THE JOURNAL. rjii . ' Published every day la tbejeafceicept Monday, at W Middle street. ; j . V Piioss No,, t f - r : CHARLKS L. STfcVENS. ' 'RDIToa AKD PHortKTOT, v SUBSCRIPTION RATES. , One year. In advance .-,.$...$4.00 One year, not la advance S.00 Monthly, bv oatrieriu the city, .1;.; .50 . J , . Advertl.ins Rates farnUhed of, appll ation. Entered at the Pot Office, Nej N. 0., an aecond class matter, j Bern, Official Paper of New fiers) Craven County, f - sad New Bern, N. C, Jan. 13,;II-0L THE SAME OLD PRETENDER. Govcraor Daniel L. Kuasell'a fmossage to the General Assembly of North Car olina, is an Instructive documcqt, 89 far as it relates to. Bbowing what has been done in this Stale In the way of de-' velopment and progress during tha past two years. Bat taking this document from the Russsll point of viow, na reveling th, advancement in North Carolina, be cause Daniel L. Russell happened to be Governor, it is a bumptious .docu... m nt. Blading the message, and noting the event! of progress which have taken place during the past two yeiri, it Only shows what tremendous natural, jespur- ces North Carolina must possess to go ahead, and yet have such a mao- as Dan' iel Ii. Hussell, for Governor. s -;' i The Governor's Message show In H self assertivencss, the same Old Preten der spirit. And yet it was only Borne (wo years ago that this same Governor, figured in a little affair at or near Hamlet,'" N. O. In which all pretence and bluff were pretty well knocked out of him. Since that affair, the Governor he largely laid aside the role of Pretender, aid in consequence has deceived many Democrats, in fact, some of bis hitherto most bitter enemies havo become', bit apologists, even unto seeking hit ap- p)intment as Chief Justloe of - the Btate. Ev Among the suggestions atd .' reconi' mendations found rn the ibessageof the Governor's, none shows the preteace of I). L. Uusscll more clearly, than that reWllug to the Atlonticand North Cirolina railroad property. t-Sji Of this property ttio Messa f say "This property has not pai l any dlvl dends during the years 1899 ,and .1900, It appears that Its management has need its net earnings in improving Its .prop erty. It teems that the slock, hat bean telling at about twenty-flvo per oent. of of its par. At this price a sale of the Btate'a stock would rcalizi. id rouad numbers three hundred thousand dollars. If a reasonable price could bi Obtained this property! furnlsliee an suet Brail able for increased expenditures." Governor Itutaell knows, and SO does every one at til acquainted wllh.tbe hie tory of the Allantlc and North Carolina railroad, why "It appears" the set earn ingt of this road went InlaV Improve ments, instead of paying "ptUUcal dlfl- dendt," at It did when lbs Governor named it President, and compelled bit appointee to pay dividends from la r road't earnings, for political reasons, when the physical condition "of tbe road demaaded that the money paid la divi dends, should go to keeping th road-la condition, to not only pay I if apeaees, but to keep up Its property, f0 that fa turt dividends might be pall, It It oa account of thee "political dividend, " forced byOovror Baa! which bat mad "It appearaf . aod aary, that lb road" earning thoald htTt goe Into Improveotnt daring ISM. 1900, and probably la bU year 1901. I With two year more at Sollileal ill deads" at during 1807 Ma- the At laatle North Carollaa rafimad would today b no attet loth 8uc or It stock holders, or be "available fat locr ei peedlturee" of Ik But. 1 Bit la lb It KutarJBprof)' l, at wltk all olrt, ItWlMbaaxO I Inlander, A property ka bM af ed l th Plate sad lu peopW-bacauW 111 l'mender ebald not loack Is. . ' I Aad rtetkerser torr hi will lattai tkat baaM L tUMalt : l good Ooraraof, foi Honb t ' H-l III! Ill t I 111. t - bmctt Cool fer A staeJl It It bit a braagbt aauiltf god font f ''if Ubrla, Renter, af tea Serf ' ' ' ) 1 , T Poet aad Kfltaag. II aa I bad U Cr.p la lu torn ) doeur d iba e o,l 1 tkat Dt. KISS V dtwwM aaavpUuai CnnW aad l taaraalaad tor lot La 0i j ' Tkvaai aad L( irmV, 1 .say ' Tkf bottW r j j faaOy. ; akv 1 ' aeaal K." Daly V ! 1 1 Sret'kaai' drag 7, , LIFE IS GROWING LONGER. tatutlea Ikaw a Great Iaeraaaa la . k lfa ml Kzlataaaa.. -. Prom ttatistict and the result of cer tain change la the method of Uvinf re can aafely affirm that tha apan of life U teedily lengthening. Three thootand yeara before the Chriatian era tha aver-... age duration of litt was tatd to be three- 4lUilnnbl. ;.Tulli BBn,ir Included hi. n core year aad ten. Tbi would make , . . , .. middl .age corner 85. Dante tonaldered "'n' wkl' "n,J wr: umn n bo thut- .r th. mM.ti. nf lif.'. mrch. and fcltrhpnewn to the oniruportnnt fune- Moataigne, (peaking for himaeif at the ttonurj HO pn-siupa over .in remsiT.? am period of Unconsidered hi real atorA.; kTlil MOiltta did .not, snrpris. work practically ended and proved thatthp forv'-.i'if':-' be thought he was growing old by falling rtm ef had brousrbt the others with i Into th remioiacent age; : At the present time 60 Jreer is conaw-. ered a middle age. In the dare of the, Bevolutionary waT. prominent men at that time were looked upon as old at ou year. We , are joatified In auppotlng . that tha apan of human life will be pro-1 longed In the ruture because the post'- to know the methods of their chict tytii bUity of Uving to an olden age ha been b,r than any -asalatanta not directly; demonstrated by" the great advance M0ved by blm. -,. -- - - I made to medicine and hygiene tlarinf the., T,11,s,inannw of employment eilBts In past ten yeara. , ... , ,. h ttui We have, attained a tart amount 01 knowledge a to the causet of disease, and neW' remedie for their ancceistul treatment ' have been ' dlecovered. We have -no new diaeasee, at least of any serious character, and we are better able to west the old one, wmcn. lute 01a xoe. appear to na with new face. One of the most Intereating and trust worthy statements In respect to old age is the report of the habits of . centena rians, made some years ago. by a corn- mission appointed by tbe British Medical lars af the different ceses. It I valuable to note generally tbe Teanlt of thlajn- trestlgationv-'i.--vr..i;'-. H it seem that most or these old people were small or medium of stature and ot spare babrt of body. The voice WM .rarely feeble. . Most of them had loat their teeth, bat nearly all ot them enjoy-1 ed good digestion, nne old man of BS, clergyman, placing hi hand on "the organ in question and saying that he never knew what it was to hsve a stomach. Nearly all of them had enjoyed uninter rupted good health, and many bad never known what It waa to be sick. They were all very moderate in eat- lng, most of them using little animal food. Few Indulged st all in intoxicating drinks and those only In notable modera tion... They took considerable outdoor exercise, and nearly all possessed the good natured, placid disposition. Boyal Magazine. CHARACTER IN TEETH. Waat Tfcalr Slaa aat Color ladteafe. thm "Aaurlcaa Skodo." It hss been said that on can tell the color and shape of a man'a teeth when hit mouth is that by merely taking note of hi complexion, ay the London Ex- prcsa. There actually la tome affinity between the color of one' teeth and the character of one' complexion, but inch in analogy would probably only receive popular rec ognition when preaented In Individuals of marked type. Tbe experienced dentin can, however. often determine the shape and color ot bla patient teeth without ever asking him to open bit mouth. In s person having red or anburn bnlr. bin eye and a fair or florid complexion the teeth would be creamy. Inclined to yellowness and brilliant aod translucent. .- On th other hand, teeth of pale, dull or muddy color, with no transparency, will be met with among people of pallid com plexion, accompanied by study hair and light gray eye. - The billou temperament, with Its black, curly balr and dark and deep, rud dy complexion, present teeth of a ttronj yellow color, rather opaque and frequent ly marked with tranivera line. Teeth of a pearly bla or gray, of markj d transparency and rather long and harp are nearly always aaaoclated with a delicate, Iranipartat complexion. - When obttlntug artificial tubttltotet for their loat teeth, patleota, and partlrn- larly lady patitnta, ate prone to d coirs them of anuarhral whltraeaa od regular ity, to combat which .weakness often place the dentist la a position of some delicacy. Oa tba ether band, there are othera who are sticklers for the ottartL The amoker hit a marked predilection for teeth of a khaki boa, aad a dentist tell of a patiently who recently aaked blm for "the American a hade, with gold apota,' of eoorae Innocently referring to tbe transatlantic practice of even filling ar tificial teeth wltb gold before flxlng them la tne aaasaa aaoata. la BasltlaaT Stalk, I aa as foad of tbe water as proverbial dock and sm a good - tbt duuncB twiamter. Several year agoj I engaged lodgings la a Iowa ea tha east eoaat of Bcotlaad, aad tbe very next day J reaoivad to kav a good kg awtra. Tbe day waa SB Ideal eoe for any pur- poae. The tea was ss smooth as glaen. While "taking" tbe era I abaerrt what appeared ta an t be a baay gbeat atlf a Bile distant -. Acting apoa a aaddea hopalaa, Latrack aot, aad after a toe get awua lata I is ttdpated 1 reacted tbe Bootleg bjeet It Bvoved t be a large btmt, svlth tag plaead epea a plaltorm, at Backs. Am I steed gtt)a aroaad ate a abei of Ira. rot lowed by oad of aaaet Bear th town, eaddtaty arraattd say at- tentloa. f ' . . . The aest taetneat a ebel karat et ssy bead, tke frsgmeata teartag the aa aU arewad. At aeje tk dreadful troth flatbed acroaa say salad. 1 an acoa a Boeitag targetl I ptaaged htte tbe aa aad stnsrk aad for the share. , Again 1 beard a bad oteefam. aad a eaarade af water tkaadee- ed dowa apoa say bead. 1 areataally tearbed IW akae la aa alakoat eaaaaated oadltioa. I did awt baaw till after- wrd that the local art 11 aw? ttilltla were tadertolat I keif eaaaal war traiala. Uedo Tit-aula. AJwtye apeat areO of tba dead, and tf yoa bava tlmd rod kilgiit apeak a good ward for Use bvta acraatoaaO llrago Hewa. - XtCtrdJeaTslClobe. Tkd fataa e Btcklea'i Arsloa talta, M tk beat la tba watld, (Steads Mead the eartk. It's tb aa perfect kaalef of Cat, Com, faraa, flraltaa, 0of, fetid, Holla, t tears, Feloaa, Aalxa, faied aad U all I a Craptloaa. Oaly lef.iiihU 111 e re, r4 box at O. D. Ilradhaa'sdrsi store, . CAPUDINE critA . IIKADACIIE tS LA GUIITE. ' "-, 4 IW-tUa, J r i. ty C. l. and D. A. Wka Ike Chief Cook Leave. Tbe Importance of a chief cook be come evident whcll tbo time fur his departure arrive. One dny last wwk tbe proprietor of a popular restaurant on Fifth avenue derided for rraaona of bis own to part wltb the aorvlit of the u-nn who bad for sotne-j-Mira loolnd .f,,. hia kitAhim Thi 4iff jvtlrvd a .lth hlm morp thon 20 of bla fl- i.!m. ,Bn(1 .,. were- in a way more .Ji h, tr " , .m h. h,.i J tr proprMor ,who paid tbeffl.JbeW -;t.hs. ., uyo uu.tuW w.. hty -alao bronKbt tbe tame eompu-te f rpa of ansistanta who are anppoaed . timd cook rt auaomte mnwer in xne kltblivn nna conuoia 011 me uram-u of til department down to the most tinlruportnnt 1 He la held responsible 0D tl(lg 8r0Und for all that may happen .., rtiraetlon even If he was not ni m.rneH In the matter. There is more Catarrh In this section of tbe country than all - other disease put together, and Until the last few years For g'eat many years doctors pronounced It a local disease, and prescribed local rem edies, and by constantly falling to cure ... . . ,,, ' t with lwtal treatment, pronnnaced H ln- cnrable.. Science has proven calarrn to be a constitutional disease, and therefore reonlre constltntU requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Core, manufactured bf F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the oi.lj constitutional enre on the market. - It is taken Internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaapoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces oitbe system l ney oner one nunaren ooimrs tor any case lr falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address. F. J. CHEtfET & Co., Toledo, O. Bold by druggist, 75o. Ball's Family Pills are the best. Blobbs We only see the. Worst side of Henpeckke, Blohbs Teshls wife always gets the oeei 01 mm. Blown To Atoms. 1 The old Ides that the body aometlme needs a powerful, drastic, purgativs pill has been exploded; for Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to ex pel poisonous matter, cleanse the sysU m and absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache. Only 856 at C. D. Bradbam't drug (tore. Women should be more generous with their smile, says ths Mansyonk Philoso pher. Many s good msn's downfall It due to an icy stslr. MOZLItrS LKMUN KLIXln. A Pleaaaut Lemon Tonic prcpsred from the fresh juice of Lemons combined with other vegetable liver tonics, cathartics, aromatic stimulants Bold by druggists. 60c and $1.00 b .1 lies. For blllousnet and constipation. For Indigestion aod foul stomtcb. For tick and nervous headacbea. For palpitation and heart failure take bemon Kllitr. For sleeplessness and ntrvoo trre slit tlon. For lot of appetite and debllilv. For fevers, Malaria, aad cblllt lak Lemon Xllxlr. Freei a Preaalaeat Lady. I bad not been abla la two years to walk or eland without tontrlng great tin. Bine using ur. Motley's lmna :ilxlr 1 eaa wtlk half a mils -without tuflerlog tb leaat tuooaveaience. Mia, K. H. BUMDWOBTH, tirtmn, Oa. . Attka Caettal I bar lutt Ukea tk last of two bo das ot Dr. Jtesley's Laaioa Elltlr for aarvoa kdaoh. ladlgMtlon. with dis eased liver aad kidney. Tba Elixir eared a. I found It tba fret test medl- cid i rr ateo. J. If. Hastes, Attorney, 1S2S r. Street, Washington, D, 0. BaaVvy'atlaaMa Uxi W. A. Jaatee, Ball BlaUos,- Ale , wrltaai I kav soffered greatly frots lo dlgesUos or dytpepela, .ea bottle of Ltmoa Elltlr dote ata asora good sbaa an the aMdiciaa 1 save ever takaa. , . ' StotStysLetaaa Set Cars all Coaah. Calda. tloaraaaaat. Sova throat, Broocbltlt, lioaiorrhagaiBil ail throat aad lair diseases. legal re- uania. . . ., . sfte at dragglsta. Prepared oaly by D B. Motley, Ii)aaU,Oe- . ' , . Mrs. MBfglBa-a1f doctor 1 slaiply perfect. ; Mrs. Begrirx-lTl wtgtr It waaat praatlo that Btada blat perfect -' - . A Deep Hjrttery. It MS rtwrf why wastes oodure Backa-be, Headache, rTaren4ea,top sweats Malaaaboly, rVt'ltf aad Dit ty Spall wkea tboaaaad bava proved that tlatttt 0 Ultra will qalrkly ears sack IroaWet. "I aaffared for year with kWatry troaMe writes Ut. Pbeh Cbev PsUraoa, la., "tads bate bark palaad BM ta I ootid ant 4rw arsir, bat Klaeul Bluer wkollr eared m. aad, sltkoDik 71 years M, t saw am abla td(te all aiy bovsewurk." It ever aoaMI Coatllpatloa, IwiprorH Ippeltu. gtea pMfeet kealtb. Oaly fr s CD. Bradbaai' drag atora. 1 1 a-1 are th asty girl I arf nae-tke all I ct sty I n itaea a w ei ran. ' Ttptt prpa-tloa aflea ftQ Ufa. Ileva lad'gatiina keiH l(.v tin A ! Oa'y t baeWx'Xit f'nli. Titt I, r,. P'Ttt"" ltt'!'i'l ') r , i f-v-4, 4 tl.u l . -i i l',rf t ii II..TM11,, iviiiii., r-t t - ' - -. tsl g't r,f.-, t, (-.,) jet Hi r f . f r ." j j , indirection J l biliousness Si and the hundred and one simi lar ills caused by impure blood or inactive liver, quickly yield to the purifying and cleansing properties conuuucu ut :. -,: ;.. It cureVermanently by acting naturally on all organs of the hodv. -.Asa blood-cleanser, flesh- builder, and- health-restorer, it has no equal.; Put us in Quart Bottles, and sold at $1 each. - "TUB MICHIOAN DRUG COMPANV,f Sold'by C. D. IiPAPBAM ewftin. im a, y Tim Kind Vaa Haw Always Bmghl The Yalnt of Drainage. Belgium ha added 3000 acres a year to Its area during the last century by care ful drainage and embankment. Bobbin's Chill Pills cure chills and sll malarial troubles. Thst 'Is what they were made for. Cure after other reme dies fall No cure, no pay; Price SS cents per bottle. 8old,by Daf is' Phar macy. , : . Person who borrow umbrella,- be cause It's raining, seem to forget that that's the very re ison why you'd care to rejoice In their company yourself. . Persona who Suffer from Indigestion can not expect to live long, because they cannot eat tbe food required to nourish the body and the products of the undi gested foods they do eat poison the blood. It Is Important to cure indiges tion as aoon at possible, and tha best method of doing this is to use the prep aration known as Eodol Dyspepsia Cure." It digests whstyoueat and re stores all the digestive organs to perfect health. P. 8. Duffy Co. Blah a Leap Vaarfc The 0th oent iry will bare 24 leap years, the greatest possible number. This teaton than to a large death rale among children ' from croup and lung troubles. Prompt action will ssve the little one from these terrible diseases. Wa know of nothing so certain to give instant relief as one Minute Cough Care. It can also be relied upon In grippe and sll throat and lung troubles of sdults. Pleasant to lake. F. 8, Duffy ft Co. Time to a scandal monger; Alaal we know It well, Tkough we may guard our secretr, Old Time will surely tell. Tbe merited reputation for curing piles, tores and skla diseases acquired by De Witt's Witch Basel Belv. ka kd to th making of worthies counterfeits. Be sore to get oaly Da Wilt's Salve. F. 8- Duffy Co. J INAUGURATION OfCov CLAjrcock, at fcaldrb, R.C, Jaaaary iSih, 101. Th Special low rate of fare from Mew Beta oa A. A If. C. R. B. to BaMgk aad ratura. Tickeu to bt aold Jaaaary llih by special Irala good to ratara aatll January 17lo 190U Far fro Kew Beta, t 6a Tb following roaad trip par eapha rata will apply for Military Coatpaalea la o if ores baarlag araa aad regular equlpawat aad brae bead ta aalforst, twenty (SO) or. avora aa aaa ticket, sea aeal per Mile traveled.- TkeBaffet Parlor' Car "Vaaca aad aallfw trala wUl g tbrougk wKboat obaage of aara, j j - - Bcbedala ef t pedal faaagarailoa trala Leave Morebead Ctly, Pbr So, I, I ll s, ex.; Mortbaad City, ap towa, Ifw Beta, TOdaatt Arrlv 0 olds bora .10 a. at $ Lttr OnkUboro Nl,ai Arrive Raltlgk, 11 SO in,' . . , Returning. Laav KaMgk Ml p. Arrlv Uoldtboro 9J0V at i Laav Ooldtboro for A. A It. a siAtloat f .40 p. - Arood breakfast aad aappatwOI b ssrved OS Use Baffst Oaf. - -.. , . aVt-tJlLU - ' ' - ' ,, Q.t.l UcQwt't Fr Juuirj. la variety aad worth af coal tall Me. Clsre's Mtgarlat for Jtaaary Is aotabla, a wQ for literary ai-r't aad for an. TkS trrl la atrlea af BMaaoIrs by M-et t l.f Vatv! sppea ta lilt sastbtr, aad by tb f rnrat of bet wrHleg ba ftai-a aelrea gtvet s4d Vslee ta atrratlv fall af lai'teat. I ttlt toll ttettotyofbtrlrl tit aad Irlaaipk oa lb4rMtaa of bf 1'tt t poartar (fftwToik. Tkt la a rf't t4 tlvld ra rl- , nit of lb Et fitt WU lt. m awt Jlatureatleg rr Of mlMI-VUf vt'r - it.iy r"m t It ft'.y tr Ml It f:mr I (ttv ih r,Jr t r, i.f I ! ff :r.u-.'a !-. U. Mta sat it.. '"' '. A tk'i4 arts, if I, '"fi-Mt Jtfr.'tti?,,-!! rf y. -Itrri t 'it 1 n -- !! Vl. rrr. W, k :-.-,, i:, rt-j ,,,, , I. I - t- ft A WOMAN'S STRATEGY. Ska Poaod a Wa to telrhea a Last- Ba rd Ui a Art lea. After the athletic young man, reeling bully In an i'H8y t-Ualr. hud Ktudled the celling at wlik-ri he waa UI0WI113 auioke be replied-to tUi' iretty sister -who bud twice asked him the same qtipatlnn: i Bess, you kttow I don't care tbe turn of my band for wotueu..-rm aaturated wltb what the .politicians call apathy. Of course 1 remeruber tbe Georgia girl that visited OS last summer.,: 8be was magnificent creature to look at, but 111 warrant she la Just Ilk the rest of them. .1 paid her; some attention for your Sake, little one, but really I bad to think twice before recalling : ber. Her name was Moll, wasn't Itl". - ' "Tab Twlng writes me of a report that Molly la going to marry Captain Bowker of the army. You know him," and tbe. alater took observations from the corner of one eye-; " '" -v "What, that chump? The infernal feather beaded flirt and egotistical Ig noramus! What right baa a conceited puppy like that to marry a woman like ber. to draa her from garrison to camp and from camp to garrison T Don't her family know enough . to prevent Itl Good kesveus, Bess, yon have influence With her! Why don't you interferes' 'And get snubbed for my pains? 1 guess pot! But you seem agitated about the matter, my dear boy." "No; it's not that, Bess," Yet she could see. the blush on tbe back of bla neck as be looked out tbe window. "I'm I1L. I've felt It coming on for aer- eral weeks.. The truth is that the doc tor says I must go south for awhile," and be never hesitated at this whop per, and she was gushing in ber hypo critical sympathy. "Ifa a confounded nuisance, but I'll start tonight!" Wltbln 15 minutes she- sent this: Darling Molly, he's coming. I told you I'd find a way to stir him .up." Detroit Free Press. ' . CURE new tnq Complete triaatmeiit, ooiuuti DFTOBiTOHUiS, Oannlet of Ouumont anal log- 01 Mt0 Ofmrr Baton and Uwroe. It makaa an oparatlon wlUi the kaita or Injeouona ol earbollo aold, whlcb are Dalnf at sod aekkjina Darmanantenra. and nt im. izta or uiotmant, A oavu (alllna Cure tor Pilot rtnUUng In deam. nniMotaiarr. Why endure thla tarrl Wo llaeM fWa rW a WrlttiS puarantea In aaolt S I Box. Von enlr par rot bsceflureollTed. Ho. aad It a box, fur KTBeol HPAHESE PILE OINTIEIIT. 25c. s Box. . CONSTIMTIONar She grMtUVSB and BTOMiCB BBODLAToa muLWuniiurmii. email, mild and pwaauit to lata, enoBelaHV adoplad lor ahlldm'a hi Poena eatiai itemta. xitnuiBiMOeanlaatrota a-u vara aur oaia eauf DJ P. 8. DTJFPT 4 CO. vVbkd - BO YEARS' V CXPERIENCK Tradc Maaats i- .a'O- - DcaioMe Airfeae tandlnf aakateb and daaorlptifla bmu aaloklv aeearlaln ODlnlna InvwiuoQ aprobablrpatantabla Coataanioa Uoojetrtellroonadentlal. Handbook on Patents t frea. 01' iflaat eaanoy for MoaJtpffpatanta trteitl aotk. wlthoot auaraa, la the rataau wroi Mans A Co. nealia Scientific JItncricatu Meatf tneetnta wasklr. Imtat atr. of any adanuao loamaL Taraia.Ua or BMOtaa. SI. SoatBIaU aawadaalara. UKU & Co ,-- New M tar Ob weal mar na, u, v. Post Office Scnrlcc Ths alteotlon of tb public I re spectfully called to the "Change la tbe cbedul of tbe mills published today. Tha change aeoettltalet a new schedule for the carrier, vizi Oolltcllon 7 AO a. m. to 8.00 a m. Dellvarr 9.00 " 11.00 " Delivery 11.(0 " " 1.00 p. m. Co'leolloa 1 00 p. m. " 4.00 - Colleetloa la baslaest district oaly ISO p. ra. to 8.00 p. st. Routing Mall XK) p. m. to 8.80 p. m. it tba Poet Offloe tb malls for tba 8.08 a. at. Irala clot at 8.13 a m. For tbt 180 p, as. trala at 4.80 p. at. For lee trala going Eat to Mora bead City el $ 00 p. at. Tbor it oa oolleclloa only oa Sun day, (root T.OOa. aa- to 8 00 a. at. -Tfca ftnarfae anjt af la, itfxii l,alaa gotag wait earry ao stall lot lam at dlt polats bet wet a bera aad Celda bora. Carrier's dVUvry wbtdow apes froat JO a. av to 18-80 a. at. Buadays. Oea arsi Delkrarw vladow epaa for salt aa boar after aaob atari ea Paaday, , . I aaaaaa ,' Imporliflt Post Office Rotlcc 1 Ii la eery laiporual that aU pavaoas aotdlsg beys to Post office tots aot sow twaled bj taettt aarraadar tbeai at tbt offlos as oaoa, ' Tba btrt art sat told bf tb Oirvaraateat. Tkty are tba property of tha lalted Uttt.- Tb boita bate ta be tttnaJ to otbar parti aad It Is A daaTrebl lo bare teaa otbar party boldlag a be lo tbatr baa. If stall thoald be ttUaed eat af the baa, otptrlo weald af aoarat real apoa tba patty taldleg tb key. if tbt aotloa I at onatplled wltb aad tb key tumedered 1 (ball b aoat petted la pabllib tba at-aat af Ikoae wlikboMlai ky ta bate they bse ta aaled. v' Wapaitflly, , , B. W. Haaoota, - Peaiatr, ffsiictTs Sblppcri, . . fra'gbl fuf (ji.Uibote 4 -U traat ( Raw l'ta Biett b re H'fred at ka r-li'H,a of tkt k. A If. 0. R. II St later tkta II tOo'edwh a. B- tod a I frtlkl M tfw4 t4 isilost e,it af JStW fUta aiott b !. tlrarad S'rt Jalf tkta It a at, f r'M fr'.r4 tfttr Iheaa 8fwr.l b foe. trrt'd ttt isr. j. r. c. Ptvts 1 I... a U n t l Diva -j t ' 1- n. f -. lie - ft 7.r Dyspepsia Cure Duests what yoo eat. It artlflclallv dlsesta the food and aids Nature in strenatheninn and recou structlng tbe exhausted digestive or gans. It lathe latestdiscovereddigest. sntsuatomo. mo ot tier preparation can approach. It In efflciency. It in stantly relieves and permanently euies Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Uausca, Sick HeadacBe, Qastralgia.Crampsand all other results of lru perfect digestion. Price 50c. and SL largeslaecontatoilKtlniet smallataa Bookauatoatdyapapaiar-iitlleiltrea Prapgrsd by C C. BawiTT CO.Cbiear : P. 8. DCFPT & CO. RHEUMACIDE CURES RHEUnATISn & TO STAT CWtEl). TUR MBDIOAL WORDBtt OF TUB Mloeteenth Centary 1 X - A A vegetable teraedy that positive T ly cures recent and long aland- lug cases. Tbe greatest blood & puriner known. Has tbe hearty endorsement of leading physi cians after thorough trial. Cures . 88 per cent of the cases treated. Hold by all New Bern drug gists. frloe ai.00 Per Ilottle. E. W. SmallwoQ 'I HEADQUARTPBS FOlt HARDWARE And all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Heating and Oooking Stoves and Ranges, Lime, Otneiit, l laster, Paints, Oi'-, Varni'i. Tulty, Sash, Doors, Winds, Cutlery and all the useful articles unuully found in au Up-to-date Ilard ware, Store, Best Ouov.n. Itowewt Prices. Under Hotel Chattawka, NEW IIliH.V, Julius M. (Arnold, Livery, Fre. Wale Jt Cxeliange Nlnble, IIoriseN A, 51 n let, Burgiea, Wagont.f llarneat, Whips and Robet. -Hy-'art wheeltja aprcitlty. 66 Broad St., Kfw Bern, N V To all Farmers. That are la want of good cotton teed to plaat caa boy tba King Cotton teed fmat C. T.Wtttoa or J. M. M'Oowaa 40 eaat per batbtl, eholot tlock Middle St. bltrket Dock, New Bern, N. V. Easy Riding Qualities are foood la oarBogglaa. Tbe Udle say lby rid at eaty tt If yn wtrt la a c at a I r at boaa Wa caa farWUb aay klad of aprlag or otbar ap-ta. daw auacb. meat. tVCall aa a. ptfaliy, G.Jt. Water A Hon, "Pnoaa - -f brail Itmf, ITtV UX, Wt fv eew pleat f af t'J Pie roadOik, Sab tad Haa, ep aadef tket, aeear get wat la rtlajr aeatbef, Plione W ' for Iry Wood, $klilt, R-kk, latb ae rw for feadag , T w tW, Pab SMttk af Beef, nr"aflklf ynajteed iktt yoa at 84 aayabeva , Tk oaly fltAta Wn4 lkaea,'lP I . EiPi HILU Tk: Dn'e hi Rfd Shvft, I .a ; jnaae f tf. M t4 W, fot'a tKt ta :; Hf ?Ia sd-a wia i$,tt ft feet, ui !.a I "ft tt T '-j'tt, tnif ja r i',-,-,!!. . 1" i i, fjttTaa. A Prosperous - , la what we all dei4rer and we ptrw pose to help you Bake tbo incoming one a prosperous one by iiffnrlpg you pe call bargain ip 6e lng Wachlnet. I'be Blue ItltioB Pe log Machine Uit The same in lirop Heart for 't0.00. Th Marguerite for $1900 The Ki jiahle Drop Bead for 85.0. The New Do mestic 25.fXl and ti.00. The New Do mestic Drop Head for 35.i0. Tbe N.-w Home 140.(10 and $85.01. The Ceb brated Weeeler A Wilson for $30.00 aod $39.00. bo you need not 1 ad your money sway from home when you can get a guaranteed Machine from a home dealer for $15.00. Bo begin the New 'Year iIkI t by starting right. Watch our ad-veril-euient and let ua Induce you to come our way. If you need any Ammunition we offer you Loaded .Shells in black powder at 40o. Semi Smokeless at AOc. Smokeless loaded by the Laflin & Rand Powder Co, at 55c If you are a wholesale buyer, we offei you 200 B. I). Plows, 20,000 pounds ot Casting. 200 kegs Nails, 30,000 Loaded ShelU, 200,000 Paper Bags, 20,000 Butter Trays, Drays loads of Tinware, and a full line of Hardware at Compelillnu Pi Ices. Wishing a happy and prosper ous New Tear, we are Toura truly, J. C. Whitty ? New Bern, W. C. THEY HAVE ARRIVED ! The Handsomest and Best Line of Ileal ing Stove, Both Wood and Coal ever ih n in the city. We are also agt nls .for the well known High Grade Cooking Ntoveti, such as The Excelsior, Elmo, Farmer Girl, Furmer Boy, O. K. King and O. K. Queen, All of which n-c guaranUa to give per lect satlafactinn. If -nu are In n. ed of anything in the Hardware Line or Hitsh, Doors aod Blinds, Lime. Cement or Nails give us a call and we CAN AND WILL SAVE YOU.' MONEY: Youra for Buslne-s, L I CUTLER H'DW'F CO After Dark aven In feptrmher a light Fall over rtoal It frequently verj comforublt In October, almotl tlwara. Doa't ordtr cloth cut into btfora yoa tea oar Ulatt Dovelllea la Ragleae. Bartoata, Pad docks aod oihtr leads rt for tbe Aeteaa tad Winter of 1800-1. Of coera cat aad flt matt match atatarlal aad handi work here lhy are. F. 91. ha4w!ek. P. TIIKXH ITII, BLiCKSffilTE & WHEELBIGETp laaafaetarar at lagglea, Wtgata Carta, de, Kepalrlag Daae eakert Ratlea, BagglM, Wegoaa, Carta aad Dvtyt kept oa bsad fa tal. ab T. K. Tallcy B .Co. . i - Ttutipii iio' nm r.3H, til WsUr U stUstara, Ad. ' Ka'eetaivi f tW A bfeaaate rt it low al Beat ( Sll Ira. tat X ukottf aak. ' - ' j '- . Petkt, t , ipptkatlna aid baaada'la Ibaaatt 0wal StaejaMy 4 Haek Carollaa faf "ea4tt ta tba Charier of tba C1'J af Jlew p,a, aathorltt tb fta4 lS a' IM go .g U, aad far etWr ftffnm. (eaarrrtr, I - lfOi, IM . THE SUN nAl.Tl.nfRE, MD. 18$; IfcOl The l'apof !. IV. pU-, fi r'H, -- - and Will. u- Copl. r 1.1e Hoimhi t Miitive, K-ari-Mt i-i Ka n-SMnn, Mi und in Prinriple. A re- -pap' r i hi. nlur ilm ; lb. re are all kiuds of edm-iinrs, ,m tin- man who spend mum y judloiiiii-ly nud I i her ally la U fer alile u, im at lit- k nl-dge than ID illAii W11.1 iiali.ll: or ii'.Uilug til ei.nd. Tbe Sun ia the liigiusl type of a i ews paper. The S11 i's n.-ci ,1 C irr--tondents throughout th- U :lu-d Sinless well as la urope, S utli Uii : i. China, h' d in fact, all o? ?r tb : world, in ik j ii a i np tn (I an lieospapt r. Tlie Market u-poilnj and commcr eia featuret put the farmer, the n erchant and the broker in oloe ouch witii the markeU at Ralilmore, Norfolk, Cbar'ea (n, New York. CMoig", 1'liila.lelphia and other pla es wliii-h it e prominent center. Prom now on the news of tl e world promises to be m ro interesting than ever before and national and political questions will an', m.-ikuig prolmbly the most eventful e-icd In thee mntry's history. This, together witli the corj.s of edit ors and reporters at B.ltiroore, Wash ington and Niw York, makn the Hun invaluable to its re tders. Hy mail Fifty Cc;iln a ;m nt'i; six months $3; one ycur, in. Tk Baltimore Weekly Sun The Beit Family Newspaper. All the news of I he world in attractive form; an sgi icjllur .l dr artn e it second to none in the ciu itry; m-.rltet reports wlilch are rcogi I.uJ i.u bority; shore stories, compk-te in ear-h numbi r; an in teresting wtmni's coltini ianil a xaricd and attractive d"pa tun nt uf boustl old interest. One Dollar a yra'. lnduo.-men's to gttrerv-np of elulia for tl e WieUly Sun. Both the Dally and Weekly Sun mailed free of pi aiae iu the I nlled 8 ate, Canadt and Mexico. I'ayincnis invaria bly in advance. Address A. 8. AI.ELL ( OMPASY, IVblis'.eis -inrl I'nprietors, Baltimore, Md. Southern R ail way. The Rtardat.l Hh;1w , .it u, 8')UTb The Direct Lluo tc all Points, TEXAN, ( ALII OUM A, ILOUIDA, CVUJk AM) POKTO III CO. Strictly First-C'last Kqulpment on all Through or Local Trains; Pullman Pal ace Sleeping Oars on all Night Traist; Fast and Safe Bcliudult. Travel bv the Houthern and you are as sured a Safi-, OomforVahlc and Expedij liout Jorirney Apply to Tirtrl Agrnu for Time Ta ulia, Hatea ami (l-nrrl Iriformatlon, OT addroat f, Ii. DAUBY, . L. VERNON, f. c a T. a, Aabrville, N. 0 T. r. a . , Chalotta, N. FBaJit & Ottaua, .'. M. Coxi M V Pi I)-,, Ma . Tr I'ao W. A. Tcaa, 0 P A, WA8IIINOTON. - - I) r ICE 0B HOIK CBI Qaea, pure wholeaooia, guaraotaad to ba ehaatlcally saaoo rroa dletuiad wau r aad free troai la port ilea. Bpeclally la -ktadad and prauaraJ for bamaa osav (UBSpttOB. lot SeUvatad dally (axceril BaadayC8 t at to I p av rVuadaya (retail oaly) T a at to 18 aooa. For pvioaa aad otbar lafotattttoa, Addraea, New Berne Ice Co The World's Best Music rb-adUly mm4 1 'oa vn'aa. at a rtatale, Iaat,aaelal aad Vneat, Utrlat , il.talad. k abarariag Xataa Praeeat. Arktkpaarcatkx I gin at Hae-balfpto. O. Kj.SHTT. . Russell ;' House. Wbll la Beaafort Kt aani ad ttvp M tb Maaaimiaaea rirat-tlaaa HMed. ? A boat fo trevM.f aenriw. Halilikg aad baattaa eataetad, TeTWat t M a af a 84.W pa weak . O A, BCMtM. I'm, . ' . KotUd. ' Peat ortoa bog taeteea. Tear hot teat M ka a'tev aa4sr Mafb 8la. ' ll It aaa S aad asaat U p.U aa ar bfa aaatry irxk. ' 8ta W. n.aroc,- ' rota', tvii ivn IT