that Cuba wilt place herself on a war footlni to help the United Statea in case such as sistance should be needed: while fourth proviso is an amplification of (he first, second and third The other promulgation contemplates that the eoaventlon Is vested with au thority only to ooovene, and cannot ar range the basis of future relations, but Should Washington dealt it the cooven tloa Is willing to discuss and agree upon as arrangements of mutual relations, The !most soothing, . ' healing aad aatiseptlo application ever devised De Witt's Witch Hasel Salve. It relieves at once aad cares piles, sores, ectems aad skin diseases. Beware of Imitatloai F. 8, Duffy A Co. , There Hty.Be Two Canals WatmKOtojr, Jan. A Senators who e(hl is kaow ssy that lbs Nlcaragui Canal bill will be passed at this sesilot regardless of the action or aoo-actioa ol Great Britain oa the Ha Psooosfott trealjdhst It la aot recognised thai Great Brltaia has any rights la lbs prem ises, but as a matter of courtesy to- frieodly governmeat the Canal bill will aot be called ap aotU after the first ol February, la order that Great Brltaia may have time to act oa the treaty If ao disposed. Meanwhile the Presldeat of the Paoseta Canal Company, who la la Washington, ssy that there la Still ebsece UU this goverasaeat easy be) the Paesma Csasl, bot that lis coaspaay doeea't care whether It does aot, as It ha bees essared that Kaglead, France aad Oetmaojr will Uka the Canal aad complete It wbeaevtr the oosnpaay Ullng. This statnaeat Is aot takea at Hoosly la Waahlagloa, beeaaa If ere Iras lb man who asakea It aa the lobby e ployed by hi company would aol be la Waahlagloa oaemia la every Itaagteetae way te sure afi actloosftheKiersaaaCaas bill the Seaste. . . . ' WolICC. Called Ste Clien t Court, I asters at e District Rnrtb Caroline, IWra. . It . ?rl, ft 1 VS. Genrf S. BfffS A to rur.v.ntte the decree Is the a bo re ea- ih I. i raai, I 1 1 pr i Uk - as t nui ti! sii f'.'ff-s aalaat Ike ptuffi is r.-t Irnlsiir la i Sis , end lbs pri'.!!', j t, 6. a !a(ms, Sft1 cf s!l Sa enun'S to U . n. fnl sol O. 8 Hc'rrs A to. of sa4 mnr.inlsg tl.s . i . t.t (oil In the f 'a '.'-ore ! er-r- Uif ". I' 'r.!rf e lis. is- -r I . i t: ' ! Pi . , r Si r of '"NEW LOT OF j WHole Codflsli Also in 1 lb. ISricks . aJ ant Brcei vert. " ?" Fresh lot Ontario Prepared aad Old Fashion Buckwheat, 3j Finest Elgin Butter, Fanny Cream Oheeae 15c lb. That Gents- 5; ine Java Boasted Coffee that I am se ling at 20c lb, is a big bargain, if you drink coffee it will pay you to try it New bbl. jjc -Fulton Market Beef, also PioUed Rump Pork, Heinz's Saur g Kraut and Pickles. Fresh Canned Goods, Nice Jelly in tumb- lers 5c each. s It will Pay You to Call and Examine my stock before placing your orders elsewhere. S I . . McDANIEL 'Pit one 91. J. A. JONES, BROAD STREET, STEWART'S OLD STAND, IiiTery, Feed, lf" Sale and I Exchange . . a 4 leugest and HOUSES arLd Iv"CT2L.ES Ever Found in New fern. Also a Complete Line of Buggies, Wagons Harness, Robes,Whips, Cart Wheels, Etc. We lav Just 'Beceived oar 8priog Lin of Hahan & Son's Patent Kid Shoes. Tk only Patent' Leather known which does not crack. - . J i Wtbavs) them la C, D and I lastav Th shapes art rntlrely new this beaaon. r ' . J.G.DUNN&CO., .," Tne Up-to-d Ate , FnrnUhrna, ..-. 87 POLLOCst BTBEET, Clc?riTigUp Salo! I have aomo young Hulc3, largo and email also eomonlcty Horses, Huzzas andLogCarta that IwIlUcllat Bar naln, Jor C.13I1 or cn tlrr.c. I firu out Ot bu3 i r. i nv.d riust-closo t: :;ic: It !l 1 "! to your WlioIetnle 'w3Ter, g 71 Bri.M Hi. A ffT ITl-P Zl Kl HX Jk mmmmd H sf8knsw Finest'ftctk i el. A. JONFJ4, Broad Street, Stewart's Old Stand. TROUBLE NO! We here now plenty of Dry Store Wood Oak, Ash and Pine, kept under sheds, nerer gets wet In rslny weather. Phone 111 for Dry Wood. Shingles, Brick. Lelbs and Poets for fencing, Tar or Lime, Pork -Heak or Beef, or anything you need that you can't find anywhere elae. The only Btove Wood man there "B" Is BIS HILL, Tie Side Hai STOLEN ! A Hertford Bicycle No, 11087. Uart. (ord patent So. 7, IJ loch ii an ford Uiee, Black Fraase, Calvary Saddle, model 17. (dotibl epriogX Searchlight Laatevn; takea from the office of J. E. A R. CHara, 88 Craraa Street, bstweMt the boars of I aad T o'clock p. aa. Monday De. 84th. 1900, Five (88) Dollars Re- ward for Its return. Twenty-five (28.) Dotlar Reward for the arvat aad ooa- sdoUoa ot lb tbkf. Win or wrtlo, BAPUAEL CHABA. . ' ! KrrK, K. C. - P. THO WITH". BLiCMHifWttEIGBT, aaataetarer af - . , aggie. Wgaa Cris, Ae, Ivpalrlsg tHs tasert KeUee, Wsfoas, Cart aad tray kvpt oa bead for sale, -" ' . , aewsk Hmmt tseae. "a (a auisMi, , w1 liliiBook Store ... Settle i yoir last Tr'i ar-tminl vUy. , ' . , , tc.J Ujaninf itti the 2 th Cn-tTifT. 0, II, Cnnctt.