i M " Tbe Kinl , i I k. In-use for cur ; ..-wGtySv,,. ; : All CoonteriUU, I 1 Experiments t:,at U ' Infimta and CLZJrc if. VJli Castorla la a harmk t b- for Castor C-l, Fare- i goric. Drops- and SoolLL-r t; 1 5 : s. It Is Pleasant. It . contains neither Orium IIortLjie nor other Karcotio substance. Its ago is lis guarantee. It destroys Worms ... and allays FeverLshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind . Colic.' It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ' ' and Flatulency. It assimilates tie Food, regulates the ' . ,, Stomach and Dowels, givin; healthy and natural sleep, -s The Children's Panacea The Blotter's Friends - -::y.. .-.. CEnUiriC CAGTC?JA AUVAYS Ceara thQ C!jnatnre cf The Kind You HaYOllnajs Bought In Uss Fcr Over CO Years. . Tns eeirraua) eoSiMiirr, vr stonii.v tun, Bsa-rox Q. Aaa. ll I S ars old and kav, beta saffsrlnswtrlr- Chang ( I ef Llfs. I had floodlna snails ' sons thonght I toald hrs. . My buabaod got ma Wins of Cardol and it sar.d my 1U jf mmmam psnoa) siBoa sssjng is. . -. . , , MBS B. B. TOWTfillTO, It if the devout wish of fiearly til peopk to Mv to a ripe oia age; ; ; None of uswanttodle young.'- This univmaj desire can be realnccf if ' care betaken of the health mearly and middle hfa, A little precaution then will add many yean to our existence. - Death can be-ltept away a (ring j time.. Hippy, healthy old age will be the lot of the woman who promptly . . . corrects the aihnents which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Carduiwilt v . - take the female child safely over the dividing tine between girlhood and l woman hoodr As wife the needs H to help her through the trials of . pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible,'. At the ' ' : Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears In ' '. her pathway between Wand JO. Then wrS come many years of truly ' 1 - blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefuUy. To the last i ' she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always characteristic v . - ' '- of Derfedlv hnlthv rrandmothrra. n 8 Utiit' ttvitnt itraiTBMT.' - m"J"J- 1 " ' 6iTRtlon4. iiflil reaa. aiTintt nrin ntorna. JsitiUMICU CiiiUUaooiiB, Tens. - LARQE BOTTLfil OF WINK Of CARDUI SOLD FOR tl.OO IY DRUGGISTS. f INANCI1L. C: T. JU Jr, rrm. K. H. Ifaaulawa, T. rrM. - U. M. Orovaa, Casbts. ';J"-, :'. ., -' - ,'. . .,.,,. "- ;,. -J- . o BCBIW an. C . .'. Doing Oeneral Bsnklnf Business ' Fabrnary 1, 1600, Barphiaarii TJadiTr r ; ded Profits, 1,185.7. : x " Prompt sad careful attention rIvm to hit bnslasaa Mtraatod to. ns. Aocounta rooetTwd os favorahla tern. , , fardtnaaa Okrua. t. A. Meadows, IuhI W. Ipork. . s Lhaa. B . Imnsi, i. W.Ormlnarr, . W.aiawo4. . S. B. Mxautowa, . Cbaa. Iitiiry, Jr. Janets RfKlfnonct, Blayar Halin , Tbiwiua.wa, 0. U.I nr. W.r.Oraokatt, i Hark Dlsoeay. f BOPESSIONAL. T. I. II . 4.1. res, , a.P.'rTarfl E. W. Pet. ' SIMHONS. POU ft WARD, aTT0K5ITft1 COUKAELOKS t LAW. ttm ikaax,!,!). 7 tftfttu M l. rmot fltroH, owly opro. - kitcUntwt Chstuwsa. (Omo also at Rls!i and BmiUi.tnld.) rraMi' In fitatintja ot rmrn, p i"n, tn.tt. t HIKmmt 4ir0Mi. ii irn-U S''l Wll,ti la 11 H, r.ma and lll tvirl. iul waravaf trvl( srs 4.ir4. F, U 1. 1. rtliEVaBT TaplUi Mink 1st, IVOO. II finq .nrr-laa,,,. 10, f "ii tadlvUed Tronts, Deposit. . .. . , . fUTi' L, IT, CrT-rt IV'-'i 1 , W. M .., V T. W . I , 1 , ( J. 'A'. 1 , I, . . . 1 I I. V X ill. 1( ' j.s-!iKi.l" are lm& i r t .o 1 U cf in mrfrrr, nrw vaps err. PWSMSsSisMSMq so bad Uat It 1 for women alone to decide , whether they wiO be healthy of sick.;. The remedy for their Sick ; ness It dose at band. v ' CAEQLIKA " DISPATCH rLlUK, For All roIntA lorth. The Steamer NEUSE will Inavo on Mondays, Wednesdays, aod Fridaji at 6 p. m. sharp, mak iDarUndinKl si Orieotal, and Eoan oka itlaod. : . ','" 1 . TiAVr.l IX I AD. ; The Btr. Newbcrne Cotnaaeoeiug July ll il Vnvrt 1) o'cWk roia oa Tuewd ya a5 frUaya, anaklfif laa ilara at ( rent. I, nBO. Lu'ead and f s II ad, ' ' ' . I IT" Freight raooived Dot ' lata! than one hour previous to aailin?. i'ur further information apply U) GEO. UKNDKUSOX, At. M. K. Ki.fO, Coo. Mgr., n.C.Uco(iiKi,Go.Frt.4 P.Agt Korfo'.k, Vs. Do j oa Wish to PtJ tldgs, Cock liter rtilnste Rijaclie. Ant Thru r Liquid CrcoK'tini. ' 1 A i 2 ., , ,4 AND i ';.::. i. Old Dcmmioa Steanisiiip Co. .FRIIGHT. h PASSIKGIB,' - I - . 1 -i Ire, l!:e lVrlitt i . : . I t : Hi ! t ,-a 1 t at n I - o o , i. f ail i,ii;:!,n;it ii,on eaith man came . ..I uf ouitli'a animal cre;tiuu8 u"e nd up ill unit). As to the lirst state it tiii-i'o is no difference of opinion. 'ino liibie find Darwin a:ree that man wns created Inst or all tlie animals. ory superticiul observation will con vince you that man contains In His men till make u all of the "iufiaVor" animals, or nt least a great many of them. Von, Mr. Jauea or Mr. Smith, who read this aie in j our single selr a sort or syntnesis of the entire animal creation. , If you could be. divided Into, jrour component animal parts, there would be a menagerie in your house, and you. Smith or Jones, would be missing. That thing we cau a soul would be floating around, Impalpa ble, looking for it boot 10 Jive In. i Of course you can see tbe animal matte up In your neighbor more readily than Id yourself. How do men describe each other? Do they not apeak as follows and mean ex actly what they say! rHe la aa sly as a fox." "He eats' like M &k"; "H has doglike faithfulnesa." ' "Ito fa as brave as a lion.'1 "He is aa treacherous as a soak.", "He was aa hungry, as a wolf," etc Ki- f' iv.A. , -As' ;- 'J-.'-: v ' Oar good and. our bad qualities -alike are mapped out la our bumbls animal re lations. The horse stands tor am bit Ion, which strives and suffers u silence. The dog represents friendship, which suffers and sacrinces much but whine loudly when injured. ; Wea-ve no doubt that ot the 1 passions which enter into s on. rles complex. analyaia of man each has Its Dratotyne in someone animal. - . To rebel at the. animal .combination which makes np a man would b folly. The Maker of ua all, from ants op, nat urally gathered together the various parte In, lower animal .tuna before - finishing the work of .man-. -. A harmonionsly bal anced mixture of nil tbe animals Is cal cnloted undoubtedly to produce the per fect man. i ' ' i - Therefore study yonr. animal make np. Analyze honestly and .Intelligently the so called ''lower" creatures from whom you derive your. mental characteristics, If vou hare not yet done so study-at once some good worlf on embryology and learn with amazement and awe of your marvelous prenatal transformations. Then do your beat to control the menagerie that is at work in your mind. -Wi. ; StoDefy Mr. rig If he Is too prominent, Circumvent Mr. Vox If ha tries -to rule you and make of yon a. more cunning machine. De not lot your old dog Tray qualities of friendship lead to your be- Ine made a fool. -v. . . . a: '??' In short, study .carefully the animal qualities that make up" your . tempera nient and prove in your own person, the falseness ot Napoleon irritating state ment that a man s temperament can net' er ho changed by himself. . ' . . It may . Interest you to note that When man beeqmea Insane the fact Is at once made apparent that bis mind, dethroned. bad acted as tbe ruler of a savage- raen- Agerhv Marry craxy me. Imagine them selves animals ot one. sort or another. Nearly .11 ot them display, tbe grossest animal qualities, once their mind is de ranged., Women of. the greatest renoe nient sink into dreadful animalism when insane.- Heine telle of a constable wbe in his boyhood ruled .It native city. One tine day "This constable suddenly went raxy. r ' -And thereupon he began to roar like a lion or squall like a cat, Heine remarks with calculated naivete We little boys were greatly delighted at the old fellow, and trooped yelling after him,- until be was carried off to mad house. . ' " i ,,. - There Is, by the way, much of the nat ural animal, in "little boys." It takes rears to make a fairly reasons W crea tor of a young human. For that reason many I mo rant Da rents are foolishly dis tressed at Juvenile displays of animalism. which are perfectly natnraL - The cam. Heine, whose writings yod ousht not to aeilect, describes besatlfuuy a human anenarie. We U quote that; and then let you off for the day, Heine was living In-rarts In the forties and osed to visit a curious revolutionary freak named I.udwlg Borne. Of this maa's house Htine wrotei . . . . "-. "I foe ml la ble salon I art a menagerie of people as can hardly be found I. the Jardlo des Plants, (the i'arta aoological garden). In tbe background several polar bears were crouching, wbe aseoked and hardly evee epos, except to growl out new aod then a ml fatherland 'Doaoer wetter,' ha . deep baas voice. Near them was squatting a Polish wolf in a red cap, wbe occasionally yelped oat a silly, wild remark In . boars tone. There, toe, i found a French monkey, ooe et the moat hideous err at ores I ever saw. Hs kept np a sprie. of grimaces, each ot which esvsied mere lovely than the last," etc it IIpIdi i polar bears, wolf and mon key bad studied themselves, as we Silvias yon to study yourself, Ibey might have escaped the aarrasa of the ebarpest tongue ever bora In or out of Germany. New lots Journal - - Lsl Shook. Uavrdr. It the sclors got eooor Improaalooa of Dlaywrtsbta, the latter ehs also QalrM sniriilsr oolkms f tb "profes- akwals," relates tho New York Tels-grayh- Ivils Ktillat was ooe lntrdor4 10 Tbomaa Hardy by rani rot tor as Ii race front the stag after doing be Bory walk around. Mr. HardyMr, Jlardyr said tb denrv liKinlrler'y. Amhof trf ls of lb irurbor- Vlllv,-" said Potlef. Ontto Vie. Hjh. I knew you wrtilv plsys or mine thlna." said nl I .a l i. "You art fiirb e o-ee Waiting man. ot yim nt, a pisy f,if m. r The tft.np tm said to ka qi j mx-ltanted ti no it nh tliv . Aelt Aalrlnar, Id I'." ! astrola said tho m' ! would t! - ' r - ,4 .y ! e.t '-.',-': -i f f tl ''"-'t- A ( J, ' If"-' ' .if a f?n ni r. r t a - I in ! 2 t -i .-.- e-t r - -..-J a t . : I ' ' t la A . i a t a -t t II .-1 ' I I A- ...i-S, ..IV its wor.se luod is i 1. .1 , ai.J far uirss ti.e h MS ( "oi. .,).! and enecuiaay cminsea oi uua violent d -siructive poison. S. S. S. i9 the only safe anil infallible cure for this !iseaje, the only antidote for this specific poison. ' It cures the worst cases thoroughly and permanently. Li ti, ,...vJ Vv..J I contracted Blood J 1.,., T I r i .H r r-'n FT',';',C. thr doctors, out t be 1 r treat raenf did i time good ;'I was BTttina; worse all th iny hair cade out, ulcers appeared in rnr ii, nicer, aucmi body war almoa throat and motitt and mouth, mv body waff i noat cweiet. itfa cooper colored splotch?, and offensive Sores. I Buttered severely I mm rneumallc pains In my ahoulderc and arms, si y condition couia kave been no worse ; only those aitiiclc I as I was can understand my sunerinKa. I had about lost alt hone of ever beina well again wnea aecioea to try o. 0. - Dut duk oontess l aaa . little faith left in any , medicine. After taking the third Dottle I noticei a change in my coiull- Hon. This was truly .Tina was truly en- coursfflna. snd I de' ring, snd I deters mined to give s. 8. 8. a -thorough triul. Prom that time on the improve- . ment wssrapid; 8.S. 8. i seemed to hive the dia- , ease completely under L control', the sores and J ulcers healed and I was ft 5 i 1 1 soon free from all siaxsV J ' ot the disorder: 1 have ' been stromr and healthy rv, atnee. ' X. W. BU1TU, Utt BOX 611, Noblesvillt, lod. is the only purely vege- j v V V known. $ 1,000 is NkV i ..V tt contains a particleof mnenn nntash or other mineral miaon. Send foronr free book on Blood Poison 1 tt contains valuable Information- about this disease, with full directions for self treatment, 'We charge nothing for rnedt- cai advice Cure yourself at hanxe. . , TBI SwIFT IPECIFMJ CO, ATLANTA, skv 'i THE SON BALTlhORE MD.- i887 '. 1901 TheJ'aper of the CcttEles For the propia and With the People., Koiieai In Motive,- ' . t T' , ' Fearless in Exproaslon, .'. '5" Sound In Principle. A newepapt r Is an educator; thtre are all kinds of eduoatofsv but th man who spends money judiciously and llbetally Is better ablo to. impart his' koowledKO than the man who ha-Jlttle or nothing to spend.-. Too Sun is tbe hiirhest.type of. news paper, ' r. Tb. Buu'a. Bpcclal v Correspondents throaghsnt the UolKd State, aa well- aa in Knrope, 8 uth AfriCVChloa, and. in fact, alt over the- world, ranks it an up- to-date nswspsper. rni''jf r'w; ? ThoMarku " , orta and commcrota features put the farmer, the merchant and the broker in oloee touch with the markets at Baltlmoro, Norfolk, Charles tonj New York. Chicago, Philadelphia and other places which a e promir-eot centers. rv From now on the newt' of the world promises 10 be more Interesting than gveritifor.andv national and polltloal (jtiestloDt win arias, making probably tbe most ranifui I Snod In the country's bistort. .'-''i,K. Tbls, together With the corps of adit- or and reporters at BJtiroore, Waa- Ington and New Yb'k, make The) Bus. . lnvaluAbl to tt reader. - '. .' '; -. By, mail Fifty Cent, a month) sis months 3; on year, 14. '-,-' . .- The. Baltimore Wee - Th Best Family Newspaper. AU lb. asws of tb world In attractive form! an agricultural department second to nrm In the pouatryi market report ! which are rwjogr.laed anthority; ahprt , (lories; complete In each number; aa In- tarsellrf wonwa's eoluson.'jnd a.varkd and a tlr active department of boosebold interest.. -..'" " -. .; . On Do'Iar a rear. Indooetneata to g t'rr-up ot club for lbs Weekly Sun. Both the Dally snd Weekly Bun tnaUed fro of rx stags la tb United Slates, Canada and Mexico. ; Payment Invaria bly In advaaoa. . Ad dross - , A. 6. ABELL COMPANT, v' - Pubils'.ets and Proprietor,' Baltimore, MU- -Expc: ncH I 4 of La:J.- "... :i C-... t iNA, CRAVLS Cocntt Ir. Sjre'iiT t nuit' 1 tfo'e W. it V tl, on, ('. C. Thomas F. McCailby, Adm!niiatfr of the Lsitate of Lharity Am- " - brosc, deceased, v -. vs ' ' John 'Barden. Kilty Hill and Curtle liiil, ber husbsnd, Lewis Ambrose, Ernest ficket and Daisy Picket. - :. By virtue nf n older of the Bnperlor l.nnrl "t t lun u County made this lulu, day ol Dectrntief 1910, In the above en titled action, t will on. the 14th day of Janury 1SHil,..jU the Court house door to the ciiy of Kev Iwm : . c. t 1 n'clock tr. t ffer for suU the following de- scrinea tract 01 land to mat. aase'a, to Wit! . -.''-;. In No. Tnwnshfh near RlverdalK be- ginutug at a llghtwtxid suko at the head -r llmseren Branch, near the ediieot the litaufort road, which u ads between 1'eaufnrt snil Kew Bern, ami runs with said rna 10 tbe woods rond.nd with the eald Woods rosd la ths .Great Krsnih. thence wlib said Great Branch (o the mnu'h of Unrsepeir- Rianch and llh said Horsepen Branch lo'tbe bruin nlnir, containing 1711 aores mure or less, ltng Abe lands ronvrjoil-. to the late Ohi iiy Anihroay, by Deed, recorded In the office I ueelsternf Deeds for Craven " oqnty in- book 10J page . 66. .: Less aixiut ud acres, heretofore conveyed by i hsrlty Amhioee to John Burden. Lewis Amn ose and mners. . ', ; - - Terms of sale ca h This lOthdav of December 1900.-V. ,'t -Tno3. p. mccahthy,. v ' t , - ', AiJminlatrator. Bavins qualified as executrix of the last will and testameowif the laltf C. (3, Fettey, late of Craven counti, .N. C, 1 herehy not fy all persons having claims . against -the estate or-tbe deceased, to .resent them for payment on or before the 28th day of December, 1901, or this notice will plead In bar of recu'very, All persons indebted to the said estate will please make prompt settlement. . J all JUrcemir MJ.n, 1VWV' "tSAKAH E. 0. PETTKT. . '"'' . -, 1 - Executrix B.-W. Wn.La.805, Attorney. - tin in Isii loner's ale. NORTH XJARQUNA, I Superior " craven Uiunty. 1 Uourt. The National Bank of New Bern, . - -vs, H. H, Perry and O. H. Perry. ; a Pursuant to the Judgment and decree of sale made la the above entitled action under wbicb I wat directed as commit inner to Sell the hereinafter 'described land In accordance with - the term of said decree after duly advertising 'be aama-'aa tharsiin reoiilreiL.v 1 win therefore oner f or saie ana ten to the highest - bidder for cash at too Couft House door of Craven county on Monday January, rath A. u. luui at the hour of IS o'clock m. It being tbe first day of the--next termot the Superior Court ot Craven county, all- the fullow described tracts or parcels of land lying and being sltuataun said Craven county. bounded and deacrtccd as follows: Be- r Inning at ibe month of Cypress branob between Green Hill and Raccoon Island at a marked Cypress and . running the various courses of s-dd branch 189 pok to a place opposite an Iron- post en the southeast side of said .branch, then In s line with said post from the run of said Branch tooth 4 degrees west 179 poles to an Iron post on -the north aid ot- Oak Grove then- north 80 - degrees west 43 poles to another Iron post then south 4 detrrees west 88) Doles to an iron post then north 80 degrees west 85 poles to an iron' axis - Post - In the lan. near a marked Sycamore tree then Sooth 4 de- grte wect to . back line of Hatch's land then .with said eastwardly to Brio' creek, then down the said creek to th beginning, containing 1000 acre more or Being th land aescrioeo in tn complaint Sled in the above entitled actios to which reference is mad tot full description. This December 4U HKXU. . i OWEN H. QUION, i C VOBniHIODfTV,'' Stats of Nontt Oaolia I- Superior ' . : Cbatss CooitTT.- i . uonrt. - rH Term, 1908. v;' . Tb National Bank ot New Bern S.?- ts. ' y . G. 8. Brlggs. ' To O. S. Bkioos. Take NotloeTbal an actio, baa been . commenced against jo. - lo th. Suparlor Court ot aid Craven cnuotailUsd kThe National Bank of New Barn v. O, B. Bilges,' for tba purpose of recovering Judg ment et-alnst emi for elxhtoeo bua- dred dollars and Interest thereon, OS eo oepted drafts tli-ooonted by the- plaintiff sad you are required to appear at the ten rm of tbe fiupelor Court of said Craven Unoniv to i bald at lb. - voort House lathe cliy cf New Ber on Sth Monday befor the first Monday la Msreb 1901. bring tbs 8ih day of Janu ary 1901, and answer or demur to Jd eotnplalBl that ahall b Sled In thlt ac tion, and ynu are oollOod that writ of attachment bos be. Issued Iq tktsao- llon. . This 10th day ot December 19C0. W. M. Watson, ' i ' , ' Clerk flnperlor Court, Comralasioner's Sale. 1'iir-nsM to that rrttaln Juiln.ent of ll.o titipwlor Court of C'iva conoty reti'!iel at lh (all Term IV W la lb sctlno thereto rtiilli,g entlllrd th JUa- ti,,r.l H.t k r.f licrn avlnat H, H. Woolen and Julia Wixttea Ins wife, a ( c nm l-.i- her , olntrd In laid Jm'g- n nt, 1 vi 1 i,"' f t,r ,a e snd all to tl,a I, ,- in .t I, ;-i l"r fur r.h, at lii cmrt h..uia ,l r ( f ' iv.ii rmift r, on .V ,' jm. . Ii 1 I . at lue hi'iir nf 1 i ,h k, VI, ail l!.a f.'iiiiwlng i'l , . ', ,,. in aa'.-l )! -ninit tn tie sold t l , i ! ' ' 1 i In t r - n , . ' w i i, I f : 1 t.d i. I fl'.-l I as , f Ur. ! .i . j . SIGNER'S f ALE..- - State or Koetu Carouha,) Superior - ' V, V JWa TT. I 10 tin, ; The National Bank of New Bern, - '. vs. ' - .' .. ' - ' " E. S. tlreet et al. ' -" Pursuant to the judgment in the above named action reudered at the Fall Term lcU9, of the said Court, the uncerslgted will sell at public suction on Mouds, itit feitbday ol January, A. t., 18J1, at tbe Court llouta of said (Jiaveu county, at 12 o'clock m. for cssb, tbe following described landst' iy-. ., All ibat certain tract of land situated on tbe north side of the Trent toad in said Craven county, about three ruiiea front the city of New Bern,1 known as the liorenzs U. Whiiiord land beginning at the corner of the land formerly be longing to Emily f. Kehoe on said road, and-runt north to the Wtst place -now owned by tkunuel bowen, Ibenos south 8 west, -poles ending in .the mill pond, thence down said pond southeast thirty-three poles, thence south 81" east seven ty-etght pole to tbe west aide of said pond and on. to the publlo road leading from New Bern- to Trenton, thence with said road eastwardly to tbe beginning, containing 190 acrea, more or i-sv being the same land conveyed to M 8. ritreet by Sebastian F.: Bangert and wife by deed dated January 11th. 187? registered in the office of the Register of Deedt In Book No. 98, Folio 844 and 845, and the traot- of land, containing .boat inree-qnarters of an acre conveyed to said Edward S. Street by L. J. Moore and wife, except that part of laid land wntcn ties oa tbe north side of the W1I mlngton, New Bern and Norfolk all- roaq, nounaea as follows: Beginning at the crossing ol said railroad by the Street'! road, runs thence north Bts west with said Street's road to, the. line of George West1 land, now Bowen's land, thence with ::$ chopped line ol George West's land, now Bowen's land, south W west - chains into the mill pond, thence south liil east eight snd one qnsrter -chains, thence south 181 east 17 68-100 chains ' to the railroad, thence eastwardly with said railroad, to lb oeginntng, , . - ' JU. Um TV . GTBY KBBON, - . . .i Commissioner. Dec. 87th, 1900. ' ' " " Executor' Notice, Having this day qualified as Executor ot the last will and testament of Marv iteaatcs aeceasea, an persons indebled- to said Alary Keddtc, deceased, are re quested to make Immediate settlement And all persona holding aslslms against said deceased arc notified to present the same for payment on or before Decem- oer 5!6tb, -lwi.ortnis notice win be plesded In bar qt recovery.- - i nn uecemrjer intn, muo. ROBERT 1L DAVIS, .. . ... :... '- Executor. Foreclosure Sale. By virtue of authority vested in me aa Clerk of the Eastern District Criminal Court for Ctaven county,- I will expose to public sale for cssb, at the court house door In Mew - Hern, on Monday, January 28, 1901, at 13 o'clock, m, all that certain piece or parcel of land des cribed In a certain mortgage executed to the State of Norm Carolina by Jesse Whitfield and wife In lien 'of bond for tbe appearance, of said Whitfield at the February Term, loo, ot said court, said bond having .been forfeited and foreclos ure of mortgage ordered. Paid land is situated about one and a half miles from tbe city of New Bern d. tbe Pembroke road adjoining th lands of J. L. Hahn and other ana contains two acres more Or less. . W, M. WATSON. Clerk. AdralniatratorH Motlce. Having onallflcd as th Administrator Ot tb total of Charity Ambrose de ceased, notice Is hereby given to all per son having ciaima against tn estate oi the deceased to present the asms to I under sliced on or before (he 27th day ot November 1901, or tbia notice will be Mead In bar of their reooverf . . All persons indebted to said eetste will pleas make immeauio payment. . Administrator of Charity Ambrose, '-"'" ' neoeaseA This 27th day of November 1900. lOouthern ljEmil wayr.r;; ,Th Staodaid Railway of tee SOtTb Tbs Direct tins tc sH Points, : CAXirolTVIA, . Btrlctty First-Clae Eqtilpsnani OS all Tbroagb or Looal Trainai Pollnva. Pal aoa Bleeping Car on, alt NlgM Trains; Fast sod 8sfs SoboduU. . .. - Apply to Ticket Ageets for Tim. Ts I Up, Reus and Oooorsl Inroraatioct, Ot t address - r.K. DARBT, ; . . L. TEBNON,- - r. . T. A, ' t. p, a., Cbarlolte, N. O, Aabsrvilk, N. 0 FlUXgaOsnio, .T.af.CtjU MVPAOsMa, Tr W. A.TcK,0PA. ' WA8IU.N0TOS, i - D. O a r-tr:-i A I"- :x a ( i t A.Cii!. G.H. R. ; .-' !" TTxri TABLI XO. li"Ui:-'-",i: To Take Effect Wednesday, Dec 1st. 1800 at 18:01 A.M., K.-j'T.'vS.; .; Going Eatt BCEKOUIJfe Going West ; ; No. 8 Paasenger Trains ;. Hc 4 i;?;' Lt. p m .btaiioiisi ' y'j'i-f, Ar.'s m zz 8 40..,...., Goldsboro.,'. ,1 08 y. 4 09..,,..,,,, IstGrange. , ,..10 89 y .4 88., , ,. Kinston,,, ., , ,,10 U; " ' 5 40;.,..Ar. New Bern, 1M..., 00 i-. "8 80.;,i.;LT. " v- Ar..... 8 87 ;' ? 18.,..Ar. lfonhead city Ltm, 7 OS :,- ' La,i.rT-8ttnt 2.s y-tr.m. -' 7 40.GoloVsbc..v.iii 1 00- f . 8 09. ...v.; .,.pUGrange,'.... . 7 t 80, ,y; . . ... iU n.. .i , 707 . ' 55. ..Dcrrer,, ... f JO.,'- .Newftrn ........ U IXWi'i ,'iiaV Koasteai' flftj-J, ... 4 80 N0.6, 1 v r No.o, Passenger I sTAiiont I Pasn . r Train.- - - Tuih TAnT Exajn Stjbsat.-- Ar. ii. x. -.: Lt.p. id 7 80. .... .....3oldtoro. 714 7 48.. ...... .Best's, ess 8 88 8 21 6 08 5 81 5 48 588 519 506 450 P. at. 7 B8, . . . . . . . LaGrange. . 8 10... i..;. Falling Oreek. B 18. ....Klnston... 8 8e.,V..;....Caswel',... 8 48...'......,.. Dover., 0 06... ........Core Creek... 9 20, ........ .Tuscarora . , , , 9 20.... ........ Clarke,,.... 052... ..New Bern... a.1, vr. No. 1. No., Mx't Ft. snd Paa. Tn. Ux'd Ft, am statioks: Pssm-Tn. Lv, am ' 7 00...... Ar.p m ... 583 ... 463 Goldsboro 7 88 Beet'. 815. LaUrange 4 88 8 87. ..... . .Falling Oreek 8 58 9ia......,....Kjnston 8 83 9 28.. ....... ...Caswell , 2 88 1015 .Ar. Dover, Lv 810 1040... ..core ore 110 11 15 Tuscarora 12 48 1181.. clark'a 13 40 13 CO ... 8 80... 8 05... ,.Ar. New Bern, Lv 1810 ,.Lv. Ar 10 47 ....... Riverdsle. Oroalan Havelock - Newport, Lv... Wild wood Atlantic .Ar. Morehead city, Lv, .Ar. If. city Depot, Lv ..1010 ..10 00 .. 940 .. 906 .. 8 47 .. 8 88 .880 ... 760 a. at. 8 81 .. 8 47... 86) .. 4C8 .. 423... . .' Monday. Wednesday And Friday. fTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, Huperinte lden Reduced Sunday Passenger Excnr sionlRates ! The A. A N. 0. 'Railroad will sell lick cts after this dale at the following ex cursion rates by Nos. 8 and 4 train on Sundays: From M. Clly to Goldsboro return " Wlldwood 1.2(5 1.15 1 00 .90 .80 .75 .75 .70 .70 .60 .60 .60 .40 .80 Newport Havelock Oroatan New Bern Tuscarora Core Creek Dover i Caswell ' Klnstoa .railing Cr'k LaUrange Best The above ticket are good only on Sunday by Nos, 8 and 4 trains and on dates stamped or written on ticket, and limit will not b iteaded. Bupersodes aQ former ralea. Effective October IStb. y S.L. Ditx, G. P. A, Atlantic) CoMt I4ne. WlLMlKdTOH ft NlW BlSVI B. B. ; TI1H IAM 0. 6, In Etteo Wsdnotday, Aug. 7, 18M,.Dsily ' 'j Except Huoday. - Going Booth srjrjaWtTUi Going North No. Psssengsr Trains Nq. 60, Lv. .m, STATioinir. - Ar, pm, fW... ...... New Bam......... 840 86,,...PollookTrin...... , 104 61 ..,...Maysrtll......,.4U 10 08 JackosviUM 41) U0S, .:rt7Jr.K2 f " ; 1818 ...jlfWUnkUftoa, I, ... IM pit ' '-,'.:-.- y-,,- is No. I, Pajmhoi. t rsmatrv, - No. 1 - Leave Wilmington Monday, Wodnoo. day and Friday, Laav New bora Tae day, Tb.rsdaj aod boitxrday. -Lv.a '. .- ' Ar. ta ' T .,.... WilmlnHnat, At..;.. 146 40,.,.. Bnott'siiiU... ...... II 68 9(0 ., Wooda,rU..,,.,,n.ll 18 . 10 06. ...Hnllyrtdg... .11 4 10 St It sow. ,..10 II i 11 SO. M,,, Tarowa. ...... ...10 M ' 1104. ...... .Jacksonville,., j... t:A 11 SO., ........ Northeoot, ,,,,8A6 It B ,.,.Wblteok 8 SO I M.......... Haysvlll 80S 811 ..I'oU4irvill..,. .... 7M U .Ivahrnhl e f M I 4') Ar. Hew IWno, Lv 1 00 . laily SxoA8a.iay. A. R. XCNLTs (Joftoral IfsAaWO.' " t..Uwwl liU..uw! 'a I -i r-afiffirt I snr and slop at ,,r I inw, I'irsl ( !t 1J -ard. . i f r t'i '- e p r ..i- ng i''"' "imi" '-I. '1 crms llil tv 1. A .r I l,u" t or t . I pot tr o a. i i ; ' -'' n : 1 1 i i t'. at at ' r I V ',(,' f f i-i : t - - , ' !' - - ' ! G',-.;-: . . ".' . "

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